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Ancient Society and Institutions Studies presented to VICTOR EHRENBERG on his 75th birthday BARNES & NOBLE NEW YORK 1967 © Basil Blackwell 1966 First published in the United States in 1967 by Barnes & Noble, Inc. New York, N.Y. Contents DEDICATION IX VITA x . BIBLIOGRAPHY OF VICTOR EHRENBERG Xl THE GOVERNMENT OF CLASSICAL SPARTA, by A. I Andrewes Fellow of New College, Oxford; Wykeham Professor of Ancient History, University of Oxford THE THIRD CYRENE EDICT OF AUGUSTUS, by Kathleen 21 M. T. Atkinson Professor of Ancient History, The Queen's University, Belfast ALEXANDER THE GREAT AND THE GREEKS OF ASIA, 37 by E. Badian Professor of Ancient History, University of Leeds ATHENIAN SETTLEMENTS ABROAD IN THE FIFTH 71 CENTURY B.C., by P.A. Brunt Fellow of Oriel College, Oxford AESCHYLUS AND ATHENIAN POLITICS, 472-456 B.C., 93 by J. A. Davison Professor of Greek Language and Literature, University of Leeds THE ESTATE OF PHAENIPPUS (Ps.-Dem. xlii), by G. E. M. 109 de Ste Croix Fellow of New College, Oxford v Contents ISEGORIA IN THE ASSEMBLY AT ATHENS, by G. T. 115 Griffith Fellow of Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge; Laurence Reader in Classics, University of Cambridge THE SOLONIAN 'CRISIS', by R. J. Hopper 139 Professor of Ancient History, University of Sheffield TROY VIII AND THE LOKRIAN MAIDENS, by G. L. 147 Huxley of Professor Greek, The Queen's University, Belfast THE LYCURGAN RHETRA, by A. H. M. Jones Fellow of Jesus College, Cambridge; Professor of Ancient History, University of Cambridge AFTER THE PROFANATION OF THE MYSTERIES, by 177 David M. Lewis Student of Christ Church, O)fford PERICLEAN IMPERIALISM, l?y H. B. Mattingly 193 Reader in Ancient History, University of Nottingham TWO HALICARNASSIANS AND A LYDIAN, by H. H. 225 Scullard Professor of Ancient History, King's College, University of London THE ORIGIN OF THE DELIAN LEAGUE, by Raphael Sealey 233 Professor of Classics, State University of New Tork at Buffalo THE ANATOMY OF FORCE IN LATE REPUBLICAN 257 POLITICS, by R. E.·Smith Professor of Ancient History, University of Manchester VOTING PROCEDURE AT THE ELECTION OF 275 STRATEGOI, by E. S. Staveley Reader in Ancient History, Bedford College, University of London VI Contents THE 'RHIANOS-HYPOTHESIS', by H. T. Wade-Gery 289 Honorary Fellow of New College and Wadham College, Oxford; Wykeham Professor Emerittls of Ancient History, University of Oxford THE SPARTAN ANCESTRAL CONSTITUTION IN POLYBIUS, by F. W. Walbank Rathbone Professor of Ancient History and Classical Archaeology, University of Liuerpool Standard works of reference are abbreviated in the usual way. Periodicals are abbreviated according to the notation of L' Annee philologique, slightly adapted in some cases. Vil The Introduction to a volume of this kind should above all he short. If the scholar honoured needs a long introduction to the readers, then the volume ought not to have been published. Victor Ehrenberg certainly does not need one. Like a great Latin poet, he might claim to have three souls: a German and an English one, representing the two languages in which he writes with equal ease, and a Classical one, providing the content of ~is work . .Nor have they been kept in artificial isolation. The study of ideas, their history and their importance, which we may safely call the German ingredient, has been blended with English attention to concrete fact; and it is all pervaded by that humanitas-a human sympathy polished and re.fined by education-that (alas) was not, on the whole, characteristic of antiquity, hut that has become the tradition of the best of those who study it. How much specialists have profited by Ehrenberg' s works will he clear from this volume itself: there are few contributors wlw have not found occasion to refer to the stimulus received from Neugrunder des Staates, Alexander and the Greeks, or the volumes on Classical Athens. That this interest in his work is not corifi,ned to specialists is clear from the translations and paper back editions listed in the Bibliography. The contributors to this volume therefore speak for a very large public in expressing the hope, on Victor Ehrenherg's 75th birthday, that he will have many years yet in which to instruct and delight us with his writings. E. B. IX Vita Born 22nd November, 1891 at Altona (Germany) Naturalized British Subject, 1947 Studied: Architecture (Stuttgart 1911-12) Classics (Gottingen 1912-14; Berlin 1914; Tiibingen 1919-20) Dr. phil. 1920 1922 Privatdozent, University of Frankfurt 1928 Nichtbeamteter auBerordentlicher Professor, University of Frankfurt 1929-39 Professor of Ancient History, German University, Prague 1939 Emigrated to England (Grant by Society for the Protection of Science and Learning) Visiting Lecturer, University College, Dublin Classics Master, Carlisle Grammar School Lecturer in Ancient History and Greek, King's College, Newcastle upon Tyne Senior Classics Master, Bootham School, York Lecturer, then Reader, in Ancient History, Bedford College, University of London Professor Emeritus, former German University of Prague Visiting Professor, Brandeis University, Waltham, Mass. Corresponding member of Heidelberger Akademie der Wissenschaften Secretary, Third International Congress of Classical Studies, London Gold medal PRO MERITIS of University of Graz Visitor at Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, N.J. Charles B. Martin Lecturer, Oberlin College, Ohio 1966 Honorary Litt.D. (Cambridge) Joint founder and joint editor of Historia Joint founder of London Classical Society x Bibliography of Victor Ehrenberg N.B.-This is a shortened list, omitting book reviews and obituaries. A full list, up to 1961, was published in 1962.1 1920 I. Zu Herodot. Klio, xvi, 318-31. 1921 2. Die Rechtsidee imfriihen Griechentum. S. Hirzel, Leipzig, xv, 150 pp. 1922 3. Die Urkunden von 411. Hermes, lvii, 613-20. 1923 4. Vom Sinn der griechischen Geschichte. HZ, cxxvii, 377-92. 5. Anfange des griechischen Naturrechts. AGP, xxxv, 119-43. 1924 6. Kleisthenes und das Archontat. Klio, xix, 106-10. 7. Spartiaten und Lakedaimonier. Hermes, lix, 23-72. 8. Monumentum Antiochenum. Klio, xix, 189-213. 1925 9. Neugriinder des Staates. C. H. Beck, Munich, x, 134 pp. 1926 10. Alexander und Agypten. Beihefte zum Alten Orient, vii, 59 pp. 1927 11. Karthago. Ein Versuch weltgeschichtlicher Einordnung. Morgen/and, Heft xiv, 48 pp. 12. Asteropos. Philo/. Wochenschr., xlvii, 27-g. 13. Der Gesetzgeber von Sparta. Epirymbion Swoboda, 19-28. 14. Griechisches Land und griechischer Staat. Die Antike, m, 304-25 (see No. 34). I. A List of the Writings of Victor Ehrenberg. London, I 962. XI !Jibliography r929 15. Vom Beginn der Geschichte Europas. Taussig und Taussig, Prague, 23 pp. (see No. 34). 16. Zurn zweiten attischen Bund. Hermes, lxiv, 322-38. 1930 17. Zur Verfassungsurkunde von Kyrene. Hermes, lxv, 332-55. 18. Eunomia. Charisteria A. Rzach, 16-29 (see No. 34). 1931 19. Pausanias und Themistokles. Perikles. Menschen, die Geschichte machten: Viertausend Jahre Weltgeschichte in Zeit- und Lebensbildern (ed. P. R. Rohden and G. Ostrogorsky), i, 51 ff., 61 ff. 20. Athenischer Hymnus auf Demetrios Poliorketes. Die Antikc, vii, 279-g7 (see No. 34). 1932 21. Der griechische und der hellenistische Staat. Gercke-Norden, Einl. in die Altertumswiss., iii, 3, 104 pp. 1933 22. Der Damas im archaischen Sparta. Hermes, lxviii, 288-305. 23. Die Opfer Alexanders an der lndusmiindung. Festschrift M. Winternitz, 287-g7. 1935 24. Ost und West. Rohrer, Brunn, xii, 235 pp. 1937 25. When did the Palis rise? JHS, lvii, 147-59. 1938 26. Alexander and the Greeks. Blackwell, Oxford, vii, r 1 o pp. 27. Ofella di Cirene. RFIC, lxvi, r44-51. 28. Aristophanes und die Probleme der Sozial- und Wirtschaftsgeschichte. Ville Congres internal. des sciences hist., i, 152-4. 1939 29. Zur alteren athenischen Kolonisation. Eunomia, i, I 1-32 (see No. 34). 1943 30. The People of Aristophanes. Blackwell, Oxford, xii, 320 pp. 31. Tragic Heracles. DU], 35, 51-62 (see No. 34). 32. An Early Source of Polis Constitution. CQ, xxxvii, 14-18. .. Xll

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