2 x x 4 Anisotropi Sus eptibility of La − Sr CoO related to 8 the Spin States of Cobalt 0 0 2 1 1 1 1 N Hollmann , M W Haverkort , M Cwik , M Benomar , n 1 2 1 a M Reuther , A Tanaka , T Lorenz J 1 II. Physikalis hes Institut, University of Cologne,Zülpi herstrasse 77, D-50937Köln, 4 1 G2 ermany Department of Quantum Matter, ADSM, Hiroshima University, Higashi-Hiroshima ] l 739-8530,Japan e - E-mail: hollmannph2.uni-koeln.de r t s . t Abstra t. a 2−x x 4 We presenta study of the magneti sus eptibility of La Sr CoO single rystals m 0.3 x 0.8 inadopingrange ≤ ≤ . Ourdatashowsapronoun edmagneti anisotropyfor - S =0 d all ompounds. This anisotropy is in agreement with a low-spin ground state ( ) 3+ x 0.4 S = 3/2 2+ n of Co for ≥ and a high-spin ground state ( ) of Co . We ompare o our data with a rystal-(cid:28)eld model al ulation assuming lo al moments and (cid:28)nd a c x 0.5 [ good des ription of the magneti behavior for ≥ . This in ludes the pronoun ed kinksobservedin the inversemagneti sus eptibility, whi hresult from theanisotropy 1 2+ v and low-energy ex ited states of Co and are not related to magneti ordering or 7 temperature-dependent spin-state transitions. 8 0 2 . 1 PACS numbers: 71.20.Be, 71.70.Ch, 71.70.Ej, 75.30.Gw 0 8 0 : v i X r a 2−x x 4 Anisotropi Sus eptibility of La Sr CoO related to the Spin States of Cobalt 2 Transition-metal oxides are known for their omplex interplay between di(cid:27)erent degrees of freedom like spin, harge and orbitals. In some of these systems another 3+ interesting property is found: ions like Co in a rystal-(cid:28)eld environment an o ur in di(cid:27)erent spin states. Additionally, transitions between di(cid:27)erent spin states are possible 3 for some ompounds. A prominent example showing this phenomenon is LaCoO , whi h has been examined and dis ussed sin e the middle of the last entury (see e.g. Refs. [1(cid:21)11℄). The existen e of di(cid:27)erent spin states arises from the ompetition between rystal- 3d (cid:28)eld e(cid:27)e ts and on-site Coulomb intera tion. Crystal (cid:28)elds lift the degenera y of the states. If the rystal (cid:28)eld is strong, this an lead to a violation of Hund's rules. In the 3d ase of ubi symmetry and in a one-ele tron pi ture, the (cid:28)ve-fold degenerate states t e 2g g are splitintoa three-folddegenerate and a two-fold degenerate level. The splitting t e 10Dq 2g g between and states is alled . With a strong rystal (cid:28)eld, the ele trons will 3d6 be for ed into the low-spin state (LS). Regarding a system, this state onsists of an t6 e0 S = 0 2g g antiparallel alignment of spins with and . On the other hand, the Coulomb intera tion manifests itself in the e(cid:27)e t of Hund's oupling. A parallel arrangement of spins minimizes the ele tron-ele tron repulsion be ause the Pauli prin iple for es the ele trons to o upy di(cid:27)erent orbitals. In a weak ubi rystal (cid:28)eld, this e(cid:27)e t will dominate and lead to the high-spin state (HS), whi h is the on(cid:28)guration with the 3d6 highest total spin possible in a ordan e with the Pauli prin iple. For a system, this t4 e2 S = 2 3+ 2g g on(cid:28)guration is with . For Co the rossover between these two di(cid:27)erent 10Dq = 2.2 spin states o urs roughly at an energy di(cid:27)eren e of eV. 3+ 3 Inthe ase ofLaCoO , alow-spingroundstateforCo wasfound[2℄. Interestingly, the di(cid:27)eren e between the rystal (cid:28)eld energies and the promotional energies is so small thatanex itedstatewithdi(cid:27)erentspinstate anbe rea hedby thermalex itation. This ex ited state has been a subje t of debate for a long time. Apart from the HS state t5 e1 S = 1 2g g des ribed above, the intermediate-spin state (IS, ) was also dis ussed [4℄ and reported in many experiments, but it was shown that it might have been onfused with a spin-orbit oupled HS state [11℄. 2−x x 4 For the layered obaltates La Sr CoO , mu h less is known about the spin state 3+ x 0.7 of Co . Based on magneti measurements [12℄ a HS ground state for ≤ and a x > 0.7 spin-state transition to an IS ground state for was proposed. This on lusion was based on a Curie-Weiss analysis of the sus eptibility in a temperature range of 100K to300K and NMR measurements [13℄. Unrestri ted Hartree-Fo k al ulations[14℄ showed aslightlydi(cid:27)erentpi ture. Here, threedi(cid:27)erent magneti phases were found. An x < 0.39 0.39 x 0.52 antiferromagneti HS phase ( ), a ferromagneti HS phase ( ≤ ≤ ) and x > 0.52 anantiferromagneti LS-HS-orderedphase ( )wereproposed. These al ulations were also based on the results of the Curie-Weiss analysis in Ref. [12℄. Taking into 2−x x 4 a ount that La Sr CoO is an anisotropi material with rather strong spin-orbit oupling ompared to the tetragonal rystal (cid:28)eld splitting, the validity of the Curie- Weisslawisquestionable. Theaimofthispaperistoanalyzethemagneti sus eptibility 3+ from a di(cid:27)erent perspe tive, on entrating on the spin state of Co . 2−x x 4 Anisotropi Sus eptibility of La Sr CoO related to the Spin States of Cobalt 3 2−x x 4 Figure 1: Magneti sus eptibility of La Sr CoO for two di(cid:27)erent dire tions of the magneti (cid:28)eld. The insert is an expanded view of the low-temperature region to show 0.3 x 0.6 the di(cid:27)eren e between FC and ZFC measurements for ≤ ≤ . The urves with the lower sus eptibility refer to the ZFC measurements. The single rystals used for the magneti measurements have been grown using the 0.3 x 0.8 (cid:29)oating-zone te hnique in an image furna e. A strontium doping range of ≤ ≤ 2−x x 4 was overed. Resistivitymeasurementsrevealed thatLa Sr CoO isa stronginsulator x = 0.5 for all Sr doping on entrations. The sample turned out to possess the highest 2+ 3+ 750 resistivity, whi h is in a ordan e with the harge ordering of Co and Co at ≈ K that has already been reported [15℄. The magnetization was measured with a Quantum Design vibrating sample 2 magnetometer (VSM). The (cid:28)eld was aligned parallel to the CoO planes as well as c perpendi ular to these planes (the rystallographi dire tion). The orresponding χ χ ab c omponents and are plotted in Fig. 1. A short-range antiferromagneti order 0.3 x 0.6 has been found in the ompounds ≤ ≤ by neutron measurements [16℄. This frustrated short-range order is also re(cid:29)e ted by the di(cid:27)eren e between (cid:28)eld ooled (FC) and zero-(cid:28)eld ooled (ZFC) measurements at low temperatures. The sus eptibility is smaller for ZFC than FC below a ertain freezing temperature. Figure 2 shows the inverse magneti sus eptibility for both orientations of (cid:28)eld. The main feature of the sus eptibility in the paramagneti regime is the pronoun ed 2−x x 4 Anisotropi Sus eptibility of La Sr CoO related to the Spin States of Cobalt 4 2−x x 4 Figure 2: Inverse sus eptibility of La Sr CoO for two di(cid:27)erent dire tions of the magneti (cid:28)eld. The form of the urves and the magneti anisotropy strongly deviates from Curie-Weiss behavior. magneti anisotropy, both in magnitude and form of the urves. The dire tion of the χ χ ab c anisotropy is the same for all rystals, (cid:28)nding to be bigger than . Here, the magneti anisotropy arises from band stru ture and spin-orbit oupling. For Mott and harge-transfer insulators with well-lo alized moments, band-stru ture and ovalen y e(cid:27)e ts an be approximated by an e(cid:27)e tive rystal (cid:28)eld. The rystal (cid:28)eld 3d re(cid:29)e ts the anisotropy of the latti e and lifts the degenera y of the states, resulting in a new set of linear ombinations of the unperturbed wave fun tions as a basis. The expe tation values of the omponents of the orbitalmoment result from these new linear ombinations. Thus, the rystal's anisotropy may result in an anisotropy of the orbital moment. Spin-orbit oupling ties the spin moment to this anisotropy. The spin-orbit ζP l s i oupling Hamiltonian will be written as i i · i where the sum over runs over all ele trons. The dot produ t between spin and orbital momentum tends to align these moments antiparallel for ea h ele tron. For an anisotropi orbital momentum, the spin is aligned in the dire tion of maximum orbital momentum [17℄. d6 d7 The full many-body ground-state for a or on(cid:28)guration in a rystal-(cid:28)eld al ulation in luding spin-orbit oupling and a tetragonal distortions is not simple [18℄ but well known. In order to get an intuitive pi ture one would like to fall ba k to a single ele tron des ription. In the limit of full spin polarization this an be done and gives important results. In the following we will (cid:28)rst dis uss the magneti anisotropy of 2−x x 4 La Sr CoO in terms of a one-ele tron pi ture. We will show that ea h spin state has a di(cid:27)erent magneti anisotropy from whi h, by omparison to the experiment, the spin states of the Co ion an be on luded. In order to obtain also a quantitative des ription and to verify our simple argumentation we will present a full many-body rystal-(cid:28)eld 2−x x 4 Anisotropi Sus eptibility of La Sr CoO related to the Spin States of Cobalt 5 3d Figure 3: Splitting of the levels in a tetragonal rystal (cid:28)eld arising from an elongated oxygen o tahedron. The two sket hes on the left show the o upation for the LS and 3+ 2+ HS state of Co in a one-ele tron pi ture. The right sket h refers to HS Co . The real orbitals on the right an be used as a basis. al ulation afterwards. 3d e t g 2g Within a ubi rystal stru ture, the states split into orbitals and orbitals. 3z2 r2,x2 y2 xy,xz,yz The basis an be hosen as { − − } and { }, respe tively. A partially t L˜ = 1 2g (cid:28)lled shell an produ e a pseudo orbital moment of . Though the individual d d d xy yz xz real wave fun tions , and of the basis themselves have a ompletely quen hed dx dy orbital moment, their linear ombinations are in general omplex. Writing ml, ml and dz x y ml as the orbital wave fun tion with the orbital moment quantized along the axes , z and , respe tively, one (cid:28)nds 1 dx = ( d +id ) ±1 xy xz √2 ± (1) 1 dy = ( d +id ) ±1 yz xy √2 ± (2) 1 dz = ( d +id ). ±1 xz yz √2 ± (3) 10Dq In the limit of very large rystal (cid:28)eld splittings and with a partially (cid:28)lled t t 2g 2g shell, the moment is isotropi , despite the large orbital moment. In fa t, the p ele trons are sometimes ompared to ele trons [19℄. Introdu ing a tetragonal distortion, the orbital moment be omes anisotropi . The e a b g 1g 1g tetragonal rystal (cid:28)eld splits the ubi states into non-degenerate and levels, t b e 2g 2g g while the states split into a non-degenerate state and a two-fold degenerate z level. As a basis for these states, the real orbital fun tions an also be used. The c axis of the system is taken to be identi al with the axis of the rystal. In the ase c 2−x x 4 of La Sr CoO , the oxygen o tahedron is elongated in the dire tion. The order of levels ando upationsforthe ground states of the two obaltions isillustratedinFig.3. 3+ TheCo low-spinstateis, ex ept forasmallVanVle ksus eptibility,nonmagneti 3+ sin e it does not arry any moment. In the high-spin state, Co has spin and orbital 2−x x 4 Anisotropi Sus eptibility of La Sr CoO related to the Spin States of Cobalt 6 xz moment. The orbital degenera y is not ompletely quen hed: the degenerate and yz are o upied by three ele trons. These real orbitals an thus be re ombined to form z omplexorbitals arryingorbitalmomentinthe dire tionasdes ribedinEq. (3). Note xy that the linear ombinations in equations (1) and (2) annot be formed be ause the xz yz orbital is not degenerate with the and orbitals. Therefore the orbital moment is z larger in the dire tion making this the easy axis. This anisotropy should be re(cid:29)e ted χ >χ c ab in the sus eptibility with , whi h obviously ontradi ts the anisotropy found in 3+ the measurements. A Co HS system shows the wrong magneti anisotropy. 3+ Next, we dis uss the IS state of Co . Due to the elongation of the oxygen e 3z2 r2 g o tahedra, the ele tron o upies the − orbital. This also e(cid:27)e ts the splitting of t xz yz 2g the states. The and orbitalsremaindegenerate but arenotdegenerate withthe xy 3z2 r2 orbital. This arises from the di(cid:27)erent harge distributions in relation to the − t 2g orbital. We have (cid:28)ve ele trons to (cid:28)ll in the states, whi h an also be treated as one t e 3z2 r2 2g g hole in the states. This hole is attra ted to the ele tron in the − orbital. 3z2 r2 Fig. 4 shows the harge distribution of this hole and the − orbital. In the left 3z2 r2 xy sket h, both the ele tron in the − orbital and a hole in the orbital is drawn. 3z2 r2 The sket h in the enter shows the − orbital and the hole in a linear ombination xz yz of the degenerate and orbitals. Regarding the distan es between the ele tron and xz yz the hole, on an on lude that the state with the hole in the and orbitals is lower in energy. As the order of levels is reversed when we are speaking about holes instead xy of ele trons, this means that the orbital is lowered in energy. Thus, the order and o upation of levels is the one shown in Fig. 4. The magneti anisotropy is the same as 3+ in the ase of Co HS whi h we treated in the last paragraph. With three ele trons in xz yz the degenerate level of the and orbitals, we an also make use of Eq. (3) to show 2−x x 4 that the dire tion of anisotropy does not (cid:28)t the measurements for La Sr CoO . 3+ Neither the HS nor the IS state of Co show the orre t magneti anisotropy. But 2+ 2+ before we draw further on lusions, Co should be dis ussed. Although Co has also been found in the LS state in some intramole ular ompounds [21℄, for bulk rystals it 2+ an be safely assumed that Co is in the HS state [22℄. Regardingthe ground state produ ed by the rystal (cid:28)eld in Fig. 3, where the lowest level is (cid:28)lled, no linear ombinations like in Eq. (3) an be formed. The orbital moment would be ompletely quen hed and the magneti moment would be determined by an isotropi spin. If, however, spin-orbit oupling is of the same magnitude as the splitting t 2g of the orbitals, it will mix these states. Mixing in a state with orbital moment in z dz ±1 the dire tion would require pla ing a hole in the orbital (see Eq. 3). This would t 2g ost an energy equal to the splitting within the orbitals. It is more favorable to mix x y dx ±1 in a state with orbital moment in the (or ) dire tion by pla ing a hole in the (or dy ±1 the ) orbital (see Eq. 1). This osts only half of the rystal-(cid:28)eld splitting within the t x y z 2g orbitals. An orbital moment in the (or ) dire tion osts less energy than in the xy 2+ dire tion. So, the plane will be the easy plane for Co in this elongated tetragonal xy stru ture [24℄. The spin moment will also be found in the plane. Comparing these 2+ (cid:28)ndings to the measurement, we see that Co shows the orre t dire tion of magneti 2−x x 4 Anisotropi Sus eptibility of La Sr CoO related to the Spin States of Cobalt 7 Figure 4: The pi ture on the left shows the harge distribution for an ele tron in the 3z2 r2 xy − orbital (bla k) and a hole in the orbital (white). The harge distribution in 3z2+r2 the enter refers to an ele tron in the orbital and a hole in a linear ombination xz yz 3d 3+ of the and orbitals. The splitting and the o upation of the levels for Co in the IS state is shown on the right. 3+ x 0.5 anisotropy. Nowa on lusionaboutthespin stateofCo an be drawn. For ≥ , at 3+ 2+ least half of the obalt ions in the rystal are Co . Taking into a ount that Co has 3+ a smaller spin moment than HS Co , the latter would dominate the anisotropy. The opposite is, however, the ase in the data. Thus, for this doping range, the spin state of 3+ 2+ Co is identi(cid:28)ed with the LS state and the magnetization must be assigned to Co , x = 0.4 3+ whi h shows the orre t anisotropy. For , we still have 40% Co and, be ause of the pronoun ed anisotropy, we an follow the same argumentation here. Regarding x = 0.3 in Fig. 2, the anisotropy is found to be rather small ompared to the other ompounds. It should be stressed that the dire tionof anisotropy inlayered perovskites depends on the dire tion in whi h the oxygen o tahedron is distorted. In some systems c 2 4 like K CoF the o tahedra are ompressed in the dire tion, resulting in an easy- 2+ axis anisotropy [23℄; Co in almost ubi symmetry also tends to have an easy-axis 2−x x 4 anisotropy like in CoO. However, in our ase of La Sr CoO , the oxygen o tahedron surrounding the obalt ion is elongated by the inherent tetragonal stru ture. This situation is omparable to the hange of anisotropy in CoO (cid:28)lms on di(cid:27)erent substrates [24℄. For a quantitative analysis of the data and a on(cid:28)rmation of the results found in the qualitative dis ussion of the anisotropy, a full-multiplet al ulation was arried 3d out within the rystal (cid:28)eld approximation [25℄. A Hamiltonian for the shell of the 2+ Co ion was set up, in luding rystal (cid:28)eld, spin-orbit oupling and magneti (cid:28)eld. F F F 0 2 4 The Slater integrals , and hara terizing the Coulomb intera tion and the spin-orbit oupling onstant were taken from a Hartree-Fo k approximation [20℄. Any 2p ex itations from the oxygen levels and mixing with higher states were negle ted, 2−x x 4 Anisotropi Sus eptibility of La Sr CoO related to the Spin States of Cobalt 8 Figure 5: Measured magnetization ( olored lines) ompared with the al ulation for 2+ Co (bla k lines), plotted inverse. A mean-(cid:28)eld magneti ex hange was added to the al ulation. Note that the magnetization of the ion was weighted with the ontent of 2+ 1 x Co ( − ). as these e(cid:27)e ts are not signi(cid:28) ant when onsidering thermal energies. The parameters for the rystal (cid:28)eld were treated semi-empiri ally. Regarding the tetragonal distortion 3d as a perturbation of the ubi symmetry, the e(cid:27)e t of the hybridization of the Co 2p shell with the surrounding oxygen shells only in reases the splitting of the ubi t e 2g g and states. Hybridization an thus be in luded into the rystal (cid:28)eld parameters and need not be treated separately. The Hamiltonian was diagonalized and Eigenstates and Eigenvalues were used to obtain the temperature dependen e of the magnetization. Magneti ex hange was in luded in the al ulation on a mean-(cid:28)eld level. The results an be seen in Fig. 5, where the inverse magnetization is plotted. 10Dq The rystal-(cid:28)eld parameters were hosen as follows: the splitting and the e g splittingwithinthe levelswere(cid:28)xedat1.5eVand0.2eV,respe tively. Thesetwovalues areof minorimportan eforthe al ulation,be ause the anisotropyof the magnetization t 2g arises from the ele trons, as des ribed in the dis ussion above. The splitting of the t 2g states showed up to be ru ial for the form and the anisotropy of the al ulated t 2g urves. The values of the splitting within the states were hosen as 80meV, 60meV, x = 68meV, and 50meV for the ompounds 0.5, 0.6, 0.7, and 0.8, respe tively. These t 2g rystal (cid:28)eld splittings for Co are in good agreement with previous measurements on strained CoO thin (cid:28)lms [24℄. They might appear to be surprisingly small ompared to the values found for the Titanates [26,27℄ in the order of 200 meV. The di(cid:27)eren e 2−x x 4 Anisotropi Sus eptibility of La Sr CoO related to the Spin States of Cobalt 9 d between Co and Ti an be understood by onsidering the radial extent of the wave d fun tion and the transition metal - oxygen (TM-O) distan e. The Co wave fun tion d is mu h smaller than the Ti wave fun tion, redu ing the ovalen y and thereby the size of the rystal-(cid:28)eld splitting. At the same time, the average TM-O distan es of 2−x x 4 3 La Sr CoO and LaTiO are almost equal (≈2.02Å for Co-O [16℄ and ≈2.04Å for e g Ti-O [28℄). This is related to the o upation of the anti-bonding orbitals in a HS 2+ Co ompound whi h pushes the O atoms further away. x = 0.6 It an be seen in Fig. 5 that the al ulation gives a good des ription for x = 0.7 x = 0.5 and . The magnetization of the half-doped sample is reprodu ed well for higher temperatures. At temperatures below the freezing temperature, the al ulation annot des ribe the system be ause magneti order is not in luded in the model. The x = 0.8 T 350 sampleis(cid:28)ttedwellforlowertemperatures. Above ≈ K,themagnetization in the measurement is enhan ed by another e(cid:27)e t and results in a deviation from the al ulation. This e(cid:27)e t an be seen in all urves in Fig. 2, but at signi(cid:28) antly higher temperatures. This in rease of magnetization ould arise from the thermal population 3+ of the Co HS or IS state. But surely further measurements at higher temperatures are needed to on(cid:28)rm this assumption. Nevertheless, the full-multiplet al ulation of a 2+ pure Co system already su eeds in des ribing the main features of the magnetization x 0.5 3+ for ≥ . This on(cid:28)rms that Co is a LS system in this doping range. 2−x x 4 Insummary,themagneti sus eptibilityofLa Sr CoO hasbeenanalyzedfortwo di(cid:27)erent dire tions of the external magneti (cid:28)eld. A de(cid:28)nite anisotropy of the magneti χ >χ ab c moment is found experimentally with . 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