O 2016 二零一六年十月 ctOber HK$280 H g O or NG K e r . ONG w y L a AW - l YER h k O c t O b e r 2 0 1 6 2 0 1 6 年 1 0 月 Cover Story 封面專題 Face to Face with 專 訪 廖長城 Andrew Liao GBS SC JP GBS SC JP DATA PRIVACY 個人資料私隱 CRIMINAL 刑事法 MEDIATION 調解 The Internet of Things: Legal Issues Pleading Guilty: Evidence and Rules Cautionary Tales: Two Recent Cases Show How from a Hong Kong Law Perspective of Professional Conduct Negotiations and Mediations Can Go Wrong 物聯網:從香港法律的角度檢視相關法 認罪:證據與專業操守規則 引以為戒:兩個近期案例顯示商議與調解如何會 律問題 有可能出差錯 香 港 律 師 www.hk-lawyer.org Hong Kong Lawyer 香港律師 HONG KONG LAWYER The official journal of The Law Society of Hong Kong (incorporated with limited liability) 香港律師會 (以有限法律責任形式成立) 會刊 www.hk-lawyer.org THE OFFICIAL JOURNAL OF THE LAW SOCIETY OF HONG KONG 香港律師會會刊 Editorial Board 編輯委員會 Inside your October issue Chairman 主席 Huen Wong 王桂壎 十月期刊內容 Jenkin SF Chan 陳少勳 Peter CH Chan 陳志軒 Heidi KP Chu 朱潔冰 Elliot Fung 馮以德 Steven B Gallagher Warren P Ganesh Minkang Gu 顧敏康 Julienne Jen 任文慧 Dave Lau 劉子勁 Byron Leung 梁東華 George YC Mok 莫玄熾 Michelle Tsang 曾憲薇 Adamas KS Wong 黃嘉晟 Tony Yen 嚴元浩 16 COVER STORY THE COUNCIL OF THE LAW SOCIETY OF HONG KONG 香港律師會理事會 President 會長 Thomas ST So 蘇紹聰 Vice Presidents 副會長 Melissa K Pang 彭韻僖 Amirali B Nasir 黎雅明 Council Members 理事會成員 Stephen WS Hung 熊運信 Junius KY Ho 何君堯 Huen Wong 王桂壎 32 DATA PRIVACY Peter CL Lo 羅志力 Michael J Lintern-Smith 史密夫 Billy WY Ma 馬華潤 Cecilia KW Wong 黃吳潔華 Brian W Gilchrist 喬柏仁 Denis G Brock 白樂德 Nick Chan 陳曉峰 Bonita BY Chan 陳寶儀 38 MEDIATION Mark Daly 帝理邁 CM Chan 陳澤銘 4 EDITOR’S NOTE 編者的話 Serina KS Chan 陳潔心 Warren P Ganesh 6 PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE 會長的話 Simon SC Lai 黎壽昌 Roden ML Tong 湯文龍 9 CONTRIBUTORS 投 稿 者 Secretary General 秘書長 11 FROM THE COUNCIL TABLE 理事會議題 Heidi KP Chu 朱潔冰 Law Society’s Contact: www.hklawsoc.org.hk 12 DISCIPLINARY DECISIONS 紀律裁決 與律師會聯繫 Tel: +852 2846 0500 14 FROM THE SECRETARIAT 律師會秘書處資訊 Annual Subscription 全年訂閱: HK$3,360 16 COVER STORY 封面專題 Face to Face with 專 訪 Thomson Reuters Hong Kong Limited 16/F, Cityplaza 3, Taikoo Shing, Hong Kong Andrew Liao GBS SC JP 廖長城 GBS SC JP Tel: +852 2847 2088 www.thomsonreuters.com 25 LAW SOCIETY NEWS 律師會新聞 ISSN 1025-9554 30 RECREATION AND SPORTS 康樂及體育委員會特寫 © Copyright is reserved throughout. No part of COMMITTEE FEATURE this publication can be reproduced in whole or part without the express permission of the editor. 32 DATA PRIVACY 個人資料私隱 Contributions are invited, but copies of work should The Internet of Things: Legal Issues from a Hong 物聯網:從香港法律的角度檢視相關法 be kept, as Hong Kong Lawyer can accept no responsibility for loss. Kong Law Perspective 律問題 38 MEDIATION 調 解 Cautionary Tales: Two Recent Cases Show How 引以為戒:兩個近期案例顯示商議與調 Negotiations and Mediations Can Go Wrong 解如何會有可能出差錯 O ctOber 2016 二零一六年十月 HK$280 Editor 編輯 44 CRIMINAL 刑 事 法 Cynthia G Claytor Pleading Guilty: Evidence and Rules of 認罪:證據與專業操守規則 [email protected] Professional Conduct Tel: +852 2841 5775 48 INDUSTRY INSIGHTS 業界透視 Managing Editor 執行主編 Ranajit Dam 鄧文杰 60 CASES IN BRIEF 案例撮要 [email protected] Tel: +65 6870 3393 68 PROFESSIONAL MOVES 會員動向 Design and Production 設計及制作 70 LEGAL TRIVIA QUIZ 法律知識測驗 Samson Pang 彭振生 [email protected] 72 CAMPUS VOICES 法學院新聞 Translation team 翻譯組 78 LAWYERS AT LEISURE 律師閒情 InfoPower Friendly Matches with On-Yee Ng 與吳安儀進行友誼賽 Joanne Man 萬育儀 Q&A with On-Yee Ng, World Ladies’ Snooker 訪問世界女子桌球錦標賽冠軍吳安儀 Tang Mei Kwan Champion Special thanks to Hong Kong Law Reports & 82 PRACTICE MANAGEMENT 執業管理 Digest and Reuters News Outside Counsel Guidelines: Navigating the 「外聘法律顧問指引」:因應不斷變化的客 特別感謝 香港法律彙報與摘錄 及 路透社新聞 Changing Landscape of Client Demands 戶需求 For marketing/promotion opportunities please contact: Account Manager 客戶經理 Henry Cheng 鄭裕康 [email protected] Tel: +852 2847 2016 Sales Manager 銷售經理 Lawrence Lee 李志輝 [email protected] Tel: +852 2841 5875 For subscriptions contact: Traffic Administrator 統籌 Gloria Ng 吳傲宜 [email protected] Tel: +852 2843 6415 44 CRIMINAL Publisher 出版人 Amantha Chia 謝京庭 [email protected] Tel: +65 6870 3917 Abyll cinofnotrrmibauttioorns aanndd vaidevwesr teisxepmreesnsetsd 78 LAWYERS AT LEISURE in Hong Kong Lawyer do not necessarily reflect the official opinion of The Law Society of Hong Kong. Whilst every effort is made to ensure editorial and commercial integrity, no responsibility is accepted by the Publisher or The Law Society of Hong Kong for the accuracy of material appearing in this journal. Members are encouraged to contribute but the Editorial Board of The Law Society of Hong Kong reserves the right to publish only material it deems appropriate. 82 PRACTICE MANAGEMENT • October 2016 EDITOR’S NOTE 編 者 的 話 The without prejudice principle is an article of faith in the conduct 「無損權利」原則是對進行調解及商議解決過程的信 of mediations and settlement negotiations. In most common law 念。在大多數的普通法國家,這意味著各方的商議內容 countries, what this means is that negotiations by parties and 和發送到彼此的、標記為「無損權利」的通信是享有保 communications sent to each other labeled ‘without prejudice’ are 密特權及不被接納為證據。 privileged and inadmissible as evidence. 此規則之目的是鼓勵爭議各方,通過允許其法律顧問暢 The purpose of the rule is to encourage disputing parties to try and 所欲言並作出讓步以達成解決辦法;並有信心,如果談 reach a settlement by allowing their legal advisers to speak freely and make concessions, with the confidence that their words will not, if the 判失敗的話,他們的說話不會後來被法官或仲裁員決定 negotiations fail, later be considered by a judge or arbitrator when 事實問題時拿來作考慮。然而,這一規則即使重要,仍 he or she decides factual issues. However, important as this rule may 有例外。調解專欄(第41頁)檢視了兩個個案,其中的一 be, there are exceptions. The Mediation feature (p. 38) examines two 個例外—明確不當 —是適用的,並解釋了重要的經驗教 cases in which one such exception – unambiguous impropriety – was 訓,讓那些參與解決爭端的談判者好好學習得益。 found to apply and explains important lessons that those involved in settlement negotiations should take away from them. 在我們的十月號中,有個人資料私隱的文章(第35頁), Elsewhere in our October issue is a Data Privacy article (p. 32) 概述物聯網在香港的潛在和法律責任問題,其具體重點 that provides an overview of the potential and legal liability issues 放在資料隱私和資料安全方面。然後,文章提供關於如 for Internet of Things businesses in Hong Kong and then offers 何儘量減少該等風險的建議。刑事法文章 (第46頁) 提醒 recommendations on how to minimise those risks. The Criminal 我們,修訂後的判刑方針,雖然會促使被告人更有可能 Law piece (p. 44) reminds us that while the revised sentencing 在法律程序首個合理機會出現時便認罪,但專業操守規 practice may offer more incentive to a defendant to plead guilty at 則亦提醒我們,被告 人向來享有完全的自由,可自行決 the first reasonable opportunity in criminal proceedings, ethical 定如何作出答辯,並可以基於個人原因而選擇作出甚麼 considerations remind us that he or she has always had complete freedom to choose how to plead, and can do so for reasons of his 答辯。此外,執業管理文章(第84頁) 論述了日益複雜的 or her own. Additionally, the Practice Management article (p. 82) 外部法律顧問指引("OCGs")和律師事務所需要更好地監 discusses the growing complexity of outside counsel guidelines 測其條款的必要性。 (“OCGs”) and the need for law firms to better monitor their terms. 此外「閒情」部分是一篇有趣的文章(第81頁),是對香 Also of interest is the Leisure section (p. 80), which features an 港桌球高手吳安儀的獨家專訪。在答問中,她談到她的 exclusive interview with On-Yee Ng, Hong Kong’s snooker ace. In a 職業生涯,並解釋她不管是在優勢或劣勢中如何集中精 Q&A, she talks about her career and explains how she keeps her focus regardless of whether she is on a winning streak or facing a set-back. 神。 Cynthia G. Claytor Cynthia G. Claytor Editor, Hong Kong Lawyer 《香港律師》編輯 Legal Media Group Legal Media Group Thomson Reuters 湯森路透 [email protected] [email protected] 4 www.hk-lawyer.org 23 NOVEMBER 2016 9:00AM - 5:00PM HONG KONG Business, law and the “internet of things” CPD points will be applied for with the Law Society of The legal impact of the “Fourth Industrial Revolution” Hong Kong OVERVIEW The “internet of things” (IoT) already exists, is growing rapidly, and is beginning to have a significant effect on business structures, commercial contracts and contract management in all sectors. Research conducted by Cisco predicts up to 50 billion connected devices by 2020, up from approximately 18 billion in 2015. What are the legal ramifications of these developments? Asia Legal Business (ALB) presents an intensive one-day workshop that equips you with the knowledge to ask the right questions, to analyse and to advise on the risks and opportunities that IoT will bring to your jurisdiction, and to your sector. It is carefully structured to allow you to gain a firm understanding of IoT and the legal and business issues that flow from it. BENEFITS OF ATTENDING • Be ahead of the game by getting a detailed understanding of the legal ramifications of IoT such as cyber security, data protection and contractual obligations through revealing case studies. • Get insider information by listening to extracts from interviews and round-table discussions with actual IoT developers, regulators and highly experienced lawyers. • Make a crucial and positive contribution to the future of your business by knowing how to address the legal requirements that come with adopting IoT solutions (particularly those related to contractual relationships). SPEAKER MALCOLM DOWDEN TARGET AUDIENCE Director Senior in-house counsels/general counsels, Private practice lawyers, Chief Technology Officer (CTO), IT coordinators/ Gwentian Consulting consultants, Legal departments in government bodies/regulators Limited PROGRAM AGENDA 08:30am – Data collection, retention, analysis and – How far does existing law cover novel monetisation: who benefits? situations likely to arise from the IoT? Registration – Data security: who is responsible? Who is – How is the law developing around the world 09:00am liable? to accommodate IoT? – Compliance in the cloud: how to ensure The fourth industrial revolution? What is 03:00pm adequate protection IoT? Where are the opportunities? Afternoon Tea-Break – More than just “self-driving cars”: bringing 10:30am the internet into the physical world 03:30pm Morning Tea-break – Standards, platforms and interoperability Drafting and negotiating key contract terms: – Streamlined processes and “just in time” 11:00am what are the main issues fulfillment Business structure and IoT – Intellectual Property (IP) rights – Real-time data and analytics for – How is IoT development being organised – Warranties and indemnities: what you need government, business and individuals and funded? to cover 09:15am – What is the relationship between start-ups, – Limiting and excluding liability Regulating the IoT: does existing law and universities and established business? – Drafting for dispute resolution in an online regulation block or facilitate the IoT – What are the key issues for joint ventures world without borders – Is traditional spectrum management and acquisitions? 05:00pm becoming less relevant? – How can business models adapt to embrace End of event – Licensed vs unlicensed operators: who IoT? should prevail – Data and privacy: the risks involved in cross – Crossing boundaries: who should regulate border transfers and offshore storage new business models 12:30pm 09:30am Networking Luncheon Data: who owns, controls and has 01:30pm responsibility for sensitive data generated by IoT devices The Issue Of Liabilities – Making sense of the “truck load of sand”: IoT – What are the principal legal and compliance and fine-grained data analysis risks? To book, please visit www.regonline.com/IoT2016_HK EARLY BIRD PRICE: USD680 (ends on 14 October) / REGULAR PRICE: USD850 GROUP PRICE: Save an additional 20% - Register five people from your organisation, and the fifth person gets to attend for FREE For more information about the events or to register your pass, please contact Andy Wong at [email protected] or (65) 6870 3411 • October 2016 PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE 會 長 的 話 PMBR Legal Regulators held in Washington, on relevant statistics of complaints DC – Reimagining the Future: How received from the public and regulatory The changing demands of clients Proactive Measures can Reshape a experiences. Assistance to implement and society require us to continuously ‘Lawyer Discipline System’ into a ‘Lawyer AMS will then be provided to firms to update our knowledge and skills. Our Integrity System’?. achieve compliance of the particular mandatory Continuing Professional objectives in which they are deficient. Legal regulators as well as academics Development (“CPD”) Scheme was The empirical study conducted in from various jurisdictions, notably, introduced in 1998 applying to all 2008, seven years after the passing of Australia, Canada and the United trainees and practising solicitors. the legislation on ILPs, showed that States, shared their experiences and CPD is the systematic maintenance, complaint rates for ILPs went down by research findings related to their improvement and broadening of two-thirds after the ILPs completed their studies of proactive management based relevant knowledge and skills to initial self assessments. regulation (“PMBR”). PMBR refers to enable a professional to successfully a regulatory approach designed to Following Australia, Canada and the carry out his professional duties and promote ethical law practice by assisting United States are moving towards the responsibilities throughout his career. lawyers with practice management. PMBR approach, shifting from reactive Whilst the CPD Scheme may be seen regulation that disciplines lawyers for by some as a burdensome requirement, This innovative regulatory approach violation of rules to proactive prevention I see this as a necessary training was first developed in New South and assistance through “education framework to assist practitioners in Wales. Legislation was passed in as towards compliance”. Reflecting on this maintaining high standards of work early as 2001 in New South Wales development with reference to Hong in the interests of our clients and the allowing limited liability and non-lawyer Kong, our approach is to a certain extent public and in enhancing the reputation ownership of incorporated law practices in general alignment as we have also of the Hong Kong legal profession as a (“ILPs”). To address concerns about been placing much effort in proactive world class service provider. non-lawyer ownership and limited measures to maintain standards and liability of legal practices, the legislation The ability to showcase high enhance regulatory compliance. broke new ground by incorporating professional standards in our work is the concept of “ethical infrastructure” In addition to the mandatory CPD the most effective promotional tool into the statute. It requires ILPs to Scheme introduced in 1998, the of our legal services. The Law Society implement “appropriate management mandatory Risk Management Education is therefore determined to do our systems” (“AMS”) to ensure that their Programme has applied in phases to all utmost to facilitate the attainment of provision of legal services comply with trainees, solicitors and foreign lawyers the highest professional standards by obligations imposed by law. To assist practising in Hong Kong law firms since our members. We keep under regular ILPs to establish and maintain AMS, 2004. review the operation of our CPD Scheme the regulator, together with other and other programmes and facilities Under the Legal Practitioners Ordinance stakeholders, developed ten objectives that aim at helping our members (Cap. 159) (the “LPO”), a solicitor of sound legal practice and a self- to improve standards of their legal cannot practise on his own account assessment form for firms to evaluate services. or in partnership until he has satisfied their level of compliance with the the Council that he has been bona fide There was a very interesting session at ten objectives. The objectives, which employed in the practice of a solicitor the recent International Conference of are jurisdiction specific, are based 6 www.hk-lawyer.org October 2016 • PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE 會 長 的 話 firm in Hong Kong for at least two years. to assist them in relation to solicitors’ The engagement of practitioners in To ensure that a solicitor is properly accounting issues. the regulatory process heightens equipped with the necessary practice awareness of how their own practices We also have a Regulation and management skills before he is allowed measure against the standards Guidance Section to handle enquiries to operate his own firm as a sole expected of them by their clients and from members on matters relating to proprietor or as a partner, the LPO has the public and creates a clearly visible the LPO and its subsidiary legislation, been amended to include a requirement target to achieve, which is common the Law Society’s Practice Directions on the completion of an approved to both the regulator and those being and the Conduct Guide. Further, the practice management course prior to regulated. This commonality cultivates Law Society’s Guidance Committee an application for an unconditional harmony in the relationship between is tasked with providing guidance to practicing certificate. This legislative regulators and practitioners and members on ethical issues in legal amendment has not come into enhances trust in each other’s efforts to practice. operation and no commencement date achieve compliance. has been fixed yet. We are now working The Law Society has thus far put in We will explore the PMBR approach on the practice management course and place a convenient framework for and how we can learn from the other implementation details. practitioners to update their knowledge valuable experience of other and skills on legal practice and risk The Law Society has a team of jurisdictions for the benefit of our management as well as to seek Monitoring Accountants who conduct profession. What we may need to work assistance on individual accounts and routine visits to new law firms that have on further is to articulate the principles ethical issues. been established for three months of sound practice with reference to the The main distinguishing feature of types of common complaints against PMBR is the self-assessment process. the profession, motivate practitioners This process connects education with to evaluate their own practices with compliance and helps practitioners reference to these principles and assist apply the principles of practice them to achieve full compliance with management imparted in the those principles with the support of context of training to the actual improvement programmes and tools. situation in their practice. Coupled Should members have any comments, with specific management tools, please send them to me at president@ practitioners are enabled to improve hklawsoc.org.hk. their own systems to achieve the full compliance level. Thomas so, PresidenT www.hk-lawyer.org 7 • October 2016 「積極管理為本監管」(PMBR) 客戶和社會的需求瞬息萬變,因此我們 監管者與其他持份者訂立了良好法律服 師會《執業指引》和《操守指引》的 必須不斷更新知識和技能。我們的強制 務的10個目標及自我評估表格,供律師 相關查詢。此外,律師會指導委員會負 性專業進修(CPD)計劃於1998年推出, 行自行評估是否符合這10個目標。這些 責就法律執業的道德事宜為會員提供指 適用於所有實習律師及執業律師。CPD 目標針對特定司法管轄區,根據公眾投 引。 有系統地維持、提升和擴闊相關知識和 訴和監管經驗的相關統計數據訂立。律 律師會至此已設立框架,便利執業者更 技能,令法律專業人士在整個職業生涯 師行會因應其不足之處協助實施AMS, 新和提升其法律執業和風險管理的知識 中均能成功地執行專業職務和責任。儘 從而達至符合個別目標。ILPs法例通 和技能,並就個別帳目和道德事宜尋求 管有人或許視CPD計劃為一項繁重的要 過後7年,即2008年進行的實證研究顯 協助。 求,我卻認為它是必要的培訓框架,旨 示,ILPs完成初步自我評估後,對ILPs 在協助執業者保持高工作標準,以保障 的投訴率下降了三分之二。 PMBR的主要特點是自我評估過程。這個 客戶及公眾利益,並提高香港法律界作 過程結合教育與合規,幫助執業者將培 繼澳洲後,加拿大和美國亦正走向PMBR 為世界級服務提供者的聲譽。 訓所學的執業管理原則,應用至執業的 方式,從紀律處分違規律師的被動監 實際情況,再配合特定的管理工具,執 在工作上展示高專業標準的能力,是法 管,逐漸變為透過合規「教育」積極預 業者能改善本身的制度,實現完全合規 律服務最有效的宣傳工具。因此,律師 防和提供協助。反思香港的情況,我們 的水平。 會決心盡其所能協助會員實現最高專業 的方式在一定程度上與這個發展一致, 標準。針對CPD計劃和其他旨在協助會 因為我們也一直採取積極措施來維護標 在監管過程中讓執業者參與,令他們對 員提升法律服務標準的課程和設施,我 準、加強監管合規。 本身的執業與客戶和公眾的期望標準比 們一直定期進行檢討。 較,加深了解,並訂立一個監管者與被 除了在1998年推出的強制性CPD計劃, 監管者一致的共同目標。這種一致性令 最近在華頓盛舉行的法律監管者國際會 強制性風險管理教育課程亦自2004年起 監管者與執業者之間的關係更和諧,增 議上,其中一個環節十分有趣,題為 分階段適用於所有在香港律師行執業的 強對彼此努力達至合規的信任。 「重塑未來:積極措施如何能將『律師 實習律師、律師和外地律師。 紀律制度』變成『律師誠信制度』?」 我們將探索PMBR方式,以及我們如何能 根據《法律執業者條例》(第159章), 從其他司法管轄區的寶貴經驗學習,為 來自包括澳洲、加拿大和美國等不同司 律師必須令理事會信納他至少有兩年真 法律界帶來裨益。我們或需參考對業界 法管轄區的法律監管者和學者,在會上 誠地受僱於香港的律師執業業務,方可 的普遍投訴類型,進一步闡明良好執業 分享經驗和有關「積極管理為本監管」 獨自或以合夥形式執業。為確保律師具 的原則,鼓勵執業者參照這些原則來評 (PMBR)的研究成果。PMBR是一種監 備必需的管理技能才獲許獨資或合夥經 估他們的執業,並透過使用改善計劃和 管方式,旨在透過在執業管理方面協助 營律師行,《法律執業者條例》經已修 工具,協助他們按這些原則達至完全合 律師,從而促進符合道德操守的法律執 訂,要求申請無條件執業證書前,必須 規。會員如有任何意見,歡迎惠賜電郵 業。 完成一個經核准的執業管理課程。法例 至[email protected]。 這種創新的監管方式在新南威爾斯創 修訂尚未實施,亦未訂定生效日期。我 立。該州早於2001年通過法例,容許有 們現正就執業管理課程和其他實施細節 限責任公司和非律師擁有法律執業公司 開展工作。 (ILPs)。為解決對非律師的擁有權和法 律師會的監察會計師團隊會向已成立三 律服務的有限法律責任之關注,該法例 個月的新律師行進行例行訪問,以協助 破天荒納入「道德基礎」的概念,要求 他們處理律師會計相關事宜。 ILPs實施「適當的管理制度」(AMS), 我們的條例及指導部負責處理會員就 蘇紹聰 會長 以確保它們提供的法律服務符合法律規 《法律執業者條例》及其附屬法例、律 定的義務。為協助ILP設立和維持AMS, 8 www.hk-lawyer.org