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Anatomy in Diagnostic Imaging PDF

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CoxTENTS Principles and techniques Forearm, supinated, middle, axial CT 66 Forearm,p ronated,m iddle, axial MR 66 Techniquesb asedo n X-rays Wrist and hand The production and nature of X-rays 13 Wrist, dorso-volarX -ray 67 Interactions of X-rays with matter 15 Wrist, lateral X-ray 67 Conventional imaging with X-rays 18 Wrist and hand, axial CT:series 68-71 Digital radiography 21 Metacarpus and fingers, axial CT 71 Computed X-ray tomography 22 Wrist, coronalMR 72 X-ray contrast enhancing media 25 Wrist, carpalt unnel, coronalM R 72 Techniquesb asedo n nuclear magnetic Hand, a-p X-ray 73 resonance Skeletal age of hand 73 Principleso f MR-scanning 28 Hand development, male 74-77 MR-imaging modes and pulse sequences 38 Hand development,f emale 78-81 Hand, senescent,d orso-volarX -ray 82 Techniquesb asedo n ultrasoundr eflection Hand, dorso-volar,9 9mT c-DMB scintigraphy, The productiona nd nature of ultrasound 41 child 12 years 82 Interactionso f ultrasoundw ith tissues 43 Ultrasoundi maging modes 44 Arteries and veins The Doppler effect and Doppler imaging 46 Shoulder, a-p X-ray, arteriography (digital subtraction) 83 Techniquesb asedo n radioisotopee missions Forearm, a-p X-ray, arteriography 83 Scintigraphy 47 Hand, dorso-volarX -ray, arteriography 84 Single photon emissionc omputed tomography Shoulder,a -p X-ray, phlebography 85 (SPECT) and positrone missiont omography (PET) 49 Lower limb Principleso f nomenclaturea nd positioning 50 Pelvis Upper limb Pelvis,f emale, a-p X-ray,t ilted 88 Pelvis, male, a-p X-ray, tilted 88 Shouldera nd arm Sacro-iliacjo ints, axial CT (bone settings) 89 Shoulder,a -p X-ray 55 Pelvis, 99mf i-\,{PP scintigraphy 89 Shoulder,a xial X-ray 55 Hip and thigh Clavicle,a -p X-ray 56 Hip,a -pX -ray 90 Scapula,o blique X-ray 56 Hip, Lauenstein,X -ray 90 Shoulder and arm, a-p X-ray, child one year 56 Pelvis,a -p X-ray, child 3 months 91 Shouldera nd arm, a-pX-ray, child 5 years 57 Shoulder and arm, 99m1 i-14pp, scintigraphy,c hild 12 Pelvis,X -ray,c hild 7 years 9l Hip, axial CT 92 years 57 Hip, sagittalM R 93 Shoulder,a xial CT 58 Hip, child, 3 months, coronalU S 93 Shoulder,c oronalM R 58 Thigh, axial MR 94-95 Shoulder,a xial MR 59 Arm, upper third, axial MR 60 Knee Arm. middle. axial MR 60 Knee, a-p X-ray 96 Elbow Knee, flexed, lateral X-ray 96 Knee, half flexed, tilted X-ray ("intercondylar notch Elbow, axial CT 61 projection") 97 Elbow, a-p X-ray 62 Knee, flexed, axtal X-ray 97 Elbow lar.eralX-ray 62 Patella variation (2%), a-VX -ray 97 Elbow coronalM R 63 Knee, flexed, lateral X-ray, old age 98 Elbow, humeroradialj oint, sagittalM R 63 Knee, child 11 years,l ateralX -ray 98 Forearm Knee and leg, newborn, a-p X-ray 99 Forearm, a-p X-ray 64 Knee, 99mT c-MDB a-p scintigraphy,c hild l2 years 99 Forearm, a-p X-ray, child 2 years 65 Knee, axial CT 100-102 58 SHOULDER Scoutv iew 1: Coracoipdr ocess 2: Righht umerahle adi,n wardro tated 3: Sternaeln do f clavicle 4: Lefth umerahl eado, utwardro tated 5: Planeo f section Shouldera, xiaCl T 1: Greatetru bercle 6: Sternaeln do f clavicle 1l: Glenocida vity 2: Coracoipdr ocess 7: Lessetru bercle 12:F irstr ib 3: Necko f scapula 8: Intertubercuglraoro ve 13:S econrdib 4: Spineo f scapula 9: Greatetru bercle 5: Apexo f lung 10:H umerahle ad Shoulderc, oronaMl R Planeo f sectioningin dicatedo n sectionB 1: Acromiaeln do f clavicle B: Compacbto neo f humeraslh aft 15:S calenumse dius 2: Acromioclavicjuolianrtw ithd iscus 9: Subscapularis 16:A pexo f lung 3: Acromion 10:T rapezius 17:F irstr ib 4: Articulacra rtilagoef humerahle ad l1: Apexo f axillaw ithf at andv essels 18:S econrdib 5: Glenoliadb rum 12' I pvalnr qnrnrl:p R-R rnd /'t'\. Dlana ^{ .^^+i^h. ^- {^ll^,.'i' SHOULDER 59 1 10 z 11 { 4 72 13 I4 6 6 15 7 16 8 9 Shouldera, xiaMl R Planeo f sectioninign dicateodn sectionA )ectoralmisi nor 7: Articulacra rtilage 13:S ubclavius 3oracobrachiaanlidsb, icepss,h orth ead 8: Subdeltobidu rsa 14:S ubscapularis Lessetur bercle 9: Infraspinatus 15:S calenumse dius Rinonc lnns hpad 10:S ubcutaneofauts 16: Necko f scapula ,D,vvePvrl toi'dv' e'b u's 'vvv 11:C lavicle A-A:P laneo f section(A )o n previoupsa ge Greateturb ercle 12:A pexo f axillaw ithf at,v esselasn dn erves 8 9 10 11 I2 13 I4 15 Shouldera, xiaMl R Planeo f sectioningin dicatedo n sectionA Coracobrachiaanlidss ,h orth eado f biceps 6: Pectoralmisa jor 11:S calenumse dius Brcepslo, ngh ead 7: Clavicle 12:S ubscapularis Deltoideus B: Pectoralmisi nor 13:S capula Surgicnael cko f humerus 9: Axillarayr terya ndb rachiapll exus 14:S erratuasn terior Tricepslo, ngh ead 10:A pexo f lung 15:I nfraspinatus 60 ARM Arm,u ppetrh irda, xiaMl R 1: Bicepbsr achisi,h orht ead 7: Radianle rve 13:U lnanr erve 2: Bicepsb rachilio, ngh ead B: Profundbar achiai rtery 14:B rachiaalr tery 3: Cephalvice in 9: Tricepbsr achilia, terahl ead 15:T ricepbsr achimi, ediahl ead 4: Coracobrachialis 10:M ediaann dm usculocutanneeursv e 16:T ricepbsr achilio, ngh ead 5: Deltoimd uscle l1: Brachivael in 6: Shafot f humerus 12:B asilivce in 7 8 9 10 11 I2 1 ? IJ L4 Arm, middlea, xiaMl R 1: Bicepbsr achii 6: Tricepbsr achilia, terahl ead 11:U lnanr erve 2: Cephalvice in 7: Medianne rve 12:T ricepbsr achimi, ediahl ead 3: Brachialmisu scle B: Brachiaalr terya ndv eins 13:T ricepbsr achilio, ngh ead 4: Shafot f humerus 9: Basilivce ins l4: Internaalp oneurosoifs tr icepsb rach 5: Radianle rvea ndp rofundbar achaii rtery 10: Musculocutanenoeursv e ELBOW 61 I4 15 A 16 7 I7 8 l8 9 19 t0 Elbow,a xiaCl T Vlediacnu bitavle in 8: Extensocra rpri adialilso ngus 15:U lnanr erve 3rachiaarl tery 9: Commoenx tensoter ndon l6: Mediaclo llaterlaigl ament liceps( tendon) 10:A nconeus 17:T rochlea lrachialis 11 : Pronatoter res 18:C apitulum ladianl erve 12:M edianne rve 19:O lecranon Srachioradialis 13:C ommofnle xotre ndon Articulcaar psule 14:M ediaelp icondyle Scoutv iewf or elbowa, xiaCl T 10 11 I2 13 I4 15 16 17 7 18 B 9 Elbowa, xiaCl T Mediacnu bitavle in 8: Heado f radius I4: Extenscoar rpria dialipsa, lmarliosn gus, 62 ELBOW Elbow,a -pX -ray 1: Shafot f humerus 6: Heado f radius l2: Trochlea 2: Olecranfoons saa, nd 7: Necko f radius 13:C oronopidr ocess coronoifdo ssa( superimposed) B: Shafot f radius 14:A rticulacri rcumferenocfe ra dius 3: Lateraelp icondyle 9: Mediaslu pracondyrildagr e 15:R adiatul berosity 4: Capitulum 10:M ediaelp icondyle 16:S hafot f ulna 5: Humeroradjoiainl t 11:O lecranon Elbow,l ateraXl -ray 1: Capitulum 7: Shafot f radius 13:C oronofido ssa ELBOW 63 13 3 T4 4 IJ 5 16 6 I7 7 18 8 9 10 1i Elbow,c oronaMl R umeraslh aft 7: Necko f radius 13:M ediaelp icondyle lecranofons sa 8: Supinator 14:T rochlea apitulum 9: Radiatul berosity 15:M ediaclo llaterlaigl ament umeroradjoiainl t 10:Y ellowbo nem arrow 16:P roximaral dio-ulnjoairn t eado f radius 11 : Compacbto ne 17:U lna rachioradialis 12:T ricepbsr achii 18:F lexomr uscleosf forearm 13 I4 15 Elbow,h umeroradjioailn t,s agittaMl R 'achioradialis 7: Anulalrr gamenotf radius 12:C apitulum 64 FOREARM Forearma, -pX -ray 1: Lateraelp icondyle 7: Distael ndo f radius 13:C oronopidr ocess 2: Articulafor veao f radius B: Carpaal rticulasru rfaceo f radius l4: Shafot f ulna 3: Heado f radius 9: Styloidp rocesos f radius 15:N ecko f ulna 4: Necko f radius 10:S caphobido ne 16:H eado f ulna 5: Tuberosiotyf r adius 1l: Mediaelp icondyle 17:S tyloipdr ocesosf ulna 6: Shafot f radius 12:O lecranon 1B:L unatbeo ne FOREARM Forearma, -pX -rayc,h ild2 years l: Diaphysoifs h umerus 5: Distael piphysoisf radius 9: Diaphysoisf u lna 2:C apitulu(oms sificaticoenn ter) (ossificaticoenn ter) 10:C apitatbeo ne( ossificaticoenn ter) 3:T uberosoitfy ra dius 6: Firstm etacarobaol ne 11:H amatbeo ne( ossificaticoenn ter) 4:D iaphysoifs r adius 7: Olecranon 12:F ifthm etacarobaol ne B: Coronoiodr ocesos f ulna

This book is an outstanding basic atlas of anatomy applied to diagnostic imaging. It covers the entire human body, employing all the imaging modalities used in clinical practice: X-ray, CT, MR, ultrasound sonography, and isotope scintigraphy. The numerous, carefully selected, high-quality images fea
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