Celiac artery of the domestic goose Ragab et al. Anatomical Study on the Celiac Artery in the Domestic Goose (Anser anser domesticus) with Special Reference to the Arterial Supply of the Stomach Ragab, S.A., Farag, F.M.M., Tolba, A.R., Saleh, A.A. and El- Karmoty, A.F. Anatomy Department Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Cairo University With 6 figures, one Chart Received February, accepted for publication March 2013 Abstract branch gave off; Rr .succi, R. pylo- ricus, A. proventricularis ventralis and A. gastrica ventralis then con- The aim of this study was to investi- tinued as A. gastrica sinistra. The gate the course and distribution of right branch detached the; Aa. lien- the celiac artery in the domestic ales, A. hepatica dextra, A. ileoce- geese and also a trial to extend our calis, A. gastroduodenalis, A. pan- knowledge on the geese which had creatico-duodenalis and A. gastrica received but little attention in the dextra. field of veterinary comparative anat- omy .The present work was carried The glandular stomach (Proven- out on twenty apparently healthy triculus) received its main arterial domestic geese of different ages supply from the dorsal and ventral and sexes.The birds were anaes- proventricular arteries. The muscu- thetized by IM injection of 0.5 cc of lar stomach (ventriculus or gizzard) 2% xylazine HCL(3 mg/kg).Colored was supplied by four main vessels; gum milk latex (60%) was then in- the left, right, ventral and dorsal jected through the descending aor- gastric arteries. ta. The specimens then after, were subjected to fine dissection to The obtained results were photo- demonstrate the origin, course and graphed, described and discussed distribution of the celiac artery. with their corresponding features of The celiac artery gave off the other authors who performed earlier esophageal artery, dorsal proven- studies in other avis breeds. The tricular artery then bifurcated into nomenclature used was adopted left and right branches. The former J. Vet. Anat. 2 3 Vol 6 No 2, (2013) 23 - 40 Celiac artery of the domestic goose Ragab et al. according to the Nomina Anatomica females were used in the study. Be- junction of the esophagus with the sal wall of the proventriculus, and to Avium (1993). fore exsanguinations, the geese proventriculus. It extended cau- the isthmusgastris. were anaesthetized by IM injection doventrally between the right lobe of Keywords: Anatomy, Celiac ar- of 0.5 cc of 2% xylazine HCL(3 the liver and proventriculus for R. sinister arteriae celiacae mg/kg), followed by the injection of about 1.3 cm and terminated on The left branch of the celiac artery tery, stomach, Domestic goose. heparin (Cal Heparin, 5000 I.U.) in level with the cranial aspect of the (Figs. 1, 3 and 6/5) was directed to the wing vein to prevent blood clot- spleen into two main branches left the left, ventral to the Isthmus gas- Introduction ting. and right. Just close to its origin, the tris in the cranial groove of the ven- Each specimen was then exsangui- celiac artery gave off the esophage- triculus then curved caudally on the Geese are waterfowl belonging to nated through the common carotid al and dorsal proventricular arteries. left surface of the ventriculus as the the tribe Anserini of the family Anat- arteries and left to bled for five mi- left gastric artery. During its course, idae. This tribe comprises the gene- nute The breast muscles and ster- A. esophagealis the left branch of the celiac artery ra Anser (grey geese), Branta (black num were carefully removed to ex- The esophageal artery (Fig. 1/3) gave off; Rr. succi, R.pyloricus, geese) and Chen (the white pose the heart. Latex neoprene was represented by a slender ves- A.proventricularis ventralis and geese).On reviewing the available 60% colored with red Rottring ink sel arising from the celiac artery A.gastrica ventralis. literature little could be found on the was injected into the descending close to its origin from the aorta (12 celiac artery in the goose. Mali- aorta using a Nelaton catheter of specimens) or from the dorsal pro- Rr. succi novský and Visnanská (1975) and size 8F to 10F (Ma Medical compa- ventricular artery (8 specimens). It The branches of the saccus cranial- Aslan and Takci (1998) performed ny). The specimens were then kept proceeded cranially on the dorsal is (Figs. 1 and 3/6) were represent- similar study in the domestic goose. at +4°C for 24 to ensure the freez- aspect of the thoracic esophagus, ed by 1-2 branches that arose from ing of latex and then preserved in giving fine twigs to that portion and the left branch of the celiac artery Proventriculotomy is commonly in- 10% formalin4% phenol and 1% finally anastomosed with the esoph- just below the left aspect of the dicated for the removal of foreign glycerin three days before dissec- ageal branch of the esophagotra- isthmus gastris. It proceeded cau- objects, newspaper or other fibers tion. cheobronchial artery. dally for a short distance and rami- which are not retrievable with the The specimens were photographed fied in the craniodorsal tenuis mus- rigid or flexible endoscopes and using Olympus digital camera SP- A. proventricularis dorsalis cle as well as the Bulbus pyloricus, may lead to proventricular impaction The dorsal proventricular artery 600UZ 12 mega pixel. The nomen- anastomosing with the gastroduo- (Mc Cluggage, 1992; Van Sant, (Figs. 1, 3, 4 and 6/4) was given off clature used in this study was that denal artery. 2001). The aim of this study is from the left wall of the celiac artery, given by the Nomina Anatomica therefore to give more knowledge close to its origin from the aorta de- Avium (Baumel et al., 1993). R. pyloricus on the anatomy of the celiac artery scendens. It extended caudally The pyloric branch (Figs. 2 and with special references to the arteri- along the dorsal aspect of the pro- 4/12) arose from the left branch of al supply of the stomach which may Results ventriculus and terminated at the the celiac artery opposite to the be helpful for avian surgeons. isthmus of the stomach. While it origin of the left hepatic arteries. In A. celiaca was coursing on theproventriculus, eight specimens it was given from Material and Methods The celiac artery (Figs. 1, 3, 4 and it released 2-3 esophageal branch- one of the latter vessels before en- 6/2) originated from the right face of es that ramified at the junction of the tering the left hepatic lobe. It re- the descending aorta on a level with Twenty adult domestic geese (An- esophagus with proventriculs and 8 the last 5th to 6th vertebral rib at the winded to left surface of the ventric- ser anser domesticus), 12 males, 8 – 10 collateral branches to the dor- J. Vet. Anat. 2 4 Vol 6 No 2, (2013) 23 - 40 Celiac artery of the domestic goose Ragab et al. according to the Nomina Anatomica females were used in the study. Be- junction of the esophagus with the sal wall of the proventriculus, and to Avium (1993). fore exsanguinations, the geese proventriculus. It extended cau- the isthmusgastris. were anaesthetized by IM injection doventrally between the right lobe of Keywords: Anatomy, Celiac ar- of 0.5 cc of 2% xylazine HCL(3 the liver and proventriculus for R. sinister arteriae celiacae mg/kg), followed by the injection of about 1.3 cm and terminated on The left branch of the celiac artery tery, stomach, Domestic goose. heparin (Cal Heparin, 5000 I.U.) in level with the cranial aspect of the (Figs. 1, 3 and 6/5) was directed to the wing vein to prevent blood clot- spleen into two main branches left the left, ventral to the Isthmus gas- Introduction ting. and right. Just close to its origin, the tris in the cranial groove of the ven- Each specimen was then exsangui- celiac artery gave off the esophage- triculus then curved caudally on the Geese are waterfowl belonging to nated through the common carotid al and dorsal proventricular arteries. left surface of the ventriculus as the the tribe Anserini of the family Anat- arteries and left to bled for five mi- left gastric artery. During its course, idae. This tribe comprises the gene- nute The breast muscles and ster- A. esophagealis the left branch of the celiac artery ra Anser (grey geese), Branta (black num were carefully removed to ex- The esophageal artery (Fig. 1/3) gave off; Rr. succi, R.pyloricus, geese) and Chen (the white pose the heart. Latex neoprene was represented by a slender ves- A.proventricularis ventralis and geese).On reviewing the available 60% colored with red Rottring ink sel arising from the celiac artery A.gastrica ventralis. literature little could be found on the was injected into the descending close to its origin from the aorta (12 celiac artery in the goose. Mali- aorta using a Nelaton catheter of specimens) or from the dorsal pro- Rr. succi novský and Visnanská (1975) and size 8F to 10F (Ma Medical compa- ventricular artery (8 specimens). It The branches of the saccus cranial- Aslan and Takci (1998) performed ny). The specimens were then kept proceeded cranially on the dorsal is (Figs. 1 and 3/6) were represent- similar study in the domestic goose. at +4°C for 24 to ensure the freez- aspect of the thoracic esophagus, ed by 1-2 branches that arose from ing of latex and then preserved in giving fine twigs to that portion and the left branch of the celiac artery Proventriculotomy is commonly in- 10% formalin4% phenol and 1% finally anastomosed with the esoph- just below the left aspect of the dicated for the removal of foreign glycerin three days before dissec- ageal branch of the esophagotra- isthmus gastris. It proceeded cau- objects, newspaper or other fibers tion. cheobronchial artery. dally for a short distance and rami- which are not retrievable with the The specimens were photographed fied in the craniodorsal tenuis mus- rigid or flexible endoscopes and using Olympus digital camera SP- A. proventricularis dorsalis cle as well as the Bulbus pyloricus, may lead to proventricular impaction The dorsal proventricular artery 600UZ 12 mega pixel. The nomen- anastomosing with the gastroduo- (Mc Cluggage, 1992; Van Sant, (Figs. 1, 3, 4 and 6/4) was given off clature used in this study was that denal artery. 2001). The aim of this study is from the left wall of the celiac artery, given by the Nomina Anatomica therefore to give more knowledge close to its origin from the aorta de- Avium (Baumel et al., 1993). R. pyloricus on the anatomy of the celiac artery scendens. It extended caudally The pyloric branch (Figs. 2 and with special references to the arteri- along the dorsal aspect of the pro- 4/12) arose from the left branch of al supply of the stomach which may Results ventriculus and terminated at the the celiac artery opposite to the be helpful for avian surgeons. isthmus of the stomach. While it origin of the left hepatic arteries. In A. celiaca was coursing on theproventriculus, eight specimens it was given from Material and Methods The celiac artery (Figs. 1, 3, 4 and it released 2-3 esophageal branch- one of the latter vessels before en- 6/2) originated from the right face of es that ramified at the junction of the tering the left hepatic lobe. It re- the descending aorta on a level with Twenty adult domestic geese (An- esophagus with proventriculs and 8 the last 5th to 6th vertebral rib at the winded to left surface of the ventric- ser anser domesticus), 12 males, 8 – 10 collateral branches to the dor- J. Vet. Anat. 2 5 Vol 6 No 2, (2013) 23 - 40 Celiac artery of the domestic goose Ragab et al. ulus and ramified in the Bulbus pylo- Aa. hepaticae sinistrae the corresponding branch of the A. hepatica dextra ricus as well as the commencement The left hepatic arteries (Fig. 2/11) right ventral gastric artery and the The right hepatic artery (Fig. 3, 4 of the duodenum descendens and were represented by two large ves- ventral gastric artery. It gave off and 6/16) constituted a single ves- anastomosed with the gastroduode- sels and 1-2 relatively smaller ones three main rami; dorsal ventral and sel arising from the right branch of nal artery. that originated from the cranial as- caudal that supplied the centrum the celiac artery in between the two pect of the ventral gastric artery and tendeum, caudoventraltenuis, cau- splenic arteries. It gave off the A. Proventricularis ventralis extended cranioventrally for a short doventralcrassus muscles respec- A.vesicae biliaris and A. duodeno- The ventral proventricular artery distance before entering the left tively. jejunalis and terminated by dispers- (Fig. 2/7) was arisen from the dorsal lobe of the liver. ing into the right lobe of the liver. aspect of the left branch of the celi- R. dexter arteriae celiacae ac artery after approximately 2 cm A. gasrtica sinistra The right branch of the celiac artery A. vesicae biliaris (A. vesicae from the origin of the latter vessel. It The left gastric artery (Fig. 2/8) rep- (Fig. 1, 3, 4, 5 and 6/14) was the felleae) proceeded between the left lobe of resented the direct continuation of larger of the two branches into The artery of the gall bladder (Fig. the liver and the ventriculus, de- the left branch of the celiac artery which the celiac artery terminated 4/17) was in the form of a short tached 1-2 branches to the gastric after giving off the ventral gastric and from points of size and direction vessel arising from either the right isthmus then continued cranially artery. It extended on the sulcus it represented the direct continua- hepatic artery (12 specimens) or along the ventral aspect of the pro- cranialis to the left surface ofthe tion of the parent vessel. It pro- duodenojejunal artery (4 specimens ventriculus supplying this aspect ventriculus and divided nearly at the ceeded in a caudoventral direction ) or represented by two small rami with 3-5 collateral branches and level of the central tendon into two between the spleen and right lobe of (4 specimens), one from each of the then terminated into 2-3 fine twigs branches, the dorsal left and ventral the liver and on reaching the right latter vessels. It dispersed fine twigs that supplied the ventral aspect of left gastric arteries. Along its course aspect of the pylorus it continued as that ramified in the wall of the gall the thoracic esophagus. the left gastric artery detached col- the right gastric artery. Along its bladder. lateral branches to the craniodorsal course the right branch of the celiac A. gastrica ventralis: tenuis and cranioventral crassus artery gave off; splenic, right hepat- A. duodenojejunalis The ventral gastric artery (Fig 2/13) muscles. The dorsal left gastric ic, ileocecal, gastroduodenal and The duodenojejunal artery (Fig. 4/18) originated from the ventral aspect of artery (Figs. 2 and 6/9) ascended in pancreaticoduodenal arteries. was arisen from of the right hepatic the left branch of the celiac artery, a caudodorsal course towards the artery about 2 - 3 mm after its origin. It about 1 cm below the origin of the dorsal aspect of the ventriculus Aa. lienales (Aa.splenicae) was dispersed to the duodenojejunal ventral proventricular artery. It gave where it anastomosed with the dor- The splenic arteries (Fig. 1, 3, 4 and flexure by dividing into two branches; off the left hepatic arteries, 1-2 sal gastric artery as well as the cor- 6/15) were represented by two ves- the duodenal branch (Fig. 4/19) ram- branches to the cranioventral cras- responding right dorsal gastric ar- sels entering the splenic hilus. The ified in the distal portion of the duode- sus muscle. It then extended cau- tery. Along its course it detached cranial one was larger and arose num ascendens and anastomosed dally along the ventral margin of the collateral branches supplying the from the right branch of the celiac with the pancreaticoduodenal artery, ventriculus giving collateral rami to craniodorsal tenuis, caudodorsal artery close to the bifurcation of the and jejunal branch (Fig. 4/20) that that portion and anastomosed with crassus muscles. The ventral left latter vessel. The caudal one was arborized in the duodenojejunal flex- both the right ventral andleft ventral gastric artery (Figs. 2 and 6/10) much smaller and originated about ure and initial portion of the jejunum gastric arteries in the vicinity of the proceeded in a caudal direction to 0.5 cm caudalto the cranial one. and it ended by anastomosing with caudal sulcus of the ventriculus. reach the caudal sulcus of the ven- the similar branch of the cranial mes- triculus where it anastomosed with enteric artery on this level. J. Vet. Anat. 2 6 Vol 6 No 2, (2013) 23 - 40 Celiac artery of the domestic goose Ragab et al. ulus and ramified in the Bulbus pylo- Aa. hepaticae sinistrae the corresponding branch of the A. hepatica dextra ricus as well as the commencement The left hepatic arteries (Fig. 2/11) right ventral gastric artery and the The right hepatic artery (Fig. 3, 4 of the duodenum descendens and were represented by two large ves- ventral gastric artery. It gave off and 6/16) constituted a single ves- anastomosed with the gastroduode- sels and 1-2 relatively smaller ones three main rami; dorsal ventral and sel arising from the right branch of nal artery. that originated from the cranial as- caudal that supplied the centrum the celiac artery in between the two pect of the ventral gastric artery and tendeum, caudoventraltenuis, cau- splenic arteries. It gave off the A. Proventricularis ventralis extended cranioventrally for a short doventralcrassus muscles respec- A.vesicae biliaris and A. duodeno- The ventral proventricular artery distance before entering the left tively. jejunalis and terminated by dispers- (Fig. 2/7) was arisen from the dorsal lobe of the liver. ing into the right lobe of the liver. aspect of the left branch of the celi- R. dexter arteriae celiacae ac artery after approximately 2 cm A. gasrtica sinistra The right branch of the celiac artery A. vesicae biliaris (A. vesicae from the origin of the latter vessel. It The left gastric artery (Fig. 2/8) rep- (Fig. 1, 3, 4, 5 and 6/14) was the felleae) proceeded between the left lobe of resented the direct continuation of larger of the two branches into The artery of the gall bladder (Fig. the liver and the ventriculus, de- the left branch of the celiac artery which the celiac artery terminated 4/17) was in the form of a short tached 1-2 branches to the gastric after giving off the ventral gastric and from points of size and direction vessel arising from either the right isthmus then continued cranially artery. It extended on the sulcus it represented the direct continua- hepatic artery (12 specimens) or along the ventral aspect of the pro- cranialis to the left surface ofthe tion of the parent vessel. It pro- duodenojejunal artery (4 specimens ventriculus supplying this aspect ventriculus and divided nearly at the ceeded in a caudoventral direction ) or represented by two small rami with 3-5 collateral branches and level of the central tendon into two between the spleen and right lobe of (4 specimens), one from each of the then terminated into 2-3 fine twigs branches, the dorsal left and ventral the liver and on reaching the right latter vessels. It dispersed fine twigs that supplied the ventral aspect of left gastric arteries. Along its course aspect of the pylorus it continued as that ramified in the wall of the gall the thoracic esophagus. the left gastric artery detached col- the right gastric artery. Along its bladder. lateral branches to the craniodorsal course the right branch of the celiac A. gastrica ventralis: tenuis and cranioventral crassus artery gave off; splenic, right hepat- A. duodenojejunalis The ventral gastric artery (Fig 2/13) muscles. The dorsal left gastric ic, ileocecal, gastroduodenal and The duodenojejunal artery (Fig. 4/18) originated from the ventral aspect of artery (Figs. 2 and 6/9) ascended in pancreaticoduodenal arteries. was arisen from of the right hepatic the left branch of the celiac artery, a caudodorsal course towards the artery about 2 - 3 mm after its origin. It about 1 cm below the origin of the dorsal aspect of the ventriculus Aa. lienales (Aa.splenicae) was dispersed to the duodenojejunal ventral proventricular artery. It gave where it anastomosed with the dor- The splenic arteries (Fig. 1, 3, 4 and flexure by dividing into two branches; off the left hepatic arteries, 1-2 sal gastric artery as well as the cor- 6/15) were represented by two ves- the duodenal branch (Fig. 4/19) ram- branches to the cranioventral cras- responding right dorsal gastric ar- sels entering the splenic hilus. The ified in the distal portion of the duode- sus muscle. It then extended cau- tery. Along its course it detached cranial one was larger and arose num ascendens and anastomosed dally along the ventral margin of the collateral branches supplying the from the right branch of the celiac with the pancreaticoduodenal artery, ventriculus giving collateral rami to craniodorsal tenuis, caudodorsal artery close to the bifurcation of the and jejunal branch (Fig. 4/20) that that portion and anastomosed with crassus muscles. The ventral left latter vessel. The caudal one was arborized in the duodenojejunal flex- both the right ventral andleft ventral gastric artery (Figs. 2 and 6/10) much smaller and originated about ure and initial portion of the jejunum gastric arteries in the vicinity of the proceeded in a caudal direction to 0.5 cm caudalto the cranial one. and it ended by anastomosing with caudal sulcus of the ventriculus. reach the caudal sulcus of the ven- the similar branch of the cranial mes- triculus where it anastomosed with enteric artery on this level. J. Vet. Anat. 2 7 Vol 6 No 2, (2013) 23 - 40 Celiac artery of the domestic goose Ragab et al. A. ileocecalis artery. In six specimens it arose es; the right dorsal and right ventral ter, duck and pigeon (Kurtul 2002; The ileocecal artery (Fig. 1, 3, 4, 5 from the latter vessel. It was distrib- gastric arteries. However in six of Kurtul and Haziroglu, 2002), domes- and 6/21) was represented by a uted to the craniodorsal tenuis mus- the specimens the short stem rep- tic duck (Malinovsky et al., 1973), single vessel arising from the right cle, the pylorus and the initial por- resenting the right gastric artery the celiac artery was arising from branch of the celiac artery near its tion of the duodenum descendens was not formed and the latter two the right face of the descending aor- termination. In four specimens it and ends by ananastomosing with arteries were originated directly by ta on a level with the last 5th to 6th was given off from the pancreati- the Rr.succi and R.pyloricus of the the bifurcation of the right branch of vertebral rib at the junction of the coduodenal artery.The ileocecal ar- left branch of celiac artery. the celiac artery. The dorsal right esophagus with the proventriculus. tery proceeded into the ansa supra- gastric artery (Fig. 1, 3, 4, 5 and It gave off the esophageal artery duodenalis for short distance and A. pancreaticoduodenalis 6/29) extended caudodorsally, con- and dorsal proventricular artery then divided into two branches; cranial The pancreaticoduodenal artery tributed 2-4 branches to the cranio- divided into left and right branch- and caudal. The cranial branch (Fig. 1, 3, 4, 5 and 6/25) was ob- dorsal tenuis muscle, centrum es.Silva et al. (1997) added that the (Figs. 1, 3, 4, 5 and 6/22) extended served to originate from the right tendineum as well as the caudodor- celiac artery sent a vessel to the along the cranial half of the left ce- branch of the celiac artery near its sal crassus muscle. The ventral pericardium called the cardiac ar- cum to its apex, giving off 8-10 ce- termination opposite to the origin of right gastric artery (Fig. 1, 3, 4, 5 tery which was not observed in this cal branches (Fig. 5/22B) to that the gastroduoudenal artery. In eight and 6/30) proceeded in a caudal- study. Aycan and Duzler (2000) re- portion of the cecum and 6-8 ileal of the examined specimens it was ward direction to reach the caudal ported that the celiac artery in the branches (Fig. 5/22A) that extend- observed to arise from the ventral sulcus. Along its course it gave off eagle owl did not bifurcate and gave ed in the mesentery connecting the branch of the right gastric artery. It 3-5 collateral ramis to the centrum off nine branches. left ceum with the ileum and rami- runs to the Ansa duodeni in the tendineum, cranioventral crassus fied to the adjacent portion of the mesentery connecting the ascend- and caudoventral tenuis muscles. The present study revealed the ileum and anastomosed with the ing and descending parts of the du- On reaching the latter sulcus itanas- origin of the esophageal artery from ileal arteries of the cranial mesen- odenum to the flexura duodeni. tomosed with the corresponding either the celiac artery or the dorsal teric artery. The caudal branch Along its course, it gave off Rr. branch of the left gastric artery then proventricular artery, the same as (Figs. 1, 3, 4, 5 and 6/23) was pancreatici (Fig. 6/26) and Rr. du- continued craniodorsally along the recorded by haligur and duzler smaller than the cranial one and odenales (Figs. 1, 3, 4, 5 and 6/27). caudal sac as the dorsal gastric (2010) in the red falcon. Malinovsky ramified in the next quarter of the These rami were arisen at different artery (Fig. 6/31) that supplied the and Visnansk (1975) in the domes- left cecum and adjoin portion of the levels and dispersed to the corre- caudodorsal crassus muscle and tic goose and the Nomina Anatomi- ileum and anastomosed with the sponding organs. anastomosed with the dorsal ca Avium (Baumel et al., 1993) in corresponding branches of the ile- branches of both left and right gas- the family Falconidae described the ocecal artery arising from the cranial A. gastricadextra tric arteries. esophageal artery as stemming The right gastric artery (Fig. 1, 3, 4 mesenteric artery. from the aorta. In the present study, and 5/28) was represented by a Discussion the esophageal artery was referred short vessel about 0.5 cm. It was A. gastroduodenalis to as the A. esophagea recurrens considered as continuation of the The gastroduodenal artery (Fig. 1, In the goose as recorded in other as described also by Nishida et al. right branchof the celiac artery at 3, 4 and 5/24) was a short vessel, domestic fowl (Baumel, 1975; Franz (1969) in fowl. the level of the ascending part and Salomon, 1993; Silva et al., originating from the leftwall of the ofduodenum. It was seen to divide The current investigation recorded 1997; Dursun 2002; Kurtul and right branch of the celiac artery near just after its origin into two branch- that the dorsal proventricular artery Haziroglu, 2004; Kuru, 2010), roos- its termination as the right gastric J. Vet. Anat. 2 8 Vol 6 No 2, (2013) 23 - 40 Celiac artery of the domestic goose Ragab et al. A. ileocecalis artery. In six specimens it arose es; the right dorsal and right ventral ter, duck and pigeon (Kurtul 2002; The ileocecal artery (Fig. 1, 3, 4, 5 from the latter vessel. It was distrib- gastric arteries. However in six of Kurtul and Haziroglu, 2002), domes- and 6/21) was represented by a uted to the craniodorsal tenuis mus- the specimens the short stem rep- tic duck (Malinovsky et al., 1973), single vessel arising from the right cle, the pylorus and the initial por- resenting the right gastric artery the celiac artery was arising from branch of the celiac artery near its tion of the duodenum descendens was not formed and the latter two the right face of the descending aor- termination. In four specimens it and ends by ananastomosing with arteries were originated directly by ta on a level with the last 5th to 6th was given off from the pancreati- the Rr.succi and R.pyloricus of the the bifurcation of the right branch of vertebral rib at the junction of the coduodenal artery.The ileocecal ar- left branch of celiac artery. the celiac artery. The dorsal right esophagus with the proventriculus. tery proceeded into the ansa supra- gastric artery (Fig. 1, 3, 4, 5 and It gave off the esophageal artery duodenalis for short distance and A. pancreaticoduodenalis 6/29) extended caudodorsally, con- and dorsal proventricular artery then divided into two branches; cranial The pancreaticoduodenal artery tributed 2-4 branches to the cranio- divided into left and right branch- and caudal. The cranial branch (Fig. 1, 3, 4, 5 and 6/25) was ob- dorsal tenuis muscle, centrum es.Silva et al. (1997) added that the (Figs. 1, 3, 4, 5 and 6/22) extended served to originate from the right tendineum as well as the caudodor- celiac artery sent a vessel to the along the cranial half of the left ce- branch of the celiac artery near its sal crassus muscle. The ventral pericardium called the cardiac ar- cum to its apex, giving off 8-10 ce- termination opposite to the origin of right gastric artery (Fig. 1, 3, 4, 5 tery which was not observed in this cal branches (Fig. 5/22B) to that the gastroduoudenal artery. In eight and 6/30) proceeded in a caudal- study. Aycan and Duzler (2000) re- portion of the cecum and 6-8 ileal of the examined specimens it was ward direction to reach the caudal ported that the celiac artery in the branches (Fig. 5/22A) that extend- observed to arise from the ventral sulcus. Along its course it gave off eagle owl did not bifurcate and gave ed in the mesentery connecting the branch of the right gastric artery. It 3-5 collateral ramis to the centrum off nine branches. left ceum with the ileum and rami- runs to the Ansa duodeni in the tendineum, cranioventral crassus fied to the adjacent portion of the mesentery connecting the ascend- and caudoventral tenuis muscles. The present study revealed the ileum and anastomosed with the ing and descending parts of the du- On reaching the latter sulcus itanas- origin of the esophageal artery from ileal arteries of the cranial mesen- odenum to the flexura duodeni. tomosed with the corresponding either the celiac artery or the dorsal teric artery. The caudal branch Along its course, it gave off Rr. branch of the left gastric artery then proventricular artery, the same as (Figs. 1, 3, 4, 5 and 6/23) was pancreatici (Fig. 6/26) and Rr. du- continued craniodorsally along the recorded by haligur and duzler smaller than the cranial one and odenales (Figs. 1, 3, 4, 5 and 6/27). caudal sac as the dorsal gastric (2010) in the red falcon. Malinovsky ramified in the next quarter of the These rami were arisen at different artery (Fig. 6/31) that supplied the and Visnansk (1975) in the domes- left cecum and adjoin portion of the levels and dispersed to the corre- caudodorsal crassus muscle and tic goose and the Nomina Anatomi- ileum and anastomosed with the sponding organs. anastomosed with the dorsal ca Avium (Baumel et al., 1993) in corresponding branches of the ile- branches of both left and right gas- the family Falconidae described the ocecal artery arising from the cranial A. gastricadextra tric arteries. esophageal artery as stemming The right gastric artery (Fig. 1, 3, 4 mesenteric artery. from the aorta. In the present study, and 5/28) was represented by a Discussion the esophageal artery was referred short vessel about 0.5 cm. It was A. gastroduodenalis to as the A. esophagea recurrens considered as continuation of the The gastroduodenal artery (Fig. 1, In the goose as recorded in other as described also by Nishida et al. right branchof the celiac artery at 3, 4 and 5/24) was a short vessel, domestic fowl (Baumel, 1975; Franz (1969) in fowl. the level of the ascending part and Salomon, 1993; Silva et al., originating from the leftwall of the ofduodenum. It was seen to divide The current investigation recorded 1997; Dursun 2002; Kurtul and right branch of the celiac artery near just after its origin into two branch- that the dorsal proventricular artery Haziroglu, 2004; Kuru, 2010), roos- its termination as the right gastric J. Vet. Anat. 2 9 Vol 6 No 2, (2013) 23 - 40 Celiac artery of the domestic goose Ragab et al. was given off from the celiac artery, between the stomach and duode- mestic fowl revealed that the left breeds (Malinovsky and Novotna, extended caudally along the dorsal num. gastric artery represented the direct 1977) the spleen was vascularised aspect of the proventriculus and continuation of the left branch of the by one or more branchesarising In the present study as well as in terminated at the isthmus of the celiac artery and was divided into from the right hepatic artery, left the domestic fowl (Kuru, 2010) the stomach. Nishida et al. (1969) des- two branches, the dorsal left and branch of celiac artery, or even from ventral gastric artery was originated ignated the corresponding vessel in ventral left gastric arteries. Haligur, the superior proventricularartery. from the left branch of the celiac ar- the fowl as the right glandular gas- Duzler (2010) in red falcon stated In the domestic goose the right he- tery, and extended caudally along tric artery .Baumel (1975), Lev- that it had a fan-like distribution to patic artery erupted from the right the ventral aspect of the ventriculus. insohn et al. (1984) and Kuru (2010) the left surface of the gaster. Mahdy branch of the celiac artery. The Haligur, Duzler (2010) in red falcon in the domestic fowl stated that the (2009) in the ostrich added that the same as recorded in the fowl recorded that the ventral gastric ar- dorsal proventricular artery contin- left gastric artery gave off 5-7 twigs (Baumel et al., 1993; Dursun, 2002; tery was represented by 2-3 ves- ued as the dorsal gastric artery on dorsal and 4-6 ventral collateral Kuru, 2010) and goose (Aslan and sels. Nickel et al. (1977) in the fowl the ventriculus.Statement which twigs before its bifurcation into dor- Takci, 1998). In contrast to this, mentioned that the ventral gastric could not be ascertained in the sal and ventral terminal branches. Haligur and Duzler, (2010) in the artery was continued as the A. gas- goose in which the latter vessel was red falcon mentioned that the right tropancreaticoduodenalis from formed by the continuation of the In the goose the splenic arteries hepatic artery arose from the left which arose a branch going to the ventral right gastric artery. On the were represented by two branches branch of the celiac artery. Kaupp muscular stomach and rami ile- other hand the dorsal gastric artery the same as recorded in the chicken (1918) mentioned that the A. hepat- ocaecales to the middle section of in the fowl was described as a con- by Kuru (1996) and (Kuru, 2010) ica dextra was a branch from the the caeca and the ileum then it con- tinuity of the pancreaticoduodenal and in the Eurasian eagle owl celiac artery. The right hepatic ar- tinued as the A. pancreaticoduode- artery (Silva et al., 1997), or the byAycan and Duzler (2000). The tery gave off the vesical artery to the nalis. right branch of the celiac artery (Ku- number of splenic arteries in chick- gall bladder (Baumel, 1975; Franz ru, 2010). enshas been reported to be 2-8 in and Salomon, 1993; Malinovsky and In the goose, the left hepatic arter- domestic fowl by Malinovsky and Novotna, 1977). On the other hand In accordance with Baumel (1975), ies were represented by two large Novotna (1977), 2-6 in the duck by the artery of the gall bladder was Baumel et al. (1993), Franz and Sa- vessels and 1-2 relatively smaller Pinto et al. (1998), 3-6 in the pigeon demonstrated to emanate from the lomon (1993), Malinovsky and No- ones that originated from the ventral and 4-6 in the roosterby Kurtul left branch of the celiac artery in the votna (1977) and Kuru (2010) in the gastric artery. However, a single left (2002). The origin of the splenic ar- red falcons (Haligur and Duzler, domestic fowl the left branch of the hepatic artery from the same origin teries from the right branch of the 2010). Moreover the right hepatic celiac artery gave off the ventral was recorded in the domestic goose celiac artery was also recorded by artery was determined to give off proventricular and ventral gastric (Malinovsky and Visnanska, 1975), Kuru (2010) in the fowl. Baumel et the duodenojejunal artery and jeju- arteries and terminated as the left domestic fowl (Kuru, 1996; Dursun, al.( 1993) in the chicken, Aycan and nal artery in the fowl (Baumel, 1975; gastric artery. Moreover, in goose 2002; and Kuru, 2010) and pigeon Duzler (2000) in the Eurasian eagle Franz and Salomon, 1993; Silva et the left branch gave off Rr.succi to (Kurtul, 2002). In a Eurasian eagle owl and Haligur, Duzler (2010) in al., 1997). Similar findings were the craniodorsal sac as recorded by owl, the same vessel has been re- red falcon recorded the origin of the recorded in the goose but the latter Baumel et al. (1993) as well as a ported to stem directly from the celi- splenic arteries directly from the ce- artery could not be ascertained in pyloric branchas mentioned by ac artery (Aycan and Duzler, 2000). liac artery. Furthermore, in a study any of the examined specimens. Nishida et al. (1969) to the junction The present study as well as those carried out in three different chicken The duodenjejunal artery was ob- made by Kuru (2010) in the do- J. Vet. Anat. 3 0 Vol 6 No 2, (2013) 23 - 40 Celiac artery of the domestic goose Ragab et al. was given off from the celiac artery, between the stomach and duode- mestic fowl revealed that the left breeds (Malinovsky and Novotna, extended caudally along the dorsal num. gastric artery represented the direct 1977) the spleen was vascularised aspect of the proventriculus and continuation of the left branch of the by one or more branchesarising In the present study as well as in terminated at the isthmus of the celiac artery and was divided into from the right hepatic artery, left the domestic fowl (Kuru, 2010) the stomach. Nishida et al. (1969) des- two branches, the dorsal left and branch of celiac artery, or even from ventral gastric artery was originated ignated the corresponding vessel in ventral left gastric arteries. Haligur, the superior proventricularartery. from the left branch of the celiac ar- the fowl as the right glandular gas- Duzler (2010) in red falcon stated In the domestic goose the right he- tery, and extended caudally along tric artery .Baumel (1975), Lev- that it had a fan-like distribution to patic artery erupted from the right the ventral aspect of the ventriculus. insohn et al. (1984) and Kuru (2010) the left surface of the gaster. Mahdy branch of the celiac artery. The Haligur, Duzler (2010) in red falcon in the domestic fowl stated that the (2009) in the ostrich added that the same as recorded in the fowl recorded that the ventral gastric ar- dorsal proventricular artery contin- left gastric artery gave off 5-7 twigs (Baumel et al., 1993; Dursun, 2002; tery was represented by 2-3 ves- ued as the dorsal gastric artery on dorsal and 4-6 ventral collateral Kuru, 2010) and goose (Aslan and sels. Nickel et al. (1977) in the fowl the ventriculus.Statement which twigs before its bifurcation into dor- Takci, 1998). In contrast to this, mentioned that the ventral gastric could not be ascertained in the sal and ventral terminal branches. Haligur and Duzler, (2010) in the artery was continued as the A. gas- goose in which the latter vessel was red falcon mentioned that the right tropancreaticoduodenalis from formed by the continuation of the In the goose the splenic arteries hepatic artery arose from the left which arose a branch going to the ventral right gastric artery. On the were represented by two branches branch of the celiac artery. Kaupp muscular stomach and rami ile- other hand the dorsal gastric artery the same as recorded in the chicken (1918) mentioned that the A. hepat- ocaecales to the middle section of in the fowl was described as a con- by Kuru (1996) and (Kuru, 2010) ica dextra was a branch from the the caeca and the ileum then it con- tinuity of the pancreaticoduodenal and in the Eurasian eagle owl celiac artery. The right hepatic ar- tinued as the A. pancreaticoduode- artery (Silva et al., 1997), or the byAycan and Duzler (2000). The tery gave off the vesical artery to the nalis. right branch of the celiac artery (Ku- number of splenic arteries in chick- gall bladder (Baumel, 1975; Franz ru, 2010). enshas been reported to be 2-8 in and Salomon, 1993; Malinovsky and In the goose, the left hepatic arter- domestic fowl by Malinovsky and Novotna, 1977). On the other hand In accordance with Baumel (1975), ies were represented by two large Novotna (1977), 2-6 in the duck by the artery of the gall bladder was Baumel et al. (1993), Franz and Sa- vessels and 1-2 relatively smaller Pinto et al. (1998), 3-6 in the pigeon demonstrated to emanate from the lomon (1993), Malinovsky and No- ones that originated from the ventral and 4-6 in the roosterby Kurtul left branch of the celiac artery in the votna (1977) and Kuru (2010) in the gastric artery. However, a single left (2002). The origin of the splenic ar- red falcons (Haligur and Duzler, domestic fowl the left branch of the hepatic artery from the same origin teries from the right branch of the 2010). Moreover the right hepatic celiac artery gave off the ventral was recorded in the domestic goose celiac artery was also recorded by artery was determined to give off proventricular and ventral gastric (Malinovsky and Visnanska, 1975), Kuru (2010) in the fowl. Baumel et the duodenojejunal artery and jeju- arteries and terminated as the left domestic fowl (Kuru, 1996; Dursun, al.( 1993) in the chicken, Aycan and nal artery in the fowl (Baumel, 1975; gastric artery. Moreover, in goose 2002; and Kuru, 2010) and pigeon Duzler (2000) in the Eurasian eagle Franz and Salomon, 1993; Silva et the left branch gave off Rr.succi to (Kurtul, 2002). In a Eurasian eagle owl and Haligur, Duzler (2010) in al., 1997). Similar findings were the craniodorsal sac as recorded by owl, the same vessel has been re- red falcon recorded the origin of the recorded in the goose but the latter Baumel et al. (1993) as well as a ported to stem directly from the celi- splenic arteries directly from the ce- artery could not be ascertained in pyloric branchas mentioned by ac artery (Aycan and Duzler, 2000). liac artery. Furthermore, in a study any of the examined specimens. Nishida et al. (1969) to the junction The present study as well as those carried out in three different chicken The duodenjejunal artery was ob- made by Kuru (2010) in the do- J. Vet. Anat. 3 1 Vol 6 No 2, (2013) 23 - 40 Celiac artery of the domestic goose Ragab et al. served to divide into a duodenal celiac artery between the ascending coduodenal arteries run in the mes- sion site is the left aspect of the branch and a jejunal branch. The and descending part of the duode- entery connecting the ascending Isthmus gastris and extended crani- duodenojejunal was described as num and descending parts of the duode- ally on the left wall of the proven- the continuation ofthe right branch num to the flexura duodeni giving off triculus to avoid injury of the dorsally In the goose of this study, the gas- of the celiac artery in the chicken Rr.pancreatici and Rr. duodenales. and ventrally oriented dorsal and troduodenal artery originated from (Baumel, 1975; Franz and Salomon, In this respect in the red falcon ventral proventricular arteries re- either the right branch of the celiac 1993; Malinovsky and Novotna, (Haligur and duzler, 2010) this ar- spectively. artery or the right gastric artery. It 1977). tery was divided into two branches. was distributed to craniodorsal ten- One of the bifurcated branches ex- References nis muscle, thepylorus and the initial The present study recorded single tended along the flexura duodeni portion of the duodenum descen- ileocecal artery arising from the and pars descendens duodeni while Aslan K. and Takci, I. (1998): The dens. Similar results were recorded right branch of the celiac artery near the other branch was ascertained to arterial vascularitsaition of the or- in the domestic fowl (Kuru, 2010) its termination and in four speci- run along the pars ascendens duo- gans (stomach, intestinum, splen, and red falcon (Haligur and Duzler, mens it was given off from thepan- deni. kidneys, testes and ovarium) in the 2010). On the other hand Baumel et creaticoduodenal artery. In this abdominal region of the geese ob- al (1993) reported the correspond- connection, in the fowl, Baumel According to the present study, the tained from Kars surrounding. Kaf- ing vessel in the chicken as arising (1975), Malinovsky and Novotna right gastric artery represented the kas Universitesi Veteriner Fakultesi from the left branch of the celiac (1977) and Nickel et al. (1977) rec- continuation of the right branch of Dergisi, 4, 49–53. artery. orded 1-5 ileocecal arteries arising the celiac artery and was divided from the duodenojejunal artery. Sil- into two branches the dorsal right The current investigation revealed Aycan K. and Duzler A (2000): va et al. (1997) and Kuru (2010) in and ventral right gastric arteries. that the pancreaticoduodenal artery The anatomy of celiac artery in the the domestic fowl reported 1- 4 and However the latter two rami could arose from the right branch of the eagle owl (Bubo bubo). Ankara Uni- two ileocecal arteries respectively be matched favorably with the right celiac artery or from the ventral versitesi Veteriner Fakultesi Dergisi, arising from the pancreaticoduode- superior and right inferior gastric branch of the right gastric artery. In 47, 319–323. nal artery. arteries arising from the right bran- fowl (Kuru, 2010) mentioned that chof the celiac artery without form- the pancreaticoduodenal artery rep- Baumel, J.J. (1975): Aves Heart The present study revealed that the ing stem right gastric artery as rec- resented the continuation of the and Blood Vessels. In, Sisson and duodenojejunal artery was arisen orded in the N.A.A. (Baumel et al., right branch of the celiac artery Grossman's the Anatomy of the from of the right hepatic arteryand 1993) and in the red falcon (Haligur while Mahdy (2009) in the ostrich Domestic Animals. Getty R (Eds.), dispersed to the duodenojejunal and duzler, 2010). Similar pattern revealed the bifurcation of the latter Vol II, 5 th ed. Saunders Company, flexure by dividing into two branch- was observed in six specimens in vessel into the right gastric and Philadelphia, 1990-1991. es, duodenal branch and jejunal the present study. pancreaticoduodenal arteries. On branch. On the other hand in the The present data agree with the the other hand Nickel et al. (1977) Baumel, J.J., King, S.A., Breasile, fowl Baumel (1975(, Franz and Sa- recommendation made by McClug- recorded that the pancreaticoduo- J.E., Evans, H.E. and Berge, lomon (1993) and Malinovsky and gage (1992) that the left lateral denal artery was formed by the con- J.C.V. (1993): Nomina Anatomica Novotna (1977) mentioned that the coeliotomy is the most useful ap- tinuity of the gastropancreaticoduo- Avium.Published by the Nuttall Orni- duodenojejunal.artery was the con- proach access to the proventriculus denal artery. In the goose as in the thological Club. No: 23, Cambridge, tinuation ofthe right branch of the and ventriculus. The optimum inci- fowl (Kuru, 2010) the pancreati- Massachusets. J. Vet. Anat. 3 2 Vol 6 No 2, (2013) 23 - 40