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Anno Domini 2004-2005 PDF

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ang Domini A 2 GIVE ME AN UNDIVIDED HEART REDEEMER University College On behalf of the Redeemer community, ‘wold like to express reat appreciation 10 our ‘itor, Michelle DeBoer and the yearbook committee forthe excellent job they have done on this edition of Ano Donini, eapeuring 50 well many of the things thar make Redeemer the special plave that itis. We have ‘uch to be thankful for, What a blessing to have a record 876 students from 45 denominational backgrounds, who came from across Canada and also from 12 U.S, states and 10 other countries Together we have sworked to develop a thriving and meaningful ‘camps life, with many COME activities and events — scholastic, cultural, athletic, social and spiritual ~ through ‘which our lives have been enriched and our ‘Lord honoured. We also give thanks to the Lord for important developments that made the 2004-05 academic ‘year a significant one in ihe life of Redeemer University College, We began our new provincially recognized teacher education program (B.A), stated Construction of the new 36.2 million library? classroom expansion and passed the $9 million ‘mark toward raising $12.5 million for campus development, ‘Our theme for the year Teach me your way, O Lord, and Tivill walk in your trash; give me an undivided heart, that I may fear your name.” Psalm 86:11 Undivided Hear.” based on Psalm 86:11 rust thatthe learning and experiences ofthis yeur have deepened your xuwareness of what it ‘means to belong to and serve Christin your persona life and your academic pursuits. AS ‘you peruse these pages, tay they serve as re minders of all we have been able to share and enjoy this past vexr. Whether you are returning lor furlher studies or beginning a new yoeation or program of studies, itis our prayer thac the Lord will ichly bless you so you ean continue to grow in an undivided hear and life of service to his slory. “Teach me your way, 0 ‘Lord, and | will walk in ‘your tuth; give me an undivided hear, that 1 ‘may fear your name” (Psalm 86:11). This ‘was the theme verse lor ‘our schoo! year and it ‘was one that challenged the Student Senne as ‘we began our year. As Student Senate soul to effectively serve the student body, ‘we adopted a vision of integrity and excellence both as we completed four events, but also as swe dealt with important tasks that presented themselves al our meetings, from hudget matters, to consitutional amendients £0 evaluating the rules held by our senators, For each senator, having ‘un undivided heare meant continually keeping God atthe contre of every activity and task we did, from running events such at City Kidz day “Touch of Heaven, Winter Retreat, Spring Banquet. as wells host of other undertakings that kept us all busy! ‘As you reflect on the year. [challenge you to never lose sight of what i means to have an undivided heart. Our God is constant and faith, and we should constantly return our focus on him, seeking his wll for our lives. Redeemer is unique in so many: way’s and you are a part of that! T hope that this year proved to be one that challenged you and allowed you to grow. ‘AS I speak on behalf of the Student Senate, 1 thank you for being a part of this community’ for whing part in clubs, Teading committees, supporting the many facets of Redeemer. May God bless you in the coming year! The members of suudent senate this year were Karmyn Giesbrecht, Yolisa delager. Ben Bokma, Sam Frisk, Emily Slotegraaf, Andy: Groen, Natalie Armstrong, Mikey Arce, Law Jolunson, Darren Sinke, Kyle Schroeder, Stacie Collie and Dan Brinkman. Ampus students ig Redeemer is not an ordinary experience ampus students uotsundxe HUM UINOEs NOILONYLSNOD. Are you excited about the new library? ouny Eisleboom: Tam excited about the impression 3 sell give Ill no Tower feel examped Lawi Kasio Il he good 10 have moe study space and computer spas. Hopefully, so wae"t have 0 90 to the McMaster Litmus as often Marleen Koch “The cousinvetion bas annoying. Ik ‘hs ntorupicl | ow oF my classes. Bt, think i wil bs worth it Iwill be rice Wo ave more ‘onm an hopefully ACADEMICS ELEARNING}

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