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Preview Annealing effects on superconductivity in SrFe2-xNixAs2

Annealing effects on superconductivity in SrFe Ni As 2−x x 2 S.R.Saha,N.P.Butch,K.Kirshenbaum,JohnpierrePaglione CenterforNanophysicsandAdvancedMaterials,DepartmentofPhysics,UniversityofMaryland,CollegePark,MD20742,USA 9 0Abstract 0 2SuperconductivityhasbeenexploredinsinglecrystalsoftheNi-dopedFeAs-compoundSrFe2−xNixAs2grownbyself-fluxsolution method.TheantiferromagneticorderassociatedwiththemagnetostructuraltransitionoftheparentcompoundSrFe As isgradually g 2 2 suppressedwith increasingNiconcentration x andbulk-phasesuperconductivitywith fulldiamagneticscreeningis inducednear u Atheoptimaldopingofx=0.15withamaximumtransitiontemperatureTc∼9.8K.Aninvestigationofhigh-temperatureannealing onas-grownsamplesindicatethattheheattreatmentcanenhanceT asmuchas∼50%. c 7 2Keywords: superconductivity,iron-pnictides,annealing,SrFe2−xNixAs2 ] n o Thediscoveryofhigh-temperaturesuperconductivityinnew suredinacommercialSQUIDmagnetometer. ciron-based pnictide compounds has attracted much recent at- -tention[1]. Suppressionofthemagnetic/structuralphasetran- r SrFe NiAs T psition, either by chemical doping or high pressure, is playing 1 2-x x 2 0 u sa key role in stabilizing superconductivity in the ferropnici- K) x = 0.15 at.ttyidpees.(1O2x2y)gsetnru-fcrteuereFeexAhsi-bbiatsseudpceorcmopnoduuncdtisviwtyitwhitthheTTchCasr2hSiig2h- (300 0.5 mas25KbypartialsubstitutionofFewithothertransitionmetal r/ x = 0.00 r -elements, e.g., BaFe2−xCoxAs2 [2, 3, 4], SrFe2−xCoxAs2 [5], (a) ndBaFe2−xNixAs2[6,7],SrFe2−xMxAs2 (M=Rd,Ir,andPd) [8]. 0 oInterestingly, in BaFe2−xCoxAs2 [3, 4], the maximum Tc is 0.001 cfound at x ≃0.17, whereas in BaFe2−xNixAs2, the maximum 1Z0F mCT || ab T0 [T occurs at approximately x =0.10[6, 7], suggesting that Ni sucbstitution may indeed contribute twice as many d-electrons ol) x = 0.15 1 m vtothesystemasCo. 3m/ 5 We have synthesized and studied single-crystalline (c x = 0.0 9 c 0SrFe2−xNixAs2 and found that Ni substitution induces (b) 4bulk superconductivity. Contrary to expectations framed by 0 .prior studies of similar compounds [3, 4, 6, 7], we observe 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 8 0a relatively low maximal Tc value of ∼ 10 K in this series, T (K) 9centered at a Ni concentration approximately half that of the v:0voepstitmigaalteCdothceoenffceecnttroaftihoinghin-teSmrFpee2r−axtuCroexaAnsn2ea[5li]n.gWoneahsagvreowinn- pFSeirgFnuder2eeAncs1e2:oaf(nadm)aSTgrenFmeet1pi.ce85rsaNutuis0cr.e1e5pAdtiebsp2ileintnydoerχnmcianeliSzoerfFdein2to-Aps3la20n0aenKde.lSe(crbFtr)eic1Ta.8el5mNrpeies0i.r1sa5ttiAuvriset2ydfoein-r Xisamples. Interestingly,annealingcausesanenhancementofTc zero-field-cooling(ZFC).ThearrowsindicatethepositionofT0(definedinthe asmuchas∼50%. text). r a Single-crystallinesamplesofSrFe2−xNixAs2weregrownus- ing the FeAs self-flux method [1]. The FeAs and NiAs bi- Figure1(a)presentsthecomparisonofthein-planeresistiv- naryprecursorswerefirstsynthesizedbysolid-statereactionof ity ρ(T) between two typical single crystals of SrFe As and 2 2 (99.999%pure)Fe/Nipowderwith(99.99%pure)Aspowders. SrFe Ni As . Asshown,ρ(T)dataforSrFe As decreases 1.85 0.15 2 2 2 ThenFeAsandNiAsweremixedwithelemental(99.95%pure) with temperaturefrom 300 K like a metal and then exhibitsa Srintheratio4−2x:2x:1inanaluminacrucibleandheatedin sharp kink at T = 198 K, where a structuralphase transition 0 a quartztubesealed in a partialatmosphericpressureof Ar to (from tetragonal to orthorhombic upon cooling) is known to 1200◦C. Crystals were characterized by X-ray diffraction and coincidewith theonsetofantiferromagnetic(AFM) order[9]. wavelength-dispersiveX-ray spectroscopy (WDS). Resistivity Below T , ρ continuesto decreasewithoutanytrace ofsuper- 0 (ρ) was measured with the standard four-probe ac method in conductivitydownto 1.8K. In manyundopedSrFe As sam- 2 2 acommercialPPMSandmagneticsusceptibility(χ)wasmea- ples,strain-inducedsuperconductivitywithT =21Khasbeen c PreprintsubmittedtoElsevier August27,2009 observed [10]. However, here we present x = 0 data for a theannealingtime dependenceofT . EnhancementofT due c c sample with all traces of superconductivity removed by heat toannealingofas-grownSrFe2−xNixAs2 (forseveralvaluesof treatment. For x = 0.15,whichisclosetooptimaldoping,the x) for 1 day at 700◦C has been found both in ρ(T) and χ(T) anomalyassociatedwithT issuppressedandtransformedinto measurements [1]. Such an enhancement of T could be an 0 c asmoothminimumaround37K.Theminimum,andhenceT , indication of improved crystallinity due to release of residual 0 disappearsfor x >0.15, leadingto a maximumT ∼ 9.8K and strain, and/orimprovedmicroscopicchemicalhomogeneityof c a dome-like superconducting phase diagram [1]. Figure 1(b) Nicontentinsidethespecimens,therebyoptimizingthestabil- presents the temperaturedependenceof the in-planemagnetic ityofsuperconductivity. susceptibilityχinSrFe As andSrFe Ni As crystals.The AsimilarannealingeffectwasreportedinLnFeOP(Ln=La, 2 2 1.85 0.15 2 overallbehaviorofχ(T)forx=0showsamodesttemperature Pr,Nd)singlecrystals,whereaheattreatmentinflowingoxy- dependence interrupted by a sharp drop at T . The low-field genwasalsofoundtoimprovesuperconductingproperties[11]. 0 χ(T) data at low temperatures presented here does not show Itisfurthernoteworthytoreportthatsomeas-growncrystalsof anyincreaselikethatinRef. [9], indicatingbothgoodsample SrFe2−xNixAs2forx<0.16(exceptx=0.10)showwhatlooks quality (i.e., minimal magnetic impuritycontent) and no indi- tobeapartialsuperconductingtransitionnear20Kthatiscom- cationofstrain-inducedsuperconductivity[10]. For x = 0.15, pletelyremovedbyheattreatment[1]. Althoughitistempting the largestep-likefeatureatT disappearsandbulksupercon- topositthat20KisapossiblevalueforoptimalT inthisseries 0 c ductivityisinduced(clearlyshowninFig.2). ofNi-substitutedcompounds,notethatasidefromtheenhance- ment of T as mentionedabove, the removalof this feature is c the only change observed in measured quantities imposed by 10 SrFe Ni As 1 mT || ab 1.85 0.15 2 annealing:neitherthenormalstateresistivitynormagneticsus- 0 set] FC Annealed at 700oC ceptibilityshowanychangeafterannealing. Furthermore,sus- n o ceptibilitydoesnotshowanyindicationofdiamagneticscreen- K) [8 ingintheas-grownsamplesat20K.Becausethe20Kkinkis T (c removedwithheattreatment,and,moreover,isalwaysfoundto 6 be positioned near the same temperature, we believe this fea- 0 10 20 30 ture may be connected to the strain-induced superconductiv- pc4 Annealing time (Days) -0.5 ity foundin undopedSrFe As [10]. However, note that only 2 2 a mild 5 minute heat treatment of 300◦C removes the partial volume superconductivity in SrFe As , while a substantially 28 days 2 2 highertemperature(700◦C)isrequiredtoremovethisfeaturein as-grown 7 days 21 days 14 days SrFe2−xNixAs2. Ifthetwophenomenaarerelated,itispossible thatinternalstrainisstabilizedbythechemicalinhomogeneity -1 ZFC associated with transitionmetal substitutionin SrFe2−xNixAs2 thusrequiringhighertemperaturestoremove.Moresystematic 0 2 4 6 8 10 Temperature (K) studies of the effect of annealing on SrFe2−xNixAs2 are under waytoinvestigatethemicroscopicchangeinthesample. In summary, single crystals of the Ni-substituted series Figure 2: Volume magnetic susceptibility in SrFe1.85Ni0.15As2 sample mea- suredbefore(circles)andafterannealingasampleat700◦Cfor7days(pluses), SrFe2−xNixAs2 were successfully synthesized. The magne- 14days(squares),21days(triangles),and28days(diamonds). Thelinesare tostructural order is suppressed and bulk superconductivity guidesthroughthedatapoints.Theinsetshowstheannealingtimedependence arisesneartheoptimaldopingx = 0.15withaT valuereach- ooffTsacmfoprlethainsnseaamlepdlefo(firl1leddatyriaisngallseos)p.lTohtteeden(hfiallnecdemsqeunatreosf)T.cinasecondpiece ing as high as ∼ 9.8 K. Interestingly, annealingctreatments of as-grownsingle crystals resultin a rather strongenhancement of the superconducting transition across this range of x, with We have investigatedthe effectof high temperatureanneal- ∼ 50% increase in T values for x = 0.15 for an optimal an- c ingonsinglecrystalsofSrFe2−xNixAs2andfoundaratherdra- nealingtimeof14days. matic 10-50%enhancementin the value of T . Thisenhance- c The authors acknowledgeP. Y. Zavalij and B. W. Eichhorn mentisreflectedinthefulldiamagneticscreeningandisthere- forexperimentalassistance,andR.L.Greeneforusefuldiscus- forea bulkphenomenon. Figure2 showsthe effectofanneal- sions. N.P.B.acknowledgessupportfromCNAM. ing on the superconductingtransition detected in χ(T) of one SrFe Ni As annealedat700◦CafterwrappingwithTafoil 1.85 0.15 2 andsealinginaquartztubeunderpartialatmosphericpressure References of Ar. Annealing for 7 and 14 days enhances the T (onset) c from ∼ 6.2 in the as-grown sample to ∼ 8.9 K and ∼ 9.2 K, [1] S.R.Sahaetal.,Phys.Rev.B.79,224519(2009);referencestherein. respectively, with the sharpening of the transition. Annealing [2] A.S.Sefatetal.,Phys.Rev.Lett.101,117004(2008). for 21 and 28 days does not enhance the T further, while it [3] J.-H.Chuetal.,Phys.Rev.B79,014506(2009). c [4] N.Nietal.,Phys.Rev.B78,214515(2008). gradually reduces the superconducting volume fraction, indi- [5] A.Leithe-Jasperetal.,Phys.Rev.Lett.101,207004(2008). cating14daysastheoptimalannealingtime. Theinsetshows [6] L.J.Lietal.,NewJ.Phys.11,025008(2009). 2 [7] P.C.Canfieldetal.,Phys.Rev.B.80,060501(R)(2009). [8] F.Hanetal.,Phys.Rev.B.80,024506(2009). [9] J.-Q.Yanetal.,Phys.Rev.B78,024516(2008). [10] S.R.Sahaetal.,Phys.Rev.Lett.103,037005(2009). [11] R.E.Baumbachetal.,NewJ.Phys.11,025018(2009). 3

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