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Index of Issues: July, pp. 1-208; August, pp. 209-414; September, pp. 415-636; October, pp. 637-874; November, pp. 875-1160; December, 1161-1506. SUBJECT INDEX TO VOLUME 79 Entries from JOURNAL departments are identified as follows: Book Reviews—(BR); Case Reports—(CR); Clinical Investigations—(CI); Correspondence—(CO); Editorial Views—(EV); Highlights—(HI); Laboratory Reports—(LR); Medical Intelligence Article—(MI); Original Article—(OA); Practice Guidelines—(PG); Review Article—(RA); Special Article—(SA); Reports of Scientific Meetings—(SM). A pharynx and swallowing as protective reflex for upper respiratory tract Acetaminophen, See under Analgesics, oral (MI) [Nishino], 588 Acetylcholine, See under Parasympathetic nervous system; trachea Pharmacology aneurysmal compression of, complicating thoracoabdominal an- Acetylcholine receptors, See under Receptors eurysm repair (CR) [Gorman, Merritt, Greenspun, Greene Acute phase protein, See under Protein(s) & Williams], 1424 Addiction, See under Analgesics, narcotic difficult, defining of (CO) [Caplan], 414 Adenosine, See under Pharmacology difficult, defining of (CO) [Knill], 413 Adenosine A, agonist, See under Pharmacology, adenosine wall, beveled tracheal tube orifice abutted on, in Forestier’s Adenosine monophosphate, See under Metabolism Disease (CO) [Togashi, Hirabayashi, Mitsuhata, Saitoh & Adenylyl cyclase, See under Enzymes Shimizu], 1452 Administration (methods) Airway responsiveness, See under Lung(s) microinjection Alarm, anesthesia, See under Anesthesia in study of activation of noradrenergic neurons during recovery Albumin, See under Protein(s) from halothane (LI) {Saunier, Akaoka, de la Chapelle, Albuterol, See under Pharmacology Charléty, Chergui, Chouvet, Buda & Quintin], 1072 Alcohols Adrenal medulla transplant, See under Surgery, transplanta- and residual effects of thiopental, interaction between (C1) [Lich- tion tor, Zacny, Coalson, Flemming, Uitvlugt, Apfelbaum, Lane a,-Adrenergic agonists, See under Sympathetic nervous sys- & Thisted], 28 tem secondary a,-Adrenergic receptors, See under Receptors channel inhibition by, stereoselectivity of, at nicotinic acetyl- 8-Adrenergic receptors, See under Sympathetic nervous sys- choline receptors (LI) [Alifimoff, Bugge, Forman & Miller], tem 122 Adrenocorticotrophic hormone, See under Hormones Alfentanil, See under Analgesics; Pharmacodynamics; Phar- Adult respiratory distress syndrome, See under Lung(s) macokinetics; Anesthetics, intravenous Aequorin, See under Protein(s), bioluminescent Allergy Age factors anaphylaxis elderly patients vasectomy and, following protamine: no cause and effect (CO) and onset of succinylcholine and vecuronium (C1) [Kosciel- [Hirshman], 618 niak-Nielsen, Bevan, Popovic, Baxter, Donati & Bevan], 229 vasectomy and, following protamine: no cause and effect (CO) reduced vasoconstriction threshold (Cl) [Kurz, Plattner, [Metz], 617 Sessler, Huemer, Red! & Lackner], 465 drug a, Agonists, See under Sympathetic nervous system are histamine-releasing drugs contraindicated in? (CO) [Moss], Airway 623 larynx are histamine-releasing drugs contraindicated in? (CO) [Said- and swallowing as protective reflex for upper respiratory tract man], 624 (MI) [Nishino], 588 latex management masquerading as fentanyl anaphylaxis (CO) [Zucker-Pinchoff& in paradoxical vocal cord motion causing stridor in recovery Chandler], 1151 room (CR) [Sukhani, Barclay & Chow], 177 Ambulatory surgery, See under Surgery nasotracheal suction American Society of Anesthesiologists, See under Organiza- unusual complication of (CO) [Ho & Weinger], 630 tions obstruction Amino acids, See under Neurotransmitters diffuse oral facial cavernous hemangioma causing, after intra- Amiodarone, See under Pharmacology muscular ketamine (CR) [Baronia, Pandey & Kaushik], 1421 Amnesia, See under Memory in paradoxical vocal cord motion causing stridor in recovery Amrinone, See under Heart, inotropes; Pharmacology; Phar- room (CR) [Sukhani, Barclay & Chow], 177 macology, inotropic agents; Pharmacology, phos- operations phodiesterase inhibitors and risk of laser-induced polyvinylchloride tracheal-tube fires Analgesia (LI) [Pashayan, SanGiovanni & Davis], 83 aspirin, the miracle drug: spinally, too? (EV) [Eisenach], 211 Anesthesiology, V 79, No 6, Dec 1993 1458 SUBJECT INDEX TO VOLUME 79 Analgesia— Analgesics postoperative opioid computer-controlled infusion of alfentanil for (HI) (CI), 481 fentanyl and determinants of the stress response (C1) [Breslow, Parker, and bupivacaine, interaction between (HI) (LI) [Wang, Frank, Norris, Yates, Raff, Rock, Christopherson, Rosen- Chakrabarti & Whitwam], 766 feld, Beattie & The PIRAT Study Group], 1202 and cerebral blood flow velocity (CO) {Lam & Mayberg], 616 intrathecal morphine for, in children (HI) (C1) [Nichols, Yaster, and cerebral blood flow velocity (CO) [Rampil, Dodson & Lynn, Helfaer, Deshpande, Manson, Carson, Bezman, Max- Trindle], G17 well, Tobias & Grochow], 733 for hormonal, metabolic, and physiologic responses after tho- following thoracotomy, fentanyl for (CI) [Salomiki, racotomy (CI) [Salomaki, Leppdluoto, Laitinen, Vuolteen- Leppaiuoto, Laitinen, Vuolteenaho & Nuutinen], 672 aho & Nuutinen], 672 Analgesics morphine alfentanil and bupivacaine, intraarticular, postarthroscopy analgesia computer-controlled infusion of, for postoperative analgesia with (CI) [Allen, St. Amand, Lui, Johnson & Lindsay], 475 (HI) (CI) [van den Nieuwenhuyzen, Engbers, Burm, Lem- and calcium blocker, interaction of, at level of spinal cord mens, Vletter, vanKleef & Bovill], 481 (LI) [Omote, Sonoda, Kawamata, Iwasaki & Namiki], 746 epidural and facial scratching in monkeys (LI) [Thomas, Williams, clonidine Iwata, Kenshalo & Dubner], 548 for intra- and postoperative analgesia (Cl) [DeKock, Crochet, inhibits acetylcholine reiease in pons (LI) [Lydic, Keifer, Morimont & Scholtes], 525 Baghdoyan & Becker], 1003 fentanyl intrathecal, disposition and respiratory effects of, in children versus intravenous fentanyl following thoracotomy (CO) (HI) (CI) [Nichols, Yaster, Lynn, Helfaer, Deshpande, Man- [Burgess], 621 son, intrathecal, Carson, Bezman, Maxwell, Tobias & Gro- versus intravenous fentanyl following thoracotomy (CO) chow], 733 {Guinard, Mavrocordatos, Chiolero & Carpenter], 622 intrathecal, gender bias influences interpretation of research intrathecal administration on (CO) [Feinglass], 1449 intrathecal, in human volunteers, dose-response pharmacol- aspirin, the miracle drug: spinally, too? (EV) [Eisenach], 211 ogy of (HI) (CI) [Bailey, Rhondeau, Schafer, Lu, Timmins, morphine Foster, Pace & Stanley], 49 on formalin test and isobolographic analysis of NSAID interac- remifentanil tion (LI) [Malmberg & Yaksh], 270 in healthy adult male volunteers (Cl) [Egan, Lemmens, Fiset, narcotic Hermann, Muir, Stanski & Shafer], 881 addiction pharmacokinetics of, and of its major metabolite in elective substance abuse, anesthesiologists and (CO) [Schmidt], 190 surgery patients (Cl) [Westmoreland, Hoke, Sebel, Hug & substance abuse, anesthesiologists and (CO) [Woods], 190 Muir], 893 dependence in study of cerebral vascular effects of fentanyl (CO) [Drum- opioid addiction in anesthesiology (RA) [Silverstein, Silva & mond], 1451 Iberti], 354 in study of cerebral vascular effects of fentanyl (CO) [Todd], fentanyl 1451 induces increases in intracranial pressure in head trauma, ce- unique new opioid (EV) [Rosow], 875 rebrovascular autoregulation and (CO) [DeLima], 186 sufentanil induces increases in intracranial pressure in head trauma, ce- and cerebral blood flow velocity (CO) {Lam & Mayberg], 616 rebrovascular autoregulation and (CO) [Sperry], 187 and cerebral blood flow velocity (CO) [Rampil, Dodson & meperidine Trindle], 617 naloxone, and shivering (C1) (Kurz, Belani, Sessler, Kurz, Lar- oral son, Schroeder & Blanchard], 1193 acetaminophen opioids fulminant hepatic failure induced by (CR) [Csete & Sullivan], and aspirin (EV) [Eisenach], 211 857 sufentanil Vicodin induces increases in intracranial pressure in head trauma, ce- fulminant hepatic failure induced by (CR) [Csete & Sullivan], rebrovascular autoregulation and (CO) [DeLima], 186 857 induces increases in intracranial pressure in head trauma, ce- transdermal rebrovascular autoregulation and (CO) [Sperry], 187 fentanyl NSAIDs intravenous abuse of, in chronic pain patient (CR) [DeSio, ketorolac Bacon, Peer & Lema], 1139 administration of, gastrointestinal bleeding after (CO) unattended continuous infusion of, for postoperative pain [Grass], 1146 management (CO) (Cheng, Nimphius & Hoepfl], 628 administration of, gastrointestinal bleeding after (CO) [Stein- x opioid berg & Tessier], 1145 U50488H on formalin test and isobolographic analysis of NSAID interac- on formalin test and isobolographic analysis of NSAID interac- tion (LI) [Malmberg & Yaksh], 270 tion (LI) [Malmberg & Yaksh], 270 Anesthesiology, V 79, No 6, Dec 1993 1459 SUBJECT INDEX TO VOLUME 79 Analgesics— Anesthesia L Opioid general on formalin test and isobolographic analysis of NSAID interac- combined with epidural anesthesia tion (LI) [Malmberg & Yaksh], 270 pupillary assessment of sensory block level during (<1) [Lar- Anaphylaxis, See under Allergy son, Sessler, Ozaki, McGuire & Schroeder], 42 Anatomy activation of noradrenergic neurons during recovery from bones (LI) [Saunier, Akaoka, de la Chapelle, Charléty, Chergui, cervical spine Chouvet, Buda & Quintin], 1072 injury, normal cervical spine x-ray does not “‘clear’’ patient awareness and recall during (Cl) |[Moerman, Bonke & Oost- with (CO) [Stemp], 619 ing], 454 jaw interaction between alcohol and thiopental during (CI) [Lich- contracture tor, Zacny, Coalson, Flemming, Uitvlugt, Apfelbaum, Lane halothane and temperature interact to increase (LI) [Storella, & Thisted], 28 Keykhah & Rosenberg], 1261 surgery under, sympathetically maintained pain may be rekin- penis dled by (CO) [Rocco], 865 and dermatome chart of anterior scrotal region (CR) [Sprung, geriatric Wilt, Bourke & Thomas], 381 minimum alveolar concentration of desflurane in (CI) [Gold, scrotum Abello & Herrington], 710 and dermatome chart of anterior scrotal region (CR) [Sprung, history Wilt, Bourke & Thomas], 381 Henry Ruth and: his rightful place? (CO) [Bacon, Lema & Anesthesia Knight], 194 alarm Henry Ruth, T. Drysdale Buchanan and (CO) [Frost], 193 spurious, in anesthetized patient (CO) {Zmyslowski, Ravi, Chua See also under History & Daher], 1150 mechanisms cardiac photoaffinity labeling coronary artery halothane binding to soluble proteins determined by (LI) perioperative myocardial ischemia and (CI) [Hogue, Herbst, [Eckenhoff & Shuman], 96 Pond, Apostolidou & Lappas]}, 514 exaggerated requirements and, in preferentially anesthetized effect of temperature on somatosensory evoked potential dur- brain (LI) [Antognini & Schwartz], 1244 ing (CO) [Gugino & Hickey], 411 neonatal effect of temperature on somatosensory evoked potential dur- spinal, for former premature infant undergoing upper abdomi- ing (CO) [Mangar], 411 nal surgery (CO) [Gingrich], 189 cardiovascular neurosurgical and hypothermic acid-base management effects on cerebral met- cardiac performance preserved despite thiopental loading dur- abolic rate for oxygen (LI) [Hindman, Dexter, Cutkomp, ing (CI) [Stone, Young, Marans, Khambatta, Solomon, Smith & Tinker], 580 Smith, Ostapkovich, Jamdar & Diaz], 36 care negative inferences about rare events in, require large samples and management of patients who are deaf and mute (CO) [Shul- (CO) [Hartung & Cottrell], 1154 man & Polepalle}, 409 negative inferences about rare events in, require targe samples and management of patients who are deaf and mute (CO) (CO) [Todd, Warner, Sokoll, Hindman, Maktabi, Scamman [Snyder & Dwersteg], 408 & Kirchner], 1155 costs obstetric of inhaled anesthetics, method of determining (LR) [Weiskopf cesarean section & Eger], 1413 prevention of hypotension during, role of crystalloid preload deliberate hypotension, See under Anesthetic techniques, in (CI) [Rout, Rocke, Leviii, Gouws & Reddy], 262 hypotension, induced outcome depth in morbidly obese parturients (CI) [Hood & Dewan], 1210 awareness outcome during general anesthesia (CI) [Moerman, Bonke & Oosting}, obstetric 454 in morbidly obese parturients (C1) [Hood & Dewan], 1210 subanesthetic concentrations of isoflurane suppress, as de- pediatric fined by category-example task (Cl) [Chortkoff, Bennett & barrier flaps for continuous caudal anesthesia for (CO) Eger], 16 [McClain & Redd], 400 learning caudal anesthesia using bupivacaine epinephrine solution in, subanesthetic concentrations of isoflurane suppress, as de- ventricular tachycardia and cardiovascular collapse in (CR) fined by category-example task (C1) [Chortkoff, Bennett & [Ved, Pinosky & Nicodemus], 1121 Eger], 16 efficacy of oral clonidine premedication for (Cl) [Mikawa, Mae- electroconvulsive therapy kawa, Nishina, Takao, Yaku & Obara], 926 diagnosiso f myocardial injury by electrocardiogram during gen- electrocardiographic and hemodynamic changes in uninten- eral anesthesia for (CR) [Steiner, Drop, Castelli, Alfille, sional bupivacaine with epinephrine in (CR) [Freid, Bailey Schoutein & Welch], 383 & Valley], 394 Anesthesiology, V 79, No 6, Dec 1993 1460 SUBJECT INDEX TO VOLUME 79 Anesthesia—Anesthetic techniques endobronchial intubation by nonbeveled endotracheal tube in relationships with industry are OK if you follow the rules (CO) (CO) [Yamashita], 1154 Johnstone], 1143 fiberoptic intubation and laryngeal mask airway in (CO) [Reyn- and substance abuse (CO) [Schmidt], 190 olds & O'Kelly], 1144 and substance abuse (CO) [Woods], 190 intrathecal morphine, disposition and respiratory effects of Anesthesiology (HI) (CI) (Nichols, Yaster, Lynn, Helfaer, Deshpande, Man- future son, Carson, Bezman, Maxwell, Tobias & Grochow], 733 as medical discipline (EV) [McDermott], 209 magnetic resonance imaging and, parental screening before metesthesiology (CO) [Corn], 1145 as term implying more than anesthesiology, 31st Rovenstine propofol during magnetic resonance imaging to prevent move- Lecture (SA) [Greene], 164 ment (CI) [Frankville, Spear & Dyck], 953 planning children as medical discipline (EV) [McDermott], 209 intraoperative transesophageal echocardiography for detec- changing horizons in, 31st Rovenstine Lecture (SA) [Greene], tion of cardiac preload changes induced by transfusion and 164 phlebotomy in (CI) [Reich, Konstadt, Nejat, Abrams & Bu- Anesthetic record, See under Records cek], 10 Anesthetic techniques infants arterial cannulation intraoperative transesophageal echocardiography for detec- lidocaine /hydralazine aids, in preeclampsia (CO) [Pue], 410 tion of cardiac preload changes induced by transfusion and caudal phlebotomy in (CI) [Reich, Konstadt, Nejat, Abrams & Bu- barrier flaps for, in pediatric patients (CO) [McClain & Redd] cek], 10 400 mivacurium in (Cl) [Goudsouzian, Denman, Schwartz, bupivacaine epinephrine solution in, ventricular tachycardia Shorten, Foster & Samara], 919 and cardiovascular collapse in two infants after (CR) [Ved, posttraumatic stress-response Pinosky & Nicodemus], 1121 in awareness and recall during general anesthesia (Cl) [Moer- electrocardiographic and hemodynamic changes in uninten- man, Bonke & Oosting], 454 sional bupivacaine with epinephrine in (CR) [Freid, Bailey quality & Valley], 394 in awareness and recall during general anesthesia (C1) [Moer- circulatory arrest man, Bonke & Oosting]j, 454 deep hypothermic regional cardiac performance preserved despite thiopental loading and correction of dermatome chart of anterior scrotal region during (Cl) [Stone, Young, Marans, Khambatta, Solomon, (CR) [Sprung, Wilt, Bourke & Thomas}, 381 Smith, Ostapkovich, Jamdar & Diaz], 36 neurologic changes during carotid endarterectomy with (CO) closed circuit [Davies, Mooney, Scott, Cook & Silbert], 1142 enflurane, predictive performance of system model for (CI) neurologic changes during carotid endarterectomy with (CO) [Lerou, Vermeulen, Dirksen, Booij & Borm], 932 [Petrozza, Morell, Olympio, Colonna & McWhorter], 1142 controlled release spinal polyanhydride and correction of dermatome chart of anterior scrotal region prolonged regional nerve blockade using bupivacaine (LI) (CR) [Sprung, Wilt, Bourke & Thomas], 381 (Masters, Berde, Dutta, Griggs, Hu, Kupsky & Langer], 340 thoracic endobronchial intubation for aneurysmectomy, aneurysmal compression of trachea and selective, with Univent® system in patient with tracheostomy bronchus complicating (CR) [Gorman, Merritt, Greenspun, (CO) [Beliver, Garcia-Aguado, Andrés, Valia & Bolinches], Greene & Williams], 1424 1453 Anesthesia circuits, See under Equipment epidural Anesthesia machines, See under Equipment air technique to determine migration of epidural catheter dur- Anesthesiologists ing (CR) (Blouin, Ruby & Gross], 1427 Henry Ruth amiodarone pulmonary toxicity during, implantable cardiover- and history: his rightful place? (CO) [Bacon, Lema & Knight], tor/defibrillator placement in (CR) (Gilbert, Kent, Foster & 194 Gold], 608 T. Drysdale Buchanan, and history of anesthesia (CO) [Frost], and anticoagulation (CO) [Carlsson & Onishchuk], 204 193 and anticoagulation (CO) [Rosinia], 203 physician impairment and anticoagulation (CO) [Silverman], 204 opioid addiction in anesthesiology (RA) [Silverstein, Silva & bupivacaine epinephrine solution in, ventricular tachycardia Iberti], 354 and cardiovascular collapse in two infants after (CR) [Ved, T. Drysdale Buchanan Pinosky & Nicodemus], 1121 Henry Ruth, and history of anesthesia (CO) [Frost], 193 clonidine treatment for refractory reflex sympathetic dystrophy life for anesthesiologist in Sarajevo (CO) [Saidman], 868 (CI) [Rauck, Eisenach, Jackson, Young & Southern], 1163 new method of communication between (CO) [Ruskin & Tis- effect of anesthetic choice on (CI) [Stevens, Beardsley, White, sot], 867 Kao, Teague & Spitzer], 1219 Anesthesiology, V 79, No 6, Dec 1993 1461 SUBJECT INDEX TO VOLUME 79 Anesthetic techniques effects on sympathetic activity and mesenteric circulation in inhalational rabbits (LI) [Hogan, Stadnicka, Stekiel, Bosnjak & Kam- sympathetic hyperactivity during, in healthy volunteers (CI) pine], 1250 [Ebert & Muzi], 444 for lower extremity vascular surgery, perioperative morbidity in interpleural (Cl) (Christopherson, Beattie, Frank, Norris, Meinert, Gott- catheter location and patient position affect (CO) [Iwama, Tase, lieb, Yates, Rock, Parker, Perler, Williams & The Periopera- Kawamae, Akama & Okuaki], 1153 tive Ischemia Randomized Anesthesia Tria! Study Group], intraarticular 422 bupivacaine/morphine, for postarthroscopy analgesia (CI) [Al- in morbidly obese parturients (C1) [Hood & Dewan], 1210 len, St. Amand, Lui, Johnson & Lindsay], 475 in patient with tracheoesophageal fistula and esophageal cancer intrathecal undergoing colon interposition (CR) [Pittoni, Davia, Toffo- bupivacaine, effects of, specific enhancement by fentanyl of letto & Giron], 855 (HI) (LI) (Wang, Chakrabarti & Whitwam], 766 postoperative pulmonary complications and (CO) [de Leon-Ca- interaction of morphine and calcium blocker in (LI) [Omote, sasola & Lemaj, 1148 Sonoda, Kawamata, Iwasaki & Namiki], 746 postoperative pulmonary complications and (CO) [Jayr], 1149 for spinal spasticity, effect of subarachnoid catheter position on postoperative pulmonary complications and (CO) [Yemen], efficacy of (CR) [Loubser & Narayan], 611 1148 intrathecal morphine for thoracic pulmonary resection (CI) [Fratacci, Kimball, Wain, in human volunteers, dose-response pharmacology of (HI) (CI) Kacmarek, Polaner & Zapol], 654 [Bailey, Rhondeau, Schafer, Lu, Timmins, Foster, Pace & thoracic, and diaphragm function (LI) [Polander, Kimball, Fra- Stanley], 49 tacci, Wain & Zapol], 808 lumbar versus intravenous, following thoracotomy (CO) [Burgess], 62 1 sympathetic block versus intravenous, following thoracotomy (CO) [Guinard, anterior spinal artery syndrome in 4- (CO) [Nagaro & Arai], Mavrocordatos, Chiolero & Carpenter], 622 1156 combined with general anesthesia anterior spinal artery syndrome in 4- (CO) (Parris & Kirshner], pupillary assessment of sensory block level during (CI) [Lar- 1157 son, Sessler, Ozaki, McGuire & Schroeder], 42 one-lung ventilation fentanyl technique for placement of univent bronchial blocker in (CO) for hormonal, metabolic, and physiologic responses after tho- [Doyle], 399 racotomy (CI) [Salomaki, Leppaluoto, Laitinen, Vuolteen- rapid-sequence induction aho & Nuutinen]j, 672 comparison of rocuronium, succinylcholine, and vecuronium fiberoptic endoscopy for (CI) [Magorian, Flannery & Miller], 913 and uses of laryngeal mask airway in anesthesiology (RA) [Pen- regional nant & White], 144 and determinants of the stress response (CI) [Breslow, Parker, fiberoptic intubation Frank, Norris, Yates, Raff, Rock, Christopherson, Rosen- and laryngeal mask airway (CO) [Reynolds & O’Kelly], 1144 feld, Beattie & The PIRAT Study Group], 1202 general pitfalls in performing meta-analysis during (CO) [Higgins & and determinants of the stress response (CI) [Breslow, Parker, Stiff], 405 Frank, Norris, Yates, Raff, Rock, Christopherson, Rosen- pitfalls in performing meta-analysis during (CO) [McKenzie], feld, Beattie & The PIRAT Study Group], 1202 406 for lower extremity vascular surgery, perioperative morbidity in pitfalls in performing meta-analysis during (CO) [Pace], 406 (CI) (Christopherson, Beattie, Frank, Norris, Meinert, Gott- versus general lieb, Yates, Rock, Parker, Perler, Williams & The Periopera- for peripheral vascular surgery (EV) [Gelman], 415 tive Ischemia Randomized Anesthesia Trial Study Group], spinal 422 baclofen administration in tetanus (CO) [Silbert & Stolp-Smith], pitfalls in performing meta-analysis during (CO) [Higgins & 199 Stiff], 405 diagnostic, evaluation of central spinal cord injury pain with pitfalls in performing meta-analysis during (CO) [McKenzie], (CR) [Loubser & Clearman], 376 406 for former premature infant undergoing upper abdominal sur- pitfalls in performing meta-analysis during (CO) [Pace], 406 gery (CO) [Gingrich], 189 versus regional hypotension associated with, volume loading and (CI) [Rout, for peripheral vascular surgery (EV) [Gelman], 415 Rocke, Levin, Gouws & Reddy], 262 hypotension, induced interaction of morphine and calcium blocker in (LI) [Omote, and superimposed hemorrhage, organ perfusion during (CO) Sonoda, Kawamata, Iwasaki & Namiki], 746 {Ruta & Mutch], 188 topical and superimposed hemorrhage. organ perfusion during (CO) of airway using lighted stylet (CO) [Higgins & Wherry], 1147 [Sperry], 189 tracheal intubation tolerance to, studies of, in smooth muscle cells (LI) [Zhang, and esophageal detector device (CI) [Zaleski, Abello & Gold}, Castresana, Stefansson & Newman], 1094 244 Anesthesiology, V 79, No 6, Dec 1993 1462 SUBJECT INDEX TO VOLUME 79 Anesthetic techniques—Anesthetics in morbidly obese parturients (C1) [Hood & Dewan], 1210 ketamine and uses of laryngeal mask airway in anesthesiology (RA) [Pen- contains benzethonium (CO) [Johnstone & Smith], 627 nant & White], 144 contains benzethonium (CO) [Malinovsky], 627 Anesthetics effects of, on contraction and synthesis of inositol 1,4,5-tris- gases phosphate in smooth muscle of rabbit mesenteric artery nitrous oxide (LI) [Kanmura, Kajikura, Itoh & Yoshitake], 571 dogs anesthetized with, brain effects of remifentanil in (HI) and left ventricular diastolic function in normal and diseased (LI) (Hoffman, Cunningham, Jamcs, Baughman & Albrecht], heart (RA) [Pagel, Grossman, Haering & Warltier], 1104 107 mechanism of direct, negative inotropic effect of, on ventricu- effects of, on biochemical events in growing neuronal tips lar myocardium (LI) [Kongsayreepong, Cook & Housmans}, (LI) [Saito, Fujita & Igarashi], 1338 313 endothelium, and vascular control (AS) jStrichartz & Ro- and midazolam interactions (CI) [Hong, Short & Hui], 1227 botham], 1367 in study of ventricular diastolic function in normal and dis- infants anesthetized with, mivacurium in (CI) [Goudsouzian, eased heart (RA) [Pagel, Grossman, Haering & Warltier], Denman, Schwartz, Shorten, Foster & Samara], 919 836 does it antagonize isoflurane-induced suppression of learn- pentobarbital ing? (CI) [Chortkoff, Bennett & Eger], 724 isoflurane, and oxygen consumption with middle cerebral ar- preinduction warming minimizes hypothermia during (HI) tery occlusion (LI) [Chi, Wei, O'Hara, Sinha & Weiss], 299 (CI) [Hynson, Sessler, Moayeri, McGuire & Schroeder], 219 propofol in study of clonidine for intra- and postoperative analgesia activation of GABA, receptor channel by (LI) [Hara, Yai & (Cl) [DeKock, Crochet, Morimont & Scholtes], 525 Ikemoto], 781 in study of minimum alveolar concentration of desflurane in depresses hypoxic ventilatory response (CI) [Blouin, Seifert, patients older than 65 yr (CI) [Gold, Abello & Herrington], Babenco, Conard & Gross], 1177 710 effects of, on peripheral airway reactivity (LI]) [Mehr & Linde- inhaled man], 290 nitrous oxide infusion, effect of, on splanchnic hemodynamics (LI) [Carmi- effects of, on pupillary light reflex (CI) [Belani, Sessler, Lar- chael, Crawford, Khayyam & Saldivia], 1051 son, Lopez, Washington, Ozaki, McGuire, Merrifield & and left ventricular diastolic function in normal and diseased Schroeder], 23 heart (RA) [Pagel, Grossman, Haering & Warltier], 1104 intramuscular preinduction warming minimizes hypothermia during (HI) ketamine (CI) [Hynson, Sessler, Moayeri, McGuire & Schroeder], 219 diffuse oral facial cavernous hemangioma causing severe air- to prevent children from moving during magnetic resonance way obstruction after (CR) [Baronia, Pandey & Kaushik], imaging (C1) [Frankville, Spear & Dyck], 953 1421 in study of ventricular diastolic function in normal and dis- intravenous eased heart (RA) [Pagel, Grossman, Haering & Warltier], alfentanil 836 effects of, on cerebral blood flow, brain electrical activity, remifentanil and intracranial pressure in dogs anesthetized with isoflur- effects of, on cerebral blood flow, brain electrical activity, ane and nitrous oxide (HI) (LI) (Hoffman, Cunningham, and intracranial pressure in dogs anesthetized with isoflur- James, Baughman & Albrecht], 107 ane and nitrous oxide (HI) (LI) [Hoffman, Cunningham in study of clonidine for intra- and postoperative analgesia James, Baughman & Albrecht], 107 (Cl) [DeKock, Crochet, Morimont & Scholtes}, 525 pharmacokinetics of, and of its major metabolite in elective etomidate surgery patients (Cl) (Westmoreland, Hoke, Sebel, Hug & and left ventricular diastolic function in normal and diseased Muir], 893 heart (RA) [Pagel, Grossman, Haering & Warltier], 1104 thiopental mechanism of direct, negative inotropic effect of, in ventricu- effects of, on peripheral airway reactivity (L1) [Mehr & Linde- lar myocardium (LI) [Mattheussen & Housmans], 1284 man], 290 in study of ventricular diastolic function in normal and dis- and left ventricular diastolic function in normal and diseased eased heart (RA) [Pagel, Grossman, Haering & Warltier], heart (RA) [Pagel, Grossman, Haering & Warltier], 1104 836 loading, cardiac performance preserved despite (CI) [Stone, fentanyl Young, Marans, Khambatta, Solomon, Smith, Ostapkovich, anaphylaxis, latex anaphylaxis masquerading as (CO) Jamdar & Diaz], 36 {Zucker-Pinchoff & Chandler], 1151 for hormonal, metabolic, and physiologic responses after tho- in study of ventricular diastolic function in normal and dis- racotomy (CI) [Salomaki, Leppialuoto, Laitinen, Vuolteen- eased heart (RA) [Pagel, Grossman, Haering & Warltier], aho & Nuutinen]}, 672 836 versus epidural fentanyl following thoracotomy (CO) [Bur- local gess], 621 bupivacaine versus epidural fentanyl following thoracotomy (CO) [Guin- changes associated with unintentional intravascular injection ard, Mavrocordatos, Chiolero & Carpenter], 622 of, in infants (CR) [Freid, Bailey & Valley], 394 Anesthesiology, V 79, No 6, Dec 1993 1463 SUBJECT INDEX TO VOLUME 79 Anesthetics effect of, on epidural anesthesia (CI) [Stevens, Beardsley, sympathetic hyperactivity during, in healthy volunteers (CI) White, Kao, Teague & Spitzer], 1219 [Ebert & Muzi], 444 and fentanyl, interaction between (HI) (LI) [Wang, Chakra- sympathetic nervous system activation and hyperdynamic cir- barti & Whitwam], 766 culation associated with (EV) [Lowenstein], 419 inhibits cAMP production (LI) [Butterworth, Brownlow, versus isoflurane, for effects on cerebral blood flow (CI) Leith, Prielipp & Cole], 88 {Ornstein, Young, Fleischer & Ostapkovich], 498 intravenous, systemic toxicity of, clonidine pretreatment re- diethyl ether duces (HI) (LI) [DeKock, LePolain, Henin, Vandewalle & binding to soluble proteins determined by photoaffinity label- Scholtes], 282 ing (LI) [Eckenhoff & Shuman], 96 and morphine, intraarticular, postarthroscopy analgesia with enflurane (Cl) [Allen, St. Amand, Lui, Johnson & Lindsay], 475 closed-circuit anesthesia, predictions of concentrations of prolonged block with, using polymer-local anesthetic matrix (CI) [Lerou, Vermeulen, Dirksen, Booij & Borm], 932 (LI) [Masters, Berde, Dutta, Griggs, Hu, Kupsky & Langer], effects of, on intracellular Ca** mobilization in isolated car- 340 diac myocytes (LI) [Wilde, Davidson, Smith & Knight], 73 ventricular tachycardia and cardiovascular collapse in two in- effects of, on pupillary light reflex (CI) [Belani, Sessler, Lar- fants after caudal anesthesia using (CR) [Ved, Pinosky & son, Lopez, Washington, Ozaki, McGuire, Merrifield & Nicodemus], 1121 Schroeder], 23 lidocaine enzyme catalyzing human liver microsomal defluorination of aids in arterial catheter insertion in patients with preeclamp- (LI) [Kharasch & Thummel], 795 sia (CO) [Pue], 410 inhibition of plasma membrane Ca**-ATPase activity by (LI) effect of, on epidural anesthesia (C1) [Stevens, Beardsley, [Kosk-Kosicka & Roszczynska], 774 White, Kao, Teague & Spitzer], 1219 and left ventricular diastolic function in normal and diseased epidural and systemic, effects of, on sympathetic activity and heart (RA) [Pagel, Grossman, Haering & Warltier], 1104 mesenteric circulation in rabbits (LI) [Hogan, Stadnicka, and nitrous oxide, effects of, on myocardial contractility in Stekiel, Bosnjak & Kampine], 1250 humans (Cl) [Kikura & Ikeda], 235 mepivacaine in study of conscious dogs and atrial pacemaker automaticity in study of bupivacaine and the inhibition of cAMP produc (LI) [Woehlck, Vicenzi, Bosnjak & Atlee], 1316 tion (LI) [Butterworth, Brownlow, Leith, Prielipp & Cole], in study of ventricular diastolic function in normal and dis- 88 eased heart (RA) [Pagel, Grossman, Haering & Warltier], ropivacaine 836 in study of bupivacaine and the inhibition of cAMP produc- halothane tion (LI) [Butterworth, Brownlow, Leith, Prielipp & Cole}, activation of noradrenergic neurons during recovery from 88 (LI) [Saunier, Akaoka, de la Chapelle, Charléty, Chergui, opioid Chouvet, Buda & Quintin], 1072 sufentanil amrinone and, in left ventricular function depression (LI) [Pa- increases intracranial pressure in head trauma (C1) [Albanese, gel, Hettrick & Warltier], 753 Durbec, Viviand, Potie, Alliez & Martin], 493 amrinone attenuates airway constriction during (LI) [Lenox & volatile Hirshman], 789 chloroform binding to soluble proteins determined by photoaffinity label- binding to soluble proteins determined by photoaffinity label- ing (LI) [Eckenhoff & Shuman], 96 ing (LI) [Eckenhoff & Shuman], 96 for caffeine contracture test for malignant hyperthermia, desflurane false-negative results with (CI) [Isaacs & Badenhorst], 5 dexmedetomidine and, in chronically instrumented dogs (LI) for caffeine contracture test, should it be used to diagnose [Kersten, Pagel, Tessmer, Roerig, Schmeling & Warltier], malignant hyperthermia susceptibility? (EV) [Larach], 1 1022 effect of, on ischemic cerebral dopamine release (LI) [Koorn, enzyme catalyzing human liver microsomal defluorination of Kahn, Brannan, Martinez-Tica, Weinberger & Reich], 827 (LI) [Kharasch & Thummel], 795 effects of, on biochemical events in growing neuronal tips inhibition of plasma membrane Ca**-ATPase activity by (LI) (LI) [Saito, Fujita & Igarashi], 1338 [Kosk-Kosicka & Roszczynska], 774 and left ventricular diastolic function in normal and diseased effects of, on EDRF/cGMP-mediated vascular smooth muscle heart (RA) [Pagel, Grossman, Haering & Warltier], 1104 relaxants (LI) [Hart, Jing, Bina, Freas, VanDyke & Muldoon], minimum alveolar concentration of, in patients older than 65 323 yt (CI) (Gold, Abello & Herrington], 710 effects of, on peripheral airway reactivity (LI) [Mehr & Linde- arrhythomogenic doses of epinephrine during (CI) [Moore, man], 290 Weiskopf, Eger, Wilson & Lu], 943 -epinephrine arrhythmias, comparative efficacy of antiarrhyth- in report of method of determining cost of inhaled anesthetics mic agents in preventing (LI) [Takada, Sumikawa, Ka- (LR) [Weiskopf & Eger], 1413 mibayashi, Hayashi, Yamatodani, Kawabata & Yoshiya], 563 in study of ventricular diastolic function in normal and dis- and glutathione in cultured hepatocyzes (LI) JJohnson, Sill, eased heart (RA) [Pagel, Grossman, Haering & Warltier], Uhl & VanDyke], 1061 836 for induction of caudal anesthesia, ventricular tachycardia Anesthesiology, V 79, No 6, Dec 1993 1464 SUBJECT INDEX TO VOLUME 79 Anesthetics— Animals and cardiovascular collapse following (CR) [Ved, Pinosky in report of method of determining cost of inhaled anesthetics & Nicodemus], 1121 (LR) [Weiskopf & Eger], 1413 infants anesthetized with, mivacurium in (C1) [Goudsouzian, in study of anesthetic requirements in preferentially anesthe- Denman, Schwartz, Shorten, Foster & Samara], 919 tized brain (LI) [Antognini & Schwartz], 1244 inhibition of plasma membrane Ca?*-ATPase activity by (LI) in study of conscious dogs and atrial pacemaker automaticity [Kosk-Kosicka & Roszczynska], 774 (LI) [Woehlck, Vicenzi, Bosnjak & Atlee], 1316 interaction of, with L-type Ca?* channel in human mye-ar- in study of ventricular diastolic function in normal and dis- dium (LI) (Schmidt, Schwinger, B6hm, Uberfuhr, Krew. r, eased heart (RA) [Pagel, Grossman, Haering & Warltier], Reichart, Meyer, Erdmann & BOhm], 332 836 and left ventricular diastolic function in normal and diseased subanesthetic concentrations of, suppress learning as defined heart (RA) [Pagel, Grossman, Haering & Warltier], 1104 by category-example task (CI) [Chortkoff, Bennett & Eger], MAC for, cryogenic brain injury does not alter (LI) [Todd, 16 Weeks & Warner], 139 suppression of learning induced by, does nitrous oxide antag- -oxidant interactions in ex vivo perfused rabbit lung (LI) onize? (CI) [Chortkoff, Bennett & Eger], 724 [Shayevitz, Johnson & Knight], 129 sympathetic hyperactivity during, in healthy volunteers (CI) reduces focal ischemic brain damage in rat (LI) [Warner, [Ebert & Muzi], 444 Todd, McFarlane, Ludwig & McAllister], 985 versus desflurane, for effects on cerebral blood flow (CI) in study of conscious dogs and atrial pacemaker automaticity [Ornstein, Young, Fleischer & Ostapkovich], 498 (LI) [Woehlck, Vicenzi, Bosnjak & Atlee], 1304 methoxyflurane in study of ventricular diastolic function in normal and dis- binding to soluble proteins determined by photoaffinity label- eased heart (RA) [Pagel, Grossman, Haering & Warltier], ing (LI) [Eckenhoff & Shuman], 96 846 enzyme catalyzing human liver microsomal defluorination of and temperate, as influence on jaw contracture (LI) [Storella, (LI) [Kharasch & Thummel], 795 Keykhah & Rosenberg], 1261 sevoflurane toxicity to centrilobular hepatocytes (LI) [Wodey, Fautrel, effect on hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction in perfused Rissel, Tanguy, Guillouzo & Malledant], 1296 rabbit lung (LI) [Ishibe, Gui, Uno, Shiokawa, Umeda & Sue- isoflurane kane], 1348 amrinone and, in left ventricular function depression (LI) [Pa- effects of, on cerebral circulation and metabolism (C1) [Kita- gel, Hettrick & Warltier], 753 guchi, Ohsumi, Kuro, Nakajima & Hayashi], 704 binding to soluble proteins determined by photoaftinity label- enzyme catalyzing human liver microsomal defluorination of ing (LI) [Eckenhoff & Shuman}, 96 (LI) [Kharasch & Thummel], 795 in combined epidural/general anesthesia, assessment of sen- and nitrous oxide, effects of, on myocardial contractility in sory block level during (CI) [Larson, Sessler, Ozaki, humans (CI) [Kikura & Ikeda], 235 McGuire & Schroeder], 42 reduces focal ischemic brain damage in rat (LI) [Warner, dexmedetomidine and, in chronically instrumented dogs (LI) Todd, McFarlane, Ludwig & McAllister], 985 [Kersten, Pagel. Tessmer, Roerig, Schmeling & Warltier], safety of, in humans (CO) [Brown & Frink], 201 1022 safety of, in humans (CO) [Mazze], 202 dogs anesthetized with, brain effects of remifentanil in (HI) safety of, in humans (CO) [Morio, Fujii, Satoh & Tamura], 200 (LI) (Hoffman, Cunningham, James, Baughman & Albrecht], importance of in vitro assay temperature when using (CO) 107 [El-Maghrabi & Eckenhoff], 631 effect of, on ischemic cerebral dopamine release (LI) [Koorn, importance of in vitro assay temperature when using (CO) Kahn, Brannan, Martinez-Tica, Weinberger & Reich], 827 {Martin & Merin], 631 effect on hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction in perfused sympathetic nervous system activation and hyperdynamic cir- rabbit lung (LI) [Ishibe, Gui, Uno, Shiokawa, Umeda & Sue- culation associated with (EV) [Lowenstein], 419 kane], 1348 Aneurysmectomy effects of, on automaticity of dominant and subsidiary atrial thoracic, See under Surgery pacemakers (LI) (Boban, Atlee, Vicenzi, Kampine & Bosn- Angioneurotic edema, See under Complications jak], 555 Angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors, See under Pharma- effects of, on intracellular Ca* mobilization in isolated car- cology diac myocytes (LI) [Wilde, Davidson, Smith & Knight}, 73 Animals enzyme catalyzing human liver microsomal defluorination of dog (LI) [Kharasch & Thummel], 795 anesthetized inhibition of plasma membrane Ca?*-ATPase activity by (LI) anesthetics and automaticity of dominant and latent pace- [Kosk-Kosicka & Roszczynska], 774 makers in (LI) [Woehlck, Vicenzi, Bosnjak & Atlee], 1304 isoflurane, and oxygen consumption with middle cerebral ar- anesthetics and automaticity of dominant and latent pace- tery occlusion (LI) [Chi, Wei, O'Hara, Sinha & Weiss], 299 makers in (LI) [Woehlck, Vicenzi, Bosnjak & Atlee], 1316 and left ventricular diastolic function in normal and diseased conscious heart (RA) [Pagel, Grossman, Haering & Warltier], 1104 anesthetics and automaticity of dominant and latent pace- minimum alveolar concentration decreases during anesthesia makers in (LI) [Woehlck, Vicenzi, Bosnjak & Atlee], 1304 and surgery (CI) [Petersen-Felix, Zbinden, Fischer & Thom- anesthetics and automaticity of dominant and latent pace- son], 959 makers in (LI) [Woehlck, Vicenzi, Bosnjak & Atlee], 1316 Anesthesiology, V 79, No 6, Dec 1993 1465 SUBJECT INDEX TO VOLUME 79 Animals—Blood isoflurane and atrial pacemaker automaticity studied in (LI) Anticoagulation, See under Blood [Boban, Atlee, Vicenzi, Kampine & Bosnjak], 555 Antiinflammatory drugs Pig nonsteroidal, See under Analgesics; Pharmacology regulation of acute phase gene expression in (LI) [Maeda, Aorta, See under Arteries Schoeniger, Shimada, Winchurch, Buchman & Robotham], Aortic aneurysms, See under Arteries 1324 Aqueous humor, See under Eye(s) rabbit Arrhymogenicity, See underSympathetic nervous system, epi- ex vivo perfused lung of, halothane-oxidant interactions in (LI) nephrine [Shayevitz, Johnson & Knight}, 129 Arrhythmias, See under Heart rat Arterial cannulation, See under Anesthetic techniques halothane and temperature interact to increase succinylcholine- Arteries induced jaw contracture in (LI) [Storella, Keykhah & Ro- aneurysms senberg], 1261 aortic halothane-epinephrine arrhythmias in (LI) [Takada, Sumikawa, repair of, prediction of neurologic deficits during (CI) Kamibayashi, Hayashi, Yamatodani, Kawabata & Yoshiyal, [Stiihmeier, Grabitz, Mainzer, Sandmann & Tarnow], 1170 563 aorta volatile anesthesia and focal cerebral ischemia in (LI) [Warner, aneurysms Todd, McFarlane, Ludwig & McAllister], 985 repair of, prediction of neurologic deficits during (CI) Antagonists [Stiihmeier, Grabitz, Mainzer, Sandmann & Tarnow}, 1170 benzodiazepines rat flumazenil effects of halothane on EDRF/cGMP interactions (LI) [Hart, and antagonism of cardiac responses induced by midazolam Jing, Bina, Freas, VanDyke & Muldoon], 323 (CO) [Lee, Wu & Fan], 615 peripheral vascular resistance and midazolam, interactions of, on human memory and cogni- in control of vascular tone (AS) [Strichartz & Robotham], 1367 tion (Cl) [Ghoneim, Block, Ping, El-Zahaby & Hinrichs], Arthroscopy, See under Surgery 1183 Aspiration, See under Complications narcotic Asthma, See under Complications; Lung(s) naloxone Asystole, See under Complications, pacemaker interaction meperidine, and shivering (Cl) [Kurz, Belani, Sessler, Kurz, Atracurium, See under Neuromuscular relaxants Larson, Schroeder & Blanchard], 1193 Atrial natriuretic peptide, See under Pharmacology neuromuscular relaxants Autonomic cardiac regulation, See under Heart edrophonium Awareness, See under Anesthesia, depth antagonism of rocuronium bromide-induced neuromuscular blockade by (CI) [Naguib, Abdulatif & Al-Ghamdi], 739 B neostigmine antagonism of rocuronium bromide-induced neuromuscular Baclofen, See under Muscle, relaxants; Neuromuscular relax- blockade by (C1) [Naguib, Abdulatif & Al-Ghamdi], 739 ants, muscle relaxants NK1 Barbiturates, See under Hypnotics CP-96,345 Behavior task testing, See under Learning, testing effects of, on carrageenan-evoked hyperesthesia (LI) [Yama- Benzethonium, See under Pharmacology moto, Shimoyama & Mizuguchi], 1042 Benzodiazepine antagonists, See under Antagonists NK1 and NK2 Benzodiazepines, See under Antagonists FK224 Biotransformation (drug) effects of, on carrageenan-evoked hyperesthesia (LI) [Yama- of enflurane, and predictions of concentrations of (CI) [Lerou, moto, Shimoyama & Mizuguchi], 1042 Vermeulen, Dirksen, Booij & Borm], 932 opioid fluorometabolites and facial scratching in monkeys (LI) [Thomas, Williams, Iwata, and human volatile anesthetic defluorination (LI) [Kharasch & Kenshalo & Dubner], 548 Thummel], 795 serotonin Bleeding ondansetron gastrointestinal, See under Complications anesthesia studies should include costs (CO) [Johnstone & Blood Martinec], 195 anticoagulation anesthesia studies should include costs (CO) [McKenzie], epidural anesthesia and (CO) [Carlsson & Onishchuk], 204 196 epidural anesthesia and (CO) [Rosinia], 203 anesthesia studies should include costs (CO) [Scuderi & epidural anesthesia and (CO) [Silverman], 204 Wetchler}, 197 coagulation anesthesia studies should include costs (CO) [White & Wat- compared, in repeat valvular surgery, and platelet-rich plasma cha], 198 for transfusion (HI) (CI) [Ereth, Oliver, Beynen, Mullany, Anterior spinal artery syndrome, See under Complications Orszulak, Santrach, Ilstrup, Weaver & Williamson], 540 Anticholinesterase, See under Sympathetic nervous system, D-dimer a,-adrenergic agonists effects of anesthesia on, and development of postoperative Anesthesiology, V 79, No 6, Dec 1993 1466 SUBJECT INDEX TO VOLUME 79 Blood—Blood pressure arterial thrombosis (CI) [Rosenfeld, Beattie, Christopher- epidural versus intravenous fentanyl to stabilize, in response to son, Norris, Frank, Breslow, Rock, Parker, Gottlieb, Perler, thoracotomy (CI) [Salomaki, Leppaluoto, Laitinen, Vuol- Williams, Seidler, Bell & The Perioperative Ischemia Ran- teenaho & Nuutinen], 672 domized Anesthesia Trial Study Group], 435 hematocrit degranulation assessment of, in study of hemodilution with oxyhemoglobin perioperative, and effects of clonidine (Cl) (Rosenfeld, Fara- (LI) [Rooney, Hirsch & Mathru], 60 day, Campbell, Dorman, Clarkson, Siedler, Breslow & Bell], hemodilution 255 with oxyhemoglobin (LI) [Rooney, Hirsch & Mathru}j, 60 fibrinogen hemodynamics effects of anesthesia on, and development of postoperative peripheral arterial thrombosis (CI) [Rosenfeld, Beattie, Christopher- assessment of, in study of hemodilution with oxyhemoglobin son, Norris, Frank, Breslow, Rock, Parker, Gottlieb, Perler, (LI) [Rooney, Hirsch & Mathru], 60 Williams, Seidler, Bell & The Perioperative Ischemia Ran- leukocytes domized Anesthesia Trial Study Group], 435 epidural versus intravenous fentanyl to stabilize, in response to fibrinolysis thrombosis thoracotomy (CI) [Salomaki, Leppadluoto, Laitinen, Vuol- postoperative, effects of anesthesia on fibrinolysis and (CI) teenaho & Nuutinen], 672 {Rosenfeld, Beattie, Christopherson, Norris, Frank, Bres- loss low, Rock, Parker, Gottlieb, Perler, Williams, Seidier, Bell hypovolemia & The Perioperative Ischemia Randomized Anesthesia Trial intraoperative transesophageal echocardiography for detec- Study Group], 435 tion of, in pediatric patients (Cl) [Reich, Konstadt, Nejat, plasminogen activator inhibitor- 1 Abrams & Bucek], 10 effects of anesthesia on, and development of postoperative methemoglobin arterial thrombosis (CI) [Rosenfeld, Beattie, Christopher- assessment of, in study of hemodilution with oxyhemoglobin son, Norris, Frank, Breslow, Rock, Parker, Gottlieb, Perler, (LI) [Rooney, Hirsch & Mathru], 60 Williams, Seidler, Bell & The Perioperative Ischemia Ran- oxygen delivery domized Anesthesia Trial Study Group], 435 assessment of, in study of hemodilution with oxyhemoglobin platelet aggregation (LI) [Rooney, Hirsch & Mathru], 60 perioperative, and effects of clonidine (C1) [Rosenfeld, Fara- oxyhemoglobin day, Campbell, Dorman, Clarkson, Siedler, Breslow & Bell], hemodilution with (LI) [Rooney, Hirsch & Mathru], 60 255 platelet activating factor antagonist protamine BN 52021 prior vasectomy and anaphylaxis following: no cause and ef- effect of, on neurologic outcome and histopathology in com- fect (CO) [Hirshman], 618 plete cerebral ischemia (LI) [Hofer, Christopherson, prior vasectomy and anaphylaxis following: no cause and ef- Scheithauer, Milde & Lanier], 347 fect (CO) [Metz], 617 ginkgolide B pretreatment coagulopathy effect of, on neurologic outcome and histopathology in com- in isolated limb perfusion with ‘‘high-dose"’ tumor necrosis fac- plete cerebral ischemia (LI) [Hofer, Christopherson, tor a, anesthesiologists’ management of (CR) (Sigurdsson, Scheithauer, Milde & Lanier], 347 Nachbur & Lejeune], 1433 regional blood flows erythrocyte assessment of, in study of hemodilution with oxyhemoglobin and inhibition of Ca?*-ATPase by volatile anesthetics (LI) [Kosk- (LI) [Rooney, Hirsch & Mathru], 60 Kosicka & Roszczynska], 774 resistance flow assessment of, in study of hemodilution with oxyhemoglobin hepatic artery (LI) [Rooney, Hirsch & Mathru], 60 effect of propofol infusion on (LI) (Carmichael, Crawford, temperature, See under Temperature Khayyam & Saldivia], 1051 viscosity hepatic vein assessment of, in study of hemodilution with oxyhemoglobin effect of propofol infusion on (LI) (Carmichael, Crawford, (LI) [Rooney, Hirsch & Mathru], 60 Khayyam & Saldivia], 1051 Blood glucose, See under Blood organ perfusion Blood pressure during deliberate hypotension and superimposed hemor- hypotension rhage (CO) [Ruta & Mutch], 188 indigo carmine-induced severe, in patients undergoing radical during deliberate hypotension and superimposed hemor- prostatectomy (CR) [Shir & Raja], 378 rhage (CO) [Sperry], 189 and ischemic cerebral dopamine release (LI) [Koorn, Kahn, portal vein Brannan, Martinez-Tica, Weinberger & Reich], 827 effect of propofol infusion on (LI) (Carmichael, Crawford, measurement Khayyam & Saldivia], 1051 direct arterial glucose to assess the effects of preinduction warming on hypothermia and cerebral blood flow in dogs with chronic diabetes (LI) (HI) (CI) [Hynson, Sessler, Moayeri, McGuire & (Sieber, Brown, Wu, Koehler & Traystman], 1013 Schroeder], 219 Anesthesiology, V 79, No 6, Dec 1993

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