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Anisotropic chiral d+id superconductivity in Na CoO ·yH O x 2 2 Maximilian L. Kiesel1, Christian Platt1, Werner Hanke1, and Ronny Thomale2 1Institute for Theoretical Physics, University of Wu¨rzburg, Am Hubland, D 97074 Wu¨rzburg and 2 Institut de th´eorie des ph´enom`enes physiques, E´cole Polytechnique F´ed´erale de Lausanne (EPFL), CH-1015 Lausanne (Dated: January 25, 2013) Since its discovery, the superconducting phase in water-intercalated sodium cobaltates Na CoO · yH O (x ∼ 0.3, y ∼ 1.3) has posed fundamental challenges in terms of experimental x 2 2 investigationandtheoreticalunderstanding. Byacombineddynamicalmean-fieldandrenormaliza- tiongroupapproach,wefindananisotropicchirald+idwavestateasaconsequenceofmulti-orbital effects,Fermisurfacetopology,andmagneticfluctuations. Itnaturallyexplainsthesingletproperty 3 and close-to-nodal gap features of the superconducting phase as indicated by experiments. 1 0 PACSnumbers: 74.20Rp,74.25.Dw,74.70.-b 2 n a Introduction. Initiated by the discovery of the teroftheorderparameterhasremainedacontentiousis- J cuprates, the search for new materials exhibiting uncon- sue. EarlyµSR[6]aswellasmagneticpenetrationdepth 3 ventionalsuperconductivityhasbecomeoneofthemajor measurements [7], have shown evidence against a homo- 2 branches in condensed matter physics [1]. A particularly geneous gap and have been interpreted in favor of line exciting idea is the concept of chiral superconductivity, nodes. By contrast, the latest specific heat studies [8] ] n wheretheCooperpaircondensatebreaksparityandtime advocate a two gap scenario for the cobaltates with one o reversalsymmetryandgivesrisetointerestingedgemode comparably small and another slightly larger gap to fit c phenomena of the bulk-gapped superconductor. As one the data. This reminds us of similar discussions for the - r way to accomplish such a scenario, the lattice can act as iron pnictides, where it is likewise complicated to distin- p acustodialsymmetrytoensuretheexact,or,inthepres- guish a nodal from a strongly anisotropic gap [9]. u ence of disorder and nematic fluctuations, approximate s In this Letter, we develop a microscopic theory for . degeneracy of different superconducting instabilities. In t thenatureofsuperconductivityinthesodiumcobaltates a such a case, the degeneracy is linked to higher dimen- m which is consistent with the experimental findings. In- sional irreducible representations of the lattice symme- spired by the resemblance to the cuprates, the earliest - try group, and a chiral superposition of superconducting d theoreticalproposalsemployedaphenomenologicalRVB states can be energetically favorable below T . Unfor- n c theory for the cobaltates [10] supplemented by slave bo- o tunately, for the square lattice and its C4v group, there son mean-field calculations [11]. A major challenge from c is no such representation for singlet Cooper pairs, which [ the beginning has been the choice of an adequate low in the majority of materials is found to be the generic energy kinetic theory for the problem: While ARPES 1 sector for superconductivity. This, however, changes for measurements only observe one Fermi pocket centered v hexagonal systems, where the E representation of the 2 2 around Γ in the hexagonal Brillouin zone [12–14], band C lattice symmetry group implies the degeneracy of 6 6v structure calculations indicate the presence of additional the d and d wave state at the instability level [2], 6 x2−y2 xy e(cid:48) pockets [15]. The absence of the e(cid:48) pockets in the ex- which can yield a chiral d+id singlet superconductor. g g 5 perimental cobaltate scenario has been assigned to sur- . 1 Inmanyrespects,thewater-intercalatedsodiumcobal- face effects [16], disorder [17], and electronic correla- 0 tatesNa CoO ·yH O, withasuperconductingdomefor tions [18–20]. It suggests that whatever the microscopic x 2 2 3 x ∼ 0.3, y ∼ 1.3 at T = 4.5K [3], have been inter- theoryforsuperconductivityinthecobaltatesmaybe, it 1 c preted as the natural generalization of a square lattice shouldinvolvealow-energykinetictheorywhichexplains : v of copper oxide in the high-T cuprates to a triangular the experimental evidence from a single-pocket scenario. c i X lattice of cobalt oxide: The electronic structure can be Such an effective model has been developed by a com- assumedeffectivelytwo-dimensionalduetotheintercala- bined dynamical mean-field and cluster approximation r a tion, andsuperconductivityemergesasafunctionofsuf- approach by Bourgeois et al. [21, 22], which is the start- ficient Na doping in proximity to magnetic phases. The ing point of our investigations. Employing multi-orbital experimental evidence, however, remained inconclusive functional renormalization group (fRG) [9, 23–26] to ob- for a significant amount of time, which did not allow to tain an effective interaction profile for this model, we drawsubstantiatedconclusionsonthenatureoftheorder finda rich phasediagram forthe sodium cobaltates with parameter [4]. For example, previous ambiguous indica- ananisotropicd+id-phaseintherelevantdopingregime. tionsfromKnight-shiftmeasurementsforpolycrystalline Thestronganisotropyofthesuperconductinggapcanex- samples have only later been clarified by single crystal plaintheexperimentalevidence;itfollowsfromtheinter- measurements [5], which showed the singlet property of play of multi-orbital hybridization, Fermi surface topol- the superconducting phase. Similarly, the nodal charac- ogy, and frustrated magnetic fluctuations in the sodium 2 cobaltates. Cobaltate effective kinetic model. Following the work byBourgeoisetal.[21,22], allCo andO orbitalsare 3d 2p taken into account in a finite cluster calculation which is then mapped to a three-orbital model and fitted against X-rayabsorptionandARPESdata[22]. Theresultingef- FIG.1. (Coloronline). (a)Effectivebandstructureresulting fectivemodelisobtainedfromdynamicalmean-fieldthe- from (1) with t = 0.1eV, t(cid:48) = −0.02eV and D = 0.105eV. ory calculations, which adequately take into account the (b)ThevanHovesingularityisvisibleinthedensityofstates self-energy effects at a single-particle level. It exhibits (inset: crystal structure of the CoO layers). The Fermi sur- 2 faceisshownatx=0.1(c),x=0.2(d),andx=0.3(e). The strongly hybridized orbitals formed by an effective t2g Fermi surface colors indicate the dominant orbital weights. manifold (d˜ ,d˜ ,d˜ ) per site on the triangular Co su- xy yz zx (d)sketchesthedivisionoftheBrillouinzoneinto96patches perlattice,afindingwhichisalsoconsistentwithARPES used in fRG, (e) depicts the nesting vectors Q . N polarization measurements [27]. The Hamiltonian reads (cid:88) (cid:16) (cid:17) (cid:88) (cid:88) H = (t+t(cid:48)δ +Dδ )cˆ† cˆ +h.c. +µ nˆ +U nˆ nˆ eff αβ ij iασ jβσ iασ 1 iα↑ iα↓ (cid:104)i,j(cid:105),αβ,σ i,α,σ i,α (cid:32) (cid:33) 1 (cid:88) (cid:88) (cid:88) + U nˆ nˆ + J cˆ† cˆ† cˆ cˆ +J cˆ† cˆ† cˆ cˆ , (1) 2 2 iασ iβσν H iασ iβν iαν iβσ P iα↑ iα↓ iβ↑ iβ↓ i,α(cid:54)=β σ,ν σ,ν where nˆ = cˆ† cˆ , and cˆ† denotes the electron ping J . As the bandwidth in this effective model is iασ iασ iασ iασ P creation operator of spin σ = ↑,↓ in orbital α = 1,2,3 smaller than in bare LDA calculations, the interactions at site i. t represents the hopping mediated by O , t(cid:48) strengths from bare ab-initio calculations likewise have 2pπ corresponds to a direct Co-Co-hopping, D is the crystal- to be regularized. We set U = 0.37eV, U = 0.25eV, 1 2 field splitting, and µ the chemical potential. We set and J =J =0.07eV. H P t = 0.1eV, t(cid:48) = −0.02eV, and D = 0.105eV [21, 22]. WenowproceedbyinvestigatingtheFermisurfacein- The bandwidth of the effective model is ∼ 0.6eV. This stabilities of (1) through fRG, where we use the effec- is a factor 3 smaller than LDA calculations predict tive multi-orbital band structure as the initial starting (1.6eV [15] or 2.0eV [28]). This effective three-band point [9, 23–26]. Through renormalization, we obtain an model resulting from (1) yields one band intersecting effectivelow-energytheoryofthescatteringvertexwhich the Fermi level (Fig.1a). A van Hove singularity oc- exhibitssuperconductivity. Thepairing2-particlevertex curs at a doping level of x ≈ 0.09 (Fig.1b). The Fermi VSC(k,q) is then decomposed into eigenmode contribu- surface contains one hole pocket around Γ, i.e. the tions which correspond to the different superconducting center of the Brillouin zone (Fig.1c). All three hy- form factors VSC(k,q) = (cid:80) cSCfi(k)fi(p). cSC signals bridized orbitals contribute to the Fermi surface and i i i the strength of the instability and hence allows to iden- each has two antipodal dominant regions, indicated by tify the superconducting phase adopted by the system. red/green/blue dots in Fig.1c-e, corresponding to the We employ multi-orbital temperature-flow fRG [25] to doping x = {0.1,0.2,0.3}. At x ≈ 0.28, the nesting take into account the interplay between ferromagnetic of the Fermi surface is optimal, with three nesting wave- √ (cid:113) (cid:113) and antiferromagnetic fluctuations as well as the multi- vectors QN ≈ π{(cid:0) 2,0(cid:1),(−√12, 32),(−√12,− 32)} orbitalcharacterofthesodiumcobaltates. Note,thatwe (Fig. 1e). The interaction part of (1) features intra- mustavoidthedoublecountingofself-energyeffectsthat orbital Coulomb interaction U , inter-orbital Coulomb havealreadybeenincludedtoobtainthisbandstructure. 1 interaction U , Hund’s rule coupling J , and pair hop- As such, we intentionally do not take into account self- 2 H 3 FIG. 2. (Color online). Phase diagram of the model (1) as function of doping x and U /U . There are four phases: 1 2 d+id-wave superconductivity (d+id SC, blue), weak ferro- magnetism (weak FM, green), f-wave superconductivity (f SC, yellow), and a phase with competitive spin-density wave andd+id-wavesuperconductivity(SDW/d+idSC,purple and blue shaded). FIG. 3. (Color online). Superconducting form factors from fRG mean-field decoupling of pairing channels (solid lines) energy effects at the single-particle level which emerge compared to analytic leading harmonic solutions (dashed during the RG flow. In total, our procedure is still an lines): (a,b) f-wave, (c,d) d + id-wave. The representa- approximation, inthesensethatwefirstrenormalizethe tive parameters are (a,b) U /U = 1.4, x = 0.18 and (c,d) 1 2 single-particle level via a DMFT approach and then sep- U /U = 1.0, x = 0.14. (b) and (d) show a color plot of the 1 2 arately investigate the renormalization of the scattering gap size ∆0 along the Fermi surface (Eq. 2). vertex through fRG which gives rise to Fermi surface in- stabilities. This, however, is justified because the scat- tering vertex evolution under RG is only significant in moniccontributionsinthed-wavesector[30]tobeirrele- the immediate vicinity of the Fermi level. vant.) Thesystemcouldgenericallyformanylinearcom- bination d +eiθd of both d-wave solutions which must Phase diagram. From an itinerant viewpoint of Fermi 1 2 be degenerate at the instability level as protected by lat- surfaceinstabilities,animportantfeatureof (1)isthedif- ticesymmetry. Amean-fielddecouplingintheSCpairing ferent doping location of the van Hove singularity (x = channel and minimization of the free energy as a func- 0.09) and the optimally nested Fermi surface (x=0.28). tionofthesuperpositionparameter,canberephrasedby Notethatbothlocationsarecoincidentandmuchlessre- satisfying the self-consistent gap equation [2] vealing for a triangular lattice tight-binding model with only nearest neighbor hopping [29]. Accordingly, for (cid:18) (cid:19) small doping, the phases are determined by the large ∆ =−1/N(cid:88)VSC(k,q) ∆k tanh E(k) . (2) q 2E(k) 2T densityofstatesattheFermilevelcombinedwithrather k weaknestingcorrespondingtofinitemomentumtransfer, We always find d+id to be the energetically preferred whichintotalpromotesdominantzeromomentumparti- combination. This is rather generic in a situation of de- cleholescattering(labeledweakferromagnetism(FM)in generatenodalSCorderparameters, sincesuchacombi- Fig.2). Withincreaseddoping,itdependsontheratioof nation allows the system to avoid nodes in the gap func- U /U whetherthesystemfavorstripletf-waveorsinglet 1 2 tion(Fig.3d)andmaximizescondensationenergy. Note, d+id-wave superconductivity. For the former, the sys- however, that the relative energy gain between a d+id tem exhibits nodes along the Fermi surface and follows √ stateandadifferentpossiblesolutionsuchasnodalsingle the gap function f(k) = sin(ky) − 2cos( 32kx)sin(k2y) d varies significantly depending on the microscopic (Fig. 3a,b). f-wave is preferred for enhanced U /U , x2−y2 1 2 setup. For example, the condensation energy gain from as it is seeded by spin alignment stemming from ferro- d+idforlowerdopinginFig.4cascomparedtoasingle magnetic fluctuations, which are reduced by U . In the 2 d wave solution will be higher than for larger doping in case of preferred d-wave superconductivity, we find two Fig. 4f. degenerate instabilities associated with the form factors Anisotropic regime at x ∼ 0.3. The effective model depicted in Fig. 3c, which relate to the leading harmon- √ √ in (1) is quantitatively most accurate in the doping icsd (k)=2cos(k )−cos(kx− 3ky)−cos(kx+ 3ky) x2−y2 √x 2 √ 2 regime of the superconducting dome of the cobaltates. and d (k) = cos(kx+ 3ky)−cos(kx− 3ky). (Note that There, we find d + id superconductivity with strong xy 2 2 throughout parameter space, we always find higher har- SDW fluctuation background (Fig. 2). The enhance- 4 FIG. 5. (Color online). Gap anisotropy η = σ(∆0) in the ∆0 d+id-wave phase (axis annotations as in Fig. 2). Blue (red) regions indicate a rather homogeneous (anisotropic) d-wave FIG.4. (Coloronline)Changeofgapanisotropyinthed+id gap. The inset shows the plot of the gap function on the superconductingphaseasafunctionofdoping. (a-c)x=0.14. Fermisurfaceatphysicallysensibledoping:∆ exhibitsclose- 0 The dominant density of states is strongly peaked at the to-nodal (blue) and larger (red) gap regions along the Fermi warped edges of the Fermi surface and singles out specific surface. particle hole scattering channels which result in a homoge- neousgap∆ . (d-f)x=0.28. Variousscatteringchannelsare 0 enhancedduetoreducedFermisurfacewarpingandmoreho- mogenousdistributionofdensityofstates,yieldingastrongly scenariofromspecificheatmeasurements[8],whereboth anisotropic gap. effective gap scales originate from a single pocket. Conclusion and perspectives. We have shown that the experimental evidence of a close-to-nodal singlet super- ment of magnetic fluctuations is also observed in experi- conducting state in the sodium cobaltates can be de- ment, anticipating the metal insulator transition regime veloped from a microscopic model taking into account atx∼0.5. FromtheviewpointofFermisurfacetopology, the multi-orbital nature of the electronic scenario. The thisisduetoimprovednestingconditionsforalargerpart anisotropic d+id superconductor we find is a combined of Fermi level density of states (Fig. 1e). As the density effect of magnetic fluctuations, specific Fermi surface is also more homogeneously distributed along the par- topology at the corresponding Na doping, and multi- allel sides of the hexagonal Fermi surface, however, this orbital effects. To our conviction, this constitutes the leads to an increased bandwidth of enhanced particle- sodium cobaltates to be one of the most promising can- hole channels in the RG flow, which eventually yields an didates for a chiral singlet superconductor, to be fur- enhancedanisotropyintheseededpairingchannelwhich ther studied experimentally and theoretically. The T c gives rise to d + id superconductivity. This trend for might allow for laser-ARPES studies in the supercon- increasingdopingxisillustratedinFig.4. Atlowerdop- ducting phase, along with more careful investigations of ing, the more warped Fermi surface clearly singles out time-reversal symmetry breaking than it has been pur- theparticleholechannelaccordingtoscatteringbetween suedbynow. Likewise, theroleoflatticedistortionsand theFermisurfaceedges,whichalsopossessthedominant disorder can be interesting to consider, as there might fractionofdensityofstatesattheFermilevel(Fig.4a-c). be a transition from d+id to d when the custodial C 6v As doping is increased, the reduced warping allows the symmetry is sufficiently broken. Finally, the desire for effectively one-dimensional parallel sections of the Fermi anidealchiralsingletsuperconductormightalsowarrant surfacetodrivemoreparticle-holechannels. Theresultis further work to optimise its two-dimensional character, an evolution of the seeded superconducting phase from as has recently been reported for intercalated iron-based a homogeneous to an extremely anisotropic d+id gap superconductors [31] (Fig. 4d-f). RT thanks G. Baskaran, B. A. Bernevig, S. Blundell, InFig.5,wehaveplottedthedegreeofgapanisotropy A. Boothroyd, S. A. Kivelson, and S. Raghu for discus- inthed+idphaseforthesamerangeofparametersasfor sions. MK is supported by DFG-FOR 1162. CP, WH, the phase diagram in Fig. 2. We use the variance of the and RT acknowledge support by SPP-1458. gap function, divided by the mean: η = σ(∆0). Notably, ∆0 thephysicallyrelevantregimeforthecobaltatescoincides with the strongest gap anisotropy, we observe. As seen in the inset of Fig. 5, this yields a gap structure along a [1] M.SigristandK.Ueda,Rev.Mod.Phys.63,239(1991). single Fermi surface which can be well characterized by [2] M. L. Kiesel, C. Platt, W. Hanke, D. A. Abanin, and R. a very small gap along the sides and a large gap at the Thomale, Phys. Rev. B 86, 020507 (2012). edges of the Fermi surface. It can explain the two gap [3] K. Takada, H. Sakurai, E. Takayama-Muromachi, F. 5 Izumi, R. A. Dilanian, and T. Sasaki, Nature 422, 53 Lett. 101, 246808 (2008). (2003). [17] D. J. Singh and D. Kasinathan, Phys. Rev. Lett. 97, [4] I. I. Mazin and M. D. Johannes, Nature Physics 1, 91 016404 (2006). (2005). 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