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s 363.12 T6AVC 2006 ANIMAL VEHICLE CRASH MITIGATION USING ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY PHASE REVIEW, DESIGN AND I: IMPLEMENTATION Final Report SPR-3(076) Oregon Department of Transportation MontanaStaleLibrary 3 0864 1003 9257 3 P ANIMAL VEHICLE CRASH MITIGATION USING ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY PHASE REVIEW, DESIGN AND IMPLEMENTATION I: SPR-3(076) by Marcel P. Huijser. Patrick 1 McGowen. Whisper Camel. Amanda Hardy. Patrick Wright, and . Anthony P. Clevenger Western Transportation Institute - Montana State University P.O. Box 174250. Bozeman. MT 59717-4250 and Lloyd Salsman and Terry Wilson Sensor Technologies and Systems. Inc. 8900 East Chaparral Road. Scottsdale. Arizona 85250 for Oregon Department ofTransportation Research Unit 200 Hawthorne Ave. SE. Suite B-240 Salem OR 97301-5192 and Alaska Department ofTransportation and Public Facilities, and the Departments of Transportation ofCalifornia. Indiana. Iowa. Kansas. Maryland. Montana. Nevada. New Hampshire. New York. North Dakota. Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Wyoming and Federal Highway Administration SW 400 Seventh Street Washington. DC 20590 August 2006 r iL-chnical Report Documcnlnllon I'agc I. ReportNo. FHWA-OR-TPF-07-OI 2. CioNcinnKMU .AlccssIoh No .V KcL'ipicnl's C alalog No. 4. I'iileand Subtitle 5. Report Date Animal Vehicle Crash Mitigation Using Advanced Technology Ausust 2006 Phase Review. Design and Implementation I: fi. Perlomiiiig Oiganization Code 7. Author(s) S. PerloriningOrganization Report No. Marcel P. Huijser. Patrick T. McGovven, Whisper Camel. Amanda Hardy. Patrick Wright, and Anthony P. Clevenger Western Transportation Institute - Montana State University P.O. Bo.\ 174250. Bozeman. MT 59717-4250 Lloyd Salsman and Terry Wilson SensorTechnologies and Systems. Inc. 8900 East Chaparral Road. Scottsdale. Arizona 85250 y. I'erformingOrganizationNameandAddress 10. Work UnitNo. (IRAIS) Western Transportation Institute - Montana State University P.O. Box 174250 Contraet orGrant No. Bozeman. MT 59717-4250 1 1. SPR 3(076) 12. SponsoringAgency Nameand Address 1.^. InpeofReportand PeriodCovered Leadstate: Oregon Department ofTransportation Federal Highway Administration Final report - Phase I Research Unit and 400 Seventh Street SW October 1999 - December2005 200 Hawthorne Ave. SE. Suite B-240 Washington, D.C. 20590 14. SponsoringAgency Code Salem. Oregon 97301-5192 .Also: Alaska Department ofTransportationand Public Facilities, and the Departments ofTransportation ot Caiit'omia. Indiana, loua. Kansas. Mar>land. Montana. Nevada. New Hampshire. New York.North Dakota, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Wyoming Pooled fund Stud_\ SPR .i(076): imp \to^\ pooledfundoii;proiecldelailsa.sn'^id^222&slaliis-h 15. Supplementar\ Note 16. .Abstract Animal-vehicle collisions affect human safet> property and wildlife. Thenumberofthesetypesofcollisions has increased . substantially overthe last decades. This report describes the resultsofa projectthat explored the prospects fora relatively new mitigation measure to reduce animal-vehicle collisions: animal detection systems. Animal detection systems use high tech equipment to detect large animals when the\ approach the road. Once a large animal is detected, warning signsare activated urging drivers to reducethe speed oftheirvehicles, be more alert, or both. Lowervehicle speed and increased alertness may then leadto fewerand less severe collisions with such animals as deer(Odocoileussp.). elk (Cen'iis elaplnis) ormoose{Alcesalces). This report documents Phase 1 ofthe project (October 1999- December2005). Thereport identifies existing animal detection system technologies and theirvendors: describes the selection oftwoexperimental detection systems and their installation at two field sites; documentsthe experiences with planning and design, installation, operation and maintenance: documents test results on the reliability ofthetwo systems; documentssystemacceptance; and provides advice forthe future development and application ofanimal detection systems. 17. Ke\ Words 18. Distribution Statement Accidentreduction. .Animal detectionsystems. Animal-vehiclecollision. Copies available from NTIS, and online at Habitat conneeli\it\. D\naniie waming signs. Intelligent Transportation http:Vwww.oregon.aov/ODOTTDTP RES S\slems(IIS). Mitiualion. Road-kill. Safets. Cnuulates. Wildlife I'i. Securitx C'lassillcalion (ofthisreport) 20. Securits Classification (ofthispage) 21. No. ofPages 22. Price Unclassified Unclassitled 214^ appendices Technical Kcpon loraidot11700.7 (8-72) RcproJuclion(ilcuniplclcd pageaullion/cd I'rintcdluircc\clcd paper c ^^_o_ x; E 1- SoI x. n ,w "3 P ",1- C3 3 ,^ t: c £ ; . -T r- Z M•-* :£ iTi c t1r>t t/5 ly. s, i.*^ So o H t/1 "s - ^bZ^J-b. n H £ c33 C3 *-* _-3 o3 Xc3:5 y1uJ 'r. 4CX>5 ? i- s ^ a« — ^ UJ Sk < ^ en CM 1 CU>zC ^2^ uJ rOO*~; o<i^-ejn —Oc^ rO-'i I<U2 ^^oo r—- -nr-Ti- orOn*c-C, -o>J -OoT f-vo^^Cl rri•«*n~-ni, Or—^Ci (</I 'rOo/*"n> •rn~in (——N -<aJ. uO—+C sss ---_ N u tHal U sc T3 a J3i -~s T3 13 S - c 3- -o "3 S-S--So > X, ^ 3 ^OJ E c t/3 OCJ 3r." o 3 3 c: — oc&£. _EE £OEJ S£ r_£^^ ~— "£5 xS: :1:£^^: ~3 —XOTJ. 3o O3 3£Cij :^5^ 3•-Ji •"^Lj ^ < £ y:' E~ ~ ~" -ip^: _ r,"_"_ —_, '-*23 __: ~" ^.— p ci ^Oi, 2Oli "ic cH/: E p~ CZ c -?^: n^CI n3 "'£r- -CC3 '-£5 p — -,3_ -.E^ M -:0>£1 . U Z "O •3 JJ a -3 -3 ^HZ cc 1c»/; ^VUO) i'' -ouEo^n VEi r3^\1O3n> 3gtI1/fil" 5tuoA 3'1C£oy>J: .sU"3 EO2J T4'vU"£3-J:J* •1j3l'un>J "3 ir/tj icEco2«;l £2aay'_i.»nl V ~Uc5tf35. ,^*^ ^ cXs ^ ^. c u Cu 3^ 1 lid ^ < _3 J >z^'K^ 2 uzu ^w<SN ofom^ ^Od^ —3 O<f r^i r^d*-i r0ds0On '^o/"* rci>s^ O> a(rU^-^N'-i «Orr/--CO. OrdoCi r"^oT-C-j j^z <^ r<v0*-"N0ii T»^rf^ r0-^ L1/i--1 2 Jt/i tri Id c c < g c5 E 1 >- •3 !Z1 '-) pVi i= 1> o "S r. I'EJ III '_» ,c E or. 1 •J UE C "y •2. ^ 1 < 3 E > £ 0* ^^^^ c^' j_ .^ "P E ^= ,^ ""3 on 'i O OJL) -^ '^ bz £ U- ^^ u- K ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The authors would like to thank the agencies that funded this stud\ the Federal Highway : Administration (FHWA) and 15 departments oftransportation: Alaska Department of Transportation and Public Facilities, and the Departments ofTransportation ofCalifornia, Indiana. Iowa. Kansas. Maryland. Montana. Nevada. New Hampshire, New York. North Dakota. Oregon. Penns\ hania. Wisconsin, and Wyoming. Other funds were received from the Western Transportation Institute at Montana State University (Universit>' Transportation Center funds). Representatives ofthe 15 DOTs and FHWA that funded the project. and representatives from Yellowstone National Park, the vendors, and WTI-MSU during a field visit at the MT site (Photo; Pat McGowen, WTI-MSU). Special thanks go to the following: • Oregon Department ofTransportation for leading this pooled fund study and assisting with the preparation ofthis report; • Montana Department ofTransportation and Yellowstone National Park for their help and hosting the animal detection system along US Hwv 191 in Yellowstone National Park; and • Pennsylvania Department ofTransportation for their help and hosting the animal detection system along Hwy 22/322 northwest ofHarrisburg. Ill Representatives ofPennDOTandMaryland Depaiiiiicm ol Transportation during a field visit at the PA site (Photo: Marcel Huijser WTI-MSU). In addition, we would like to thank the current and former members ofthe Technical Advisory FHWA Committee (TAC) (see Appendix A). representatives and other advisors for their help and guidance for this project: Clint Adler. Alisa Babler. Fred Bank. Pat Basting. Anthony Boesen. William Branch. Dave Church, Mike Clarke. Allan Covlin. Justin Farrell. Jon Fleming. Gary Frederick. Steve Gent. Bill Gribble. Sedat Gulen. Kevin Haas. Pete Hansra. Amanda Hardy. Kim Hoovestol. Lynn Irby. Barnie Jones. John Kinar. Keith Knapp. Felix Martinez. Rex McCommon. Pat McGowen. Andrew Morrow. AJ Nedzesky. Greg Placy. Kevin Powell. Bob Raths. Jaime Reyes. June Ross. Barbara Schell-Magaro. Jay Van Sickle. Sue Sillick. Richard Stark. Jill Sullivan. Carol Tan, Mark Traxler, Deb Wambach. Davey Warren. Kyle Williams, and Patrick Wright. Thanks also to Steve Albert. Rick Bennett. Stephanie Brandenberger. Jeralyn Brodowy. Mike Bousliman. Kevin Bruski. Whisper Camel. Tony Clevenger. Vincent Cramer. Troy Davis. Maurice Dedycker. Jerry Dupler. Jaime Eidswick. Bonnie Gafney. Ross Gammon. Lori Gruber. Julie Hannaford. Amanda Hardy. Christie Hendrix. Neil Hetherington. Manju Kumar. Robb Larson. Shel Leader. Craig McClure. Leslie McCoy, Keith Mullins, Stanley Niemczak. Jason Norman. Roy Parmh'. Mark Petersen. John Powell. Dennis Prestash. James Roman. Russell Rooney. Bob Seibert. James Shype, Rhonda Stankavich and Pat Wright for their help with the planning (including permitting and engineering plans), installation (including traffic control), operation, maintenance, or other activities related to the animal detection systems along US Hwy 191 in Yellowstone National Park, MT, and along hw>' 22/322 northwest ofHarrisburg, PA. The animal detection systems were designed and developed by Sensor Technologies and Systems (MT site) and Oh DEER. Inc. (PA site). We would like to thank them for their efforts, specifically Walker Butler. Dennis and Nick Henningsen. Steve Miller. Randy Moore. Nik Nikula. Steve Pisciotta. Lloyd Salsman. Roger Werre and Terry Wilson. Michiana Contracting Inc.. Eagle Rock Timber and Dependable Paint and Dr\'wall installed and painted the system at the MT site. Thanks to Scott Ammerman, Dave Delp. Rick Gokey. Scott Harris and Ping McKay IV for these efforts. We would also like to ihank Duncan, Eva and Robin Patten, and Greg and Sara MT Knetge for their help, support, hospitality and feedback on the system at the site. Finally we thank Steve Albert. Alisa Babler. William Branch. Wayne Brewster. Kevin Bruski. Tony Clevenger. Allan Covlin. Carol Diffendaffer, Jon Fleming. Bill Gribble. Hdgar van der Grift. Sedat Gulen. .loel Hagen. Pete Hansra. Amanda Hardy. Kate Heidkamp. Christie Hendrix, Nick Henningsen. Keith Knapp. Carla Little. Alan Kirk. Felix Martinez, Leslie McCoy. Pat McGowen. AJ Nedzesky. Greg Placy. Jaime Reyes. June Ross. Lloyd Salsman. Rhonda Stankavich. Jay Van Sickle, John Taylor. Bethanie Walder. Deb Wambach. Terry Wilson and Patrick Wright for reviewing a draft ofthis manuscript or parts thereof DISCLAIMER This document is disseminated under the sponsorship ofthe Oregon Department of Transportation and the United States Department ofTransportation in the interest ofinformation exchange. The State ofOregon and the United States Government assume no liability ofits contents or use thereof. The contents ofthis report reflect the view ofthe authors who are solely responsible for the facts and accuracy ofthe material presented. The contents do not necessarily reflect the official views ofthe Oregon Department ofTransportation or the United States Department ofTransportation. The State ofOregon and the United States Government do not endorse products of manufacturers. Trademarks or manufacturers" names appear herein only because they are considered essential to the object ofthis document. This report does not constitute a standard, specification, or regulation. Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from IVIontana State Library http://www.archive.org/detail^/animalvehiclecra2006huij

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