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NO 1 JANUARY 1992 Lethal Cytomegalovirus Infection in Preterm Message from the Editor Infants: Clinical, Radiological, and Arthur K. Asbury, MD Neuropathological Findings Jeffrey M. Perlman, MB, and Craig Argyle, MD Original Articles Occipital Lobe Epilepsy: Clinical Putamen Volume Reduction on Magnetic Characteristics, Seizure Spread Patterns, and Resonance Imaging Exceeds Caudate Changes in Results of Surgery Mild Huntington’s Disease P. D. Williamson, MD, V. M. Thadani, MD, GordonJ . Harris, PhD, Godfrey D. Pearlson, MB, BS, T. M. Darcey, PhD, D. D. Spencer, MD, Carol E. Peyser, MD, Elizabeth H. Aylward, PhD, S. S. Spencer, MD, and R. H. Mattson, MD Joy Roberts, BA, Patrick E. Barta, MD, PhD, Gary A. Chase, PhD, and Susan E. Folstein, MD Outcome after Ischemia in the Developing Sheep Brain: An Electroencephalographic and Nerve Growth Factor Prevents Experimental Histological Study Cisplatin Neuropathy Chris E. Williams, PhD, Alistair J].G unn, MD, Stuart C. Apfel, MD, Joseph C. Arezzo, PhD, Carina Mallard, BSc, and Peter D. Gluckman, DSc LeeAnne Lipson, and John A. Kessler, MD Cyclic AMP Metabolism in Fragile X Syndrome Osmolality and Nonsynaptic Epileptiform Bursts Elizabeth Berry-Kravis, MD, PhD, in Rat CA1 and Dentate Gyrus and Peter R. Huttenlocher, MD Steven N. Roper, MD, Andre Obenaus, PhD, Focal Conduction Block in the Dorsal Root and F. Edward Dudek, PhD Ganglion in Experimental Allergic Neuritis Breathing Disorders during Sleep in Myasthenia Glenn P. Stanley, BSc, Gravis Pamela A. McCombe, PhD, FRACP, M. A. Quera-Salva, MD, C. Guilleminault, MD, and Michael P. Pender, MD, PhD, FRACP S. Chevret, MD, G. Troche, MD, C. Fromageot, MD, Relapsing and Remitting Human C. Crowe McCann, MD, R. Stoos, MD, Immunodeficiency Virus—associated J. de Lattre, MD, J. C. Raphael, MD, Leukoencephalomyelopathy and Ph. Gajdos, MD Joseph R. Berger, MD, Carlo Tornatore, MD, Eugene O. Major, PhD, Jocelyn Bruce, MD, Parkinsonian Bradykinesia Is Due to Depression Paul Shapshak, Ph, Masaru Yoshioka, MD, in the Rate of Rise of Muscle Activity Sydney Houff, MD, William Sheremata, MD, E. Godaux, MD, D. Koulischer, MD, Gerald F. Horton, MD, and Howard Landy, MD andJ . Jacquy, MD Presence of HTLV-I Proviral DNA in Central Nervous System of Patients with HTLV-I-associated Myelopathy Brief Communications Jun-ichi Kira, MD, Yasuto ltoyama, MD, The Transcranial Doppler Appearance of Acute Yoshio Koyanagi, MD, Jun Tateishi, MD, Carotid Artery Occlusion Masao Kishikawa, MD, Shin-ichiro Akizuki, MD, Cole A. Giller, PhD, MD, Dana Mathews, PhD, MD, Itsuro Kobayashi, MD, Naoyuki Toki, MD, Phillip Purdy, MD, Thomas A. Kopitnik, MD, Katsuo Sueishi, MD, Hiroyuki Sato, MD, H. Hunt Batjer, MD, and Duke S. Samson, MD Yoshiyuki Sakaki, PhD, Naoki Yamamoto MD, and Ikuo Goto, MD Contrasting Effects of Alpha, Beta, and Gamma Interferons on Nonspecific Suppressor Function Regenerating and Denervated Human Muscle in Multiple Sclerosis Fibers and Satellite Cells Express Neural Cell Avertano Noronha, MBBS, MD, Angela Toscas, BA, Adhesion Molecule Recognized by Monoclonal and Mark A. Jensen, BS Antibodies to Natural Killer Cells Isabel Illa, MD, Marta Leon-Monzon, PhD, Cytochrome c Oxidase Deficiency and and Marinos C. Dalakas, MD Long-Chain Acyl Coenzyme A Dehydrogenase Deficiency with Leigh’s Subacute Necrotizing Sensorimotor Disinhibition in Parkinson’s Disease: Effects of Levodopa Encephalomyelopathy Michael P. Caligiuri, PhD, William C. Heindel, PhD, Heinz Reichmann, Helmut Scheel, Bert Bier, Uwe-Peter Ketelsen, and Siegfried Zabransky and James B. Lohr, MD Neurofilament and Neural Cell Adhesion Occult Epidural Chloroma Complicated by Molecule Immunocytochemistry of Acute Paraplegia Following Lumbar Puncture Huntington’s Disease Striatum Meng C. Wong, MRCP, George Krol, MD, Kuninobu Nihei, MD, PhD, and Neil W. Kowall, MD and Marc K. Rosenblum, MD Contents of Volume 31, January—June, 1992 iii Reply Letters C. W. Olanow, MD, FRFCP(C), Treatment of Spasticity with Botulinum Toxin and Jesse Cedarbaum, MD G. E. Borodic, MD, R. Ferrante, A. W. Wiegner, PhD, and R. R. Young, MD Acquired Selective Signature Dysgraphia Antonio M. Regueiro, PhD, Oscar G. Segurado, MD, Reply Pedro Mata, MD, and José R. Regueiro, PhD Joseph K. C. Tsui, MBBS, MRCP, FRCPC, BarryJ . Snow, MD, FRACP, and Donald B. Calne, DM, FRCP, FRCPC Outcome Measures for Clinical Trials in Multiple Sclerosis Lack of Changes in Ventricular Cerebrospinal Hillel §. Panitch, MD Fluid Concentrations of Homovanillic Acid Following Acute Challenge with Levodopa Reply Zouheir Moussa, MD, Christian Raftopoulos, MD, Henry F. McFarland, MD Serge Przedborski, MD, and Jerzy Hildebrand, MD NO 2 FEBRUARY 1992 166 Transplantation of Fetal Dopamine Neurons in Neurological Progress Parkinson’s Disease: PET {'8F}6-1-Fluorodopa Does Impairment of Energy Metabolism Result Studies in Two Patients with Putaminal in Excitotoxic Neuronal Death in Implants Neurodegenerative Illnesses? Guy V. Sawle, DM, Peter M. Bloomfield, BSc, M. Flint Beal, MD Anders Bitrklund, PhD, DavidJ . Brooks, MD, Patrik Brundin, MD, Klaus L. Leenders, MD, Original Articles Olle Lindvall, PhD, C. David Marsden, DSc, Primary Structure of the Adult Human Skeletal Stig Rehncrona, PhD, Hakan Widner, PhD, Muscle Voltage-Dependent Sodium Channel and Richard §. J. Frackowiak, MD Alfred L. George, Jr, MD, Jeffrey Komisarof, Roland G. Kallen, MD, PhD, Progressive Language Disorder Due to Lobar and Robert L. Barchi, MD, PhD Atrophy Magnetic Resonance Image—Based J. S. Snowden, PhD, D. Neary, MD, Hippocampal Volumetry: Correlation with D. M. A. Mann, PhD, P. J. Goulding, MD, Outcome after Temporal Lobectomy and H. J. Testa, MD, PhD Clifford R. Jack, Jr, MD, Frank W. Sharbrough, MD, Gregory D. Cascino, MD, Kathryn A. Hirschorn, MD, Peter C. O’Brien, PhD, and W. Richard Marsh, MD Striatal D, Receptor Status in Patients with Parkinson’s Disease, Striatonigral Degeneration, Familial Periodic Cerebellar Ataxia: A Problem and Progressive Supranuclear Palsy, Measured of Cerebellar Intracellular pH Homeostasis with ''C-Raclopride and Positron Emission P. G. Bain, MA, MRCP, M. D. O’Brien, MD, FRCP, Tomography S. F. Keevil, MA, MSc, MIPSM, and D. A. Porter, BSc D. J. Brooks, MD, V. Ibanez, MD, G. V. Sawle, MD, E. D. Playford, MRCP, N. Quinn, MD, Transplantation of Fetal Dopamine Neurons in C. J. Mathias, DPhil, A. J. Lees, MD, Parkinson’s Disease: One-year Clinical and C. D. Marsden, DSc, R. Bannister, MD, Neurophysiological Observations in Two and R. S. J. Frackowiak, MD Patients with Putaminal Implants Olle Lindvall, MD, Hakan Widner, MD, Stig Rehncrona, MD, Patrik Brundin, MD, Parietal Lobe Epilepsy: Diagnostic Per Odin, MD, Bjérn Gustavii, MD, Considerations and Results of Surgery Richard Frackowiak, MD, P. D. Williamson, MD, P. A. Boon, MD, Klaus L. Leenders, MD, Guy Sawle, MD, V. M. Thadani, MD, T. M. Darcey, PhD, John C. Rothwell, MD, Anders Bjirklund, MD, D. D. Spencer, MD, S. S. Spencer, MD, and C. David Marsden, MD R. A. Novelly, PhD, and R. H. Mattson, MD Contents of Volume 31, January—June, 1992 'H and 3'P Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy of Letters the Brain in Degenerative Cerebral Disorders Marjo S. van der Knaap, MD, The Rate of Progression of Parkinson’s Disease Jeroen van der Grond, MSc, Peter R. Luyten, PhD, Guy V. Sawle, DM Jan A. den Hollander, PhD, Jos J. P. Nauta, MSc, Reply and Jaap Valk, MD, PhD Mohit H. Bhatt, MD, DM, Infantile Spasms: II. Lenticular Nuclei and Brain BarryJ .S now, MBChB, FRACP, Stem Activation on Positron Emission W. R. Wayne Martin, MD, FRCPC, Tomography Brian D. Pate, PhD, Thomas J. Ruth, PhD, Harry T. Chugani, MD, D. Alan Shewmon, MD, and Donald B. Calne, DM, FRCP, FRCPC Raman Sankar, MD, PhD, Benjamin C. Chen, MD, Magnetic Resonance Imaging in and Michael E. Phelps, PhD Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease Thomas F. G. Esmonde, MRCP, Brief Communications and Robert G. Will, MD, FRCP(E) The Chiari Type I Malformation in Two MRI and CJD Monozygotic Twins and First-Degree Relatives G. Ebinger, MD, PhD Lars Jacob Stovner, MD, Johan Cappelen, MD, Gunnar Nilsen, MD, and Ottar Sjaastad, MD, PhD Reply Scott W. Atlas, MD Genetic Association and Linkage Analysis of the Apolipoprotein CII Locus and Familial Loss of High-Affinity Agonist Receptor Binding Alzheimer’s Disease in Alzheimer’s Disease Gerard D. Schellenberg, PhD, Michael Boehnke, PhD, Jacques De Keyser, MD Ellen M. Wijsman, PhD, Deborah K. Moore, PhD, George M. Martin, MD, and Thomas D. Bird, MD Reply Deborah C. Mash, PhD, and Donna D. Flynn, PhD Obituary Roger William Gilliatt, 1922-1991 Regular Departments W. I. McDonald, MB, ChB Books NO 3 MARCH Multifocal Inflammatory Leukoencephalopathy Original Articles with 5-Fluorouracil and Levamisole Proton Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopic C. Christopher Hook, MD, David W. Kimmel, MD, Imaging for Metabolic Characterization of Larry K. Kvols, MD, Bernd W. Scheithauer, MD, Demyelinating Plaques Peter A. Forsyth, MD, Joseph Rubin, MD, Douglas L. Arnold, MD, FRCP(C), Charles G. Moertel, MD, and Moses Rodriguez, MD Paul M. Matthews, MD, DPhil, FRCP(C), Gordon S. Francis, MD, FRCP(C), The Spectrum of Neurological Disease in John O’Connor, MD, and Jack P. Antel, MD, FRCP(C) Patients with Systemic Cancer Paul D. Clouston, MBBS, FRACP, Lisa M. DeAngelis, MD, and Jerome B. Posner, MD Mild Senile Dementia of the Alzheimer Type. 4. Evaluation of Intervention Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease Cosegregates with the Leonard Berg, MD, J. Philip Miller, AB, Codon 1784*° PRNP Mutation in Families of Jack Baty, BA, Eugene H. Rubin, MD, PhD, European Origin John C. Morris, MD, and Gary Figiel, MD Lev G. Goldfarb, MD, Paul Brown, MD, Matti Haltia, MD, Francoise Cathala, MD, W. Richard McCombie, PhD, Jussi Kovanen, MD, Localization of Extratemporal Epileptic Foci Larisa Cervendkové, MD, Lynn Goldin, PhD, During Ictal Single Photon Emission Computed Ana Nieto, MD, Mark S. Godec, MD, Tomography David M. Asher, MD, and D. Carleton Gajdusek, MD David A. Marks, MD, Amiram Katz, MD, Paul Hoffer, MD, and Susan S. Spencer, MD Phenotypic Characteristics of Familial Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease Associated with the Codon 1784** PRNP Mutation Late-Onset Metachromatic Leukodystrophy: Paul Brown, MD, Lev G. Goldfarb, MD, Molecular Pathology in Two Siblings Jussi Kovanen, MD, Mattie Haltia, MD, Joachim Kappler, MD, Kurt von Figura, MD, Francoise Cathala, MD, Michael Sulima, and Volkmar Gieselmann, MD C. J. Gibbs,J r,P hD, and D. Carleton Gajdusek, MD Contents of Volume 31, January-June, 1992 v Selective Accumulation of Aluminum and Iron Issues in Clinical Neuroscience in the Neurofibrillary Tangles of Alzheimer’s Disease: A Laser Microprobe (LAMMA) Study Revised Estimate of the Prevalence of Multiple Paul F. Good, BS, Daniel P. Perl, MD, Sclerosis in the United States Linda M. Bierer, MD, and James Schmeidler, PhD D. W. Anderson, PhD, J. H. Ellenberg, PhD, C. M. Leventhal, MD, S. C. Reingold, PhD, A Follow-Up Study of Isolated Cases of M. Rodriguez, MD, and D. H. Silberberg, MD Suspected Huntington’s Disease D. Bateman, MRCP, A. M. Boughey, BNurs, F. Scaravilli, FRCPath, C. D. Marsden, FRS, Brief Communications and A. E. Harding, FRCP Congenital Hypomyelination Neuropathy with Arthrogryposis Multiplex Congenita Cortically Evoked Motor Responses in Patients Kevin B. Boylan, MD, Donna M. Ferriero, MD, with Xp22.3-Linked Kallmann’s Syndrome and Claudia M. Greco, MD, R. Ann Sheldon, BA, in Female Gene Carriers and Michael Dew, MD Adrian Danek, MD, Babett Heye, MD, and Robert Schroedter, BSc Familial Amyloidotic Polyneuropathy: Report of Collagen Cross-linking of Skin in Patients with Patients Heterozygous for the Transthyretin Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Gly*? Gene Seiitsu Ono, MD, PhD, Tatsufumi Murakami, MD, Shigehiro Yi, MD, and Mitsuo Yamauchi, DDS, PhD Kenji Yamamoto, MD, Shoichi Maruyama, MD, and Shukuro Araki, MD T Cells from Normal and Myasthenic Individuals Recognize the Human Acetylcholine Receptor: Heterogeneity of Antigenic Sites on Electroconvulsive Therapy Treatment of the a-Subunit Depression in a Patient with Adult GM2 A. Melms, MD, G. Malcherek, MSc, U. Gern, BS, Gangliosidosis H. Wiethélter, MD, C. A. Miller, MD, Perry F. Renshaw, MD, PhD, Theodore A. Stern, MD, R. Schoepfer, MD, and J. Lindstrom, PhD Charles Welch, MD, Ronald Schouten, JD, MD, and Edwin H. Kolodny, MD In Vivo Imaging of Glucose Consumption and Lactate Concentration in Human Gliomas K. Herholz, MD, W. Heindel, MD, P. R. Luyten, PhD, Letters J. A. denHollander, PhD, U. Pietrzyk, PhD, Uncommon Phenotype for a Codon 178 J. Voges, MD, H. Kugel, PhD, G. Friedmann, MD, Mutation of the Human PrP Gene and W.-D. Heiss, MD J. L. Laplanche, PhD, J. Chatelain, PhD, S. Thomas, J. M. Launay, PhD, C. Gaultier, MD, GM1 Gangliosidosis in Adults: Clinical and and C. Derouesne, MD Molecular Analysis of 16 Japanese Patients Kunihiro Yoshida, MD, Akihiro Oshima, MD, Hitoshi Sakuraba, MD, Takeshi Nakano, MD, Myelin Basic Protein Peptides in Urine Nobuo Yanagisawa, MD, Koji Inui, MD, Richard Barry, PhD, Christopher Bolton, PhD, Shintaro Okada, MD, Ei-ichiro Uyama, MD, Paul Glynn, PhD, and Nigel Groome, PhD Reiko Namba, MD, Kiyohiko Kondo, MD, Shin-ichi Iwasaki, MD, Kiyoshi Takamiya, MD, Reply and Yoshiyuki Suzuki, MD John N. Whitaker, MD NO 4 APRIL 1992 Original Articles 361 Human Immunodeficiency Virus Infection in Cytokine Expression in the Brain during the Microglia: Correlation Between Cells Infected in Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome the Brain and Cells Cultured from Infectious William R. Tyor, MD, Jonathan D. Glass, MD, Brain Tissue John W. Griffin, MD, P. Scott Becker, MD, R. Brinkmann, A. Schwinn, O. Narayan, C. Zink, Justin C. McArthur, MBBS, MPH, H. W. Kreth, W. Roggendorf, R. Dirries, S. Schwender, Lena Bezman, MD, and Diane E. Griffin, MD, PhD H. Imrich, and V. ter Meulen vi Contents of Volume 31, January—June, 1992 Chronic Neuroleptic Treatment: D2 Dopamine Editorial Receptor Supersensitivity and Striatal Glutamatergic Transmission Low-grade Gliomas: When to Treat? Paolo Calabresi, MD, Marco De Murtas, MD, William R. Shapiro, MD Nicola Biagio Mercuri, MD, and Giorgio Bernardi, MD Brief Communications Distribution of Cisternal Blood in Patients with JC Virus Infection and Alzheimer’s Disease: © Acute Hydrocephalus after Subarachnoid Reappraisal of an In Situ Hybridization Hemorrhage Approach Djo Hasan, MD, Hervé L. J. Tanghe, MD Outi Heinonen, MSc, Stina Syrjanen, DDS, PhD, Rauno Mdéntyjarvi, MD, PAD, Bilateral Striopallidodentate Calcinosis: Kari Syrjdnen, MD, PAD, Cerebrospinal Fluid, Imaging, and and Paavo Riekkinen, MD, PhD Electrophysiological Studies Bala V. Manyam, MD, Mohit H. Bhatt, MD, DM, Motor Nerve Biopsy in Severe Guillain-Barré William D. Moore, MD, PhD, Syndrome Allen B. Devleschoward, MD, Susan M. Hall, DSc, Richard A. C. Hughes, FRCP, Darrel R. Anderson, MD, and Donald B. Calne, DM Penny F. Atkinson, MSc, lan McColl, FRCS, and Andrew Gale, FRCP Experimental Conduction Block Induced by Serum from a Patient with Anti-GM1 Localization of Herpes Simplex Virus and Antibodies Varicella Zoster Virus DNA in Human Ganglia Maria Santoro, MD, Antonino Uncini, MD, R. Mahalingam, PhD, M. C. Wellish, BS, Massimo Corbo, MD, Susan M. Staugaitis, PhD, A. N. Dueland, MD, R. J. Cohrs, PhD, Florian P. Thomas, MD, Arthur P. Hays, MD, and D. H. Gilden, MD and Norman Latov, MD, PhD MELAS: Clinical Features, Biochemistry, and Letters Molecular Genetics E. Ciafaloni, MD, E. Ricci, MD, S. Shanske, PhD, Cerebrospinal Fluid Amino Acids in C. T. Moraes, MSc, G. Silvestri, MD, M. Hirano, MD, Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis S. Simonetti, PhD, C. Angelini, MD, Malte E. Kornhuber, MD, M. A. Donati, MD, C. Garcia, MD, and Johannes Kornhuber, MD A. Martinuzzi, MD, R. Mosewich, MD, Reply S. Servidei, MD, E. Zammarchi, MD, E. Bonilla, MD, Jeffrey D. Rethstein, MD, PhD, D. C. DeVivo, MD, L. P. Rowland, MD, and Ralph W. Kuncl, MD, PhD E. A. Schon, PhD, and S. DiMauro, MD The Therapeutic Effect of Bromocriptine on Wallenberg’s Syndrome: Lateropulsion, Acute and Chronic Experimental Allergic Cyclorotation, and Subjective Visual Vertical in Encephalomyelitis Thirty-Six Patients C. D. Dijkstra, MD, PhD, E. Rouppe van der Voort, Marianne Dieterich, MD, and Thomas Brandt, MD C. J. A. De Groot, B. M. J. Uitdehaag, MD, Fabry Disease: Immunocytochemical C. H. Polman, MD, PhD, and F. Berkenbosch, PhD Characterization of Neuronal Involvement Reply Gabrielle A. deVeber, MD, Peter N. Riskind, MD, PhD Gerald A. Schwarting, PhD, Edwin H. Kolodny, MD, and Neil W. Kowall, MD Brain *'P-Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy in Mitochondrial Cytopathies Voluntary Activation and Fiber Density of Pasquale Montagna, MD, Paolo Martinelli, MD, Fasciculations in Motor Neuron Disease Pietro Cortelli, MD, Paolo Zaniol, PhD, RobertoJ . Guiloff, FRCP, Elio Lugaresi, MD, and Bruno Barbiroli, MD, PhD and Hamid Modarres-Sadeghi, MRCP(1) Preferential Loss of Striato-External Pallidal Expedited Publication Projection Neurons in Presymptomatic Detection of JC Virus DNA in Peripheral Huntington’s Disease Lymphocytes from Patients with and without Roger L. Albin, MD, Anton Reiner, PhD, Progressive Multifocal Leukoencephalopathy Keith D. Anderson, PhD, Leon S. Dure IV, MD, Carlo Tornatore, MD, Joseph R. Berger, MD, Barbara Handelin, PhD, Rosemary Balfour, PhD, Sidney A. Houff, MD, Blanche Curfman, BA, William O. Whetsell, Jr, MD, John B. Penney, MD, Karen Meyers, David Winfield, MBA, and and Anne B. Young, MD, PhD Eugene O. Major, PhD Suspected Low-grade Glioma: Is Deferring Treatment Safe? Lawrence D. Recht, MD, Robert Lew, PhD, Regular Departments and Thomas W. Smith, MD Books Contents of Volume 31, January—June, 1992 vii NO5 MAY 1992 Detection of Coronavirus RNA and Antigen in Original Articles Multiple Sclerosis Brain Functional Reorganization of the Brain in Ronald S. Murray, MD, Bonnie Brown, BS, Recovery from Striatocapsular Infarction in Man David Brian, PhD, DVM, and Gary F. Cabirac, PhD Cornelius Wetller, MD, Francois Chollet, MD, KarlJ . Friston, MRCPsych, RichardJ .S . Wise, MD, Prognostic Value of Cytogenetic Analysis in and Richard S. J. Frackowiak, MD Human Cerebral Astrocytomas David W. Kimmel, MD, Judith R. O'Fallon, PhD, Memory Disturbances Following Anterior Bernd W. Scheithauer, MD, Patrick J. Kelly, MD, Communicating Artery Rupture Gordon W. Dewald, PhD, Eva Irle, PhD, Berndt Wowra, MD, HannsJ . Kunert, and Robert B. Jenkins, MD, PhD Jirgen Hampl, MD, and Stefan Kunze, MD Hypervolemic Therapy Prevents Volume Vascular Differentiation and Glucose Contraction But Not Hyponatremia Following Transporter Expression in Rat Gliomas: Effects Subarachnoid Hemorrhage of Steroids Michael N. Diringer, MD, Katherine C. Wu, BA, Christopher Guerin, MD, Johannes E. A. Wolff, MD, Joseph G. Verbalis, MD, and Daniel F. Hanley, MD John Laterra, MD, PhD, Lester R. Drewes, PhD, Henry Brem, MD, and Gary W. Goldstein, MD Selective D2 Receptor Stimulation Induces Dyskinesia in Parkinsonian Monkeys Corticotropin-releasing Hormone—induced M. Rosario Luquin, MD, Janeth Laguna, LM, Seizures in Infant Rats Originate in the and Jose A. Obeso, MD Amygdala Tallie Z. Baram, MD, PhD, Edouard Hirsch, MD, O. Carter Snead, III, MD, and Linda Schultz Brief Review Paresis of Contralateral Smooth Pursuit and Recent Progress Toward Understanding the Normal Vestibular Smooth Eye Movements after Molecular Biology of Von Recklinghausen Unilateral Brainstem Lesions Neurofibromatosis Janine L. Johnston, MD, James A. Sharpe, MD, David H. Gutmann, MD, PhD, and Mark J. Morrow, MD and Francis §. Collins, MD, PhD Idiopathic Recurring Stupor: A Case with Possible Involvement of the Gamma-Aminobutyric Acid (GABA)ergic Brief Communications System Ascorbate Neurotoxicity in Cortical Cell Culture P. Tinuper, MD, P. Montagna, MD, P. Cortelli, MD, Kinya Hisanaga, MD, Stephen M. Sagar, MD, P. Avoni, MD, A. Lugaresi, MD, P. Schoch, PhD, and Frank R. Sharp, MD E. P. Bonetti, MD, R. Gallassi, MD, E. Sforza, MD, and E. Lugaresi, MD Cholinesterases in the Amyloid Angiopathy of Alzheimer’s Disease “Resetting” of Postural Tremors at the Wrist Marsel Mesulam, MD, Keith Carson, PhD, with Mechanical Stretches in Parkinson’s Bruce Price, MD, and Changiz Geula, PhD Disease, Essential Tremor, and Normal Subjects Mimicking Tremor Duplication of Part of Chromosome 17 Is T. C. Britton, MB, MRCP, Commonly Associated with Hereditary Motor P. D. Thompson, PhD, FRACP, B. L. Day, DPhil, and Sensory Neuropathy Type I J. C. Rothwell, PhD, L. J. Findley, MD, FRCP, (Charcot-Marie-Tooth Disease Type I) and C. D. Marsden, DSc, FRCP P. J. Hallam, BSc, A. E. Harding, FRCP, J. Berciano, MD, D. F. Barker, PhD, Oxidative Metabolism in Muscle Mitochondria and S. Malcolm, PhD from Patients with Chronic Alcoholism F. Cardellach, MD, J.G alofré, MD, J.M . Grau, MD, J. Casademont, MD,J . B. Hoek, PhD, E. Rubin, MD, PhD, and A. Urbano-Marquez, MD Vignette Charles Loomis Dana Autoimmune Inflammation of Astrocyte John C. M. Brust, MD Transplants Fred D. Lublin, MD, Joseph C. Marini, BA, Marielle Perreault, BS. “‘hristina Olender, BS, Concetta D’Imper?. 8S, Jeymohan Joseph, PhD, Letters Robert Korngold, PhD, Diagnosis of Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis and Robert L. Knobler, MD, PhD Bradley K. Evans, MD Viii Contents of Volume 31, January—June, 1992 574 Naltrexone and Tourette’s Syndrome Reply Gerald Erenberg, MD, and Richard J. Lederman, MD Donald B. Calne, DM, Andrew Eisen, MD, and Graydon Meneilly, MD 574 Treatment of Guillain-Barré Syndrome with DDAVP in the Management of Nocturia in Protein-A Immunoadsorption: Report of Two Multiple Sclerosis Cases Guy Valiquette, MD, Gary M. Abrams, MD, J. C. Ruiz,J .B erciano, J. M. Polo, and Joseph Herbert, MD A. L. M. de Francisco, and M. Arias Regular Departments Normal Aging of the Nervous System Books Guy V. Sawle, DM, and DavidJ . Brooks, MD NO 6 JUNE 1992 Quantitative Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Editorial Temporal Lobe Epilepsy: Relationship to A Cornucopia of Human Schwann Cells Neuropathology and Neuropsychological David Pleasure, MD Function Todd Lencz, BA, Gregory McCarthy, PhD, Original Articles Richard A. Bronen, MD, Tammy M. Scott, MS, Selective Culture of Mitotically Active Human Jaime A. Inserni, MD, KimberleeJ . Sass, PhD, Schwann Cells from Adult Sural Nerves Robert A. Novelly, PhD, Jung H. Kim, MD, J. Lynn Rutkowski, PhD, Gihan I. Tennekoon, MD, and Dennis D. Spencer, MD and John E. McGillicuddy, MD 3-O-Methyldopa Administration Does Not Alter Shared T-cell Receptor Gene Usage in Fluorodopa Transport into the Brain Experimental Allergic Neuritis and Mark Guttman, MD, Gabriel Léger, BSc, Encephalomyelitis Jesse M. Cedarbaum, MD, Avinoam Reches, MD, Lise Clark, VMD, PhD, Ellen Heber-Katz, PhD, William Woodward, PhD, Alan Evans, PhD, and Abdolmohamad Rostami, MD, PhD Mirko Diksic, PhD, and Albert Gjedde, MD, PhD GAP-43 Gene Expression Is Increased in Neurological Complications Following Liver Anterior Horn Cells of Amyotrophic Lateral Transplantation Sclerosis Daniel P. Stein, MD, RichardJ .L ederman, MD, PhD, Irma M. Parhad, MD, Roderick Oishi, BSc, David P. Vogt, MD, Wilitam D. Carey, MD, and Arthur W. Clark, MD and Thomas A. Broughan, MD Recurrent Status Epilepticus in Children Functional Neuroimaging Strategy in Temporal Shlomo Shinnar, MD, PhD, Joseph Maytal, MD, Lobe Epilepsy: A Comparative Study of Lawrence Krasnoff, PhD, and Solomon L. Moshe, MD '8EDG-PET and ”™Tc-HMPAO-SPECT Differences in Sensitivity to Hyperglycemic Philippe Ryvlin, MD, Bernard Philippon, Hypoxia of Isolated Rat Sensory and Motor Luc Cinotti, MD, Jean C. Froment, MD, Nerve Fibers Didier Le Bars, PhD, U. Schneider, Dipl Biol, R. Jund, S. Nees, MD, PAD, and Francois Mauguiére, MD, PhD and P. Grafe, MD, PhD B-Adrenergic Receptor Density and Function of Monoaminergic and Cholinergic Synaptic Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells Are Markers in the Nucleus Basalis of Meynert Increased in Multiple Sclerosis: A Regulatory (nbM): Normal Age-related Changes and the Role for Cortisol and Interleukin-1 Effect of Heart Disease and Alzheimer’s Disease Y. Zoukos, MD, J. P. Leonard, PhD, D. Larry Sparks, PhD, T. Thomaides, MD, A. J. Thompson, MD, John C. Hunsaker Ill, MD, JD, John T. Slevin, MD, and M. L. Cuzner, DSc Steven T. DeKosky, MD, Richard J. Kryscio, PhD, and William R. Markesbery, MD Startle Disease, or Hyperekplexia: Response to Clonazepam and Assignment of the Gene Motion-defined Letter Detection and (STHE) to Chromosome 5q by Linkage Analysis Recognition in Patients with Multiple Sclerosis Stephen G. Ryan, MD, Stephanie L. Sherman, PhD, D. Giaschi, PhD, D. Regan, DSc, A. Kothe, PhD, Joseph C. Terry, MD, Robert S. Sparkes, MD, X. H. Hong, PhD, andJ . A. Sharpe, MD M. Cristina Torres, BS, and Ray W. Mackey, MD Contents of Volume 31, January—June, 1992 ix New Horizons in Neurology Vignette The Twentieth Century William G. Spiller Arthur K. Asbury, MD, and Charles D. Aring, MD Kenneth L. Tyler, MD Brief Communications Letters A Novel Point Mutation in the Mitochondrial Undetectable Tumor Necrosis Factor-Alpha in tRNA“UUR Gene in a Family with Spinal Fluid from HIV-1-Infected Patients Mitochondrial Myopathy Edward G. Shaskan, PhD, Randall M. Thompson, BS, Yua-ichi Goto, MD, Megumu Tojo, MD, and Richard W. Price, MD Jun Tohyama, MD, Satoshi Horai, MD, and Ikuya Nonaka, MD Reply L. M. E. Grimaldi, MD, G. V. Martino, MD, Idiopathic Childhood Stroke is Associated with D. M. Franctotta, MD, R. Brustia, MD, Human Leukocyte Antigen (HLA)-B51 A. Castagna, MD, R. Pristera, MD, Mark Mintz, Leon G. Epstein, and A. Lazzarin, MD and M. Richard Koenigsberger Monoclonal Gammopathy and Neuropathy Serum IgG Antibody to Ganglioside GQIb Is a Alan Pestronk, MD Possible Marker of Miller Fisher Syndrome Atsuro Chiba, MD, Susumu Kusunoki, MD, Monoclonal Gammopathy and Neuropathy Teruo Shimizu, MD, and Ichiro Kanazawa, MD Norman Latov, MD, PhD Immunological Detection of Glutamate Reply Receptor Subtypes in Human Central Nervous Sylvie Gosselin, MD, Robert A. Kyle, MD, System and Peter James Dyck, MD Craig D. Blackstone, MS, Allan I. Levey, MD, PAD, LeeJ .M artin, PhD, Donald L. Price, MD, and Richard L. Huganir, PhD Indexes to Volume 31 Author Index Sensory Neuropathy Associated with Monoclonal Immunoglobulin M to GDlb Subject Index Ganglioside Geneviéve C. Daune, PhD, Robert G. Farrer, PhD, Marinos C. Dalakas, MD, Regular Departments and Richard H. Quarles, PhD Books x Contents of Volume 31, January—June, 1992 ay

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