ANCIENT EGYPTIAN LITERATURE Volume I: The Old and Middle Kingdoms MIRIAM LICHTHEIM Contents Chronological Table xii Abbreviations and Symbols xiv Introduction Literary Genres and Literary Styles 3 PART ONE: The Old Kingdom I. Monumental Inscriptions from Private Tombs IS Inscriptions of Princess Ni-sedjer-kai 15 Inscription of Hetep-her-akhet 16 Inscription of Nefer-seshem-re called Sheshi 17 Stela of Ni-hebsed-Pepi from Naqada 17 The Autobiography of Weni 18 The Autobiography of Harkhuf 23 II. A Royal Decree 28 Charter of King Pepi I for the Chapel of his mother 28 III. From the Pyramid Texts 29 Unas Pyramid Texts: Utterances 217, 239, 245, 253, 263, 270,273-274,304,309,317 30 Teti Pyramid Texts: Utterances 337, 350, 373, 4Oz, 403, 406,407 40 Pepi I Pyramid Texts: Utterances 432, 440, 442, 4f6, 454. +86. 517. 573 44 IV. A Theological Treatise 51 "The Memphite Theology" 5] V. Didactic Literature S8 The Instruction of Prince Hardjedef 58 The Instruction Addressed to Kagemni 59 The Instruction of Ptahhotep 6] is x CONTENTS PART TWO: The Transition to the Middle Kingdom I. Monumental Inscriptions from Private Tombs 83 Stela of Count Indi of This 84 The First Part of the Autobiography of Ankhtifi 85 Stela of the Butler Merer of Edfu 87 Stela of the Treasurer Iti of Imyotru 88 Stela of the Steward Seneni of Coptus 8g Stela of the Soldier Qedes from Gebelein 90 Stela of the Treasurer Tjetji 90 II. The Prayers of a Theban King 94 A Stela of King Wahankh Intef II 94 III. The Testament of a Heracleopolitan King 97 The Instruction Addressed to King Merikare 97 PART THREE: The Middle Kingdom I. Monumental Inscriptions 113 Rock Stela of Mentuhotep IV 113 Building Inscription of Sesostris I 115 Boundary Stela of Sesostris III 118 Stela of Intef Son of Sent 120 Stela of Ikhernofret 123 Stela of Sehetep-ib-re 125 Stela of Horemkhauf 129 II. A Spell from the Coffin Texts 131 CT Il30 and 1031 131 III. Didactic Literature 134 The Instruction of King Amenemhet I for His Son Sesostris I 135 The Prophecies of Neferti 139 The Complaints of Khakheperre-sonb 145 The Admonitions of Ipuwer 149 The Dispute between a Man and His Ba 163 The Eloquent Peasant 169 The Satire of the Trades 184 IV. Songs and Hymns 193 Three Harpers' Songs 193 CONTENTS xi A Cycle of Hymns to King Sesostris III 198 A Hymn to the Red Crown 201 A Hymn to Osiris and a Hymn to Min 202 The Hymn to Hapy 204 V. Prose Tales 211 The Tale of the Shipwrecked Sailor 211 Three Tales of Wonder 215 The Story of Sinuhe 222 Indexes 237 I. Divinities 239 II. Kings and Queens 240 III. Personal Names 241 IV. Geographical and Ethnical Tenns 242 V. Egyptian Words 243 VI. Some Major Concepts 245 Chronological Table The Archaic Period: Dynasties 1-2 ca. 3000-2650 B.C. The Old Kingdom: Dynasties 3-8 ca. 265°-2135 Third Dynasty ca. 265°-2600 Djoser Huni Fourth Dynasty ca. 2600-2450 Snefru Khufu Fifth Dynasty ca. 245°-2300 Userkaf Sahure Neferirkare Isesi Unas Sixth Dynasty ca. 2300-21 So Teti Merire Pepi I Mernere Neferkare Pepi II SeventhfEighth Dynasty ca. 215°-2135 The Transition to the Middle Kingdom ca. 2135-2040 Ninth/Tenth Dynasty (Heracleopolitan) Khety (several kings of that name) Merikare Eleventh Dynasty (Theban), first half Wahankh Intef II Nekht-neb-tep-nefer Intef III Nebhepetre Mentuhotep II The Middle Kingdom: Dynasties 11-14 ca. 2040-1650 Eleventh Dynasty, second half Nebtawyre Mentuhotep IV xii CHRONOLOGICAL TABLE xiii Twelfth Dynasty Sehetepibre Amenemhet I Kheperkare Sesostris I Khakheperre Sesostris II Khakaure Sesostris III Nimaatre Amenemhet III The Hyksos Period: Dynasties 15-17 ca. 1650-1550 The New Kingdom: Dynasties 18-20 ca. 1550-1080 Eighteenth Dynasty ca. 1550-1305 Nineteenth and Twentieth Dynasties ca. 1305-1080 (Ramesside) The Late Period: Dynasties 21-31 1080-332 The Ptolemaic Period 323-30 The Roman Period 30 B.C.-A.D. 395 Note: Only kings mentioned in the texts have been listed here. .. 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