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ANew Species of Canna (Cannaceae) from Northern Argentina PDF

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Preview ANew Species of Canna (Cannaceae) from Northern Argentina

・円,,YEM4ム京詣巴・咽3YEd--品川ィ,知PE研円出品内九肱引雑凡〈誌別nu 、‘.,, A New Species of Canna (Cannaceae) from Northern Argentina a b Nobuyuki TANAKAand Tetsuo KOYAMA aMakino Herbarium,G raduate School of Science,T okyo Metropolitan University, Minamiosawa 1-1,Ha tiouji city,T okyo,1 920397JAPAN; ・ bNihon University College Museum of Bioresource Sciences,1 866 Kameino,F ujisawa,K anagawa,2 52-0813 JAPAN (Received on May 31,1 999) Canna plurituberosa T.Koyama & Nb.Tanaka from northern Argentina is de- = scribed here with ad etailed illustration. Chromosome number of 2n 18 was also reported. Key words: Canna plurituberosa,n ew species,Ar gentina In 1984,d uring the course of his field rhizomate cormis parvulis multis dense expedition to Argentinian-Bolivian frontier, aggregatis constructo,n on repente neque Tetsuo Koyama collected af ew plants of a Canna species,w hich he thought to be something hitherto undescribed because of their peculiar rhizomes consisting of densely agglomerated tuberose units. How- ever,t he plants were all sterile. Recently these Canna plants cultivated in the gardens of the Makino Herbarium and Nihon Uni- versity brought flowers. Somatic chromosomes were observed with root tip cells. The root tips were pre- treated with 2m M8 -hydroxyquinoline for three hours at room temperature before they were fixed in 1:3 acetic alcohol at 50C for 24 hrs. Then they were macerated with 1:2 mixture of 1N HCl and 45% acetic acid at 600C for 30 seconds. After stained with 1% aceto-orcein for at room temperature,th ey were squashed. As ar esult the diploid chro- mosome number of 2n = 18 (x = 9) was determined for C. plurituberosα. Canna plurituberosa T. Koyama & Nb.Tanaka,sp . nov. (Fig. 2) ev icinia C. in- Fig. 1. Rhizome morphology of Canna plurituberosa dicae,a b ea tamen distincte recedit (A) and C. india L. (B) -89ー 90 植物研究雑誌第75巻第2号 平成12年4月 stolonifero,e t bracteis f10rum multo abbreviatum cormis multis globosis grandioribus. subovoideisve 4-5 cm longis albescentibus Plantae 1.5-2.0 m altae. Rhizoma apice purpureo-tinctis constructum,S lne 本 、 い f に 山 l ム 1 E 』 A 川 m 四 E 川回MG kmH ・ M U i咽pHm l 1~・::,..'!~V...・:::、司 J 5cm 5cm A ~ん~ Fig. 2. Canna plurituberosa. A,s hiozome; B,le af and part of stem; C,in f1orescence; D,f1 ower; E, f1oriferous bract; F,se pal; G,st yle; H,s tamen with ao ne-celled anthher to its margin; 1,ca psule on stem; J,s eed. Apri12000 Journal of Japanese Botany Vo .l75 No. 2 91 internodiis elongatis,n on stoloniferum nec de Reyes,2 0 kmN Wof Jujuy,1 750 m al ,.t repens. Folia ovatoelliptica,40-65 cm only af ew plants noted on wooded steep 司 longa,1 5-30 cm lata,l aete viridia,a pice slope of ag orge. T. Koyama 15858,c ulti- acuta acuminatave,ba si in vaginam gradatim vated in the garden of the Makino Her- attenuantes. Inf10rescentia unica,t erminalis, barium,T okyo Metropolitan University ut videtur subspiciformis (revera racemosa), (MAK-holotypus; TNS-isotypus). Do.,cu l 聞 non ramosa,1 0-15 cm longa. Flores binati, tivated in the garden of Nihon University, pedunculis brevibus 2-4 mml ongis,br acteis College of Bioresource Sciences grandibus late obdeltoideo-obovatis,2. 5 cm (Paratypus-TI). longis,1 .5-2.0 cm latis,c irereo-virentibus; Distribution: Thus far known only from sepala 3,a lbo-virentia,o blongo-lanceolata, the type locality. 1.5-2.0 cm longa; petala 3,l anceolata,4 .5- Canna plurituberosa resembles C. indica 5c m longa,f1 avo-albescentia; staminodia 2, in general characters. However,t he rhi- linearioblanceolata,7.0-7.5 cm longa,1 .0- zomes are consisting of al arge dense clus- 国 1.3 cm lata,a pice dentata vel obtusa ters of small tubers (Fig. 1A)which is quite ・ interdum mucronata; labelllum recurvum, different from horizontally elongated and aurantiacum,b asi flavescens,a pice stoloniferous ones in C. indica. This type of incisulatum; stamen petaloideum aurantiaco- rhizomes found in C. plurituberosa has not rubrum,s taminodia subaequans,a nthera been reported in the related species of marginale 1.2c m longa 1-cellulare; stylus Canna. In addition,b racts are broadly aurantiacus,li nearis,6. 5 cm longus. Capsu obdeltoid-obovate and much larger (2.5 x 目 lae globosae,p arvulae,1 .5-2 cm longae, 2.0 cm in size) in the present species, apice stylobasi persistente mucronatae; whereas they are ovate to oval and smaller semina 1-5,g lobulosa,g randula,c a. 1c m (1.0x 1 .5c m in size) in C. indica. Further- diam., maturitate nigrescentia. more,in this new species the staminodes are Chromosomata: 2n = 18. as long as the functional stamen whereas Typus: ARGENTINA: Prov. J吋uy,tribu they are clearly exceed it in C. indica. 聞 tary of Alto Rio Grande,C amino aT ermes 田中伸幸a,小山銭夫b.アルゼンチン北部からのカ ンナ科の一新種 著者の一人小山は 1984年にアルゼンチン北部 ものは他のカンナ科の植物では知られていない. の植物調査を行った際,フフイ州の山地の斜面で さらに花序は若葉から花茎が伸長せず,分校もし カンナ属の一種を採集した.その採集品を東京都 ない.花部の直葉は長さ 2.5cmに達して大型で, 立大学牧野標本館園場と日本大学生物資源科学部 一つの彊葉に2-3花,穫色で長さ約 8cmの比較的 実験温室にて栽培調査を続けたところ,特異な根 大きい花をつけ,果実は非常に小さい.一つの果実 茎を有するカンナ科の一新種であることが判明し には仁 indicαでは通常 15-20個の種子を有するが たので,その形態から Cannaplurituberosa 本種は直径1cmの大型の種子を 1荷果中に 1-5個 T.Koyama & Nb.Tanakaと命名・記載した.本種は しかcもたない.染色体数は 2n=1 8であった. 節聞が他種のように伸長せず,球形の塊茎が多数 東京都立大学大学院理学研究科牧野標本館 集まって構成されるカンナ科では特異な形態、の根 b日本大学生物資源科学部資料館) 茎をもち,株は叢生する.本種のような根茎をもっ

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