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Index of Issues: January, pp. 1-250; February, pp. 251-490; March, pp. 491-722; April, pp. 723-968; May, pp. 969-1188; June, 1189- 1468 SUBJECT INDEX TO VOLUME 80 Entries from JOURNAL departments are identified as follows: Book Reviews—(BR); Case Reports—(CR); Clinical Investigations—(Cl); Correspondence—(CO); Editorial Views—(EV); Highlights—(HI); Laboratory Reports—(LR); Medical Intelligence Article—(MI); Original Article—(OA); Practice Guidelines—(PG); Review Article—(RA); Special Article—(SA); Reports of Scientific Meetings—(SM) A Air embolism, See under Complications; Embolism Airway Abdominal surgery, See under Surgery complications Ablation, See under Surgery and pharmacology of sevoflurane in infants and children (CI) Abortion, See under Pregnancy [Lerman, Sikich, Kleinman & Yentis], 814 Absorbance curves, See under Statistics congenital anomaly Acetylcholinesterase antagonists, See under Antagonists, neu- bronchial trifurcation at carina complicating use of double-lu- romuscular relaxants men tracheal tube (CR) [Stene, Rose, Weinger, Benumof & Acid-base equilibrium Harrell}, 1162 lactic acidosis difficult in overwhelming polymicrobial bacteremia and multiple organ failure (CR) [|Gammaitoni & Nasraway], 213 in Farber’s lipogranulomatosis (CR) [Asada, Tatekawa, Terai, Hayashi, Hatano, Ikeshita & Fujimori], 206 Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, See under Infection extubation Activated partial thromboplastin time, See under Blood, coag- prevention of, due to inability to deflate distal cuff of laser-flex ulation tracheal tube (CO) [Heyman, Greenfeld, Rogers, McCarthy Addiction & Tucker], 236 substance abuse among anesthesiologists (CO) [McGraw], 705 prevention of, due to inability to deflate distal cuff of laser-flex tracheal tube (CO) [Virag], 237 among anesthesiologists (CO) [Sivarajan, Posner, Caplan, Gild right main-stem bronchus & Cheney], 704 bronchial trifurcation at carina complicating use of double-lu- Adductor pollicus, See under Muscle, skeletal Adenosine, See under Pharmacology men tracheal tube (CR) [Stene, Rose, Weinger, Benumof & Harrell], 1162 Adenosine triphosphate, See under Metabolism right upper lobe bronchus Adolescents, See under Age factors bronchial trifurcation at carina complicating use of double-lu- Adult respiratory distress syndrome, See under Lung(s) Aequorin, See under Protein(s), bioluminescent men tracheal tube (CR) [Stene, Rose, Weinger, Benumof & Harrellj, 1162 Age factors trachea adolescents revised label regarding use of succinylcholine in (CO) [Badg- bronchial trifurcation at carina complicating use of double-lu- well, Hall & Lockhart], 243 men tracheal tube (CR) [Stene, Rose, Weinger, Benumof & Harrell], 1162 revised label regarding use of succinylcholine in (CO) [Katz, Wright, Harter, Zung, Scally & Spyker], 243 tracheobronchial tree revised label regarding use of succinylcholine in (CO) [Kent], anomalous 244 bronchial trifurcation at carina complicating use of double- revised label regarding use of succinylcholine in (CO) [Morell, lumen tracheal tube (CR) [Stene, Rose, Weinger, Benumof Berman, Royster, Petrozza, Kelly & Colonna], 242 & Harrell], 1162 children Allergy revised label regarding use of succinylcholine in (CO) [Badg- dextran well, Hall & Lockhart], 243 hypotension in, after isolated limb perfusion with tumor necro- revised label regarding use of succinylcholine in (CO) [Katz, sis factor (CO) [Sigurdsson], 961 Wright, Harter, Zung, Scally & Spyker], 243 hypotension in, after isolated limb perfusion with tumor necro- revised label regarding use of succinylcholine in (CO) [Kent], sis factor (CO) [Wertheimer & Fraker], 961 244 sensitization revised label regarding use of succinylcholine in (CO) [Morell, noxious stimulation-induced, of central nervous system, pro- Berman, Royster, Petrozza, Kelly & Colonna], 242 tracted pain and (LI) [Goto, Marota & Crosby], 409 hypothermia American Society of Anesthesiologists, See under History core hypothermia and skin-surface temperature gradients (Cl) Analgesia [Frank, Shir, Raja, Fleisher & Beattie], 502 epidural AIDS, See under Infection and incidence of cesarean section (EV) [Dewan & Cohen], 1189 Anesthesiology, V 80, No 6, Jun 1994 Index of Issues: January, pp. 1-250; February, pp. 251-490; March, pp. 491-722; April, pp. 723-968; May, pp. 969-1188; June, 1189- 1468 SUBJECT INDEX TO VOLUME 80 Entries from JOURNAL departments are identified as follows: Book Reviews—(BR); Case Reports—(CR); Clinical Investigations—(Cl); Correspondence—(CO); Editorial Views—(EV); Highlights—(HI); Laboratory Reports—(LR); Medical Intelligence Article—(MI); Original Article—(OA); Practice Guidelines—(PG); Review Article—(RA); Special Article—(SA); Reports of Scientific Meetings—(SM) A Air embolism, See under Complications; Embolism Airway Abdominal surgery, See under Surgery complications Ablation, See under Surgery and pharmacology of sevoflurane in infants and children (CI) Abortion, See under Pregnancy [Lerman, Sikich, Kleinman & Yentis], 814 Absorbance curves, See under Statistics congenital anomaly Acetylcholinesterase antagonists, See under Antagonists, neu- bronchial trifurcation at carina complicating use of double-lu- romuscular relaxants men tracheal tube (CR) [Stene, Rose, Weinger, Benumof & Acid-base equilibrium Harrell}, 1162 lactic acidosis difficult in overwhelming polymicrobial bacteremia and multiple organ failure (CR) [|Gammaitoni & Nasraway], 213 in Farber’s lipogranulomatosis (CR) [Asada, Tatekawa, Terai, Hayashi, Hatano, Ikeshita & Fujimori], 206 Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, See under Infection extubation Activated partial thromboplastin time, See under Blood, coag- prevention of, due to inability to deflate distal cuff of laser-flex ulation tracheal tube (CO) [Heyman, Greenfeld, Rogers, McCarthy Addiction & Tucker], 236 substance abuse among anesthesiologists (CO) [McGraw], 705 prevention of, due to inability to deflate distal cuff of laser-flex tracheal tube (CO) [Virag], 237 among anesthesiologists (CO) [Sivarajan, Posner, Caplan, Gild right main-stem bronchus & Cheney], 704 bronchial trifurcation at carina complicating use of double-lu- Adductor pollicus, See under Muscle, skeletal Adenosine, See under Pharmacology men tracheal tube (CR) [Stene, Rose, Weinger, Benumof & Harrell], 1162 Adenosine triphosphate, See under Metabolism right upper lobe bronchus Adolescents, See under Age factors bronchial trifurcation at carina complicating use of double-lu- Adult respiratory distress syndrome, See under Lung(s) Aequorin, See under Protein(s), bioluminescent men tracheal tube (CR) [Stene, Rose, Weinger, Benumof & Harrellj, 1162 Age factors trachea adolescents revised label regarding use of succinylcholine in (CO) [Badg- bronchial trifurcation at carina complicating use of double-lu- well, Hall & Lockhart], 243 men tracheal tube (CR) [Stene, Rose, Weinger, Benumof & Harrell], 1162 revised label regarding use of succinylcholine in (CO) [Katz, Wright, Harter, Zung, Scally & Spyker], 243 tracheobronchial tree revised label regarding use of succinylcholine in (CO) [Kent], anomalous 244 bronchial trifurcation at carina complicating use of double- revised label regarding use of succinylcholine in (CO) [Morell, lumen tracheal tube (CR) [Stene, Rose, Weinger, Benumof Berman, Royster, Petrozza, Kelly & Colonna], 242 & Harrell], 1162 children Allergy revised label regarding use of succinylcholine in (CO) [Badg- dextran well, Hall & Lockhart], 243 hypotension in, after isolated limb perfusion with tumor necro- revised label regarding use of succinylcholine in (CO) [Katz, sis factor (CO) [Sigurdsson], 961 Wright, Harter, Zung, Scally & Spyker], 243 hypotension in, after isolated limb perfusion with tumor necro- revised label regarding use of succinylcholine in (CO) [Kent], sis factor (CO) [Wertheimer & Fraker], 961 244 sensitization revised label regarding use of succinylcholine in (CO) [Morell, noxious stimulation-induced, of central nervous system, pro- Berman, Royster, Petrozza, Kelly & Colonna], 242 tracted pain and (LI) [Goto, Marota & Crosby], 409 hypothermia American Society of Anesthesiologists, See under History core hypothermia and skin-surface temperature gradients (Cl) Analgesia [Frank, Shir, Raja, Fleisher & Beattie], 502 epidural AIDS, See under Infection and incidence of cesarean section (EV) [Dewan & Cohen], 1189 Anesthesiology, V 80, No 6, Jun 1994 1423 SUBJECT INDEX TO VOLUME 80 Analgesia— Analgesics intrathecal meperidine epinephrine and sufentanil in, muscular spasm in lower limbs for patient-controlled analgesia after cesarean section (CI) of laboring patients after (CR) [Newman, Patel, Krolick & [Paech, Moore & Evans], 1268 Ivankovich], 468 narcotic obstetric nalbuphine epinephrine and sufentanil in, muscular spasm in lower limbs in study of early epidural analgesia and obstetric outcome in of laboring patients after (CR) [Newman, Patel, Krolick & nulliparous women receiving oxytocin (CI) [Chestnut, Ivankovich], 468 McGrath, Vincent, Penning, Choi, Bates & McFarlane], nitrous oxide in early labor (CI) [Carstoniu, Levytam, Norman, 1201 Daley, Katz & Sandler], 30 in study of early epidural analgesia and obstetric outcome in patient-controlled nulliparous women receiving oxytocin (C1) [Chestnut, Vin- morphine cent, McGrath, Choi & Bates], 1193 and intravenous keiorolac for postoperative pain (CI) [Ready, nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs Brown, Stahlgren, Egan, Ross, Wild, Moodie, Jones, Tom- ketorolac meraasen & Trierwieler], 1277 intravenous, for postoperative pain (Cl) [Ready, Brown, Stahl- } patient-controlled epidural gren, Egan, Ross, Wild, Moodie, Jones, Tommeraasen & after cesarean section, meperidine for (CI) [Paech, Moore & Trierwieler], 1277 Evans], 1268 after lower abdominal surgery (CI) [Parker, Holtmann, Smith patient-controlled intravenous & White], 6 after cesarean section, meperidine for (CI) [Paech, Moore & potentiates morphine antinociception during visceral noci- Evans], 1268 ception (LI) [Maves, Pechman, Meller & Gebhart], 1094 post-cesarean section opioid after cesarean section, meperidine for (Cl) [Paech, Moore & fentanyl Evans], 1268 epidural, redistribution of (LI) [Bernards & Sorkin], 872 preemptive with intrathecal catheter, and central nervous system infec- effect of anesthetic technique on postoperative analgesia re- tion (CI) [Bevacqua, Slucky & Cleary], 1234 quirements (CO) [Cohen], 1416 meperidine effect of anesthetic technique on postoperative analgesia re- continuous subdural infusion of, paraplegia after (CR) [Hil- quirements (CO) [Raja, Shir & Frank], 1416 genhurst, Sukiennik, Anderson & Wurm], 462 effect of epidural versus general anesthesia on postoperative postoperative administration of, following ketorolac after pain (CI) [Shir, Raja & Frank], 49 lower abdominal surgery (CI) [Parker, Holtmann, Smith & nitrous oxide induces, in rat antagonized by halothane (LI) White], 6 [Goto, Marota & Crosby], 409 morphine using epidural and spinal injection of a-adrenergic agonists (LI) effects of, on ventilatory response to carbon dioxide (LI) [Ber- [Eisenach, Shafer, Bucklin, Jackson & Kallio}, 1349 kenbosch, Olievier, Wolsink, DeGoede & Rupreht], 1303 Analgesics epidural, and epidural lidocaine, analgesic synergy of (LI) epidural [Kaneko, Saito, Kirihara, Collins & Kosaka], 137 clonidine with intrathecal catheter, and central nervous system infec- is pretreatment with necessary? (CO) [Eisenach], 1181 tion (Cl) [Bevacqua, Slucky & Cleary], 1234 is pretreatment with necessary? (CO) [Goudas & Filos], 1180 ketorolac potentiates antinociception by. during visceral no- morphine ciception (LI) [Maves, Pechman, Meller & Gebhart], 1094 epidural bupivacaine/sufentanil for postoperative pain con- long-term intrathecal, and bupivacaine, in refractory cancer trol in tolerance to (CI) [de Leon-Casasola & Lema], 303 pain (CI) [Sjéberg, Nitescu, Appelgren & Curelaru}, 284 sufentanil opioid receptor, NMDA receptor, and hyperesthesia (LI) [Ya- postoperative, in opioid tolerance (C1) [de Leon-Casasola & mamoto, Shimoyama, Asano & Mizuguchi], 1311 Lema], 303 postoperative administration of, following ketorolac after hyperalgesia lower abdominal surgery (CI) [Parker, Holtmann, Smith & are barbiturates hyperalgesic? (CO) [Hugo, Lake & Cooledge], White], 6 1413 sufentanil intrathecal in plasma, assay models for (LR) [Woestenborghs, Timmer- side effects man, Cornelissen, Van Rompaey, Gepts, Camu, Heykants & muscular spasm in lower limbs of laboring patients after ad- Stanski], 666 ministration of (CR) [Newman, Patel, Krolick & Ivanko- really long infusion (CO) [Kelly & Butterworth], 233 vich], 468 withdrawal sufentanil postoperative epidural sufentanil in (CI) [de Leon-Casasola & muscular spasm in lower limbs of laboring patients after ad- Lema], 303 ministration of (CR) [Newman, Patel, Krolick & Ivanko- do not suppress spinal sensitization after subcutaneous forma- vich], 468 lin (LI) [Abram & Olson], 1114 Anesthesiology, V 80, No 6, Jun 1994 1424 SUBJECT INDEX TO VOLUME 80 Anatomy—Anesthesia Anatomy for patients undergoing peripheral vascular surgery (CO) [Was- leg kell], 486 blood flow induction, See under Induction and sympathetic muscle nerve activity, peripheral blood management flows and baroreceptor reflexes during propofol anesthesia for patient with Gorham’s syndrome (CR) [Mangar, Murtha, and surgery (Cl) [Sellgren, Ejnell, Elam, Pontén & Wallin], Aquilina & Connell], 466 534 mechanisms pituitary gland cardiovascular clonal pituitary cells, halothane inhibits IP, responses in (HI) and sevoflurane and epinephrine-induced arrhythmias (Cl) (LI) [Hossain & Evers], 1379 [Navarro, Weiskopf, Moore, Lockhart, Eger, Koblin, Lu & spine Wilson], 545 atlantooccipital joint neuroanesthesia and laryngoscopy with cervical spine stabilization (CI) [Hast- for supratentorial craniotomy, incidence of pneumocephalus ings & Wood], 825 after (CI) [Reasoner, Todd, Scamman & Warner], 1008 cervical vertebrae neurosurgical and laryngoscopy with cervical spine stabilization (CI) [Hast- paradoxic air embolism during venous air embolism (CR) [Be- ings & Wood], 825 dell, Berge & Losasso], 947 Ancrod, See under Blood, anticoagulants for supratentorial craniotomy, incidence of pneumocephalus Anemia, See under Blood after (CI) [Reasoner, Todd, Scamman & Warner], 1008 Anesthesia obstetric bypass cesarean section preferential delivery incidence of, and epidural analgesia (EV) [Dewan & Cohen], of volatile anesthetics to in situ goat brain (LR) [Antognini & 1189 Kien], 1148 intravenous fluid preload in prevention of spinal block-in- cardiovascular duced hypotension in parturients (CO) [Bassell & Marx}, during pulsatile versus nonpulsatile cardiopulmonary bypass 702 (LI) [Hindman, Dexter, Ryu, Smith & Cutkomp], 1137 intravenous fluid preload in prevention of spinal block-in- cardiovascular effects duced hypotension in parturients (CO) [Birnbach & Datta}, blood pressure 701 sevoflurane in infants and children (Cl) [Lerman, Sikich, intravenous fluid preload in prevention of spinal block-in- Kleinman & Yentis], 814 duced hypotension in parturients (CO) [Rout & Rocke], heart rate 703 sevoflurane in infants and children (Cl) [Lerman, Sikich, ephedrine is vasopressor of choice for hypotension during (LI) Kleinman & Yentis], 814 [McGrath, Chestnut, Vincent, DeBruyn, Atkins, Poduska & costs Chatterjee], 1073 of administering desflurane or isoflurane via closed circuit intravenous fluid preload in prevention of spinal block-induced (CO) [Hendrickx & DeWolf], 240 hypotension in parturients (CO) [Bassell & Marx], 702 of inhaled anesthetics (CO) [Abajian & Viscomi], 1404 intravenous fluid preload in prevention of spinal block-induced of inhaled anesthetics (CO) [Johnstone], 1404 hypotension in parturients (CO) [Birnbach & Datta], 701 of inhaled anesthetics (CO) [Macario], 1405 intravenous fluid preload in prevention of spinal block-induced of inhaled anesthetics (CO) [Meyer], 1406 hypotension in parturients (CO) [Rout & Rocke], 703 of inhaled anesthetics (CO) [Szocik], 1406 labor of inhaled anesthetics (CO) [Weiskopf & Eger], 1407 intrathecal versus epidural analgesia for (CI) [D’Angelo, An- delivery derson, Philip & Eisenach], 1209 preferential, of volatile anesthetics, to in situ goat brain (LR) pediatric |Antognini & Kien], 1148 adverse effects general bradycardia during (CI) [Keenan, Shapiro, Kane & Simpson], nitrous oxide-induced preemptive analgesia and (LI) [Goto, 976 Marota & Crosby], 409 ambulatory, desflurane in (CI) [Davis, Cohen, McGowan & for patients undergoing peripheral vascular surgery (CO) Latta], 298 [Badner], 485 cricoid pressure for preventing gastric insufflation in (CO) for patients undergoing peripheral vascular surgery (CO) [Moynihan & Brock-Utne], 1183 [Christopherson], 487 cricoid pressure for preventing gastric insufflation in (CO) [Sa- for patients undergoing peripheral vascular surgery (CO) lem], 1182 {Christopherson & Rosenfeld], 484 implications for subspecialty care of anesthetized children (EV) for patients undergoing peripheral vascular surgery (CO) [Morray], 969 {Christopherson & Rosenfeld], 485 intramuscular mivacurium in (CI) (Cauldwell, Lau & Fisher], for patients undergoing peripheral vascular surgery (CO) [Ku- 320 peli], 483 MAC for extubation in (C1) [Neelakanta & Miller], 811 Anesthesiology, V 80, No 6, Jun 1994 1425 SUBJECT INDEX TO VOLUME 80 Anesthesia— Anesthetics MAC,, and MAC of sevoflurane in (CI) [Inomata, Watanabe, Ta- performance guchi & Okada], 93 monitor surveillance and vigilance of anesthesia residents (CI) pharmacology of sevoflurane in (C1) [Lerman, Sikich, Kleinman [Loeb], 527 & Yentis], 814 objective methodology for assessment of (CI) [Weinger, Hern- propofol for children undergoing magnetic resonance imaging don, Zornow, Paulus, Gaba & Dallen], 77 (CO) [Frankville, Spear & Dyck], 1401 substance abuse among (CO) [McGraw], 705 propofol for children undergoing magnetic resonance imaging substance abuse among (CO) [Sivarajan, Posner, Caplan, Gild & (CO) [Panning, Leuwer, Piepenbrock & Ehrenheim], 1401 Cheney], 704 propofol pharmacokinetics in children (CI) [Kataria, Ved, Nico- See also under Anesthesia providers demus, Hoy, Lea, Dubois, Mandema & Shafer], 104 Anesthesiology for repair of congenital diaphragmatic hernia during continuous education inhalation of nitric oxide (CR) [Lévéque, Hamza, Berg, Bar criteria of defining clinical competence of anesthesiology resi- botin-Larrieu, Laguenie, Goutail-Flaud, Couturier, Egu, dents (SA) [Madsen, Woehick, Cheng, Kampine & Lauer], Mekouar & Saint-Maurice], 1171 663 repeated stellate ganglion blockade for herpes zoster ophthal- Anesthetics micus (CR) [Elias & Chakerian], 950 epidural threatening spinal cord compression during, in child with mu- core hypothermia and skin-surface temperature gradients (Cl) copolysaccharidosis VI (CR) [Linstedt, Maier, Joehnk & Ste- [Frank, Shir, Raja, Fleisher & Beattie], 502 phani], 227 gases neonatal nitric oxide blood flow with fentanyl and nitrous oxide for (LI) [Yaster, and cerebrovascular tone during isoflurane anesthesia (LI) Koehler & Traystman], 364 {McPherson, Kirsch, Tobin, Ghaly & Traystman], 1320 resuscitation with laryngeal mask airway (HI) (C1) [Paterson, dose-related effects of, on cerebral blood flow during isoflur- Byrne, Molesky, Seal & Finucane}, 1248 ane and pentobarbital anesthesia (LI) [Todd, Wu, Warner & newborn surgery Maktabi], 1128 pyloromyotomy, postanesthetic apnea in full-term infants inhaled, during one-lung ventilation (HI) (CI) [Rich, Low- after (CR) [Andropoulos, Heard, Johnson, Clarke & Rowe], son, Johns, Daugherty & Uncles], 57 216 inhaled, in permissive hypercapnia (Cl) [Puybasset, Stewart, performance, See under Performance Rouby, Cluzel, Mourgeon, Belin, Arthaud, Landault & providers, See under Anesthesia providers Viars], 1254 regional and isoflurane-induced cerebral hyperemia (LI) [Moore, nerve compression Kirsch, Helfaer, Tobin, McPherson & Traystman], 1328 and James Moore, 18th-century advocate of mitigation of pain nitric oxide synthase during surgery (SA) [Bergman], 657 dose-related effects of, on cerebral blood flow during isoflur- for patients undergoing peripheral vascular surgery (CO) ane and pentobarbital anesthesia (Ll) [Todd, Wu, Warner & [Badner], 485 Maktabi], 1128 for patients undergoing peripheral vascular surgery (CO) nitrous oxide |Christopherson], 487 addition to cuff, laryngeal mask airway cuff pressure and posi- for patients undergoing peripheral vascular surgery (CO) tion and (CO) [Brimacombe & Berry], 957 {Christopherson & Rosenfeld], 484 blood flow with, in newborn lambs (LI) [Yaster, Koehler & for patients undergoing peripheral vascular surgery (CO) Traystman], 364 {Christopherson & Rosenfeld], 485 induces preemptive analgesia in rat antagonized by halothane for patients undergoing peripheral vascular surgery (CO) (LI) [Goto, Marota & Crosby], 409 [Kupeli], 483 and isoflurane, surgical stimulation induces changes in brain for patients undergoing peripheral vascular surgery (CO) electrical activity during (Cl) [Kochs, Bischoff, Pichlmeier, [Waskell], 486 Schulteam Esch], 1026 stellate ganglion block methionine loading and cobalamin-dependent enzyme methi- using catheter, for pediatric herpes zoster ophthalmicus (CR) onine synthase after (Cl) [Christensen, Guttormsen, [Elias & Chakerian], 950 Schneede, Riedel, Refsum, Svardal & Ueland], 1046 Anesthesia potency, See under Potency does the potency of fentanyl vary with inhalational agents Anesthesia providers performance such as? (CO) [Glass], 700 objective methodology for assessment of (CI) [Weinger, Hern- does the potency of fentanyl vary with inhalational agents don, Zornow, Paulus, Gaba & Dallen], 77 such as? (CO) [Sanders], 699 workload assessment, See under Workload assessment safety and efficacy of, in labor (Cl) [Carstoniu, Levytam, Nor- Anesthesiologists man, Daley, Katz & Sandler], 30 occupational hazards in study of incidence of pneumocephalus after supratentorial AIDS, implications for anesthesiologist (MI) [Shapiro, Grant & craniotomy (CI) [Reasoner, Todd, Scamman & Warner], Weinger], 187 1008 Anesthesiology, V 80, No 6, Jun 1994 1426 SUBJECT INDEX TO VOLUME 80 Anesthetics sevoflurane effects of, on coronary blood flow and myocardial perfor- simplified gas chromatographic method for quantifying me- mance in isolated rabbit heart (LI) [Mouren, Baron, Albo, tabolite of (LR) (Morgan, Frink & Gandolfi], 201 Szekely, Arthaud & Viars], 634 general mechanism of negative inotropic effect of (LI) [Cook & Hous- core hypothermia and skin-surface temperature gradients (C1) mans], 859 [Frank, Shir, Raja, Fleisher & Beattie], 502 nonhypnotic therapeutic applications of (MI) [Borgeat, intraperitoneal Wilder-Smith & Suter], 642 ketamine in pediatrics (EV) [Fisher], 2 suppresses endotoxin-induced tumor necrosis factor alpha pharmacokinetics in children (CI) [Kataria, Ved, Nicodemus, production (LI) [Takenaka, Ogata, Koga, Matsumoto & Shi- Hoy, Lea, Dubois, Mandema & Shafer], 104 gematsu], 402 potency of, for induction of anesthesia (CI) [Hemelrijck, intravenous Muller, VanAken & White], 36 barbiturates in study of midlatency auditory evoked potentials and ex- are they hyperalgesic? (CO) [Hugo, Lake & Cooledge], 1413 plicit and implicit memory in patients undergoing cardiac eltanolone surgery (CI) [Schwender, Kaiser, Klasing, Peter & Péppel], potency of, for induction of anesthesia (CI) [Hemelrijck, 493 Muller, VanAken & White], 36 sufentanil fentanyl electrophysiologic effects of, in Wolff-Parkinson-White syn- anesthetic and hemodynamic interactions of, with dexmede- drome (CI) (Sharpe, Dobkowski, Murkin, Klein, Guiraudon tomidine (LI) [Salmenpera, Szlam & Hug], 837 & Yee], 63 blood flow with, in newborn lambs (LI) [Yaster, Koehler & in plasma, assay models for (LR) [Woestenborghs, Timmer- Traystman], 364 man, Cornelissen, Van Rompaey, Gepts, Camu, Heykants & in study of midlatency auditory evoked potentials and ex- Stanskij, 666 plicit and implicit memory in patients undergoing cardiac thiopental surgery (CI) [Schwender, Kaiser, Klasing, Peter & Péppel], are barbiturates hyperalgesic? (CO) [Hugo, Lake & Cooledge], 493 1413 flunitrazepam concentrations of, associated with hyperalgesia in rat (LI) in study of midlatency auditory evoked potentials and ex- Archer, Ewen, Roth & Samanani], 168 plicit and implicit memory in patients undergoing cardiac dose requirement and distribution, influence of dexmedeto- surgery (CI) [Schwender, Kaiser, Klasing, Peter & Poppel], midine on (CI) [Biihrer, Mappes, Lauber, Stanski & Maitre], 493 1216 ketamine effects of, on coronary blood flow and myocardial perfor- difficulties encountered in comparative study of orally ad- mance in isolated rabbit heart (LI) [Mouren, Baron, Albo, ministered (CO) [Gingrich], 1414 Szekely, Arthaud & Viars], 634 effects of, on spontaneous and depolarization-evoked dopa- effects of, on spontaneous and depolarization-evoked dopa- mine release (LI) [Mantz, Varlet, Lecharny, Henzel, Lenot & mine release (LI) [Mantz, Varlet, Lecharny, Henzel, Lenot & Desmonts], 352 Desmonts], 352 lorazepam for induction in healthy outpatient, lung collapse after (CR) electrophysiologic effects of, in Wolff-Parkinson-White syn- [Ding & White], 689 drome (CI) (Sharpe, Dobkowski, Murkin, Klein, Guiraudon potency of, for induction of anesthesia (CI) [Hemelrijck, & Yee], 63 Muller, YanAken & White], 36 midazolam local difficulties encountered in comparative study of orally ad- bupivacaine ministered (CO) [Gingrich], 1414 cardiac toxicity induced by, in neonates (CR) [Maxwell, Mar- pentobarbital tin & Yaster], 682 effects of nitric oxide synthase inhibition on cerebral blood cardioprotective effect of hexamethonium in anesthetized flow during (LI) [Todd, Wu, Warner & Maktabi]j, 1128 dogs given (HI) (LI) [de La Coussaye, Eledjam, Bruelle, Le- propofol frant, Bassoul, Peray, Desch & Sassine], 595 autonomic effects of (CI) [Sellgren, Ejnell, Elam, Pontén & Wallin], 534 in comparative study of analgesia for labor (CI) [D’Angelo, are barbiturates hyperalgesic? (CO) [Hugo, Lake & Cooledge], Anderson, Philip & Eisenach], 1209 1413 large doses of, irreversible conduction block in isolated nerve for children undergoing magnetic resonance imaging (CO) by (LI) (Lambert, Lambert & Strichartz], 1082 [Frankville, Spear & Dyck], 1401 long-term intrathecal morphine and, in refractory cancer pain for children undergoing magnetic resonance imaging (CO) (Cl) [Sjéberg, Nitescu, Appelgren & Curelaru], 284 [Panning, Leuwer, Piepenbrock & Ehrenheim], 1401 myotoxicity of: case and review (CR) [Hogan, Dotson, Erick- contaminated, severe sepsis after (CO) [Goodale], 713 son, Kettler & Hogan], 942 contamix.ated, severe sepsis after (CO) [Veber, Gachot, Bedos persistent sacral sensory deficit induced by, in rat (LI) & Wolff], 712 [Drasner, Sakura, Chan, Bollen & Ciriales], 847 Anesthesiology, V 80, No 6, Jun 1994 1427 SUBJECT INDEX TO VOLUME 80 Anesthetics postoperative, in opioid tolerance (Cl) [de Leon-Casasola & “ozone-friendly”’ spray, affects monitoring of volatile anes- Lema], 303 thetics (CO) [Veyckemans, Miiller, Pelsser & Scholtes], 480 in study of early epidural analgesia and obstetric outcome in volatile nulliparous women receiving oxytocin (CI) [Chestnut, desflurane McGrath, Vincent, Penning, Choi, Bates & McFarlane], in comparative study of recovery characteristics in pediatric 1201 ambulatory patients (C1) [Davis, Cohen, McGowan & Latta], in study of early epidural analgesia and obstetric outcome in 298 nulliparous women receiving oxytocin (C1) [Chestnut, Vin- costs of (CO) [Abajian & Viscomi], 1404 cent, McGrath, Choi & Bates], 1193 costs of (CO) [Johnstone], 1404 in study of postoperative pain relief (CI) [Shir, Raja & Frank], costs of (CO) [Macario], 1405 49 costs of (CO) [Meyer], 1406 cardiotoxicity induced by, should epinephrine be used to treat? costs of (CO) [Szocik], 1406 (CO) [Butterworth & Prielipp], 1179 costs of (CO) [Weiskopf & Eger], 1407 cardiotoxicity induced by, should epinephrine be used to treat? costs of administering, via closed circuit (CO) [Hendrickx & (CO) [Heavner, Mather, Pitkanen & Shi], 1179 DeWolf], 240 depress calcium current of rat sensory neurons in culture (LI) is not an isomer of isoflurane (CO) [Heinrich & Kao], 477 [Sugiyama & Muteki], 1369 is not an isomer of isoflurane (CO) [Lowenstein], 478 lidocaine is not an isomer of isoflurane (CO) [Ortega, Botero & Arkoff], 477 accelerates recovery of postischemic bowel motility in rat (LI) [Udassin, Eimerl, Schiffman & Haskel], 832 new (RA) [Eger], 906 ephedrine is vasopressor of choice for hypotension during rapid increase in concentration of, and transient cardiovascu- (LI) [McGrath, Chestnut, Vincent, DeBruyn, Atkins, Po- lar stimulation (Cl) [Weiskopf, Moore, Eger, Noorani, duska & Chatterjee], 1073 McKay, Chortkoff, Hart & Damask], 1035 epidural, and epidural morphine, analgesic synergy of (LI) sympathetic hyperactivity during (CO) [Ebert & Muzi}], 482 [Kaneko, Saito, Kirihara, Collins & Kosaka], 137 sympathetic hyperactivity during (CO) [Eger & Weiskopf], flux through spinal meninges, effect of needle puncture on 482 (LI) [Bernards, Kopacz & Michel], 853 enflurane with intrathecal catheter, and central nervous system infec- and cardiac calcium metabolism (LI) [Wheeler, Katz, Rice & tion (CI) [Bevacqua, Slucky & Cleary], 1234 Hansford], 372 intravenous, and hyperalgesia and nociceptor-driven spinal effects of, on spontaneous and depolarization-evoked dopa- sensitization in rat (HI) (LI) [Abram & Yaksh], 383 mine release (LI) [Mantz, Varlet, Lecharny, Henzel, Lenot & large doses of, irreversible conduction block in isolated nerve Desmonts], 352 by (LI) [Lambert, Lambert & Strichartz], 1082 effects of, on thermoregulatory responses in neuraxis of cats persistent sacral sensory deficit induced by, in rat (LI) (HI) (LI) [Farber, Poterack, Kampine & Schmeling], 879 [Drasner, Sakura, Chan, Bollen & Ciriales], 847 electrophysiologic effects of, in Wolff-Parkinson-White syn- myotoxicity drome (CI) [Sharpe, Dobkowski, Murkin, Klein, Guiraudon case and review (CR) [Hogan, Dotson, Erickson, Kettler & & Yee], 63 Hogan], 942 inhibits dihydropyridine binding to malignant hyperthermia- tetracaine susceptible and normal pig skeletal muscle membranes large doses of, irreversible conduction block in isolated nerve (LI) [Louis, Roghair & Mickelson], 618 by (LI) (Lambert, Lambert & Strichartz], 1082 and interactions of dexmedetomidine and fentanyl in dogs persistent sacral sensory deficit induced by, in rat (LI) (LI) [Salmenpera, Szlam & Hug], 837 [Drasner, Sakura, Chan, Bollen & Ciriales], 847 prolonged anesthesia using, renal concentrating function opioid with (CI) [Frink, Malan, Isner, Brown, Morgan & Brown], fentanyl! 1019 does the potency of fentanyl vary with inhalational agents in study of constriction of canine mesenteric arteries (LI) such as? (CO) {Glass],'700 |Kakuyama, Hatano, Nakamura, Toda, Terasako, Nishiwada does the potency of fentanyl vary with inhalational agents & Mori], 1120 such as? (CO) [Sanders], 699 in study of impairment of thermoregulatory control (CI) morphine Joris, Ozaki, Sessler, Hardy, Lamy, McGuire, Blanchard, flux through spinal meninges, effect of needle puncture on Schroeder & Moayeri], 268 (LI) [Bernards, Kopacz & Michel], 853 halothane sufentanil antagonism by, nitrous oxide induces preemptive analgesia in comparative study of analgesia for labor (Cl) [D’Angelo, following (LI) [Goto, Marota & Crosby], 409 Anderson, Philip & Eisenach], 1209 and cardiac calcium metabolism (LI) [Wheeler, Katz, Rice & topical Hansford], 372 lidocaine in comparative study of recovery characteristics in pediatric “ozone-friendly”’ spray, affects monitoring of volatile anes- ambulatory patients (C1) [Davis, Cohen, McGowan & Latta], thetics (CO) [Gloss], 481 298 Anesthesiology, V 80, No 6, Jun 1994 1428 SUBJECT INDEX TO VOLUME 80 Anesthetics and coronary artery smooth muscle contractions and Ca?* mo- costs of administering, via closed circuit (CO) [Hendrickx & bilization in vascular smooth muscle celis (LI) [Ozhan, Sill, DeWolf], 240 Atagunduz, Martin & Katusi¢c], 1102 decreases calcium sensitivity and maxima! force in human decreases calcium sensitivity and maximal force in human skinned cardiac fibers (LI) [Tavernier, Adnet, Imbenotte, skinned cardiac fibers (LI) [Tavernier, Adnet, Imbenotte, Etchrivi, Reyford, Haudecoeur, Scherpereel & Krivosic- Etchrivi, Reyford, Haudecoeur, Scherpereel & Krivosic- Horber], 625 Horber], 625 effects of, on contractile force and calcium transients in car- to determine malignant hyperthermia susceptibility, masseter diac Purkinje fibers (LI) [Stowe, Sprung, Turner, Kampine muscle rigidity and (CI) [O’Flynn, Shutack, Rosenberg & & Bosnjak], 1360 Fletcher], 1228 effects of, on spontaneous and depolarization-evoked dopa- effect of adenosine-induced hypotension on systemic and mine release (LI) [Mantz, Varlet, Lecharny, Henzel, Lenot & splanchnic hemodynamics during (LI) (Crawford, Lerman, Desmonts], 352 Saldivia, Orrego & Carmichael], 159 effects of, on thermoregulatory responses in neuraxis of cats effects of, on contractile force and calcium transients in car- (HI) (LI) [Farber, Poterack, Kampine & Schmeling], 879 diac Purkinje fibers (LI) [Stowe, Sprung, Turner, Kampine effects of nitric oxide synthase inhibition on cerebral blood & Bosnjak], 1360 flow during (LI) [Todd, Wu, Warner & Maktabi], 1128 effects of, on spontaneous and depolarization-evoked dopa- electrophysiologic effects of, in Wolff-Parkinson-White syn- mine release (LI) [Mantz, Varlet, Lecharny, Henzel, Lenot & drome (C1) (Sharpe, Dobkowski, Murkin, Klein, Guiraudon Desmonts], 352 & Yee], 63 effects of, on thermoregulatory responses in neuraxis of cats and epinephrine-induced arrhythmias (CI) [Navarro, Weis- (HI) (LI) [Farber, Poterack, Kampine & Schmeling], 879 kopf, Moore, Lockhart, Eger, Koblin, Lu & Wilson], 545 electrophysiologic effects of, in Wolff-Parkinson-White syn- inhibits dihydropyridine binding to malignant hyperthermia- drome (CI) [Sharpe, Dobkowski, Murkin, Klein, Guiraudon susceptible and normal pig skeletal muscle membranes & Yee], 63 (LI) [Louis, Roghair & Mickelson], 618 and endothelium-derived relaxing factor/nitric oxide path- MAC of, for tracheal extubation in anesthetized children (CI) ways (LI) [Blaise, To, Parent, Lagarde, Asenjo & Sauvé], 417 [Neelakanta & Miller], 811 inhibits dihydropyridine binding to malignant hyperthermia- and nitrous oxide, surgical stimulation induces changes in susceptible and normal pig skeletal muscle membranes brain electrical activity during (Cl) [Kochs, Bischoff, Pichl- (LI) [Louis, Roghair & Mickelson], 618 meier, Schulteam Esch], 1026 inhibits IP, responses (HI) (LI) [Hossain & Evers], 1379 does the potency of fentanyl vary with inhalational agents method for preferential delivery of, to in situ goat brain (LR) such as? (CO) [Glass], 700 [Antognini & Kien], 1148 does the potency of fentanyl vary with inhalational agents muscle contracture tests, genetic effects on variability of (CI) such as? (CO) [Sanders], 699 {Urwyler, Censier, Kaufmann & Drewe], 1287 rapid increase in concentration of, and transient cardiovascu- phrenic nerve stimulation during, effects on atelectasis (Cl) lar stimulation (Cl) [Weiskopf, Moore, Eger, Noorani, (Hedenstierna, Tokics, Lundquist, Andersson, Strandberg & McKay, Chortkoff, Hart & Damask], 1035 Brismar], 751 regional vasodilating properties of, in normal swine myocar- in study of constriction of canine mesenteric arteries (LI) dium (LI) (Hickey, Cason & Shubayev], 574 [Kakuyama, Hatano, Nakamura, Toda, Terasako, Nishiwada in study of anesthetic potency after hypothermic spinal cord & Mori}, 1120 transection in rats (LI) [Rampil], 606 subanesthetic sedation, ventilatory responses during (CI) in study of constriction of canine mesenteric arteries (LI) {[Dahan, van den Elsen, Berkenbosch, DeGoede, Olievier, [Kakuyama, Hatano, Nakamura, Toda, Terasako, Nishiwada van Kleef & Bovill], 727 & Morij, 1120 isoflurane in study of impairment of thermoregulatory control (CI) anesthetic depth defined using multiple noxious stimuli dur- Doris, Ozaki, Sessler, Hardy, Lamy, McGuire, Blanchard, ing (Cl) [Zbinden, Maggiorini, Petersen-Felix, Lauber, Schroeder & Moayeri], 268 Thomson & Minder], 253 in study of midlatency auditory evoked potentials and ex- anesthetic depth defined using multiple noxious stimuli dur- plicit and implicit memory in patients undergoing cardiac ing (CI) [Zbinden, Petersen-Felix & Thomson], 261 surgery (CI) [Schwender, Kaiser, Klasing, Peter & P6ppel], in anesthetic management of patient with Farber’s lipogranu- 493 lomatosis (CR) [Asada, Tatekawa, Terai, Hayashi, Hatano, subanesthetic MAC, effect of, on hypoxic tests (CI) [Temp, Ikeshita & Fujimori], 206 Henson & Ward], 739 and cardiac calcium metabolism (LI) [Wheeler, Katz, Rice & sustained increase in cerebral blood flow during (LI) Hansford], 372 (McPherson, Kirsch, Tobin, Ghaly & Traystman], 1320 cerebral hyperemia induced by, mechanism of (LI) [Moore, sympathetic hyperactivity during (CO) [Ebert & Muzij, 482 Kirsch, Helfaer, Tobin, McPherson & Traystman], 1328 sympathetic hyperactivity during (CO) [Eger & Weiskopf], and coronary artery smooth muscle contractions and Ca?* mo- 482 bilization in vascular smooth muscle cells (LI) [Ozhan, Sill, low-dose, do they alter ventilatory control? (EV) [Robotham], Atagunduz, Martin & Katusi¢c], 1102 723 Anesthesiology, V 80, No 6, Jun 1994 1429 SUBJECT INDEX TO VOLUME8 0 Anesthetics—Anesthetic techniques pharmacodynamics (RA) [Eger], 906 early, does not affect obstetric outcome (CI) [Chestnut, pharmacokinetics (RA) [Eger], 906 McGrath, Vincent, Penning, Choi, Bates & McFarlane], seroflurane 1201 new (RA) [Eger], 906 early, does not affect obstetric outcome (CI) [Chestnut, Vin- sevoflurane cent, McGrath, Choi & Bates], 1193 breakdown product, injury from, effect of 3-hour administra- effect of, on postoperative pain (CI) (Shir, Raja & Frank], 49 tion (LI) [Gonsowski, Laster, Eger, Ferrell & Kerschmann], ephedrine in hypotension during ritodrine infusion and (LI) 556 {[McGrath, Chestnut, Vincent, DeBruyn, Atkins, Poduska & breakdown product, injury from, effect of increasing duration Chatterjee], 1073 of administration (LI) [Gonsowski, Laster, Eger, Ferrell & impairs central and peripheral thermoregulatory control (CI) Kerschmann], 556 fjoris, Ozaki, Sessler, Hardy, Lamy, McGuire, Blanchard, closed-circuit anesthesia with, in humans (CI) [Bito & Ikeda], Schroeder & Moayeri], 268 71 and postischemic bowel motility (LI) [Udassin, Eimerl, Schiff- concentration, end-tidal, for tracheal intubation in pediatric man & Haskel], 832 patients (C1) [Inomata, Watanabe, Taguchi & Okada], 93 suppress renin release in response to arterial hypotension (CI) effect of adenosine-induced hypotension on systemic and [Hopf, Schlaghecke & Peters], 992 splanchnic hemodynamics during (LI) (Crawford, Lerman, vasopressin and renin-angiotensin systems support blood pres- Saldivia, Orrego & Carmichael], 159 sure after (CI) [Carp, Vadhera, Jayaram & Garvey], 1000 and epinephrine-induced arrhythmias (Cl) [Navarro, Weis- fluid loading kopf, Moore, Lockhart, Eger, Koblin, Lu & Wilson], 545 intravenous fluid preload in prevention of spinal block-induced hypotension in parturients (CO) [Bassell & Marx], 702 papers concerning, and unresolved issues relating to peer re- view, industry support of research, and conflict of interest intravenous fluid preload in prevention of spinal block-induced hypotension in parturients (CO) [Birnbach & Datta], 701 (EV) [Saidman], 491 intravenous fluid preload in prevention of spinal block-induced pharmacology of, in infants and children (Cl) [Lerman, Si- hypotension in parturients (CO) [Rout & Rocke], 703 kich, Kleinman & Yentis], 814 prolonged anesthesia using, renal concentrating function gues , : : i effect of, on postoperative pain (CI) [Shir, Raja & Frank], 49 with (CI) [Frink, Malan, Isner, Brown, Morgan & Brown], ; ae: s 1019 impairs central and peripheral thermoregulatory control (CI) JJoris, Ozaki, Sessler, Hardy, Lamy, McGuire, Blanchard, Anesthetic techniques Schroeder & Moayeri], 268 combined spinal-epidural hypotension, induced effect of needle puncture on morphine and lidocaine flux by adenosine, effects of, on splanchnic hemodynamics (LI) through spinal meninges in (LI) [Bernards, Kopacz & Mi- [Crawford, Lerman, Saldivia, Orrego & Carmichael], 159 chel], 853 for interventional neuroradiology (RA) [Young & Pile-Spell- computer-controlled infusion man], 427 propofol in pediatrics (EV) [Fisher], 2 spinal block, in parturients, intravenous fluid preload in pre- continuous vention of (CO) [Bassell & Marx], 702 large doses of local anesthetics in, irreversible conduction spinal block, in parturients, intravenous fluid preload in pre- block in isolated nerve by (LI) [Lambert, Lambert & Stri- vention of (CO) [Birnbach & Datta], 701 chartz], 1082 spinal block, in parturients, intravenous fluid preload in pre- cricoid pressure vention of (CO) [Rout & Rocke], 703 for preventing gastric insufflation in infants and children (CO) induction [Moynihan & Brock-Utne]}, 1183 in healthy outpatient, lung collapse after (CR) [Ding & White], for preventing gastric insufflation in infants and children (CO) 689 [Salem], 1182 inhalation effect of, on postoperative analgesia requirements (CO) [Co- desflurane in, in pediatric ambulatory patients (CI) [Davis, Co- hen], 1416 hen, McGowan & Latta], 298 effect of, on postoperative analgesia requirements (CO) [Raja, insufflation Shir & Frank], 1416 peritoneal epidural carbon dioxide absorption is not linearly related to (LI) [Lis- analgesic synergy of morphine and lidocaine in (LI) [Kaneko, ter, Rudston-Brown, Warriner, McEwen, Chan & Walley], Saito, Kirihara, Collins & Kosaka], 137 129 bupivacaine/sufentanil, in opioid tolerance (CI) [de Leon-Casa- intrathecal sola & Lema], 303 in comparative study of analgesia for labor (CI) [D’Angelo, An- in comparative study of analgesia for labor (CI) [D’Angelo, An- derson, Philip & Eisenach], 1209 derson, Philip & Eisenach], 1209 postoperative, catheter use, and central nervous system infec- continuous meperidine infusion, paraplegia after (CR) [Hilgen- tion (CI) [Bevacqua, Slucky & Cleary], 1234 hurst, Sukiennik, Anderson & Wurm], 462 intravenous dexmedetomidine in, causing analgesia and hypotension (LI) bolus [Eisenach, Shafer, Bucklin, Jackson & Kallio], 1349 intravenous ketorolac for postoperative pain (Cl) [Ready, Anesthesiology, V 80, No 6, Jun 1994 1430 SUBJECT INDEX TO VOLUME 80 Anesthetic techniques—Antagonists Brown, Stahlgren, Egan, Ross, Wild, Moodie, Jones, Tom- and systemic action of a, receptor agonist dexmedetomidine meraasen & Trierwieler], 1277 in dogs (LI) [Sabbe, Penning, Ozaki & Yaksh], 1067 infusion total, autonomic imbalance of heart during (CR) [Kimura, Ko- intravenous ketorolac for postoperative pain (Cl) [Ready, matsu, Hirabayashi, Sakuma & Shimada], 694 Brown, Stahigren, Egan, Ross, Wild, Moodie, Jones, Tom- sympathetic blockade meraasen & Trierwieler], 1277 lumbar lumbar intralymphatic injection as complication of (CR) [Hayns- sympathetic worth, Noe & Fassy], 460 intralymphatic injection as complication of (CR) [Hayns- tetanic stimulation worth, Noe & Fassy], 460 to define isoflurane concentrations required to suppress motor mechanical ventilation responses (CI) [Zbinden, Maggiorini, Petersen-Felix, inhaled nitric oxide in, in adult respiratory distress syndrome Lauber, Thomson & Minder], 253 (Cl) [Puybasset, Stewart, Rouby, Cluzel, Mourgeon, Belin, to define isoflurane concentrations required to suppress motor Arthaud, Landault & Viars], 1254 responses (Cl) [Zbinden, Petersen-Felix & Thomson], 261 one-lung ventilation tracheal extubation in bronchial trifurcation at carina complicating use of double- MAC of isoflurane for, in anesthetized children (C1) [Neelakanta lumen tracheal tube (CR) [Stene, Rose, Weinger, Benumof & Miller], 811 & Harrell], 1162 postthyroidectomy laryngoscopic examination (CO) [King & patient-controlled analgesia Khan], 230 effect of, on postoperative pain (CI) (Shir, Raja & Frank], 49 tracheal intubation following use of ketorolac after lower abdominal surgery (Cl) to define isoflurane concentrations required to suppress motor {Parker, Holtmann, Smith & White], 6 responses (CI) [Zbinden, Maggiorini, Petersen-Felix regional Lauber, Thomson & Minder], 253 brachial plexus to define isodurane concentrations required to suppress motor total spinal anesthesia after (CR) (Dutton, Eckhardt & responses (C1) [Zbinden, Petersen-Felix & Thomson], 261 Sunder], 939 end-tidal sevofluran. concentration for, in pediatric patients facial nerve block (Cl) [Inomata, Watanabe, Taguchi & Okada], 93 successful treatment of Meige’s syndrome with (CR) [Kobaya- during laryngoscopy with cervical spine stabilization (CI) shi, Lee & Tanaka], 1396 [Hastings & Wood], 825 interscalene trapezius stimulation total spinal anesthesia after (CR) [Dutton, Eckhardt & to define isoflurane concentrations required to suppress motor Sunder], 939 responses (CI) [Zbinden, Maggiorini, Petersen-Felix, nerve block Lauber, Thomson & Minder], 253 complications, intralymphatic injection as (CR) [Hayns- Animals worth, Noe & Fassy], 460 dogs subdural calcium transients in cardiac Purkinje fibers of, effects of vola- continuous meperidine infusion, paraplegia after (CR) [Hil- tile anesthetics on (LI) [Stowe, Sprung, Turner, Kampine & genhurst, Sukiennik, Anderson & Wurm], 462 Bosnjak], 1360 spinal lambs continuous neonatal cauda equina syndrome after (LI) [Drasner, Sakura, Chan, Bol- blood flow with fentanyl and nitrous oxide in (LI) [Yaster, len & Ciriales], 847 Koehler & Traystman], 364 dexmedetomidine in, causing analgesia and hypotension (LI) rabbit [Eisenach, Shafer, Bucklin, Jackson & Kallio}, 1349 effects of anesthetics on hippocampal glutamate of, after tran- is pretreatment with intrathecal cholinergic pressor agent nec- sient global cerebral ischemia (LI) [Illievich, Zornow, essary? (CO) [Eisenach], 1180 Choi, Strnat & Scheller], 177 is pretreatment with intrathecal cholinergic pressor agent nec- swine essary? (CO) [Goudas & Filos], 1180 myocardial ischemia in, mechanical versus electrographic indi- large doses of local anesthetics in, irreversible conduction cators to (LI) [Watanabe & Buffington], 582 block in isolated nerve by (LI) [Lambert, Lambert & Stri- ANQ 9040, See under Neuromuscular relaxants chartz], 1082 Antagonists local anesthetics for, depress calcium current of rat sensory atipamezole neurons in culture (LI) [Sugiyama & Muteki], 1369 in study of anesthetic and hemodynamic interactions of dexme- meningioma as cause of severe and intractable postoperative detomidine and fentanyl in dogs (LI) [Salmenpera, Szlam & nausea and vomiting during (CR) [Allen & Siminoski], 1164 Hug], 837 morphine in, and bupivacaine, in refractory cancer pain (Cl) benzodiaze;ines [Sjéberg, Nitescu, Appelgren & Curelaru], 284 flumazenil subarachnoid catheters in, and cauda equina syndrome (CO) does it antagonize midazolam-induced depression of ventila- [Bromage], 711 tory response to hypoxia? (CO) [Blouin & Gross], 234 Anesthesiology, V 80, No 6, Jun 1994

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