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Annals of Tourism Research, Vol. 32, No. 4, pp. 1165-1171, 2005 © Pergamon Printed in Great Britain 0160-7383/$30.00 www.elsevier.com/locate /atoures doi:10.1016/S0160-7383(05)00141-6 THE ANNALS INDEX VOLUME 32 Honggen Xiao University of Waterloo, Canada This volume contains 51 full-length articles, 11 research notes, 3 con- ference reports, and 20 book reviews, with a total of 143 author appear- ances. As a reflection of these contributions to the overall knowledge landscape of Annals, this volume’s index both maintains as well as ex- pands the comprehensive index list (available from <http://www.else- vier.com/locate/annals>). Four subject headwords were introduced into the cumulative knowledge base, including Equity, Laos, Network, and Scandinavia. The expansion of knowledge on existing subjects en- compasses the following subcategories: Conference, media; Consumer, culture; Ethics, environmental; Market, orientation; Methodology, data envelopment analysis; Model, intervention analysis, and neural net- work; Policy, governance; Social, capital; Theory, sociological impres- sionism; and two subheadwords of geographical regions: the United Kingdom, York; and the United States, Rocky Mountain Region. Subject Index Accident, 150 BESTEN (see Organization and Accommodation, 1077 Association, Educational/scientific) Acculttiration (see also Culture Bibliography, 272, 816 change), 346 Business, 237, 269 Adaptation (see also Jmpacts), 610 Adventure, 150, 669, 1142 Caribbean, 112 Advertising, 808 Casino (see also Gambling), 127 Aiternative tourism, 735, 887 China, 689 Anthropology, 628 Cities (see Urban) Attitude (see also Perception), 549 Climate, resident, 647, 1056 change, 571 Attraction, 985 Coast, 859 environmental, 571 Collaboration, 28, 325, 711 Authenticity, 179, 199 Colonialism, 1006 Commercialization, 346, 669 Commoditization (see Backpacker, 501 Commercialization) Behavior, 259, 549, 839, 905, 985, Communication, 1022 cross-cultural, 1039 1166 THE ANNALS INDEX Community, 419, 925, 1121 Disease (see also Health), 70 based tourism, 407 Dominica, 407 development, 127, 266, 303. 610, 820 Economics, 478, 942 impact on, 1056 diversification, 610 participation, 28, 735 tourism as trade, 780 Comparative study, 150 Ecotourism (see also Nature Conference/congress/seminar, tourism), 303, 439, 610 development, 811 Education, 689 management, 275 Employment, 689 media, 1148 Entrepreneur, 237, 269 Conservation, 28 Epistemology, 167, 199, 962 Consumer, Equity, 478 culture, 346, 386 Ethics, 962 research, 905 environmental, 805 Cost, Ethnography, 7, 179, 386, 527, efficiency, 456, 478 628 Cruise, 346, 503 Europe, Cultural, central, 1077 tourism, 7, 407 Event, 217 Culture, 1039 mega-event, 839 change (see also Acculturation), Expenditure, 592 346, 386 Family, 237 Decision-making, 985 Festival (see also Event, mega- event), 839 destination choice, 49 Forecasting (see also Demand), planning, 905 1138 Demand (see also Forecasting), 112, 1138 Destination, 711 Gambia, 303 choice, 49, 985 Gambling (see also Casino), 127 Gastronomy, 1153 image (see also Image), 217, 839, 1006, 1039 Gender, 1121 life-cycle, 112 Geography, 288, 571 marketing, 93, 217, 1022 Germany, 816 perception of, 887 Globalization, 514, 628 Development, 237, 284, 647 Government, 325, 859, 942 coastal, 282 involvement (see also Market- ing, government role in, Political, economic, 735 impact), 780 historical, 1100 regulation, 179 policy, 859 rural, 419, 610, 1121 Greece, strategy, 508 Crete, 985 sustainable (see also Sustain- Guide, ability), 28, 303, 325, 439, 925, tourist, 628 962 textbook, 820 Handicapped, 549 Third World, 499, 689 Health (see also Accident; Disease), Disabilities (see Handicapped) 70, 150, 262, 808 THE ANNALS INDEX Heritage, 7, 28, 179, 275, 386, Lifecycle, 70 735, 985 Literature (see also Bibliography; city, 217, 647 Tourism, study of), 278, 506, 814, History, 506, 816, 818, 1100, 1151 1153 Holiday, 407 in tourism, 272, 288, 499, 508, Hospitality (see also Hotel), 407, 514 456, 527 travel, 503, 818 industry, 1077 Local, Host, attitude, 647, 735 stranger interaction, 628 Host-guest interaction (see also Location, 1077 Reciprocity), 407, 527 Hotel (see also Hospitality), industry, 456, 942, 1145 Management, 711 international growth, 1077 crisis, 942 Human Resources (see also Educa- resource, 275 tion; Employment; Training), 689 Market, orientation, 1022, 1145 Identity, 7 segmentation, 93, 887 Image (see also Destination), 217, Marketing, 49, 905 1039 government role in, 780 construct, 1006 strategy, 887 place, 386 Mass tourism, 282 Impacts, Mauritius, 478 on community development, Media, 1006, 1039, 1148 735, 925, 1056 Methodology, economic, 367, 478, 610, 669 Analytical, 167 political, 780 cluster, 925 social, 647 computable general equili- Inbound (see Jnternational tourism) brium, 478 Income (see also Revenue), DEA (data envelopment tourism, 592 analysis), 456 India, 1006 econometric, 49, 112 Indonesia, 628, 735 input-output, 93 Industry, 942, 1077 structural equation, 1022 International relations, 780 Data Collection International tourism, comparative, 150 hotel chain penetration, 456, fieldwork (see also Ethnogra- 1077 phy), 179 policy, 780, 1100 focus group, 760 statistics, 278 narrative, 386 Island, 514 qualitative, 527 Mexico, 610 Japan, 1100 Migration, 419 Knowledge, 199, 272, 962 Model, Korea, 839 choice, 49, 985 intervention analysis, 592 Laos, 28 neural network, 93, 127, Leisure, 1138 constraints, 70 Motivation, 70, 1142 research, 510 for pilgrimage, 802 1168 THE ANNALS INDEX Natural resources, 571 Representation, 386, 1006, 1039 Nature tourism (see also Eco- Research (see Literature; Methodol- tourism), 439, 610 ogy; Theory; Tourism, study of) Network, 760 Resident, Nepal, 669 attitude, 647, 925, 1056, 1121 New Zealand, 150 Resources (see also Natural Re- sources), 571, 760 Organization and Asso«‘ation for tourism, 805 Revenue (see /ncome) Educational/scientific, Risk, 150, 346 BESTEN (Business Enter- prises for Sustainable Travel Rural tourism, 266, 1121 Education Network), 811 Industry, 711 Satisfaction, 985 Intergovernmental, Scandinavia, 506 WTO (World Tourism Orga- Seasonality, 512 nization), 275 Second home, 419 Security, 814 Paradigm (see also Theory), 199, Segmentation (see Market) 962 Service, 54, 1022 Perceptions, 549, 647, 925, 1056 Sex, 280 Performance, 179, 269, 1022 Social, Pilgrimage, 669, 802 capital, 303 Place, 217, 386 change, 549, 760, 1121 Planning, 571, 689, 735 movement, 760 rural development, 419, 610 Sociology, 527 strategy, 1077 Space, 179 textbook, 1151 Spain, 925 Policy, 325, 1100 Sports, 217 governance, 859 Stakeholders, 28, 325, 711 public, 508, 780, 859 Standard, 346 regional tourist flow, 780 Student (see Youth Tourism) Political, Sustainability (see also Devel impact (see Impacts, political) ment, sustainable), 303, 325, instability, 669 407, 439, 647, 962 Politics, 1006 Systems, Portugal, 456 service delivery, 549 Postmodernism, 199 Promotion (see also Marketing, Tanzania, 367 strategy), 887 Tax, 478 Public administration, 325, 859 Terrorism (see _ also Political, instability), 592, 669 Qualitative and quantitative Textbook, 284, 286, 510, 512 research (see also Methodology, Theory (see also Paradigm), 199, analytical), 167 259, 439 collaboration, 711 Reciprocity (see also Host-guest grounded, 70, 527 interaction), 407 social exchange, 1056 Recreation, 286 sociological impressionism, outdoor, 571, 1142 527 THE ANNALS INDEX 1169 Tibet, 1039 United Kingdom, the, 7, 217, 592, Tourism, 647 culinary (see Gastronomy) Scotland, 150 study of, 167, 199, 272, 962 York, 179 Tourist, United States, the, 127, 386 activity, 905 Arizona, 1056 expenditure (see also Expendi- Rocky Mountain Region, 1121 ture), 592 Vermont, 419 experience, 179, 199 Urban, 217, 647 flow, 780 guide (see also Guide), 628 literature, 280, 282, 501 Vacation, behavior, 905 preference, 985 Volunteer tourism, 760 statistics, 167, 278, 367 Training, 689 Travel agency, 1022 Well-being, 70 Travel industry (see /ndustry) WTO (see Organization and Asso- Turkey, 859, 942 ciation, Intergovernmental) Typology, tourism, 439, 735 tourist, 70 Youth tourism, 407 THE ANNALS INDEX Author Index Aas, Christina, 28 Herold, Edward S., 280 Agrusa, Jerome, 887 Heuman, Daniel, 407 Alexandros, Apostolakis, 985 Heung, Vincent, 1144 Andereck, Kathleen L., 1056 Holden, Andrew, 805 Andreu, Luisa, 1022 Hong, Wei-Chiang, 1138 Hunter-Jones, Philippa, 70 Baltazar, Eduardo Bello, 610 Bandyopadhyay, Ranjan, 1006 Jackiewicz, Edward L., 266 Barros, Carlos Pestana, 456 Jaffry, Shabbar, 985 Beeton, Sue, 286, 820 Johnson, Colin, 1077 Bentley, Tim, 150 Jolliffe, Lee, 284 Bhattarai, Keshav, 669 Jones, Samantha, 303 Bigné,J . Enrique, 1022 Blesa, Andreu, 1022 Karamustafa, Kurtulus, 508, 942 Bloom, Jonathan Z, 93 Kim, Samuel Seongseop, 887 Bramwell, Bill, 859 Knopf, Richard C., 1056 Brehm, Joan, 1121 Kostiainen, Auvo A., 506 Krannich, Richard S., 1121 Carlsen, Jack, 237 Kuentzel, Walter F., 419 Chang, Chun-Tuan (Debbie), 808 Kiister, Inés, 1022 Choi, Hwan-Suk, 127 Chronis, Athinodoros, 386 Ladkin, Adele, 28 Conway, Dennis, 669 Lankford, Samuel V., 802 Coshall, John, 592 Lee, BongKoo, 839 Cruz, Rosa E. Hernandez, 610 Lee, Choong-Ki, 839 Curry, Kaja, 325 Lee, Yong-Ki, 839 Lee, Young-Sook, 501 Darcy, Simon, 549 Liu, Abby, 689 Daruwalla, Pheroza, 549 Lugo, Erin I.]., Estrada 610 Delen, Dursun, 127 Lynch, Paul A., 527 Dieser, Rodney B., 802 Macbeth, Jim, 962 Erkkila, Daniel L., 1150 Mair, Heather, 514 Essex, Stephen, 325 Mansfeld, Yoel, 814 March, Roger, 905 Fletcher, John E., 28 Martin, M* Belén Gomez, 571 Mas, Francisco J., 49 Gammack, John, 1147 McGehee, Nancy Gard, 760 Garcia-Altés, Anna, 262 McIntosh, Alison J., 259 Getz, Donald, 237 Mercille, Julien, 1039 Gomez, Guillermo Montoya, 610 Miller, Graham, 647 Gooroochurn, Nishaal, 478 Montano, Juan José, 167 Moore, Winston, 112 Haber, Sigal, 269 Morais, Duarte, 1006 Haley, A.J., 647 Mordue, Tom, 179 Hampton, Mark P., 735 MosedaleJ,a n T., 282 1170 THE ANNALS INDEX Nadal, Jaume Rossell6, 925 Smith, Wayne William, 510, 512 Nicolau, Juan L., 49 Snaith, Tim, 647 Soshiroda, Akira, 1100 Okumus, Fevzi, 942 Olsen, Michael D., 367 ‘Taylor, Lynne, 816 Thyne, Maree A., 259 Page, Stephen J., 150 Trentelman, Carla Koons, 1121 Pai, Ping-Feng, 1138 Tse, Alan, 1145 Palmer, Alfonso L., 167 Tussyadiah, lis P., 275 Paliner, Catherine, 7 Pearce, Douglas G., 288 Uriely, Natan, 199 Peltonen, Arvo, 818 Pérez, Eugeni Aguilé, 925 Petrzelka, Peggy, 1121 Valentine, Karin M., 1056 Pinder, David, 325 Vanetti, Maurizio, 1077 Pizam, Abraham, 814 Vernon, Jon, 325 Prideaux, Bruce, 780 Vogt, Christine A., 1056 Radder, L., 1142 Walker, Gordon J., 802 Ramaswamy, Varna Mukundan, 419 Walker, Linda, 150 Reichel, Arie, 269 Wall, Geoffrey, 689 Ritchie, J.R. Brent, 711 Weaver, Adam, 346 Weaver, David B., 439 Salazar, Noel B., 628 Wheeller, Brian A., 499 Santos, Carla Almeida, 760 Whitehall, Peter, 112 Sesé, Albert, 167 Wilkinson, Paul F., 503 Sharma, Amit, 367 Williams, Peter, 1153 Sheehan, Lorn R., 711 Woodside, Arch G., 905 Sheldon, Pauline J., 811 Shrestha, Nanda, 669 Xiao, Honggen, 272 Sin, Leo, 1145 Sinclair, M. Thea, 478 Sirakaya, Ercan, 127 Yim, Frederick, 1145 Smith, Andrew, 217 Yiiksel, Atila, 859 Smith, Stephen L,J., 272, 278 Yiiksel, Fisun, 859

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