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Preview Ancestors West-Vol 9 No. 3-1983

ittcestor; n Vol. 9 No. 3 SCTtemberJ983 Whole Mo. W \*>ith tomorroto lor commute^ SANTA BARBARA COUNTY GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY P.O. Box 1174 Goleta, CA. 93116-1174 OFFICERS, DIRECTORS, COMMITTEES 1983 Norman E. Scofield President Emily Perry Thies Vice President Elizabeth Ann Early Secretary Muriel Riemer Graham Treasurer Harry W. Titus Director Lilian Mann Fish Editor, Director Ruth Brooks Scollin Librarian, Director Frank B. Smith Parliamentarian Alma Imhoff Lauritsen Genealogical Instruction COMMITTEES BOOK EvelynFetter HOSPITALITY Changes Monthly MEMBERSHIP Beatrice McGrath PROGRAM Shirley Cobb PUBLICITY Amy Marwede WAYS AND MEANS Amy Marwede PAST PRESIDENTS Harry W. Titus 1982 Emily Perry Thies 1981 Bette Root 1980 Harry W. Titus 1979 Mary Ellen Webster Galbraith 1978 Carlton M. Smith 1977 Selma Bankhead West 1975-1976 Harry R. Glen 1974-1975 Carol Forbes Roth 1972-1973 ANCESTORS WEST is published quarterly in March, June, September, December. Non-member subscriptions are $8.00 per annum. Single copies of current and back issues are $2.00 depending on avail ability. The rate for advertising is $3.00 for the first 20 words and 10 cents for each additional word. Exchange averti- zing from genealogical and histrocial periodicals is welcomed. Contributions of a genealogical or historical nature will be accepted as space allows. Queries are encouraged. Quotes and reviews from pieces appearing in ANCESTORS WEST have the approval of the Society if the source is credited. The Society assumes no responsibility for services or worV undertaken by ariveBtisey,s~ „„ A Santa Barbara County Genealogical Society hieniBerati'ni ic Ti5\00 for the calendar year, dues payable by February 1, and includes one subscription to the quarterly, ANCESTORS WEST. Members joining after July 1st pay half the annual dues and receive September and December ANCESTORS WEST. Special consideration is given for Life, Associate and Honorary members. Family member ships also available, to include 1 copy of the quarterly. REGULAR MEETINGS: First Saturday of each month, 10am to 3pm, Room 8, Goleta Community Center, 5689 Hollister Ave., Goleta, CA. Library at above address open each Wednesday, 12pm to 4pm. Visitors' attendance encouraged. 82 ANCESTORS WEST TABLEOFCONTENTS Vol. 9, No. 3 September, 1983 Page SBCGS SPONSOREDRESEARCHTRIPS -BOS-Los Angeles Libraries ... 83 Library Hours- LosAngeles, IDSLibraries 83 VENTURABOS FIELDTRIPS toLos Angeles andIBSTemple Libraries . 83 MONTECTTO CATHOLICCEMETERY - JAYPICN 83 GENEALOGICALCOMPUTING-ANUPDATE, Norman E. Scofield 84 NEWSRELEASEFROMFEDERATION OFGENEALOGICALSOCIETIES 84-86 COMMTITEEFORGENEALOGYARCHIVES GIFTFUND 85 NEWSFROMTHENATIONALARCHIVES ' . 85 NARSINDEPENDENCEBILL 86 NARS FIFTIETH ANNIVERSARY IN 1984 !!!.86 HARTFORD 83CONFERENCETAPESAVAILABLE 86 ANCESTORS TABLES, LIST Charts 1to38 87 GENEALOGICALCALENDAR- FGS 87 ANCESTORS TABLE, Chart No. 38 Alice Naomi Ovington 88 OURKEYSTONEFAMILIES -Column bySchuylerC. Brossman 88 DOTYS, Article in July 1983 ASHTREEECHO -see AWMarch,1980,Chart 2688 SBCGSMEMBERS - NEWANDADDRESS CHANGES 89 REFERENCE LISTTO EARLIERISSUES OFANCESTORS WEST 89 Sunday OpeningofSo. Cal. Gen. Soc. Library, Burbank, Cal 89 GRAVESTONESTUDIES 89, 112 ILLINOISMap andResearchSources 90-94 MICHIGANMap andResearchSources 95- 98 NEWMICROFILM SERVICES fromAMERICAN GENEALOGICALLENDINGLIBRARY. 98 SANTABARBARA COUNTY MARRIAGE RECORDS, 1901 99-103 PLACENAMES Turf, Serena 103-104 QUERIES 104-106 QUARTERLIES CURRENTLYON OUREXCHANGELIST 105-106 SANTABARBARA REFERENCES INJuly/Aug GENEALOGICAL HELPER, ADS 108 NEWINTHELIBRARY Books, Purchases, Donations Family History Associations NewQuarterly Exchanges Exchanges and Quarterly Donationa 109 - 111 LEAFLETS CNRESEARCH INENGLAND. Christopher M. Scargill Ill REVIEWS -TheWarren Family Historian 112 ANNOUNCEMENTS, FAMILYASSOCIATIONNEWS ,NEWBOOKS DeShazer, Faubion, Douglass, Hewlett, Craft, Hill Harris . .113-114 The Nesbitt Society 114 American Genealogy Association SurnameDirectory, Vol1No. 1 115 GageFamilyHistory, Duane M.Gage 116-117 The Library atthe Goleta Conrounity Center Building isopen each Wednesday afternoon, 12noon to4p.m. Theregularmonthly meeting is onthefirst Saturday ofthemonth, 10a.m. - 3p.m. Membership meeting 11a.m. Become involved. Signify your areas ofinterest andwilling nesstoparticipate inactivities. Register yourfamily research interests. NewMembers - pickupmembership kits. Formsandchartsareavailable to assist inresearch projects. Volunteer forservice andmakesuggestions. Consultthe binder containingfamilynamesof interestto members (bycountry, state andcounty) andaddthose names ofparticular interest to you. Presently thisisa neglected resource. Makeitworkforyou. Still available -Notesheets -Royal Presidio ofSantaBarbara Formsandchartsto assist inresearch projects. 83 SATTPA BABBAM COUNTYGENEALOGICALSOCIETYSPONSOREDRESEARCHTRIPS - BUS Several trips have been sponsored this year. The first was onFeb. 23,1983 (Wednesday) to the Genealogical Section of the Los Angeles Main City Library onWest Fifth Street; onSaturday, April 23,1983, to the LDS Los Angeles Genealogical Library nearWestwood, SantaMonica Blvd; onJune 22, 1983 (Wed nesday), both libraries - individuals having achoice- going by way of the SanDiego Freeway, letting offthose wishing todoresearch attheLDSlibra ry, and reaching the Los Angeles library downtown atabout the 10a.m. opening hour, leaving there at3p.m., picking upthose atthe LDS library, stopping atthe Miramax, Montecito, todrop off Carpinteria-Montecito passengers. Transportation furnished byMelni bus. The rates vary somewhat depending onthedayoftheweekandsize ofthe bus. After thefirst tripata cost of$8.50 perperson, itwas decided tocharge $10.00 cash perperson. De pending onthe numbergoing $10.00 covers (more orless) the fee toMelni Bus. Bussizes available,ifenough notice given, 32-39, 41,or40-47 seats - 10hr. trip;extra charge$30 for eachadditionalhour. PAYMENT INADVANCE isrequired. Itisimportant topay forthe trip assoon aspossible whendecision togohasbeenreached. This istheonly wayof knowing that youdefinitely are going. A place isreserved onthebusdepend ingwhen paymentis received. Sothe earlierthebetter! Ifforanyreason achange inschedule comes up,someone will notify thosewhohaveregistered andprepaid fortransportation. Alsowhen the telephone committee calls toverify thereservation. Ifthereply is"yes" thecommittee depends onyou. Ifforany reason youcannot go, BE SURE TO LETTHECOMMITTEE know that youcannot go. Yourcheck will bereturned, if notificationis given in time. Sendchecksto Nona Armstrong.429 Terrace Rd. SantaBarbara. CA93109. Phone (805) 965-7766. TAKE SACK LUNCH. ?@TP. TRIP- Subject toscheduling change - isprojected for Sat. SEPT 24th. TFAVFS7;15A.M. fromSEARS PARKING LOT, across fromKayser's Nutrition LOCATION: LaCumbre Plaza, Santa Barbara, Ask afriend, Wives, husbands wel come. Average numberhasbeen37-41» divided betweenthetwolibraries. It ishoped you, the reader, will try one ofthese trips with our Society. By dividing thegroup between libraries theimpact Isnotaburden toeither one. Itisplanned forthese trips tocontinue, spaced oneortwomonths apart,so takeadvantage ofthisopportinity ifyoucan. HIRAMAR PICK-UP We makea pick-up at theMirmarHotelforthoselivingin Montecito, carpinteria, etc.BE SURETO INDICATE YOUWISHTO BE PICKEDUP there whenyousend inyour check. Some have discovered theyshare acommon ancestor bytalking onthewaydownorback, Itcouldhappentoyou. PARKING - Sears Roebuck hasbeenverynicetoletususe theirparking lot fora pick-up anddrop-off site. Wemeetthebusatapproximately 7:00A.M. (leave promptly at7:15 a.m.) and return about 5:30 P.M. We have been asked topark asfarinto thecorner facing LaCumbre Road aspossible, onthelower level, across from Kayser'n Nutrition. Wecanleave ourcars there fortheday. LIBRARYHOURS LosAngeles Public Library: Mon.-Wed- Fri-Sat10:00A.M. - 5 P.M. 5th& FlowerSt.Los Angeles Tues- Thurs. 12.00Noonto8:00P.M. Phone 1-213-626-7461 ext 323 Mt. Lopman, Genealogy Dept. AttheAugust meeting, theSociety members voted toprovideagiftofabookto each ofthetwolibraries inappreciation oftheir courtesy andconsideration. NonaArmstrong Shirley Cobb phone 964-3475 429Terrace Rd. 4805LaGamaWay SantaBarbara.CA 93109 SantaBarbara, CA 93111 VENTURA BUS FIELD TRIPS TO LOS ANGELES LIBRARIES Next Trips Monday Sept. 19; Monday Oct. 17; Monday Nov. 28, 1983. To LosAngeles Temple Library andDowntown LosAngeles Public Library BUS SCHEDULE (Cost $8.00 per person) NEW CAMARILLO PICK-UP SITE 8;00AM- leave parking lot byCarrows Restaurant- corner,Main &Mills Rd.Ventura 8:15 AM- leave parking lot ofMay Company atOxnard Esplanade Shopping Center 8:30AM- leave parking lotofLove's Restaurant - CarmenPlazain Camarillo. 4:15 PM- leave Downtown Library- pickupatLATemple Library ca4:45 PM; home atVentura at6:30 PM BRING SACKLUNCH - change forcopying machines "Ituderstand that ifIpay formyreservation anddonotshowupatthe Bus pick-uplsite, Iwill not berefunded my$8.00unless Ihave notified Betty Jonn- son48hoursbefore thetimetoleave." Call1»ettvJo,hnson_at 642-1242 Make check payable toVentura Co. Gen. Soo. 341 Valmore, Ventura CA93003 ********** MONTECITOCATHOLIC CEMETERY Jay Pion reports that thewood chips havebeen spreadtoprevent weeds from growing in the graveyard and has promised togive a copyofhisreport totheeditor fortheSBCGS library. 84 GENEALOGICALCOMPUTING - ANUPDATE Norman E. Scofield. Two years agothe authorpresented in thesepages (Sept. 1981, p. 83) amodest essay entitled "TheUsefulnessof Computers in Ameteur Genealogy". In the field ofPersonal computers (PC) twoyears is nowabout ageneration. The stars of 1981 are nowbeingoutshone byNovaoftoday. In themore re stricted field of genealogical programs forPc's, the changes have been sub stantial, ifnotasdramatic. One thing has remained relatively constant. The b-st source ofinforma tion about genealogical computing remains the bi-monthly newsletterofthat name, written andpublishedbyPaul andSara Andereck* (*DataTransfer Assoc iates, Inc., 5102 Ponmeroy Drive, Fairfax, VA 22032). Ibrtunately our society subscribestothis publication andhas acomplete back-file fromVol. 1 No. 1 July, 1981. ' ' Comparing the situation in September '81with that of July '83, we make the followingobservations. On P. 16of the September '81 issuewe find: "Letters fromour readers showthat there are manywhowrite theirown programs. This is partlyofnecessity, the software nowon the market does not cover all makes andmodels of personal computers." By contrast, in the July '83 issue we find, on page 22, aGenealogyPrograms Directory listing, for sale, 27 pro grams for 18 makes ofPC's. The most popularcomputers areTRS (7 Models) with 15 programs, Apple (3 Models) with 7programs, and IBM (2 Models) with 7pro grams. In September '81we find on p. 2" "IBMentersthe personal computer market"- accordingtoWashington Post Staff writer James L. Rowe, Jr.."International Business Machines Corp. has announced its entry into the personal computer market this fall " Now, IBMpersonal computer sales have overtaken Apple andTRS, the former leaders, andwill probably dominate this market for some time tocome. In many genealogical societiesmembers owningor interested in personal com puters are organizingthemselves to share infoimation andtechniques with each other andwith similargroups inother societies. There are even user groups formed aroundone genealogical programforone typeof computer. Perhaps in the future we may see many genealogical organizations belongingto genealogical computingnetworks, abletocomnunicate over phone lines andpass genealogical data back and forth. Another interesting direction of growth is the development of "Portable" PC's, small enough andoperable on batteries for several hours, that could be taken alongon your libraryor archive research andused for direct entry to files. The most promising ofthese have companion full size desk-top PC's to whichtheycantransfer files ofresearch data. In conclusion, if you have geen thinkingabout getting aPC to helpwith your family research but have'nt thought therewere any computers or programs that wouldwork for you, take alook at Genealogical Computing and see how far the field has come in just two years. Cane on in. The computings fun: NEWS RELEASE from FEDERATIONOFGENEALOGICALSOCIETIES Scharlott Blevins, Secretary P. 0.Box220 Davenport, Iowa 52805 CALLING'ALL CENEAL0QISTS! ASSISTTHE U.S. NATIONAL ARCHIVES TO CREATE FINDING AIDSFORGENEALOGY Genealogists fromalloverthecountry, meeting inAtlanta in1981and inIndianapolis in.1982; enthusiastically endorsed a program tosolicit at least ONEDOLLAR PERYEARPERGENEALOGIST for thecreation of finding aids in genealogy at the U.S. National Archives for which there can be no government funding. HOW YOU CAN HELP: Write a check in any amount,payabletoyour nearest genealogical society. Markthecheck: ARCHIVES GIFT FUND. Yourgift is tax-deductible and yourcancelledcheckwill be yourreceipt. YOURSOCIETY'S TREASURER, when sufficient checks have been accumulated, Should mail a check, payable to FEDERATION OF GENEALOGICAL SOCIETIES, .markedARCHIVES GIFT FUND, to: Federation of Genealogical Societies P.O.B. 220 Davenport, IA S280S WHENSUFFICIENT FUNDS HAVEACCUMULATED FORA SPECIFIC FINDING AID, to be selected by representatives of theGenealogical Coordinating Committee (see below) inconsultation withthestaff of.the National Archives, a check will be sent to the National Archives Gift Fund ihran"amount to coverthatfinding aid,and the genealogical community willbe notified when the aid becomes available. 85 NEWS RELEASE -FEPERATICN OFGENEALOGICAL SOCIETIES FINDING AIDS UNDER CONSIDERATION INCLUDE: r,„,, Complete pension files for Revolution and War of 181Z. Completing index to Passport Applications and microfilming it , Microfilming Civil War Records (service records, volunteer records) SPEGifisN2fES100 or more may be sent directly to Federation of Genealogical Societies. Donors' names will be inscnoea on a special Honor L"t. Aphotocopy of all checks sent to Federation of Genealogical Societies will be made and eventually filed as arecord of donors at the National Arc. To date? we are the only user group offering financial aid to the Nation. Archives, enhancing the prestige of and service to genealogists. COMMITTEE FOR GENEALOGY ARCHIVES GIFT FUND Honorary Chairpersons: (who proposed aid to the N"1™*1'*"**"*> .Histov RUTH CORRY, Director of Research (retired) fit. Dcpt. of Archives 5Histo. WINSTON DE VILLE, Fellow. American Society of Ge""10*"" llou NGS. Chairperson: MALCOLM H. STERN, Fellow 5Past President ASG.Follow.NGS. Recording Secy., FGS; Chairperson and Founder, Genealogical Co-ordinating, Co-SdiSltoriLORRAINE A.BRANNING.former Director of Genealogical Education. National Archives. . Staff for Federation of Genealogical Societies: T,easurer SCHARLOTT BLEVINS. Secretary LELAND ADAMS, Treasurer JOYCE HENSEN, NewsletterEditor # Genealogical Co-ordinating Committee: representatives from AMERICAN SOCIETY OFGENEUOGISTS (ASG) ASSOCIATION OFPROFESSIONAL GENEALOGISTS (APG) BOARD FOR CERTIFICATION OFGENEALOGISTS (BCG) FEDERATION OFGENEALOGICAL SOCIETIES-(FGS) GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY OF UTAH (GSU) NATIONAL GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY (NGS) NEWS FROMTRE NATIONALARCHIVES 1910CENSUS FINDING AIDfcNARSGIFTTUND: Atlong last we canannounce that a suitable first project fortheNARSGiftFund hadbeenfound! Negotiations are underwaybetween theNational Archives andtheBureau oftheCensus to obtain thestreet indexestoenumeration districts forthe30largest cities (list and sample page enclosed) tobereproduced onmicrofiche for distribution tothe Regional Branches and for eventual sale. Toproduce this finding aid and future ones, weneedatleast $1per year per genealogist. PLEASE ENCOUR- AGEEVERYMEMBEROFYOURGENEALOGICALSOCIETYTO SENDYOURSOCIETY'STREASURER DOLLARS FOR TRE GIFTFUND. Treasurersshouldsend a check forthe total re- deived (one dollar, at least, for everymemberofthe society isyour goal) payable to: Federation ofGenealogical Societies, andmarked: NARS Gift Fund. Mail ittotheFederation address: P.O.Box 220, Davenport, IA52805. FUTURE FINDING AIDS: NARS isbeginningtomicrofichetheCivil WarPension records. Subject toavailabilityofourgifts totheNARS Gift Fund, they hope tomicrofiche, also, the complete Civil WarService Records. TODATE: Wehave collected over $5,000 inNARS Gift Fund. More isneeded. MAPSOF 1910CENSUS ENUMERATIONDISTRICTS existattheCartographic Division ofNARA (Located atPickett St. Annex, Alexandria, VA). Themapsaremulti colored, andexperiments arebeingmade toascertain howbest toreproduce . thesecolormaps. Weshall keepyouinformedofprogress. PROBLEMSWITHTHE1910CENSUS: There havebeenmanycomplaints about theilleg- ibilityofsome ofthe 1910Census microfilms. It maybepossible toimprove some ofthesewith your help. The microfilmswere madebytheBureauofthe Census (not theNational Archives) inthe1940'swhen microfilmingwasinits infancy. Ifyou discover anillegible microfilm, please reports its number andlocalitytotheRegional Branchwhere you consulted it. Ifyou have pur chased illegible reels, they can bereturned to: National ArchivesTrust Fund Board, Washington, DC20408. Theywill check themaster and reproduce it by improvedmodernmicrophotography. DTOHLIBRARYLOANOF CENSUS MICROFILM. NARShasawardeda contract toDDDCor- poration of Landover, MDtoprovide~census microfilms oninterlibrary loan atacost not toexceed $2.25 perreel. This servicewill become operable by July 3, 1983. Appropriate announcementswill beforthcoming. 86 NEWS FROMTHENATIONAL ARCHIVES SHK8^, Anewbill,S. 905, entitled"National Archives and Records^Aoministration Act of1983" was proposedby Sen. EaScTandlthSs At the time otthis news release about 20 Senatorshad endo^sed^hTbin J^S6 ZT*3*1 to**" «*of<»nnittee and approved^ AnrtSStbv the Administration tocounter independencewith astu^S Force waTSdS- NARS FIFTIETH ANNIVERSARY IN 1984 2?fSi!0!fal*to*i,B,BB"•* e8*8011^^ inWashington in1934. Next Sprine a Fiftieth Anniversary Celebration isbeing planned, ideas arebetog^^t &SLgS°8S «•»«•"?•• t0 "WK***** souvSfrTJf tteocSSon (possible forms, "enentos)^ Ifyou have any suggestions, please forward them •-0 Rabbi Malcolm H. Stern 300 East 71st Street NewYork, NY 10021 You will be credited. K3 wiS^Sfif£J!!0GS "S8 alistofPublications available through "•CONFERENCE TAPE SPECIAL: ENTIRE SET (50TAPES) maQKLV S199.00*** THURSDAY.JULY 14th _F13-S0URSES FOR ETHNIC RESEARCH: LOCATING Tl•IDENTIFYING AREAS OFCOOPERATION AMONG YOUR IMMIGRANT ANCESTORS' BIRTHPLACE. INSTITUTIONS WITHGENEALOGICAL COLLECT _F!4-TEACHING GENEALOGY WITH HISTORIC RECORDS. IONS. _F1S-MANAGING AGENEALOGICAL BUSINESS. PT.2 T2 PRESERVING FAMILY &COMMUNITY RECORDS. _F16-PR0bLEMSWITHTRACING ETHNIC ANCESTORS "—T3 CERTIFICATIONWORKSHOP INEUROPE. T4 COPINGWITH INCREASED USE OFGENEALOG _F17-TH£ GENEALOGISTS ROLE IN STATE &LOCAL ICAL COLLECTIONS &PLANNING FOR THE HISTORY. FUTURE. _Fi8-TEACH!NG PROBLEM-SOLVINGTECHNIQUES. TS-RESEARCH INCONNECTICUT. _F19-REStAP.CH IN NEW HAMPSHIRE. T6 RESEARCH INUPSTATE NEWYORK. _F20-ISTHERE ROOM ATTHETOP. •PREPARING NEWSLETTERS SGENEALOGICAL _F21-ADDRESS BY JAMES D. WALKER, GIVEN AT PERIODICALS. THE CONFERENCE BANQUET. TO•ASSISTANCE AGENEALOGIST CAN EXPECT SATURDAY. JULY 16th FROMA LIBRARY. T9•MANAGINGAGENEALOGICAL BUSINESS. PT.l SI-RESEARCH INMAINE. T10•NEW HAVEN COLONY RESEARCH. S2-MIGRATI0NS FROM THE NORTHEAST. Z"i•POSTCIVILWARSEARCHING. S3-GETTING THE MOST FROM TOMBSTONES. T12.•FINDING YOUR JEWISH ANCESTORS. S4-PR0FESSI0NAL RESEARCHTECHNIQUES. "T13-NEW METHODS OFGENEALOGICAL RECORDS. SS-MAKING ABOARDMEETING RUN. _T14-ROLE OFGENEALOGY !NSOCIO-HISTORY. S7-RESEARCH INVERMONT. T15-IRISHANCESTRY. S8-METH0DSOF INDEXING. T16.FRENCH-CANADIAN ANCESTRY. 310-THEUNIVERSITY LIBP.ARY AS AGENEALOGICAL FRIDAY.JULY15th SOURCE. _S12-RESEARCH INTHEMARITIME PROVINCES. Fl-EASTERNMASSACHUSETTS RESEARCH. _S13-S0URCES: POST-REVOLUTION TOTHECIVIL F3-LINEAGE SOCIETIES WORTH JOINING. WAR.1783-1860. QUALIFYINGTOJOIN _S15-MANAGING AGENEALOGICAL BUSINESS. PT.3 F4-L0NG RANGE PLANNING FOR YOUR ORGANIZATION _SI6-GENEAL0GICAL SOURCES INNEW JERSEY. F5-THE COMPUTER STHE GENEALOGIST. PT.l _S17-AMERIMN-CANADIAN RESEARCH. F6-RhODE ISLAND RESEARCH. _SIS-GENEALOGY WORTH PUBLISHING. F7-WESTERN MASSACHUSETTS RESEARCH. _S13-FAMILY&ETHNIC ASSOCIATIONS NURTURING F9-RESP0NSIBILITY OF SOCIETY OFFICERS &PRO FAMILY ASSOCIATIONS. GRAM PLANNING. REVIVAL OFSCOTTISH SOCIETIES. _F10-THE COMPUTER &THE GENEALOGIST, PT.2 _S20-C0NTINU1NG GENEALOGICAL EDUCATION. ACA Fll-USIKG MILITARY RECORDS. DEMIC PROGRAMS. ANDDEGREES ATCOMMUNITY _F12-C0NGREGATI0NAL/UHITARIAN RECORDS. COLLEGES £ UNIVERSITIES. s OCHECKENCLOSED cc NAME PkiHctiaigamy. O ADDRESS • BankAfraricard QMailerCharge • EoDIM u. CITY DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD cc LU TELEPHONE Q CASSETTE HRICES: CC o 1-4TAPES S7.00ea. 5-BTAPES S6.50ea. Ctsiattea S_ UJ 9-12TAPES S6.00ea 6%S..«T«(P.a.1.«f.)..t_ 13PLUSTAPES...«5.2Sea uj ENTIRE SET....S!99.00 CassetteProductionsUnlimited BillingCo»l I_ CCOO WASHD»IO!>»MPS>O5NtUG9PIfSHCAMNMDLtMING POBo»66.CPIi]U)O44f*»C.CK43-vi*9"0i SnippingCost t_ 3 BUttngMFuoMswmSSOO SJOO TotalPrtct *_ ef ANCESTORSTABLES, LIST Chart No. Name ANCESTORS WEST 1. Charles Andrews Miller, Sr. 1975 March Vol.4 /l 18-19 2. HelenMurray(Mrs. Charles A. Miller) March 19-21 3. AlmaH. Imhoff (Mrs. CarlR.Lauritsen) March 21-22 continued June 4 47 4. Mary Ellen Webster (Mrs. Eisner Avery r-albraith) March 4 23-28 5. VictorH. South June 4 47-48 3. Harry Titus (Justine Crow) June 4 48-5C 7. Lilian !'ann Fish (add.fccorr.June 1:T? 0/? nppo-Sl) June 4 5C -64 8. RuthEleanor Crosby (Mrs. Robert I'orrov) June 4 S4-65 9. CarolForbes(Mrs. Steven J. Soth) *torrtembor 4 84-89 10. StevenJohnRoth -^cnterijer < 8S-90 11. Virginia UcGraw (Mrs. James C. ?c':1oc?0 "icrte^xr 4 91-92 12. JamesChesterPaddock "entenber 92-95 13. Shirley Elaine Rouse (lire. iaibun"arwood Po'-y III) Toptep&er 95-9« 14. RonaldPatrickEarville recenber 122-123 15. Margaret FryChurch (Mrs. Wilbur Sennet'.' Tox) recember 123-1*?7 16. Everett RockwellFeid December 1?7-1T£ 17. Esther Roberta Ibrsh Ctrs. Everett Rockwell Reid) December 1H3-137 18. FrankBenjaminSmith. .'Grace!'cCandless) December 131-134 Revised 19S1 June 41-46 IS. Marylynne Steinhofjf (Yxs. Janes J. Oppen) 1078 December 135-133 20. JudithAnnWBICH.Tatamrk 1C70 March 23-24 21. Xathryn (Faren) Roth Heritage June 52-54 22. AmyEstelle 3oods(Mrs. JohnMarwede) June 54-56 23. Gordon Cale McClenathen September 73-75 24. Merna Kargaret Wallace (Mrs. Gordon G. f'cClenathen) September 75-76 25. PatriciaMeadeTOiite December 107-108 2€. John Alan, DeniseDiane andKenneth Edward Doty by ArlineLangstaff Doty,wife ofJohn 3nnit Doty 1380 March 19-23 27. Elizabeth Gorrell (Bette Root) March 24-29 28. Joyce (Jocelyn) Morgan (Mrs. Elmer 17. Kirkwood) June 46-49 29. Maternal Ancestry ofEthel Maude Moss September 32-95 30. Archibald Edwin McPhee.son ofMargaret E. Johnson December 113 31 Norman Edward Scofield andson John Henry 1981 March 7- 9 32. Sylvia AnnKcKinney Hanna for daughter LeslieWinifred December 118-121 33. FrancesMarionGarlandHouston 1982 March 14-18 34. Irma Bennett Keyes September 85 35. Shirley Rodick Cobb for dau.Catherine Lynn,Caroline Sue) December 122-124 38. Dorothy Mantz Walt(Mrs. Martin Walt) 1983 March 8-9 37. Elizabeth AnnEarly June 38. Alice Naomi Oyington September GENEALOGICAL CALENDAR The FEDERATIONGFGENEALOGICALSOCIETIES with the full support of The Genealogical coordinating cannittee, composedof representatives from AMERICAN SOCIETY OFGENEALOGISTS ASSOCIATIONOF PROFESSIONALGENEALOGISTS BOARDFORCERTIFICATIONOF GENEALOGISTS FEDERATIONOF GENEALOGICALSOCIETIES GENEALOGICALSOCIETYOFUTAH NATIONALGENEALOGICALSOCIETY is establishing a GENEALOGICALCALENDAR CALENDARCHAIRPERSON Joyce B. Hensen 2827 Ashland Avenue St. Joseph, HO 64506 tel: 816-364-5465 andsuggest IFYOU AREPLANNING AGENEALOGICALCONFERENCE Of more than one day's duration Formore than 300 participants Or wish to attract attendants from beyong your state 70UWOULD BE WISE TOCHECKWITHTHEGENEALOGICALCALENDAR. 88 ANCESTORS TABLE Chart No. 38 Alioo Naomi Ovington, 319C Lloyd Avenue, Santa Barbara, CA 93101 (I) Z Immigrant Ancestor Birth Death 1. Alice Naomi OVINGTON 1921 - IOWA 2. Thomas Carl OVINGTON 1889 NEB 1M3 NEB 3. Naomi ROBINSON 1894 IOWA 1978 CAL 4.. Samuel OVINGTON 1861 - IOWA 1900 - NEB 5. EmmaJane MoMULLEN (MoMULLJU) 1861 - ILL 1939 - HBB 6. Gilbert A. ROBINSON 1873 - ILL 1952 - IOWA 7. Nellie STEINER 1873 - MD 1931 - IOWA 8. Thomas Sherwood OVINGTON (I) 1815 - ENG 1395 - IC^A 9. Mary COOK 1817- 0HI° 1855- IOWA 10. Robert McMULLEN (MoMULLIN) (I) 1828 - IRE 11. Margaret Elizabeth HARKNBSS 1834 1898 - NEB 12. Rev. GeorgeW. ROBINSON 1840 - NY 1911 - IOWA 13. Jane APPLEBEE 1840 - ILL 1933 - IOWA 14. Osoar Edwin STEINER oa 1853 1883 15. Ann Franoes HAUGH 1852 - MD 1923 - IOWA 16. Charles OVINGTON 17. Ann SHERWOOD 18. Samuel COOK 24. Carle ROBINSON 1796 - NY 1859 - ILL 25. Raonol WINTERS 1795 - NY 1846 - ILL 26. Gilbert A. APPLEBEE 1799 1894 - ILL 27. Betsy CRABTREii 1902 1880 - ILL 28. Rev. Charles STEINER 30. William HAUGH 1809 1887 31. Catherine HEINER 1815 1873 48. Peter ROBTNSON 1761 - NY 1349 - NY 49. Phebo HAIGHT 1764 - NY 1834 - NY 50. AbijahWINTERS 1759 - NY 1813 - NY 51. Doroas SUNDERLAND 1767 - NY 1849 - NY 52. Levi APPLEBEE 53. Elitabeth HORTON 54. Benjamin CRABTREE 55. Polly NEWMAN 96. Isaiah ROBINSON 1729 - MASScal790 NY 97. Amy CHAPEL 1733 - CONN 1810 NY 192. Peter ROBINSON 1696 - MASS 384. John ROBINSON 1668 385. HannahWHEATON 1666 MASS 1755 . MASS 48. Peter ROBINSON had seoond wife Charlotte SPRAGUB OUR KEYSTONE FAMILIES By Schuyler C. Brossman Agenealogical column (page) appearing inaPennsylvania newspaper- all cor respondence tobeaddressed toSchuyler Brossman, P.O.Box 45, Rehrersburg PA 19550 has been contributed to SBCGS by member DouoCkX *alt. Column 866 deals withGerman Ancestors. 869 How toWrite a BookRight. 875 BritishRecordsRegardingAncestors. 876Mormon Library inSalt Lake City,thelargest genealogical library intheworld, describing ingreat detail itsholdings andservices. The "Column" alsoincludes notices offamilyreunions andqueries. Allquer iesmust have aPennaylvania connection, include atleast onedate andshould not be more than 150words DOTYS Cross-countryJourneys,as relatedby Mrs. MartinDoty to herdaughter, HazyH.MooreandChart26oftheChildren ofJohnBmmitDotyandMary ArleneLangstaffDotyappearedinANCESTORS WEST,March1980andmightbe of interestto Bea Banmbeck,whose Frustrations Encounteredin Searchinga Mayflower Line (Doty) appears inASHTREE ECHO (Fresno) July 1983ppl31-138. 89 >7J"5SPR - NEW ANDATTFTTSSCWJP5S ^_ (Name) (Address) (7io code) (Area Ctee 805) rayccT1 Herbert 225*°.Quinto St. S° CA 93r*5 637.3235 rrjOTTJT^T Isabelle 3710 Monterey Pines *]0fJ 55^ CA?3105 «!87_7404 CLOT?""* Janice 400 Mountain Drive S3 CA 93103 965-7423 CLYDF,!fartha(new address 962-8333 CRAWFORD, Doris 1919 Fl Camino de la luz SP CA 93109 9^2-3040 rs JONY Theodore 333 Old Mill Pd. #21? S3 CA 93110 967-365.? ECKEST Janet 1255 Camino Manadero SB CA 93111 964-763" FARAN Elaine 1812 Garden SB CA 93101 569-0436 FISHER Ralph 5335 Keam :ame SB CA 93111 964-5108 TOANKLIN Olive 7368 Hollister Space 56 GOLETA 93117 5SAWGS Emory 1032 Amethyst Drive SantaKaria 93455 GADCL Betty 7674 Dartmoor OOUTA CA93117 968-3941 !!0H!ION Marie 4129 3 Villa Andorra SB CA 93110 964-1292 JENNINGS Holly 492 Pacific Oaks Rd GOLETA CA93117 6S5-6915 KS3} Mary Loul #209 SB CA 93110 964-3430 XDSAI Carol 234OldBranchDrive GOLETA CA93117 685-1153 LAMB Lucille 3939 Carol Ave S3 CA 93110 687-5742 LEXINGTON Shirley 5146Mattoral Way S3 CA93111 967-5023 f'acC-«>E!?.t)R Toni 6279NewCastle Ave. ODLETA CA93117 967-7913 "«.K»!ELINC- Louise 411 Terrace Rd. SB CA 93109 962-8894 *3EK Barbara 710 Romero Canvon 3d. S3 TA 93108 969^203 PIAIDEAn Gertrude 1632 Loma SB CA93103 966-5673 RAMSAY Frances 411 CarloDrive GOLETA CA93117 967-7289 SMITH Falo E. fcWilliam P. 0. Box6621 SB CA 93160 687-747? TSPPER Donna 1537 ShorelineDrive SB CA 93109 963-^161 T90KAS Grace 5074 A Calle Peal S3 CA 93111 967-8536 Alma 5111/2 FigAve SB CA 93101 963-3943 „Arit, Elizabeth 3425 MadronaDrive SB CA 93105 682-1461 TO35 Mae 6266Westmoreland?1 GOLETA £3117 967-4450 WflrrE.Patricia (newadd.)637PilgrimTerraceDr. SB CA 682-7974 WHITEHEAD Richard 826E.De laGuerraTerr.SB CA93103 962-1785 REFERENCE LIST To earlier issuesof ANCESTORS WEST PIONEERTRAILS TOTHEWEST Article andMap June 1980 EARLY ROUTES TOTHEWEST Map Sept 1981 UNITEDSTATES ATTHETIMEOFTHEREVOLUTION Map March 1981 OHIOLANDGRANTS Article andMaps Sept 1980 PENNSYLVANIA Genealogical Sources andMap Dec 1980 MARYLAND " " " " J™e 1981 VIRGINIA " " " " June 1981 NORTHCAROLINA " " " " March1981 SOUTHCAROLINA " " " " March1981 MINNESOTA " " " " Dec 1981 NEBRASKA " " " " March1982 KANSAS " " " " Sept 1982 OKLAHOMA " " " " Sept 1982 IOWA " " " " Dec 1982 INDIANA " " " " March1983 KENTUCKY " " " " June 1983 TENNESSEE " " " " June 1983 SANTABARBARACOUNTY,CBLTFORN1A MigrationPatterns from1852 State Census March 1979 LandGrants inSantaBarbaraCounty MapandList June 1982 SantaBarbara CountyLocalities June 1983 PATHSOFDIFFUSIONOFPOPUIATION 1609-1790 Map June 1981 f?££!?«?£«brniaGenealogical Society announced that it would open its Library at 103 So. GoldenMall, Burbank CA 91502 phone (2134 843-7247 on Sunday, Aug. 28, 1983 from 10 to4to the public as an experiment. If good response intends to open library to the public one Sunday eachmonth. C3MVESTCKE STUDIES A. B. 1811 mentioned inJune ANCESTORS WEST, abill forprotection ofaban donedcemeteries, diedincannittee. Anarticle GraveTravelsintheCali- fornisMotherLode .by?&ry-EllenJones,BancroftLibrary,appearedin a University ofCaliforniaLibrary publication. Shewrotea technical leaflet about photographingtombstoneswhich isavailable frcmtheAmerican Association forStateofLocalHistory, 708BerryRoad, Nashville, Tennessee 37204 She alsosenttwoarticles tellingoftheworkoftheMartinez Cemetery Coranis- sionestablished in1979, clean-up daysforAlhambraandSt.Catherine's Ceme teries,andtheCbnrrdssion's adoption program. Address: Mary-Ellen .Tones 2 LosAmigosCourt, Orinda, CA94563.

Director. Lilian Mann Fish. Editor, Director zing from genealogical and histrocial periodicals is welcomed. responsibility for services or worV undertaken by ariveBtisey,s~ „„. A Santa to fill up with permanent settlers. By 1836
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