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Annals of the Reformation and Establishment of Religion and Other Various Occurrences in the Church Of England During Queen Elizabeth’s Happy Reign. Vol. 7 PDF

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Preview Annals of the Reformation and Establishment of Religion and Other Various Occurrences in the Church Of England During Queen Elizabeth’s Happy Reign. Vol. 7

T SEGA D L EH LATIGI YRARBI HISTORICAL A R NNALOSTF H E EFORMATION VOLUME 7 F( YLREMRO V EMULO )4 yb enphyorJtS Books For The Ages SEGA erawt foS • ,ynablA RO ASU no i0s.r1e V©7991 2 SLANNA NOITAMROFE REHTFO DNA NOIGILE RF OTNEMHSILBATSE SE CNNIEEHRT RSUUC OC RIODERNHAATVO DNALGN EF OHCRUHC GNIRUD NGIE RYPPA HS’HTEBAZIL ENEEUQ SFROE PLAAPNIG IXFRIOODNE PHN PTARAIEWHTEGOT ,SS R DDE,RNTEOATTCEAELTRS .A .,MEPYR TNSH OYJB NOIT I WDAEEN 7EMULOV (FORMERLY VOLUME 4) 3 .ECAFER PEHT M Y e r,aslanigi re ohmto reydfmbebircsna r,tsrep acpitneht ufeaoro ts fdo nee h otstlan n yA nmyorr a ocrtett ahmt i ewhmsinr u ofttneiciffus d n,asemul orvemr oef hhtt idwoht eemm aes h ntnigi esr’htebazi lnEeeuq y fmyon ahmci hgwni h;atyrots ilhacidoht edm ntas uoajt ndietseg i edobt d n,ae gtaae ryt gmu.Be eodsteris eedv ashreda ed rnsadnei rdfenrael eso htta h,tt edy n.Araebr o of etemriuq e,r tginiynapmoc csaeitimrifni e v ,aIeh s ofudn onyatirucs bnnoiiam er,rots oelti uetq botnhg ismrepap t s eorfhmeotb mtu and eearrgap e,rhptl areeht tsfelobavre t,nntii staal mo rtfsr i tfna enp w y oymmbe hkto osI,tame h ftloufe sdu ntanatropmi lacirots ifehosr u ooatc nmie hdtetseg iw doenv ad hn,aslanigi reoht sana ehmci h yw.Bt ulol eyfe h st,ara e yyrba egynideecc u,ssrettam lit n,udeniat t eayb aemta tds nhacru hec h fthot osbriaf fea h fteogdelwonk niere h.Wret fsara eeym ods n,amodgn iek h otstem agJn i fksosec ceaht ftor arpett ae lhgtnir usdecnerruc ceolbakram esrrev idderevocs ieldbliw elbadimro fs’niap Sf ogni keh tf oylfeih cdetsisno chcih W.ngie rreh e hdt n,astius edJ nsaeiranim ehssip o fpsoto lspmla esri httsnia gsatpmetta e hd tn,ahcru hsci hfttonemhsilbat se e hodttetceffas ie d hfstoruovaedne .me hhtt inwek astgnideeco rlpaicid uej hdt n;a t fitonemnrev olgapocsipe te ys ameh tf oeno n;otn ithgi ltaer gaevi glli wsnoitcello ceseh thcih wllA .dlr oew h otdtehsilb unpe egbnivah redn eogrtniht otnn alwl iswdroc efrroebm uengr aglniwoll osfi htta hotS evitacinumm oycr elvl a,(nee ueq h ftsoem ietso h ftyorots iehtelpm otaci .yrots ilham r ooat fndielipm ot cohnguo h)t,detcasna rstrett afmei he chfto ese h otntoitamit sde ntaide rtcneiciff ueasv ilgl ihwcih w,(d d eatm edlnA eg dhn ynt oebutm morat f aserep ohorym tfeet wha)th,tsrepap refoholtlesn ue o sdctinaw ae t rsafgrhoetpap-et adstntsapircsunam , r sesfoseagiot ahahse,wehrNterusa ed rr,toylelhg rd ur,Bonleeuq skram esruoir ud cnraailuc eepm ohsta eedso hfrwoa ee yhrted n.Udelyts .mi hf onevi ger akro wsih tni hti wte meva hI,slann Aeh tf osemulo vremro feh tf ognihsilbu peh tecniS ;yrotsi hdia seh tetartsull idn aevorpm iya mhcih w,srepa plaireta mynam si h ftdo nee h tttanemelpp u fSyo a ywmbe hdted deav aehrofere hdtna .ylra ety ulol eyfe h st,akoob 4 .STNETNO CEHT re.b1muN ,98 5.1 nean u,Jaimeh o nByill edKraw drE imso rtfn esstrop eR nt e ohsgt d ftgnrr: nyotuioeteab aokebinaTrrGouobaRsPeJ d r edof hn loertayhehb tp edanhepotsro dsn ue.hrTetsecyeL yrevocs ie d hfstoelcit rnaiatr e.Cz i,vhtewoll os,fayelhgr urBerusaert ot n,uaimeh o fBnoor a,byll e.Kw drE i ysebd a,mnosae rhtg ifho eh tn ianobir Tt ami htisi vo tema chcih w,nemeltne ghsilgn Eniatrec ,en ufd Jonreett ae lh,tmodgn idkias 1589, er ee hrsaem aensohw eeohttt osrrwet t oedwletnioj beu rs yeehabhcm i.ohdTwebircsbus f olairome mgniniame ras a,yelhgru Brerusaer tdro leh ty bylle Kdias .zi v;evita nanoita nsih tf oemitemo s,na msuoma fema seht re2bmuN nett i,rywl lderKa w,rodritEesrusa ed rr,toylelhg rd u reB.ohlT e hnto p,um ifdh oashreh td o neeahul ae vhgtniralc e,d19 5.1nna ontrut eom rtighnitiv nd in;aeutr id vneagdelwo ntkae rs gifthonuocca ymen edl osi hro fmi hmor fenicide magnigge bdn a:yrtnuo cnw osih the gout. re3bmuN n,iyll e.Kw dr E ioystelhgr udBr oe lhmto rrfett erlehto n.A m ighnitroh x.Era y. D rytMbhguo r,bm imho rrfet t oeratlewsna s ioht nrie veom oo,ctnee ue qhmto rdfnamm oytcba hd tn,ayltsenrae s itha hetcivr ed snrauon oe hhetviec etrhg iyme htta h;tyrtnu oncwo nsw’od rto alnyhebttt i.rdWevre seegddelw o dnmnkoad stiawerg .dnah re4bmuN ;ortebm ash’cne e eurfhqeotrusa e.r tt,nskelw osniKcn a rr.iFS ssenpra hesm ofrsoet t .eArlerusae rhtg idhr o,lyelhgr udBr oelht .spohs i fbyotiroirep ues httsniaga re.b5muN e hesrusaelps iedm onso p,unee ue q hosttelwo nsKicna rr FiS e httuo byasrevortn osc i yhdbenoisac c.Om ithsnia gnaek adtah .spohs i fbyotiroirepus re6bmuN ,onte eetuhsqtni angoaitaruj ndoecsitc adr rae.p h yse.DrnMO ot ntihguo rsb aew hhsci hrw o;fytsej arm e ohfteihcs iemm oksrow ,mah ptoo ntPee rssegwn i dosndda r royewlhgnidro c dc.nanAoitseuq sicn a rr,yiFrbsotici l ro,esnhotr e dg,nEyaenro tst’ane eeuhqt -ec irv e,hegaen e.Ho hrT ids n,ayraterc ess’nee ueq hmtahgnislaW ta h,ts anwoini peoso h;wes arc e fhtonemgd urjie hrt o,fnialrebmahc gnihc ueottut a stefsshoaetp menohicth ttsr ioae.wnwysDrM 5 ,sehce edp wsneilat reekc a dp,ns ta doc einathd as rh;ottffarchctiw .esheTru teerc rd oiruatnpegme hi s:tfteiuse bong pntoriatudhpntet .swoll orfews nnraiett esl’roticil od snsa’yenrotta re7bmuN te e elghfntinrec n;orcerusa edr r teeoohklt tasriDcn a rr.iFS modgn iek h ftyorevoc esr irh o,foinot nnA ohdt iswyaks a tCganidnal .ntei k da oat,hhnwi agfp noS eimhk otlrafgut rfooP re8bmuN ,yraun afh Jote 6hdtet a,dyelpp oyCnoht nfeAosruoc s .iAd .noretMtt i,rsw a eedhsnto yeecbnanetn i daenmda o sb fia,oh0(951 ostme e es]H.seiraterc ess’nee ueq h fteo nso aowh W.[ed amWailliW . nQeivitig uhfsip olpapicni r,apyelpp o.Co h fTno oes hetb gn iek h ytsbe aeM h ftroets atmae regd asm adw n,angi esr’htebazilE feolt iet hdt n,agn ihkcne reF h ytdbethgi nskdrawret fda n;ania pfSo sra eey hrted n,unedm a sC;am inhev ingorab 1575 dna 1577 si hfo .seti r,wslannA re9bmuN neica efspoecits ue j ho,ttyrubretn afpCoohsibhc r,atfigti h.W .lanigi r no.Anroc-noitisopm omco ryfgre lec h fteosael err o:ftneK r.e0b1muN ephoThs i fbnootn ioWt .er he ntrdourpsoUale trastetnoc :no x,Oegell oictsir hsCupr ofsCowoll ed fntanedise re phnteewteb odtewe h, stfeiosn es sihht i,wpohs idbi ae shrtotis irvie hodtterrefed ;r eoe rh hd uwd tidsatarahnsoee lrsott mih ot tup na dne ot.ti r1e1bmuN dr o,lyelhgr udBr oe lho,ttn afeMol se Ihfptoohs i,bkcir e.M gniweh S.ytilib asi hevob adegrah cgnie bsi hf ogninialpmo C.rerusaert ,lirp Atir W.noitidno cydee nsih 1590. r2e1bmuN . ,no tptouhHsib fo ,mahruD ot eht ,drreorlu staaehrttsih s ighninrecn oncee ueq hytfsit a osstna e eamdblu opwihsdrol .reh td toeointtan agrngi vnae h ee,uhlqtatip snorhob r gefnhoiSwotseb .09 5,1hcr antMiirW r3e1bmuN gnimro f;nrierusa e d r,reotdohtrltof e prfoeoh Hs,idbreb r.aH .sdr oswuoitid er som fiehrof etbhguo re b nfmooih r4e1bmuN r u,orpeiros edrn t arerulgei se nraoimo m.e0M 9.5 n1.nA ,tc eeypnLLbuwa rs dadwesrod nogesniwoll orfep ae ph.TeveneG d n,anoitidn oeclbares itmnese rrpie hgtniwe h;saven erG oefr ethnega .flah erbie h ntnoee ueq hhtt itwseret nsi ighnivarc r5e1bmuN r eghnikna h,thtebazi lnEee uoaqtven efsGoetartsig ae mhT .sserts irdie hndt iiraehtr ugfniva rd cn,ame hotttn ensoitcel l roaocf 6 r6e1bmuN l.urfMpih s,t r nhooeagtwhti tir,erthuhtpgirw tsraa mC.ohT yarb otfn egsni e;bw a tlsatnaegr ess’ytsej arm e fheo n,ognirkcuP .kciwr atlWaatips os h ifdhoevirp ew do,ntnaviusrup r7e1bmuN ,ala dnUh ofnJooitanmedn od cnlaai re thfttonuoc ceam o.S larev egsnihsilb u npeitalerpr anMitr ahMt idwenrecn o,cretsinim erof e;bgnirkc utPnaegr ef.soS Se Mhmto rnfek a.Tsko olbacitamsihcs e ht,talai rs tioththguo rs balwa ddUi ae shktra lnCor ad bnmaohw .yerru Sn idle hsezissa r8e1bmuN snosa egrniwe h,sla d.U r yMsbegd uej h otdterevil esdelcit r.A gnidnatshtiwt o,nm ithsnia gtanemgd u njdieeco rtp odnluo hyse hythw .selcit rean i fnhotetsisn orcep aspi h.Tm ithsnia gnaev itgcidr eevht r9e1bmuN tnaegr ed snkara lnCor aotbtn e:snoissimb uss’la d.U . 0r,9e85b11m e,vgonNirkcuP r0e2bmuN .b e,Fsezissatn eeL h ntlia dtUsnia gnaev iegcnetn erset f.A g nt ein,tra0 oke9 srcg5riwur1ehPettst eolt rcnohol ttldteracoHnlahc .m ihht iswgnideeco rrpie httuoba r1e2bmuN e ob,tsegd uej h ytdberiuq enroissimb ues h ftyop oec h.T .lad Uy bedam r2e2bmuN , 9.1b e,Fla d fUnooissimb udseref ftos ael h.t r3e2bmuN t,nr a oo enlt.gil rraeo M elcte,dSpnhtraatfohh olcc. r.crnDaB .di b.ila dfnUooituce xyea to,stgnirkcuP r4e2bmuN soetzi sem shonatrrfu tsreie rht,fganirk ctunPae g l roa.etdsU y armett ehlci h nw.I09 5,1 1r1ebmev o,Nno ieLti heW h ntniosi rspih si hgniyfitsu jsi h:ruoivahe bgnitnelern udn aytfo lsi hdevresb oeb .tnemnosirpm isi hmor fecnarevile dr o,noitucex ero fgnilla c:ycneconni . c;&m iehn os datwa hetcargs ie dhhttetneseR r5e2bmuN e dhnntoa r eahohb tttto iblr aw,dgUniwol lr8oe1fbme v.oN gnill iewr eywe hntoissimb uss inho ptua hmt idhl odt aoh h:wtnaegres d n.Arett esli httn ee.sHnodr as pir hoyftsej ar meoshtna eemmoc eobt mginhid nreis enh ot:pruet treelht onnia amg eaeoht t t o.5erv2hwoN .di b.ime httnetn otc odn indoissimb ursemr osf itha h,tregness eam r6e2bmuN deviecn ooc h,wnee ueq hytfic a op ptnuwa r.Dfeil esb’la d.U d aehcni rep htta h,tgnitres sra o,fm ithsnia gearusaelps ihdg inha ri etohcttej b s ueatsh wa sdh,ntsaret tlaamuti r g oionntpdiishton .serusnec 7 r7e2bmuN ,eyne, ul 3tJhr2hg egrori utur eBswdsh atrat.eromralotChT enh ot,pkuciw rltaaaWtip s soefihtoha t ds eaeghbntinrec n,o0c951 .di b.irednu orfie h,tretseci eflLor ae ehfhtotaed r8e2bmuN rfoollecn a eyhohecttlhg rdu rBroelrusa edr r teo.hlT sserp prouetst s sagi mn heiehkdtaus r;oedtpnalt ida rM,odlnaltocS seirasrev dea hdt n,amodgn isk i nhlieps oeg h ftsoeime ndeessefo repht .yti mnaomm oec hfto r9e2bmuN e k euhh dtt,iiwzzael gtin F uyooetclhg rrueBrusa edr r teo.hlT dn isk’nee ue qhhtt iewk ue dhttniauq cdalu oetwha h;tecnero lfFo eataid eormtef fs o indh in,ar eshdraw oltliw-do os g ifehocnatpecca rneehew tneobitnet nsfoeocs u ea dhc:ntnai a dp rnSneaehew teecbaep .eg rdtaealt antis agfp noS eidhknta r0e3bmuN rie hfstodr oe l hfltoarev efssodn ae hhrted neutacifit r .eAc ek ued h ftpom aec hott ndieyolp m,elaip s ne,aeg deE n foeocnawolla .yelhgr udBr oel h ftno eep h yt pbnuwa r.Decnegillet nri o,famr afPo October 9, 1590. r1e3bmuN hsip o fpprouek ad tnraerevoc s ,iafdfylcp odTrahc i.R ottn erset t nmeaiel hfetosruocs is di,hstsip arpeh td on,aseiranimes . r.. eP3 e g5, smfn 0niio a r9ihttdea5t uhe1;otyrbearus a deerrhottl r2e3bmuN ;g nhickn e ersfhFsotec cdu os eo rhgdotefsop mroec y. aArp s’nee ue q hndtie sruey a :rAePlt isti hhtt i,w09 5o1n ndaetnirp d ngan ihkcne reF h ftyotirepso rep hrt o,flepa hdc neasu osh’ytsejam e rtaa h,tsleb esruoirot o fneodutitl u yamdbelias s;aytilib osnih t s.,,u0s1 g9r2d u5 eedA1dsnte n egrgt aycioaafbrepweoorprfougfs r3e3bmuN a,sylli Wsamoh Ty bderevile d,stnemesitrevd ahsinap S. ;syll i.Wo h fTnooitaralc eed h:Tdesrod nseu h.Tn aemrihsretsecieL neka t12 .b.e0F951 r.e4b3muN rfeotsi glear r te.one indtIbaaueesgtu peoeectbdi fnfAo f omlae rs’ytseja mre hnihti w,slairu bdn a,segairra m,sgninetsirh clla rerusa edr r t eo.ohleTt m ea rhssotnfos ahe tr:iswe l dadnWnaalgnE ...2yP6elhgruB r5e3bmuN .spihskre lhcsir a fpsoecneinevnoc n.I r6e3bmuN , ,rrny 0eeo a s9rtp.Mo’ 5u t u thr1seendtiahlhrySetoomrJlSt .enilpics iydratil igmninrecn oscnoitcer i fdkoo osb i fhnooisserpp uesht r7e3bmuN . th g.iorh wTottraC e h .t yr dtederrrteuonbslaia rLeygrbteht nsiretsin inmatir urpeh tdo nma i ohytrubretn a fCpoohsibhc rdarol 8 etacinummoc xoeetsop r tuaupo bdaegra hyclesl a seftiha h.Tnosirp . neehetuq r8e3bmuN edecr e rgtoennthi iv.olMes sy tudeohRahtgltirwt r..arCM re h rt doo,nfyatre b si ril,ohrferusa edr rt eo,hlntoita l reherthiw .19 5.1g u nAtii r.Wnosi r npsiretsinim r9e3bmuN . Cartwright to the lord treasurer, dated October 4. Cited woll oosftelbuo rttae rfegovisneherp pd an,asrenoissimm oe chetrofeb .m ihht iewrusaelps isd’nee ueq hntopu r0e4bmuN :rer u,s y ao de,e etdrrlh.rn obotrtaplutD oAs f.hieosrhiBTb niat rneocitanim arxie eoh tten kimoa ettrohett d srroioethw snnia dnu od fn.Aretsin i,mnor ewHehtt ae Mnfeoogra he chodtti a,lsemirc .sladna c es obmte hytb r1e4bmuN d nsadr oe lho,ttdleifhct id Lnyartnev ofpCoohs i,bnotre v.O e h nteisu b faeocitca r fapgoninialpm o:clicnuoc-yvi rep h ftsorehto .t imrofe ro two hecivd asi hdn A.nem-ydisbu sy b,ydisbu sdn anaol r2e4bmuN ymbla ee rhttsnia gdaednete rspelbuo rttae rfngooitaral c .eAd ylterc eysr edv n,atn e,sstius edJ nsatsei rypranim e fsroebm uan e c rnse end et onasedo , sulretee taapsnhmokaefritatreresortpwgsid .foere hytdem eer hrt oyfrassec eynr envoisivo rhapt i.Wnoigil efro e h ntti esset onniatr ehct i.Wnoitamalco rsp’ytsej arm e yhdbehsilbuP slann As’wot Sn idenoitne myltcefrepm idn aylfeir byre vs isih T.nigram .zil Es’nedma Cdna r3e4bmuN noitcurts nrieht r ra aof,fnoissimm oe c hodttexen nsaelcit r.A .foer enhotitu c deenexhie etc wsooorrthepnoissim meoohtct r4e4bmuN ,ybr a tDlao aeg h ntniameltn ehgsip o,aptrebrehzt iyFnoht n.A s imho rrfuov asfya rdp n,astnel e;ryrubswer h fSlor aee hott .tnemnosirpmi r5e4bmuN l ,freohoahtcetiwn e tetr rauem Goho,ctry fb l rfre.aoahDeT onfwootituc e e xdh;en tr arasownfoitarap egrnpinrec n:oycrubswerhS .seiranimes r6e4bmuN ,ornenra ue n s reod adohirferftsooro eslto.b eBefhnToc ts,i ay s paaos wh;wretsnimts e,Wesuoh-et ae Ghngtini e,b1951 .seiranime sro f,smees r7e4bmuN ,ress udT ndaro o.Bsredna l nFniemhsilg n fEsoegell o.C .tn eywe hrtehtihw 9 r8e4bmuN ,notgnih td,rnrAaegnip p,otCe k scftaopHme tdstnnaagi s.eD onna 1591, ot enorhted eht ,neeuq dna worhtrevo eht,tnemnrevog enconpeut efrop .noitalever ,deltit nkeo omabo rsfnoitcell ogcnieB .2 9d5e1tn i.rnPoitamro fdeeRdnet e rryopcfaripsnoC r9e4bmuN regn i , p,s spttdko e enrCsf. kehaaioocmpmhwaooetHSrrp . t ei screanihwe pttt Seae res,pronghowtgni hdtnraA r.e0b5muN reh td ontaee le Fhn,tisnatir u,psrenosi rsprev ifndooiti t eAp elb mr ui ehefchontareht rer,uhorftferusa ed ,rreostohtnltosirp noiti toetp eh tsdrol fo eht licnuoc de t.atDnemegra lrnie erhotf .r 1e,9b45m1eceD r1e5bmuN ,yelhgr udBr oel h otetgdirbm a nCsiegell oec h ftsoda eeh h.T s ao wh,wretni rrpie hettag egLninrecn o:crollecna hhcg irhieht srenoita tes h ytebrt e nmsimla sdP nealb ieB h ftgonitni rep hdterednih .re t ks te nr oders;iisoahaonreatetphop hhwdntnioL r2e5bmuN ;yelhg rdu rB eo,ohlnttaicir bdeeHnr a ee,hlntothgu ohr gB.uH s idhezi ed sao hh,wsrenoita t,shgrubw ed Nnpaohs iydBbenoisacco s ighniris e.Drebma hsc i fhto umoe hntek adt n,adetni ryplw esnkoob sr’e.pd diro ehote rsvmodaetrhhsotelr r3e5bmuN ,pili hgPn i fktoee lnfaid neI h fteot o.A n6.1v o,N19 5o1n n.A r .e ssrpniieaOhrptu s t a. nd o eye erttdrahdSosetwtnlasaacrepsid , dsnn’waroherus a, denyerrebhotttltirw Sir Tho. Gage, mo rsfa .ema cnoitamrofn isih tmohw r4e5bmuN . rfeotr ash’cne eeuhqT sutei u,Qtse la edsao rrb ehhtiw mo rm fighnigrahcs i,dyelhgr udBr o,lrerusae rdtr oe lho,tttnadneppa nwa r.D19 5o1n n,asdlaboe hdTevol es biyhoj no,etr enehocnadnetta o h,wdr odli aes hrtee h oc,tely tssuoitec anaffilesr enhee ueq h ytpbu s i theaf ieltavi roaeptrit e orstuoris edd n,aylohcnal e,msme e ts,isaw : ssudhlta b. d ost etedIstahliaTad b t odateeeahvsToleb a septiseemT apud Tybolles. r5e5bmuN froerusae rhtg idhr oe lhonttia pmSo rsftnemesitrev d.A f,okcnimr ayCrn e ,H sIsaw ehnc u fsfoei r:Abdesrod n oe,sdnalgnE ft ose 1hetre hgtnivir r;ania pnnSira edllu o,ctnahc r ,eadmehsuorD .1 9l5i1 rtfp soA e1eh2 mteochn eghntitra p de,nd0a 9h5c1raM r6e5bmuN sw een hgtniv i;gem omRo r,fsir a fPyot iec h otstlanidr aec h.T f os ’,eyhprt ooaopgenedn.ra1G951 10 r7e5bmuN . Londino-Gallica ecclesia. e h nt,iere hrtetsin i,mlets anChoJ eoybtlp p funaosoisac cnoo p,uhcru htca hfstorebm ee m hfetoman pofhos i tb . ihoe erctcshW rnttnaaniraFtse t hotc r nnopeeethsrtF ri e e hhkotcatrm u s hgiocnhtitd n,erserusa ed r r etdoyhnlrtaubretnaC etfhnotuo cscea vliegt s.anCoituces rreep dmn e urhnotofitubirtnoc ni t na,aiLnoitidn orco orpie hd tn,anoitagergn osci hfstorebmem rettel ot siht.tropmi r8e5bmuN em o nswi o,nsra eyyn almicnu oec h ftkore l,cla etBreb o.R s’ne eenu hoq,tpruerusa ed r rretooehtltt ts:ei kl htrnnoieYmyolpme ra eey httuo b,aecnes bgan oelm orset f,ania gtai a owmt irh ogfnidnes 1591. r9e5bmuN ottn eds ntai r ewhhci h:wseissab mde nsaegay osv’la e.B r.M .stre sde od dosngeaciv rceisl b sutipshefi n,oartmerusa edr rteohlt r0e6bmuN n,iytsej arm e oh,tnosi r npsiretsin inmatir ueP h ftroett e.Al .29 5,1 5l1ir pdAet a.Dycnecon nriie h ftnooitacidniv r1e6bmuN . no i Art ro ,eiketm shtnroent eau rhaodprsffttnraoiaoerlrutp s i:hs Tudhetsro d:ne ems iir thadteentnes e:rsptsitara pe ertseawht e h ytdbenosirp m,isnaitsir hrCo oypn a fm potu usp anwoitit eeplbmub .nodn otLuo bda n nasinosi rlparev eysrdn u nssipohsib r2e6bmuN hcru hec h ftsotnavr elsufhti aef h ftnooitacilpp ueslbm ueh h.T o,tdenosirp msirehcae rdp nsaretsin irmie h ftfolah eeb h nt,itsir hfCo d neas arcie hetgr atglaniwe hsstsitarap ee sh:tlicnu oe chfstodr oelht .dehsilbat shecru hec hhtt inwoinumm ofc fgonikae r nbniosaer r3e6bmuN ..7 g2nuoAissef n so.ic2H 9n5e1 k,atti u, sgae nJsoeY m.aJ d,ntasruhk cd ur,Boglnirk cruePp ed e rekeohrlto f,er bae emeyahst s irhed nruett es lighni e:breuqehc xe e hfrtoollecna h,ceucsetr o.FrM .d nnawho r4e6bmuN . ehT drol rerusaert ot ris nhoJ ,gnirkcuP drol ,repeek oteht n:orpeuu qre ohfelcohlxteec n,aehuccs e ,td.trnrsoaMrFuh kdcruoBl noi tsta’nreeagslnco eYydb meht ot ,r eerhut soatert eb daer oteht .sse r,w gnonroenierehpuq r5e6bmuN mo refm atca h,tyelgn ieDgro esGai l,arehpotsir hsCamo h.T .noissefn os ci.H29 5l1ir pd Aitmuo braetnu oe chodttettimm o:cemoR .gni rr .kedScprSueoMPelk r6e6bmuN ,sd refosol u eohnhhcite esp’syelhg rrueBrusa edr rt eo.hlT evisnef eoadt nyirt nse’nee ueq h ftsoesu aec hgtniniatn o.C29 5o1nna

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