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THE ANNOTATED OF DISTRIBUTION MONOTYPIC GENUS LINDHEIMERA HELIANTHEAE) (ASTERACEAE: WOODRUFF Department Botany of Texas University of TX 78713, U.S.A. Austin, ABSTRACT common annual upon spring-flowering The monotypic genus l.indheimera, based L. texana, a m with common name, Texas occurs mostly heavy clay or silty-clay soils of Central Texas the Star, A from and closely adjacent Oklahoma and the state of Coahuila, Mexico. single record the state A map of Arkansas believed to have been introduced. showing the distribution of this species is m which specimens from each ofthe counties provided, along with the citation ofrepresentative Is been has collected. It Oklahoma Kr.Y Words: Asteraceae, Lindheimera, Texas, RESUMEN L una planta frecuente anual de genero monotipico L'nulheimera, basado en texana, es El primaveral, de nombre vulgar EstrcUa de Texas (Texas Star), que vive normalmente en floracion suelos calcareos del centro de Texas y en Oklahoma, asf como en el estado de Coahuila, Mexico. un Una unica cita del estado de Arkansas se cree que se trata dc una planta mtroducida. Se of rece citadelosespecimenes representatives mapaqtiemuestra distribucionde la especiejuntc) con la la de cada uno de condados en que ha sido colectada. los & common Gray Engelman annual herb of central A. a Lindheimera texana is and Oklahoma, occurring mostly in heavy clay or silty-clay soils. Texas adjacent The name commemorates Ferdinand Lindheimer, an early botanist of genus m New who made many while residing Braunfels, Texas collections central The genus contained but a single species Comal County, Texas (Geiser 1937). Mexico 1880 when Asa Gray proposed a second species from south central until Almost immediately which he Lindheimera mexicana A. Gray. thereafter (in called Gray where newly genus Dagesia A. the erected 1882), he referred the latter to most including the present (Turner, in prep.), has been retained by workers, it although Stuessy (1977) retained both taxa in Lindheimera. resembles Dngesia, but the latter readily distin- Lindheimera superficially is and and guished by perennial habit and prostrate stems (vs annual stiffly erect) its achenes achenes with basal attachments to adjacent palea, these falling as (vs free and base chromosome number of x = 18 (vs x = 8 in Lindheimo^a), a unit), alignments ofthe two genera are Controversies regarding the possible generic He reviewed by Hind (1990). also has provided an excellent descriptive briefly Sum -537. 1993 533 15(3): 534 SlDA 1993 15(3): account, along with illustrations (inclutling both habit and Jt-tailed floral made irawings) from c living material. According to Hind, the plant been hits in Kew He more c Liltivation at For than 20 years. also notes that in natural habitat its the species tends to flower in early spring (Marcli May), but to in cultivation at more northern latitudes generally flowers between and August, was it July as noted by Asa who earlier Gray, cultivated the plant in the Cambridge Botanical Garden Harvard. at While Hind and commented others have upon casually the distribution of L'/Hclbeimari texanii, no one has attempted to provide a detailed, documented, distributional account of the species, although rather crude undocumented a mapping & was provided by Turner Johnston The purpose 957). of the present ( 1 paper, then, is to provide a more detailed documented account of natural its distribution. MA'ITKIALS This study based upon approximately 389 specimens on is deposit the at following (numbers herbaria in parenthesis refer to the sheets on GI loan); ( 1 '^8), OKI SMU LL TAES TEX We (30), (80), (1 11), (45), (82). are grateful the to' directors of these institutions for the loan of material. RESULTS Distributional results (by county, cf appendix, specimens cited), are presented The mass in Fig. 1. great of the borrowed material was obtained from grassland habitats of central Texas, mostly occurring heavy in calcareous clays or silty-clay The soils. species is also relatively abundant in south central Oklahoma where it occurs in similar habitats (cf also Taylor and Tiylor, 1991). The collection of a single plant from Benton Arkansas 55^52 BRHVSMU) Co., {Dauaree surely a is chance roadside introductant, although Smith commenting upon (1988), the collection concerned, notes that "sevend typically Texas plants have been The collected in this area." rather LimUmmera isolated collections oi from texaiui Payne Oklahoma County, below) might (cited be an Only also introduction. a known single collection from Mexico but is (as cited), this area poorly collected, is during especially the springtime, altliotigh it is possible that the collection concerned chance also a introduction. is APPENDIX W ReprcsciuaLivc spccimen.s examiiuxl: U.S.A. Oki.aiiom.a. Caddo mi Co.: of Apache, 3 1 Jun 954, Wakrfiill 1934 (GH, OKL, TEX). Carter NE 1 J Co.: Criner Hills, .5 mi of Brock, 31 1 May 968, GooJuuiii 7S52 (OKL). Comanche Co.: McKenzie Army May Hill, 1 Ft. Sill Ba.se, 2 Harmon 1989, Thompson 80302 (OKL). mi May etc/l. Co.: S of Erick, 25 9 200! 1 10, Watcrfill W 1 1 (OKL). Jackson mi Co.: 7.8 of 62 and Apr Burkr65S jet 283, 19 1975, (OKL). Jefferson N W Red Co.: of River bridge, 22 Apr 957, Robrkuiiih 497 (OKL). Johnston mi Co.: 0.8 of 1 W 6 Wapaniicka, Apr 25 197 Pernio 693 (OKL). Love mi VCilliaiiLS Co.": Rte. 32, .8 of 1-35, 1 , 1 535 Turner and Woodruff, Lindhcimera DocLimenced occurrence o( Linclbehi/era texana. Fig. 1. W 297 Marshall mi of Kingston, 19Jun \96H,Jn/msori 1023 (OKI). Co.: 3 iMay 1980, 3 Hi/ft W m (GH, May Hopkins 00 Murray Arbuckle Mts. of Doughtcry, 2 940, eta/. 1 1 (OKL). Co.: 3 1 W, i Pontotoc AkLeau 46 (TEX). OKL, TEX), Payne mi of ScilKvater, 16 Jun 1938, LL, Co.: 1 1 mi Apr R(Mms 2957 (OKL). Tillman Co.: 4.5 S of Hollister, 5 mi S of Ada, 28 1948, 1.5 Co'.: OKL, (GH, TEX). 7818 Jun 1948, Warerfall N N Bandera mi Apr 887 (OKL). Co.: 2 Archer 4 mi of OIney, 8 966, Se/gier Texas. Co.: 1 Apr & Bastrop mi E of Elgin, 1984, of Utopea, Mar 1963, Ramirez Canlcnas 41 (TEX). Co.: 5 1 . . . , 536 SiDA 1993 15(3): & BirgerS4()l (TEX). Baylor May Stech. Co.: S of Seymour, 26 1932, Clark 46SS (OKL). Brazos Co.: miEofBcnchlcy, May Brown 194 T/wwwai (TABS). mi I7Apr I j.;a Co.: 5 EofBang.s, 1 1 , N U 1966,>/w.fw; 64 (OKL). Burleson Co.: 3 mi of Caldwell, 26 Apr 195H, I'ikr (TAES). I Calcl%vc41 Co.: Chcsscr Farm, IS Apr 964, ChesserDi. (TEX). Calhoun Co.: Indianola, 1 Popes.u. (G 1 1). Callahan Co.: 0.5 mi E ofTay lor Co. line, 21 Mar %5,Hem/i'r.m/! 65-81 (TEX). Childress 1 Apr Co.: ChilJre.s.s, 9 932, Tharps.n. (TEX). Comal Comanche New Co.: Spring, I Braunfels, 1 Mar UuJhaimy 1S50, (GH, 945 Okl). Dallas Co.: White Rock Lake, 23 Apr & 1940, Li/iulell 8537 (GH, Denton Liindell LL). Co.: Clear Creek near Bolivar, 30 Jun 1969, Brou// 26 (OKL). De Witi Co.: western part of county, 29 Apr 9 (GH, TEX). Rialcl Eastland 12, sji. Co.: Rising 1 Apr Star, 2 93 (TEX). Erath 1 l,.Vw//A.v.w. Co.: college farm road in Stephenville, 20 Apr 1962, 1 (TAES).GriniesCo.:9miSofNavasota, ILiihs.ii. Apr 951, CVA/w^'id (TAES). Fayette Co.: W 1 1 1 ju.st of city limits of La Grange, 10 Apr 1954, T//niey & Johnston 54318 (TEX). Foard Co.: N mi Apr of Crowell, 7 1 1966, l}/ivcr 15 (LL, TAES). Garza Co.: 7.4 mi E of Post, 2600 1 ft, NW Apr 966, ////a/w;j 1039 (LL). Gonzales Co.: 6 mi of Hochheim, Apr 1 1 1 964, Gentry 1 1 1 & NE Swilh 20543 Grayson (LL). Co.: 1 mi of Denison, 14 Jun 194S, Gentry jO (TEX). I SW Guadalupe mi Co.: ofSeguin, 7 10 Jul 1973, Patterson 170 (LL). Hays Co.: intersection of RR and 214 (Hugo Mar 12 Rd.), 27 1986, Lemke 395 (TAES). Hill Co.: mi E ofMcCown, O.cS Valley State Park, 20 Apr 9^6, Nesow 5404 (TEX). Johnson Iwy mi Co.: 67, S of Cleburne^ 1 1 1 Apr 1 4 1957, C7ww/*r,r / / /6 (LL). Karnes Co.: 11. 7 mi from jet with Hwy R at Karnes City' 1 1 Apr l957,C7ww/^m 19 //cS'23(LL).KerrCo.: 1.2mi Eofllunt, Apr 16 1957,/vV//w 6C/ww/;ot NW 7.59/7 Lee mi Lmm/ (LL). Co.: ofLexington, Apr .4 14 967, 1842 (TAES, TEX). Leon 1 1 Co.: Jun 954, Tharpel 54989 (TEX). Limestone 3 a/. Co.: 6.5 mi SofThorntnn, 20 Apr 1957, 1 W ^orrelletal. Llano mi /6(ASVS (LL). Co.: 10 of Llano, 14 Apr 1950, Cw/A/c/.r/ J497 (TAEs! TEX). McCulIoch Co.: mi SE of Brownwood, 26 Apr Harm 3 I966, 13 (LL, TAES). Mills Co.: W 1~0 mi May of Goldtlnvaite, 22 1972, Br^ggs318 (TAES). Mitchell May Co.: Colorado, 17 W 902, Tracy 7S88 (TEX). Montague Co.: S.3 mi of Bowie, Apr 1 9 I96^,jai///e 163 (TAES). 1 Navarro Mar Co.: Corsicana, Nolan 933, llomh//>j (TEX). Co.: Sweetwater, 29 Apr s.ii. 193 1 1 rbarj, 35 (TEX). Palo Pinto mi E Co.: 0.5 of Strawn, Jun 1955, Gould (TAES, TEX)' 6^845 1 1 Parker Co.: Weatherford, 27 Jun 931 Shaw 43 (TEX). San Saba Co.: Leonard ranch, mi 1 , 1 S of Richland Springs, 26 Mar 1966, Ca/houn 12 (LL, TAES). Schleicher Co.: 9 1/^ mi S of Eldorado, Apr SW 27 1942, Cory 39005 (TEX). Shackelford Co.: corner of county, 30 Mar SW 1959, Corrcll 20578 (LL). Tarrant Co.: 2.5 air mi of Benbrook, 5 May 948, Co,y 54452 W 1 I Hwy Taylor mi E (LL). Co.: of 277 on Llwy 1086, of Bradsliaw, 6 Apr 1 1963, /1I<//;/cr3/7^ N (TEX). Throckmorton Co.: 10 mi of Throckmorton ofTAES near headquarters Ranch, 30 Apr NE 1 960, Goi/h!91 13 (TAES). Travis Co.: ca. 0.5 mi of Loop ^^60 bridge over Barton Creek Apr & NNW 1 9 989, Orzell Bm/ges 9333 (TEX). Val Verde Co.: 0.5 mi E of dam, 20 mi 1 of Mar Del Rio, 3 947, AUVangh 7735 (GH, TEX). Washington Mar Co.: 30 938, Bradetts.,,. 1 1 NW 1 (TEX). Wichita Co.: 3 mi of Wichita Falls, Jun 1976, 100304 (TEX). Young 1 5 lliKgiiis NE Co.: 5 mi of Throckmorton, 8 May I96O, MeCoy 3772 (OKL). 1 MEXICO. Coahi'h.a: Muzquiz, Dec \936,ALtrsh 1051 (TEX). 5 RI-l'E.Rr.NCnS GFlsru, S.W. 193"'. Naturalists of the frontier. Sotithern Methodist University Press Dallas cxas 1 Hind, Kew N. 1990. U/uI/jamra texaua. M;ii^. 7: 2cS-l 3 1 ] An Smith, E.B. 19SS. athis and annorarcd list of rhc vascular planes of Arkansas. 2nJ l-lL Published by the author. Srunssv, T.F. 977. Helianrhcat-sysrcmatic review. In (cywood, 1 1 V.I 1. ct al. [cds.], Biology and Chemistry of the Composirae 2:62 1-67 I 537 Turner and Woodruff, Lindheimera An gymnosperms and Ta^tor, RJ, and C.E.S. Ta\tor. 1991 annotated list of ferns, fern allies, - Oklahoma. Published by the authors. flowering plants of TuRNFR, and M.C.Johnston. 1957. Chromosome numbers and geographic distribution of B.L. South- (Compositae-Heliantheae-Melampodinae). Engdmannia and Berlandtem Lmclheimera, western Nat. 1:125-132.

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