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Anarchy & Order: The Interplay of Politics and Law in International Relations PDF

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Anarch& yO rder & Anarchy Order TheI nterplay ofP olitaincdLs a wi n InternatRieolnaatli ons JamCe.sH siung RIENNER PUBLISHERS BOULDER LONDON Tot hmee mooryf OliJv.Le irs si(t1z9y1n2 -1994) Publisihnet dh eU nited SotfaA tmeesr ician1 997b y LynnRei ennPeurb lishIenrcs., 18003 0tSht reet, BCooullodrear8d,0o 3 01 andi nt hUe nited Kinbgyd om LynnRei ennPeurb lishIenrcs., 3 HenrieStttrae Ceotv,e nGta rden, LoWnCd2oEn 8 LU © 1997b yL ynnRei ennPeurb lishIenrcAs.l, rl i ghrtess erved LibraorfCy o ngrCeastsa loging-in-DPautbal ication HsiunJga,m es Ch1i9e3h5,- Anarchayn do rder thien terpolfpa oyl itaincdls a w in internatiroenlaalt ioIn bsy J ameCs. H siung. p. em. Inclubdiebsl iograrpehfiecraelna cnedis n dex. ISBN1 -5558-7571(-h8a rdcov:e ra lkp.a per) 1.I nternatrieolnaatli o2n.sL .a wa ndp oliti3c.sA .n archy. I.T itle. JX1391.H7189 97 341-dc21 97-15384 CIP BritCiastha logiunPi unbgl icaDattiao n A CataloguiinPn ugb licarteicoonfr odrt hibso ok isa vailafbrloemt heB ritiLisbhr ary. Printaenddb ounidn t heU nited SotfAa tmeesr ica Thep apeurs eidn t hipsu blicamteieotnts h er equirements § oft heA mericNaant ionSatla ndafrodPr e rmanenocfe Papefro rP rintLeidb raMrayt eriZa3l9s. 48-1984. 5 4 3 2 1 CONTENST Praefce ix 1 Part InternatiLoanwai lnS ystemPiecr spective 1 Inturcotd:iN oenoreaalniIdsn mt ernatLiaown al 3 2 TheS ecurDiitlye mamnaId n ternaLtaiwo nal 27 Par2t Self-HaenldpS ystemOircd er 3 Self-aHneIdln pt ernational Law 49 4 War and aPneIdan ctee rnatLiaown al 69 3 Part SovereiganntdIy t Rse straint 5 SovereigJnutryi,is odnIim,cm tuniatnydS,t aRtees pons:i bility ConrsationfAt n archy 87 6 Human RaingIdhn ttse rnatLiaow:n al StaStoveer eiginnCt hye ck 170 Par4t TheR isoef C ommunitIyn terests 7 Self-DeterDmeicnoaltoinoinz,a tion, antdh Ceo llaopfEs mep ires 192 8 Contorvoeltr hE en vironCmoemnmto:Ln e gaocfHy u manki1n5d3 5 Part Summarya ndC onclusions 9 ThrPeee rspecitnIi nvteesr naRteilioaont:na sl HobbesKiaannt,ia annGd,r otian 157 10 OrdAemri dAsnta rcThhyeW: e stphSaylesimat n inttohT ew enty-CFeinrtsutr y 179 LiosftI n ternaLtaiwo nCaaClsi etse d 219 LiosftA bbreviaantAdic oornnysm s 221 References 223 Index 235 AbotuhtBe o ok 245 v PREAFCE Poliatnildca siw n terisnte hcietn ternastyeismota nsa lti hnde o mset.iB cut bookwrsi totnei nn ternatpioolnisatilin ccse 1 79t0hrsea reilfey v,et ro,u ch oni nternatliaowCn.oa nlv erassie fl yri,en t ucrno urtreescyew,nr ti tionng s internatliaown aabnlydf or scohuootlf at rhAsen glo-Ametrriacdaint ion shoewv elne sesn tshiuasfomtr h peo tliicuanled rpiinnngosft hlea .w Moreovaesar c,a defmaidacsn fda shicoonmse gaont,dh e suobfij netcetr ­ natioonragla nizsaeteimtosobn ea voiadtea dlc lo sbtysm oswtr itientr hse InternatRieolnaat(liI oRln)is t er.a!t ure Ih avceh osfeontr h feo coufst ihsb oopkr ecitsheieln yt ersatnidc es linkabgeetsw eiennt ernatpioolniaatnliid cn st ernatliaowAn.sua sle idnt he titalnea,r icsha s yh ortlhaabn,wed hl i,ci hna greemweinttthh nee orealist firpsrmtei sdee,n otthesest aotfoe u Wre stphaslysitaenam n d ctohnet ext inw hicwho rledv enutnsf oilntd h aeb senofca ec entaruatlh oOrridteyr. suggetshtceso mmounr goefs tastf oearm odicoufms tabialnidpt rye ­ dictabiintl hiemtiuyrt uraello antswi,h iclhe atdost h gee ensiosfi nterna­ tionlaalwW .i thotuhpter opfeurn ctioofnt ihlneag t ttehrec,ra esn c arcely ben ormtarla nosffp eero pgloeo,,dc sapiatnatdle ,c hnoalcorsgosny a tional bonudairetsh,se t fuo ffw hich moufic nht aetrinorneaaltloi nsi sm ade. Wherteh ceo ntreexqtu idriessc,u swsiileolxn tset �oid n ternatiinosntailt u­ tioansst hepyr ovaif doer uimnw hicihn ternaptoiloilntb aialct atalrees fougwhitt htihcneo nfisnebetys t heriers peocrtgiavlneai wcas n dg enera] internaltwai.Ao lntahlo nuogethx tseinvetlrye atede,x ctuhresasireoe n s suifcfieInt th,i ntkoi, l lruasttteh ien eviltianbkloaefg l ea wp,o lsit,ain cd instit(uitnitoenrnsa tional inot rh"geea xntieznafdtaemidiool nfy)t " h IeR fieKlndo.w leodfgt ieh sc omplienxte elrartioinsis nhdiipss bapleteno a n untrunucnadteerds toafnt dhriee naglo ifwt oyr elvde nstusr rouunsd.i ng Whiltehb eo odko enso ptu rptoor tb eex haanu setxipvlei coafat niyo n oft hteh emienst rodiutwc ieldl, ahcacvoem pliitspshu perods ief hiats illruastttehdie n adeqoufaa ncyym onofa(c.etgop.ro, w er aalnoasnlieys). Beyontdh atthb,eo ok wilmald ahec aovnet riibfuh teiiltod pnes m ornastte thien herenitnt hnIeeR ef.di eflodar b roader atphpacrtao tnar cahn scend threu nnidnegb abteetsw eneeno rleiasamn dn eolilbiesarmna dt haits potentciaaplaolbyflb er idgtihneAgm s.s ucthih,s ainas n tifabdodoiikst:h addsrseeafs u ndameqnuteasltc ioonnc ertnhiienn gt egarnicdto yh eroefn ce IRa sa f ieTlodt .h lea ypoenri,stt r iteoss h otwh pee roiflt su rnaib nlgi nd eyteo t hlea w/poilnitteircipsnsl tauyd yiinntge rnatrieolinnaoatsl. Vll viiiPR EFACE Thew id-erangcionvrgea goeft hbeo oiksa f unctoifio tpns u rspeoI: hope shtootw h atth kei nodfl inkIad gies ciuss sm uche xmntoseriev e thaonn me ight itnhtiunikt Biyva edldsyris.en agw idsep ectorftu hme se areoafsc onvegrencIeh ,o pteom akaec onvinccaisfneog tr h iem por­ tanocfei nternaltaiw(o annoadrla g nizattoi onst)th euo dfyi nternational poliicts. A feww ordasri eno rdaebro tuhtoe r ganizoaftt hbieoo onP ka.r1 ts ets internatliaown saiylns tepmeircs peschtoiiwvntegh, le o goiftc h pea radox­ icraell atiboentswheaienpna racnhodyr dienr Woeusrt phaslyisatnTe hme. introducchtaopprtryeo rv itdhetesh eorebtaicckaglr aonujdn udis ftication of tbhoeo Ikt.d iscutswsote hse mienps a rtic(u1tl)ha terw :o responses formt hie sntiitountalpiesrstp etcott ihvRee e alainsdNt e orleiast pardaig,m2b uiolntt hcee ntprraelim soef a narchyP-otlhieSc ciye nce approtaoci hne trantoinalla wp ropoubndyHe ardo lLda sswMeylrle,s McDou,ga anlads sotce(issa eCeh im1n99i3 ,7 3ff.)a ndm,o rree centthley , restoors te ttplreadc t(ioscmeecs o difiinte rde faotrymk )n owans" interna­ tiorneagli sm"(e Kras1n89e5r)a n;d( 2t)h peo litpiacraalm eotfie nrtse rna­ tionlaalwi nh sitorciocnatl,e t xatksionfgff r otmh lee galceyfb tyt he KaplaannKd a tzencblaacsh(s 16i91cb) u btr ingtihnignu gps d taot e. Satyiwnigt htihsne ys tempiecr speCchtaipv2tea e;dr d srseetshs ee cu­ ritdyi lemmap-ear peptruoabllf eamc ianlgl i onnaistna na narcshyisc­ tem-anhdo wi nternaltaiwto,hn raolue glhi ciittienrgaa tnidco hna nging thset ratcehgoiifcco terh pel arysce,a hna vaem itigeaffteiocvntet hoet h­ eriwsien tracptraobbllee m. Par2td eawlist she lf-ahnedsl ypes mtiocr dSere.lf -phi esald erivative ofs ystemainca rcahnydi sr esponasliobwnliget ,th h see curdiitlye mma, fomru cohf t hveoi lenacnedl awlesisntn heweso sr lCdh.a pt3e srh ows hows teas'tc ollepcrteifveer teoon uctel waarwh acsr eaatr eeds triction undeirn teornnaalltai w tohne sierl f-dhicesrliepot nl,i mittihunesg oe f fortcoei nasntcoefss elf-doenfleCynhs.ae p 4t esrh ows itnhtaetrn ational lanwo otn lcyo ndutcoe smt ahien tenoafsn ycesemt iecq uilibburatil usmo, mitigiantteesr nactoinoflbniyacp ltr ovifdoiarnl gt ernamtoidveoesfp acif­ ics ettleomfde instp uatnedbs yl ayidnogw cne rtmaiinni msatla ndianr ds thweag ing and ocfwo anrd.u ct Par3t l ooakts tgheen etrhaelm oefs ovreeiganntdiy t rse straint. Chapt5e dre awlist thh ree stroafsi onvrtee iginnta yn umboefrw ays, inclutdhiveno gl unatnardre yc ipcruorctaali .lpsmfoe vnetr ebiygs ntetasyt, g asi nt heex tenosfii omnm unittooi tehsse orv enrsea indt hediirp lomatic andc onsrua lgaen,ft ostrh seka e foafic laittitnhge miurt lur aelast.i on Liekwisien,t ernatliaolwn aaydlso wgnu idelfoidrne emsa rcjartuiisndg ic­ tioannsdr esoljvruiinsgd icctoinlofinciattls; e tcso mmosnt andfaorrd s startees ponssiubciahlsi i ntt hyte,r eatomfea nlti eanndts h eiinrte esrtIsn. theaserea ,si nternaltaiowof nfaealcr so nstreafiefncoitnn s gy esmtiacn ar- PREFACE ix chyI.nC hapt6e,ir ti ss howtnh atthr ei soefh umarni ghatsas ni ssuien internatpioolniaitlsbi octsah r esoufl t tphoel itiicnst/elraapwnl dea vyi ­ dencofet haes cendoaftn hcieyn div'issdt uaaitlnutse rnattiholena attlelry , being evidoefns cteas toeiv tesree(lifsg enltfy-i hnce hlepc)k . InP ar4t,u ndetrhr eu br"iRci osfeC ommunIinttyee s,rt"Isu stew o aretaosi llruasttteh adte,si ptsey esmtiacn arcahnydt heciorne squential self-dhicesrliepot ns,t adtoeo sc coansailslhyo aww iilnlgsnste o accept certain communoivteayrn dai bnotvteehr eeisrt ssou wcanhs, dienoc lo­ nization 7()aC nhedan pvtierro ncmoennttraoll 8()C.ha pter Par5t," Summarayn dC onclnuss,ai"lo shoa s cthwaop tCehrasp.9t er looaktts h rterea diitnti hoeenv so luotfii notne rnatrieolnaatalin otdn hse ir modeirnnfl nuceeH:o bbesiKaann,t iaanndG, r otiAaftnee.xr a mintihnegi r lintkots h seu bfitehlamdtas k uep t hter aditsitoanpoalftle h IeR f ield3- internaptoilosint,oair lcg anizaantldia own-,tc hhea petnedrbs yq uestion­ inwgh ethaevra ilable evniodsteh noctweh amdtoo deersNn e orleiasm, undtehrWe a ltziinlafune nicsae c,t umaolrlHeyo bbenst ihaaHno bbesa;n d thatt htrhteere a odnista,in tdh IeR s ubfitehleadyns t icisphaotueldd, really belotnoag n i ntewghroallTe h.ef incahla potfefreb rosta hno verraelvli ew oft hlee sstoobn esd rawfnr otmh per ececdhianpgt aenradsc lose-up look att hlei kterleyn odfts h ien ternastysitoeinmna ttloh t ew entyc-efnitrusrty , accentutahuteni fnogl idnitnegr relatipoonlsi atbnieldcta sww e.e n Manyl egcaals aersce i tientd h tee xrte,f lemcytb ienlgi ef that interna­ tiolnaalwi s n ojtsu tw haotfi fcidaolc uments osra iypti u sin;td ithtoas s bet eesdti nc oncrectaes deesc idbeyjd du icitirablu noarlc sr ystallized thurgohs ttaep raiccteR.at hetrh aenx plaienaiccnhag s weh,i cwho uld makteh e book lmoun,cg phIr toovaiol d ieos ftt h e cmaesnetsi ocnietdi,n g sourwcheesrt eh ecya bne l otceadA.sI h opteh atthb eo ocka anp petaol diefrfelnetv eolfas c adeimnisct ruIc tamimio nnd,fo ufbl e ginanse rwse ll asm oraed avncerde ad.eA rnsda,s I a m adsdsnriget wod istaiundcit­ ences-itnhtee rnaptoiloinetaxilpc esar ntds itnhtee rnaltaiwoynearls -! havoen o ccastioeo xnp lsaoimnbe a sciocn ceipnot nsed ispcliitnoet he othehre-ncteh,e recrueerfrreenn"cttet osh uen ini.ti"a ted * * * Io wea h eaviyn telldeecbtttou naualm boefrp eopilnec,l ucdoilnlge agues andf ormmeern toSrpse.cm ieanlt ihoatnso b em adoef O livJe.Lr i ssitzyn, whoa s mmye ntaotCr o lumUbniiav erssoimtteyh rdeeec adaegsof irst showmeed twhaeyt ow isdoonmt hqeu estoifto hlnea w/polliintkiHacegs e . continubeeand i ntsop ireavteainfo tnIeh ra sdt armtyeo dw nc areteera,c h­ inign t hvea riIoRus su bfiSeomledo sft. h mea joird eiants h bioso rke flect hiisn fluMeyno cnel.ry e griestt h atthb eo owka sn octo mplebteefdo re his deatatht ,ha eg oef 8 2i,n1 994T.h eb ooiksd e dictaoht iemsde mory. X PREFACE Inw riting thaa dtrb aowooskns evetrraalidn oistI, hahvaetd h ei vpir­ legoefr eceihveilnfpgr o umn expeqcutaerdt eresx.ap mlFeSo,etr v eJn. Brmasm,y c olglueeaa tN ewY orUkn iveyr (sNiYtU,p) roviedxeprdet gameh-etoriyn put;J ohaCnn. dM athtewIsI aIt,t hCee ntfeorSr c eince andI ntaetrinoAnfaafli, rH sarvaUrndi vietroysf,f eurseedf uclo mments earolnye, s pelclwiyia trhe ferteotn hcreea otnial-cahnoidin ctee rnational­ cooperaltiitoenr Samitiulrdaeer.b atrsoe w etdoo trhesb,u Itc annpoots si­ blayc knowltehdeagmle hl e re. Ast hbioso iknp arrte fletchtkesi nodfsq uesttihoacntas m uep i n my IRc lsaseIsw ,i sthoa cknowltehdcego en tribumtyis otnusd esonpfta sn ­ ninsge vegreanlei roa,nt satnoe xtetnhtaI ta ,ms u,rt ehewyo ulndor te al­ izeI. aaml stoh anktfoNu YlU f or grmaena ts ianbgb aitinwc hailct ho compltehtweer itpianrogtft he jpercOotfc. o usret,h uel timrasetpeo nsibil­ itfyo arn rye msisnelsisseo sl weiltymh e . Myf indaelbi tst o m yw ifBee,t ftoysr,h owignragc eufnudle rstanding, fobrearaanncuden ,r elesnutpipndogur rti tnhgte h rooefs mbyo owkr iting, whetnh ceo pmutaenrdd ailloya odfsn otaensd m atearlisse emteod recemiyve ex cluastitvoeenn t.i Notes 1.A sa f ieolfsd t uIdc ya,p it"aIlnitzeern aRteiloannts.aiO"lon t hdeo wnplay ofi nternoartgiaonniaizlnat thIieRo f ni eilnrd e cednetc asds,ee Reo che1s99t5e,r 20;3a nKdr atocahnwRdiu lg g1i89e6 7,5 3. 2.T hruoghotuhtib oso "kR,e laiscma"p itailsui szetedodr efteorr e alism associateMdo rwgietnh(t 1h8t9a5htu)er adiwthieornce,aa psi ta"lNiezoerde alism" denotthepesa rtisccuhlouaonrld t ehrie n fluoefKn ecnen Ne.tWh a l(tz17 99). 3.Is a"yt radai,lt"bie ocnatuhsaeed diotfii onnt ernaptoiloinetaciloc naolm y (IPiEso) n layr elatrievceedlneytv elopcmoeninsdte,rt ihnhegi t soroyft hIeR field.

This is a study of the political parameters of international law and, conversely, the law's relevance and reach in international politics. At the theoretical level, it bridges the competing dominant paradigms - neorealism and neoliberalism - in the contemporary IR literature.
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