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Preview Anderson localization versus charge-density-wave formation in disordered electron systems

Anderson localizationversus charge-density-wave formationindisordered electron systems S. Nishimoto,1 S. Ejima,2 and H. Fehske2 1Institutefor Theoretical Solid State Physics, IFW Dresden, 01171 Dresden, Germany 2Instituteof Physics, ErnstMoritz Arndt UniversityGreifswald, 17489 Greifswald, Germany (Dated:October31,2012) Westudytheinterplayofdisorderandinteractioneffectsincludingbosonicdegreesoffreedomintheframe- workof agenericone-dimensional transport model, theAnderson-Edwards model. Usingthedensity-matrix renormalizationgrouptechnique, weextractthelocalizationlengthandtherenormalizationoftheTomonaga Luttinger liquid parameter from the charge-structure factor by a elaborate sample-average finite-size scaling 2 procedure. ThepropertiesoftheAndersonlocalizedstatecanbedescribedintermsofscalingrelationsofthe 1 metallicphasewithoutdisorder. Weanalyzehowdisordercompeteswiththecharge-density-wavecorrelations 0 triggeredbythebosonsandgiveevidencethatstrongdisorderwilldestroythecharge-orderedstate. 2 t PACSnumbers:71.23.An,71.27.+a,71.30.+h,71.45.Lr c O Disorder is an inherent part of any solid state system [1]. ial way [15]. This has beendemonstratedfor the Anderson- 0 3 Low-dimensionalmaterialsareexceedinglysusceptibletodis- Holsteinmodelwithinthestatisticaldynamicalmeanfieldand order. In one dimension (1D), theory predicts that all carri- momentumaverageapproximations[16,17]. Atfinitecarrier ] ers are strongly localized for arbitrary energies and arbitrar- density,theMott-AndersontransitionforCoulombcorrelated l e ilyweakdisorder. ThisholdsforAnderson’snon-interacting electrons was investigated by self-consistent mean-field the- - r tight-bindingHamiltonianwith a diagonal(i.e., on-site) ran- oryinD = ∞andD = 3[18–20], aswellasbyvariational st dom potential [2, 3]. The coherent backscattering from the Gutzwiller ansatz based approaches [21]. Electron-electron . randomlydistributedimpuritiestherebytransformsthemetal interactionsmayscreenthedisorderpotentialinstronglycor- t a intoaninsulator. relatedsystems,stabilizingtherebymetallicity[22].Exactre- m In1D themutualinteractionof theparticlesislikewise of sults are rare however. In 2D, Lanczos and quantum Monte - significance; here even weak interactions can cause strong Carlo data suggest a disorder-induced stabilization of the d n correlations. The instantaneousCoulomb repulsion between pseudogap,alsoawayfromhalf-filling[23]. Thedensityma- o theelectrons,forinstance,tendstoimmobilizethechargecar- trixrenormalizationgroup(DMRG)[24]allowsthenumerical c riers as well. As a consequence, at half-filling, a Mott insu- exactcalculationofground-statepropertiesofdisordered,in- [ lating(spin-density-wave)phaseisenergeticallyfavoredover teractingfermionsystemsin1D,onfairlylargesystems. Ex- 1 themetallicstate[4]. Theretardedelectron-phononcoupling, ploitingthistechnique,thepropertiesofdisorderedLuttinger v ontheotherhand,mayleadtostructuraldistortionsaccompa- liquids have been analyzed in the framework of the spinless 2 niedbypolaronformation[5],andisthedrivingforcebehind fermion Anderson-t-V model (AtVM) [25] and the spinful 4 1 the metal-to-Peierlstransition, establishinga charge-density- Anderson-Hubbardmodel[26]. 8 wave(CDW)order[6]. Inthispaper,weaddresshowmany-bodyAndersonlocal- 0. Tounderstandhowdisorderandinteractionacttogetheris ization competes with CDW formation triggered by bosonic 1 ofvitalimportancenotonlydiscussingthemetal-insulatorit- degrees of freedom in the framework of the Anderson- 2 selfbutalsoanalyzingtheelectronicpropertiesofmanyquasi- Edwardsmodel(AEM). The Edwardsmodel[27] represents 1 1D materials of current interest, such as conjugated poly- a very general two-channel fermion-bosonHamiltonian, de- : v mers, organic charge transfer salts, ferroelectric perovskites, scribing quantum transport in a background medium. Its Xi halogen-bridged transition metal complexes, TMT[SF,TF] fermion-bosoninteractionpart chains, Qn(TCNQ) compounds, or, e.g., the quite recently r 2 a studiedvanadiumdioxidePeierls-Mottinsulator[7–10]. Car- bonnanotubes[11]andorganicsemiconductors[12]areother H =−t f†f (b†+b ) (1) fb b j i i j exampleswheredisorderandbosonicdegreesoffreedomare hXi,ji ofimportance.Regardinginteractingbosons,ultracoldatoms trappedin opticallattices offerthe uniquepossibility totune boththedisorderandinteractionstrength[13]. mimics the correlations/fluctuations inherent to a spinful fermionmany-particlesystembyaboson-affectedtransferof Unfortunatelythe subtle interplay of disorder and interac- tion effectsis one of the most challengingproblemsin solid spinless charge carriers. In Eq. (1), a fermion fi(†) creates statetheoryand—despitefiftyyearsofintenseresearch—still (orabsorbs)alocalbosonb(†) everytimeithopstoanearest i an area of uncertainty, see [14] and references therein. In neighbor(NN)sitej. Therebyitcreatesalocalexcitationin the limit of vanishing charge carrier density only the inter- thebackgroundwith energyω : H = ω b†b . Because 0 b 0 i i i actionwiththelatticevibrationsmatters. ThenAndersondis- ofquantumfluctuationsthebackgrounddisPtortionsshouldbe ordermayaffectthepolaronself-trappinginahighlynontriv- abletorelaxwithacertainrateλ. TheentireEdwardsHamil- 2 easily generalized to treat systems including bosons [32], in 1 ordertoobtainunbiasedresultsforthefullAEM, ∆=0 ∆>0 0.8 repulsiveTLL Andersoninsulator H =∆ ε nf +H , (3) AE i i E -100.6 ? Xi ω 0.4 and the related AtVM, HAtV = ∆ iεinfi +HtV, where disorderofstrength∆isinducedbyinPdependentlydistributed 0.2 CDW randomon-sitepotentialsε ,drawnfromtheboxdistribution i P(ε ) = θ(1/2 − |ε |). Within the pseudosite approach, a 0 i i 0 10 20 30 boson is mapped to n pseudosites [32, 33]. In the numer- b λ-1 ical study of the AEM we take into account up to n = 4 b pseudosites and determine n by the requirement that local FIG. 1. (Color online) DMRG metal-insulator phase boundary for b bosondensityofthelastpseudositeislessthan10−7foralli. the1Dhalf-filledEdwardsmodelwithoutdisorder(solidline).CDW orderissuppressedifthebackgroundfluctuationsdominate[ω <1] Furthermorewe keepuptom = 1200density-matrixeigen- 0 orifthesystem’sabilityforrelaxationishigh[λ > λc(ω0)]. The statesintherenormalizationstepstoensurethatthediscarded blue crosses denote theparameter setsconsidered in thispaper for weightissmallerthan10−8. Thecalculationsareperformed thedisorderedEdwardsmodel. forfinitesystemswithlengthsL=16to128andopenbound- ary conditions (OBC). For the simpler effective AtVM we reachL=192withOBC.Heretheuseofm=1000density- tonianthenreads matrixeigenstatesmakesthediscardedweightnegligible. To H =H −λ (b†+b )+H . (2) gainrepresentativeresultsforourdisorderedsystemswepro- E fb i i b Xi ceed as follows. We first compute the physical quantity of interestatfixedLfornumeroussamples{ε },thensetupan i Aunitarytransformationb 7→b +λ/ω eliminatestheboson i i 0 appropriate statistical average, and finally perform a careful relaxationterminfavorofasecondfermionhoppingchannel: finite-sizescaling. H = H − t f†f + H . We like to emphasize E fb f hi,ji j i b Animportantquestionis, ofcourse, whichphysicalquan- that (i) this free-fePrmion transfer takes place on a strongly tity to use in the finite-size scaling of the Anderson transi- reduced energy scale t = 2λt /ω however, and (ii) co- f b 0 tion. For this purpose the localization length ξ seems to be herentpropagationof a fermionis possible even in the limit promising, because it is sensitive to the nature, localized or λ=t =0bymeansofasix-stepvacuum-restoringhopping f extended, of the electron’s eigenstate [34, 35]. So far ξ has process[28],actingasadirectnextNNtransfer“fi†+2fi”.The beendeterminedfromthephasesensitivityoftheground-state Edwardsmodelrevealsa surprisinglyrich physics. Depend- energy[17, 25]. Quite recently, Berkovits demonstratesthat ingontherelativestrengthstf/tb ofthetwotransportmech- alsotheentanglemententropycanbeusedtoextractthelocal- anisms and the rate of bosonic fluctuations tb/ω0 it repro- izationlength[36]. However,inbothmethodsthesystemsize duces Holstein and t-J model-like lattice- and spin-polaron Lshouldbealwayslargerthanξ. transport, respectively, in the single-particle sector [28, 29]. Advantageously,thelocalizationlengthcanbeextractedby Forthehalf-filledbandcase,ametal-insulatorquantum-phase a finite-size scaling analysis of the charge density structure transition from a repulsive Tomonaga luttinger liquid (TLL) factor even for L ≪ ξ, which works equally well for inter- to a CDW has been reported [30, 31], see Fig. 1. Note that actingsystems[26],andthereforeallowsustodiscussthein- the CDW is a few-boson state that typifies rather a corre- terplay between Anderson localization and CDW formation lated (Mott-Hubbard-type)insulatorthan a Peierls state with in a consistent manner. The charge structure is defined as manybosons(phonons)involved[30, 31]. Since inthelimit C˜(q) = 1 L [hnfnf i−hnfihnf i]eiqr,. Assuming L i,r=1 i i+r i i+r ω0 ≫ 1 ≫ λ (here, and in what follows tb is taken as an exponenPtial decay of the equal-time density-density cor- the unitof energy)backgroundfluctuationsare energetically relationsintheAndersoninsulatingphase[37], the structure costly, charge transport is hindered and an effective Hamil- factorscaleswith tonian with NN fermion repulsion results. To leading or- 2 −detrf, inhai,rjeidfuj†cfeid+(zVero-bionsfionn)fi+H1ilwbeitrht sVpa=ce,t2bw/eωg0.etTHhitsVso=- C˜(q)=−2Kπρ∗2e−eπ6π6ξ2ξL−−11q2, (4) callePd t-V model canPbe mapped onto the exactly solvable XXZ model, which exhibits a TLL-CDW quantum phase where q = 2π/L ≪ 1 [26]. Equation (4) contains two un- transition at V/t = 2, i.e., at λ−1 = 4. This value is knownparameters:thelocalizationlengthξandthedisorder- f c smallerthanthoseobtainedfortheEdwardsmodelinthelimit modifiedTLLinteractioncoefficientK∗. Hence,ifthecharge ρ ω−1 ≪ 1, where λ−1 ≃ 6.3 (see Fig. 1 and Ref. [31]), be- structure factor is determined numerically, ξ and K∗ can be 0 c ρ causealreadythree-siteandeffectivenext-NNhoppingterms easilyderivedbyfittingthenumericaldatawithEq.(4). For wereneglectedinthederivationofthetV-model. vanishingdisorder∆→0,ξdivergesandK∗becomestheor- ρ We now employthe DMRG technique[24], which can be dinaryTLLparameterK . Weareawarethatadisordered1D ρ 3 0.02 105 1 AEM AtVM AEM ω0=1 ∆∆==00..05 0.01 ∆∆//ttff==00..05 104 0.8 ω0=2 ∆=1.0 ∆/tf=1.0 0.6 q) ∆=2.0 ∆/tf=2.0 ξ103 K*ρ 1 (0.01 v 0.4 ˜Ca 2 0.8 ω0=3 10 0.2 0.6 101 (a) λ=0.1 0 1∆/tf2 3 (b) 0 105 1 0 0 λ=1 0 0.01 0.02 0 0.005 0.01 0.015 AEM 1/(L-δ) 1/(L-δ) 0.9 4 10 λ=0.2 FIG.2.(Coloronline)ChargestructurefactoroftheAEMwithλ= 0.8 0.1andω0 = 2(leftpanel)andtheAtVMwithV/tf = 1.5(right ξ103 K*ρ 1 λ=0.1 panel)sampledover300and500disorderrealizations,respectively. 0.7 0.9 Dashedlinesgivethefinite-sizescalingofC˜av(q)accordingto(4). 2 0.8 10 0.6 0.7 (c) ω0=2.5 0 1∆/t2 3 (d) systemisnolongeraTLLandconsequentlytheTLLparam- 101 0.5 f 0.1 1 2 0 1 2 eter is ill-defined in the strict sense. Nevertheless, if the lo- ∆ ∆ calizationlengthsignificantlyexceedsthelatticeconstant,the 1 AtVM short-range correlation functions should still show a power- 4 10 lawdecay. Thereforewe mightgainsomevaluableinforma- tionaboutthelocalmotionoffermionsfromK∗. 0.8 ρ Figure2demonstratesthatthefinite-sizescalingoftheav- ξ K*ρ 3 eragedchargestructurefactorC˜ (q)bymeansof(4)works 10 av 0.6 tothebestandequallywellforthe1DAEMandAtVM(this (f) appliestoallparametervaluesdiscussedbelow). Toaccomo- 2 (e) 10 datethemissingcorrelationsowingtotheOBC,wehaveplot- 0.4 tedC˜ (q)asafunctionof1/(L−δ)insteadof1/L(thisway 0.1 1 2 0 1 2 av ∆/t ∆/t ofplottingthedataisnonessentialbutgivesaquantitativere- f f finementofthefit). Theparameterδ isadjustedtoreproduce FIG.3. (Coloronline)Leftpanels: Log-logplotofthelocalization K∗ = K and ξ = ∞ at ∆ = 0. We note the generalten- ρ ρ length versus disorder strength for the AEM at fixed λ = 0.1 (a), dency that the charge correlations arising at finite L will be fixedω = 2.5(c),andfortheAtVM(e). Dashedlinesarefitsto 0 suppressedthemorethelarger∆. Eq. (5) with: (a) ξ = 620, 98, 50 and γ = 1.75, 1.65, 1.22 for 0 Ina nextstep, we extractthelocalizationlengthξ andthe λ = 1, 0.2,0.1; (c)ξ0 = 500, 65, 40andγ = 1.81, 1.35,1.1for modifiedTLLparameterforthedisorderedEdwardsandt-V ω0 = 1,2,3;(e)ξ0 = 440,350,230,190,150andγ = 1.95,1.5, models. Figure3 showsthe dependenceof ξ andK∗ on the 1.3, 1.1, 0.95 for V/tf = 0, 0.5, 1. 1.5, 2 (from top to bottom), ρ respectively. Right panels: Corresponding results for the modified disorderstrength∆. Firstofall,wefindapowerlawdecayof TLLparameterK∗intheAEM[(b),(d)],andAtVM(f). ξwith1/∆inthewhole(λ,ω ;V)parameterregime: ρ 0 ξ/ξ =∆−γ (5) 0 Theright-handpanelsdisplaystrikingdifferencesinthe∆- [notethat∆isgiveninunitsoft (t )inFig.3fortheAEM dependenceofK∗forthemodelsunderconsideration.These b f ρ (AtVM)].Theestimatedvaluesofthe(bare)decaylengthξ can be attributed to the fact, that the Edwards model con- 0 andtheexponentγ aregiveninthecaptionofFig.3forchar- tainstwoenergyscalesλandω whilethephysicsofthet-V 0 acteristic model parameters. As expected, the localization model is merely governed by the ratio V/t = t /2λ, i.e,. f b length decreases with increasing disorder strength. Stronger ω dropsout. Far away from the CDW instability, however, 0 electroniccorrelations,i.e,smallerλorlargerω0(largerV)in bothmodelsdescribeaweaklycorrelatedTLLwithKρ <∼ 1 theAEM(AtVM),alsotendtoreduceξ. Inanycase,ξ turns andK∗slowlydecaysasthedisorder∆increases(seethered ρ outtobefiniteassoonas∆>0,indicatingthattherepulsive opentrianglesinFig.3;tomakethecomparisonwiththet-V TLL,ifrealizedfor∆=0,makeswayforanAndersoninsu- model data easy, we have shown K∗ versus ∆/t in the in- ρ f lator.Therebythelocalizationlengthbecomescomparablethe sets). IfwemovetowardstheCDWinstabilitybydecreasing latticespacingat∆=2intheAEMwithλ=0.1,ω =2.5, λat fixedω > ω or increaseω atλ < λ (cf. Fig. 1) a 0 0 0,c 0 c whileitisstillabout102fortheAtVMwithV/t =2. non-monotonousbehavior develops. At small ∆, K∗ is sig- f ρ 4 103 2 renormalizationequation: d(∆2)/dl = (3−2Kρ)∆2 (with AtVM ξ0 1.8 scalequantityl). Thiscausesthescalingrelation[37,39,40] 1020 1 2 1.6 γ =2/(3−2K ). (6) 104 V/tf γ1.4 ρ γ/tf AEM 1.2 TherightpanelofFig.4displaysthatγ basicallydependson ξ0103 1 Kρ as predicted by Eq. (6). This means that the long-range localization propertiesof the AEM can be understoodin the 0 1 2 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 Veff/tf Kρ frameworkofAtVMwithaneffectiveintersiteinteractionin- ducedbythebosonicdegreesoffreedom.Sincethe(effective) FIG.4. (Coloronline)Leftpanels: Decaylengthξ0asafunctionof CoulombrepulsiontendsinresulttoalesserKρ,γ decreases the(effective)CoulombrepulsionV(eff) fortheAtVMandAEM. with increasing V(eff) (cf. Fig. 4). In this way Anderson Rightpanel:Correspondingγ-exponentvs.Kρ,incomparisontothe localizationissuppressedbythe2k -CDWfluctuationstrig- scalingrelation(6)(dashedline).Forfurtherexplanationseetext. F gered by V, which on their part also lead to charge carrier immobilization however. While γ = 2 in the free-fermion limit(V, 1/λ → 0), it scalesto unityapproachingthe CDW nificantlyenhancedasthedisorderincreases.Obviouslyweak transitionpoint, located, e.g., atλ ≃ 0.07forω = 2.5 re- disorderdestabilizesthe2k -CDWcorrelationslocally,since c 0 F spectivelyatω ≃3.1forλ=0.1. disorder-induced second- (and higher-) order boson-assisted 0,c The question how disorder affects the insulating CDW (inelastic) hopping processes are possible in the AEM, even state could not be addressed by the above TLL-based scal- forω ≫ 1. ThisinsharpcontrasttotheAtVM,whereonly 0 ing approach. Here, increasingthe strength∆ of disorder, a elasticscatteringtakesplaceandtheintersiteCoulombrepul- crossoverisexpectedfromtheCDW-regimedominatedbythe sionishardlyaffectedby∆. Asaresult,inthedisorderedt-V scaleofthesingle-particle(charge)gap∆ (∆ = 0)[31] to modeltheCDWcorrelationswillbestrongerandmorerobust. c1 Hence, for the AtVM, K∗ appearsto be nearly independent theAnderson-regime,where∆≫∆c1.Intheformercasethe ρ from∆ for0.5 <∼ V/tf <∼ 2. Thisalso notablydiffersfrom CDWsurvivesmoderatedisorder(asexperimentallyobserved fordisorderedPeierls-Mottinsulators[10]),inthelattercase the behavior found for the disordered Hubbard model [26], a pseudogapscale maydevelopasinthe stronglydisordered where the umklapp scattering is effectively enhanced by the Hubbardmodel[23]. Figure5, showingthespatialvariation formationofMottplateausappearingduetodisorder[38]. If ∆exceedsacertainvalueintheAEM,K∗ startstodecrease of the local fermion/boson densities for a specific but typi- ρ caldisorderrealization(notethatanyrealexperimentisper- and finally the whole scaling procedure breaks down when ξ >∼1(seethepointat∆=2intheupperrightpanelwithKρ∗ finosrimdeedthoenCaDpWartpichualsaer(sλam−1pl=e),1i0ll0u,stωra−te1s=the0.s4i;tucaft.ioFnigd.e1e)p. wellbelow0.5). Inthisregimethewavefunctionsofthepar- 0 One realizes thatlong-rangechargeorderceases to exist but ticlesarestronglylocalizedandtheTLL-behaviorisasmuch short-range CDW correlations may locally persist whenever suppressedastheCDWcorrelations. Letuspointoutthatthe enhancementofK∗ triggeredbythebosonicdegreesoffree- neighboringonsite potentials will differ not much (see, e.g., ρ theregioni=45...55inthelowerpanelofFig.5). dommightserveasaexplanationfortheobservedincreasing chargevelocitynearanegativelychargeddefectinthesingle- To summarize, using an unbiased numerical DMRG ap- wall carbon nanotubes [11], since the TLL parameter K is proach,forthefirsttimeweinvestigatedtheinterplayofdisor- ρ proportionaltothechargevelocity. derandinteractioneffectsincludingbosonicdegreesoffree- We now focus on the localization behavior at large dis- domintheframeworkofthe1DspinlessfermionAnderson- tances [O(ξ ≫ 1)], and therefore made an attempt to an- Edwards model. Although the TLL phase disappears owing alyze the decay length ξ and the exponent γ, for both the tothedisorder,thelocalizationpropertiesoftheAndersonin- 0 AEM and AtVM, in terms of the interaction exponent K sulator state can be understood in terms of scaling relations ρ andthechargesusceptibilityχ ofstandardTLLtheory[37]. containing the charge susceptibility and the Luttinger liquid c Weexpectthatξ isstronglyinfluencedbythestrengthofthe parameterofthemetallicphasewithoutdisorderonly,asinthe 0 chargefluctuationsquantifiedbyχ , whichisgiven—forthe caseofthespinlessfermionAnderson-t-V model. However, c the Anderson-Edwardsmodel reveals a more complex inter- t-V model—asχ = 2Kρ = 4 π −1 withchargeveloccityvπ.vcFigurπeq41s−h(o2Vwtfs)2th(cid:20)aatrcξcosn(−ic2eVtlfy)scale(cid:21)s rdeiltaiotinoanlsbceatwtteereinngdicshoarndneerlasn,dinvCoDlvWingcobroresloantiiocnesxbcietcaatiuosneaandd- c 0 withV/t , i.e., ξ ∝ χ infact(seeupperpanel). Thesame annihilationprocesses, appear. 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