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Andhra Pradesh, 2011-01-24, No. 1 B PDF

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Preview Andhra Pradesh, 2011-01-24, No. 1 B

1 ]õwüºs¡T¶ HÓ+. m`118 >∑T+≥÷s¡T õ˝≤¢ sê»|üÁ‘·eTT n kÕ <Ûë s¡ D eTT n~Ûø±s¡eTTe\q Á|ü#·T]+#·ã&çq~. HÓ+. 1(2) >∑T+≥÷s¡T, 2011e dü+e‘·‡s¡eTT, »qe] HÓ\, 24e ‘˚~, k˛eTyês¡eTT Copy of :- caste and he has been adopted to Yanadi family, PROCEEDINGS OF THE COLLECTOR & under a registered document. He got caste cer- DISTRICT MAGISTRATE, GUNTUR tificate from the then MRO., indicating his caste as Yanadi (ST) isnstead of Kapu (Telaga - OC). Present : Sri B. RAMANJANEYULU, I.A.S., He further stated that he has not utilized and ben- efits under ST category. He requested to cancel Procdgs. Rc. 832/10/C4 Dated 30-9-10 the ST caste certificate obtained by him. Sub: CASTE CERTIFICATES -Verifica- The Revenue Divisional Officer ,Tenali tion of caste certificate of Kantheti has further reported that the Tahsildar, Udaya Sasi Kiran, Arumbaka Village Cherukupalli reported that Sri Kantheti Mallaiah of Cherukupalli Mandal - Placed in who has taken adoption has stated that they be- DLSC - Findings of the District Level long to Yanadi by caste and neighbour Sri Thota Scrutiny Committee submitted - Rec- Madhusudhana Rao had cordial relation with ommended for cancellation - Orders him, that he has taken adoption Sri Udaya Sasi Issued.- Reg. Kiran at the age of 15th year and the caste of the child was recorded as Yanadi at the time of ad- Read : 1. Findings of the District Level Scru- mission in the school. He further stated that the tiny Committee, dated 7-9-2010. natural parents of the child have got cancelled 2. Other connected papers. the adoption with his consent because the boy * * * was not willing to name his caste Yanadi. ORDER : The Revenue Divisional Officer ,Tenali The Revenue Divisional Officer ,Tenali has further reported that the Tahsildar, has reported that the Tahsildar, Cherukupalli Cherukupalli reported that he enquired locally reported that Sri Kantheti Udaya Sasi Kiran of with village elders, Sri Ravuri Rama Rao and Arumbaka Village has filed representation others who stated that Sri Thota Madhusudhana stating his natural parents belongs to Kapu by Rao is working in Registration and Stamps 110-1(2) F1 [1] 2 Department and Sri Udaya Sasi Kiran is his sec- The individual attended before the com- ond son and he has been adopted to Sri Kantheti mittee and stated that he was given in adoption Mallaiah and Durgamma, a couple belonging to during the year 2002 to Kantheti Mallaiah and Yanadi caste and there onwards the surname of Durgamma who belong to Yanadi caste under registerred document dated 16-9-2002, after get- the boy was recorded as Kantheti and father’s ting registration he obtained caste certificate of name as Mallaiah. The further stated that the the individual as Yanadi (ST) from the then boy is residing with his natural parents in the Mandal Revenue Officer, dated 14-8-2002 indi- Kapu community and he is not willing to con- cating the surname as Kantheti and fathers name tinue his caste as Yanadi (ST). as Mallaiah. The individual has stated that he has not utilized the benefits under ST category The Revenue Divisional Officer ,Tenali ever since getting the ST caste certificate from has further reported that the Tahsildar, the then Mandal Revenue Officer and as he was Cherukupalli reported that Sri Thota unwilling to live with the adoption parents and Madhusudhana Rao belongs to Kapu by caste and not willing to be treated as belonging to ST got married with Smt. Rajya Lakshmi of the same Yanadi community, the adoption was cancelled caste during the year 1985 and got two male chil- vide consent statement dated 26-12-2009. dren and among them Sri Udaya Sasi Kiran is second child born in 1987. He has given in adop- After perusing the entire record placed tion during the year 2002 to Kantheti Mallaiah before the DLSC, the following points were taken and Durgamma who belong to Yanadi caste un- into consideration. der registered document dated 16-9-2002 after getting registration he obtained caste certificate 1. Regarding the issue of the caste certifi- of the applicant as Yanadi (ST) from the then cate in case of adoption children by Mandal Revenue Officer vide certificate dated Scheduled Caste & Scheduled Tribe 14-8-2002 indicating the surname as Kantheti parents, the powers are delegated to Joint and fathers name as Mallaiah. It is observed Collectors who shall issue caste certifi- that the caste of the individual was recorded as cates to the children below 15 years of Yanadi (ST) after completion of intermediate age. Where the caste relates to an adop- course from W isdon Junior College, Guntur and tion of a married person or of a person it is recorded as OC in his transfer certificate af- of the age of 15 years and above, the ter completion of B. Pharmacy from the Sarada certificate shall be required to be given College of Pharmaceutical Science, Kondakavur by the District Magistrate. In this case of Narasaraopet Mandal. But the individual has the caste certificate has to be issued by stated that he has not utilized the benefits under the Joint Collector as the individual is ST category ever since getting the ST caste cer- below 15 years of the age at the time of tificate from the then Mandal Revenue Officer. adoption and hence the certificate issued The natural father of the individual has stated by the Mandal Revenue Officer, that he does not know the caste of the individual Cherukupalli dated 14-8-2002 is not will never be changed even though adoption is valid as the same was issued by incom- from one caste to another caste. He has also petent authority. stated that the adoption has been cancelled sub- 2. As the individual himself stated that he sequently since his son is not willing. is not willing to be treated as ST Yanadi and not resided with his adopted parents The Revenue Divisional Officer ,Tenali at any time, the question of treating him has further reported that the Tahsildar, as ST does not arise and the presence of Cherukupalli finally recommended for physical association with the adopted cancellation of the Yanadi (ST) Caste Certifi- parents is very much essential to treat cate obtained by the individual on adoption to him as ST. ST (family) and pass necessary orders in the matter. 3. The natural father and the individual stated that they never availed the The Collector & District Magistrate benefits of ST during the boy’s entire instructed to place the matter before the DLSC. educational career and will not claim in Accordingly the matter was placed the future also, and the Tahsildar, before the District Level Scrutiny Committee Cherukupalli and the Revenue and a notice was issued to the individual to Divisional Officer ,Tenali recommended attend before the committtee along with relevant the cancellation of the ST Yanadi documentary evidence. certificate issued to the individual dated 14-8-2002. 3 In view of the above observations, the ORDER : DSLC came to a conclusion that the ST Yanadi caste certificate issued by the Mandal Revenue The Personnel Manager ,Andhra Bank, Officer, Cherukupalli dated 14-8-2002 is liable Hyderabad has informed that Sri S. Maruthiram to be cancelled. S/o S. Venkateswarlu R/o Gorantla Village of Tadikonda Mandal joined their Bank during 1983 As the candidate himself requested to in Clerical Cadre under ST category and cancel the ST Yanadi certificate issued in his promoted to Officer JM-I cadre during 1990 and favour and agreeing with the recommendations presently working in their Gorantla Branch, of the DLSC, I . B. Ramanjaneyulu, I. A.S., Guntur District. At the time of his initial Collector & District Magistrate, Guntur, in ex- appointment, he submitted a caste certificate ercise of the powers conferred under rule 9(9) of dated 9-2-1983 issued by Deputy Colletor on the A.P., (SC, ST & BC’s) regulation of issue of deputation as District Manager ,A.P. State Civil community certifiate Rules 1997 read with Sec- Supplies Corporation Limited, Hyderabad. tion 5(1) of the Act, 1993 hereby hold Sri Kantheti Udaya Sasi Kiran is not eligible to ob- The Revenue Divisional Officer, Guntur tain Yanadi (ST) Caste certifcicate from the has reported that Sri Somarouthu Venkateswarlu Tahsildar, Cherukupalli dated 14-8-2002 and the obtained certificate from Palasa Mandal that he same is hereby cancelled. In this connection, it belongs to Konda Kapu and basing on it he ob- is also observed that the issue of the Yanadi (ST) tained (S.T. Certificate from Mangalagiri caste certificate is against the Government rules, Tahsildar and admitted his son in Intermediate as the Tahsildar is not competent to issue such in Tadikonda College. But in school records their caste certificate as per guide lines issued by the caste was recorded as “HINDU KAPU” and Govt. MPHS date also reveals as “Kapu” . The Mandal Revenue Officer reported that there is one fam- ily having Somarouthu as Surname at B. RAMANJANEYULU, Mukkamala Village of Tadikonda Mandal and Collector & District Magistrate, they belong to Kapu, recommending this case GUNTUR. to be treated as “Hindu Kapu” (OC) because they married Kapu caste people and settled there. Copy of :- The Revenue Divisional Officer, Guntur PROCEEDINGS OF THE COLLECTOR & has further reported that all the material avail- DISTRICT MAGISTRATE, GUNTUR able was corroborating that the family of Somarouthu Maruthiram belongs to ‘KAPU” Present : Sri B. RAMANJANEYULU, I.A.S., OC. Procdgs. Rc. 1358/09/C4 Dated 13-12-10 The matter has been placed before the Sub: CASTE VERIFICATION - Guntur District Level Scrutiny Committee as per the District - Tadikonda Mandal - Gorantla recomendations of the Revenue Divisional Village - Enquiry conducted by the Officer, Guntur and the caste of S. Maruthiram District Level Scrutiny Committee on was got verified and a report was sent to the Per- the caste status of Sri Somarouthu sonnel Manager ,Andhra Bank, Hyderabad that venkateswarlu F/o Somarouthu the caste of the individual could not be consid- Maruthi Ram - Cancellation of ered as “KONDA KAPU” (ST) as the individual ‘KONDA KAPU” (ST) Caste Certifi- had never been inhabited in the agency areas and cate - Orders Issued.. all the family members married Kapu persons Read : 1. This Office R.Dis. 2525/1999/C4, only, their caste are mentioned as Kapu in the dated 17-5-2009. educational records and they are being treated as 2. Lr. No. 666/40/SCT/050, dated Kapu in the Village and it was informed to ad- 18-6-2009 of the Asst. General dress the Collector, Hyderabad to request to can- Manager ,Andhra Bank, Head cel the caste certificate issued to Sri S. Office, Saifabad, Hyderabad. Maruthiram by the Deputy Collector on deputa- 3. Tahsildar ,Tadikonda Rc.375/06/C, tion, District Manager ,A. P., State Civil Supplied dated 14-9-2006. Corporation Limited, Hyderabad and this district 4. RDO., Guntur Rc. 3662/05/C4, has no jurisdication to cancel the same. dated 13-12-2007. 5. Findings of the DLSC, dated The Assistant Manager ,Andhra Bank has 26-8-2010. requested the Collector, Guntur to cancel the * * * 4 “KONDA KAPU” Certificate issued by the not be proved and that the Mandal Revene Tahsildar, Mangalagiri to Sri Somarouthu Officer is not competent to issue “Konda Kapu” Venkateswarlu, Father of Somarouthu certificate in non-scheduled areas as per the Maruthiram. Accordingly a notice was issued to instructuin laid down by the Government. Sri Somarouthu Venkateswarlu to attend before Agreeing with the finding of the DLSC a the District Level Scrutiny Committee on final notice was issued to Smt. S. Narayanamma 12-1-2010. It was informed by the wife of W/o Venkateswarlu (Late) to show cause why Venkateswarlu, Narayanamma who attended the “KONDA KAPU” (ST) Certificate issued to Sri meeting on 12-1-2010 that her husband died on Somarouthu Venkateswarlu F/o S. Maruthiram, 7-2-2008 and produced his death certificate is- should not be cancelled with in 7 days. In this sued by the Panchayat Secretary, Tadikonda. regard this office has not yet received any reply from her. Again on 1-5-2010 she attended to the After going through the entire record, it District Level Scrutiny Committee meeting and was concluded that as per the recommendations a statement was recorded from her. She stated of the DLSC on canceling the “KONDA KAPU” that she is a resident of Tadikonda Village and Certificate (ST) issued to Sri Somarouthu Mandal, she was married to Sri Somarouthu Venkateswarlu F/o S. Maruthiram is liable to Venkateswarlu who is a native of Pothra Village cancelled. of Palasa Mandal, Srikakulam District 60 years In view of the above, I. B. ago, that her husband belongs to “ Konda Kapu” Ramanjaneyulu, I.A.S., Collector & District community and he migrated to Tadikonda in Magistrate, Guntur exercise of the powers con- search of means of livelihood along with his ferred by the Government under Section 5(1) of father Ramakrishna and settled in the Village. the A.P. (SC, ST & BCs) Regulation of issue of She further stated that except these two persons, Community Certificates Act 16 of 1993, read no other came to their village. She further in- with Rule 9(7) of AP (SC, ST & BC) Issue of formed that her parents are Goddanti Community, Nativity and Date of Birth Certifi- Hanumantha Rao and Seetharamamma and they cate Rules, 1997, communicated in G. O. Ms. are the natives of the village and since her mar- No. 58 Social W elfare Department, dated riage she lived with her husband only in 12-5-1997, the “KONDA KAPU” (ST) caste Tadikonda Village. Her husband used to peri- certificate issued to Sri Somarothu odically visit his native village Pothra but she Venkateswarlu F/o S/o S. Maruthiram by the did not know about his relatives. She stated that Mandal Revenue Officer, Mangalagiri dated they had three children, two daughthers and one 23-11-1978 is hereby cancelled. son Maruthiram, both the daughters are not edu- cated much and were married to Telaga caste B. RAMANJANEYULU, persons, her son Maruthiram studied B. Com., Collector & District Magistrate, and is working as Officer in Andhra Bank, Abid’s Guntur. Branch and he was married to Yaraavarla Padma, D/o Subba Rao, Hyderabad, belonging to Telaga NOTIFICATION caste. She also stated that there are no educa- tional documents to prove his husband as In accordance with Section 5(!) of the “KONDA KAPU” as he was uneducated and A.P. (SC, ST & BCs) Regulation of issue of that her husband died three years back. She in- Community Certificates Act 16 of 1993, read formed that she and all her relatives belong to with Rule 9(7) of AP (SC, ST & BC) Issue of Telaga caste and she had no certificates of her Community, Nativity and Date of Birth Certifi- husband and his relatives to show as evidence cate Rules, 1997, the “KONDA KAPU” (ST) and finally stated that no caste certificates were Caste Certificate issued by the then Mandal taken in favour of her daughters. Revenue Officer, Mangalagiri dated 23-11-1978 to Sri Somarothu Venkateswarlu F/o In view of the above statement of the wife S. Maruthiram, R/o Tadepalli Village and Mandal of the individual and other enquiry record is hereby cancelled as it could not be proved that pertaining to S. Maruthiram, his son, it is he belongs to ST “Konda Kapu” and the Mandal evident that the caste of Somarouthu Revenue Officer is not competent to issue Venkateswarlu could not be proved in the absence “Konda Kapu” Certificate in non-scheduled ar- of any material evidence as the wife is unable to eas as per the instruction laid down by the Gov- establish that her husband migrated from Pothra ernment. Village of Palasa Mandal of Srikakulam District B. RAMANJANEYULU, and so the caste certificate issued to him by the Collector & District Magistrate, Tahsildar, Mangalagiri dated 23-11-78 is liable Guntur, to be cancelled on the reasons that the caste could [Rc. No. 1358/09/C4. eTTÁ<äD ø£MTwüqs¡T>±]#˚ Á|üuÛÑT‘·« ÁbÕ+rj·T eTTÁ<äD≤\j·TeTT, $»j·Tyê&Éq+<äT eTTÁ~+#·ã&ç, õ˝≤¢ ø£˝…ø£ºs¡T>±]#˚ Á|ü#·T]+#·ã&çq~.

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