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Andhra Pradesh, 2018-01-19, No. 963 PDF

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Preview Andhra Pradesh, 2018-01-19, No. 963

Registered No. HSE-49/2016 PART I EXTRAORDINARY No.57 AMARAVATI, FRIDAY , JANUARY 19, 2018 G.963 NOTIFICATIONS BY GOVERNMENT --x-- HIGHER EDUCATION DEPARTMENT (EC) AMENDMENT TO THE ANDHRA PRADESH ADMISSION AND FEE REGULATORY COMMITTEE (FOR PROFESSIONAL COURSES OFFERED IN PRIVATE UN-AIDED PROFESSIONAL INSTITUTIONS) RULES, 2006. [G.O.Ms.No.4, Higher Education (Ec), 19th January, 2018.] N O T I F I C A T I O N In exercise of the powers conferred by Section 15 read with Sections 3 and 7 of the Andhra Pradesh Educational Institutions (Regulation of Admissions and Prohibition of Capitation Fee) Act, 1983 (A.P Act, No.5 of 1983) the Government of Andhra Pradesh hereby make the following amendment to the Andhra Pradesh Admission and Fee Regulatory Committee (for Professional Courses offered in private Un-Aided Professional Institutions) Rules, 2006 and as amended subsequently from time to time :- A M E N D M E N T In Rule 4 of the said rules, in sub rule (i), after the words “The AFRC shall” “the words be competent to fix the block period and” shall be inserted. ADITYANATH DAS, Special Chief Secretary to Government. Published and Uploaded by the Commissioner of Printing, Government of Andhra Pradesh at Government Regional Press, Vijayawada, wwwapegazette.cgg.gov.in

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