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Preview Ancient Christian Commentary on Scripture, New Testament II: Mark (Vol 2)

AI -lciE.1Jl eft ~i STI/I:!-l Co M f"I£N ~R.'r 0 f.I Sc~ PT\.I.t.€ Now Te~'b:",~ It MARK t.i,i," ~t l101t\Q$ C. Ok", ~ Q,ri~to~t.{'" A: H .. /I Gt--l 5lrlr>r '"tlIoMas C. Oh~ (IItt .... V«r~;t~ fr~'! Dowllu-! Golt. l\li"ol~ i1~& • ..ANCIENT C HRI STIAN COMMENTARY ON S C RIPTURE "Comp"'~d. in the ..y le <>1 the grut mfdi.v~1 ,a""~,, this ne"" .n'h<>l~ ef pa"i>tic comm.ntary on Holy Scripture• •o nvenienely arranged by dUp'er an.! . ...., willl>< ~ valuable 'elource for ptay. .. • tudy and pcodam.adon. flyeall,ng New TEST .. MENT .".nrio" ro rhe rkh Ch,'"i." heri,.ge p reced.ing rh ...p ar.ticn.I><" .... n Ea .. ~n(t W .. , and botw«n Pro,."~"t .n.:! Ca,holi • . rhi •• ede. wil petform . nu';':'r II .." "ice ,o .he cau •• of ttu"",niim.· AVERY Dl!L LBS, 5.]. L~w .. " <t J. M eGinl" Prof.uPr of Rd i: ;on ,,"<I So,iet, Ford!. .. ", U.;v.,. ilJ MARK "Th. Scrip ture. have be.n ,Old with 10 .. and . ",,,, io,, for "ea rly tWC thou ••" d yurS . • nd lin.ning '" the ~ok. ofbelievo .. from p...,viow .en,uri• • of'<'" u. '0 unapcc. .d in.ight and de.p<ned ruth. ThM.: who .tudied Scripture in ,he u""' ries doses,.o its writing. rh. <enturies duri"g and following f'<r ..c u ,ion IlIId • martyrdom. 'P'''"' with p' «"ul. . . uthori ty. T he Anden, Chri.,ion Commo:n.aty on Scrip.u re will bring '0 life th" tr",h .tu , we.re in.isibly IUHounded E D I TED BY by a 'g=' do-udor wi<nu,,,:· FIlJ!D BIlIC" M .. T HIIWU · G IlIIIIN THOMAS C. OOEN 8< Co,'". . ... t4lor, N~lio" .. 1 PMhli< R .. ,Ii. CHRISTOPHER A. HALL "For mo. . who m ink m.t church hi>toty began :u-o"nd 1941 wh~n th~ir p. .. tor w:u born. ,hil Comment><y wiU I>< a gr. . , .u'pti". Christianl throughout th~ «n,uti. . have ,~ad th. . bibli<:al . ". t ~nd ,. ." ..... rheir Ipi, i,. with it and then applic:d it.o their GEN E R.AL EDITOR live •. Th~mmmen ..... rie. rd!«• •h at m~ wim. ... of'h" Ho!y Spirit wu pte• •n t in hi. chu rch threughout the cen""i• •. All r~.u!,. we can profir by .Ilowing ' he TH O MAS C. QOEN ~""i.n , Chri.,ia", to of'<U to UI today." H .. D D<)N Ro9'''IION H ~rolJ Joh" a,h":,, Di./i" t u;.h,d Pr~f,u. r pf Preaching G. rJ °n 'C °n ... <I! Th e. l" gic ~1 5,,., in .. r] "AI! who Ire inc.,.ned in the in'.'Pr~t ..i "n of the Bi bl. will welcome .h , forthcoming mullivolumc •• ri ... Ancient Chri. . ian Commen tary on Scrip,,,re. He •• ,he in.igh. . ofICore, of early church fathe .. will ~ a ..= bled .nd mad. readily available for .ignificant p'''"ge. throughout ,he Bible and rh" Apocrypru.. Ir iI h.rd to .l\i,,1< of . mOte wo rm y ",umeo ieo.! p,ej«t to bo undertaken by the pu blish«." S"UCB M . MBT"Z<l11l ProJ" Htr of New T ~". "'UI . E ..... i.M. Pr;" r ... " T&<oI.fi~al S.",i"ary ! n!~r\"o"it\" Pr"," o.,""e'" G[()~e lJIine;; ANCI ENT C H R IST I A N CO MMENT A RY PR OJ E CT R E S E A R C H TEA M ~;;:i;:~~",c.. ... IL.om ",-",~",. .......... ..,...,. ...- £.-,;10 .....' '7''''""- G e N fi ~ ALE D I T D ~ OI,.,.~tbt l'~""'ofa..'K.oIClri_s...I",{=~ n.. .... c.a...-4cw.,.,......t.H.04. ThamuC. Oden AI.;p,,,,,",,i.~"P«<.jau_,",,,W''''''''''''',J''',,,,,,,,,,_,w ..' '',,,,,,~_,''''' '" '''V'''''', I'<1 .. A ss DC ' A T ~ Eo I T D R Ch.iocophuA . I·h ll RIS l .tRCH D IR ~CTOR 10<$<",.." .,..,..""'''''' " .._ ,.I ........... ,r.- ... Rn ... Sl ........ V",_<j .... I.W. . .."...,.,. .. '_'''1.""., ... " ...... 0/0.-;"",. &l. . ]otlSu "Jrtll ,_<j. .. --...o..o<dof ... O", ..... <jOwlot ..... U. ... S'..,'<jA" ......... _..w.],... ......... Ag,;t!>t''' .. ..-.4. n..j.-._ ... ...-. .... <j,......,~_,.,..,... .. ,.,.jMtM"'.,_ ..., ....,.. ...... _ ........ ...J_,..'" ...... E DITORI. L S!RYJ<:l $ DIRiCTDR re s.Io<tM''''''P''f-on..-.<j*a...Jo.,.-..~CI'''', UO<J.,,..........<jC.''''''''U., ....' 'l".,_.Pn... S ....... Ki,,< . FCF~ $<I«<<OI,_fro .. f .." 'G;..,.I'<oII. ...... R..........,n..F. ... ~O, ....... .,(G<<t:><TN."........!.""" .,..I _ • .,., F. ....... "'. I<""'- ...... t;,."lW_ ... .''''""''' ",_"c.,,..,., 0 ' '''. U""Tl"""i,,'" <jf..J. 8..:1. T ~ A" S L . T I 0" Eo I TO It 1<00 5<1""';,,,,'1"'''' '' 11<4<,", v_.Ho. H ...; r' .... d"G",!,<~_ l_"", n·. .. , .... ."."", T_" '.~, . ..... p.. .. H.,"O.$~. Cor",,", Cl .., . U"'., P""''''''' <fCi"",,,, J>.bI~,,"". iF I sM".;''"'?''fr, ·. . J. .. ,. ., ,..; .~'hc F",.,• • Y. .. "" E. .. 1".1<11.0, ,,,,. .. Co>p)"' ..... C ,'I!IJ 1'""Ci'J Pr,u. A.""". . ",."""~ .. <(loO ... Ci<] GR ADU ATE R~S~A~CH A SS I S TANTS ,.,"'>1, .. ,.,.. .......... " Vi"'tnIBacolr Ptl" Gil"trl ) cU.I~:~s·.-)'EOO,..,.• •'. . .!. co.f._._S.i., ...".." 5To_n·'.-<D.o.<.1.c.:...p.,..-r.-O,"I. ".~J ;.U,. .h.T ",,. ...,... ,D.;o,.",oo/FCaJ.4..-,.,I,uS'.".'."..l,'.SJ ,.. ....... '- IS109. T,. .~ ..j ol. S~''"t]w Bgi,~ F,<IIIJtGipson tCC' StIut.-oI~r-Eutp-O<ri., ... f ........ w."1ofOorio< ... a.-.'. tLC]nIC.~c.,.,.;pOIH.l.U. .. ~ Ed"'4rdBI4i" Mi,h4dGluwp ,.....:.-<j"''''~JM>o'''''''-.. Bri,,~ 8r~w!r P4tri,i"r,d~nd LCCJ .w..'d<>='7"fro. . ~of .... t,.,.,f.d. ..d ..." ""ofQ~_ ... CIo,,,,,J.f. . EJ_dH.n1J.c.,,,.,...OIJ~.U,,H, ............ Thom~j Bw,han ''If.nKuJt~sl~grr <fW"'''' '''''''J'''''''''~ Pr"" ]iIIB"'"tII LCC.SM".''"''F''''''.C" ilofJc''''. .... ''oN. ....i wof Em .... L' ..., ,]<fO'-;.,; •• c .." "," f ol. Wii". . T' iI<'.c.p,,ij<C I95 5.U,,' ., M •• s".ng L. Che ; Th oma, Maurc 7""''''~.'J",,,, .. '''''''''''''K ... P,,,,, ~.:.~';.;:..,""_n.s..nJ.qs.. ..... ,of .... G, ... F. ...., ... _T". .. "..J .... "'_ • . T. .' c.".;,rr.Ol_U".",... .. .,; .. o/ JotlElowsky Mi<!' .... IMonOJ ).ffrqF;n,h KQlh?"Riu Ko"S/""c ;n G, ... il~i" W~.lq Ti"k I$W<I-IJOJ.l ..' " Bu"i~ V .. " D~ W<L/It ......... 1o .wU. .... s. .... of~ -. Ell Ubr''I'oI"Coo" ... C.. """,,,,.,,,.,,W,, ..... O,,. "' .... /,ji., • .,n.-" c. OJ'" "a.o!"",.....A,H.<l COM P UTRR &- TE C H N I CAL SL' P PO RT T"'~ ... 2)""--{A""""c;.""'" ,'''''''''"'''1'''' Si,'F''''-''''''' Mid,4.1Kipp" l..w".~~. . ",.,,,,,,, ... ,,, ..... l$atlQ.UOl-,. .1 ",r"""'''''',.,..) J.l'l.rWll<.It. N..T"' .T. ''M~ri----e-._ '_'.' .'..'. 1'l."'_ ."..,..,.. o-Hf"''"'"''"' 7.-... AUM !"'STA. r, v~ ASS'STANTS Eorl]""' ...... u.~,_I.O".~C.R ..... Rob~rl4Kiskrr =C"M~IJI~~ Collt~ " V.." O~ W4!!~ 2U.J'077'09-"j, vii CONTEN T S GENERAL I N T RO DU CTION ····· • xi A G UID E T O US I NG THIS COMMENTARy······ ;'( iii AaBREVIATIONS.· · •• · xvii INTR OD UCTION T O MARK·· ·· · · xxi COMMENTARy ···· · · 1 Ap PE ND IX M ETH O D OF I NVE STI G AT I ON I NTO THE EARLY EXEGE S IS OF MARK· · ·· ·· 25 7 C HR O NOL OG ICAL LI ST OF PERSONS AN D W R I TI N G S ······ 261 A UiHORS/WRIT I NGS I N DE X ······ 26 3 SUBJ ECT I NDEX ' • •••• 264 S CRIP T U RE INDEX·· · ··· 274 i x GENBRAL I NTRODUC TI ON The Ancient Chri"ian Commcnt~ry on S'riptur~ h .... a.'I in goal th~ r~vitaliucion of Christian teachinf bas~d on clanic.l Ch,ist ian exegesis, 'he intensified smdy of Scripmre by l"y persons who wish to chink. with the early church .beUt .he canonical rex<. and .he uimuluion of Chri"i. . n historical. biblical. theological and pastoral s.:hobrs tow<lrd fi.mher inquiry intosniptural interpretation by anciem Christian writus. T he rime frame off ficsc documents spans seven cenrnciesof engcsis. from Ckment of Rome to John ofOam.ucw, from rhe endofrhe NewTut:uncnrera ro 1..0. 750, including d~ Veneubk Bede. Lay readers are ouking how they might study ucred u~rs under the inslfll('rion of Ihe gr~a[ minds of rhe anci~nt: church. This commentary has been incenrion:illy prepared for a general lay <ludienceofnonprofessionals who study the Bible regula rly and who eunc sdywishtohaveclassic Chdsdan observation on [he .., ~{ readily ava ilable 10 Ihem. The ,eoics is targeted co anyone who W<lQts rO reflect and meditate with che early ChllfCh about the plain sense. theological wisdom and moral muningofpauicu);"rScripwretextl. A comment:uy dedicated (0 allowing ancienr Chrinian exegcces to s~ak. for thent.Jelvc.s will refrain from the tempu[ion to r,x.atcendle» lyuponconumporary<:ririci$m. R,a.her. it will ,tand ready ro provide rutu.u resources from a distinguished history of exegesis which hu temained nuui\'Cly inacceuible nd shockingly disregarded during the w. century. We ,eel<; <0 r=ke ~v"ilable to our preunt-dayaudience.themulticultural.multilingual,transgen([ational oesourcesoftheeadyecu· menicaIChristian <radition. PreachingattheendofthefintmillenniumfccusedprimarilyonthetutofScriptu<cuunde,nood by che e~rlicr esteemed "adi[ion of Co mm. m, Largelyconv.rging on those wrirU$ that bcst reflected dassic Christian consen.ual thinking. Preaching at the end of the second millenniwn has revened that pattern. It has so forgot.en mOSt of these classic commenu that thty are vexing to find anywhere. much less in con.-.:nientform. and even when l<>C:Ited rheyare nften av.aibbk only in archaic edicion s and inadequate translations. The preached word in our time h» remained larg<:ly berdi: of p[eviouJl)' influential pann!ic iMpirarion.Re.:encschobtshiphassofocusedactentionuponpost·Enlightenmenthistoricaland.litcr.lry methodsthari.haslefi:thislonginglargdyunutendedand_=· '" Thissericsprovide.thepoutor. exegeu, studentandlayrcadcrwithconven;ent means to See what Arh;llusius or John Chrysonom a. the desert fHheu and mothers had to say a'oour a particular text for preaching, for study and for medintion. There is an emerging awarenCU among Calholic. Protcscam and Onhodox laity that vital bibJic;t.! pre.ching and spiritual formation needd• •p cr xi groundingbcyondthescopeof.hehio.oricoal·ni •• coalorienruiorutha,have gove rned biblical studies in Our day. A GUIDE TO USING TH I S COMMENTAR.Y Hence.his wo,k is direcled toward a much broader audience rh"n Ihe highly technica! and sp eci~lized Icholarly fidd of parris,k studi •• • The "udience iI not limited to .he univer$iry scholar concen trating on chestudyoflhe hi!loryofthe.nnsminion of the leXI Or ro rhose with highly focused Several furu r.,. have been iflcorpor;l.rcd irlro the design of thiscomm"",uy. T he following comment< philological interem in cumal morphology or hisrorical·criricaJ tuues. T hough th,,$C are nuei"l arc in rended to aSl isr reade rs irl making fu ll use ofrhl, vol"me. eon«rn. fOr.peciali ..., Chey He nOr the puamount intc re" ofrhil le ries. T hi. work is a Chrilt ian T almud. The Tilmud is" J"wish collection of rabb inic arguments and PcrkOpelor S"tip!ure CommenU On the Mishn"h, which epitomized rhe laws of the To ..h . Th" T almud originated in Thescriplural lCJ!.hubcendivickd in!op"rko?<,s. or pa..snges, u.suallysevera! vtrses in lengrh. Each "pproxi~cely .he u rn" period thu the panuti( wrlren were commenting On le>!!. of Ihe Chri.rian of the.e perkope5 i. given ~ heading which .ppears at Ihe beginning of rhe pcricope. For eumple. the rradirion.Christians from the larc pat risric age through.he med ievalperiodhaddocum" ntsanoalogous b"r one io -Mark 1:1·5, T he Beginning ofrhe Gospe l. - This heading is fo llowed by the Icriprur>.l to rhe Jewh Talmud:tnd ~·l idr:l.lh Oewish comment.:l.ies) availab!,,!o thcm in rhegl"u4"rdiM4ria and pa.ss~ge qUO!ed in Ihe Re vised S '~ndMd V t raion ( RSV) >.CrOSl the fu Uw idth of the page. T he Scrip!ure Carerla traditions. tWO forms of compiling cUraers of patristic exegesis. In Talmudic f".hiorl rhe sacrt d pa.nag~is provided for Ih~ convenience of reade rs, but it is >.1&0 intended to evoke r1~e mcdievalglo,," lexl ofO"l$. i.m Snipru.e W2S Ihus clarified ~nd interpr"ted by ,he du"c commerlta!OrS. orainaru.in which rhe ci tarioflS of the Fnhetl were arranged ao-ound the tu!ofScrip!ure. The Ancient C hri sti~n Commtm"ryonScr ipture h01.S venerable an!e(e.untsin medi"valexegesi~ ofbo.h eastern and w<:soern .ndil 'ons,:u well ;lll in Ihe Reformation tradition. It offers for the lirn o..~r";cw ofArgument time in th is (e rl'u ry !he url iest Christian commenrs arld reflectiofl' on the Old and New T e.o ramenrs Fo!Jowirlg eachpericopeof Markantexr is aove rvicwparagraph ofrhecOre argument.h>.r nuy be toamodernaudien(e. rn trin.icall)" an .cum.ni c~projeCl,rh i ls e ricsis des ignedro servePro! esr;l.nt, rr",ed rhroughrhe ancienlChri.s,iancommerluttorS. The formatofthiloverview will vary from volume Catholic and Orthodox lay. ~coroal and Khobrly audiences . !ovo!ume oflhisserics,depcending on therequiremen"oftht sp"tifi~bookofScrip rure. In cases where Greek, Latin. Srri.c and Cop.ic teUS have remained untranSlaled inlo lirlglish, The furlction of Ihe overview i, ro provide a b rief summary of all rhe COmment. to follow. It we provide new Inrula,ions. Wherever CUrrent English Ir;mslatioD$ arc ak=d.y well t endered, they .racks a rea.onably cohesive rhread of argumenl among palr"tic commerl!S, even [hough they are will be utilized. b",r if necenary rheir language will be broughr ~p ro da te. We seek to p re5erll fresh .urived from diverl-( so" rees and gerlerario ns. T hus the lum maries do not proceed chronolOgically o. dy namic equivalency uanslarions oflong'rleg!ecrcd IUls ",hichhisloricoally h;l. vebttn regarded as by verse sequencc. Rather thcy setk 10 rehears.c rhe overaU courseofrht paeristie Commenl on , ho, aurhorirarive modelsofbi blical imerpre<alion. peri~opce. Theu founclarional 10urcCS art finding chei t way into many publie libtarie san d inrothecore bookco lleclion,efmanypas rors arld layptr50n• . lt isouri",enrarld lhc p .. blisher"s commitment to We are not auumirlg ,hal the comm"nca,or. ,hemulvcs an ticipated Or expre'sed a formally received cohesive ...g umen., b" t ra ther rh>.t , he various arguments rend 10 Row in a pl .. ".ible, keep the whole series in print for many years to come. recogniublep.a rtcrn. Modernrudtts.url .husglimps<:aspccrsofeontirlu ity in .he Ro wofdiverlt ex~getical tradition •. Thomas C. Oden General Editor Topical Hcadinp Mark is a fas!.moving <U.rtarive. and thcreis an aburldancc of highly v aried patrisric commenr On each episode. For thil reasonwchanbrokenthe pcericope5 inloropicoalsectiorur htfrequenrlydividcve.~ into two or mOre paru. The section. in tUrn have top ical headings that 5ummari ~e the e'5(na of the parri"ic commenrary that fe llow •. This fca rure pTovides a bridge by which modern re...ders Can enler into the heart of the patristic Commen •. :Ki t xiii A G UIOE TO U SING TNISCoMMESTA "' Iden.ify'ns·hcP"u-'sticTu" ,on tnt ofc~<h rext un be further invenigated by rhe ;ntueSled re.der,3nd (6) the printed lexts .11' Following .he .0pic~1 heading of ~."h s((lion of commen' .he n~me of .h~ patri$ti~ ~omm(nUlOr i. fJr more up,n.;vc ~nddifficulllO find in a.ingle location, since roprovide rhem all in one p!". , given. A [.ansiation of rhe pa"i«ic ~o'nmcnt is then given, This i. immedi~tdy followed by the title rcqu;reIJtlexallenrrcsearch lib rary . of the patri . tic work ~nd ,hen the I"Km,,1 ,derence. A foot note number dire.:" readers [0 che nore. S"mc re~d.r~ will have better a"CSI. however, '" the Migne series Th~n to ~h e ""mpu,." at the bOHomofthe , ight -h. ndcolumn. In che foomote. we have give nthc Engli .hcditi.:.n(s) of'the d~tJbJ~'s. Tbey can find the G reek refercnce5 by fo llOWing rhe English or TlG p~ge or .eni,, ·, tex .. andf", where [he texts m~y be found in . unda rd edition. of the originab (a key to Ihe rd~ren,e. We nave h~nd·.euched the paper edition. of the Migne Pa rro logi~ Graec~ (PG) WhereH ' ~bbreviali on. is pr",vided on pages xvii·xix). needed ro lupplement TLG. If one wishes to lee where a particular teKt is found in the Mig :>< Pa«ologia Larina(PL),onecan find the the PL referenceby tracking it from eirherche English chapte, . Th., Tunsluions secnon or page refere tlces, or from .hedigi[al refercna in me Cercdoc, or by runn ing a search in (h,· W hu e Greek.. u tin and Syriae I(K[$ have remained untransb.oo into English. we provide new Ch~d"'Y(k Htaly Purologia l anna (Migne) database. Those who are nor prepared ro work in Greek nan.la. ion •. Wherner current English cransluions are alrudy well rendered, they are utiliud, bUI or utin can still make use of Ihe TIG and Cecedoe referenc .... in order TO loc~ce the Migne .. olom~ where nece.ssarytheY3resty lisrically updaced. A single asterisk(') in dicun Ihal a previous Engli.h and column numbers. Or rhe ch~pter and section numbers that Can be found in most uses in Engli'" rran.lation has been updo.!ed (0 m"dern English Or amended fo r easie r re ading.Thedoubleasterisk tramlalion. Regrettably, in .ome c. ... es the TLG or Ceredoc reference does not correspond precisel.\' ( .. ) indicates either Ihata neW crandationhu been provided or rha r.ome extanr"an, l. .i onnllbeen co the English cranslationwith regard to book"hapterand.eCli"n reference• . Thil is sC)melimes due significantly amend~d. We have sundudized spellings and made grammuical v~riab les uniform so to anomalies in the various edit ions of che G reek and Latin teKts and sometimes due to anomal ies ill thatourEnglis hreferences wi ll not re fl""tthfoddJpdlingvari~blesoftheolderEngli,h t,ansblio n •. rheEnglishtranslalion's&cetiondivi l ions. We have tried ",providesuffidenr ,eferenoe on u ch For ease of ,uding we have in.ome ",.seS ediced Out superfluousconjun crions. se lection for general readers who arc not specialists so they c~ n loeate the English IUI in ,ransbli"" Each lelc-Clion i. refc.-enced finr by iu tide. book and ch.aprer number (~nd s"bch.pf~r where Or in sevcral rran$lHions ;n some USC$, and for specialists so [hey can find che text in iQ; original necenary), .nd then fooCllmed by an abbrevi~[cd o. full cituion (norm~lly ciring rhe book.. volume JanguageiR iumostreli.rnleschol:"iy~ndcriricJ.!cdition. and page number) either in English orin ill original soura or series. In SOme nus rhefootnore There are several digits rhar make up the T l G and Cctedoc references. TLG cituions nonnall), indicalU the location of other n anslarion. or purine-m additional SoUrCes. In cau. where more than follow lhi.s p~1te rn: a fir~1 series of digits gives rhe T LG aurhor number (four digi,,) followed by t itle one e"iatinglr.ns1at io" issuirabl~,wehaveindicatedourorderofp reference. In cases where there i. number (three digits); asecondserics of digits gives thevolllme number, page !IlImber and line numb<:r ny serious ambiguity or texlua! problem in the Iclectio". i,hasb ccn scru""izedinrelationlo lheb<:sr (this i. always che Clle if the .election is from Mignc PG; if nOt from Migne. the order may vary; in available rextual cradirio". 'onlecasesit ;srirle, book, chapter, section and line) . Thus aTLG r~fcrel\ ce to aparricll lar text in The T hesaurus Linguae Graceae (TLG) is [he Greek compuler darabase for mo .. oF-he Greek Buil', Co rnrn rMMJ o~ the Proph u lI"j,,~ reads: TLG 2040.009. texts we haH used.lr is availab le on CD· ROM disks fto m the Unive t~ity ofCalifortliall Irvine. The The Cetedoc series of numbers refers fir't (0 the title of the w"rk (no aurhor number) as """rded Centre cl.!: Textcs el Documents (Cctedoc. lomedmes noted as CLCL T) i. the Latin [ompuler in the Sr:vlda~ (Clavis Pattum) edition of pnristi<: tid". . followed by the second series of digits which datablle, availabkon CD·Rom disks from the BrepoLs Press in Tumhout. Belgium. TLG and Celedoc refen eithertoaermon,episrk,homilyorbooknumber. This ismen foIlowcdbythesmnvolumenumbcr arc frequen. references in .his edirion. Borh ,he novice rcader and th~ s?"cialisr need '0 undersrand ( .... hether From Migne, Sou"",, o,":'ienncs. Corpus Chrisrianorum or Corpus Scriprorum Ecdcsi.a.sti- howthescreferencesarcidenrificdand ut<1ized.Bo!hTLG andCetedocarevasrdigi.a1darabasc.sthat corum liIdnorum), followed eirherby ,he column or the p"g<' number. and men rhe line number(.). Th"" m:Ute available the mo. . rdiable cri(i<al tur in the Gre~k or Larin original. ~ ~cedoc reference ro a p"rticuJu text in Augustine's Tr«talC 0" Joh" rcad$: Cetedoc 0278, S.'.25. We have referenced TLG and Cc(cdoc more often than fI,·l igne or orher prinred Greek or urin SOurces because (I) th~ lexrs are more easily avail~b le in a single location, (1) the texu arc more reliable and in a h.!lIer crit ical edilion. (3) we believe that in IhefuI<.I(t Ihe sedigira l texts will be f. . r more widely a"essedbolhbynovicesand.puiaJis ~s .(4)silorc s electiotl.can be ea.i ly downlo.ded. (S) Ihe x i ~ ABBRB V IATIONS ACes T. C. Od~", ~d. A"ci...,. Chri,';." Commen.ary On Scrip.u.~. DowM<S Grove, JU~ I n'~rVI<siry P,e.u,t99l!·. ACW J. Qu. ....n et al., ed. Anc ien . Ch,i"i~n Wri ••• " Th. Worly of th. Fa,he" in Translation. SS voh. Ne,.. York: Newman, I~·. H. D. Smi.h. od. Antc·Niune E:cegesis of.he Go.ptls. 6 ....... London: SPCK.. 1925. J. B.ligh.foo.a. . clJ. R. Harmer. '''''l>. n. Ap~".l;, F.'h .... Edi ..d by M. W. Holm. .. 2nded. Gnnd Rapid •. Mich.:Baku.19S9. A. R,ob.,rn and J. Donal<lson, M •. An,e ·Nico .. e Foth,,,. 10 voh. Buffalo, N.Y.: Ch,i. .i an U .....u r., 1885·1896. Reprin.,GundItlpids, Mich.:Ern:I<IUIU. 1951·1956. Reprint, P.abody, M. ... : H~ndricbon. 1994. Biblio.h".Patr. ", Co" ,io""",i• . Pori" F.an~"i. Combeni• • 1681. CAA Bed. tho Venenbl• • Comm'"'." 0" 'he A<lj _/'&' ""p."I. .. T,a. ..L "od by L T . Martin. KaI.mazoo, Mich.:C;.. .. rician P\lbli<:.atio ..., 19S9. CCl Corp• . , Ch,is.i.no,um. Se .... La.in • . T urnl>out. Belgium: B.q><>ls. 19S3·. S •• C .. ,edoc. Corpu. Ch,i"iancfum. S ..... Latiu. Tu."h"ut. Belgium: Brep<>ls . 1953· Augustine. TM Ci"./GoJ. N.", Yod<: Penguin, 1984. CH Eu,ebius of~rea. C.hn~ HI .. ,,']. NPNF 2/1: FC 19, 29. M. G ...., d .nd F. Gl"rie, .. d •. oa.i. p.«um G,• ..,,,rum. T .. rnhou" Belgium: B. .. p<>ls. 1974·1987. Co.pu. Scrip.orum Chrinianorum Orio:n,alium. louv';": Pu, ..., 190}· CSEl Corpu. Scrip.orum E<duUs. ico,um Ladnorum. Vienn.a: T emp<k,. 1866·. R.J. Payn. et . 1., cd •• Cl .... i" orw ...." , Spirituality: A library ,,(,hc Gr• •• Spiritual M ........ Mahwah, N.j.: Pauli" Pr ..., 1915·. P. Pouchini., al .. MI. [nddopcd,Q CQ,,~li, ... 12 "'". V.cican Cil)~ En,. per l"Encidoptdi. C."oIic"p".illibroC.""lico, 1'149·1954. EEC A. Di B. ..r di no. cd. E"'Jd op •• i~o/ 'h. E~,IJ Ch.re'. Tran.I'f<dby A. W.lford. 2 vols. Ne,.. York: O~focd UnlverSi,y P,.n, 1992. EECy E. Fc'gus<>n. M. £",,"opodl. of £<trl.1 Cb""",8 i'J' New Yoric, G.rla..~d, 1990. R.J. Dd." • • i, cd. Fathe" of ,h. Church: A New T .....] a,ion. $6 vol,. W.,hin,."". D.C.· Catholic Univ.r'ityofAm«ic.P, .... I<M'·. FGFR F"'lb Gi.." F~U"uj N Red!u ing' Tb. Fi• • Tboo(oti<dlOr~lion' ~fGrtl_,] !-·.,Worur. Intcoduc.ion .nd comme"u,), by F. w. No. .... Uid,n and Ne", York.: E.]. Brill, 1991. T. W. Mo. .m an, "an• . Gm" CO"' .... "'47] ./C.,,,.!i~ , A L.piJ,. a.al• . Londo"'J. HodS'" I S76·1908 xvii Spi';I"~1 R.~di"i ""d M,d ir"r io n. 4 vols. Chic'go: H''',yR'gncry, 19~. Rcprin •• Sw.dub<l.o . GCS E. Kl o"ermann. "I. Di" Gr iechi,ch~n Chri. tlichcn Schrift".lIc, dc, ",,«n J"hrhund. .« . N.J., P,. .... . , ionP" ... 1996. uip~ig.ndB"din: Ahdcmi.Vcd.g, 1897 •. L. Bcrkowi.z and K. Squicor ••d .. Th ...., ", li"l ""'I'.""" Con"" .fG,,<~ A"rb~ t! "Md Work; J. Ford. cd. 'Th< eo!pd A".rdi"l"s<' M"'~: lII"m"ItJ(o,~J1J i~ Ihc n,'mi. ... l.nJM.,ol 2nd..d. Qxfo,d: O"focd Unive";'y Pr. ... 1986. S. .... JjrotnAII<i.n, •• J Mo.!.,..n .1."1. ., ,. . London:J. M .., ...... 1864 . j. £. Ro.dl".m. WO'~I o/S!. A"l"Hin" A r'''Mr,,';UfO'!&< Tw.nl,.Fi'" C ... ,"". Hyde Puk. Euubiu• . Th HU'"'14'hc o,~"" fr- 0.',>1 ,. eo,.,,,,,,,,,,,,. T.~n.lucd by G. A. N.Y.:N<wCityPrc. ., I99S. W~li.mson. New York: N~ York Univ ...i ,y P ..... 1966. H OG B<tI< 'h" V.n. .. bJc. H.""7,,, ... ,'" Go,pdl. Tr.n' J.,cd try. L T . M ...i n . nd D. Hu .... 2 vol •. Kilimuoo. M>ch.: Ci"<rd.n Public• •i ons. L990. Ephrcm,he Syrian.H,,,,n.onP.,aJi,.. I,,,,odu,,.ion,,,,d,,,,n,L,,';onbySeb. ... i. nBrock. Cresrwood. N.Y. : S,. Vladimi,', s"mina,y Pre ... 1990. JF B E. B.mecu'. cd.J~.m<] with fh< F41""'" C. .......M "' .... 0" lhe S. ....., G.'pd• • Y• • , 11. HydePuIo:,N.Y.:NcwCi.y p~, lm. JSSS 2 c.. MCC .... hy, ........ and ed.s.Uu Epb"",,', eo ........ '''IJ'.n T. ....... ·, Diotnu""', A. . Engl"h T """,,",ion of CM .... Bnorl] SpiM MS 109. Jo~"...r ofSonitic S:.ub .. S~ppkm ...' 2.. Onoed: Oxford Universi'Y Pru> for .he University o(Man"he,rer, 1'}9). J. Bailli ... al., cdt. T h. Library ofCh""i.n Clauin. 26 ",L.. Phit.delphi~, W • .,min. .c r. I95H966. LCL Loeb Ct,.,ic.1 Lib •• ry. C"",bridgo. Ma •. , H~rvard Univeri.y Pre. . : London: H.intm;mn, 1912·. LTK M. Bucbberger,J. H6fcrand K. lUhn. ., edl. Lu ikon fii.,Tb.ol"Sio "ndKirche. 2nd "d.lO vob. Frciburg. Germany: Verbg H=ler, I~S1·1961. J. Oil!.=nberger. ed. M"rtin luti>cr.ScI«I",~'fro'" H" WrirUlg<. G .... un City. N.Y.: Ooubkdoy, I!iJ61. P. Scbaff et al., e<b. A S..t.-ct Library ofrhe Nicene .nd Post·Nite"" hehcn ofehe CIImeion Church. 2 seric, (14 vol. ••• ch). Ne'" y o.k: Chr''''.n Lir.ram. .. 1887·189-1. Rrprint. G,...,d R.piru, Mich ., Eo.dmaru. 19S2-l9S6. Reprin., Pubody. M"" •. : HcndricklOn. 19'94. OCjC J. Bar. ille, ,ran, . Om"'" Completes de S. Jean C~rylo"omc. 21 vol, . P ..i " Loui.Vivt• • I864·1878 F. L. Cr . .. and E.. A. Li';~"on., Ms. T .... O>tf.rd DiL ri,.o'] .flb< 0,. .. ";4" Ch~"h. 2nd od. London,O.ford U"'ve. .i ,yPreu.1974. Orig. .... O" F,,,, Primipl ... Tr2flSbrro by G. W. Sutt."",,,,h. London, SI'CK... 1936. Rtcp.int, Glouc ..., .r.M;u.s., P"crSmi.b,1971. &.il <>fC~ ••; "c• . 0" 'h, HoIySpitil. Tran.L • ••d by O. And."on. C .." wood. N.Y.: Sr.Vbdimir'. ScminaryPr. .., 1960. J;~~;.~~~~. td. Pmologi. Gr ••c a. 166 ",I• . Poci., P",i• • Montrollg,,: ap",tj.·P. Mign., A. I>n o, comp. • 7tb « n,ury. Tb< P.r.di. ... 0' Go,d,n .fl'" Holy F4r lotr, . !>ei~lI>iHO ... ".f ,o. .,w,.,';It"rt.CI~, ••• mo""'.C'O<"obi,,,.JNldlu,u;f·rllff··frh·kJ<""'·fEDP,btf .....~ A.D. CCL "nd CCCC, ...i '. ... 2 """-'. London' Chatro & Wind"" 19r]7. j._P.Mign• • cd.P.crologio L..tin.:Llllvob.P. ... is, Mignc.I844·I864. POG W. J. Fern r. CUI>$. T&c P""'f«/Ihe G.,ptI, Bnnt rhe Otm.n."<Ili• •" ""gtilJ;.r,;J E. ..b i.., «/ Ca"~J<~. l ondon: SPC K. 1920. Rtp, in. , Grand Rapid" Mich., Bak ••. 198\. Q llUt. J. Qllaten «01 .. • d• . P~lrol'D.4 vol •. W ..l min l .... Md.: Chri"i.nCtalic• . 195]·1986. H.deLub.<.j .DanicLouer.!..ed.<.$our(",Cnrtt i.nne,.P"is:Edition. dllCcrf,1941·. M. F. Tool, ,ran• .• nd .d. Ti><S".do,Sc"",on , of lb. err.r FOli>r,,, A Mo"~.I .f P,...""hi"I' XI/iii x ix INTll,O~UCTloNToM""K INTRO D U CT ION TO MARK This in troduc tion is mUnt to prep~ re the w;.y for readers to explore Mark through the eyes of the ~ncient Ch".[i~n writers . Our first u . k i. tc. enmine Marhn authonhip a' viewed by hi. euli.,r iroterpreten. Nut Wc will uplore the unique ~nd honorcd ItUlU of ~brk among u dieSt ap<K.olic rerts. Finally we will accoun t for Ou r specific method of invc.stigation intO ea.ly interpruen of Muk. T hen we will di,cuss mDdern problems in reading the fuher •• How Early Ch.isdan Wdto .. Viewed the Authorship ofM~.k Our purpou here is nO' to establi.h the Petrine fountain of M ... k· .. Go.pd on rh . b. ... i, of a crirical evaiu.uion of (he hisrorical evidence. Rather, mOre modestly, wc are asking how the u rly church rusoned and what it cOMensually concluded about the aurhorship and al.lthority of Mark on the buis ofa!lrheevidence thcyhad . v:Lilab le.This i,anu"derlyingptemiseof this wholc"scries: We are nOt here erying to correcr the ande"t Christian wd'e" from the viewpoint of modern hiuo.i,,] cri.e tia, but rather to /i.ltn to them .cuon Out of their own premi&es 0 " &uch questions;u the authonhip of Muk. The early chu...:h widely regarded the author of Matk's Go~p el as the ~uthentic vo ice and inrerp.etcr of Peter. T hi. view w;u euly ualed, largely I.Incontrovened during the early Christian cen tu ries and ecumenically received by the church. The primary rurual eviden" for this viewpoinr is strong and ancient, as we wi!l.how. The earliest evidence of Mukan allthorship is set forth by Pap ia, (c. 60-00), ,h ... bishop of Hieropelis in Phrygia, in Ihe vicinity of the New Testament churches ofColol ...... and l:aodicu, Wc findrh is te"imony in a primitive Chri.rian fragmentp.eservcd by Eu .ebiu", Sut now wemusr add co the word.<ofhis (Papiu] which wehavealr~dy quoted r)" rrad ;!iQn whi,h he gi_r, jn Trg"'" r~ M ... k, rheautl>or ofdle Gospcl ,. is in the foUowingwords.: "This aI&oJohn the Presbyrer' .:Lid: Mark. h~ving become .he int trp rtltf of Pr"', wrOte down :Kcur~rdy, though nO( ;n~ in o<der, whatoverhe remembered of the things .:Lid or done by Ch.;<t. Forhe neit her heard the L.ord noraccompaniedhim,bl.lt.afte~td, .u l..aid, he was in company with Peter, who used m offet tcachingu neccs.sityde=ded,b ... twith no inrenrion of giving a conncctC"d:OCCOURt of the La,,:!,. discourses. So Mark committed no errOr in thus wri .ing SOme single poims u he remembered ,hem. Fo. upon one thing h" fi.o<ed his . [[encion: co [cave out nothing of ",-h.t he had 'EUkbiu.o 'h o~gh tth .. P.pi .. di"iniui.l>.d b<, .... <n '_J~~"'" Fi, ... ,h"po<rl,who;' nurnb< ..d .,.>oog""".po>«t .. wh"", witn. .. bdonvd ". "" p..u. >od wO< ,d• • od by rh.,;, ~ • ...., ... , ch, _~d " ,all«l p. ..b y.er aM • di><ipl. of m. Lo.dlik'A""ion,,..i>o. .....i fn'. .., .u,gi. . n in p""on' (P'pi. . S, EF.C449).

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