August / November 2017 DDaanniisshh--BBrraazziilliiaann CChhaammbbeerr ooff CCoommmmeerrccee ANDRZEJ POPKOWSKI & ALLAN FINKEL the winning team from Novo Nordisk A Biotecnologia para conhecimento Novozymes de todos. O Bioblog é uma iniciativa da Novozymes, multinacional dinamarquesa líder mundial no segmento de soluções enzimáticas e microrganismos, que visa disseminar conhecimento nas áreas de biologia, biotecnologia e sustentabilidade. Com matérias que descrevem desde conceitos básicos, tais como o que é uma enzima ou o que é sustentabilidade, até conteúdos mais robustos, como o cenário do biocombustível no Brasil, o Bioblog é uma rica fonte de informações para as pessoas que desejam estar atualizadas acerca dos principais temas que tratam do desenvolvimento de tecnologias sustentáveis. Acesse o Bioblog e descubra como o universo da biotecnologia está mais próximo do seu dia-a-dia do que você imagina: A Biotecnologia para conhecimento Novozymes de todos. O Bioblog é uma iniciativa da Novozymes, multinacional dinamarquesa líder mundial no segmento de soluções enzimáticas e microrganismos, que visa disseminar conhecimento nas áreas de biologia, biotecnologia e sustentabilidade. Com matérias que descrevem desde conceitos básicos, tais como o que é uma enzima ou o que é sustentabilidade, até conteúdos mais robustos, como o cenário do biocombustível no Brasil, o Bioblog é uma rica fonte de informações para as pessoas que desejam estar atualizadas acerca dos principais temas que tratam do desenvolvimento de tecnologias sustentáveis. Acesse o Bioblog e descubra como o universo da biotecnologia está mais próximo do seu dia-a-dia do que você imagina: EDITORIAL Brazilian Review Allan Finkel 6 Brazil is still a political uncertainty... Allan Finkel - Novo Nordisk 6 Waldomiro Modena - ISS Facility Services 10 The Brazilin economy is slightly improving due to the competent finan- cial management by the Minister of the Economy, Henrique Meirelles Dimitrius Damalgo - AVK 14 and the President of Banco do Brasil, Ilan Goldfajn. Marcelo Adami - Grundfos 18 The GNP is estimated at 0,5% growth, inflation at 4.0/4.5%, exchange David Stroo - Chr. Hansen 22 rate $3,20/3,35, trade balance with a surplus up to US$ 40 billion and interest rate at 9,25%. The government financial management is pulling the economy back ECONOMICS in the right direction slowly but surely we had the “Lei Trabalhista” Ambassador Kim Højlund Christensen 26 approved, which will be helpful under the current political situation. Mario Mesquita, Banco Itaú 28 Unfortunately, the unemployment is reaching 14 million people. Another question mark is what the new Attorney General of Brasil, Fernando Honorato, Bradesco 30 Dr. Raquel Dodge, will do about the other complaints after September Economical News 32 17th . However, the biggest question mark is if President Lula will be charged INFORMATION at “Segunda Instancia” for fraud and money laundry for what he was LEGO 38 condemned to 9 nine years and 6 months in prison and this is only one out of the six complaints against him. Gaia, Silva, Gaede Advogados - Reforma trabalhista 40 The political scenario is very complicated and there are no official can- Ricardo Boechat 42 didates for the 2018 election for president. This will only be defined 126 years Scandinavian Club Nordlyset 44 by April/May next year, PSDB is split party so it might happen that the Mayor of São Paulo, João Doria will become the candidate for the Marienborg - Prime Minister Lars Løkke Rasmussen 47 party and even for other parties (PMDB). Kinnarps/Vestas 48 The Danish-Brazilian Chamber of Commerce is very active pursuing Danes Worldwide 50 new members and we have succeeded in getting several new mem- bers: Ramboll, Ferring, Mercuri Urval, Renato Pacheco Advogados, Visit Peder Holk Nielsen, Novozymes 57 Saxo Bank, Servick and Besser Partners. More new members to come... Sport news 58 We had have our last Business Luncheon with the important journalist and 2016 Danish-Brazilian Chamber of Commerce Award winner, Ri- Morten Soubak - Angola 64 cardo Boechat, who addressed our members giving his sharp opinions Brazil Investment Forum 2017 65 and point of views about the political and economic situation in Brasil. Jørgen Lange - 100 years 65 Novo Nordisk is now the #1 diabetic company in Brasil under the direc- tion of Andzej Poplowski and Allan Finkel who have proven to be ex- Princess Benedikte Institute 66 tremely efficient and innovative in building a very successful business. Pacheco Advogados 68 Only Novo Nordisk export business amounts to more than R$ 1 billion Knud Bach - Motorcycle - Vancouver - Mexico 104 from Montes Claros in Minas Gerais. Pandora is another successful business and Pandora will open their PROFILES 100th store in Brazil in November thanks to the leadership of Rachel Maia and her team. FLSmidth - Francisco Davos 70 All our congratulations to many Danish companies who are doing very DI - Per Olsen 74 well under very difficult circumstances. IFU - Helle Bjerre 76 The program for 2017 is as follows: EKF - Denmarks export credit agency 78 Maersk Supply Service - João Paulo Braz 80 19th Sept - Business Council ( ISS) Ferring Pharmaceuticals - Alexandre Seraphim 82 24th Oct - Danish Investment Seminar (Pandora) October - Mayor of São Paulo, João Doria Rambøll - Eugenio Singer 84 23rd Nov - 60 Years Anniversary Dinner FL Schmidt GN Resound - GN Hearing - Alejandro Giangaspero 86 1st Dec - Christmas Lunch Lundbeck - Josiel Florenzano 88 We hope the political/economic situation will improve and we can end Hempel - Durival Teixeira Pitta Junior 90 2017 on a positive track for the future. Sondex - Carlos Funes 94 We wish all our members a good 2017. 10 Waldomiro Modena Filho CEO - ISS Facility Services Jens Olesen President Novo Nordisk laboratory in Montes Claros Allan Finkel Montes Claros factory, Minas Gerais Novo Nordisk What is your business experi- that, I decided to pursue a Master’s degree believe that the main reason why we were ence, in which companies have in business, and that’s when I moved to capable of achieving that is because we the US, where I spent five years - two of have the right people in the right places. you worked for the past years which I was studying at the University of Our employees are passionate about what and how long have you been in North Carolina, in Chapel Hill, NC., and the they do, our culture is very open, and we this position in Novo Nordisk? remainder working in Marketing and Sales take our career platform “Life Changing I am an electronic engineer by degree and, at Bristol-Myers Squibb in New York. After Careers” very seriously: we want to change right after my graduation, I worked in the this period, I moved back to Brazil, where the lives of our patients but also the lives of Information Technology (IT) area. After I spent 12 years working at Eli Lilly. In the our employees. Therefore, engaging, train- first seven years there, I worked in three ing and developing people are very impor- different areas, but mostly in Corporate Af- tant issues to me. fairs, dealing with Government Relations, The second main reason I believe this hap- Market Access and Media Relations. After pened is because we did everything to im- that, I spent one year and a half working plement things correctly. I always tell peo- with Business Development and, in the ple who are by my side that you can have last three years, I became the Commercial an outstanding strategy, but if the imple- Director, being responsible for the Sales mentation fails, the projects don’t come to and Commercial areas of all the company’s life. I would rather have an average strat- brands. In the beginning of 2015, I left Eli egy and make sure that the implementation Lilly and joined Novo Nordisk as the Gen- is successful than the other way around. eral Manager for the Brazilian affiliate. Did Novo Nordisk launch any new For the first time Novo Nordisk products? was considered the leading com- Yes, when I joined the company we had just pany in the diabetes treatment launched an insulin called Tresiba®. It is a new generation of long-acting basal insulin market. How did the company analog with a long half-life, which means achieve that? more flexibility to patients. In addition, We were extremely happy to learn that we Novo Nordisk entered the obesity market achieved the leadership here in Brazil. Novo and launched Saxenda®. In Brazil, it was Nordisk is already the number one in the the first time in 16 years that a pharmaceu- world, especially in Europe, but it had been tical company launched a drug approved a long time since we last were at the top of to treat obesity. Saxenda® has surprised the diabetes market here in our country. I us and is performing very well. Besides the Allan Finkel, General Manager Montes Claros factory, Minas Gerais launches, we had to stimulate our business an excellent performance, which means dialogue with institutions which are able with the medications which were already that more patients with diabetes are be- to perform this job, both on the medical in the market. Victoza®, for example, is ing treated. If you look at all the patients side but also on the patient side. Obvi- the leading GLP-1 drug in the market, but with diabetes in Brazil, only 3 to 5% have ously, we must continue to strictly fol- we were losing volume when I joined the the condition under control, and this is a low our business ethics and compliance company in 2015. We efficiently changed country where more than 14 million people guidelines in everything we do. that scenario. Nowadays, Victoza® has live with diabetes. This is huge. That is why we also keep investing in education and in We know that diabetes can be “ awareness programs. It is part of our mis- caused by bad health habits of sion to see more patients being treated The diabetes the population. Do you have any and not suffering from the consequences of a late stage of the disease. That is why innovations on how to get to we keep on investing in this area with our these untreated patients? It must market is Changing Diabetes® programs such as Cit- be in all the States of Brazil. Are ies Changing Diabetes, Team Novo Nordisk, you allowed to go on television? Changing Diabetes® in Children, Changing In terms of how treatments and innovation growing Diabetes® in Pregnancy and the World Dia- can get to untreated patients, we are try- betes Foundation, which is an independent ing to do that through education. We are trust created by Novo Nordisk in 2002. investing to make sure that more and more 20%. doctors understand the burden of the dis- How much is the diabetes mar- ease and the different treatment options. ket growing? How do you see There is a lot of fear about choosing an Novo Nordisk the growth of this market in the insulin treatment because of the need of short term? How many people a needle for the application, but the right patient may reach tremendous results with have diabetes in Brazil? is in 2017 it. The burden of doing the injection is ac- More than 14 million people have diabetes tually very little. Today, the devices are very in Brazil, and we expect a higher number well developed, with very slim needles; you in the coming years. Around 2040, this basically do not even feel that you are be- number one number might rise to more than 23 million ing injected. This is one of the things we (according to the IDF Atlas - 7th edition). are doing. We also focus on partnerships Those numbers include all different types and associations with key health organiza- diabetes of diabetes and stages of the disease. “ tions in terms of education. How much is it growing per year? Is there a diabetes association company in The diabetes market is growing double here in Brazil? digits, close to 20%, and it is a market Yes, there are a few patient associations that has to grow even faster because in the country, and they play a key role in Brazil of the amount of people that are still this market. Brazil has a public strategy; untreated. That is why we have to keep the government offers human insulins NPH investing in education and have an open and R to the whole population. The human insulin has been in the market for several years, but it is still hugely used by the Bra- zilian people to treat diabetes. In terms of access, the country has a very good pro- gram, but the key is to keep educating doc- tors and generate public awareness about the harms of diabetes. On the other hand, there are great oppor- tunities for the public system to offer bet- ter devices and products. Just to give you an example, a patient that receives his or her insulin from the government still needs to inject the product using syringes. This is a very old injection method. There is an op- portunity for the Government to upgrade Blood sugar test in Ibirapuera Park during World Day diabetes insulin from vials to dischargeable pens and be able to offer patients a better de- always up to date - approximately R$30 measure the glucose. The devices to apply vice that, in the end, will provide a signifi- million annually. It is one of the most the medication (insulins) are much more cantly better treatment. modern insulin factories in the world, be- developed and discreet, and you almost ing responsible for 30% of all the insulin don’t feel that you are being injected. Who are really your major com- distributed by Novo Nordisk globally. In Also, the insulins themselves are more petitors on the Brazilian market? addition, 15% of all insulin consumed in modern. Tresiba®, for example, made it It’s a highly competitive market with a lot the world comes from our facility in Mon- possible for people to apply the medication of players, such as Eli Lilly and Sanofi. tes Claros. Our production site in Montes once a day. Claros is also responsible for 25% of all We are also studying many different medi- But isn’t there any Brazilian com- Brazilian pharma exports (exportation to cations, from injectable to orals, to make roughly 40 countries), which is a number lives better. panies? I saw that some generic that makes us very proud. And that is not insulin product was going to be only insulin, but everything that Brazil ex- How much does Novo Nordisk produced by the government. ports, regarding drugs and pharmaceuti- spend in Research and Develop- Not yet, there are plans of doing that, but it cals: 25% comes out of the facility in Mon- ment? is mainly for human insulin. As I mentioned tes Claros. It is a number that we didn’t About 13% of Novo Nordisk revenue is in- before, we sell human insulin to the gov- mention a lot in the past, but I believe we vested in R&D, more than 14 billion DKK, ernment; either Novo Nordisk or the com- need to, since it represents more than R$1 which represents approximately R$8 bil- petitors can be part of a tender process, billion every year. lion. which is a very transparent and organized The production site, headed by Marcelo process. In conclusion, there are basically Zuculin, the Corporate Vice President, ex- no Brazilian competitors, but I have to say ports 100% of its products because cur- You are successful, growing but that most multinational pharmaceutical rently it only has licenses to produce to at the same time you must have companies have had a solid and positive the international market due to regulatory some challenges in the future, presence in our country. Novo Nordisk, for limitations. what are those? example, has been in Brazil for more than The good news is that we are in the pro- The first challenge must be our local en- 25 years. cess of registering some of our products to vironment, with the whole crisis situation be supplied from Montes Claros to Brazil. and instability, politically and economically What are your plans for the fac- We expect that, by the end of next year or speaking. I think it is a fact for most of the early 2019, we will be able to supply to the tory in Montes Claros, will it only companies that are installed in Brazil. Nev- Brazilian market. produce for the Brazilian market, ertheless, we are attracting investments to We have a dream of finding the cure for or for the international market? diabetes, even if it is an antagonism, it is the country. We are now between the top 10 affiliates for Novo Nordisk in the world. Have you got plans for the Brazil- a genuine desire. While we keep search- Every year, the company selects which are ian market? ing for the cure, we continue to care a lot the top countries in which they want to in- about the quality of life of those living with On April this year we celebrated the 10th vest. On the other hand, we must be very this condition. Nowadays, people have a anniversary of our production site in careful about how and where we apply much better quality of life than years ago. Montes Claros, Minas Gerais, where we these investments to make sure that we The amount of resources that a person employ more than 1,000 people. It was have some foreseeability about what is with diabetes has today to treat his or her originally bought in 2003, and Novo Nor- going to happen. Our pipeline of products condition is very impressive; starting from disk invested around US$280 million in a that is coming up within the next years is the glucose measurement, which you can major renovation of the facility before it amazing. It is one of the top diabetes pipe- do through systems which are simpler than was inaugurated in 2007. A lot of invest- lines in the whole industry. But at the same before. I know, for example, that there are ments have been done over the last few time, we need to understand how we can some investigations in terms of using con- years to assure that our production site is improve the access to patients. tact lenses that you can have on your eye to “ What are the major opportunities Novo Nordisk happens, the company that has proposed in Brazil in the next 2-5 years? the lower price, wins the bid. We have huge opportunities here in Brazil. 13% spends As I mentioned before, the diabetes market It must be nerve raking for the is growing very fast, and we are looking people sitting there. forward to redirect our factory production of revenue on You can’t imagine. However, it is a govern- to the country and to contribute with in- ment-based system so it is equal for every- novative medication launches. We also one. We really believe that this is a trans- have an opportunity to ensure that people research and parent system. with obesity lose weight and maintain this weight loss. In a country with a rising num- You invest in training, you invest in ber of people with obesity – currently it af- development. people, you invest in products, you fects almost 21% of the adult population invest in the future in terms of how – it is important to provide effective treat- Novo Nordisk ment options. to get the factory, what more? As I mentioned before, Brazil is one of Do you have any idea of how exports more the 10 top affiliates for Novo Nordisk. It means that much of the attention of the many people it is in terms of company lies in here. We will continue to numbers? 1 billion than receive investments, despite of the eco- In Brazil, there are more than 14 million nomic crisis and political uncertainty. We people with diabetes, and we estimate that are confident, because we know the op- only 5% is being adequately treated or has reais of portunities that we have in the Brazilian the disease under control. market and because we know that it is possible to get more patients success- So you have 95% on top of that. products which fully treated. Another huge concern for Exactly, only about 5% of the 14 million us is education, and we will continue to people with diabetes in Brazil are reach- invest on that. In addition, we will launch represents ing their treatment targets. We work to more products. Xultophy®, which is a break the “Rule of Halves”, which high- combination of our GLP-1 Victoza® and lights that only half of the people who 25% of all Tresiba® in a single pen, should enter the have diabetes have been diagnosed, and Brazilian market next year. We will launch out of those 50%, half don’t receive any “ a new generation on GLP-1 hormone, treatment. Out of those who are being Brazilian semaglutide. Studies are showing that treated, only a small percentage is avoid- this will be a very innovative medication, ing diabetes-related complications such because not only it will allow patients to as damage to the eyes, kidneys, nerves pharma control diabetes, but will also help them and heart. In fact, the risks to the heart lose weight. Victoza® is already a GLP- are tremendous. Two thirds of people 1 medication on the market, but we ex- exports. with type 2 diabetes will eventually die of pect that semaglutide will be even bet- cardiovascular diseases. New generation ter. NovoRapid®, a rapid acting insulin, medications must address this fact. When has been on the market for a while, but I tell you that we invest in education, it we are launching a more modern ver- is because we know that our commitment sion, which acts even faster. These are goes beyond the discovery and develop- all great benefits to improve the lives of ment of medicines. people with diabetes. You have a new CEO, Lars Fruer- Can you tell me about the bids, gaard Jørgensen, when will he be I heard about how it functioned here? before, but I would like to hear He has already mentioned personally to more about that. me that Brazil is a priority. He planned to The process works very well and it is trans- come in the first semester of 2017, but that parent. After the government opens a ten- did not work. He is the kind of person who der for any kind of insulin, the companies wants to really know the people. So, when have a period to get prepared and send he comes, he will meet with customers, the initial documentation. When the bid employees from our office and so on. Hope- starts, they check all the information sent fully, if he doesn’t come still in 2017, he will and the process occurs on a system. It is a come next year. random situation, every organization sug- JOL gests an amount, and no one knows when the process will be finished. And when it Marcelo Zuculin - Corporate Vice President Production in Montes Claros Waldomiro Modena CEO ISS Brazil How would you describe your- in the technology segment, head of Shultz and instability had a big impact self as a businessman? How long which is a Brazilian company in the field of on your business as a whole? converters and automobile components in have you worked for ISS, and When I analyze any given broad scenario, the South, and head of the Manserv Group, I always spilt it into three distinct parts. what did you do before joining which is one of the largest companies within First, I have to place the company - in this the company? industrial services in Brazil. case ISS - in the proper context. I have been with ISS for two years now. I The first is the political and social aspect. am an engineer with a Master’s Degree in The current economic and po- How is Brazil doing? In what terms? The administration. I have previously worked litical scenarios in Brazil present political debacle we are witnessing these in the US in the industrial sector. I have great difficulty for a lot of compa- days only interests me as it relates to the worked for almost 40 years by now; ISS is institutions themselves, i.e. whether they the fourth company, that I run. I have served nies. What influence have these are under threat or not. No matter how as Chairman of multinational and domestic issues had on your company and large we are, we are not large enough to organizations since 2000. I was the head of the people in your organization? shake the country, or to be shaken by it. For Fausto, a German multinational company Has the climate of uncertainty me, it is important to know whether our in- stitutions will be affected by all this current turmoil. Affected yes, but impaired or los- ing value, no. I do not see that. The second aspect is the economy. At first, I look at the political landscape and then I an- alyze the economic scenario. For us, for our business, the size of the domestic market in Brazil is equivalent to the Pacific Ocean. Our company is a transatlantic ocean liner navi- gating these waters. No matter our size, the ocean is indefinitely larger. My vessel could be much larger, I could be traveling in a fleet of large vessels and it would still not matter. The market is immense. So, I look at the economy and if contracts are being honored, then I am able to conduct business in Brazil. Do contracts hold their worth? Yes. Do I have great clients in Brazil, such as big companies and outstanding professionals invested in maintaining good business prac- tices? Yes, I do. Therefore, I have a market. It is as simple as that. Waldomiro Modena CEO ISS Brazil