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ANGLO-NORMAN STUDIES XI PROCEEDINGS OF THE BAlTLE CONFERENCE 1988 Image not available Photograph courtesy of Christine Mahany ANGLO-NORMAN STUDIES PROCEEDINGS OF THE BATTLE CONFERENCE 1988 Edited by R. Allen Brown THE BOYDELL PRESS Disclaimer: Some images in the original version of this book are not available for inclusion in the eBook. O Contributors 1988,1989 All Rights Reserved. Except as permitted under current legislation no part of this work may be photocopied, stored in a retrieval system, published, performed in public, adapted, broadcast, transmitted, recorded or reproduced in any form or by any means, without the prior permission of the copyright owner First published 1989 The Boydell Press, Woodbridge Transferred to digital printing ISBN 0 85115 526 X The Boydell Press is an imprint of BoydelI & Brewer Ltd K) Box 9, Woodbridge, Suffolk IM2 3DF, UK and of Boydell & Brewer Inc. 668 Mt Hope Avenue, Rochester, NY 14620, USA website: www.boydel1andbrewer.com A CiP catalogue reford for this book is available from the British Library This publication is printed on acid-free paper CONTENTS vi LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS viii PREFACE ix LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS St Pancras Priory, Lewes: its Architectural Development to 1200 1 Freda Anderson Wace and Warfare Matthew Bennett John Leland and the Anglo-Norman Historian Caraline Brett The Growth of Castle Studies in England and on the Continent since 1850 Joan Counihan The Logistics of Fortified Bridge Building on the Seine under Charles the Bald Carroll Gillmar Charles the Bald's Fortified Bridge at Pitres (Seine): Recent Archaeological Investigations Brian Dearden The Struggle for Benefices in Twelfth-Century East Anglia Christopher Harper-Bill Coastal Salt Production in Norman England Laurence Keen The Welsh Alliances of Earl Elfgar of Mercia and his Family in the mid-Eleventh Century K. L. Maund Domesday Slavery John S. Moore Hydrographic and Ship-Hydrodynamic Aspects of the Norman Invasion, AD 1066 J. Neumann Monks in the World: the Case of Gundulf of Rochester Marylou Ruud Royal Service and Reward: the Clare Family and the Crown, 1066-1154 Jennifer C. Ward A Vice-Comital Family in Pre-Conquest Warwickshire Ann Williams ILLUSTRATIONS St Pancras Priory, Lewes SAS - Sussex Archaeologicat Society; FEMA - F. E. M. Anderson; ESRO - East Sussex Record Office; EG - Emit Godfrey; c. - Copyright. 1 Map, Lewes, 1824; Figg (c. ESRO) 2 Parsons Plan, 1845 (c. SAS) 3 Brakspear Plan, 1906 (c. SAS) 4 SW Tower. Detail from Brakspear Plan (c. SAS) 5 SW Tower, SE pier (c. FEMA) 6 SW Tower, base (a) (c. FEMA) 7 SW Tower, base (b) (c. FEMA) 8 SW Tower, base (c) (c. FEMA) 9 SW Cloister, Detail of Iavatorium from Brakspear Plan (c. SAS) 10 Interior, twelfth-century reredorter (c. FEMA) 11 Exterior, Worcester Abbey reredorter (c. EG) 12 Interior, Worcester Abbey reredorter (c. EG) 23 Interior, twelfth-century dorter undercroft (c. EG) 14 'Infirmary Chapel.' Detail fram Brakspear Plan (c. SAS) 15 UXI, south wall (c. FEMA) 16 UXI, east wall (c. FEMA) 17 UXI, west wall (c. FEMA) 18 UXI, north wall (c. FEMA) 19 Wall F, 1987 (c. FEMA) 20 Wall F, 1737 (c. ESRO) 21 Wall F, 1737. Detail (c, ESRO) 22 Wall F, 176115 (c. SAS) 23 Wall F, 1761/5. Detail (c. SAS) 24 Wall F, 1785 (c. SAS) 25 Wall F, 1785. Detail (c. SAS) 26 Wall F, south face, FG (c. FEMA) 27 Wall F, south face, FF and EX (c. FEMA) 28 Wall F, south face, FE (c. FEMA) 29 Wall F, south face, FD (c. FEMA) 30 Wall F, south face, FB (c. FEMA) 31 Wall F, north face, FB (c. FEMA) 32 Wall F, south face, FA (c. FEMA) 33 Wall F, north face, FA (c. FEMA) 34 Wall F, north face, 1845 (c. ESRO) 35 Wall F, north face, 1845. Detail (c. ESRO) 36 'I~firmaryC hapel', north wall (c. EG) 'Infirmary Chapel', nookshaft, NE chancel (c. EG) Reverend Gaunt, Isfield, first drawing. Detail (c. SAS) Reverend Gaunt, IsfieId, second drawing. Detail (c. SAS) 'Infirmary Chapel', photograph, nineteenth century (c. ESRO) 'Infirmary Chapel', photograph, 1987 (c. FEMA) Godfrey Plan, 1927. Detail (c. SAS) Purbeck marble plinth (c. FEMA) Charles the Bald's Fortified Bridge at Piires (Seine) 1 The location of Pont de !'Arche 2 The survey of 1987-8 3 The contours survey, 1988 4 Le Fort, Igoville. Excavation of pit, 1971. North section Coastal Salt Production in Norman England Appendix One. The Domesday salt-works 1 Lincolnshire 2 Norfolk 3 Suffolk 4 Essex 5 Kent 6 Sussex 7 Hampshire and East Dorset 8 Devon, West Dorset and Cornwall Royal Service and Reward Genealogy: the Clare family, 1066-1 154 A Vice-Comital Family in Pre-Conquest Warwickshire Genealogy: the kinsmen of Ethelwine PREFACE The eleventh annual Battle Conference, which was held from 22 to 27 July 1988, at Pyke House, Battle, was the last to be directed by Professor R. Allen Brown. He died on 1 February 1989, after a long and heroic struggle against cancer. The Battle Conferences have been rightly described as one of the 'great historical enterprises' which he inaugurated and inspired. For more than a decade they have brought together scholars from many parts of Europe and North America, as well as the Middle East and Japan, to take part in an interdisciplinary forum for the presentation and study of the latest research in Anglo-Norman and late Old English history. Papers on archaeology, archi- tecture, literature and language have all been prominent alongside those on every aspect of history, A notable feature has been the practical study of arms and amour, accompanied on one occasion by a demonstration of the way in which fully armed Norman knights wuld charge on horseback up the hill at Battle. Over the years the conferences have become a centre of warmth and friendship as well as good scholarship. Allen Brown gave them an impetus that will ensure their survival. Our sense of loss now is great; but the Battle Conferences wilt continue in future years as a fitting memorial to him. The papers in this volume were all read in the course of the eleventh conference. Allen Brown himself attended almost to the end, and it was appropriate that the news of his appointment by the French government as 'Chevalier de I'Ordre des Arts et Lettres' came through on the last day. During the excursion to Lewes he led the participants, undeterred by thickets of brambles, to the summit of both mottes. The visit to Lewes Priory was kindly organised and led by Dr F. E. M. Anderson, to whom especial thanks are due. Mrs Gillian Murton and her assistants at the East Sussex County Council, and Mr Peter Birch and his staff at Pyke House, again gave invaluable support and help in organising the conference and providing for the camfort of the participants. Allen Brown was able to compfete all the editorial work for this volume of the proceedings, apart from the final stages of seeing it through the press. Any difficultiesw hich might have arisen at this stage have been smoothed over by the calm efficiency of the editorial staff under the direction of Dr Richard Barber at the Boydell Press. Clare Hall, Cambridge Marjorie Chibnall ABBREVIATIONS Antigs. Journ. The AntiqmariesJorrmal (Society of Antiquaries of London) Arch. Journ. Archaeological Journal (Royal Archaeological Institute) ASC Anglo-Saxon Chronicle, ed. D. Whitelock et al., London 1969 Battle Chronicle The Chronicle of Battle Abbey, ed. Eleanor Searle, Oxford Medieval Texts, 1980 BIHR Bu//eri~o f the Irzstitute ofHistorica1 Research BL British Library 13 N Biblioth?qi~eN ationale BT The Bayeux Tapestry, ed. F. M. Stenton, 2nd edn, London 1965 Cal. Docs. France Calendar of Documenrs preseived in France . . ., i, 918-1216, ed. J. H. Round, HMSO, 1899 Carmen The Carmen de Hasringae Proelio qf Guy bishop of Antiens, ed. Catherine Morton and Hope Munz, Oxford Medi- eval Texts, 1972 De gestis po~ltfficurn William of Malmesbury, De gestis porrt$cmrn Anglovttm, ed. N. E. S. A. Hamilton, RS 1870 De gestis regum William of Malmesbury, Dt gestis regllm An~qlonnm,e d. W. Srubbs, RS 1887 Domcsday Book Domesday Book, set4 liber censt.~alis. . ., ed. A. Farley, 2 vols, 'Record Commission', 1783 Dudo De imrihirs et actis primorurn Normantzinc Ducum auctore Dridorze Sanrfi Qitintini Decano, ed. J. Lair, SociPte des Antiquaires de Normandie, 1865 Eadmer Historia r~ovonrrni n Anglia, ed. M. Rule, RS 1884 EHD English Historical Documents, i, ed. D. Whitclock, London 1955; ii, ed. D. C. Douglas, London 1953 EHR English Historical Review Eauroux Recueil des actes des ~NCSde Normandic (911 -1066), ed. M. Fauroux, Memoires de la Sociiti des Antiquaires de Normandie, xxxvi, 1961 GEC Cotnplete Peerafpe of Enxland; Scotland, Ireland, Great Britain and the United Kingdom, 13 vols in 14, London 1910-59 Gesta Guillelmi William of Poitiers, Gestrr Guillelmi . . ., ed. R. Foreville, Paris 1952 Historia Novetla William of Malmesbury, Historia Novella, ed. K. R. Potter, Nelson's Medieval Texts, London 1955 HMSO Her Majesty's Stationery Off~ce,L ondon Huntingdon Henry of Huntingdon, Historin An,qlnrum, ed. T. ArnoId, RS 1879 Journ. BAA Jourrtal tf the British Archaeolo~picalA ssociation

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