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Preview Ancestors West-Vol 9 No. 2-1983

iTtcestor; Vol. 9 So. ?. JTTNH, 1983 Wk-]° No 35 \*>ith tomorrou) icr corainutty*?. SANTA BARBARA COUNTY GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY P.O. Box 1174 Goleta, CA. 93116-1174 OFFICERS, DIRECTORS, COMMITTEES 1983 Norman E. Scofield President Emily Perry Thies Vice President Elizabeth Ann Early Secretary Muriel Riemer Graham Treasurer Harry W. Titus Director Lilian Mann Fish Editor, Director Ruth Brooks Scollin Librarian, Director Frank B. Smith Parliamentarian Alma Imhoff Lauritsen Genealogical Instruction COMMITTEES BOOK Sylvia Hanna HOSPITALITY Changes Monthly MEMBERSHIP Beatrice McGrath PROGRAM Shirley Cobb PUBLICITY Amy Marwede WAYS AND MEANS Amy Marwede PAST PRESIDENTS Harry W. Titus 1982 Emily Perry Thies 1981 Bette Root 1980 HarryW. Titus 1979 Mary Ellen Webster Galbraith 1978 Carlton M. Smith 1977 Selma Bankhead West 1975-1976 Harry R. Glen 1974-1975 Carol Forbes Roth 1972-1973 ANCESTORS WEST is published quarterly in March, June, September, December. Non-member subscriptions are $8.00 per annum. Single copies of current and back issues are $2.00 depending on avail ability. The rate for advertising is $3.00 for the first 20 words and 10 cents for each additional word. Exchange averti- zing fromgenealogical and histrocial periodicals is welcomed. Contributions of a genealogical or historical nature will be acceptedas space allows. Queries are encouraged. Quotes and reviews from pieces appearing in ANCESTORS WEST have the approval of the Society if the source is credited. The Society assumes no responsibility for services or wnrV unde.ptaknn by arivoptlsor.s- . A Santa Barbara County Genealogicax Society n.emBerahxti o.c >io.uu for the calendar year, dues payableby February 1, and includes one subscription to thequarterly, ANCESTORS WEST. Members joining after July 1st pay half the annual dues and receive September and December ANCESTORS WEST. Special consideration is given for Life, Associate and Honorary members. Family member ships also available, to include 1 copy of the quarterly. REGULAR MEETINGS: First Saturday of each month, 10am to 3pm, Room 8, Goleta Community Center, 5689 Hollister Ave., Goleta, CA. Library at above address open each Wednesday, 12pm to 4pm. Visitors' attendance encouraged. 43 ANCESTORS WEST TABLE OFCONTENTS Vol. 9 No. 2 June, 1983 Page COLINCHAPMANVISITATION- LECTURES -Other Local andComing Events 44 THEUOKTECITOCEMETERY, Richard S. Whitehead (Jay Pion Report) 45—47 LEGISLATICNTOPROTECTBDRIALSITES 47 NATIONALMUSEUMDAY - May 18, 1983 47 ANCESTORTABLE, Chart No. 37- Elizabeth AnnEarly 48 SANTABARBARACOUNTYMARRIAGE RECORDS, 1899 49-52 1900 52-56 SEARCHINGFORNEWENGLAND ANCESTORS? (Seattle Genealogical Society 56 WOBTHINGTONDESCENDANTS Newsletter announced 56 LUTHERBURBANK INFORMATION SOUGHT 57 1983NATIONAL JEWISH SEMINAR IN GENEALOGY 57 LosAngeles, California, July31-Aug. 4,1983 SPANISH SAYINGS 57 THEY CAMETOSANTA BARBARA 58 AMERICANFAMILYRECORDASSOCIATION- register,family reunions, etc. 58 ANCESTRY OFPRESIDENT GARFIELD 59 QUERIES 59, 62, 63 SANTABARBARACOUNTYLOCALITIESwith Map 60-61 HELP FROMCORRECTIONS-Remarriagesurnamesof females 62 ADVERTISEMENTS 63 KENTUCKY Map,history research aids, references, etc. 64-68 TENNESSEE Maps, history, research aids, references, etc. 69-72 SBCGS REGISTER OF MEMBERS' INTERESTS (continued from March issue) 73-74 NEW INTHELIBRARY 75 HARVILLEREUNION,Ferndale,CA August6-7,1983 75 NEWQUARTERLY EXCHANGES, EXCHANGES ANDQUARTERLYDONATIONS 76-77 BOCK REVIEWS 78 Appealismadeforgiftsofbooks, pamphlets and periodicals fortheSBOGSlibrary. Contributions willbereported inNEWINTHELIBRARY section and are tax deductible. Reconmendations for purchase of books are to be made to the Book Ccromttee. Ancestral Charts and articles for ANCESTORS WEST aresolicited. Queriesare freeandbring response andexpansion of familyhistorydata. 44 COLIN R. CHAPMAN VISITATION - LECTURES SBCGS was privileged for asecond time tohave asaguestspeaker the recently retired Chairman of the Federation ofFamily History Societies, the international organization with headquarters inEngland. Byprofession a certified engineer, anenergy technologist, achemistry graduate, and aFellow ofthe Royal Society ofHealth, he has been interested In Genealogy for 30years; was a memberof theExecutive Board oftheInternational Federationcf FamilyHis tory Societies and its Chief Executive until April 10, 1983. He is aninstruc torandassessor for the Duke ofEdinburgh's Sliver Award inHeraldry; hasfound ed seven major genealogical societies In England; lectured at the World Confer ence onRecords InSalt Lake City, Utah, in1980, when he first visited Santa Barbara, and is on his fourth Genealogical Lecture Tour of North America. Onhis first visit he stayed in the homes of members in the Goleta area and this time hishosts were George and Audrey Guntermann ofMonteclto. Thedinner andlecture atthe First Congregational Church dining hall facilities inSanta Barbara onFriday evening, April 15, 1983, wasarranged by SBCGS member Emily Perry Thiess, with assistance from many members including Lorraine Laabs, tickets and reservations, Evelyn Fetters, Meda Mylerburg, Janet Lawler, and Ruth Norris. Mr. Chapman discussed various aspects of research in England and pointed outdifferences between customs andrecords intheUnited Kingdom andtheUnited States, and responded toquestions from the audience. Asecond two-hour lec ture was delivered attheGoleta Community Center SBCGS library roomon Satur day morning. He then went on to Ventura for ameeting and lecture at the Ventura Genealogical Society and then onto Salt Lake City for a scheduled appearance there. Hesurprised Emily Thies byremembering that three years ago her ques tions hadevidenced interest intracing ancestors inNorthampton andbrought her apacket ofNorthamptonshire material. He speaks easily and with a fine sense of humor, while dispensing valuable information. Some may wonder if what might appear to be Santa Barbara eccentricities or manners may not serve to lighten many afuture talk -such as serving ameal on paper plates, without knoves, when the rolls were not pre-buttered. His attitude was, "Well, Idon't have to worry about changing hands when Iuse myfork." Several guests from the Ventura Genealogical Society, Santa Maria, and the Santa Ynez valley attended the sessions. Melinde Hatfield, editor ofthe Oregon State Genealogical Society "Bulletin", was aguest of the editor and went onto Salt Lake City to do further research on the Mann family of Elgin, Scotland, New England and Virginia. OTHER LOCAL EVENTS This year the Local History Exhibit for Junior and Senior High School students ,directed by Dr. Thomas Fuller, was held at the Allan Hancock Jr. Col lege inSanta Maria onApril 26and27. Aworkshop in Oral History Is scheduled to be held at University Center, UCSB on May 21-22, 1983, under the auspices of the Southwest Oral History Associa tion. Scheduled topics include: "Interviewing Techniques"-Enid Douglass, Direc tor, OHF, Clemenont; "Processing Procedures" -Mitch Tuchman, principal editor, OHP, UCLA; "Equipment" -Dale Treleven, Director, OHF, UCLA; "Oral Historians and Written Historians: Adversaries or Colleagues?", G. Wesley Johnson, Professor of History, UCSB; dinner speaker, Thomas L. Charlton, Director, Inst, of Oral Histo ry, Baylor U., Waco, Texas,"Oral History: Its Exciting Present and Even More Prom ising Future, with apenal discussion on Sunday morning onSpecial Projects: "Research of the Babbitt Family Ranch" -Karin Ullman, Phoenix, Arizona; "Research of Indochinese Refugees" -Ray Smith, Professor ofHistory, SDSU; and Santa Bar bara Museum of Art, Oral History Program; moderator, Lawrence B. de Graaf. Direc tor, OHP, CSUF SBCGS member, Patricia Meade White, author of "The Invincible Irish, Ron ald Wilson Reagan, Irish Ancestry and Immigration to America", has receiyed a purchase order from Nancy V. Menan, Chief, Library and Printed Archives of the Na tional Archives, requested by the White House. This book also contains names and first settlements ofthe 0'Regans who arrived before the Revolution and follows them westward from the Carollnas and Virginia. Some 250 names are Indexed. The bookwasreviewed Inanearlier Issue ofANCESTORSWEST and maybeobtained from Portola Press, P." 0. Box 1225, Santa Barbara, CA 93102. $9.95 plus $1 mailing. OTHER COMING EVENTS July 13/16, 1983 First National Conference for Genealogists Inthe Northeast, sponsored byThe Connecticut Society ofGenealogists; The Association ofProfes sional Genealogists, and The Federation ofGenealogical Societies, Parkview Hilton, Hartford, Connecticut. Conference limited to1,000 registrants. July 17-22, 1983 8th Annual Seminar, Family History Research in the United States, University ofConnecticut, Storrs, Ct 06268{Instructor.David F. Stoddard, C.G.R.S. 45 THE MONTECITO CEMETERY Richard S.Whitehead, VicePresident, SantaBarbaraMission Archives-Library, formerly Santa Barbara CountyPlanning Director, formerly President, executive secre taryandtrustee of SantaBarbaraTrustforHistoric Preservation, and sourceresearcherre Santa BarbaraRoyalPresidioplansand history,at Bancroft Libraryand other facilities in Californiaand Mexico. Ifyouwere onlyfifteen yearsoldanda healthy, activeboy, wouldyoube interested in researching theearlyhistory of an abandon edcemetery andfindoutwhowasburied there? Notlikely! Yet that is what Jay Pion of Boy Scout Troop 50 at the Carpin- teriaCommunity Churchchoseas thesubject of the project he hoped wouldqualifyhimfor an EagleScoutBadge. Hissuccesses anddisapp ointments arerecorded in a fifty-page reportthatmakesfascinating reading. His findings willbe ofvalue toagreatmanydescendants of people buried intheMontecito Catholic Cemetery, justeastofSheffield Driveon thenorthsideof EastValleyRoad. The information in this articleis allextracted fromJay'sreport, withhis permission. Juan Ayala,a parishionerat Our Ladyof Mt. CarmelChurch in Montecito, donated the1.31acreparcel toBishop Morafora cemetery in 1881. The book of deaths forMt. CarmelChurchstartsin 1908 and endsin1918. Itrecords 18burials attheMontecito Cemetery. Jay's challengewas to findthe names of the otherburialsbetween 1881 and 1908andtoattempt tohavethecemetery cleaned up,fenced, a plaque erectedand regularmaintenanceestablished. Jay foundpartof therecordina bookentitled"Baptisms, MarriageB andDeaths; Montecito, Carpinteria and LaPatera, 1877-1883" written in Latin and stored in the safeat Our Ladyof Sorrows Church in SantaBarbara. A copyis locatedat theSantaBarbaraMissionArchive- Library. Thisbook lists33burials intheMontecito Cemetery, fora totalof51. This stilllefta gap fortheburials between1883and 1908. From 1895to 1899,theOld MissionSantaBarbarawas responsi ble fortheMontecito Cemetery, andthe parishbookofdeathsforthat period iskeptattheparishoffice. Unfortunately, itsentries do not indicate where the burials occurred. Jay then turned to the Coun ty Recorder'sofficewhere he checkedthroughsome 3500death records. Here he found 26names of people buried inMontecito between 1888and 1910. Jay is not sure that twelve of these were buried at the Monte cito CatholicCemeterybecausethe entrysimplysays"Montecito"which could mean either the Santa Barbara Cemetery east of East Beach or even a familycemeterybefore theywere prohibitedby Countyordinance.No other records were found. Jay next tackledthe job of clean-up, fencing, marking and maintenance. Atfirsthe received cooperation fromtheArchdiocese, and in accordwith their requirements, he arrangedfor amillion dollar insurance certificate naming the Archbishopas an insured, and a hold- harmless agreement, both executed through the Boy Scout organization. But then, approval to proceed was withdrawn without giving him any reasons for stopping him. He checked with the archdiocese attorney andwas told therewas no legal problem. A Los AngelesTime reporter 46 MONTECITO CATHOLIC CEMETERY interviewed him about this time, since Jay had avery newsworthy project, and arather scathing feature article appeared in the Los Angeles Times issue ofOctober 22, 1982. Shortly after, Jay was notified by letter signed byTimothy Cardinal Manning that the property would be fen ced and certain trees removed, but that any otherwork would have tobe done by cemetery authorities. Jay, aCatholic, was mildly rebuked by the Cardinal for the newspaperarticle. Jay wrote back and apologized for any embarrassment caused the Church, although hewas, ofcourse, not responsible for the news article. Jayhad arranged fora considerable amountof donatedworkand equipment andmaterials. Atractorwastocleartheunderbrushand some trees were toberemoved. Tokeep the weeds down, athick plastic sheet was tobelaid onthe ground and covered with several inches ofwood chip- pings. Some bushes were tobeplanted, asplit-rail fence sonstructed and astone monument erected. Just before this work was tostart, Jay received acall saying the project was permanently canceled. Subsequently, the fence wasstarted, butthentheposts wereremoved. Sometreesthatblewover in last winter's storms were cut and stacked. Nothing more is being done. Jay's research workwasasuccess, butthere hasbeennomaterial improvement onthe property itself, and he is baffled as towhy. There are two possible reasons, bothunderstandable. Ifthis cemetery isimproved andmaintained, itwould bea precedent fordescendants todemand similar action atother abandoned cemeteries. Secondly, such improvements could spark demands by descendants that they be buried next to their ancestors, necessitating continued expensive maintenance. These arguments seem weak considering the minimal improvements contemplated inJay's project. They donot justify leaving him inthe dark as towhy his project was denied. Jay istobehighlycomplimented forhischoiceofwhatturned out tobeadifficult project and for hiB accomplishments. Hehasbeen diplomatic inhis approaches to people, thorough and comprehensive inhis research program, intelligent in his analysis of findings, and persevering inhisrefusal togiveup whenhe encountered obstacles. Hehas a knack for historical research and this experience, thoughdisappointing tohim insomeparticulars, willenrich hisfuture life. Andhewill receive hisEagle ScoutBadge. Theburialsdiscovered by JayPionfollow: &ifflrT8iPicias *?w IOS? Ayala,Constancia 1878-79 Jiminez,Dolorez 1821-22 taj fcoSiij Corra** 1891 Ayala, Leo 1895 Lopez, JoseJ. 1895 Bermudez,Alfonto 1879-80 Lopez, JoseM. 1677 Bojorque, Maria C. Lopez,Odelia 1882-83 Christina, M. F. Lopez,Raymunda Cota,Henry 1858-59 Martinez, Bernardo 1869-70 Cota,Jose J. 1831 Martinez, Edward 1874-75 Cota,Joseph 1826-27 Mayen, JosephA. 1818-19 Dominguez, EmilinaP. 1903 McLaughlin, stillborn 1911 Dominguez, Gerirudis Moreno, Verginia 1889 Dominguez, Josephus Newton, Albert 1893 Dominguez^ Manuel';4. i§§9 Olivas, Felicitas 1860-61 SosStrJ tiarf18*0 C« Olivas, Jose .1831 Foster, Robert 0^nal!s,H£ionafuRft. Brfcft NOTEi Jay'sreportprovides additional dataon the persons listed, notincluded inthis article. 47 THE MONTECITO CEMETERY Padilla, Berthold M. 1877 Romero Teofilio Robles, Alonzo Ruiz, jonn Robles, AnivarG. 1909 Ruiz, Jullanus 1909 Robles, Laura RuiZf simplaso 1904-05 Rodriguez, Josephine Smith, Emeline S. 1901841-705 Romero, baby 1880 Torrest, Charles I895 Romero, Benito 1847-48 Valencia, Benjamin 1881-82 Romero, Frank 1867 Valenzuela, Leonardo 1859-60 Romero, Isabel 1885 Verduto, Salido L. 1862-63 Romero, Jesus B. Romero, Leira Y. 1865-66 N0TE: Romero, Maria 1850-51 JaY'8 report provides additional data Romero, Matilda 1877-78 on tne Persons listed, not included in Romero, M. F. tnis article. Romero, Nelly I892 Romero, Onesimo 1884 Romero, Peter I843-44 LEGISLATION TO PROTECT BURIAL SITES Resolution ofa prolonged andat times agonizing debateovertheextremeleycom plexissue ofcemeteries andburial sites notsubject totheprotective and regulatory provisions ofexisting state lawmayormaynotoccur this legisla tive session. AB-1811, authored byRobert Campbell (D-Richmond) and Robert Frazee (R-Carlsbad) is the culmination of afour-year effort by State officials, acti vistsandlegislators. Duetoexistence ofcompeting interests and thecompli cated circumstances oftheproblem, ithastaken thatlong merely todevelop, largely bytrialanderror, therequisite statutory language. California statelawdoesnot at present address thefact thatformerly burials weremade outside legally recognized cemeteries. Alsosomehistoric communities no longer have established localauthority, suchasa cemeterydistrict, to provideneces sary care and protection. In the last legislativesession, limitedexpansionof the law re spectingNative-American burialswas adopted. Under this,state officials ad vise coronersupon thediscoveryof Indianremainson a case-by-casebasis. Under AB-1811ethnic pioneer,such as 19thcenturyChinese, and historic burials would also receive legal protection and state authoritieswould be directed to develop the guidelines local officials would proceedunder when such remains are discovered. Also recognizing that some sites are already known to state and localauthorities, the new lawwoulddirectthe statetodevelop guidelines for theircare and management. Recentrequestsfor cooperationand expressions of interesthave been receivedfrom an Oxnardmember of theVenturaGenealogicalSociety and from a person connected with the Museum division of the Bancroft Library and from representatives ofvarious graveyard associations. Individuals areasked tocommunicate withtheirlegislative representatives, bothinthe stateassembly and senate. NATIONALMUSEUMDAY - MAY 18, 1983 May 18, 1983, will becelebrated inSanta Barbara asNational Museum Day, with special features attheSanta Barbara Historical Society Museum, Santa Barbara Museum ofArt, Santa Barbara Museum ofNatural History andEl Presidiode Santa BarbaraNationalHistoricPlace, aswell as the Santa Barbara BotanicGarden and SantaBarbaraZoo (Child's Estate). 48 ANCESTORS TABLE Chart So. 37 Elizabeth AnnEarly, 3021 Calle Nogverra, Santa Barbara, CA93105 (I) » Immigrant Ancestor 1. Elizabeth Ann EARLY 1946 - CA 2. Harlan Ottls EARLY 1895 - KAN 4. Elizabeth Ann BUTT 1902 - NEB 4. William Atcheson EARLY 1871 _ PA 1931 - KAN 5. Margaret Elizabeth CARTER 1871 - IND 1954 - KAN 6. Helnrich Friedrlck BUTT (I) 1873 - GER 1946 - KAN 7. Elizabeth Ann Lacey WILLMAN 1876 NEB 1959 - KAN - John Calvin EARLY 1827 _ PA 1904 - KAN 9. Caroline RIMER 1831 - PA 1914 - KAN 10. John CARTER, Jr. 1839 - IND 1926 - KAN 11. Margaret "Meg" KING 1840 - IND 1933 - KAN 12. Heinrlch BUTT (I) 1815 - GER 1892 - NEB 13. Anna BORCHENS (I) 1833 - GER 1905 - NEB 14. John Marion WILLMAN (CSA) 1843 - OH 1917 - NEB 15. Elizabeth Ann BLAIR 1845 PA 1934 - NEB - 16. Andrew Rice EARLY (EARLEY) 1791 •PA 1870 - PA 17. Mary HARMON PA PA 1189.. JSoohphniaRIMER 1806 - PA 20. John CARTER, Sr. 1810 NC IND 21. Patsy(PARKER) SINGLETON - 1853 - IND 22. William KING 1803 - PA 1864 - IND 23. Margaret Elizabeth MOFFETT 1802 - PA 1876 —IND 28. James Vincent WILLIAM (CSA) 1808 - KY 1880 - NEB 29. Letitia CARSKADDEN 1802 - PA 1877 - NEB 30. Lewis (Louis) BLAIR 1820 - PA 1867 - NEB 31. Nancy (Mary) BECKLEY 1812 - PA 1857 - NEB 32. Samuel Rice AIRLIE (EARLY) (I) 1755 - SCOT 1828 - PA 36. Jacob REIMER (REYKOR) PA 37. Elizabeth HOLLIART (HILYARD/HILGERT) 40. Finch CARTER NC 41. Sarah GIBSON NC 44. Matthew KING (I) /1770- IRE 1836 - OH 45. Mary EWING (I) 1/1780 - ORE 46. Robert MOFFETT 47. Ann FERGUSON (FERGESON) 56. Christian WILLMAN (I) 1760 - GER 1830/1840-0H 57. Belinda (Linna) 58. John CUSCADDIN (I) 1734 - IRE 72. Daniel REIMER 1760 - PA 1811 - PA 73. Margarethe BEST 74. John HOLLIART (HILYARD) 75. Cecelia 112. Johann Adam WILLMAN (I) GER 113. Elizabeth (I) GER 116. James B. CARSKADDON, Sr. (I) 1732 - IRE 1800 - PA 117. Lettice 144. Valentine REIMER (I) GER 1794 - PA 148. Johann Franz Jacob BILLIARD (HILYARD)(I) 1722 - GER 1797 - PA 149. Christina *********** * POWER, PERKS ANDPCOH-BAHS discussed in4-page supplement toTHEU. S. NEWS WASHINGTON LETTER may 11. 1983 Aletter about the insider'sWashington, the city of lobbyists, political money-giving and little-known peoplewho influ ence government; also about tax dollars -howthey are spent or misspent. 49 SANTA BARBARA COUNTYMARRIAGE RECORDS - 1899 Cbpiedby Karen Heritage and Helen Miller CGGGHaaouorrlpap..ed ====° =CGGGHaaouoNrrlpaoepeedtyi/atnlaitSunepBreBiraides ILLNMSnooao.dmpnseptBAx. ====NGLMISLNooaonasnmtp=tpAelaolcecaBiNsmaototorsbianraGrooSSSSSm..eiusMYrsm...qInd==-==exSSSSSaaeiunsnnrqmtetueanaoraMYclanarnediza NBI) Indicates differencebetweemBrides and Grooms Index ( AARSET, Hans LinaDOVING 24 Sep Gol. ADAM, Anastacia Isaac PORTER 25Oct S. M. AALLLLEENN,, JR.oyLL.. SLeatdtiieeMOML.LDARRADKE 2225 AJuugl LSa.mBp. ALVES, JohnJ. Nellie G. BURCH 4 Mar S. B. AANRDCEHRESRO,N,ZeMlalrayML.. RJ.ayMR.OGDEERVSAUL 177 SDeepc SLuommp ARKLEY, John Oliver D. GraceHTBBrTS 14 Feb S. B. Alexander ELPEN (Elfen) 4 Feb S. B. AUBBARIELYA,RD,MaCmhiearEle.s E. Minnie PETERSON 20 Apr Carp BBAAKLELR,,CJaersrsiieeMB.. JNe.sGsreaEn.tTHHEOIMNEPOSLOLNAR 2261 FDeebc lLoommpp BALLEOTINE, A. H. Millie FASTNACHT 23 Jun S. B. BARTHOLOMEW, Pearl W.(groom) Shirley EstelleTUTTLE 25 Aug S. B. BASTION, MyraD. John N. GRANT 2 Nov S. M. BELLEW, Blanche A. EdmondLewisKLAMROTH 15 Jul Sum BBEENNNNEETTTT,, LThuocmyaEs.Charles DB.erDtAhVaIMSayOAKLEY 262NAuogv LSuommp BILLINGTCfT, Florence Claude I.PARKER 9 Mar S. B. BBBIIRRSASHDS,L,EYL,WuilNluelElil.aime LVSoieuctithsoarR.OEV.WEATTRRTAAELCLE 21559 NNAouogvv GSLo.omlB.p. BBRROOWAND,STOBNeEc,kiMa(eNBI) FFrraendkJMOAHGNLSIOON 148 OFcetb SS.. BB.. BUDWORTH, Jennie F. L. L. BUDWORTH 3 Oct BUDWORTH, L.L. JennieF. BUDTORTH 3 Oct BURCH, NellieG. John J. ALVES 4 Mar BBUUCRZANILECDTKW,TE,LLF,L.oMHuo.irsaace N. NALe.llmlVoienerAdG.aIHDLUALTEVCTIHTSINSON 523 OFAceutgb LSo.mBp. CAMPBELL, Ed.G. Hettie A. MOORE 7 Jan S. B. CANTINO, Emilio Teresa GOTTES 20 Dec S. B. CAVALLETTO, DomingaT. Joseph R. JANSSENS 9 Sep S. B. CHAVIZ, Anita FranciscoLOPEZ 22 Jul S. B. COCKRELL, Carrie M. CharlesI.McINTYRE 19 Sep S. B. COLLINS. Hattie MDeoamrednaircdooMFOONXTIENNO (Mantino) 277 >JJuonv SS.. BB.. COMOGLIA, Angela CONTERIO, Antonio Nellie DEN 18 Nov S. P. COCK. Harry C.(Harry Chapin) Margaret Tresa(Trisa) LONG 18 Oct Lomp COOLEY, Claude I. JessieE. SANSOME 22 Nov Ser. CORCORAN, Jno. H. Dorothy SMITH 21 Sep S. B. CCCORRYAULVMEEP,N,S,EMlieGneanoni.oerMLE... CGClorararnceeelAEi..usNFORSBCALONETKTLIN 12621 MAMuaagyr CSS..arBBp.. LillianJOHNSON 23Dec S. B. CCUURRTRIASN,.JC.hPa.rles SLuusciyeEJ.oBnEeNsNTEOTBTEY 165 JAuung CSuamrp DAVIS,D. Mrs.HannahHAYNES 7 Aug S. B. DDAAVVIISS,, GL.eorVgeerda HoraceN. CALDWELL 2 Aug S. B. DAVIS, Nannie (Mamie) Edward B. SCROLL 26 Dec. S. B. DAVIS, William I. MJaotsielpdhaAAsgbnuersy ESTGAAMNBAUGH 192 OJcutl LSo.mBp. DAY, EmmaAbbott DDEENV,AULN,ellJi.eM. AZnetlolnai"o.COANPTrEwRcIpO 178 NDoevc SLo.mBp. DIBBLIE, Francises Josefa WilliamThomas SUMMERS 12 Oct S. B. Franklin I. WILLIAMS (NGI) 6 Sep S. B. DDIOBESHOLN,,MaGreyorge W. VernaM.WILLIAMS 2 Feb S. B. Enima(Enrna) FOSTER 8 Apr S. Y. DDOONNAOHVUAEN,, TJhoohmnas J. Helen HOURIHAN 20 Dec Guad DOUGLAS, Francis I.(**.) Mary LOFTUS 19 Aug S. B. DDOOWVEILNLG,,LGienraaldine HThaonmsasAAMR.SELTEWIS 2240 SJeulp GS.olB.. DDORWANKIEN,G,LeJttaimeesMR.. VDealymLa.SAMLILTEHN 225 JJuull LLoommpp 50 SANTABARBARACOUNTYMARRIAGE RECORDS - 1899 EGAN, Matilda Agnes (NBI) William I. DAVIS 9 Oct S. B. ELFEN (Elpen) Alexander Maude E. AUBREY 4 Feb S. B. FASTNACHT, Millie A. H. BAIUOTINE 23 Jun S. B. FISKE (Fisk) Ellsworth A.or(C) Florence N.(U.) POST 30 Apr Sum FOSTER, Hnm (Enima) John DONAHUE 8 Apr S. Y. FOXEN, Joseph A. Maggie L. SPENCE 20 Jul S. B. FCKEN, Meardardo Hattie COLLINS 27 Jun S. B. FRANKLIN, Grace E. Geo. M. CRAVENS 1 Mar Carp GANT.Thomas (GOUX-grooms list)SopbiaLONGAWA 27 Jun S. B. GARFIELD, Mattie FrankLewis VAIL 16 May S. B. GAZZOLA, Eurica (groom) MicheleSTANPELLE (Stoupelle) 23Dec S. B. GILLBTT Nettie E. M. BUZICK 3Feb Lomp GINGRICH, Iva J. F. MALLORY 21Dec S. M. GLENN, AdellaB. RolandR.SPRINC- 3 Jan Mont GLINES, Robert C. CoraV.McCROSKEY 2 Mar S. M. GQLARTE, BalvinoS. MANDONGA (Madruga) Manuel F. 21Nov S. Y. GOODMAN, Mrs. AnnaS. William L. OTTE 3 Jan S. B. GOTTES, Teresa BnilioCANTINO 20 Dec S. B. GOOX, Anastacio Caroline GUEVARA 31 Oct S. B. GOUX (Gant),Thomas SophiaLONGAWA 27 Jun S. B. GRANT, JohnN. HyraD.BASTION 2 Nov S. M. GREWELL, R.V (R. U..) Mrs. R. MUELLER 31 Jul S. B. GRIFFTTH, William G. ClaraFrances HARDY 15 Jun S. B. GROSS, HadleyW. Alice L. SnUMAN 15 Jun S. B. GROSSI, Peter Josefa aLIVERA 5 Jul Lomp GUEVARA, Caroline Anastacio GOUX 31 Oct S. B. GUTCHES, MattieB. J. E. SETTLES 8 Feb S. B. GUTIERREZ, JoseFrancisco Juana ROMERO 31 Dec S. B. HAMMOND, Arthur S. Mary A. MOORE 8 May Carp HARDY, ClaraFrances WilliamG. GRIFFITH 15 Jun S. B. HARRELL, T. P. Ethel WHEATON 23 Jan HARRISON, Walter MaryE.WYLTE 7 Jun HAYES, George A.A. Addle U. WATTE 20 Apr HAYNES, Mrs. Hannah GeorgeDAVIS 7 Aug HIHB1TTS, D. Grace JohnOliver ARKLEY 4 Feb HILL, Josephine AntonioVICTORIMO (Victorino)20 Sep HILL, Lucrecia Lawrence LARSEN 2 Jan Gol. HILTON, Joel Mrs. S. E. PEC? 11 Jun LosA. HTXENBAUGH, Harry Mercie RUIZ 3 Sep S. B. HCBSEN, Ethel RinaldoQLTVERA 11 Jun Sisq HOFFMAN, MyrtleM. MortinBrE. RODEHAVER 26 Nov S. B. HOFFMAN, RoyF. MayJOHNSON 31 Dec Nap. HOGAN, EllenE. Albert G.SPERHER(Sperber) 11 Oct Lomp HOURTHAN, Helen Thomas J. DONOVAN 20Dec Guad HCWERTON, M.W. Clara L. MORE 22 Apr Gar. HUGHES, Janes AltheaMcHENRY 8 Nov S. B. HUTCHINSON, Alman A. LouisaBURNETTE (Burnett) 5 Oct S. B. INGRAM, JohnM. Myrtle M. RUDOLPH 28Dec S. B. JAGOBSON, Louise Edward LANGLO 6 Aug Hope JANSSENS, JosephR. Dominga L. CAVALLETTO 9 Sep S. B. JOHNSON, Bessie T. F. SUNETH(Smith) 15 Oct S. B. JOHNSON, Fred BeckieBROWN (NBI) 8 Feb S. B. JOHNSON,Lillian J. P. CURRAN 23 Dec S. B. JOHNSON, May RoyF. HUFFMAN 31 Dec Nap. JORDAN,H. L. EllaSTEVENSON 16 Oct S. B. KELLEY, WillF. Effie F. TROTT 16Mar S. M. KIMBER (Kunher)Vernon I. H. McCUNE 27 Jun S. B. KTRCHER(Kirchner) HenryW. Daisy M. RUTHERFORD 29 Nov S. B. KLAMRDTH, Edmond Lewis Blanche A. BELLEW 15 Jul Sum KRUEGER, Ferdinand Sophia SHILLING 16 May nrGol KnNHER(Kimber) Vernon I. H. McCUNE 27 Jun S. B. LAMB, FayetteC. RosinaH. VINCENT 28 Jan S. B. LANGIO, Edward Louise JACOBSON 6 Aug Hope LARSEN, Christian Soren Caroline L. PERRY 22 Jun Lomp LARSEN,Lawrence Lucrecia HILL 2 Jan Gol La RUE, Alia H. W. IDCCOCK 22 Jan S. B. LEHMAN,W. C. Myrtle A. PAUL 17Dec B. LESSET,Frank CandelariaPICO 13 May B. LEWIS,Mary JarrettT.RICHARDS 20 Jul B. LEWIS, ThomasM. GeraldineDCWKLL 20 Jul B. LOFFTNG, Mrs. Nenna Frank L. TRACKER 21 Sep B. Lt^Margaret Trisa (Trisa) HFarrarnyciCshaSp.iIn(.nI-(.C).D)OCUOGOLKAS 1189OAcutg LSo.mpB. LONGAWA, Sophia Thomas GANT (Goux) 27 Jun S. B.

THE UOKTECITO CEMETERY, Richard S. Whitehead (Jay Pion Report) 45— appear to be Santa Barbara eccentricities or manners may not serve to .. John Marion WILLMAN (CSA) . AUBREY, Mamie E. HARTLEY, Cora V.
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