FUNDAMENTALS OF AERODYNAMICS _Motnay-HBM Series in Aeronautica and Asruspote Figinesring Job Anderson Ital ‘Comulting Utor shots of Mors anon atin fret enn ttc ant Bt PER Meine FUNDAMENTALS OF AERODYNAMICS John D. Andersor Cuntor ef Aen Prison Eerie, i of Starsaral ‘ef “ar? ono ‘McGraw-Tiill Higher Education 9 Laer seat lea! Lasasstogqnrueraanessex219 ABOUT THE AUTHOR etn D, Anderson Jee nin lersaster PeorseaninsanGitahe 83 He ‘Motdathe Cele of ud, gralutiyi 150 xh high iene hachler Dtawmnmy ad eagiateng dete Fan 195) wy 142, he eas cous al ik Sciortino vapor Remar aetore ae WagblPmersoa Air tte Bs. Fn 1D 1s 1, he qe Oh se Uses ander til Scene Tourdatiw amd RASA lel oehge, grace ah a PD, erotic ad onal ence. IAG, wood whe US, Daal Onda Laban a Chet oftie type Group. In 1973, be Rees Chaser ofthe Dspermeut Dt Amma Fngirny a e Liver of Blayan id sits 1IS hs b pronscr enone yi ring ne Unies of Meranda S24 a8 Aleignata w Disenyiced Sctateachor ay ho Letras. Duchy 186 198, ‘ile hated “ows She Verve, De Arcane asupand Fp Chars 1 sengh Chita ce Naor ital $c Wace sen a Senn rcs he ouch th air ad pce Msc ons dates 22436 ther Spell Asse noo Asani. doy eva and eg Be story eccrine. ‘yhlingn to hips ae leone acospaun caging n (903, are nde Ftc y member: the Cormeties Toro Baty ad Pilocepay al eaves Sn 10h ana tae beef e eny Damrte ths rie) Senta Te 1 he reser Glee fan Ding. Professor oer In Serespa bngnicring, Fr 1900, Porn mane Lawes Mela 9 5 qpoinel Poskssor Een, lis meaL De Carter Amidensmce le ‘ito saad Space Meson, Senhora Lin, Dp Anionic baz pblisted sight books Casa\manic Farert: An Prose Line, Auclemie ross 1926) lat Mer, Pattee MC, TRL LPR orn Compre ow RS, WE} Faas me drains 198, HAD. Herat sod Migs Yompene ite Desay SUI8D. Gomataione’ Fi Aeminaets Th Basen ih Aplingts "AMS Batt Pe ince! Design| 19 sa Bieber ned keaton Fg Mine, Cage Unisrsity ss 1007 hardback 200 pope, Hesche sat ef over [25 pages oabtive gasdpaaries. 2727 wether, fessoncnie sa cemiet fourssomplira aid ey, pp ary Jes Ayjoteanie Ave and atone of eas, Dy, uderin ny dnsersi Ha ie a Fel ol the American natu of Acconci a: Arona es ISIAAY Usp len a fellow a ths Rog Senet Sooty, ied Te aren oye Hea H, Sige Tan, Ph Kapp Py bi. Sir, The Ane fou he Here lermolips. Ir 15h gia weal Vic Prat he AINA, feu Era mR. ee sae te nn Ua A wed A ye te een See fn Paavo Hew Hae Acie sah Aztonauies ant Astranaics “forthe Lt noes oh econ exnhations| tp astospuceengincurng sarin.” I 1995, bo was aware he ALAA Penny Ansan Livre want “Toe welny unwed pra lextNoc in repack enpimetiny,vch ceeense une cei er Ue eb rm ln ol previ aching bike vinden.” Ly 19%, he 6a eet Mo Pisin “he SL fv blaine ely Ween Pmt By AINA Siti 2000 van Krai Lecheship in Sarai, hy 1947 athe pape Dr, Amerao Fys toen he cium wm th MeGtan-HIL Serie ny Savoia ae Altona! gion Dedicated ty Fanats Sarah Sten, Kadherine and EBzabth CONTENTS Ponce tothe Fea Ei Freanasienrar Prine hooter AznoueNanacs: SoM Ixteonucrory THoucats 3 1. Tupetae of Acnpaiss, Hons Trataples 3 12. Atrinas, Choon nl Pate Onesies Te 18 Rot Mp The Cher Va Som: Fume al ernie Saab 13 Aeralrma Joneevamd Monette 15 U6 Conrad Pressure 26 LP inoue Ange The Buckiogtam 2 Troon 30 Ls Tow Sicaacis 7% 19 Paid Stree: Rusjancs Pace $f LIST Cots wean se Melee LLL Appin Aetousnants: The Aster ‘Ceotuceals—Tacir Magna ard Sains 60 te 1 eon Nob, Ths Mees Coser Enero 7 117 thsteriea Bue, Acoxoane Grates 7 Lis Seren 7 Provisan #4 Cheptee 2 ABRODYNAMICS: SOME FuNnawentat, PRINCIPLES AND Kgvarions 88 25 Intscnaie al Resa Map 88 22 cen af Yee a eaione SONS cra Ae. BE 23) Mel ho Hid: Cate Yee a BAL Fei Conre slams age “a 24 Cootinuiy Byation 10, 2S AMemcuta again 112 33 Cacti equation ty Tota 215 An andicabon othe Mover Paotew ingen lw: Lane's Paetion 7h Diag ufa ToeDinisionl Bo 116 Tha any tounge 28 22 Energy Equation. 125 88 Instin Sunway 210 28 Ie Suraoary 131 59 “lu fam Fine Ou Fist Renovary 24. Subseumaal Devine 12 How =n 2.40) Pundarientl Equotons in Teneo he 320. 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