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THE GRAND CHAPTER OF ROYAL ARCH MASONS OF CANADA IN THE PROVINCE OF ONTARIO 1998 PROCEEDINGS ONE HUNDRED AND FORTIETH ANNUAL CONVOCATION HAPTEROFROYA OF CANADA E PROVINCE OF ON'I \RIO J Chanli ihe l I \\\| \l < (>\\ (>( \ I IONS mts I THE GRAND CHAPTER OF ROYAL ARCH MASONS OF CANADA IN THE PROVINCE OF ONTARIO ONE HUNDRED AND FORTIETH ANNUAL CONVOCATION Held inTheRoyal Connaught HowardJohnson Hotel, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada Thursday, Friday, Saturday, April 23rd 24th 25th 1998 , , , RFrank Russell Melvyn J Duke Grand FirstPrincipal Grand Scribe Ezra 12 Kingsview Boulevard 361 King Street West Brampton, Ontario Hamilton, Ontario L6Y 1C3 L8P 1B4 1 BIOGRAPHY R Frank Russell Personal: Born- Weston, Ontario, January 4th, 1935 SonofWesley andNellieRussell Educated in Brampton andRyerson Polytechnical Institute Married to MarionVictoriaRowntree, August 1 th, 1962 Onedaughter-AndreaVictoriaRussell Two Sons-Todd Rowntree Russell andJasonNobleRussell Ownerand PresidentofFrank Russell ServicesLimited; Brampton Fuels, and Inglewood Fuels MemberofSt. Paul'sUnited Church, Brampton Chairman and Governor, City ofBrampton, "Sports Hall ofFame", 1988 to Present ExecutiveMember, Brampton ExcelsiorLacrosseClub, 1959-1996 Memberofthe Brampton South Rotary Club Masonic Symbolic: 1973 Initiated, Passed and Raised, FlowerCity LodgeNo. 689, Brampton 1980CharterLife Member, Anniversary LodgeNo. 733, Brampton Worshipful Master, FlowerCity LodgeNo. 689, Brampton 1983 Life Member, FlowerCity LodgeNo. 689, Brampton 1987 CharterLife Member, Chinguacousy LodgeNo. 738, Brampton 1996 Appointed Grand Senior Deacon, TheGrand LodgeA.F. &A.M. ofCanadain the Provinceof Ontario Capitular Masonry: 1975 Exalted Peel ChapterNo. 195, Brampton 1981 Charter Member, Brampton ChapterNo. 265, Brampton 1981 Member, PrincipalsAssociation, Toronto Districts 8 and 8A 1981 MemberofExecutiveCommittee, Principals Association, Toronto District 8A 1982 First Principal, Peel ChapterNo. 195, Brampton 1985 Member, Toronto-Antiquity ChapterNo. 91, Weston 1985 Grand Superintendent, Toronto District 8A 1986 President, Toronto Districts 8 and 8A PrincipalsAssociation 1986-92 Chairman, Public RelationsCommittee, Grand ChapterR.A.M. 1987 Life Member, Tecumseth ChapterNo. 264, Tottenham 1988 Appointed Grand Representative, Grand Chapterofthe StateofDelaware 1989 Appointed to the Grand Executive, The Grand Chapter ofRoyal Arch Masons of Canada in the ProvinceofOntario 1991 Appointed Honourary Member, Grand ExecutiveCommittee 1992 Elected Grand Third Principal 1994 Elected Grand Second Principal 1996 Elected Grand First Principal Most Excellent Companion R. Frank Russell Knights Templar: 1981 Cyrene PreceptoryNo. 29, Toronto 1983 CharterLife Member, Emmanuel PreceptoryNo. 83, Brampton Cryptic Rite: Royal and SelectMasters 1985 Honoured, Chosen, and Greeted, KeystoneCouncilNo. 20, Streetsville 1986 Elevated, EtobicokeLodgeNo. 17, Royal Ark Mariners 1998 Deputy MasterKeystoneCouncilNo. 20, Streetsville SeniorWarden, EtobicokeLodgeNo. 17, Royal ArkMariners YorkRiteCollege: 1988 Athelstan YorkRiteCollegeNo. 41, Toronto 1996OrderofthePurpleCross Red CrossofConstantine: 1986Holy Land ConclaveNo. 3, Toronto 1988CharterMember, HolyTrinity ConclaveNo. 34, Masonic and Military Order ofthe Red CrossofConstantine, Etobicoke 1997 MostPuissant Sovereign, Holy Trinity ConclaveNo. 34 Ancientand Accepted Scottish Rite: 1975 Toronto LodgeofPerfection 1976Toronto ChapterRoseCroix 1976 Moore Sovereign Consistory, Hamilton Sundry: 1979 MemberofRamesesTempleA.A.O.N.M.S. Toronto , 1979 Member, Peel ShrineClub, Brampton 1993 Orderofthe High Priesthood, Unity Council No. 4, Midland THE GRANDCHAPTEROF ROYALARCH MASONS OFCANADA IN THE PROVINCE OFONTARIO ONE HUNDREDAND FORTIETH ANNUALCONVOCATION TheOneHundredand Fortieth Annual Convocation ofTheGrand ChapterofRoyal Arch Masons of Canada in the Province of Ontario, held at The Royal Connaught-Howard Johnson Hotel, Hamilton, Ontario, on April 23rd 24th & 25th 1998. , , M.Ex.Comp. R Frank Russell Grand FirstPrincipal R.Ex.Comp. Harry DTurner Grand Second Principal W R.Ex.Comp. John McGill Grand Third Principal PAST GRAND FIRST PRINCIPALS W M.Ex.Comp. Charles Emmett M.Ex.Comp. William S Thomson M.Ex.Comp. AubeL Weisman M.Ex.Comp. Gordon H Stuart M.Ex.Comp. Edward W Elcombe M.Ex.Comp. AlbertA Mortlock M.Ex.Comp. Leslie Levitt M.Ex.Comp. Donald F Kline M.Ex.Comp. G RobertJackson M.Ex.Comp. Alan F Walker 1 GRANDCHAPTEROFFICERS ELECTEDANDAPPOINTED 1997- 1998 M R.Ex.Comp. JohnMoor GrandChaplain R.Ex.Comp. John EOldham GrandTreasurer R.Ex.Comp. MelvynJ Duke Grand Scribe Ezra R.Ex.Comp. William G Birnie Grand ScribeNehemiah R.Ex.Comp. AngusGabriel Fudge Grand Principal Sojourner R.Ex.Comp. Edward Lionel Burns GrandRegistrar W R.Ex.Comp. James Reid GrandHistorian V.Ex.Comp. RGlen Harvey GrandArchivist GRAND SUPERINTENDENTS 1997-1998 W R.Ex.Comp. John Murphy St. ClairDistrictNo. 1 R.Ex.Comp. JamesA Finch London DistrictNo. 2 R.Ex.Comp. Clifford Sly Wilson DistrictNo. 3 R.Ex.Comp. Harold Stump WellingtonDistrictNo. 4 R.Ex.Comp. StewartRhodes Hamilton DistrictNo. 5 R.Ex.Comp. William HArnold Huron DistrictNo. 6 R.Ex.Comp. Bernard LNehring NiagaraDistrictNo. 7 W R.Ex.Comp. Eric Dickie Toronto DistrictNo. 8 R.Ex.Comp. Gordon JamesCarr TorontoDistrictNo. 8A R.Ex.Comp. Gary Jennings Georgian DistrictNo. 9 R.Ex.Comp. Andrew McKay Skilling Ontario DistrictNo. 10 R.Ex.Comp. William A Robison PrinceEdward DistrictNo. 1 R.Ex.Comp. RolandA Paddle St. Lawrence DistrictNo. 12 R.Ex.Comp. John G Pell OttawaDistrictNo. 13 R.Ex.Comp. Alan McGregorTibbetts AlgomaDistrictNo. 14 R.Ex.Comp. DouglasBall NewOntarioDistrictNo. 15 R.Ex.Comp. William DenisAmendola Temiskaming DistrictNo. 16 EXECUTIVECOMMITTEE HONOURARY - R.Ex.Comp. Lloyd B Gillespie R.Ex.Comp. Malcolm MacKenzie R.Ex.Comp. J Max Laushway R.Ex.Comp. B Donald Lamont M R.Ex.Comp. Hugh Dunlop EXECUTIVECOMMITTEE ELECTED - (1996) R.Ex.Comp. Kenneth J Lowery R.Ex.Comp. HaroldG Hubbell R.Ex.Comp. Richard Jackson R.Ex.Comp. Charles Meldrum W R.Ex.Comp. Malcolm Watling EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE ELECTED - (1997) R.Ex.Comp. William Klapatiuk R.Ex.Comp. GeorgeH Gifford R.Ex.Comp. Brian R Simpson R.Ex.Comp. DavidA Rogers R.Ex.Comp. David G Walker EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE-(APPOINTED 1996) M W R.Ex.Comp. Sheldon Boomhour R.Ex.Comp. Richard Stevenson EXECUTIVECOMMITTEE-(APPOINTED 1997) R.Ex.Comp. ERoy Harrison V.Ex.Comp. ShayneH Eldridge GRANDCHAPTEROPENED Aconstitutional numberofChaptersbeingrepresented by theirqualified officers, theOne HundredandFortiethAnnualConvocationofTheGrandChapterofRoyal Arch Masonsof Canadainthe ProvinceofOntario wasopened inAmple Form at9:00 a.m. The Grand First Principal announced that all Royal Arch Masons in good standing and properly vouched for, would now bewelcomed. Afteradmittingall Companions, theGrand First Principal welcomed all presentattheOne Hundred and FortiethAnnual Convocation. Distinguished Guests - Introduced by R.Ex.Comp. Donald Emerick British Columbia R.Ex.Comp. Joseph R Marshall G.K. andthe Yukon Newfoundland R.Ex.Comp. William J Baldwin G.K. Nova Scotia M.Ex.Comp. Robert R Royle G.H.P. Quebec M.Ex.Comp. Clifford H Parfett G.F.P. Connecticut M.Ex.Comp. Stephen D Piner P.G.H.P. Delaware M.Ex.Comp. Haywood I Buck Jr G.H.P. Illinois R.Ex.Comp. J Donald Saterlee G.C. Maine R.Ex.Comp. DavisCouture G.K. New Hampshire M.Ex.Comp. Roger Douillette Sr P.G.H.P. New York M.Ex.Comp. EdwardNewsham G.H.P. Ohio R.Ex.Comp. James E Foreman P.D.D.G.H.P. Pennsylvania M.Ex.Comp. Norman E. Flaherty G.H.P. Orderofthe High M.Ex. High Priest Bernard L LoPatriello Grand President Priesthood Grand Imperial M.Ill.Kt.Comp. Clark S Brooks Grand Sovereign ConclaveofCanada Grand Council M.Ill.Comp. Larry J Hostine M.I11. Grand Master Royal & Select Masters ofOntario York Rite Sovereign M.Pre.Dist.Bro. Donald A King Gov'n General CollegeofNorth America SupremeCouncil 33° Ill.Bro. Norman E Byrne 33° Lt.Grd.Comm Ancientand Accepted Scottish Rite The Grand First Principal greeted the Distinguished Guests and those Companions who accompanied them, individually, asthey were presented and welcomed them warmly. They were then escorted to their seats by the Grand Second and Grand Third Principals. Grand Honours were accorded theguests led by the Grand DirectorofCeremonies. Most Worshipful Brother William T. Anderson, the Grand Master ofThe Grand Lodge AncientFree&Accepted MasonsofCanada, intheProvinceofOntario, waspresented in the West where he was formally and warmly received by Most Excellent Companion Russell. FollowingGrand HonourshewasescortedtohisseatonthediasbytheGrand FirstPrincipal. TheGrand First Principal called upon theGrand Chaplain forthe Invocation. INVOCATION BYTHE GRANDCHAPLAIN OGod, greatArchitect, mostholyJehovah,weyourhumble servantsgather inthisplaceto conductthebusinessofthisGrandConvocationofourRoyalArchGrandChapter. Wegive youthanksthatwecan cometogetheronceagain asCompanionsand friends, fromthefar reachesofthisourGrandChapter, andbeyondfrom sisterGrand Chapters. Asweproceed with the business which shall come before us duringthesetwo days, we askthatyou will guide, blessandstrengthenourGrandFirstPrincipalwhowill leadusinthese sessions, and also those Officerswho will assist him in the business. Aswe are being guided by them, endue each ofus with ashare ofyourHoly Spiritthatwe may listen, respond and decide accordingly. And having participated, may we all go from this place with yourblessing, assured ofyourguidance aswecarry outourworkdone in yourname. AMEN. FLAG CEREMONYANDANTHEMS TheflagsofCanadaandtheUnited StatesofAmericawerepresentedattheAltarandplaced inthe East, followingwhichtheNational Anthemsofboth countriesweresung. REPORTOFTHE COMMITTEEONTHE FRATERNALDEAD AND MEMORIAL SERVICE To the Most Excellent, the Grand First Principal. Officers and Members ofThe Grand ChapterofRoyal Arch MasonsofCanadain the ProvinceofOntario. MostExcellentSir, Distinguished Guestsand Companions: SCRIPTURE SENTENCES InthebeginningwhenGodcreatedtheheavensandtheearth, the earth wasaformlessvoid and darknesscovered the face ofthe deep. Then God said: "Lettherebe light", andthere waslight. AndGodsawthatthe lightwasgood. (Genesis 1:1-4a)TheLord ismy lightand mysalvation; whom shall Ifear? The Lord isthe strongholdofmy life; ofwhom shall I be afraid? (Psalm 27:1) IfI say: Surely the darkness shall coverme, and the lightaround me becomenight; eventhedarknessisnotdarktoyou; the night isasbrightastheday, forthe darkness isaslighttoyou. (Psalm 139:11-12)Thepeoplewhowalkedindarknesshaveseen agreat light; those who lived in alandofdeepdarkness, onthem has lightshined. (Isaiah 9:2) Andthere will be no more night; they need no lightoflamp orsun, forthe Lord God will betheirlightandthey will reign foreverand ever. (Revelation 22:5) PRAYEROFAPPROACH OThougreatJehovah, wegathertodaytopraiseyouandtogivethanksforyourcreation of each ofus andyourcare forusthroughoutour lives. We thankyou forgiving usthe light ofthe day, alighton ourway throughoutdark nights, lightofthemindthathelpsusgrow inknowledgeoftheworldandofyou. Particularlytoday wepraise andthankyouforthose whohaveentered intotheireternal home, ahome in heaven notmadewith hands. Help us torememberthelighttheywereforusonourMasonicjourney. Wepray inyourgreatname, O God MostHigh. AMEN. SCRIPTURE READINGS Hebrew Scripture Psalm 139:1-12, 17-18 Christian ScriptureMatthew 5:13-16 ACTOFREMEMBRANCE TodaywerememberthosewhohavepassedtotheGrandChapteraboveduring 1997: 308 members of our Grand Chapter, including twenty-two Right Excellent Companions, seventeen VeryExcellentCompanions, fifty-two ExcellentCompanionsandtwohundred andseventeen Companions. Wealso rememberone PastGrand FirstPrincipal, threePast Grand High Priests and two PastorPresent Secretariesofjurisdictions beyond ourGrand Chapter. DECEASED PASTGRANDCHAPTEROFFICERS 1997 COMPANION CHAPTER, LOCATION and NUMBER R.Ex.Comp. JohnNelson Aldridge CaledoniaNo. 236, Caledonia R.Ex.Comp. Bryan Cyril Alford ManitouNo. 27, Collingwood andOakwoodNo. 233, Markham R.Ex.Comp. Roy Lance ErnestBallard IonicNo. 168, Campbellford R.Ex.Comp. Chesley Robert Burton Brant-Mount HorebNo. 20, Brantford R.Ex.Comp. Wallace Harry Downer ManitouNo. 27, Collingwood R.Ex.Comp. Harry Sloan Ewing WarkworthNo. 110, Warkworth and Presqu'ileNo. 144, Brighton R.Ex.Comp. Frederick Grigg Regal-EzraNo. 23, Simcoe R.Ex.Comp. ArthurStanley Haley St. John'sNo. 103,North Bay R.Ex.Comp. Edwin Ernest Hayes Bruce-SombraNo. 53, Petrolia and SombraNo. 153, Wallaceburg* R.Ex.Comp. Wallace Layte Abitibi No. 223, IroquoisFalls R.Ex.Comp. Mossman R. Leishman OttawaNo. 222, Ottawa and MexicoChapter, Mexico, New York R.Ex.Comp. Edward Hugh Logan Wellington-MacNabbNo. 147, Chatham and Bruce-SombraNo. 53, Petrolia and Erie-BlenheimNo. 73, Ridgetown R.Ex.Comp. Harry Loomer Mount Sinai No. 212, Richmond Hill R.Ex.Comp. Eric A. Luke Brant-Mount HorebNo. 20, Brantford R.Ex.Comp. JamesCecil Lauren McKeand WillsonNo. 64, Welland R.Ex.Comp. ChesterJames Miller ShuniahNo. 82, Thunder Bay R.Ex.Comp. Clifford M. Platten YorkNo. 62, Leaside* and OrientNo. 79, Toronto R.Ex.Comp. Frederick John Putt Nilestown No. 247, Nilestown R.Ex.Comp. Murray Henry Riehl UniversityNo. 241, Thornhill R.Ex.Comp. Kenneth Reginald Shore EspanolaNo. 257, Espanola R.Ex.Comp. Frederick Markham South HarrisNo. 41, Ingersoll R.Ex.Comp. Clifford Whalen TemiskamingNo. 169, Haileybury V.Ex.Comp. Jack Vincent Baker NiagaraNo. 55, Niagara-on-the-Lake and WhiteOakNo. 104, Oakville V.Ex.Comp. Raymond Albert Barker ManitouNo. 27, Collingwood V.Ex.Comp. Reginald Clancy Dawson Mount Sinai No. 44, Napanee V.Ex.Comp. Albert Edward Dickinson Oxford No. 18, Woodstock

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