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ROCENIR POLSEIEGO TOWARZYSTWA GEOLOGICANEGO Andree] Segcasa, Sam THowrvon IIL A REVISION OF THE FLUXOTURBIDITE CONCEPT BASED ON ‘TYPE EXAMPLES iN THE POLISH CARPATHIAN FLYSCH Lr 27 ana ts Pie) Rewizja pojgeta fluksoturbidys, w oparete o preyletudy ‘2 polsteich Karpat ftiseaaych ra 71135 93 name} S1geneo, Sem ‘Fhompson 1: A reels of the tnx ormpt tend on type cwangies fx Wa Plily Canpotioes Tee 5 Anatenet: A noestumieite te rotetnoy ap the depuis! presves of conposte sriueeat, gry fie iE a pais gaia flow for tsetse) Ausulusbilite (ET) bed is copecractos, st eonetate of a 8m compiee bed af nt samuntane th thc mations 2 the top "She a (Bee fy monies fader Zamdnalion te aban) wilh saute wee Bheseiod bongo some son “nay be roused by rquetind sedineet the nzDe C8 pert te onrataly 9 Dour seqeesce (Ta ty Te), and veneer denote or ‘ozs. kote Sam slgmMeantip oacreas parte af ayorwavine eangneter dee baos which gicnty ere da nied C1aselee. Tabtnt nte Gost mimaeengt recived: Mar 006 aonented Je, 200 Tau benet eetrummsaying) otaryrayeiee sip erated whasosste Atte the wimsint oF Singaturbidite seas ineodueed by dul Rsigtkiewier, and Kuenen (1959), muy workers resoguieed duct ot a similar tyse masceiated sith cunal visbidiss in anveral deeg~ merize basins arcued Ure world. 15 yerwal, feshurniites sxe ehs- raslerized by thice buds Severs? sclera) uf seavicne and conglomerate What sued te fay eeageded seo Yacting ’m internal slraliustion (xt Yast fe the lter pag), in simtrast to the metma, Lurbicites Eat axe grid ‘inl onatait a sequence of fatercnl yeas aelirea 2m (he ried of Booms as02: Sor many dolly 9! Mach i the Cavpathien Meuctaing of Polnnd, Tiavgiski aval cchers (IDK) Tied savera, disienoct exaagles of Basw tucbidites, The caechaniema of eedimenlary “carport wus dure ta Tbe intermediste belwea sabourine wuimp 2f-sls] ay und torb'dity fos, dur several proven! sues mpl od. The fuxoturoiaites in the Istebea ede were Unsuriled im detail by Carag (1883). and be secimecsary Iersattans eos cntenpneted; thas sepor remains wie of th how! sone Tmecinticns ca toe tuxolurtidite vorwwol in Ube ype unva Same geoiovitin, for cxagle Watker (1987, 1970), reenmmend thal lise rw “Dnaeaucbidie” shold he abasdoned and thar uke convest Jie jncurporated nts “prnnintal tunbidite’. Net sll agree. for example Schloger WW. and Sehleger 36. (127, aud susie wuld Ieup the “nm Tut imedity the concest of the audkiertiry incchyr. sn, Toe example Career (1979). le Ubis paper, we wll eesiew these eancasts and pro leans, ad pry soviniaes Tr aitinn #0 the signiicence of fHusscurbidiles in sudinculctony, wee are alan ssmiestmed with Tacir dapurlanes ia Tie exploration end developement of gelrulours sownrer ie dongemanitie basins. The reaer- Voir quay uf Te clweer aandstozes acd conglomerates in fluzo- uubidite: tds te be mach better than that of normal Lurbidites, Iv Pilind, the flisoturbidise sescrvuirs bare produced apy to 3.00 areola fof Gil per day, awsraging 00 to AO Tarrnls pee day, whereas thane fn nartunl “suidiloe vensity prvines 19 barrels per day cx leas. Con srasting rales of potimlesn oroducten also axe reported 9 ulhcr basirs We plan to disease this subject further my a subyequent- paper At Slgszka's invitation, Thompson muds thece souatson tips cu Po Jand to see with finn several of Une iypical examplne af Nnsoraehidrees 9 ine Carpelsaa Flywt. awd un te dust Ly tecnmnaisaance tripe i 1973 ard 1873, 5 prcioiraey nedel tae Meixedurbid:tes was presented At the Secemvannal Comgrese of Selimantxogy im Niee <Glqeake act ‘Thompaen. 4975), Daring the thind trp in 1877, she kuy exposures wore lescrited in aeta!l snd the improved model of the grevemt paper waa aeveloped. We ars dongs whante wank and guideser have fucivinted ons sty af! Musetusbidites, Only a fewr of sem are men oned apeosfeal'y i: this brief paper. Expectlly we are yrsteful tu S. Drutgiiskt and R. Ucruy fer Ucir vir olating diseusions and their Sggerliors fur improving the fest draft af the mamuserpt. We regret Mis pausing of Th, FL Kuenen, who wae one at tae greatest advecatae ‘he Hlenotarhitite cemeept ‘he Algias-Cargathoam meacitain dain pass thnvugh th southeen- ost gurl al Bulaa, Aa is eharactovistin ot the rast of the chain, the tectonic style of che Polish Carpathian Mountaina ccnalota of nappe structures Ug. 1) daveloseé ducing Wsrly te Middle MMiocsce lime, rem sual W veri Uke min mapper in The ones past of the Polis shiaes anes Mag, ‘Sercd. ( paca acy Beakewic 102) ‘The Cutter Conpathians axe bill of Alyueh sequences totaling nearly 000 rs in thickenuas and rengieg in age tives Talos Tunisie to Gaaly Mipomp. Polenbathyanetsic depibs generally range tram 200 to BDO 2 (Kaigikiewicr, 1978). Thess sequences consist of normel Surbidites, Muso- lusbiditas, and, other dsep-omurine deposits (Ig. 2). Three flsach tor- vustions wich abundant Rusulurbidites sme the Lower Tstebua eds Upper Sevniem) Gig. 2a, bly Cicikowivs Sandstone (Paleneene-Lower opens) (Fig. 4), ani KEvasma Rove (Oligacenc). ‘More detailed teatment of the geology’ of the Polish Carpathian Mountaics is given by cmnaceoue ORIGINS CONCEPT OF FLUKOTUMRIDITE Although the term Tluyaturbidite wae thst published >y Rusnen (1958, p. 392), the aviginal datini¢om ef the ecneept ie giver by Divlyfste, Kutgaeiewies, ond Kuenen (1959, p. 11d}: “A fiffeross type of sedimentation ia enecursered maids norm lurbidites in many ylacus. In shis lype the yruio sige % lary sod Dw Teds lend t9 be Teas muudy. The Doeding ie Thick and rather irugulee, ahd div shaee between are sisty t2 sandy and thin or even absent Clarrent ails wurkicu axe scarce, od canting is more common, sad conse curiint balding uf sonentiot varixils daveivu i enevurdered, Indfestions of siumping sre found, aed grading. 12 absent, mopetrv iereguliz, ur even inverled, and irregular tenses of coarser grain occur inside Owe bods, heie sandstones nay oovur as lange lenses ‘tween normal flytdh or shal To wher wives Ihe materiel or the dircslioe cf supply contrast with thoae of the normal surrourdieg flysch of the sone ne” “teqause cheacteristics of depestion trom turbidity eu-rents appear to be tise wit evidence for sliding, we prefer to call this kind of bed a sFusatuebides”, “We suggest that the cange for thes abnvemal type of yeh can be cither & despesing of the basin and steepaning af the slupy, oF # quick cenlug of the supply, or a change Ia pasition af the aupply, Zar insianoe the bolld:ng ul a now deli. But whatever The cause, the mode of trinsgerinlion has changed. Ingtead of a well-mixed tarbuleut turbidity current carrying almost Wig. A Sonewatic etigapbie evinan of Uae, Mikeloa suppe. Saimentarg anita are dn Lower Givgn Lede, Y= Gherym Linraoien, § — nee, Clann Beis 4 — Grudecht Dad - Wstreisn Shaleg t-— Tamer eta, Bode, TT Uprer gota Peds) 8 — yedalate weds (apd sed meatal ¥ —- Gon Fede, — Lowear Tanna Roly, — Ure. leshaa Bede I — Gigtaowi fee minetaiea, 18 — rund Bede — Usiasr suadaces ed opadsteay, 37 {ad oontazing aeotolaes ig 2. Schewedyeuss koLiman srocyaraticces fosnonht sngéeg. 1 — tpl ee serie cone, 1 — Weoteue ceasokia, 8 Werstwy emit gic, « Somer srodeisn, 9 — nah mionraabi, 0 — SBalvony sgsthie Golbes 7 — ont nie dirag 6 viene mpaytne = onmns BH, Lacingiehte gatas, 12 —- Pigakowre veeiwrens, 18 — Wantiy iisoalons Ta'-" Wasetwy ceciiiowe 18 Warner linmicige — Porern,ezubodar roveyta aiedvetin Ib Wiedory sevice Hoan pionced ede ankoloonmgeh| sone Fat, = Ogenki peeSin. stwlactee RHO ‘apy tom fe Oy Dnglunernie Carbide ‘nd. Zhrentarb a, 38, Bete polotoous ‘ees Rurpil THsenareh w cate een sure ttehninzshioh lezen (onan 29m 1 — Pisezoue talepiente HEN Sy | Culsourtidyia, 2 Phaskaway — Pnulans | waren, «Doe (Gencasltn 5908 at Keishienste 1%, setts SION the estire load in suspension, ove can :sagine » turbidity curren 0 waidt mess of the sud aun gravel mover ip a watery slide along he baer, Thu vuswet i foes puor sw ay wa sage tr Waal 1 suapention, fa the slope fa ton steep for the Toad to come to erat until it as soreed out in a layer" "h irus vurbid:ly curreul cad oe likened te a dry avalacehw. aed a nari dump ie the cquivaions of a wok aeadunche semaining it outset wth thy geen, We hebece that an intermediste type at = muavement is aleo possible ard suggest that the remking deposit be called a Huxotuchidite”, ‘The first quoted paragraph enue deserihes 99 elearly what a fico turviate looks like that ua ilustration iz nocd ty visualiae il however. Mu “ledivstions uf slumging” wre not clear. Nevertheless, with this Arseration mony sideeqbur. workers have been able te seeognise “Meir tustidiie in ather seaman ins The other cuted parayrapie disvmsy he provesees that produce Tusoturbidiles. That discuse'on war acquaty for ity lime, but enn Sedering mure recon! advances ie aedimentalnyy same pacts are eow aut fatal. (a he sane paper (p. 1088), they used the term “slamping™ in a genstal sensu appusnimately spuseymaous with “submarine slidieg”, and ccnsidered “eubaquesus sudlluws” as “clamps? end mat "les" "Those ituprecse ussges have conan fume communication problema wit ubeecpuent worsens Sou sdditivcal remacks muy help in understanding hese comecpttal framework Tw that paper, they were diseuieing macaly tsbidites in yooh, psleogeagraphy, and palancurwent dircelions; the thoxotubidite diveussion was only = minar aubjecé, Indeod, ‘hey cuted that Uhe most important type of Dywh vonaiste of normal tuebidiées, and she abooratal, subordinate type called “Muxolurbidite? comprises aly 194 af the Ibicksere and leas of the areal este of the Carpathian Flysch. Appar enlly "slump" deposits ware considerel ué comprising an even lesa semnnun tye of sbuormal Alyse, Thst usage 0° “Muxullirbidite” at 8 type of flysch, rather than ns only a2 individual deposit ina Mgych sequance, haa alsa caused prem. Youve few proslema with the original cuncepl result from the Tack. of an uxplieit definition. Although the general devtriplion of a unto fubidice bed is adequste for recageition, specitie devcriptions end ilutrstias of type uximples are necded to deternuine the rongy of isgrastic chavacteriauics so that x model nad w more rigorous definition sy be fomculates, Peulyaiski ana others (4959, . 1096) Fisted Ue Cigekowice Saadstone, the Frovbra eas, and the lower part of thy Tula Sandie a8 com taining the mo rpruscutalive examples of Musorarbidizes, Bey also diated the Grodlecht Saniainns, Pasiesbive Sandstone, lower pact a the waco Beda, and some parts nf thy Magiita Sandsicue as ‘atermediates hewscen examples of turbidites and flaxobndiiles, ‘hey did anf de- surthu ue Mtustrale detaile of sedimentary stucrune st epecifie Lo Iiter, ue ‘Varug (1983) provaied the finet dealed sedimenloteyw analysis of typicel exemples of Munoturbidites ie, hit paper on ths Tstehna Beds. he prevented several Tite daviage sed photographs uf the sedimentary luctus, Me aumrasrized (o. 56}, ‘Flansaushidise depovity sre characterized oy laniiewlar shapes of lund, oratannese of delrila material, gronl Uevieness of beés, law pelile cnntent, prevslenee of symmetrical, mullipe, and disevalinunan grading lover other pes wf bedding, and yewugrees of roxegradv ued, traces GF strong erosion, lake of sole arrange, aed pour écvelopment of pute sedimerly, Qurvence of armord shale balls exranged in vayular layers Doral’ ta the bedding planes within samstane ‘aeds points oth tn the ‘yuna tio of saed Shout Into turbidity uurrents”. Hie ialrudut (p. 64} the euneypt that fruxcLurbidites are the deposits of “sud “es", but ola owsidered the proust as en inlennedinte Type nf mass movement between true alumas and turbidily currents Siler Daulphsle ead olhers (1980), Later {Uneug, 1965) te wd the nseevations Dat Te'sh tuslurbsdites are formed carmg times uf apidly rising onntilaras both om the margins sol within the gov ynelinaS troupe, that sleep slopes an the Slacks sf the coraillerat provided the setting for sh -nitiation of thy sand flows, and Bat Mune Dubidites may be diviibuted in subewne ane exlending aoroas the hrarig; thal in they are mot only eetined to Ue “proximal” parts of fans, row the thong localities whore Aosoturbiites hove heen identities by i Reisekiowibx snd uthies working the Polis Carpathian Flya:h, we: hace chosen some al tha Detter expoiod owes in Ube stratigraphic unite listes by TWytiakt and others (1959) as hype examples (262 10 tation map, Fes, 5, ane) Table 1) Taatead of ste fgut Beds, we have fchoven the iower part of he Krome Beds ay ie ja thieker and mare widely expaaed unit wih many gand examples of flusoturbidites (Diu Jpn and Sleeda, 1050), aad the dommance of souckcune provides 2 contrast wish Thy Trabs Leds awed Cigikowice Sandauune which ure ore conglameratie, im additiyn sn the suprunnlat.ce stustigraphr dslributin, we ave aso alzmpted to spsee the Torlities guoerophic- lly, snd provide the distribution of luxnturdidites within the sub tacive canyor-[un systema For Ibe examples, wa are préaenting columnar sections of the sequences uf sedimentary slructures, cress scetloms of the bedding Felotionshipe, and pholograph of significant froturea. Because out wnt —2 (Gee losatteyauiees Tia. 3b fe REE fs of a recone seanor nattary, oolyy anterossopie alservatinin® generally Sere mace; more detailed aniimensulogival investigations coud pweeide l:tioea! ducamentate Descripniuis deal iaterpreuelions of the m-budiuwe eneourtered in these sections foFlaw ‘he ta cu Le model o€ Bosman (1992, Gruin-flow deposits (Middleton and Sauthand, 1977, p. ba—AG) are recogniacd as conwlomersles or sandstones that sow nstusited with tambien, Cu ee weerally without grasing, iatemal stewtilwation, or a cond matt.

and contain a sequence of internal layers defined in the model of Bouma. (1962). For many units of flysch in the Carpathian Mountains of Poland,. Daulynski and
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