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Anatomy and Physiology - With Integrated Stugy Gde 4th ed [intro txt] - S. Gunstream (McGraw-Hill, 2010) WW PDF

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ABG arterial blood gas ACh acetylcholine ACTH adrenocorticotropic hormone ADH antidiuretic hormone AIDS acquired immunodeficiency syndrome ALS amyotrophic lateral sclerosis ANS autonomic nervous system ARF acute renal failure A-V atrioventricular BMR basal metabolic rate BP blood pressure BUN blood urea nitrogen CAD coronary artery disease CBC complete blood count CHD coronary heart disease CHF congestive heart failure CNS central nervous system CO cardiac output COPD chronic obstructive pulmonary disease CPR cardiopulmonary resuscitation CRF chronic renal failure C-section cesarean section CT (CAT) computed (axial) tomography CVA cerebrovascular accident CVS chorionic villi sampling D & C dilation and curettage DMD Duchenne muscular dystrophy DNR do not resuscitate Dx diagnosis EBV Epstein-Barr virus ECF extracellular fluid ECG (EKG) electrocardiogram EEG electroencephalogram EP ectopic pregnancy ESR erythrocyte sedimentation rate ESRD end stage renal disease FAS fetal alcohol syndrome FSH follicle-stimulating hormone FUO fever of unknown origin GFR glomerular filtration rate GH growth hormone GI gastrointestinal HAV hepatitis A virus Hb hemoglobin HBV hepatitis B virus HCG human chorionic gonadotropin HCV hepatitis C virus HDL high-density lipoprotein HLA human leukocyte antigen HR heart rate HSV herpes simplex virus ICF intracellular fluid ICP intracranial pressure ID intradermal IDDM insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus IM intramuscular IV intravenous LDL low-density lipoprotein LH luteinizing hormone LLQ left lower quadrant LUQ left upper quadrant LV left ventricle MI myocardial infarction MRI magnetic resonance imaging MS multiple sclerosis MVP mitral valve prolapse NGU nongonococcal urethritis NIDDM noninsulin-dependent diabetes mellitus NPN nonprotein nitrogen OC oral contraceptive PE pulmonary embolism PID pelvic inflammatory disease PKU phenylketonuria PMN polymorphonuclear leukocyte PMS premenstrual syndrome PTH parathyroid hormone RBC red blood cell RDS respiratory distress syndrome REM rapid eye movement RES reticuloendothelial system RLQ right lower quadrant RUQ right upper quadrant Rx prescription SA sinoatrial SIDS sudden infant death syndrome SLE systemic lupus erythrematosis STD sexually transmitted disease T3 triiodothyronine T4 thyroxine TIA transient ischemic attack TMJ temporomandibular joint t-PA tissue plasminogen activator TSS toxic shock syndrome Tx treatment URI upper respiratory infection UTI urinary tract infection VD venereal disease WBC white blood cell Common Medical Abbreviations gun25650_INS_FR.qxd 09/10/2008 13:09 Page InsFii & S TA N L E Y E . G U N S T R E A M Pasadena City College ANATOMY PHYSIOLOGY with Integrated Study Guide f o u r t h e d i t i o n gun25650_fm.qxd 04/12/2008 11:11 Page i ANATOMY & PHYSIOLOGY WITH INTEGRATED STUDY GUIDE, FOURTH EDITION Published by McGraw-Hill, a business unit of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., 1221 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10020. Copyright © 2010 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved. Previous editions © 2006, 2000, and 1996. No part of this publication may be reproduced or distributed in any form or by any means, or stored in a database or retrieval system, without the prior written consent of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., including, but not limited to, in any network or other electronic storage or transmission, or broadcast for distance learning. Some ancillaries, including electronic and print components, may not be available to customers outside the United States. This book is printed on acid-free paper. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 QPD/QPD 0 9 ISBN 978–0–07–352565–5 MHID 0–07–352565–0 Publisher: Michelle Watnick Senior Sponsoring Editor: James F. Connely Director of Development: Kristine Tibbetts Senior Developmental Editor: Lynne M. Meyers Marketing Manager: Lynn M. Breithaupt Project Manager: Joyce Watters Senior Production Supervisor: Laura Fuller Senior Media Project Manager: Tammy Juran Associate Design Coordinator: Brenda A. Rolwes Cover Designer: Studio Montage, St. Louis, Missouri (USE) Cover Image: © Getty Images Senior Photo Research Coordinator: John C. Leland Photo Research: LouAnn K. Wilson Compositor: S4Carlisle Publishing Services Typeface: 10/12 Melior Printer: Quebecor World Dubuque, IA The credits section for this book begins on page 539 and is considered an extension of the copyright page. Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Gunstream, Stanley E. Anatomy & physiology : with integrated study guide/Stanley E. Gunstream. — 4th ed. p. cm. Cover title: Anatomy and physiology Includes index. ISBN 978–0–07–352565–5 — ISBN 0–07–352565–0 (hard copy : alk. paper) 1. Human physiology. 2. Human anatomy. I. Title. II. Title: Anatomy and physiology. QP34.5.G85 2010 612—dc22 2008040454 www.mhhe.com gun25650_fm.qxd 12/2/08 6:10 PM Page ii CONTENTS Preface vii Note to Students x PART ONE Organization of the Body 1 ■ CHAPTER ONE Introduction to the Human Body 1 Chapter Preview and Learning Objectives 1 Selected Key Terms 2 Anatomy and Physiology 2 Levels of Organization 2 Directional Terms 4 Body Regions 6 Body Planes and Sections 6 Body Cavities 8 Abdominopelvic Subdivisions 11 Maintenance of Life 13 Chapter Summary 14 Building Your Vocabulary 16 Check Your Understanding 16 Critical Thinking 16 Colorplates of the Human Body 17 ■ CHAPTER TWO Chemical Aspects of Life 24 Chapter Preview and Learning Objectives 24 Selected Key Terms 25 Atoms and Elements 25 Molecules and Compounds 27 Compounds Composing the Human Body 30 Chapter Summary 38 Building Your Vocabulary 39 Check Your Understanding 39 Critical Thinking 39 ■ CHAPTER THREE Cell 40 Chapter Preview and Learning Objectives 40 Selected Key Terms 41 Cell Structure 41 Transport Through Plasma Membranes 46 Cellular Respiration 51 Protein Synthesis 52 Cell Division 54 Chapter Summary 58 Building Your Vocabulary 59 Check Your Understanding 60 Critical Thinking 60 ■ CHAPTER FOUR Tissues and Membranes 61 Chapter Preview and Learning Objectives 61 Selected Key Terms 62 Epithelial Tissues 62 Connective Tissues 66 Muscle Tissues 72 Nerve Tissue 73 Body Membranes 73 Chapter Summary 75 Building Your Vocabulary 76 Check Your Understanding 77 Critical Thinking 77 PART TWO Covering, Support, and Movement of the Body 78 ■ CHAPTER FIVE Integumentary System 78 Chapter Preview and Learning Objectives 78 Selected Key Terms 79 iii gun25650_fm.qxd 12/2/08 6:10 PM Page iii iv Contents Functions of the Skin 79 Structure of the Skin and Hypodermis 79 Skin Color 82 Accessory Structures 83 Temperature Regulation 85 Aging of the Skin 86 Disorders of the Skin 87 Chapter Summary 88 Building Your Vocabulary 89 Check Your Understanding 89 Critical Thinking 89 ■ CHAPTER SIX Skeletal System 90 Chapter Preview and Learning Objectives 90 Selected Key Terms 91 Functions of the Skeletal System 91 Bone Structure 91 Bone Formation 92 Divisions of the Skeleton 95 Axial Skeleton 95 Appendicular Skeleton 106 Articulations 115 Disorders of the Skeletal System 116 Chapter Summary 120 Building Your Vocabulary 121 Check Your Understanding 122 Critical Thinking 122 ■ CHAPTER SEVEN Muscular System 123 Chapter Preview and Learning Objectives 123 Selected Key Terms 124 Structure of Skeletal Muscle 124 Physiology of Muscle Contraction 128 Actions of Skeletal Muscles 132 Naming of Muscles 133 Major Skeletal Muscles 133 Disorders of the Muscular System 143 Chapter Summary 146 Building Your Vocabulary 147 Check Your Understanding 148 Critical Thinking 148 PART THREE Integration and Control 149 ■ CHAPTER EIGHT Nervous System 149 Chapter Preview and Learning Objectives 149 Selected Key Terms 150 Divisions of the Nervous System 150 Nerve Tissue 150 Neuron Physiology 153 Protection for the Central Nervous System 157 Brain 158 Spinal Cord 163 Peripheral Nervous System (PNS) 165 Autonomic Nervous System (ANS) 170 Disorders of the Nervous System 174 Chapter Summary 175 Building Your Vocabulary 176 Check Your Understanding 177 Critical Thinking 177 ■ CHAPTER NINE Senses 178 Chapter Preview and Learning Objectives 178 Selected Key Terms 179 Sensations 179 General Senses 180 Special Senses 182 Disorders of Hearing and Vision 197 Chapter Summary 199 Building Your Vocabulary 200 Check Your Understanding 201 Critical Thinking 201 ■ CHAPTER TEN Endocrine System 202 Chapter Preview and Learning Objectives 202 Selected Key Terms 203 The Nature of Hormones 203 Pituitary Gland 206 Thyroid Gland 209 Parathyroid Glands 210 gun25650_fm.qxd 12/2/08 6:10 PM Page iv Adrenal Glands 212 Pancreas 213 Gonads 215 Other Endocrine Glands and Tissues 216 Chapter Summary 217 Building Your Vocabulary 218 Check Your Understanding 219 Critical Thinking 219 PART FOUR Maintenance of the Body 220 ■ CHAPTER ELEVEN Blood 220 Chapter Preview and Learning Objectives 220 Selected Key Terms 221 General Characteristics of Blood 221 Red Blood Cells 221 White Blood Cells 223 Platelets 227 Plasma 227 Hemostasis 228 Human Blood Types 230 Disorders of the Blood 233 Chapter Summary 234 Building Your Vocabulary 236 Check Your Understanding 236 Critical Thinking 236 ■ CHAPTER TWELVE Heart and Blood Vessels 237 Chapter Preview and Learning Objectives 237 Selected Key Terms 238 Structure of the Heart 238 Cardiac Cycle 243 Heart Conduction System 244 Regulation of Heart Function 246 Types of Blood Vessels 248 Blood Flow 250 Blood Pressure 251 Circulation Pathways 252 Systemic Arteries 253 Systemic Veins 258 Disorders of the Heart and Blood Vessels 262 Chapter Summary 263 Building Your Vocabulary 265 Check Your Understanding 266 Critical Thinking 266 ■ CHAPTER THIRTEEN Lymphatic System and Defenses Against Disease 267 Chapter Preview and Learning Objectives 267 Selected Key Terms 268 Lymph 269 Lymphatic Capillaries and Vessels 269 Transport of Lymph 269 Lymphatic Organs 271 Nonspecific Resistance Against Disease 273 Immunity 274 Immune Responses 279 Rejection of Organ Transplants 280 Disorders of the Lymphatic and Immune Systems 280 Chapter Summary 282 Building Your Vocabulary 283 Check Your Understanding 284 Critical Thinking 284 ■ CHAPTER FOURTEEN Respiratory System 285 Chapter Preview and Learning Objectives 285 Selected Key Terms 286 Organs of the Respiratory System 286 Breathing 291 Respiratory Volumes 293 Control of Breathing 295 Factors Influencing Breathing 296 Gas Exchange 296 Transport of Respiratory Gases 297 Disorders of the Respiratory System 299 Chapter Summary 300 Building Your Vocabulary 302 Check Your Understanding 302 Critical Thinking 302 ■ CHAPTER FIFTEEN Digestive System 303 Chapter Preview and Learning Objectives 303 Selected Key Terms 304 Digestion: An Overview 304 Alimentary Canal: General Characteristics 305 Contents v gun25650_fm.qxd 12/2/08 6:10 PM Page v vi Contents Mouth 306 Pharynx and Esophagus 310 Stomach 311 Pancreas 313 Liver 315 Small Intestine 317 Large Intestine 319 Nutrients: Sources and Uses 322 Disorders of the Digestive System 327 Chapter Summary 329 Building Your Vocabulary 331 Check Your Understanding 331 Critical Thinking 331 ■ CHAPTER SIXTEEN Urinary System 332 Chapter Preview and Learning Objectives 332 Selected Key Terms 333 Kidneys 334 Urine Formation 337 Maintenance of Blood Plasma Composition 344 Excretion of Urine 349 Characteristics of Urine 350 Disorders of the Urinary System 350 Chapter Summary 351 Building Your Vocabulary 353 Check Your Understanding 353 Critical Thinking 353 PART FIVE Reproduction 354 ■ CHAPTER SEVENTEEN Reproductive Systems 354 Chapter Preview and Learning Objectives 354 Selected Key Terms 355 Male Reproductive System 355 Male Sexual Response 361 Hormonal Control of Reproduction in Males 361 Female Reproductive System 363 Female Sexual Response 366 Hormonal Control of Reproduction in Females 367 Mammary Glands 370 Birth Control 370 Disorders of the Reproductive Systems 373 Chapter Summary 375 Building Your Vocabulary 376 Check Your Understanding 377 Critical Thinking 377 ■ CHAPTER EIGHTEEN Pregnancy, Prenatal Development, and Genetics 378 Chapter Preview and Learning Objectives 378 Selected Key Terms 379 Fertilization and Early Development 379 Hormonal Control of Pregnancy 380 Embryonic Development 382 Fetal Development 385 Birth 386 Circulatory Adaptations 389 Lactation 391 Disorders of Pregnancy and Prenatal Development 392 Genetics 392 Inherited Diseases 396 Chapter Summary 398 Building Your Vocabulary 400 Check Your Understanding 400 Critical Thinking 400 PART SIX Study Guides 401 Appendix A Keys to Medical Terminology 517 B Answers to Check Your Understanding Questions 521 Glossary 523 Credits 539 Index 540 gun25650_fm.qxd 12/2/08 6:10 PM Page vi PREFACE natomy and Physiology with Integrated Study Guide, fourth edition, is designed for students who are enrolled in a one-semester course in human anatomy and physiology. The scope, organization, writing style, depth of presen- tation, and pedagogical aspects of the text have been tai- lored to meet the needs of students preparing for a career in one of the allied health professions. These students usually have diverse backgrounds, including limited exposure to biology and chemistry, and this presents a formidable challenge to the instruc- tor. To help meet this challenge, this text is written in clear, concise English and simplifies the complexities of anatomy and physiology in ways that enhance under- standing without diluting the essential subject matter. Themes There are two unifying themes in this presentation of normal human anatomy and physiology: (1) the rela- tionships between structure and function of body parts and (2) the mechanisms of homeostasis. In addi- tion, interrelationships of the organ systems are noted where appropriate and useful. Organization The sequence of chapters progresses from simple to complex. The simple-to-complex progression also is used within each chapter. Chapters covering an organ system begin with anatomy to ensure that students are well prepared to understand the physiology that fol- lows. Each chapter concludes with a brief considera- tion of common disorders that the student may encounter in the clinical setting. An integrated study guide, unique among anatomy and physiology texts, is located between the text proper and the appendices. Study Guide The Study Guide is a proven mechanism for enhancing learning by students and features full-color line art. There is a study guide of four to eight pages for each chapter. Students demonstrate their understanding of the chapter by labeling diagrams and answering A completion, matching, and true/false questions. The completion questions “force” students to write and spell correctly the technical terms that they must know. Each chapter study guide concludes with a few critical-thinking, short-answer essay questions where students apply their knowledge to clinical situations. Answers to the Study Guide are included in the Instructor’s Manual to allow the instructor flexibility: (1) answers may be posted so students can check their own responses, or (2) they may be graded to assess stu- dent progress. Either way, prompt feedback to stu- dents is most effective in maximizing learning. Other Learning Aids A variety of additional learning aids are incorporated to facilitate the learning process and to stimulate in- terest in the subject. Chapter Preview and Learning Objectives Each chapter begins with a list of major topics dis- cussed in the chapter, and under each topic the learn- ing objectives are noted. This informs students of the major topics to be covered and their minimal learning responsibilities. Key Terms Several features have been incorporated to assist stu- dents in learning the necessary technical terms that often are troublesome for beginning students. 1. A list of Selected Key Terms with definitions, and including derivations where helpful, is pro- vided at the beginning of the chapter to inform students of some of the key terms to watch for in the chapter. 2. Throughout the text, key terms are in bold or italic type for easy recognition, and they are de- fined at the time of first usage. A phonetic pro- nunciation follows where students need help in pronouncing the term. Experience has shown that students learn only terms that they can pronounce. vii gun25650_fm.qxd 12/2/08 6:10 PM Page vii viii Preface 3. Keys to Medical Terminology in appendix A ex- plains how technical terms are structured and provides a list of prefixes, suffixes, and root words to further aid an understanding of med- ical terminology. 4. At the end of each chapter, a section titled Building Your Vocabulary provides a list of Selected New Terms that allows students to re- view their understanding of the new terms. Also, a few Related Clinical Terms are defined with phonetic pronunciations to help students to start building a clinical vocabulary. Figures and Tables Over 350 high quality, full-color illustrations are coor- dinated with the text to help students visualize anatomical features and physiological concepts. Tables are used throughout to summarize information in a way that is more easily learned by students. Clinical Boxes Numerous boxes containing related clinical informa- tion are strategically placed throughout the text. They serve to provide interesting and useful information re- lated to the topic at hand. The clinical boxes are iden- tified by a stethoscope icon for easy recognition. In-Text Review Questions Review questions at the end of major sections chal- lenge students to assess their understanding before proceeding. Chapter Summary Each chapter summary consists of a numerical listing of key concepts for each major heading of the chapter. The summary provides a quick review of each chapter for the student. Check Your Understanding A brief quiz, composed of completion questions, al- lows students to evaluate their understanding of chapter topics. Answers are provided in appendix B for immediate feedback. Critical Thinking Each chapter concludes with several critical thinking questions, which further challenge students to apply their understanding of key chapter topics. Changes in the Fourth Edition The fourth edition has been substantially improved to help beginning students understand the basics of human anatomy and physiology. 1. Portions of most chapters have been rewritten to update the subject matter and to clarify the narrative. 2. Many new and improved figures augment the text to enhance student learning. 3. Portions of the Study Guide have been modified to correspond to the updated subject matter. Ancillaries Online Learning Center (OLC) Online learning center at www.mhhe.com/gunstream4 For the student—this comprehensive site give you the opportunity to further explore topics presented in the book using the Internet. The site contains multiple choice quizzes, labeling exercises, crossword puzzles, case studies, a Spanish anatomy and physiology glos- sary, a cross-sectional mini atlas, histology informa- tion, and more. For the instructor—the OLC offers an extensive array of learning and teaching tools. Instructor resources in- clude PowerPoint lecture outlines and answers to the critical-thinking questions in addition to the student assets listed above. Course Delivery Systems With help from our partners, WebCT, Blackboard, and other course management systems, you can take com- plete control over your course content. These course cartridges also provide online testing and powerful student tracking features. Instructor’s Testing and Resource CD-ROM The Instructor’s Testing and Resource CD-ROM pro- vides the following: 1. The instructor’s manual content which includes lecture outlines and instructional suggestions for each chapter. gun25650_fm.qxd 12/2/08 6:10 PM Page viii

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