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ROBERT TWIGGER 2 IN w yV A SCRAWNY OXFORD POET TAKES LESSONS FROM THE TOKYO RIOT POLICE ROBERT TWIGGER Angry White Pyjamas A Scrawny Oxford Poet Takes Lessons from the Tokyo Riot Police ‘Thisbook was firs polish a apaprbck npn in Gres esi in nde {ANGRY WuTE PASS, Copyriahs B 1987 by Rober vag Al Sees of Ameri. Noro ‘xcept in dhe case rel quotatios en pero eh zscod, Printed nthe Uns book amy Publishers ne, 10 Eat Sad Sze, New Yrk, NY asperColine banks maybe puss fs set promo Pvmton e eit Ss Maih York NY ‘man thinks mesny of himself for aoe having tren a soldier.” Dr Jobncon “And dangerous tol” He'd once diven off cli in jeep bis pet Labrador ted by alah othe dashboard. He, of coy vrs unbeked. var thrown cea. Dog wat killed. Proves seg Tels ae no bloody good” ‘Aer India and then Maly, Colonel H. lived ia x _mazsion dep ia the Oxfordshire couneside. On the ain there was a huge Japanese shell filed with Naga seas. A hid sting my grander Used co till mye hy fig the uma hair tha decorated the pear andl “When Coloue 1. bad worbache he pulled ou dhe isl with pi of ry pli In bs forse could still do handiprings om the lawn, though be drink half « bore of whishy and smcked sSquerera dy in his eighties, mow a nonsmoking tetra, he ge ising down ~ ‘Organs ar all in che wrong place’ ~ and threw oul ik cate we pcr this sor eos of thane In one of hit dipla cbines wae an slminiam cigucete ‘pven to him by fend and fellow army offer who Survived four years in Changi Gaol curing the war, It sully fashioned fom an aluminium mes tn, wih + sew slip mae from a penn. Tome, beans Inver relly ke ir, Calenel H. ined previous er, the tough age when ines meant deh of + mirtios over, wre pan was ignored, ap laughed all doctors aug of ws quacks all considered aud. It wat an age when people fered snd ‘complain, Now thy took Peas and sll complained. L ‘exempt. I tok wo Pavacetmol the moment I got the Irealache, Chris prefered Ibuprofen, The Colonel would sneered mighty 2 Beginner's Mind proyhady wane £0 go Heaven, but nobody want 0 get dd” “crewface, nthe Seren Seagal movi Marked for Daich dp the judgement of the elders, 2 Samura's obschacy hock be excessive From the seventeenh-cenury Samurai manval Hegre “Ye bezn ake,’ Chris announcd, Yor being bald” He bad Jie een from his mon cave pare ob caching a Foe ngs shoo! ron ence by Jopeate women in Bt iis had dane the ob fo a few aces bur busines Bad or bon ax good a he bos waned. Chis ied wo puta Brave fice on ut | could el he was annoyed even hut ince hed een ging on 20 wel wih some of th aden. The box had decided thatthe nly way co increase revenue was t hte fome fish and say Enh teachers to anna the hucatne calle and oficelady mater Chris, being, bald. wa she feng. “The depury bos suggest 1 got + wig. “Even Sean Connery Festa wig” she rold me 1 aponded by tying hai they paid Fors wig wari They themes oul may thy Bed iit needed chsrng up. We got out Ener dhe Dragon on 1 was one ofhisfivouie films, though I'd managed to I by without warching it before, As we watched, Chris role in quoting the Famous Brice Ie lines just befoce Lee alee Bur ie wasn’t the words that stuck in my mind, it © opening heicoprer shor of Hian's land, where we see 23 Contents How Does Man Prove Hine inthe Age of ‘ince! Begone’: Mind ‘Canna Take Foaming ac the Mouth Police Academy Zen and the Art of Being Really, Rally, Angry Challenge Good Cop, Bad Cop “The House Summer Since 1963 Purp aca Funerd “The Bad Guys Have Hales How e Come the Perfect Murder Surat Nasr Nass ‘The Moune Fu Ter. Breaking the Mirror ‘An Honourable Est Unie Bodyguard Glonay SER SE88 How Does a Man Prove Himself in the Age of Nintendot ‘tn seer ous & 4 citation ib which the very word {poser evokes hose sire” George Orwell ‘is beter 10 have some ntappiess whan one ist young for fs person doesnot experience some caress evil scie dow. From the seveeeert-cetry Smurmanual gare Time walking 1 work when I noticed a shin ball easng in the gutter, I was 2 pachinko ball, used in a kind of Japanese slot Frachive x pit. Ac the end of pachinko scion you cath in fe sel bal, which cn number thousands fora facpot, for ine of cher hoschold goods or money. Ural he ball wy fn he pach pairs, s0 Iwas suprised ro ee another, and a le way of another, and then another. Following this weasuse tall I picked them up, ded them of sang 0 myrelfin the tam suruhise. The sun lintel off the sel and I hiked them tog ike smal bo picking up pebbles ona beach. ‘The walled upto the main road, which I neded to cro to frch the «nin sation, war bending down 10 pickup ye other ball when I heard dhe ech of tes siding and swe timber spill on to the road from the back of stall cruck. A red Manda sporw car faced the truck as other cars went into the epee lane to avoid the indent. T want sre what bad Jeppeed but T sopped ro wach cnkng the patio ball ‘pti my hand. The truck driver wat a young man with « ‘punch pert a hairstyle, dhe syle prefered by Japanese men with chugs tendencies, eaking it inspiration for the hairdos of che yuku, ‘npanzed crime, mainly involved in gambling rackets. He picked Gp a pice of allen timber from he back of his tuck an wooped on the driver of the spor cat. In gutural, macho Japanese he yelled: What're you doing? Who do you think you fae’, incesspersed with repeated these of, ‘Tm gonna kil you The ar diver, I could swe, was very fghtened. He was allo young man and wore «suit. The tuck driver banged his 23 flew of wood down on the car windscreen, making as ify. mash the glas. The diver shielded his face in automa anticipation. This show of fear made things worse. The earaged tuck driver banged the glass a few more times and the Mi river repeatedly apologined: ‘Semin. Gomen nasa Gomen jen mast’ Then the trick diver reached in and grabbed rman inthe Mauda by bis i, This i it, 1 though, violence T ought wo intervene ~ bur how? There seemed no pase, thoughiful gap allowing me co interject & worthy comment, restraining arm. I wa fozen, immobile, arf Asie tothe side ofthe road. Then the mice man hit she Mi fon the hub cape and the diver, who wae sill apologizing. four. He bowel to die uuck diver, 90 degra bow, a spology. The tuck driver ranted some more, bellowing. row (Vm gonna kil you’, and beat the bumper and hub, to emphasize his dissatisfaction ‘Then it happened. Something so srange and out of place modern Tale T caulé never have predic it. As cars wit ‘st on the highway, the trick driver pushed the Mazda down on to his knee on the gras verge, The beste sl looked pathetic Kneling on the gras infront of che en teuck diver and his big piece of wood. | choughe perkaps might cry. Instead, the profesional executed fll eiperoe sums oussuetched, proscating himself fce-fst into the 6 10 sor ed edie oe pe ee ganar Uhl ont ard ly egg 2 eon heard eh ene is ced Be rac ktiy ec val ees oe ae en fn ep bd ea it a kn be pCa ten i SL EP yan Fe cod a BES aig dpe my ay be Toes ela olag ah roel hy reasons Fr ae dig clued oo enn hel Be pein nc fetine nval hsparvoerl “areelaraetoni Violence war not my ching. Thac’s why living ia Tokyo suited Ine ~ i was probably the sees capil cig inthe would. Bus, Increasingly, T asked myseif what 1 would do iF T got mugged, srccked, picked on, targeted by bladewieding mutants in a dark, an aller; the dark, dank ale thc reeks of piss and old burger vappers, the urban sofe's nightmare last stand ~ alone, defences, crouched ina fetal ball proteeting his privates with 4 sogey newspaper. Frankly it made me uneasy. I became @ovinced that the uneasiness, which would not go say, was ‘onnected to my general lack of fness. Deceptude was aecping up on me and I was only thy. Some kind of innate healthinest ‘nd kepe me going doughout my twenties, but dhe minute 1 fumed thiny I went int 2 major dedi. I began to suspect 1 4d ME or some other mysterious and. dtiliating ines. This cline vas adminedly not helped by smoking. drinking lot of Goffe and living off bol-in-thebag aire tice, My coom-mates (Rfleed with me. Chis developed aene on his back. Fat Frank, iain. was et hy permanent ad ere wind ight we sor, lump, tld and bree. Bena his Impresive shining dome was a bain of immense power and lesiy. tn a former age he might have been a general, 3 a univeniy profesor, an adiser to ous and kings. In Thatcher’ Brita he bad been + tax consultant Chais's masive ming invemed tac avoidance schemes of such invicacy chat 3D, diagrams on conference table sired pieces of paper were for their description. Chris was the orginal whic, burnt out ac twentpseen after earning hundreds of shousands tli rc people how « save money, As « casualty of the money ‘ghtes he had rurned his back on conventional life ia order 9 putiue hi many interes, Bue, most importantly, he always put lis fiends ist, helping chem even when ie put himself at ik He had gone fom being tax guru to « multi-purpose guru, and ‘whenever [had a problem my fine sop was often tase Chis his opinion, He krew everything, had been everywhere, alinant doae it alls and if he hada’, his near photographic memory spewed out reading list of absoluely eens on che subject in question. ‘Asa falleime guru and a par-tine English eacher, conmidera che modern. word to be unheathily obsessed ‘leanne. He liked the disbloth to be aicly grimy so tha woulda'e be cheated of a dilly dose of microsopic fi neces for keeping our immune systems in dp-top. wok ttder, Rather han terminate the help bacteria ia ‘odorous shirts be prefered co douse chem wich 2 smelling mal perfume called Mandom, which was conven ‘lable a all apanese 7-Flevers eweny-four hours a day. ‘Chui had reamed up with the genial Far Frank in a il ‘per venture in Dubai. They had come co Tapan to try and ‘Before coming to Jspan Far Frark had been, variously fmateat ltanlan weesder, a professoral belly dancer and medical student. He wat Iranian, though educated in the and he loved to constrict arcane and pointless sentences just 2 new word ‘Be dha as ie may,’ was one of is favourite practise Palin ily ad il hi ace We eee en do tetera Seed Sagan pire operon —aleeptpteeet tr siecerphnes tener aroma Regent eigen epee element noe ae epee’ ee rr Ror Behe ae in ar ken ee Se fe ealerccncsrcms ape ee iret ee ar ree EE eer reirelons ee ecient tre Bicawigh nage oicaren rae SE epi Te coy wilted bad eee eek See iette riers ee ee ae ft adc ee eee lee bent petei Hlodks on cther side. There were two rooms each ren fove by mitra a Bs abn mene mnie Jo hm — by rw metres long, Most rooms are laid our with me a a ii Se ne B (One of our rooms had six ofthe ami ats and the he had scufled lino. Compared eo Tesh,» nineeen Samra poct {admired we were teh. He only owned hal tas one fr tnediadoo, one far gues and one for hs wi and hinsel “The tata 100m was the sleping room and the Doak orgs room, We had nenly « houand books sacked up agains he vel in cat pies by Chris, who was 2 compulive purchase, Fa Frank prefered to borrow ot id! his backs, All Of ws consicred reading se necenry a ing: Frank spent {wes deal of cme doing bot, 20 che ies jt go highes and Higher. We had tobe caefl when we Went o bed in as toppled down on tous Hach nigh we unoled fons and onthe for. Fach morning we told them up and sored in the comer. ‘The cter room wat a kchen and dining rom. The ‘orange pire baticom war acssed fom the kitchen. So the rmpermntal latory. We had a Jo af oaroie sncer, which Ft Frank calc from abe: prope’ wage Japan, the atbage pickings ae very good bease pepe ave enough space to sor od bis and TVs when hey them, So dey af rw way hings tha sll wot Fat tated wo ace good consumer usable gong 0 wae 5 Bronghe them home ard stored hem in his pare ofthe Afr few days of orgs, geny secimating ut to 2 ‘eduction in space he would sles thm for general te Tad ow Gx nchines, buh alighly damage, ene Sr and one for reciving Two vide eoorders~ one i 4 fase forward, the other delete fr revere. Tw9 of asset players Two computer. Two answering aching drew the line at geting » mciowave. Chis fk ft would encourage to et even mote pane junk food on ‘odie, fiend inant goat (pulsed pasvia) and Tend sobiori(cicen on a sew) fom the mute mas whote shop wat only or Bock ay. 1“ ed at physical exercze was shooting the slow- eo) es tind Fl He i ee Te te tae kad ore teal Sa ois He ol of my He was lpping sway. chat 1 was fading fa ezonng seh lar wth an exients au apeoah fa Heyes wor eee enough theft hat Ts seg going mer and Unig wih wo oer guy who sy ay and gong nowhere "The fc that fda ave TSE ob. 4 sendy eelicnd, ot even avery steady hand what Sabra the eafcine and siotine coursing through my veins The fcr thar someone had recendy sien the ie off our washing Fehon, whch, beng ooors, was pariclry vlerble 0 Gime, A wahing machine which ran OF cold water and Sled fo ge ny shir cll clu, forcing mew elt that fo a di Tense ation the Japanese manufette very poor wating Irachnes forthe home marker “The only posible iesyle in sch cramped conditions was ‘emmunal. We ste rogecr, we ep in the sme roam, we went fot wopticr. 1 on the rare ocenion when it happened fomcon's glfend came round, we had to arranger be ‘out 40 that 2 ew hoa ofpivcy could be had. fn the nd we knew 26h others though, ned ach ethers seen and ead Sch others mail It was ai the cramped condone had ord ig For w cme ene holy eof selFiposal safering was logical. Farly i was because {hth ih oof lrg in Tokyo and ary tas bce Fat Frank was unemployable, There fad been backlash gaint fan in agen and ic was imposible, with hit dodgy vse $80 for him = find wore. Previously, « generous vin ae Ran, asad allowed Joan tbe sed with ver = 8 Tian. They were needed tally to do lows Rial je. Now dhere were mo many Tanans ard the Japanese ‘rideed fe waa eee them a. problem, There were. peieic 5

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