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Index of Issues: July pp. 1-334; August, pp. 335-602; September, pp. 603-906; October, pp. 907-1184; November, pp. 1185-1564; December, pp 1565-2032. SUBJECT INDEX TO VOLUME 91 Entries from JOURNAL departments are identified as follows: Case Reports—(CR); Clinical Investigations—(CD; Clinical Concepts and Commentary—(CCC) Correspondence—(CO); Editorial Views—(EV); Educational Material—(EM); Laboratory Investigations—(LD; Laboratory Reports—(LR); Medical Intelligence Article—(MD; Practical Guidelines—(PG); Reports of Scientific Meetings—(SM); Review Article—(RA); Special Article—(SA); Web Site—(WS). A Adrenergic agents and receptors analgesic and hemodynamic effects of intrathecal clonidine as the sole analgesic agent during first stage of labor: a dose-re- Acetaminophen es . I sponse study (CI) [Chiari et al.], 388 acetaminophen inhibits spinal prostaglandin E, release after periph- antinociceptive and hemodynamic effects of a novel a,-adrenergic eral noxious stimulation (LD [Muth-Selbach et al.], 231 agonist, MPV-2426, in sheep (LD [Eisenach et al.], 1425 morphine-sparing effect of acetaminophen in pediatric day-case sur- beneficial effects from fB-adrenergic blockade in elderly patients gery (CI [Korpela et al.], 442 undergoing noncardiac surgery (CI) |Zaugg et al.}, 1674 Acetylcholine and acetylcholine receptors the alkyl chain dependence of the effect of normal alcohols on direct effects of a,- and a,-adrenergic agonists on spinal and cerebral agonist-induced nicotinic acetyicholine receptor desensitiza- pial vessels in dogs (LI) [lida et al.], 479 tion kinetics (LI) [Raines and Zachariah], 222 effect of mivazerol on perioperative cardiac complications during cecal ligation and puncture peritonitis model shows decreased nic- non-cardiac surgery in patients with coronary heart disease otinic acetylcholine receptor numbers in rat muscle: immu- the European mivazerol trial (EMIT) (CD [Oliver et al.], 951 nopathologic mechanisms? (LI [Tsukagoshi et al.], 448 effects of dobutamine on hemodynamics and left ventricular perfor- human neuronal nicotinic acetylcholine receptors expressed in Xe- mance after cardiopulmonary bypass in cardiac surgical pa- nopus oocytes predict efficacy of halogenated compounds tients (CI) [Romson et al.], 1318 that disobey the Meyer-Overton rule (LI) [Cardoso et al.] epidural clonidine or bupivacaine as the sole analgesic agent during 1370 and after abdominal surgery: a comparative study (CI) [De inhibitory effects of propofol on acetylcholine-induced endothelium- Kock et al.|, 90:1354, [erratum] 602 dependent relaxation and prostacyclin synthesis in rabbit hypothermia in barbiturate-anesthetized rats suppresses natural mesenteric resistance arteries (LI) [Yamashita et al.], 1080 killer cell activity and compromises resistance to tumor me- mechanisms underlying the inhibitory effect of propofol on the tastasis: a role for adrenergic mechanisms (LI [Ben-Eliyahu et contraction of canine airway smooth muscle (LD [Lin et al.], al.], 732 750 intrathecal adenosine interacts with a spinal noradrenergic system to a new twist to myopathy of critical illness (EV) [Martyn and Vin- produce antinociception in nerve-injured rats (LI) [Gomes et cent], 337 al.}, 1072 propofol-induced depression of cultured rat ventricular myocytes is intravenous regional anesthesia using lidocaine and clonidine (CI) related to the M,-acetylcholine receptor-NO-cGMP signaling [Reuben et al.], 654 pathway (LD [Yamamoto et al.], 1712 Aduit respiratory distress syndrome. See Lung, respiratory fail- sex differences in cholinergic analgesia I: a supplemental nicotinic ure mechanism in normal females (LD [Chiari et al.], 1447 Aging sex differences in cholinergic analgesia II: differing mechanisms in anesthetic management of the elderly: measuring function beyond two models of allodynia (LD [Lavand’-homme and Eisenach], the immediate perioperative horizon (EV) [Raja and Hay- 1455 ; thornthwaite], 909 Acid-base equilibrium beneficial effects from f-adrenergic blockade in elderly patients cardioprotective effects of propofol and sevoflurane in ischemic and undergoing noncardiac surgery (CI) [Zaugg et al], 1674 reperfused rat hearts: role of K,,,» channels and interaction Air embolism with the sodium-hydrogen exchange inhibitor HOE 642 (ca- cerebral microembolism diagnosed by transcranial Doppler during riporide) (LI) |Mathur et al.], 1349 total knee arthroplasty: correlation with transesophageal intestinal luminal microdialysis: a new approach to assess gut mu- echocardiography (CI) [Sulek et al.], 672 cosal ischemia (LD [Tenhunen et al.], 1807 hemodilution during venous gas embolization improves gas ex- mathematical equivalent of metabolic alkalosis part of the Goldberg change, without altering V,-Q or pulmonary blood flow dis- acid-base map (CO) [Habibzadeh], 1967 tributions (LI) [Deem et al.], 1861 Acidosis. See Acid-base equilibrium Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) liquid ventilation: a theoretically beneficial approach in treating ritonavir’s role in reducing fentanyl clearance and prolonging its systemic air embolism in lung trauma (CO) [Schulz-Stubner] half-life (CT) [O":kola et al.], 681 1963 Acute respiratory distress syndrome. See Lung, respiratory fail- minimizing venous air embolism from reinfusion bags (CO), |Benu- ure mof], 1962 Addiction. See Drug abuse, addiction, and withdrawal probable carbon dioxide embolism during endoscopically assisted Adenosine varicose vein stripping (CR) [Vidovich and Lojeski], 1527 aden: sine: a sensitive indicator of cerebral ischemia during carotid Airway management. See a/so Intubation endarterectomy (CI) [Weigand et al.], 414 airway exchange catheters: simple concept, potentially great danger intrathecal adenosine interacts with a spinal noradrenergic system to (EV) [Benumof], 342 produce antinociception in nerve-injured rats (LI [Gomes et airway injury during anesthesia: a closed claims analysis (CI) [Dom- al.], 1072 ino et al.], 1703 preclinical toxicity screening of intrathecal adenosine in rats and carbon dioxide monitoring during deep conscious sedation using dogs (LD [Chiari et al.], 824 nasopharyngeal airways (CO) [Dominguez], 1177 Anesthesiology, V 91, No 6, Dec 1999 1978 SUBJECT INDEX TO VOLUME 91 Airway management—e-Aminocaproic acid case of Cowden’s disease that caused airway obstruction during Airway smooth muscle induction of anesthesia (CR) [Omote et al.], 1537 do pipecuronium and rocuronium affect human bronchial smooth catastrophic caudad spread of a peritonsillar abscess: a case report muscle? (CD [Zappi et al.], 1616 (CR) [Manecke et al.], 1956 mechanisms underlying the inhibitory effect of propofol on the cervical spine instability and dwarfism: fiberoptic intubations for all contraction of canine airway smooth muscle (LI [Lin et al.], (CO), [Auden], 580 750 clinical assessment of a plastic optical fiber stylet for human tracheal Alfentanil intubation (CD [Gravenstein et al.], 648 alfentanil causes less postoperative nausea and vomiting than equi- controlled intermittent aerosolization of lidocaine for airway anes- potent doses of fentanyl or sufentanil in outpatients (CD thesia (CO) [Balatbat et al.], 596 {Langevin et al.], 1666 efficiency of a new fiberoptic stylet scope in tracheal intubation (CI) optimal propofol-alfentanil combinations for supplementing nitrous [Kitamura et al.], 1628 oxide for outpatient surgery (CD [Pavlin et al.], 97 endotracheal tube fire: comments on the advisability of not extubat- pharmacokinetic-pharmacodynamic modeling of the respiratory de- ing (CO), [Wolf and Sidebotham], 888 pressant effect of alfentanil (CI) [Bouillon et al.], 144 the esophageal detector device is unreliable when the stomach has Allergy and histamine been ventilated (CR) [Andres and Langenstein], 566 an adverse effect of carboxymethylcellulose in lidocaine jelly (CO) evaluation of tracheal intubation difficulty in patients with cervical {Kakuyama et al.], 1969 spine immobilization: fiberoptic (WuScope) versus Conven- intraoperative anaphylactic shock from bacitracin nasal packing af- tional laryngoscopy (CD [Smith et al.], 1253 ter septorhinoplasty (CR) [Gall et al.], 1545 Fastrach uses a low-volume, high-pressure cuff for the endotracheal severe anaphylactic reaction due to a chlorhexidine-impregnated tube system (CO), [Wiesel and Warm], 592 central venous catheter (CO), [Terazawa et al.], 89:1296, a hairy situation (CO) [Johnson et al.], 595 [notice of withdrawal] 602, [Terazawa et al.], 1296, [notice of inflation of the endotracheal tube cuff in the pharynx for ventilation withdrawal] 602 of paralyzed patients with unanticipated difficult airway (CO) Alpha-2 adrenergic agents. See Adrenergic agents and receptors {[Panadero et al.], 1178 Ambulatory care intramuscular rocuronium in infants and children: a multicenter at-home recovery after an anesthetic (CO), [Blatt], 887 study to evaluate tracheal intubating conditions, onset, and can postoperative nausea and vomiting be predicted? (CD [Sinclair et duration of action (CI) [Kaplan et al.], 633 al.], 109 intubation of a child with a difficult airway using a laryngeal mask major ambulatory surgery with continuous regional anesthesia and a airway and a guidewire and jet stylet (CO) [Nitahara et al.], disposable infusion pump (CR) [Klein et al.], 563 330 management of bladder function after outpatient surgery (CD [Pavlin laryngospasm treatment-an explanation (CO), [Johnstone], 581, [Lar- et al.], 42 son], 582 morphine-sparing effect of acetaminophen in pediatric day-case sur- new insights into the pathomechanism of postintubation arytenoid gery (CI) [Korpela et al.], 442 subluxation (CI) [Paulsen et al.], 659 recovery profile, costs, and patient satisfaction with propofol and oro- and nasogastric tube passage in intubated patients: fiberoptic sevoflurane for fast-track office-based anesthesia (EC) [Tang description of where they go at the laryngeal level and how et al.], 253 to make them enter the esophagus (CD [Ozer and Benumof], American Society of Anesthesiologists 137 the American Society of Anesthesiologists Closed Claims Project: pharyngeal mucosal pressure and perfusion: a fiberoptic evaluation what have we learned, how has it affected practice, and of the posterior pharynx in anesthetized adult patients with a how will it affect practice in the future? (CCC) [Cheney], modified cuffed oropharyngeal airway (CI) [Brimacombe et 552 al.], 1061 American Society of Critical Care Anesthesiologi preoxygenation: best method for both efficacy and efficiency? (EV) airway exchange catheters: simple concept, potentially great dager [Benumof], 603 (EV) [Benumof], 342 questions use of nasal cannula for oxygen supplementation during cardiogenic failure after isolated neurologic injury: a report of two cataract surgery (CO), [Livingston], 1176, [Williams and Tom- cases (CR) [Pousman and Parmley], 1165 lin], 1176 congenital NOS2 deficiency protects mice from LPS-induced hypo- simple modification of the Ovassapian fiberoptic intubating airway responsiveness to inhaled nitric oxide (LID [Weimann et al.], (CQO) [Aoyama et al.], 897 1744 supraglottic obstruction versus true laryngospasm: the best treat- intestinal luminal microdialysis: a new approach to assess gut mu- ment (CO) [Rajan], 581 cosal ischemia (LD |Tenhunen et al.], 1807 tension pneumothorax complicating jet ventilation via a Cook air- pulmonary aspiration of a milk/cream mixture (CR) |Brodsky et al.], way exchange catheter (CR) [Baraka], 557 1533 the three axis alignment theory and the “sniffing position:” perpet- transfusion-related lung injury with leukopenic reaction caused by uation of an anatomic myth? (CO) [{Adnet et al.], 1964 fresh frozen plasma containing anti-NB1 (CR) [Leger et al.}, a thyroid shield can correct a laryngeal mask airway air leak (CO) 1529 [Hall], 1558 use of the laryngeal mask for exchange of orotracheal tubes (CR) unanticipated difficult intubation as a result of an asymptomatic [Asai], 1167 vallecular cyst (CR) [Kamble et al.], 872 Warren Zapol: true-life adventures in science, medicine, and inno- use of the Endotrol endotracheal tube and a light wand for blind vation: recipient of the 1999 Excellence in Research Award nasotrachea! intubation (CO), [Asai], 1557 [Lowenstein], 917 use of the laryngeal mask for exchange of orotracheal tubes (CR) e-Aminocaproic acid [Asai], 1167 the effect of prophylactic €-aminocaproic acid on bleeding, transfu- use of a lighted stylet for tracheal intubation through an intubating sions, platelet function, and fibrinolysis during coronary ar- port of a mask (CO) [Uda et al.], 1560 tery bypass grafting (CI) [Troianos et al.], 430 Anesthesiology, V 91, No 6, Dec 1999 1979 SUBJECT INDEX TO VOLUME 91 AMPA receptors—Beneficence AMPA receptors tion and is associated with higher glutathione, ferritin, and barbiturates and the brain: disrupting the delicate balance (EV) iron levels (LD [Xu et al.], 1036 [Pearce], 1190 ARDS (acute respiratory distress syndrome). See Lung, respira- Anaphylactic reaction tory failure severe anaphylactic reaction due to a chlorhexidine-impregnated Arrhythmias. See Heart rhythm and dysrhythmias central venous catheter (CO), [Terazawa et al.], 89:1296, Aspiration [notice of withdrawal] 602 effects of exogenous surfactant on acute lung injury induced by Anaphylactic shock intratracheal instillation of infant formula or human breast intraoperative anaphylactic shock from bacitracin nasal packing af- milk in rabbits (LD [Nishina et al.], 240 ter septorhinoplasty (CR) [Gall et al.], 1545 high-dose nitric oxide inhalation increases lung injury after gastric Anatomy aspiration (LI) [Nader et al.], 741 cervical spine instability and dwarfism: fiberoptic intubations for all pulmonary aspiration of a milk/cream mixture (CR) [Brodsky et al.], (CO), [Auden], 580, [Redl], 580 1533 new insights into the pathomechanism of postintubation arytenoid the role of tumor necrosis factor-a in the pathogenesis of aspiration subluxation (CI) [Paulsen et al.], 659 pneumonitis in rats (LD [Davidson et al.], 486 Waldman, Atlas of Interventional Pain Management (EM) [Staats], Aspirin 597 acetaminophen inhibits spinal prostaglandin E, release after periph- Anesthesia machines and circuits eral noxious stimulation (LI) [Muth-Selbach et al.], 231 Amsorb: a new carbon dioxide absorbent for use in anesthetic morphine-sparing effect of acetaminophen in pediatric day-case sur- breathing svstems (LD [Murray et al.], 1342 gery (CI) [Korpela et al.], 442 putting the brakes on anesthetic breakdown (EV) [Kharasch], 1192 Assessment, preoperative. See Preoperative assessment temporary malfunction of the Ohmeda Modulus CD series volume Asthma and bronchospasm monitor caused by the overhead surgical lighting (CO), [Sat- mechanisms underlying the inhibitory effect of propofol on the tari and Reichard], 894 contraction of canine airway smooth muscle (LD [Lin et al.], Anesthesia practice 750 the American Society of Anesthesiologists Closed Claims Project pretreatment intravenous lidocaine for intubation of the asthmatic what have we learned, how has it affected practice, and how patient: more data are needed (CO), [Zemenick], 318 will it affect practice in the future? (CCC) [Cheney], 552 respiratory mechanics during xenon anesthesia in pigs: comparison Barash et al., Clinical Anesthesia, 3rd Edition (EM) [Black], 1562 with nitrous oxide (LD [Calzia et al.|, 1378 French survey of anesthesia in 1996 (SA) [Clergue et al.], 1509 Awareness. See Behavior, memory, and awareness Stoelting, Pharmacology and Physiology in Anesthesia Practice, 3rd Edition (EM) [Thomas], 597 Yao (ed.), Yao & Artusio’s Anesthesiology: Problem-oriented Patient Management (EM) [Zornow], 1562 Aneurysm endovascular aortic aneurysm repair in a patient with prohibitive Bacitracin cardiopulmonary risk (CR) [Novak et al.], 1542 intraoperative anaphylactic shock from bacitracin nasal packing af- Antibacterial and antiviral agents ter septorhinoplasty (CR) [Gall et al.], 1545 intraoperative anaphylactic shock from bacitracin nasal packing af- Barbiturates ter septorhinoplasty (CR) [Gall et al.], 1545 barbiturates and the brain: disrupting the delicate balance (EV) poor antibacterial effect of ropivacaine: comparison with bupiva- [Pearce], 1190 caine (LR) [Pere et al.], 884 blockade of glutamate receptors and barbiturate anesthesia: in Anticholinesterases creased sensitivity to pentobarbital-induced anesthesia de- early reversal of rapacuronium with neostigmine (CD [Purdy et al.], spite reduced inhibition of AMPA receptors in GluR2 null 51 mutant mice (LI [Joo et al.], 1329 intrathecal neostigmine and sufentanil for early labor analgesia (CD different actions of general anesthetics on the firing patterns of [Nelson et al.], 1293 neocortical neurons mediated by the GABA, receptor (LI no enhancement of sensory and motor blockade by neostigmine {[Antkowiak], 500 added to mepivacaine axillary plexus block (CD [Bouaziz et interaction of intravenous anesthetics with human neuronal potas- al.], 78 sium currents in relation to clinical concentrations (LD [Fried- pharmacodynamics and the plasma concentration of mivacurium erich and Urban], 1853 during spontaneous recovery and neostigmine-facilitated re pharmacokinetics of thiopental enantiomers during and following covery (CI) [Lien et al.], 119 prolonged high-dose therapy (CD [Cordato et al.], 1693 sex differences in cholinergic analgesia I: a supplemental nicotinic Behavior, memory, and awareness mechanism in normal females (LD [Chiari et al.], 1447 anesthetic management of the elderly: measuring function beyond sex differences in cholinergic analgesia II: differing mechanisms in two the immediate perioperative horizon (EV) [Raja and Hay- models of allodynia (LD [Lavand’ homme and Eisenach], 1455 thornthwaite], 909 Antiemetics. See Nausea, vomiting, and antiemetics behavioral outcomes methodology (CO), [Buckley and Korz], 1959, Antiplatelet therapy [Kain et al.], 1960 caution in performing epidural injections in patients on several forty-hertz midlatency auditory evoked potential activity predicts antiplatelet drugs (CO) [Benzon et al.], 1558 wakeful response during desflurane and propofol anesthesia Aortic aneurysm in volunteers (CID [Dutton et al.], 1209 endovascular aortic aneurysm repair in a patient with prohibitive randomized trial of hypotensive epidural anesthesia in older adults cardiopulmonary risk (CR) [Novak et al.], 1542 (CI) [Williams-Russo et al.], 926 Apoptosis Beneficence overexpression of bcl-x, protects astrocytes from glucose depriva- ethical conflicts (EV) [Rosenbaum], 3 Anesthesiology, V 91, No 6, Dec 1999 1980 SUBJECT INDEX TO VOLUME 91 Bispectral index—Bronchos Bispectral index Botulinum toxin the changes in bispectral index during a hypovoiemic cardiac arrest management of post-thoracotomy pseudoangina and myofascial pain (CR) [England], 1947 with botulinum toxin (CR) [Diaz and Gould], 877 Blood coagulation Brachial plexus block anticoagulation monitoring during cardiac surgery: a review of cur- reverse arterial blood flow mediated local anesthetic central nervous rent and emerging techniques (RA) [Despotis et al.], 1122 system toxicity during axillary brachial plexus block (CO) caution in performing epidural injections in patients on several [Dominguez and Garbaccio], 901 antiplatelet drugs (CO) [Benzon et al.], 1558 Brain death the effect of prophylactic €-aminocaproic acid on bleeding, transfu- the American Society of Anesthesiologists Closed Claims Project: sions, platelet function, and fibrinolysis during coronary ar- what have we learned, how has it affected practice, and how tery bypass grafting (CI |Troianos et al.], 430 will it affect practice in the future? (CCC) [Cheney], 552 ural catheter removal before unanticipated anticoagulation: the ethical conflicts (EV) [Rosenbaum], 3 pharmacy fail-safe (CO) [Keegan and Horlocker], 328 a matter of life and death: what every anesthesiologist should know in situ pulmonary thrombolysis using recombinant tissue plasmino- about the medical, legal, and ethical aspects of declaring gen activator after cesarean delivery (CO), [Aya et al.], 578, brain death (RA) [Van Norman], 275 {Nishimura et al.], 579 tension pneumothorax and apnea tests (CO) [Zisfein and Marks], noncardiogenic pulmonary edema and rhabdomyolysis after prota- 326 mine administration in a patient with unrecognized McAr- Brain function and dise dle’s disease (CR) [Lobato et al.], 303 adenosine: a sensitive indicator of cerebral ischemia during carotid platelet-activated clotting time does not measure platelet reactivity endarterectomy (CI) [Weigand et al.], 414 during cardiac sursz,ery (CI) [Shore-Lesserson et al.], 362 barbiturates and the brain: disrupting the delicate balance (EV) preoperative use of enoxaparin and tirofiban: possible association [Pearce], 1190 with increased bleeding postbypass (CR) [Skubas et al.], cardiogenic failure after isolated neurologic injury: a report of two 869 cases (CR) [Pousman and Parmley], 1165 propofol has both enhancing and suppressing effects on human cerebral microembolism diagnosed by transcranial Doppler during platelet aggregation in vitro (LD [Hirakata et al.], 1361 total knee arthroplasty: correlation with transesophageal tissue factor expression in vital organs during murine traumatic echocardiography (CI) [Sulek et al.], 672 shock: role of transcription factors AP-1 and NF-kB (LD [Arm- comparative pharmacodynamic modeling of the electroencephalog- stead et al.], 1844 raphy-slowing effect of isoflurane, sevoflurane, and desflu- Blood pressure. See also Hypertension and antihypertensives; rane (CI) [Rehberg et al.], 397 Hypotension correlation between cerebral oxygen saturation measured by near- blood pressure control with fenoldopam during excision of a pheo- infrared spectroscopy and jugular oxygen saturation in pa- chromocytoma (CR) [Cooper and Mihi}, 558 tients with severe closed head injury (CI) [Ter Minassian et effect of isoflurane on in situ vascular smooth muscle transmem- al.|, 985 brane potential in spontaneous hypertension (LD [Stekiel et different actions of general anesthetics on the firing patterns of al.], 207 neocortical neurons mediated by the GABA, receptor (LD a new noninvasive method to measure biood pressure: results of a {[Antkowiak], 500 multicenter trial (CI) [Belani et al.], 686 direct effects of a,- and a,-adrenergic agonists on spinal and cerebral Blood transfusion pial vessels in dogs (LI [lida et al.], 479 the effect of prophylactic €&aminocaproic acid on bleeding, transfu- effects of hypoxia-reoxygenation on microvascular endothelial func- sions, platelet function, and fibrinolysis during coronary ar- tion in the rat hippocampal slice (LD [Staunton et al.], 1462 tery bypass grafting (CD [Troianos et al.], 430 local coupling of cerebral blood flow to cerebral glucose metabolism extreme intraoperative blood loss and hemodilution in a Jehovah's during inhalational anesthesia in rats: desflurane versus isoflu- Witness: new aspects in postoperative management (CR) rane (LI) [Lenz et al.], 1720 [Neff et al.], 1949 overexpression of becl-x, protects astrocytes from glucose depriva- immunomodulatory aspects of transfusion: a once and future risk? tion and is associated with higher glutathione, ferritin, and (CCC) [Klein], 861 iron levels (LID [Xu et al.], 1036 perflubron emulsion delays blood transfusions in orthopedic surgery pharmacokinetics of thiopental enantiomers during and following (CD [Spahn et al.], 1195 prolonged high-dose therapy (CD [Cordato et al.], 1693 perfluorochemical “blood substitutes:” indications for an oxygen- quantitative and qualitative effects of isoflurane on movement oc- carrying colloid (EV) [Tremper], 1185 curring after noxious stimulation (LI [Antognini et al.], 1064 a prospective randomized comparison of three blood conservation sevoflurane increases lumbar cerebrospinal fluid pressure in normo- strategies for radical prostatectomy (CID [Monk et al.], 24 capnic patients undergoing transsphenoidal hypophysec- total blood transfusion and mortality after orthotopic liver transplan- tomy (CI) [Talke et al.], 127 tation (CO) [Schroeder et al.], 329 suppression of central nervous system sodium channels by propofol transfusion-related lung injury with leukopenic reaction caused by (LD {Rehberg and Duch], 512 fresh frozen plasma containing anti-NB1 (CR) [Leger et al.], Brainstem 1529 tooth pulp- and facial hair mechanoreceptor-evoked responses of venous access for pediatric liver transplantation (CO), [Hammer and trigeminal sensory neurons are attenuated during ketamine Krane}], 322, [Henderson], 323 anesthesia (LI) [Cairns et al.], 1025 Blood volume Bronchoscopy, fiberoptic effects of crystalloid and colloid preload on blood volume in the clinical assessment of a plastic optical fiber stylet for human tracheal parturient undergoing spinal anesthesia for elective cesarean intubation (CD (Gravenstein et al.], 648 section (CI) [Ueyama et al.], 1571 use of the laryngeal mask for exchange of orotracheal tubes (CR) spinal hypotension associated with cesarean section: will preload {Asai], 1167 ever work? (EV) [Rout and Rocke], 1565 Bronchospasm. See Asthma and bronchospasm inesthesiology, V 91, No 6, Dec 1999 SUBJECT INDEX TO VOLUME 91 Bupivacaine—Cardiovascular anesthesia Bupivacaine € ardiac arrhythmias. See Heart rhythm and dysrhythmias bupivacaine augments intrathecal fentanyl for labor analgesia (CD « ardiac surgery. See a/lso Cardiovascular anesthesia; Coronary [Palmer et al.], 84 artery bypass grafting caudal block in children: ropivacaine compared with bupivacaine anticoagulation monitoring during cardiac surgery: a review of cur (CD [Khalil et al.], 1279 rent and emerging techniques (RA) [Despotis et al.], 1122 epidural clonidine or bupivacaine as the sole analgesic agent during effect of dobutamine on splanchnic carbohydrate metabolism and and after abdominal surgery: a comparative study (CI [De amino acid balance after cardiac surgery (CI) [Ensinger et al. |, Kock et al.], 90:1354, [erratum] 602 1587 high thoracic epidural anesthesia does not inhibit sympathetic nerve fast tracking into the new millennium: an evolving paradigm (EV) activity in the lower extremities (CIT) [Magnusdottir et al {London et al.], 911 1299 management of post-thoracotomy pseudoangina and myofascial pain intrathecal bupivacaine in humans: influence of volume and baricity with botulinum toxin (CR) [Diaz and Gould], 877 of solutions (CI [Malinovsky et al.|, 1260 -ardioprotection intrathecal ropivacaine for ambulatory surgery: a comparison be- cardioprotective effects of propofol and sevoflurane in ischemic and tween intrathecal bupivacaine and intrathecal ropivacaine for reperfused rat hearts: role of K,,,» channels and interaction knee arthroscopy (CD [Gautier et al.], 1239 with the sodium-hydrogen exchange inhibitor HOE 642 (ca- poor antibacterial effect of ropivacaine: comparison with bupiva riporide) (LI) [Mathur et al.], 1349 caine (LR) [Pere et al.], 884 isoflurane-enhanced recovery of canine stunned myocardium role regression of sensory analgesia with lumbar epidural catheters (CO) for protein kinase C? (LD [Toller et al.], 713 [Boylan and Sandler], 317, [Quist], 317 sevoflurane and isoflurane protect the reperfused guinea pig heart stereoselectivity of bupivacaine in local anesthetic-sensitive ion by reducing postischemic adhesion of polymorphonuclear channels of peripheral nerve (LD [Nau et al.|, 786 neutrophils (LI [Heindl et al.}, 521 Burn injury sevoflurane reduces myocardial infarct size and decreases the time succinylcholine hyperkalemia after burns (CO), |Gronert], 320, Jee threshold for ischemic preconditioning in dogs (LD [Toller et vendra Martyn], 321, [MacLennan et al.], 320 al.], 1437 ardiopulmonary bypass Cc anticoagulation monitoring during cardiac surgery: a review of cur- rent and emerging techniques (RA) {[Despotis et al.], 1122 effects of dobutamine on hemodynamics and left ventricular perfor- Calcium and calcium channels. See a/so Ions and ion channels mance after cardiopulmonary bypass in cardiac surgical pa- dibucaine and tetracaine inhibit the activation of mitogen-activated tients (CI) [Romson et al.], 1318 protein kinase mediated by L-type calcium channels in PC12 nitecapone reduces cardiac neutrophil accumulation in clinical open cells (LD [Kansha et al.], 1798 heart surgery (CI) |Pesonen et al.}, 355 differential effects of sevoflurane, isoflurane, and halothane on Ca~ noncardiogenic pulmonary edema and rhabdomyolysis after prota- release from the sarcoplasmic reticulum of skeletal muscle mine administration in a patient with unrecognized McAr- (LD [Kunst et al.], 179 dle’s disease (CR) [Lobato et al.], 303 hemodynamic and metabolic manifestations of acute endotoxin in preoperative use of enoxaparin and tirofiban: possible association fusion in pigs with and without the malignant hyperthermia with increased bleeding postbypass (CR) [Skubas et al.], 869 mutation (LI [Musley et al.], 833 relationship between cardiopulmonary bypass flow rate and cerebral mechanisms underlying the inhibitory effect of propofol on the embolization in dogs (LI [Sungurtekin et al.], 1387 contraction of canine airway smooth muscle (LD [Lin et al.} cardiopulmonary resuscitation 750 the changes in bispectral index during a hypovolemic cardiac arrest propofol has both enhancing and suppressing effects on human (CR) [England], 1947 platelet aggregation in vitro (LI) [Hirakata et al.], 1361 delayed-onset epinephrine-induced pulmonary edema (CR) [Liu et Capsaicin al.}, 1169 tourniquet constriction exacerbates hyperalgesia-related pain in recovery after discontinuation of cardiopulmonary resuscitation duced by intradermal capsaicin injection (CI) [Byas-Smith et (“Lazarus phenomenon”) (CO) |Maleck and Piper], 584 al.], O17 spontaneous recovery after discontinuation of cardiopulmonary re Carbon dioxide suscitation (CQO), |Frolich], 586, [MacGillivray], 585 Amsorb: a new carbon dioxide absorbent for use in anesthetic breathing systems (LD [Murray et al.], 1342 vagotonia and cardiac arrest during spinal anesthesia (CR) [Thrush carbon dioxide monitoring during deep conscious sedation using and Downs], 1171 nasopharyngeal airways (CO) [Dominguez], 117 ardiovascular anesthesia. See a/so Cardiac surgery cost-efficient end-tidal carbon dioxide monitoring via Hudson-style beneficial effects from B-adrenergic blockade in elderly patients mask (CO) [Kempen], 1176 undergoing noncardiac surgery (CI) [Zaugg et al.|, 1674 probable carbon dioxide embolism during endoscopically assisted the case of the missing fragment: detection and retrieval of a portion varicose vein stripping (CR) [Vidovich and Lojeski], 1527 of broken valve as it was ejected from the heart (CR) [Mich putting the brakes on anesthetic breakdown (EV) [Kharasch], 1192 elsen and Shanewise], 560 Carbon monoxide the changes in bispectral index during a hypovolemic cardiac arrest Amsorb: a new carbon dioxide absorbent for use in anesthetic (CR) [England], 1947 breathing systems (LD [Murray et al.], 1342 effect of mivazerol on perioperative cardiac complications during putting the brakes on anesthetic breakdown (EV) [Kharasch], 1192 non-cardiac surgery in patients with coronary heart disease Cardiac arrest the European mivazerol trial (EMIT) (CD [Oliver et al.], 951 the American Society of Anesthesiologists Closed Claims Project the effect of prophylactic e&aminocaproic acid on bleeding, transfu- what have we learned, how has it affected practice, and how sions, platelet function, and fibrinolysis during coronary ar- will it affect practice in the future? (CCC) [Cheney], 552 tery bypass grafting (CI) [Troianos et al.], 430 Anesthesiology, V 91, No 6, Dec 1999 1982 SUBJECT INDEX TO VOLUME 91 Cardiovascular anesthesia—Cerebral blood flow endovascular aortic aneurysm repair in a patient with prohibitive Carotid endarterectomy cardiopulmonary risk (CR) [Novak et al.], 1542 adenosine: a sensitive indicator of cerebral ischemia during carotid length-dependent regulation of left ventricular function in coronary endarterectomy (CD [Weigand et al.], 414 surgery patients (CI) [De Hert et al.], 379 Catecholamines life-threatening ventricular dysrhythmias with inadvertent asynchro- blood pressure control with fenoldopam during excision of a pheo- nous temporary pacing after cardiac surgery (CR) [Preisman chromocytoma (CR) [Cooper and Mihm], 558 and Cheng], 880 effect of epinephrine on lidocaine clearance in vivo: a microdialysis nitecapone reduces cardiac neutrophil accumulation in clinical open study in humans (CD [Bernards and Kopacz], 962 heart surgery (CI) [Pesonen et al.], 355 Catheterization, central venous. See Central venous catheter/ noncardiogenic pulmonary edema and rhabdomyolysis after prota- catheterization mine administration in a patient with unrecognized McAr- Catheterization, epidural. See Epidural anesthesia and analgesia dle’s disease (CR) [Lobatce et al.], 303 Caudal block platelet-activated clotting time does not measure platelet’ reactivity confirmation of caudal needle placement using nerve stimulation during cardiac surgery (CI) [Shore-Lesserson et al.], 362 (CI) [Tsui et al.], 374 preoperative use of enoxaparin and tirofiban: possible association CD-ROM with increased bleeding postbypass (CR) [Skubas et al.], 869 Delbos et al., CD-ROM: Peripheral Nerve Blocks: Lower Limb and recovery after discontinuation of cardiopulmonary resuscitation Upper Limb (EM) [Neal], 333 (Lazarus phenomenon”) (CO) [Maleck and Piper], 584 Schwid (ed.), Sedation Simulator, CD-ROM Version 1.0 for Windows relationship between cardiopulmonary bypass flow rate and cerebral (EM) [Bailey], 904 embolization in dogs (LD [Sungurtekin et al.], 1387 Celecoxib risk factors of delayed extubation, prolonged length of stay in the gastric perforation associated with the use of celecoxib (CR) [Re- intensive care unit, and mortality in patients undergoing uben and Steinberg], 1548 coronary artery bypass graft with fast-track cardiac anesthe- Cell and tissue culture sia: a new cardiac risk score (CD [Wong et al.], 936 deep hypothermia and rewarming alters glutamate levels and glyco- sevoflurane and isoflurane protect the reperfused guinea pig heart gen content in cultured astrocytes (LI) [Bissonnette et al.], by reducing postischemic adhesion of polymorphonuclear 1763 neutrophils (LD [Heindl et al.], 521 hypothermia in barbiturate-anesthetized rats suppresses natural spontaneous recovery after discontinuation of cardiopulmonary re- killer cell activity and compromises resistance to tumor me- suscitation (CO), [Frolich], 586, [MacGillivray], 585 tastasis: a role for adrenergic mechanisms (LD |Ben-Eliyahu et systolic anterior motion of the anterior mitral leaflet after heart al.j, 732 transplantation (CR) [Chatel et al.], 1535 the mechanism of inhibitory actions of propofol on rat supraoptic ultrasound-guided internal jugular venous cannulation in infants: a neurons (LI) [Inoue et al.], 167 prospective comparison with the traditional palpation overexpression of bcl-x, protects astrocytes from glucose depriva- method (CD [Verghese et al.], 71 tion and is associated with higher glutathione, ferritin, and Cardiovascular function and disease. See a/so Heart function and iron levels (LD [Xu et al.], 1036 disease propofol-induced depression of cultured rat ventricular myocytes is anesthetic management of the parturient with systemic lupus ery- related to the M,-acetylcholine receptor-NO-cGMP signaling thematosus, pulmonary hypertension, and pulmonary edema pathway (LI [Yamamoto et al.], 1712 (CR) [Cuenco et al.], 568 Central venous catheter/catheterization effects of propofol and remifentanil on phrenic nerve activity and severe anaphylactic reaction due to a chlorhexidine-impregnated nociceptive cardiovascular responses in rabbits (LI) [Ma et central venous catheter (CO), [Terazawa et al.|, 1296, [notice al.], 1470 of withdrawal] 602 Cardiovascular pharmacology ultrasound-guided internal jugular venous cannulation in infants: a beneficial effects from B-adrenergic blockade in elderly patients prospective comparison with the traditional palpation undergoing noncardiac surgery (CID [Zaugg et al], 1674 method (CI) [Verghese et al.], 71 blood pressure control with fenoldopam during excision of a pheo- Cerebral blood flow chromocytoma (CR) [Cooper and Mihm], 558 adenosine: a sensitive indicator of cerebral ischemia during carotid contractility in humans after coronary artery surgery: echocardio- endarterectomy (CI) [Weigand et al.], 414 graphic assessment with preload-adjusted maximal power correlation between cerebral oxygen saturation measured by near- (CI) [Schmidt et al.], 58 infrared spectroscopy and jugular oxygen saturation in pa- delayed-onset epinephrine-induced pulmonary edema (CR) [Liu et tients with severe closed head injury (CI) [Ter Minassian et al.}, 1169 al.|, 985 effect of dobutamine on splanchnic carbohydrate metabolism and coupling of local cerebral blood flow to local cerebral glucose amino acid balance after cardiac surgery (CI [Ensinger et al.}, utilization during isoflurane and sevoflurane anesthesia (CO), 1587 {Archer and Pappius!, 889, [Lenz et al.], 890 effects of dobutamine on hemodynamics and left ventricular perfor- direct cerebral vasodilatory effects of sevoflurane and isoflurane (CD mance after cardiopulmonary bypass in cardiac surgical pa- [Matta et al.], 677 tients (CI) [Romson et al.], 1318 direct effects of a,- and a,-adrenergic agonists on spinal and cerebral an unexpected hyperkalemic response to succinyicholine during pial vessels in dogs (LI) [lida et al.], 479 electroconvulsive therapy for catatonic schizophrenia (CR) effects of hypoxia-reoxygenation on microvascular endothelial func- [Cooper et al.], 574 tion in the rat hippocampal slice (LD [Staunton et al.], 1462 Cariporide local coupling of cerebral blood flow to cerebral glucose metabolism cardioprotective effects of propofol and sevoflurane in ischemic and during inhalational anesthesia in rats: desflurane versus isoflu- reperfused rat hearts: role of K,,, channels and interaction rane (LI) [Lenz et al.], 1720 ‘ with the sodium-hydrogen exchange inhibitor HOE 642 (ca- relationship between cardiopulmonary bypass flow rate and cerebral riporide) (LD [Mathur et al.], 1349 embolization in dogs (LD [Sungurtekin et al.], 1387 Anesthesiology, V 91, No 6, Dec 1999 1983 SUBJECT INDEX TO VOLUME 91 Cerebral embolism—Clinicai trials Cerebral embolism added to mepivacaine axillary plexus block (CID [Bouaziz et relationship between cardiopulmonary bypass flow rate and cerebral al.|, 78 embolization in dogs (LI [Sungurtekin et al.}|, 1387 pharmacodynamics and the plasma concentration of mivacurium Cerebral ischemia/anoxia during spontaneous recovery and neostigmine-facilitated re- adenosine: a sensitive indicator of cerebral ischemia during carotid covery (CI) [Lien et al.], 119 endarterectomy (CI) [Weigand et al.}, 414 Circulatory physiology and hemodynamics effects of hypoxia-reoxygenation on microvascular endothelial func- analgesic and hemodynamic effects of intrathecal clonidine as the tion in the rat hippocampal slice (LD [Staunton et al.|, 1462 sole analgesic agent during first stage of labor: a dose-re- overexpression of bel-x, protects astrocytes from glucose depriva- sponse study (CD [Chiari et al.], 388 tion and is associated with higher glutathione, ferritin, and anesthetic doses of sevoflurane to block cardiovascular responses to iron levels (LD [Xu et al.], 1036 incision when administered with xenon or nitrous oxide (CI pharmacokinetics of thiopental enantiomers during and following {Nakata et al.}], 369 prolonged high-dose therapy (CD |Cordato et al.], 1693 antinociceptive and hemodynamic effects of a novel a-adrenergic Cerebral metabolism agonist, MPV-2426, in sheep (LD [Eisenach et al.}, 1425 correlation between cerebral oxygen saturation measured by near- cardiogenic failure after isolated neurologic injury: a report of two infrared spectroscopy and jugular oxygen saturation in pa- cases (CR) [Pousman and Parmley], 1165 tients with severe closed head injury (CI) [Ter Minassian et contractility in humans after coronary artery surgery: echocardio- al.], 985 graphic assessment with preload-adjusted maximal power coupling of local cerebral blood flow to local cerebral glucose (CT) [Schmidt et al.], 58 utilization during isoflurane and sevoflurane anesthesia (CO), correlation between cerebral oxygen saturation measured by near- {Archer and Pappius], 889, [Lenz et ai.], 890 infrared spectroscopy and jugular oxygen saturation in pa- local coupling of cerebral blood flow to cerebral glucose metabolism tients with severe closed head injury (CI) [Ter Minassian et during inhalational anesthesia in rats: desflurane versus isoflu- al.], 985 rane (LI) [Lenz et al.], 1720 delayed-onset epinephrine-induced pulmonary edema (CR) [Liu et al.], 1169 Cerebral protection. See Neuroprotection Cervical spine effect of dobutamine on splanchnic carbohydrate metabolism and amino acid balance after cardiac surgery (CD [Ensinger et al.] cervical spine instability and dwarfism: fiberoptic intubations for all 1587 (CO), [Auden], 580, [Redl], 580 effects of crystalloid and colloid preload on blood volume in the evaluation of tracheal intubation difficulty in patients with cervical parturient undergoing spinal anesthesia for elective cesarean spine immobilization: fiberoptic (WuScope) versus conven section (CI) [Ueyama et al.], 1571 tional laryngoscopy (CD [Smith et al.], 1253 effects of dobutamine on hemodynamics and left ventricular perfor- Cesarean delivery. See also Obstetric anesthesia mance after cardiopulmonary bypass in cardiac surgical pa- effects of crystalloid and colloid preload on blood volume in the tients (CI) [Romson et al.}, 1318 parturient undergoing spinal anesthesia for elective cesarean evaluation of neuromuscular and cardiovascular effects of two doses section (CID [Ueyama et al.], 1571 of rapacuronium (ORG 9487) versus mivacurium and succi- the influence of the obstetrician in the relationship between epi- nylcholine (CD [Miguel et al.j, 1648 dural analgesia and cesarean section for dystocia (CD [Segal et fentanyl pharmacokinetics in hemorrhagic shock: a porcine model al.], 90 (LD [Egan et ai.], 156 intraoperative and postoperative analgesic efficacy and adverse ef- hemodynamic and metabolic manifestations of acute endotoxin in- fects of intrathecal opioids in patients undergoing cesarean fusion in pigs with and without the malignant hyperthermia section with spinal anesthesia: a qualitative and quantitative mutation (LI |Musley et al.], 833 systematic review of randomized controlled trials (RA) [Dahl intestinal luminal microdialysis: a new approach to assess gut mu- et al.], 1919 cosal ischemia (LID [Tenhunen et al.], 1807 in situ pulmonary thrombolysis using recombinant tissue plasmino- length-dependent regulation of left ventricular function in coronary gen activator after cesarean delivery (CO), [Aya et al.], 578 surgery patients (CI) [De Hert et al.], 379 [Nishimura et al.], 579 spinal hypotension associated with cesarean section: will preioad spinal hypotension associated with cesarean section: will preload ever work? (EV) [Rout and Rocke], 1565 ever work? (EV) [Rout and Rocke}, 1565 Warren Zapol: true-life adventures in science, medicine, and inno- Chemistry vation: recipient of the 1999 Excellence in Research Award compound A uptake and metabolism to mercapturic acids and 3,3,3- |Lowenstein], 917 trifluoro-2-fluoromethoxypropanoic acid during low-flow Cisatracurium sevoflurane anesthesia: biomarkers for exposure, risk assess- rocuronium-cisatracurium combinations (CO), [Donati and Plaud}, ment, and interspecies comparison (CI) [Kharasch and Ju- 587, [Naguib], 588 bert], 1267 Clinical concepts and commentary potential errors in the measurement of anesthetic partial pressure in clinical concepts and commentary (EV) |Weiskopf]. 6 blood (CR) [Lockwood et al.], 1550 Clinical judgment putting the brakes on anesthetic breakdown (EV) [Kharasch], 1192 consistency, inter-rater reliability, and validity of 441 consecutive Cholinergic receptors. See Acetylcholine and acetylcholine re- mock oral examinations in anesthesiology: implications for ceptors use as a tool for assessment of residents (SA) [Schubert et al. | Cholinesterase 288 early reversal of rapacuronium with neostigmine (CD [Purdy et al.], oral practice examinations: are they worth it? (EV) [James], 4 51 Clinical trials intrathecal neostigmine and sufentanil for early labor analgesia (CD effect of mivazerol on perioperative cardiac complications during [Nelson et al.], 1293 non-cardiac surgery in patients with coronary heart disease no enhancement of sensory and motor blockade by neostigmine the European mivazerol trial (EMIT) (CD [Oliver et al.]. 951 Anesthesiology, V 91, No 6, Dec 1999 1984 SUBJECT INDEX TO VOLUME 91 Clinical trials—Complications intramuscular opioid injections: a step in the wrong direction (CO), crimping of a laser tube resulting in hypoxemia (CO) [Jacobs et al.]}, [Choiniére et al.], 892, [Fitzgibbon et al.], 891 898 a new noninvasive method to measure blood pressure: results of a delayed-onset epinephrine-induced pulmonary edema (CR) [Liu et multicenter trial (CI) [Belani et al.], 686 al.}, 1169 a prospective randomized comparison of three blood-conservation early reversal of rapacuronium with neostigmine (CD [Purdy et al.], strategies for radical prostatectomy (CI [Monk et al.], 24 51 randomized trial of hypotensive epidural anesthesia in older adults effect of mivazerol on perioperative cardiac complications during (Cl) [Williars-Russo et al.], 926 non-cardiac surgery in patients with coronary heart disease: randomized trial of informed consent and recruitment for clinical the European mivazerol trial (EMIT) (CD [Oliver et al.], 951 trials in the immediate preoperative period (CD [Myles et al.], endovascular aortic aneurysm repair in a patient with prohibitive 969 cardiopulmonary risk (CR) [Novak et al.|, 1542 the relationship between the visual analog pain intensity and pain epidural fibrin glue injection stops persistent*postdural puncture relief scale changes during analgesic drug studies in chronic headache (CR) [Crul et al.], 576 pain patients (CI [Angst eyal.], 34 the esophageal detector device is unreliable when the stomach has Clonidine ‘ been ventilated (CR) [Andres and Langenstein], 506 analgesic and hemodynamic effects of intrathecal clonidine as the fast tracking into the new millennium: an evolving paradigm (EV) sole analgesic agent during first stage of labor: a dose-re- {London et al.], 911 sponse study (CI) [Chiari et al.], 388 gastric perforation associated with the use of celecoxib (CR) [Re- epidural clonidine or bupivacaine as the sole analgesic agent during uben and Steinberg], 1548 and after abdominal surgery: a comparative study (CI) [De incidence of spinal epidural abscess after epidural analgesia: a na- Kock et al.], 90:1354, [erratum] 602 tional l-year survey (SA) [Wang et al.], 1928 intrathecal adenosine interacts with a spinal noradrenergic system to life-threatening bilateral pneumothorax caused by misconnection of produce antinociception in nerve-injured rats (LI) [Gomes et the laser lens cooling system during gynecologic laparoscopy al.], 1072 (CO) [Gueret et al.], 1179 intravenous regional anesthesia using lidocaine and clonidine (CI life-threatening ventricular dysrhythmias with inadvertent asynchro- [Reuben et al.], 654 nous temporary pacing after cardiac surgery (CR) [Preisman Coagulation. See Blood coagulation and Cheng], 880 Cognitive function management of post-thoracotomy pseudoangina and myofascial pain anesthetic management of the elderly: measuring function beyond with botulinum toxin (CR) [Diaz and Gould], 877 the immediate perioperative horizon (EV) [Raja and Hay- minimizing venous air embolism from reinfusion bags (CO), |Benu- thornthwaite], 909 mof], 1962 randomized trial of hypotensive epidural anesthesia in older adults new insights into the pathomechanism of postintubation arytenoid (CT) [Williams-Russo et al.], 926 subluxation (CI) [Paulsen et al.|, 659 Colchicine noncardiogenic pulmonary edema and rhabdomyolysis after prota- colchicine inhibits isoflurane-induced preconditioning (LI) [Ismaeil mine administration in a patient with unrecognized McAr- et al.], 1816 dle’s disease (CR) [Lobato et al.], 303 Competence nursing workload associated with adverse events in the postanesthe- consistency, inter-rater reliability, and validity of 441 consecutive mock oral examinations in anesthesiology: implications for sia care unit (EC) [Cohen et al.], 1882 use as a tool for assessment of residents (SA) [Schubert et al.], optimal propofolalfentanil combinations for supplementing nitrous 288 oxide for outpatient surgery (CD [Pavlin et al.], 97 oral practice examinations: are they worth it? (EV) [James], 4 oro- and nasogastric tube passage in intubated patients: fiberoptic Somplications description of where they go at the laryngeal level and how airway exchange catheters: simple concept, potentially great danger to make them enter the esophagus (CI) [Ozer and Benumof], (EV) [Benumof], 342 137 airway injury during anesthesia: a closed claims analysis (CD [Dom- pharyngeal mucosal pressure and perfusion: a fiberoptic evaluation ino et al.], 1703 of the posterior pharynx in anesthetized adult patients with a anesthetic management of the parturient with systemic lupus ery- modified cuffed oropharyngeal airway (CI) [Brimacombe et thematosus, pulmonary hypertension, and pulmonary edema al.], 1661 (CR) [Cuenco et al.], 568 photosensitivity and perioperative polyneuropathy complicating or- aseptic meningitis after spinal anesthesia in an infant (CR) [Easley et thotopic liver transplantation in a patient with erythropoietic al.|, 305 protoporphyria (CR) [Nguyen et al.], 1173 cardiogenic failure after isolated neurologic injury: a report of two postpartum subdural hygroma after epidural analgesia (CR) [Verdu cases (CR) [Pousman and Parmley], 1165 et al.], 867 the case of the missing fragment: detection and retrieval of a portion preoperative use of enoxaparin and tirofiban: possible association of broken valve as it was ejected from the heart (CR) [Mich- with increased bleeding postbypass (CR) [Skubas et al.], 869 elsen and Shanewise], 560 probable carbon dioxide embolism during endoscopically assisted caution in performing epidural injections in patients on several varicose vein stripping (CR) [Vidovich and Lojeski], 1527 antiplatelet drugs (CO) [Benzon et al.], 1558 recovery after discontinuation of cardiopulmonary resuscitation cerebral microembolism diagnosed by transcranial Doppler during (“Lazarus phenomenon”) (CO) [Maleck and Piper], 584 total knee arthroplasty: correlation with transesophageal a reliable diagnosis of porphyria should precede any conclusion echocardiography (CI) [Sulek et al.], 672 concerning the safety of a drug in porphyria (CO), [Asirva- cervical spine instability and dwarfism: fiberoptic intubations for all tham], 584 (CO), [Auden], 580, [Redl], 580 reverse arterial blood flow mediated local anesthetic central nervous circulatory failure after anesthesia induction in a patient with severe system toxicity during axillary brachial plexus block (CO) primary pulmonary hypertension (CR) [HOhn et al.], 1943 [Dominguez and Garbaccio], 901 Anesthesiology, V 91, No 6, Dec 1999 1985 SUBJECT INDEX TO VOLUME 91 Complications—Critical care rhabdomyolysis after abdominal surgery in the hyperlordotic posi- anesthetic preconditioning: not just for the heart? (EV) [Lynch], 606 tion enforced by pneumatic support (CR) [Uratsuji et al.], 310 assessment of the patient with cardiac disease: an anesthesiologist’s severe anaphylactic reaction due to a chlorhexidine-impregnated paradigm (CCC) [Mangano], 1521 central venous catheter (CO), [Terazawa et al.], 1296, [notice beneficial effects from fP-adrenergic blockade in elderly patients of withdrawal] 602 undergoing noncardiac surgery (CI) [Zaugg et al.j, 1674 signal-averaged P-wave duration does not predict atrial fibrillation cardioprotective effects of propofol and sevoflurane in ischemic and after thoracic surgery (CI) [Amar et al.], 16 reperfused rat hearts: role of K,,» channels and interaction spontaneous recovery after discontinuation of cardiopulmonary re- with the sodium-hydrogen exchange inhibitor HOE 642 (ca- suscitation (CO), [Frolich], 586, [MacGillivray], 585 riporide) (LI) [Mathur et al.|, 1349 strict temperature control has no effect on injection pain with colchicine inhibits isoflurane-induced preconditioning (LD [Ismaeil propofol (CO), [Uda et al.], 591 et al.], 1816 succinylcholine hyperkalemia after burns (CO), [Gronert], 320, [Jee- effect of mivazerol on perioperative cardiac complications during vendra Martyn], 321, [MacLennan et al.], 320 non-cardiac surgery in patients with coronary heart disease temporary malfunction of the Ohmeda Modulus CD series volume the European mivazerol trial (EMIT) (CD [Oliver et al.}, 951 monitor caused by the overhead surgical lighting (CO), [Sat- effects of dobutamine on hemodynamics and left ventricular perfor tari and Reichard], 894 mance after cardiopulmonary bypass in cardiac surgical pa tension pneumothorax and apnea tests (CO) [Zisfein and Marks}, tients (CI) [Romson et al.], 1318 326 endovascular aortic aneurysm repair in a patient with prohibitive tension pneumothorax complicating jet ventilation via a Cook air- cardiopulmonary risk (CR) [Novak et al.], 1542 way exchange catheter (CR) [Baraka], 557 interregional differences in the systolic and diastolic response of total blood transfusion and mortality after orthotopic liver transplan- nonischemic myocardium to remote coronary occlusion (LI) tation (CO) [Schroeder et al.], 329 {Marsch et al.], 815 transfusion-related lung injury with leukopenic reaction caused by isoflurane-enhanced recovery of canine stunned myocardium: role fresh frozen plasma containing anti-NB1I (CR) [Leger et al.], for protein kinase C? (LD [Toller et al.|, 713 1529 length-dependent regulation of left ventricular function in coronary trends in quality of anesthesia care associated with changing staffing surgery patients (CD [De Hert et al.], 379 patterns, productivity, and concurrency of case supervision sevoflurane and isoflurane protect the reperfused guinea pig heart in a teaching hospital (EC) [Posner and Freund], 839 by reducing postischemic adhesion of polymorphonuclear ulnar nerve pressure: influence of arm position and relationship to neutrophils (LD [Heindl et al.], 521 somatosensory evoked potentials (CI) [Prielipp et al.], 345 sevoflurane mimics ischemic preconditioning effects on coronary an unexpected hyperkalemic response to succinylcholine during flow and nitric oxide release in isolated hearts (LID | Novalija electroconvulsive therapy for catatonic schizophrenia (CR) et al.|], 701 [Cooper et al.], 574 sevoflurane reduces myocardial infarct size and decreases the time an unusual case of epidural catheter obstruction (CO), [Chandhok threshold for ischemic preconditioning in dogs (LD [Toller et and Vijayakumar], 895, [Lucas], 896 al.], 1437 vagotonia and cardiac arrest during spinal anesthesia (CR) [Thrush Corticosteroids and Downs], 1171 treatment of lumbosacral radiculopathy with epidural steroids (CCC) venous access for pediatric liver transplantation (CO), [Hammer and [Abram], 1937 Krane], 322, [Henderson], 323 Cost containment will we ever understand perioperative neuropathy? a fresh approach at-home recovery after an anesthetic (CO), [Blatt], 887, [Ebert], 887 offers hope and insight (EV) [Caplan], 335 cost-efficient end-tidal carbon dioxide monitoring via Hudson-styie Compound A mask (CO) [Kempen], 1176 compound A uptake and metabolism to mercapturic acids and 3,3,3- Cowden’s disease trifluoro-2-fluoromethoxypropanoic acid during low-flow case of Cowden’s disease that caused airway obstruction during sevoflurane anesthesia: biomarkers for exposure, risk assess- induction of anesthesia (CR) [Omote et al.], 1537 ment, and interspecies comparison (CI) {[Kharasch and Ju- CPAP. See Continuous positive airway pressure bert], 1267 Critical care putting the brakes on anesthetic breakdown (EV) [Kharasch], 1192 anesthetic management of the parturient with systemic lupus ery- Consequentialism thematosus, pulmonary hypertension, and pulmonary edema ethical conflicts (EV) [Rosenbaum], 3 (CR) [Cuenco et al.], 568 Contrast echocardiography. See Echocardiography combining partial liquid ventilation and prone position in experi- COPA. See Laryngeal mask airway and COPA mental acute lung injury (LID [Max et al.], 796 Coronary artery bypass grafting controlled airway pressure therapy, nitric oxide inhalation, prone contractility in humans after coronary artery surgery: echocardio- position, and extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) graphic assessment with preload-adjusted maximal power as components of an integrated approach to ARDS (CD [UIL (CD [Schmidt et al.], 58 rich et al.], 1577 the effect of prophylactic €aminocaproic acid on bleeding, transfu- correlation between cerebral oxygen saturation measured by near- sions, platelet function, and fibrinolysis during coronary ar- infrared spectroscopy and jugular oxygen saturation in pa tery bypass grafting (CI) [Troianos et al.], 430 tients with severe closed head injury (CI [Ter Minassian et fast tracking into the new millennium: an evolving paradigm (EV) al.], 985 {London et al.], 911 ethics for non-emergencies (CO), [Cohen], 323 risk factors of delayed extubation, prolonged length of stay in the fast tracking into the new millennium: an evolving paradigm (EV) intensive care unit, and mortality in patients undergoing {London et al.], 911 coronary artery bypass graft with fast-track cardiac anesthe- a new twist to myopathy of critical illness (EV) [Martyn and Vin- sia: a new cardiac risk score (CID [Wong et al.], 936 cent], 337 Coronary circulation and myocardial ischemia pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of vecuronium in rats Anesthesiology, V 91, No 6, Dec 1999 1986 SUBJECT INDEX TO VOLUME 91 Critical care—Dopaminergic agents and receptors with systemic inflammatory response syndrome: treatment with N°-monomethyl--arginine (LD [Blobner et al.], 999 pharmacokinetics of thiopental enantiomers during and following Dantrolene prolonged high-dose therapy (CI) [Cordato et al.], 1693 hemodynamic and metabolic manifestations of acute endotoxin in- positive end-expiratory pressure improves respiratory function in fusion in pigs with and without the malignant hyperthermia obese but not in normal subjects during anesthesia and pa- mutation (LI) [Musley et al.], 833 ralysis (CI [Pelosi et al.], 1221 Denitrogenation pulmonary aspiration of a milk/cream mixture (CR) [Brodsky et al.], preoxygenation: best method for both efficacy and efficiency? (EV) 1533 [Benumof], 603 risk factors of delayed extubation, prolonged length of stay in the Depth of anesthesia intensive care unit, and mortality in patients undergoing additive contribution of nitrous oxide to sevoflurane minimum alve- coronary artery bypass graft with fast-track cardiac anesthe- olar concentration for tracheal intubation in children (CD sia: a new cardiac risk score (CI) [Wong et al.], 936 [Swan et al.], 667 shivering complicating the treatment of neurologically impaired auditory evoked potentials and 40-Hz oscillations: an opportunity to surgical and intensive care unit patients (CR) [Keegan et al.], study mechanisms of action of general anesthetics? (EV) 874 [Plourde], 1187 Tobin (ed.), Principles and Practice of Intensive Care Monitoring does epidural anesthesia have general anesthetic effects? a prospec- (EM) [Breslow], 903 tive, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial (CD transfusion-related lung injury with leukopenic reaction caused by [Hodgson et al.], 1687 fresh frozen plasma containing anti-NB1 (CR) [Leger et al.], effects of propofol and remifentanil on phrenic nerve activity and 1529 nociceptive cardiovascular responses in rabbits (LD [Ma et vaporized perfluorocarbon improves oxygenation and pulmonary al.], 1470 function in an ovine model of acute respiratory distress syn- forty-hertz midlatency auditory evoked potential activity predicts drome (LI [Bleyl et al.], 461 wakeful response during desflurane and propofol anesthesia ventilatory management of severe acute respiratory failure for the in volunteers (CI) [Dutton et al.], 1209 Year 2000 (EV) [Bigatello et al.], 1567 isoflurane blunts ectroencephalographic and thalamic-reticular for- Warren Zapol: true-life adventures in science, medicine, and inno- mation responses to noxious stimulation in goats (LD [Antog- vation: recipient of the 1999 Excellence in Research Award nini and Carstens], 1770 ~~ {Lowenstein}, 917 Desflurane Cuffed oropharyngeal airway. See Laryngeal mask airway and comparative pharmacodynamic modeling of the electroencephalog- COPA raphy-siowing effect of isoflurane, sevoflurane, and desflu- Cyclic GMP rane (CI) [Rehberg et al.], 397 activation of spinal N-methyl-D-aspartate receptors stimulates a nitric forty-hertz midlatency auditory evoked potential activity predicts oxide/cyclic guanosine 3',5'-monophosphate/glutamate re- wakeful response during desflurane and propofol anesthesia lease cascade in nociceptive signaling (LI [Kawamata and in volunteers (CID [Dutton et al.], 1209 Omote], 1415 local coupling of cerebral blood flow to cerebral glucose metabolism sildenafil ameliorates effects of inhaled nitric oxide withdrawal (CR) during inhalational anesthesia in rats: desflurane versus isoflu- {Atz and Wessel], 307 rane (LI) [Lenz et al.], 1720 Cyclooxygenase and inhibitors specific actions of halothane, isoflurane, and desflurane on sympa- acetaminophen inhibits spinal prostaglandin E, release after periph- thetic activity and Aé and C somatosympathetic reflexes re- eral noxious stimulation (LI) [Muth-Selbach et al.], 231 corded in renal nerves in dogs (LI [Pac-Soo et al.], 470 evaluation of interaction between gabapentin and ibuprofen on the Dibucaine formalin test in rats (LI [Yoon and Yaksh], 1006 dibucaine and tetracaine inhibit the activation of mitogen-activated gastric perforation associated with the use of celecoxib (CR) [Re- protein kinase mediated by L-type calcium channels in PC12 uben and Steinberg], 1548 cells (LD |Kansha et al.], 1798 Cytokines Diclofenac different ventilation strategies affect lung function but do not in- spinal antinociceptive effect of epidural nonsteroidal antiinflamma- crease tumor necrosis factor-a and prostacyclin production in tory drugs on nitric oxide-induced hyperalgesia in rats (LD lavaged rat lungs in vivo (LD [Verbrugge et al.], 1834 {Masue et al.], 198 effects of exogenous surfactant on acute lung injury induced by Difficult airway. See Airway management intratracheal instillation of infant formula or human breast Diprivan milk in rabbits (LD [Nishina et al.], 240 growth of Staphylococcus aureus in Diprivan and Intralipid: impli- exposure to cigarette smoke impairs alveolar macrophage functions cations on the pathogenesis of infections (LD [Langevin et during halothane and isoflurane anesthesia in rats (LD [Kotani al.], 1394 et al.j, 1823 Dobutamine hypothermia in barbiturate-anesthetized rats suppresses natural effect of dobutamine on splanchnic carbohydrate metabolism and killer cell activity and compromises resistance to tumor me- amino acid balance after cardiac surgery (CD [Ensinger et al.], tastasis: a role for adrenergic mechanisms (LD [Ben-Eliyahu et 1587 al.], 732 effects of dobutamine on hemodynamics and left ventricular perfor- pancreatitis-associated protein protects the lung from leukocyte- mance after cardiopulmonary bypass in cardiac surgical pa- induced injury (LD [Heller et al.], 1408 tients (CI [Romson et al.], 1318 transfusion-related lung injury with leukopenic reaction caused by fresh Dopaminergic agents and receptors frozen plasma containing anti-NB1 (CR) [Leger et al.], 1529 blood pressure control with fenoldopam during excision of a pheo- volatile anesthetics augment expression of proinflammatory cyto- chromocytoma (CR) [Cooper and Mihm], 558 kines in rat alveolar macrophages during mechanical ventila- halothane and isoflurane increase spontaneous but reduce the N- tion (LID [Kotani et al.], 187 methyl-D-aspartate-evoked dopamine release in rat striatal Anesthesiology, V 91, No 6, Dec 1999

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