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The Phoenix Presocratics ThePhoenixPresocraticsseries,co-editedbyDavidGallopandT.M.Robin- son, is designed for modern students of the Presocratic philosophers. Each volumepresentsextantfragmentsfromonemajorPresocraticfigureorgroup of figures. A Greek text with a new, facing-page translation is provided, togetherwithanintroductionorcommentaryoutliningthemainproblems of interpretation and philosophical issues raised by each thinker’s work. ThevolumesalsocontainEnglishtranslationsofsubstantialmaterialfrom theancienttestimoniaconcerningeachauthor’slifeandteaching,andoffer selective bibliographical guidance. The Presocratic thinkers are of seminal importanceforwesternthought,buttheirworksposespecialdifficultiesfor modern readers. It is hoped that this series will render them more readily accessible to all those interested in ancient philosophy and in the earliest phase of European natural science. 1 Parmenides of Elea Fragments:ATextandTranslationwithan Introduction by David Gallop 2 Heraclitus Fragments:ATextandTranslationwithaCommentaryby T.M. Robinson 3 Empedocles ThePoemofEmpedocles:ATextandTranslationwithan Introduction by Brad Inwood 4 Xenophanes of Colophon Fragments: A Text and Translation with a Commentary by J.H. Lesher 5 The Atomists: Leucippus and Democritus Fragments: A Text and TranslationwithaCommentary by C.C.W. Taylor 6 Anaxagoras of Clazomenae Fragments and Testimonia: A Text and TranslationwithNotesandEssays by Patricia Curd patricia curd is Professor of Philosophy at Purdue University. PHOENIX Journal of the Classical Association of Canada Revue de la Socie´te´ canadienne des e´tudes classiques Supplementary Volume xliv/Phoenix Presocratics Volume vi Tome supple´mentaire xliv/Les Pre´socratiques Phoenix tome vi Phoenix Presocratics/Les Pre´socratiques Phoenix General Editors/Re´dacteurs en chef David Gallop TrentUniversity T.M. Robinson UniversityofToronto Anaxagoras of Clazomenae FRAGMENTS TESTIMONIA AND A TEXT AND TRANSLATION WITH NOTES AND ESSAYS BY PATRICIA CURD UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO PRESS Toronto Buffalo London www.utppublishing.com (cid:0)c UniversityofTorontoPress Incorporated2007 Toronto Buffalo London PrintedinCanada ISBN978-0-8020-9325-7 Printedonacid-freepaper LibraryandArchivesCanadaCataloguinginPublication Anaxagoras AnaxagorasofClazomenae:FragmentsandTestimonia:atextandtranslation withnotesand essays /byPatriciaCurd (Phoenixpre-Socratics;v.VI =LesPre´-Socratiques Phoenix;v.VI) (Phoenix.Supplementaryvolume;v.LXIV=Phoenix.Tomesupple´mentaire, 0079–1784;v.XLIV) Greek text withEnglishtranslationand commentary. Includesbibliographicalreferences andindex. isbn978-0-8020-9325-7 1.Anaxagoras–Criticismandinterpretation. I.Curd,Patricia,1949– II.Title. III.Series: Phoenixpre-Socratics(Toronto,Ont.) ;v.VI.IV.Series: Phoenix. Supplementaryvolume(Toronto,Ont.) ;v.XLIV. b205.a632007 182’.8 c2007-903062-9 The translation of Lucretius OntheNatureofThings 1.830–914 on pp. 96–98 is reprinted by permision of the publishers and the trustees of the Loeb Classical Library from LUCRETIUS, Loeb Classical LibraryOR Volume 181, translated byW.H.D. Rouse, revised byMartin F.Smith, pp.69–77,Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, Copyright (cid:0)c 1975, 1982, 1992 by the President and Fellows of Harvard College. The Loeb Classical LibraryOR is a registered trademark of the President and Fellows of Harvard College. Universityof TorontoPressacknowledgesthefinancial assistance toitspublishing programoftheCanada CouncilfortheArtsand theOntario ArtsCouncil. Universityof TorontoPressacknowledgesthefinancial support foritspublishingactivitiesoftheGovernment ofCanada throughtheBookPublishingIndustryDevelopment Program(BPIDP). ToMyTeachers John M. Cooper Alan E. Fuchs Alexander Nehamas This page intentionally left blank CONTENTS Acknowledgments ix Abbreviations xiii Introduction 3 To the Reader 9 PART 1: THE FRAGMENTS AND THEIR CONTEXTS 13 PART 2: NOTES ON THE FRAGMENTS AND TESTIMONIA 31 Notes on the Fragments 33 Testimonia 77 PART 3: ESSAYS 127 1 Anaxagoras’s Life and Work 129 2 The Original Mix and the Seeds 153 3 Everything in Everything 178 4 Minding Things: The Workings of Nous 192 5 Anaxagorean Science 206 The Ancient Sources for Anaxagoras 235 Bibliography 245 viii Contents General Index 255 Index Locorum 266 Index Nominum 274 Index of Greek Words 278 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I owe a great debt to David Gallop and Tom Robinson, the editors of the series, who asked me to undertake this project. They have been strong supporters and good critical readers, and I am thankful for the care they havetaken.IhopethattheyareashappyasIamthatthebookiscompleted, and that the ‘curse of Anaxagoras’ has finally been broken. While working on this book I was supported by grants from the John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation, the National Endowment for the Humanities (Fellowships for University Teachers), and the National HumanitiesCenter(whereIwastheResearchTriangleFoundationWalter Hines Page Fellow). In addition, I received support from my home insti- tution, Purdue University, and from Clare Hall, Cambridge University, where I was a Visiting Fellow. I am deeply grateful to all of these institu- tions.Manythanks,too,totheheadofthePurduephilosophydepartment, Rod Bertolet, and to the then dean of liberal arts, Margaret Moan Rowe, who made it possible for me to take time away from Purdue. TheNationalHumanitiesCenter,inResearchTrianglePark,NorthCar- olina, is a marvellous place to work, and I owe to the Center, its staff (es- peciallyRobertConnor,thethendirector,andKentMullikin,theassociate director), and its librarians (especially Eliza Robertson and Jean Houston) morethanIcansay.WhileIwasinNorthCarolina,AliceKaplanandMax the cat shared their house with me and made me feel at home. Clare Hall (especiallyElizabethRamsden),theClassicsfaculty,andancientphilosophy colleaguesatCambridgemademewelcomein2002.MalcolmSchofieldand David Sedley answered questions, offered comments, intervened with li- brarians,andmadethisbookmuchbetter.TheSeniorSeminarmeetingson Aristotle’sMetaphysicsIwasawonderfulexperience.Iowespecialthanks toFrisbeeSheffield.IhadlivelyconversationswithMirandaHarrison,who

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