Syst. Biol. 55(2):3O1-313,2006 Copyright © Society of Systematic Biologists ISSN: 1063-5157 print / 1076-836X online DOI: 10.1080/10635150500541698 Ancestral State Reconstruction of Body Size in the Caniformia (Carnivora, Mammalia): The Effects of Incorporating Data from the Fossil Record JOHN A. FINARELLI1'2 AND JOHN J. FLYNN3 1 Committee on Evolutionary Biology, The University of Chicago, 1025 E. 57th Street, Chicago, Illinois 60637, USA; E-mail: johnj® 2Department of Geology, The Field Museum, 1400 S. Lake Shore Drive, Chicago, Illinois 60605, USA ^Division of Paleontology, American Museum of Natural History, Central Park West at 79th Street, Neiv York, New York 10024, USA Abstract.—A recent molecular phylogeny of the mammalian order Carnivora implied large body size as the ancestral con- dition for the caniform subclade Arctoidea using the distribution of species mean body sizes among living taxa. "Extant taxa-only" approaches such as these discount character state observations for fossil members of living clades and completely ignore data from extinct lineages. To more rigorously reconstruct body sizes of ancestral forms within the Caniformia, body size and first appearance data were collected for 149 extant and 367 extinct taxa. Body sizes were reconstructed for four ancestral nodes using weighted squared-change parsimony on log-transformed body mass data. Reconstructions based on extant taxa alone favored large body sizes (on the order of 10 to 50 kg) for the last common ancestors of both the Caniformia and Arctoidea. In contrast, reconstructions incorporating fossil data support small body sizes (<5 kg) for the ancestors of those clades. When the temporal information associated with fossil data was discarded, body size reconstructions became ambiguous, demonstrating that incorporating both character state and temporal information from fossil taxa unambiguously supports a small ancestral body size, thereby falsifying hypotheses derived from extant taxa alone. Body size reconstructions for Caniformia, Arctoidea, and Musteloidea were not sensitive to potential errors introduced by uncertainty in the position of extinct lineages relative to the molecular topology, or to missing body size data for extinct members of an entire major clade (the aquatic Pinnipedia). Incorporating character state observations and temporal information from the fossil record into hypothesis testing has a significant impact on the ability to reconstruct ancestral characters and constrains the range of potential hypotheses of character evolution. Fossil data here provide the evidence to reliably document trends of both increasing and decreasing body size in several caniform clades. More generally, including fossils in such analyses incorpo- rates evidence of directional trends, thereby yielding more reliable ancestral character state reconstructions. [Ancestral state reconstruction; Arctoidea; body size; Caniformia; Carnivora; evolutionary trends; Musteloidea; weighted squared-change parsimony.] Ancestral character state reconstruction can aid in un- size and shape characters in planktonic Foraminifera to derstanding both the pattern and timing of character fossils preserved in deep sea cores. This, too, may have evolution (Cunningham et al., 1998; Maddison, 1995; been the result of an observed trend toward increased Schluter et al., 1997; Swofford and Maddison, 1987). Such size. Evolutionary trends can reduce the accuracy of analyses often make use of well-supported phylogenies character state reconstructions, especially for methods of extant taxa without reference to potentially relevant assuming Brownian motion as the model for character character information documented in the fossil record change. This is because an estimated root value under (e.g., Gittleman and Purvis, 1998; Harvey et al., 1994; such a model will always be some form of weighted av- Pagel et al., 2004; Webster et al., 2004; Webster and Purvis, erage of observed values for terminal taxa (Schluter et al., 2002a). However, it has been noted that reconstructions 1997), and if a trend moves the range of observed char- of ancestral character states tend to become less reliable acter state values beyond the ancestral condition, it will toward the root of the tree, even when the phylogeny be difficult, if not impossible, to accurately reconstruct is completely known (Oakley and Cunningham, 2000), the condition at the ancestral node (Garland et al., 1999; although increased taxon sampling has been shown to Oakley and Cunningham, 2000). increase the accuracy of root and internal node estima- As a consequence, it might seem that accurate ances- tion (Maddison, 1995; Martins, 1999; Salisbury and Kim, tral character state reconstructions would be difficult to 2001). achieve in many real systems. It is possible, however, to Several empirical studies have examined the behav- incorporate information from the fossil record, for which ior of character state reconstruction methods. In those taxa at or near ancestral positions may be most useful in studies, reconstructed values of ancestral nodes derived reconstructions. Fossil taxa provide at least two impor- from observations of tip taxa were compared to val- tant sources of information for ancestral reconstructions, ues observed at or near ancestral nodes. Oakley and especially with regards to previously observed weak- Cunningham (2000) used a bacteriophage system with nesses attributed to evolutionary trends. First, fossil data a completely known phylogeny and a "fossil" record can more completely describe the range and distribu- with known ancestral character states to demonstrate tion of character states through the entire evolutionary that character state reconstructions were prone to inaccu- history of a clade. Second, the temporal information as- racy when directional evolutionary trends were encoun- sociated with character state observations in the fossil tered. Webster and Purvis (2002b) encountered similar record can be used to weight the impact of individual ob- inaccuracy when comparing reconstructions for various servations on nodal reconstructions. For example, Polly 301 302 SYSTEMATIC BIOLOGY VOL. 55 (2001) used Paleogene viverravid carnivoramorphans as TABLE 1. Body size contrasts for extant Caniformia (kg). Data com- a model system for ancestral reconstructions of body piled from Smith et al. (2003), following topology of Flynn et al. (2005). size. By including data for presumed ancestral taxa, that No. of Minimum Median Maximum study demonstrated the impact of incorporating tempo- Clade taxa body size body size body size ral data (branch lengths) into reconstructions. By varying Caniformia 146 0.104 5.240 1600.000 the length of branches to represent differential potential Canidae 33 1.000 5.240 32.183 for evolutionary change (which could represent time, Ursidae 8 46.500 104.175 333.750 sequence divergence, etc.), character observations will Pinnipedia 32 27.000 145.000 1600.000 "pull" reconstruction values for temporally more proxi- Musteloidea 76 0.104 1.445 30.600 Ailuridae 1 — 4.9 — mate nodes closer to the observed values (Garland et al., Mephitidae 10 0.235 1.559 3.500 1999). Thus, incorporating data from fossil taxa into char- Procyonidae 13 0.900 1.250 6.950 acter state reconstructions, especially if directional trends Mustelidae 52 0.104 1.622 30.600 are observed or suspected, has the potential to greatly improve ancestral reconstructions. The phylogeny of the living members of the mam- Extant carnivorans span over 4 orders of magnitude malian order Carnivora has received considerable re- of body size, and this entire range of body sizes is re- cent attention (Bininda-Emonds et al., 1999; Flynn and alized in the Caniformia. Among the major caniform Nedbal, 1998; Flynn et al., 2000; Gaubert and Veron, lineages, extant ursids and pinnipeds are large-bodied 2003; Ledje and Arnason, 1996a, 1996b; Sato et al., 2003, mammals (median body sizes of ~104 kg and ~145 kg, 2004; Veron et al., 2004; Yoder et al., 2003; Yu et al., respectively; Table 1), whereas musteloids are generally 2004a, 2004b). Recently, Flynn et al. (2005) were able small (median body size ~1.5 kg: Table 1). Optimizing a to resolve the phylogenetic relationships among the body size character for the living taxa across the Flynn major monophyletic lineages comprising the suborder et al. (2005) phylogeny implies a large body size as the Caniformia. As such, assessment of the evolution of primitive state for Arctoidea, and potentially Caniformia body size in caniform carnivorans, in light of a bet- as well. Flynn et al. (2005) noted a significant, negative ter understanding of carnivoran phylogeny, offers an correlation between rank body size and clade rank us- opportunity to empirically explore the effects on an- ing Spearman rank correlation, potentially implying that cestral reconstructions resulting from the incorporation large body size was ancestral for caniforms and arctoids, of data from the fossil record. Body size evolution is with a subsequent body size decrease in later diverging of particular biological interest, as it has been corre- musteloid clades. lated with many life history and physiological variables Several studies have attempted to use the improved across mammalian species in general, and carnivorans understanding of carnivoran phylogeny to reconstruct in particular (Gittleman, 1986b, 1991, 1993; Gittleman character evolution (e.g., Lindenfors et al., 2003), in- and Harvey, 1982; Kozlowski and Weiner, 1997; Schmidt- cluding body size and rates of body size evolution Nielsen, 1984). An enhanced understanding of body (Webster et al., 2004; Webster and Purvis, 2002a). How- size evolution in this clade therefore has the potential ever, those studies did not incorporate fossil data. to expand our knowledge of the evolution of life his- Webster et al. (2004) cited concerns over incomplete- tory, ecology, and adaptation to environment (Gittleman, ness of the fossil record, which led to their "prag- 1993; Meiri et al., 2004a, 2004b), attributes that are often matic" exclusion of fossil taxa and adoption of a difficult or impossible to observe directly in the fossil "cross-sectional" (extant taxa-only) approach. Given record. that the aim of that study was to compare relative rates of body size evolution across clades for ancestor- BACKGROUND descendant pairs, and that the diagnosis of true ancestor- The order Carnivora includes approximately 270 descendant relationships must be uncertain (Smith, known extant species, grouped into two major lin- 1994), these concerns may be justified for that particu- eages, the cat-like Feliformia and dog-like Caniformia lar application. (Flynn and Galiano, 1982; Flynn and Wesley-Hunt, 2005; However, extant taxa represent only a subset of the Wozencraft, 1993; Wyss and Flynn, 1993). Flynn et al. total evolutionary diversity of any clade, and, there- (2005) performed a comprehensive phylogenetic analy- fore, any conclusion based solely on extant taxa must be sis of 76 extant carnivoran species using concatenated viewed with caution. Such inferences necessarily make nucleotide data from six independent loci. That study an implicit, but problematic, assumption that character resolved the phylogenetic relationships among the four distributions among living taxa faithfully record pat- major monophyletic lineages of the Caniformia: Canidae terns of character evolution throughout the history of (dogs), Ursidae (bears), Pinnipedia (seals, sea lions and the group. As a cautionary example from this study, ex- the walrus), and Musteloidea (skunks, raccoons, weasels tinct members of the Ursidae are estimated to range in and other allied taxa), with canids forming the sis- body size from slightly less than 1 kg (Parictis parvus) to ter group to all other extant caniforms, the Arctoidea. greater than 850 kg (Indarctos atticus). Contrasting this The basal divergence among arctoids splits the ursids to the much more restricted range of species mean body from a clade uniting the pinnipeds and musteloids masses for extant bears (~45 to 400 kg; Table 1) empha- (Fig. 1). sizes the difficulty in relying solely on recent taxa to infer 2006 FINARELLI AND FLYNN—EVOLUTION OF BODY SIZE IN THE CANIFORMIA 303 CO T3 CD a. eli CD CO ou CO CCDO "CCODDO ~CCDO CO itida onic sgrCD L_ 0) 'to O 3 Q0. oo CO CD CO Q. O Mustelidae Musteloidea Unnamed Node: j Pinnipedia + Musteloidea 2 Arctoidea taniformia FIGURE 1. Cladogram representing the phylogenetic relationships of the major family-level lineages within the Caniformia, derived from the analysis of Flynn et al. (2005). In this phylogeny, Canidae (dogs) forms the sister clade to the remainder of extant caniforms, which comprise the Arctoidea. At the base of the arctoid clade there is a split between Ursidae (bears) and a clade uniting Pinnipedia (seals, sea lions, and the walrus) and Musteloidea (weasels, skunks, raccoons, and allied taxa). The numbers 1 to 4 on internal nodes correspond to the four nodes for which ancestral body sizes were reconstructed. patterns of body size evolution, due to the loss of infor- METHODS mation when excluding fossil taxa. Phytogeny To test whether the inferred pattern of a large ances- The interrelationships of family-level clades in the tral body size is an artifact of sampling only the extant Flynn et al. (2005) phylogeny formed the backbone for subset or if it represents the actual evolution of body the present study. That and other molecular phylogenies size among caniform carnivorans, ancestral body sizes have revealed that many of the traditionally defined tax- for four caniform clades were reconstructed by explicitly onomic groupings are not monophyletic. For example, incorporating body mass estimates for fossil taxa. Body skunks have historically been placed within Mustelidae masses were determined for fossil taxa primarily using and the red panda (Ailurusfulgens) often has been placed dental proxies. Ancestral body size was reconstructed within the Procyonidae, but neither is most closely re- for continuous-valued body mass data using weighted lated to members of those groups. Among living taxa, squared-change parsimony. Tested in this study were a monophyletic Mephitidae and a monotypic Ailuridae (1) the importance of fossil character information for form close outgroups to a clade uniting Procyonidae and ancestral state reconstruction, by comparing "extant- a restricted Mustelidae (Dragoo and Honeycutt, 1997; only" and "all-taxa" data sets; (2) the value of tem- Flynn et al., 2000, 2005; Ledje and Arnason, 1996a). Fur- poral information for ancestral state reconstruction, ther, some of the traditional subfamilies within the re- through differential coding of branch lengths; and (3) the stricted Mustelidae have been shown to be paraphyletic: sensitivity of reconstructions to potential uncertain- for example, several taxa in the "Mustelinae" are more ties in phylogeny and missing data for certain fossil closely related to the Lutrinae (otters) than to other lineages. mustelines (Flynn et al., 2005; Koepfli and Wayne, 1998; 304 SYSTEMATIC BIOLOGY VOL. 55 2003; Sato et al., 2003, 2004). The phylogenetic tree used Mustelidae), and therefore also basal to procyonids. In here for living taxa reflects these findings (Fig. 2). this case they would be more appropriately consid- Fossil taxa were added to this tree, incorporating ered stem musteloids (Fig. 3). The position of these taxa phylogenetic hypotheses for major subgroups whose could have a significant impact on the interpretation of monophyly and phylogenetic position are reasonably body size evolution, as several "paleomustelid" taxa are certain. These included relationships among subfami- large in comparison to most living musteloids and ap- lies within Amphicyonidae (Hunt, 1996), and relation- pear early in the musteloid fossil record. These two al- ships among subfamilies and tribes within Ursidae ternate hypotheses for the "Paleomustelidae" represent (Hunt, 1998b) and Canidae (Tedford et al, 1995; Wang, end-member possibilities for the phylogenetic position 1994; Wang et al., 1999). Relationships among pinnipedi- of these taxa. morph family- and subfamily-level clades (Demere et al., 2003) were also incorporated, with the exception that Body Mass and Temporal Data Odobenidae (walruses) was allied with Otariidae (sea lions), not Phocidae ("true" seals), following most recent Body masses for fossil caniforms were estimated us- molecular phylogenies (Davis et al., 2004; Flynn et al., ing regressions of area measurements (length x width) 2005; Flynn and Nedbal, 1998; Ledje and Arnason, 1996a, for the lower carnassial (ml), obtained from published 1996b). Within each of these broad lineages (e.g., the descriptions of fossil material and from a compilation of subfamily Borophaginae within Canidae) phylogenetic measurement data in the North American Fossil Mam- assumptions were kept to a minimum, leaving taxa in mal Systematics Database (NAFMSD; Alroy, 2002). Sepa- polytomies representing ambiguity in the knowledge of rate regressions were constructed for the clades Canidae the true branching order (Fig. 2). The resulting analysis and Musteloidea using data from Legendre and Roth spans 516 caniform taxa, including 367 fossil taxa. (1988), reanalyzed using the topology in Flynn et al. An incorrect phylogeny obviously can confound an- (2005). cestral state reconstruction (Garland and Diaz-Uriarte, Body mass estimation for extinct ursids, however, 1999; Purvis et al., 1994; Webster and Purvis, 2002b), proved problematic. Fossil ursids likely spanned a which could present particular problems for analyses greater absolute size range than any other terrestrial can- such as the present study where fossil taxa are being iform clade. A regression for the family Ursidae derived incorporated into a phylogenetic topology recovered by from carnassial area produced estimates that are unreal- molecular data. To contend with this, the sensitivity of istically large for taxa at the high end of the body mass body size reconstructions can be evaluated relative to a distribution. For example, using a regression for mod- suite of alternative hypotheses encompassing a range of ern Ursidae, the estimated body size of the extinct bear reasonable potential positions for fossil groups whose Indarctos atticus was in excess of 3000 kg. Although I. at- affinities are not precisely known. For this data set, ticus is certainly one of the largest terrestrial carnivorans there are two such problems. First the extinct Amphi- to have existed, a body mass in excess of three metric cyonidae ("bear-dogs") has historically been included, tons is highly improbable. An alternate regression based either in part or wholly, within Canidae (Matthew, 1924) on carnassial length (Van Valkenburgh, 1990) was in- or Ursidae (Ginsburg, 1966; Hough, 1948). The mono- vestigated; however, this produced estimates that were phyly of this clade is well established (Hunt, 1974,1977), likely too large for the smaller taxa in this clade. The although its position relative to the other major caniform estimated body mass for Parictis parvus using the regres- lineages remains controversial (Viranta, 1996). Most cur- sion on carnassial length was ~46 kg, despite the fact rent phylogenies place amphicyonids as a distinct family, that its lower carnassials are smaller than those of the within or allied with the Arctoidea (Hunt, 1996, 1998a) modern striped skunk (Mephitis mephitis; Gittleman and and potentially as the sister group to ursids (Hunt, 1977; Van Valkenburgh, 1997), which has a body mass of only Wyss and Flynn, 1993). Recently, Wesley-Hunt and Flynn about 2 kg (Smith et al., 2003). Thus, extant ursids scale (2005) recovered support for Amphicyonidae as the sis- body mass to dental measures differently than do fossil ter clade to all extant caniforms. Amphicyonids therefore members of this clade. The Amphicyonidae clade also can be placed in several alternate phylogenetic positions: presents a problem, as there are no living representatives as the sister group to (1) canids, (2) ursids, (3) all extant to constrain estimates. Body masses were estimated for arctoids, or (4) all extant caniforms (Fig. 3). both Amphicyonidae and Ursidae using carnassial areas The second area of phylogenetic uncertainty concerns regressed across all caniform taxa (Viranta, 1996; Wesley- the "Paleomustelidae," a likely paraphyletic assemblage Hunt, 2005) using data reanalyzed from Legendre and of early Miocene taxa, usually considered stem mustelids Roth (1988). These produced reasonable estimates across (Baskin, 1998). However, removing skunks from Mustel- the entire observed size range for both clades. For several idae calls into question the phylogenetic position of amphicyonid taxa, only lower carnassial length measure- these fossils. "Paleomustelids" could still be interpreted ments could be obtained. In those cases, body masses as stem taxa of a restricted Mustelidae; that is, "pale- were estimated using a regression of lower carnassial omustelids" are more closely related to taxa in the re- length across all caniform taxa, reanalyzed from data in stricted Mustelidae than they are to procyonids (Fig. 3). Van Valkenburgh (1990). Regression equations and co- Alternatively, "paleomustelids" could be basal to all efficients are given in Table 2. Additional body mass traditional "mustelid" taxa (skunks plus the restricted estimates for fossil caniforms were acquired from the s Recent i 15 Ma - MustelidaeAiluridaeXProcyonidae MephitidaePinnipedia"Paleomustelidae" I \30 Ma -Musteloidea \Unnamed Node:FAE's of individual taxaPinnipedia + Musteloideawithin a cladeCanidaeUrsidae idea45 Ma .CanifonmiaDivergence times of cladesAmphicyonidaebased on FAE's FIGURE 2. The phylogenetic tree used in the analysis. This tree is composed of 149 extant and 367 extinct members of the Canif ormia. Arrows point to the base of clades, indicatingfamily-level groups. The phylogenetic relationships are based on the topology of Flynn et al. (2005) and several other studies of major fossil groups. Internal relationships areconservatively left in polytomies; see text for details. This particular tree corresponds to one potential phylogenetic hypothesis, placing the Amphicyonidae as the sister clade to allextant caniforms and the "Paleomustelidae" considered as basal musteloids; see text and Figure 3 for explanation. Temporal data, derived from the first appearances of taxa in thisphylogenetic tree, were used to calibrate the divergence times among clades (e.g., between Canidae and Arctoidea) and also the "tip dates" of terminal branches. The time scale is 1 (available online at for detailed temporal data. Inset: A schematic diagram showing the use of FAE for calibrating lengthapproximate; see Appendixfor both terminal branches (position of "tips") and internal branches (divergences between clades). n oe 306 SYSTEMATIC BIOLOGY VOL. 55 (0 TJ CD Q. eli CD CO O CO TrsiCCJDO T'wCOoJO TCCCJDOO idaitieph Aoo.TcoJ lDCO) ther^— -12 jtririiCCOD ID Q_ O Mustelidae Musteloidea \ Amphicyonidae - "Paleomustelidae" Unnamed Node: Pinnipedia + Musteloidea Arctoidea Caniformia FIGURE 3. Phylogenetic uncertainty concerning the position of fossil lineages. The phylogenetic position of both the Amphicyonidae and "Paleomustelidae" (bold) are not known with certainty relative to the molecular topology of Flynn et al. (2005). The sensitivity of the ancestral state reconstructions was tested with respect to this uncertainty. Four potential phylogenies for the position of Amphicyonidae were explored (1) as the sister clade to Canidae, (2) as the sister clade to Ursidae, (3) as the sister clade to all extant arctoids, (4) as the sister clade to all extant caniforms. In addition, two potential positions for the "Paleomustelidae" were tested: "Paleomustelidae" considered as stem mustelids, and "Paleomustelidae" considered as stem musteloids. See text for discussion. Neogene of the Old World database (NOW; 2003) and By applying tip dates, variation is created in the tip-to- Viranta (1996). Body mass data are summarized in root distance across taxa. This approach assumes that Appendix 1 (available at the Society of Systematic taxa closer to a node have diverged less from the nodal Biologists website, character state than have more distant taxa (Pagel, 1999; This study also incorporated temporal data into calcu- 2002; Webster and Purvis, 2002b). Temporal data were lations for reconstructing ancestral states, in the form of compiled from the literature, the NAFMSD (Alroy, 2002) variable branch lengths. Because temporal differences in and NOW (2003) databases (summarized in Appendix 1, the appearances of taxa represent significant amounts of available online at time relative to evolutionary rates, the date of the "tip" must be taken into consideration (Drummond et al., 2001, 2002; Rambaut, 2000). Temporal data in this study con- Ancestral State Reconstruction strain not only internal branch lengths, but also lengths Ancestral state reconstructions were executed in the and termination points for terminal branches (Fig. 2), Mesquite software package (Maddison and Maddison, with branch lengths representing millions of years. First 2004; Maddison et al., 2002), for log-transformed body appearances were taken as the "tip" dates for all termi- mass data using weighted squared-change parsimony nal taxa. Dates of divergence between clades were then (WSP; Maddison, 1991). WSP minimizes the sum of established using the earliest appearing taxon within a squared change along all branches of the tree, weight- monophyletic clade (Fig. 2, inset). Lengths of terminal ing branches by their length, and is equivalent to the branches from the nearest node are measured by the dif- ML estimate assuming a Brownian motion model of ference in time from the first appearance of a given taxon evolution (see Polly, 2001; Webster and Purvis, 2002a). and the first appearance of the earliest taxon in that clade. Standard errors of the estimated ancestral body sizes 2006 FINARELLI AND FLYNN—EVOLUTION OF BODY SIZE IN THE CANIFORMIA 307 TABLE 2. Regressions used for estimation of body size among fossil Cardform taxa. Cladc Equation Slope: A Intercept: B Comment Canidae Ln (mass, in g) = A x Ln (ml area, in mm2) + B 1.3373 2.815 Ursidae Ln (mass, in g) = A x Ln (ml area, in mm2) + B 1.9282 0.4727 Regressed across all Caniformia Amphicyonidae Ln (mass, in g) = A x Ln (ml area, in mm2) + B 1.9282 0.4727 Regressed across all Caniformia LoglO (mass, in kg) = A x LoglO (ml length, in mm) + B 3.1230 2.5245 Used when only ml lengths published Musteloidea Ln (mass, in g) = A x Ln (ml area, in mm2) •+- B 1.5975 1.5901 were calculated using the PDAP module in Mesquite were recovered when only the extant taxon subset was (Midford et al., 2003), following the methodology de- analyzed. These results document both the complexity in scribed in Garland and Ives (2000) and employed by body size evolution among caniform carnivorans, and a Laurin (2004) to create 95% confidence intervals (CIs) more general need to combine fossil data within a ro- around these estimates. As the framework phylogenetic bust phylogenetic framework for interpreting character tree contains "soft" polytomies, representing ambiguity evolution, where possible. regarding true branching order rather than hypotheses of zero-length branches, N-2-z degrees of freedom were The Impact of Incorporating Fossil Taxa applied (where N is the number of taxa, and z the num- on Body Size Reconstructions ber of polytomies), conservatively expanding CIs around A comparison of reconstructed values at each of the the estimate (Garland and Diaz-Uriarte, 1999). High and four ancestral nodes, using extant-only and all-taxa (ex- low CI values and the estimated node values were calcu- tant plus fossil) data sets, reveals dramatically different lated in log-transformed units and then converted into estimates of ancestral body size. The WSP reconstruc- kilogram body masses to avoid issues with confidence tions of body mass for the Caniformia and Arctoidea are interval de-transformation biases (see Smith, 1993). both larger for the extant-only data set than for the all- Ancestral body sizes were reconstructed for four hy- taxa data set (Table 3, A, B). Body size estimates are less pothetical ancestors. Because of the phylogenetic uncer- than 5 kg for both nodes when fossil taxa are included in tainty noted above, node-based definitions were applied the reconstruction, while the extant-only set reconstructs for (1) Caniformia (the last common ancestor of all ex- tant caniform taxa); (2) Arctoidea (the last common an- cestor of Musteloidea, Pinnipedia, and Ursidae); (3) the TABLE 3. Weighted squared-change parsimony reconstructions unnamed node representing the last common ancestor (kg) for continuous body size data. of musteloids and pinnipeds; and (4) Musteloidea (the last common ancestor of Ailurus, mephitids, mustelids L 95% Cl Estimate U 95% CI [sensu stricto] and procyonids) (see Fig. 1). The inclusion (A) All taxa (extant + fossil) of various fossil groups in each of these clades necessar- Caniformia 0.69 1.72 4.34 ily changed, depending on the topology being evaluated. Arctoidea 0.73 1.55 3.39 Pinnipedia + Musteloidea 1.32 15.39 181.10 For example, if Amphicyonidae is considered the sister Musteloidea 11.74 15.76 21.17 clade to Ursidae, then by the above definitions they are Estimated evolutionary rate* 0.74 included within both the Caniformia and Arctoidea. If (B) Extant taxa only they are considered the sister to Canidae, they are ex- Caniformia 4.46 23.31 121.99 cluded from the Arctoidea, but are still considered part Arctoidea 4.53 23.47 121.69 Pinnipedia + Musteloidea 3.86 14.60 55.21 of the Caniformia (see Fig. 3). Musteloidea 1.62 4.90 14.82 WSP can incorporate branch lengths into its calcula- Estimated evolutionary rate* 0.13 tions. As such, the effects of incorporating temporal data (C) Fossil pinnipeds with false body masses into the reconstruction of ancestral body size in the Can- Caniformia 0.45 1.65 4.85 iformia can be assessed. A reanalysis of the all-taxa data Arctoidea 0.46 1.48 3.79 Pinnipedia + Musteloidea 568.18 1135.43 2269.00 set was performed, discarding temporal information by Musteloidea 10.98 16.34 22.61 setting all branch lengths equal to 1. Setting all branch Estimated evolutionary rate* 0.74 lengths equal to one another assesses the validity of the (D) All taxa with uniform branch lengths assumption that all of the necessary information for re- Caniformia 2.61 13.47 69.47 constructing the evolution of a character is contained Arctoidea 2.29 10.17 45.11 Pinnipedia + Musteloidea 3.68 16.13 70.72 solely in the character state distribution among termi- Musteloidea 2.68 5.34 10.62 nal taxa and the branching order of the cladogram. Estimated evolutionary rate* 0.74 (E) "Paleomustelidae" as stem mustelids Caniformia 0.68 1.70 7.29 RESULTS Arctoidea 0.72 1.53 3.27 Pinnipedia + Musteloidea 1.25 14.49 170.52 The WSP reconstructions of ancestral body size within Musteloidea 7.80 14.44 26.73 the Caniformia demonstrate that incorporating fossil Estimated evolutionary rate* 0.73 data into reconstructions generally reduces ambiguity * Estimated evolutionary rates in Ln(body mass) units and scaled to units of around estimates, and overturned several patterns that millions of years. 308 SYSTEMATIC BIOLOGY VOL. 55 estimates slightly greater than 20 kg, with complete sep- is highly likely that many of these taxa had body masses aration of the 95% CI intervals for the estimated node considerably less than 1600 kg, reconstructed body sizes values (Table 3, A, B). It should also be noted that for each of less than 5 kg for the LCAs of Caniformia and Arc- of three nodes (Caniformia, Arctoidea, and Musteloidea) toidea can be made with confidence. standard errors for the reconstructions are substantially smaller when fossil data are included. The Impact of Incorporating Temporal Data The unnamed node uniting Pinnipedia and on Body Size Reconstructions Musteloidea deserves particular mention. While The previous analysis included variable branch the WSP estimate for the extant-only set is larger than lengths obtained from the first appearances to calibrate that produced by the all-taxa set, the extant-only CIs clade divergences and tip dates for both extant-only and are completely subsumed by those of the all-taxa set all-taxa data sets. A reanalysis of the all-taxa data set was (Table 3, A). In fact, the CIs around the estimated body performed, excluding temporal information by setting size for the all-taxa set are completely uninformative, all branch lengths equal to 1. For the Caniformia, Arc- ranging from slightly more than a kilogram to about toidea, and Pinnipedia + Musteloidea, both the estimates 180 kg. These large errors are due to the fact that there and large CIs around the estimates for the reconstruction are currently no reliable body size estimates for fossil excluding temporal information, while slightly smaller pinnipeds. Deriving a reasonable body size proxy that for the Caniformia and Arctoidea reconstructions, show can be extrapolated to fossil taxa in this clade has proven a similar pattern to the extant-only analysis (Table 3, D). difficult, as pinnipeds feed in different ways than terres- The reconstructions for these nodes are near the mid- trial carnivorans and do not routinely support their body dle of the broad observed range, and estimated size is weight on their limbs. Therefore, many of the commonly somewhat larger, indicating that early-appearing taxa in used morphological proxies for body size estimation these clades are smaller than those appearing later. This (dental and limb bone measures) are unlikely to provide pattern is reversed in the Musteloidea, with a dramatic accurate estimates. In addition, due to the thermal reduction in the reconstructed size. Reconstructions were constraints of an aquatic habitat, pinnipeds add mass to also accompanied by increased ambiguity in the recon- their bodies in ways that are not analogous to terrestrial structions (larger CIs around the estimate) for each of mammals, and the rules governing relationships of the three nodes when the temporal data were discarded. body mass to morphologic measurements probably are These patterns document the presence of diverse ranges significantly different. Fossil pinnipeds were excluded of body sizes within the major lineages, although the from the analyses, although temporal information from difference in the reconstructions when temporal data are first appearances (Demere et al., 2003) were used to included in branch lengths indicates that the distribution calibrate the divergence ages of the major family and of the observed body sizes through time is not uniform subfamily groups. The result is a phylogenetic tree in these clades. Therefore, temporal data, incorporated with long branches from the node defining the LCA of into these analyses as branch lengths, are necessary for pinnipeds and musteloids to the extant pinnipeds, and accurate body size reconstruction. because pinnipeds exclusively occupy the large end of the modern body size distribution, these long branches lead to large errors around the reconstructed values at The Sensitivity of Body Size Reconstruction the ancestral node. This underscores the importance of to Uncertainty in Phytogeny incorporating fossil data to constrain reconstructions. The previous analyses focused on reconstructions However, it is possible that the small-bodied recon- of ancestral body size for a single topology (Fig. 2): structions for the LCAs of the Caniformia, Arctoidea, Amphicyonidae as the sister to all extant caniforms and Musteloidea clades are the result of excluding poten- (Wesley-Hunt and Flynn, 2005) and "Paleomustelidae" tially large fossil pinnipeds from the analysis. To test the considered as a stem lineage basal to mephitids, procy- sensitivity of the reconstructions to these missing data, onids, and mustelids (i.e., as stem musteloids) (Baskin, the fossil pinnipedimorph taxa documented in Demere 1998). As noted above, it is not certain that these are the et al. (2003) were incorporated into the phylogenetic correct positions for these groups. The analyses were tree, but were all assigned a mass of 1600 kg, equivalent repeated for each of the eight alternative phylogenies to the largest living caniform species: Mirounga leonina, for the positions of Amphicyonidae (four topologies) the southern elephant seal. This is unrealistically large and "Paleomustelidae" (two topologies) (Fig. 3). Char- for most, if not all, fossil pinnipeds, and represents an acter state reconstructions were generally unaffected extreme test of the validity of the small-bodied ances- by varying the phylogenetic positions of either amph- tors reconstructed for the caniform and arctoid nodes. icyonids or "paleomustelids." A comparison of recon- Reanalysis with all fossil pinnipeds having elephant structions relative to the four alternative positions for seal body masses does not alter the reconstructions for Amphicyonidae are presented for two representative the LCAs of the Caniformia, Arctoidea, or Musteloidea nodes: Arctoidea and Musteloidea (Table 4). Reconstruc- (Table 3, C), and demonstrates that reconstructed body tions incorporating the alternative positions for "Paleo- sizes less than 5 kg for the Caniformia and Arctoidea in mustelidae" are shown for all four nodes: Caniformia, particular are robust even to what are almost certainly Arctoidea, Pinnipedia + Musteloidea, and Musteloidea drastic overestimates of fossil pinniped body sizes. As it (Table 3, E). 2006 FINARELLI AND FLYNN—EVOLUTION OF BODY SIZE IN THE CANIFORMIA 309 TABLE 4. WSP ancestral body mass reconstructions (kg): relative to variable position of Amphicyonidae. Reconstructed node: Arctoidea Reconstructed node: Musteloidea Position of Amphicyonidae L 95% CI Estimate U 95% CI L 95% CI Estimate U 95% CI Sister to Canidae 0.43 1.20 3.39 8.55 14.01 22.95 Sister to Ursidae 2.35 6.70 19.11 10.19 14.85 21.65 Sister to Arctoidea 0.52 1.50 4.34 8.51 13.51 21.41 Sister to Caniformia 0.73 1.55 3.39 11.74 15.76 21.17 Reconstructions for the four alternative positions of observations, but more importantly, of the associated Amphicyonidae show no significant changes in the re- temporal information. Taxa near estimated nodes con- constructed values for the Arctoidea or Musteloidea tribute significantly less variance to the reconstructed nodes (Table 4). Values for the WSP reconstruction of value under a Brownian motion model (Felsenstein, Musteloidea ancestral body mass are nearly identical in 1985). Indeed the opposite pattern was already noted in each amphicyonid topology. For Arctoidea, values are the large CIs around the Pinnipedia + Musteloidea node similar except for the topology uniting Ursidae and Am- due to the long branches that result from missing body phicyonidae as sister taxa, for which the estimated body mass data for pinnipeds. Thus, the addition of taxa at size is somewhat larger, although the CIs for all of the or near ancestral nodes serves to inform the value of the reconstructions overlap (Table 4). As with the amphi- estimate, and also to constrain CIs around that estimate cyonids, varying the position of "Paleomustelidae" be- (Garland et al., 1999). tween alternate topologies had no effect on reconstructed Polly (2001) calculated a 95% confidence envelope body sizes (Table 3, A, E). for Paleogene carnivoramorphan body mass estimates. These represented the range of values spanning 95% of possible end values for a Brownian motion model given DISCUSSION an evolutionary rate, an initial body mass, and an ob- Ancestral Body Size in the Caniformia—The Importance served amount of elapsed time. He found that the con- of Fossil Data fidence envelope spanned a far greater range of body Body mass estimates for fossil taxa show larger ranges size than all known extant animals, which would seem in body size than are observed among the extant taxa in to discount the utility of Brownian motion models in each of the major caniform lineages, especially among ancestral state reconstruction. In fact, a similar confi- canids and ursids. It was noted above that fossil ursids dence envelope can be calculated for the all-taxa anal- span a much larger range of absolute body size than ysis in this study. Using the estimated evolutionary rate do extant ursids. Furthermore, comparing the range of as the variance parameter and the reconstructed ances- body sizes at the beginning and end of the ursid lineage tral body mass of the Caniformia node as the initial history (e.g., the first and last 10 million years of ursid state of a Brownian motion model (0.73 and 1.72 kg, re- evolution: roughly 38 to 28 Mya, and 10 Mya to Recent) spectively; Table 3, A) spanning 38 million years (from shows a marked difference in the size range of early bears the FAE of Parictis parvus), the upper and lower 95% compared to later taxa (Table 5). When fossil taxa are ex- confidence envelope values exceed the observed range cluded from the analysis, the greater range of body sizes of caniform body masses by a considerable margin for this clade is lost; when the accompanying temporal (Table 6). data are discarded, the trend of increasing body size is However, Polly's (2001) example assumed that a lost. Brownian motion model proceeded at a given rate for several million generations to a set of coeval tip observa- In several studies it has been noted that the confidence tions (Polly, 2001:606). In Table 6, a similar assumption is intervals around root node reconstructions can often ex- made, where the observed range of caniform body sizes ceed the range of observed tip values (Garland et al., is assumed to exist 38 million years after the existence of 1999; Polly, 2001; Schluter et al., 1997). However, CIs a 1.72-kg ancestor, given an estimated per-million-year around root node estimates in the present study are nar- evolutionary rate. But the tree in the all-taxa analysis is rowed substantially when the fossil data are included. This is a result not only of the additional character state TABLE 6. Comparison of Brownian motion confidence envelope values to observed body masses for the Caniformia node. TAB LE 5. Body sizes for Ursidae during the first and last 10-million- years intervals of lineage. Body masses in kg Body size (kg) Brownian Motion Model Lower CI 5.5 x 10~5 38 to 28 Mya 10 Mya to recent Upper CI 53,900 Minimum 0.76 40 Observed Body Masses Median 2.15 124.20 Minimum 0.10 Maximum 41.16 874.88 Maximum 1600 310 SYSTEMATIC BIOLOGY VOL. 55 not ultrametric; the caniform taxa are arrayed through body masses for these newly reported taxa (1.3 to time relative to their appearance in the fossil record, and 4.6 kg) are exactly what would be predicted for basal the distances between the reconstructed ancestor at the members of the ursid lineage, close to the initial arc- Caniformia node and the observed tip values for most toid radiation, in the all-taxa, temporally constrained taxa are considerably less than 38 million years. Thus, a analyses. simple Brownian motion model is not appropriate in this These reconstructions demonstrate that many of the case. taxa that appear early in the lineage histories of several The temporal data associated with the appearance of caniform clades (e.g., the Ursidae, Amphicyonidae, and large body sizes within the Ursidae, Amphicyonidae, both the Hesperocyoninae and Borophaginae subfami- and Canidae play a significant role in reconstruct- lies within the Canidae) occupy the small end of the size ing small ancestral size for both the Caniformia and distribution for their respective clades, whereas larger Arctoidea, and demonstrate the general importance of members of these clades generally occur later. As a re- branch length information in ancestral character state sult, both the phylogenetic position of a taxon of a certain reconstructions (Garland et al., 1999; Polly, 2001). When body size and the time when it appears in the history of the temporal data adjust branch lengths, the impact of a clade are crucially important for the reconstruction of each character state observation on the reconstruction patterns and trends in body size evolution. Incorporat- is weighted according to its temporal proximity to that ing fossils therefore yields more precise, and likely more node, thereby incorporating evolutionary trends in the accurate, reconstructions despite the existence of trends character of interest into the reconstruction of the ances- across the phylogeny. tral state. The LCA of both the Caniformia and Arctoidea This may seem odd, in that previous studies of re- therefore most likely were small-bodied (on the order construction methods such as weighted squared-change of 1 to 5 kg), and not large-bodied (on the order of 10 to parsimony have shown that directional trends can be a 50 kg). These differences, nearly an order of magnitude, serious set-back to accurate reconstructions (Oakley and should have a profound impact on interpretations of the Cunningham, 2000; Webster and Purvis, 2002b). Both the life history, paleoecological interactions, and adaptation extant-only and uniform branch length analyses in this to past environments for ancestral caniform and arctoid study support these previous observations. If taxa early forms (Gittleman, 1986b, 1991, 1993; Gittleman and in the evolutionary history of a clade are small, whereas Harvey, 1982; Meiri et al., 2004a, 2004b). Qualitatively, later taxa are large (as with bears in the present study), when considering an ancestral caniform or arctoid, the then a reconstructed ancestral size for the LCA using ei- extant-only reconstruction of body masses on the order ther the extant taxa-only set or equal branch lengths can- of tens of kilograms (the size of the gray wolf, Canis not return accurate estimates. However, including data lupus), as compared to the all-taxa reconstruction of less for fossil taxa serves to add character information that than 5 kilograms (the size of the striped skunk, Mephitis is not observed in the modern taxa and also weights mephitis) produces a dramatically different view of the the estimate of the nodal reconstruction (Garland et al., biology of the ancestral organism. Quantitatively, body 1999). Oakley and Cunningham (2000) noted this poten- size in living carnivorans, and mammals in general, tially significant effect in their reconstruction of ancestral can be correlated to many life history and ecological character states when adding even a single known ances- variables; for example, average home range size, which tor at the root of the phylogeny. Although true ancestors correlates strongly with body size in Carnivora, af- will rarely be known, our analyses document that adding ter correcting for phylogeny (Gittleman, 1986b, 1993; large numbers of fossil taxa that bracket multiple nodes Gittleman and Harvey, 1982; but see Kelt and Van Vuren, deep within a phylogeny can minimize the biases caused 2001). Unfortunately, most ecological variables do not by directional trends. readily preserve in the fossil record. However, characters such as body mass can be estimated for fossil taxa, and After completion of these analyses, Wang et al. (2005) with more precise and accurate estimates of ancestral published cranial descriptions of three arctoid taxa from body masses, it is possible to reconstruct a more reliable Mongolia, providing dental measurements that could picture of the life history of ancestral caniforms. These be used to estimate body size (Table 7). These taxa results illustrate the more general potential of studies (Amphicynodon teilhardi, Amphicticeps dorog, and Am- intending to secure accurate morphologic correlates phicticeps shackelfordi) have been placed as basal ur- for a broad range of organismal attributes having low sids (see Hunt, 1998b; Wang et al., 2005). Estimated preservation rates (e.g., Gittleman, 1986a, 1986b, 1993; Gittleman and Harvey, 1982). TABLE 7. Body size estimates for basal ursids in Wang et al. (2005). Small ancestral body size reconstructions, when in- corporating fossil data, document parallel, independent Body size (kg) trends of increased body size within the canid, ur- ml Length ml width Estimated body sid, and amphicyonid lineages. The small to medium (mm) '» (mm) mass (kg) body size reconstruction for the LCA of Pinnipedia + Musteloidea potentially implies another independent Amphicynodon teilhardi 8.30 3.88 1.30 Amphicticeps dorog 11.80 5.26 4.60 acquisition of large body size along the pinniped lin- Amphicticeps shackelfordi 9.15 4.56 2.14 eage, although accurate body size proxies for fossil