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CONTENTS OF VOLUME 63 Acanthaspis spp.: nymphal camouflage in activity and resource distribution in house mice Adalia bipunctata: sexually transmitted diseases in Adélie penguins: foraging strategies in advertisement calls, differentiating in Pacific treefrogs age and brood defence in mice parental effort and fecundity of Mongolian gerbils Agelaius phoeniceus: parental foraging for the brood. aggression and grooming reciprocity in chacma bileanes Alaemon alaudipes: food supplementation and behavioural decisions of Alaska: vocal clans in killer whales ALLDREDGE, J.R. see CLOUTIER, S. Alpheus spp.: intersexual behaviours in Amazonian manatees: information and individual recognition in calling ambush site selection by pit-vipers “ Amphibolurus muricatus: visual communication in - = - - ve amphipod crustaceans: maternal care by... re = <a = - a 707 Amphipoda: Talitridae: parasitism and burrowing depth ine - 269 ANDRADE, M.C.B., BANTA, E.M. Value of male remating and functional ste rility in redback spide a 857 ANDRES, J.A., S ANC HEZ-GUILLEN, R.A., CORDERO RIVERA, A. Evolution of female colour polymorphism in damselflies: testing the hypotheses a ia = “a wt wa es 677 Anolis carolinensis: male mate choice by se vi = i pa = + ‘P 109] inser anser: foraging innovations .. - re a - ie a oa os 687 antipredator benefits of group living “ - aN - ‘a bi is 7 445 ants mate guarding and reproductive tactics or as - ae ae oa < 597 task switching during colony emigration - ‘s i ae os a os 715 Anura: Hylidae: pattern recognition and call preferences in se a ay o os Apherusa jurinei: maternal care in .. od ~ 7 Ss te ‘a i a 707 Apis mellifera assess Changes in nectar flow pollen foraging, adjustments in pollen-based cues in foraging vibration signals in colonies ‘ Aptenodytes patagonicus: foraging strategies in ; Aquarius remigis: male-female conflict, female choice and mé ile-male competition in Araneae: Eresidae: reproductive state and care giving Araneae: Tetragnathidae: colour-associated foraging success in arboreal ambush site selection by pit-vipers ‘a Archocentrus nigrofasciatum: food abundance on competitive 2a ggression ARROYO, B. see JIGUET, F. ARROYO, B.E., DE CORNULIER, TH., BRETAGNOLLE, V. Parental investment and parent-—offspring conflicts during the postfledging period in Montagu’s harriers assassin bugs: nymphal camouflage in association patterns in brown-headed cowbirds attack cone avoidance in characin fish AURELI, F. see CALL, J. avian hybridization - a rp its is a - em me - 103 baboons aggression and grooming reciprocity among .. - oa va i ‘i aa 1047 infantsa s commodity - ne a an es a 915 laterality for maternal cradling and infant nipple preferences sn ve i - ne $11 badgers: information transmission and reception by - - i i - és 999 BAILEY, R.J.E. see DICK, J.T.. BALES, K., FRENCH, J.A oa rZ, J.M. Explaining variation in maternal care in a cooperatively breeding mammal BALSBY, T.J.S., DABELSTEE N, . Female behaviour affects male courtship in whitethroats, Sylvia communis: an interactive tle using visual and acoustic cues ix iteraction betwee males in a poeciliid fish female preference for a composite male ralt t in hummingbird foraging behaviour brood defence BROWN, G.I the BROWN S. see OLSSON Dbrown-headed cowbird issociation patter S v ming gical effects on BRUMM, H., TODT, D. Noise-dependent song amplitude regulation in a territorial songbit BSHARY, R., GRUTTEI \.S. Asymmetric cheatin opportunities and partner control in fish mutualism BSHARY, R., SCHAFFER, D. Choosy reef fish select cleaner fish that provide high-quality service bumblebees: collective control of nest climate burrowing depth of beach hoppers BURT, J.M., BARD, S.C., CAMPBELL, S.E., BEECHER, M.D. Alternative forms of song matching in song sparrows burying -—- offspring begging and pea rental provii sioning in , BUSH, S.L., GERHARDT, H.C., SCHUL, J. Pattern recognition and call preferences in treefrogs (Anura: peor a quantitative analysis using a no-choice paradigm bustards: lekking behaviour BUSZKO, J. see WEBBERLEY, K.M butterflyfish: partner recognition and tail-up display Calcarius ornatus: paternal care and testosterone CALDERONE, N.W., JOHNSON, B.R. The within-nest behaviour of honeybee ‘pollen foragers in . colonies with a high or low need for pollen CALL, J., AURELI, F., DE WAAL, F.B.M. Postconflict third- party affiliation in stuu mptz riled mi acaques calls/calling of Carolina chickadees differentiating in Pacific treefrogs e = - information and individual recognition in Amazonian manatees male, female discrimination of in treefrogs preferences in treefrogs ; variation within rhesus monkey screams alopteryx haemorrhoidalis: wing pigmentation in : AMPBELL, F.M., HEYES, C.M. Rats smell: odour-mediated local enhi incement in a vertical movement two-action test AMPBELL, S.E. see BURT, J.M ampbell’s monkeys: communication by annibalism filial, in fish spread by social learning ANNICCI, S., MORINO, L., VANNINI, M Be hi vioural evidern ce for visual rec ognition off predators by the mangrove climbing crab, Sesarma leptosoma ARLIS, J.V. see WILLIAMS, J.M. arolina chickadees: calls of astor fiber: dear enemy phenomenon in ebuella pygmaea: vocal communication of eratitis capitata: longevity in Cercopithecus campbelli: communication by Cercopithecus diana: communication by Ceriagrion tenellum: female colour polymorphism in chacma baboons: aggression and grooming reciprocity among Chaetodon lumulatus: partner recognition and tail-up display in CHAPMAN, T. see GASKIN, T. characin fish: predator inspection behaviour and attack cone avoidance in cheating opportunities in cleaner fish mutualism chestnut-collared longspur: paternal care and testosterone chickens cannibalistic behaviour spread by social learning head movements and eye use receiver bias for symmetry social dispersal by social learning and novel fox d social recognition and approach in chimpanzees: female competition and male territorial behaviour CHUANG, C.-P. see SAKATA, J.T. Circus pygargus: parent-offspring conflicts - oa ar im ms + = CLARK, M.M., MOGHADDAS, M., GALEF, B.G. Jr Age at first mating affects parental effort and fecundity of female Mongolian gerbils cleaner fish cheating opportunities and partner control in selection of to provide high-quality service... _ we - i si a CLOUTIER, S., NEWBERRY, R.C.. HONDA, K., ALLDREDGE, J.R. Cannibalistic behaviour spread by social learning Coccipolipus hippodamiae: sexually trr ansmitted diseases by COCKBURN, A. se MacGREGOR, N.A colour polymorphism in female damselflies wing pigmentation in territorial male damselflies colour-associated foraging success in giant wood spiders communication forest monkeys, syntactk rule in vibration signals in honeybee colonies visual, in lizards of wild pygmy marmosets compe tition ivyeres sion and food abundance in convict cichlids in task switching during emigration in ants convict cichlids: fo) od at uundance on competitive agg ression in COOPER, R.t § JAEGER, R.G CORDERO RIVI ANDRES, J.A corticosteron¢ haviour and blood pI arasites in black iguana costs am xd rewardsin starlings igmentatio! Kuali select DA FONSE( DABELSTEE? DAL SECC( DAMEROS! 1) I deciIs ion rules, tf bus Yi DeGRANDI-HOFFMAN, G. see LI W iS DENG, ( ROGERS |. Social recognition visual xperier DENHAM, A SOMMI R \ density evity in medfly Diana monkeys nT imunication by DICK, J.T.A., BAILEY, R.J.E., ELWOOD, R.W. Maternal care in the rockpool amphipod Apherusa jurinei developmental and environmental cues diet: predator inspection behaviour and attack cone avoidance in characin fish DIETZ, J.M. see BALES, K. DITTAMI, J.P. see HUBER, S domestic chicks, domestic hens see chickens DOWNES, S., BAUWENS, D. An experimental demonstration of direct behavioural interference in two Mediterranean lacertid lizard species DREIER, V.M. see BROWN, G.E. DROGEMULLER, C. see RADESPIEL, | drop-catch behaviour as play in herring gulls Drosophila melanogaster: courtship conditioning in dung fly: —, competition in ‘early warning’ effect ectoparasites: sexually transmitted dise ases by egg discrimination in weaverbirds ELWOOD, R.W. see DICK, J.T.A. emigration: competition in task switching in ants encounter calls, differentiating in Pacific treefrogs i bs a ‘sp i a ENGQVIST, L., SAUER, K.P. Amorous scorpionflies: causes and consequences of the long pairing prelude of Panorpa cognata ENQUIST, M. see JANSSON, L. Erithacus rubecula: body mass and daily singing estimation of size and change in composition of avian song repertoires Eublepharis macularius: territorial and reproductive behaviours in Eurasian beaver: dear enemy phenomenon in - European ground squirrel: paternal effort and mating success in European robins: body mass and daily singing EVANS, C.S. see ORD, T.]. extrapair paternity in rock sparrows eye use in chickens oF HIN, L. see JONES, R.B FARINA, W.M. see WAINSELBOIM, A.] FARM, B.P. see WILLIAMS, J.M. fecundity of Mongolian gerbils ne oe female aggression and maternal testosterone in tree swallow eggs emale behaviour and male courtship in whitethroats ‘male competition in female chimpanzees male discrimination of male calls in treefrogs male mate choice and avian hybridization for composite male trait in green swordtails in pied flycatcher in poeciliid fish in pygmy swordtail in water striders . female salamanders: polyandrous, punishme nt of FERKIN, M.H. see PAZ-Y-MINO, ¢ Ficedula hypoleuca: temale mate choice in fiddler crab: flock movement in filial cannibalism in fish flock movement in fiddler crab “s ‘ma = ie a ssi te FOITZIK, S., HEINZE, J., OBERSTADT, B., HERBERS, J.M. Mate guardinagnd alternative reproductive tactics in the ant Hypoponera opacior food abundance on competitive aggression in convict t cichlids food rewards, costs and preferences in starlings food supplementation on behavioural decisions of hoopoe- larks foraging ambush site selection by pit-vipers : colour-associated success in giant wood spiders haste among penguins = honeybees assess changes in nectar flow hummingbird behaviour in innovations, hormonal correlates of tor pollen adiustmentsb v honevbees pollen-based ¢ ies in honevbees inder predatior . n Staril ings FORBES, S. see GLA Y, B ferently i chickad arolinensis HAUSER, M.D KRALIk ee LE PRI HAYWARD, L.S head movements in ch HEALY, S.D. see BATESON, M. HEINZE, J. see FOITZIK, S. HEISENBERG, M. see REIF, M. Hemigrammus erythrozonus: predator inspection behaviour and attack cone avoidance in HENZI, S.P., BARRETT, L. Infants as a commodity in a baboon market HENZI, S.P. see BARRETT, L. HERBERS, J.M. see FOITZIK, S herring guils: drop-catch behaviour in HERZEL, H. see FITCH, W.T. Heterandria bimaculata: female mate preference in HEYES, C.M see CAMPBELL, F.M see SHERWIN, C.M HIEBER, C.S. see UETZ, G.W Hipposcarus harid: selection of cleaner fish HONDA, K. see CLOUTIER, $ honest information on quality in different age/sex classes honeybees assess Changes in nectar flow pollen foraging, adjustments i1 pollen-based cues in foraging vibration signals in colonies HONKAVAARA, J. see SITTARI, H hoopoe-larks: food supplementation and behavioural decisions of HOPKINS, W.D. see DAMEROSE, I hormonal correlates of foraging innovations HOSKEN, D.]. see MARTINO,. Y HUBER, S., MILLESI, E., DITTAMI, J.P. P aternal effort and its relation to mating success in the European ground squirrel HUHTA, E. see SITTARI, H hummingbird: foraging behaviour of HUNT, S. see MADDOCKS, S.A HURD, L.E. see PRETE, F.R HURLY, T.A. see BATESON, M HURST, G.D.D. see WEBBERLEY, K.M HURST, J.L. see GRAY, S.J hybridization in birds: mixed pairing and female choice scelis: pattern recognition and call preferences in cata: female discrimination of male calls differentiating advertisement from encounter calls olor: pattern recognition and call prete rences In Hypoponera opacior: mate guarding and reproductive tactics in Indian langur monkeys: postconflict behaviour infant baboons as commodity infant care by cottontop tamarins 163 infant nipple preferences, laterality for in baboons information transmission and reception by badgers intersexual behaviours in snapping shrimp invasion success in birds JAEGER, R.G., GILLETTE, J.R., COOPER, R.C. Sexual coercion in a territorial salamander: males punish socially polyandrous female partners , - = i = ; JANSSON, L., FORKMAN, B., ENQUIST, M. Experimental evidence of receiver bias for symmetry JAULIN,S . see JIGUET, F. JENSEN, S.P. see GRAY, S.J JENSSEN, T.A. see ORRELL, K.S JIGUET, F., JAULIN, S., ARROYO, B. Resource defence on exploded leks: do male little bustards, T. tetrax control resources for females? JOHNSON, A. see PRETE, F.R JOHNSON, B.R. see CALDERONE, N.W JOHNSON, S.C. see KODRIC-BROWN, A JONES, R.B., FACCHIN, L., McCORQUODALE, C. Social dispersal by domestic chicks in a novel environment: reassuring properties of a familiar odourant ie es ; - JONES, T.M., QUINNELL, RJ. Testing predictions for the evolution of lekking in the sandfly, Lutzomyia longipalpis : as KACELNIK, A., MARSH, B. Cost can increase preference in starlings KARASKOV, T. see KOREN, I KATO, A. see WILSON, R.P killer whales: vocal clans in KING, A.P. see SMITH, V.A KING, S.A. see MacFARLANE, G.R King penguins: foraging strategies in KLEIN, J. see KOREN, | KLEINEIDAM, C. see WEIDENMULLER, A KODRIC-BROWN, A., JOHNSON, S.C. Ultraviolet reflectance patterns of male guppies enhance their attractiveness to females KOLM, N. Male size determines reproductive output in a paternal mouthbrooding fish KONDOH, M., OKUDA, N. Mate availability influences filial cannibalism in fish with paternal car KOREN, G. see KOREN, | KOTRSCHAL, K. see PFEFFER, | KRALIK, J.D., HAUSER, M.D. A nonhuman primate’s perception of object relations: experiments on cottontop tamarins, Saguinus oedipus KRUPA, J.J. see SIH, A KU, 1 see TSO, | KUO, C.-H. see TSO, L.-M LABES, E. see RADESPIEL, | Labroides dimidiatus cheating opportunities and partner contro election of lacertid lizards: competitive exclusion in ladybirds: sexually transmitted diseases in LAHTI, A.R. see LAHTI, D.« LAHTI, D.C., LAHTI, A.R. How precise is egg discrimination in \ langur monkeys: postconflict behaviour Larus argentatus: drop-catch behaviour in laterality for maternal cradling in olive baboons LATHAM, A.D.M. see POULIN, R latrines: information transmission and rece ption by Dadgers Latrodectus hasselti: male remating and functional sterility LAUER, M. see SIH, A LE PRELL, C.G., HAUSER, M.D., MOODY, D.B. Discre or graded variation within rhesus monkey Psychophysical experiments on classificati learning social issociation patterns in brown-headed cowbirds in chickens, cannibalistic behaviour spread by and novel food in domestic hens song, ecological effects on LEFEBVRE, L. see SOL, D lekking evolution of in the sandfly resource defence by little bustards lemurs: sexual selection, multiple mating and paternity in LEONARD, S.T. see PAZ-Y-MINO, ¢ Leontopithecus rosalia: maternal care, variation in leopard geckos: territorial and reproductive behaviours in Leptothorax albipennis: task switching during colony emigration ; ' ar a LEWIS, L.A., SCHNEIDER, S.S., DeGRANDI-HOFFMAN, G. Factors influencing the selection of recipients by workers performing vibration signals in colcnies of the honeybee, Apis mellifera LINSENMAIR, K.E. see REIF, M LITTLE, K. see SOMMER, \V lizards competitive exclusion in 1037 male mate choice by 1091 visual communication in 879 long pairing prelude of scorpionflies 667 longevity in medfly 121 ee as parrotfish: selection of cleane r fish 557 LUCAS, J.R. see FREEBERG, T.M. Lusc ae megarhynchos costs of singing in a song amplitude regulation in e a ne i ss - UTTBEG, B. Assessing the robustness and optimality of alternative decision rules with varying assumptions Lutzomyia longipalpis: evolution of lek king in = ox pe Y ion LYNN, S.E., HAYWARD, L.S., BENOWITZ-FREDERIC KS, a M., ‘WINGFIEI D, J.C. Behavioural insensitivity to supplementary testosterone during the parental phase in the chestnut-collared longspur Calcarius ornatus Macaca arctoides: postconflict third- party affiliation Macaca mulatta: variation within screams MacDONALD, %% see STEWART, P.D. MacGREGOR, COCKBURN, A. Sex differences in parental response to begging nestlings in superb fairy-- wrens MacLAREN, R.D. see ROW] AND, VJ MADDOCKS, S.A., BI NNETT, A My HUNT, S., CUTHILL, L.C. Context-dependent visual preferences in starlings and blue tits: mate choice and light environment Magellanic penguins: foraging strategies in magpies: nest-building in MAHSBERG, D. see BRANDT, M MAJERUS, M.E.N. see WEBBERLEY, K.M male attractiveness and ultraviolet reflectance in guppies male calls in Neotropical frogs, female discrimination of male courtship in whitethroats male mate choice by lizards male remating in redback spiders male size and reproductive output in fish male territorial behaviour in female chimpanzees male-female conflict in water striders male—male competition in water striders male-male interaction and longevity in medfly Malurus cyanus: parental response to begging os Mammalia: Sirenia: signature information and individu: il mecomaitten |in calls mammals maternal care, variation in vocal production, nonlinear phenomena in mangrove climbing crab: visual recognition of predators marmosets: vocal communication of MARSH, B. see KACELNIK, A. MARTIN, O.Y., HOSKEN, D.J. Strategic ejaculation in the common dung fly, Sepsis cynipsea mate availability and filial cannibalism in fish mate choice copying in sailfin molly 943 and light environment 69 male, by lizards 1091 and scent marking in prairie voles 1121 mate guarding in ants 597 maternal care in amphipods 707 variation in “ oe ck maternal cradling, laterality for in baboons maternal testosterone in tree swallow eggs MATHEWS, L.M. Territorial cooperaatndi soocnia l monogamy: factors affectil intersexual behaviot pair-living snapping shrimp ; mating success effort in European ground squirrel MATKIN, C.O McCARTHY, T.M McCORQUODALI sce JONES, R.B meadow voles: self-gr ning ind sibling recogni medfly: longevity i Meles meles: information transmission and recepti Melospiza melodia: song matching in MENDELSOHMN, ]. see STANBACK,M Meriones unguiculatus: age and parental effort and fect ncrassata: antipredator benefits of grou; Vicrotu MILLESI, | MILLS. § MOO! MO} nest Dullding NEUBAUER NEWBERRY NEWMAN, ¢ NICHOLS, J.D. see ARAMSZEGI, | NICOL, C.J. see SHERWIN, C.M Nicrophorus vespilloides: parental provisioning i nightingales costso f singing song amplitude r

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