Anarchy is what States Make of it: The Sorial Construction of Power Politics, “Alexacxler Wend osernarionad Or gece. Vel. 46. Ne. 2. (Spring, 1992}, pp. 391-425, Stabs URL: pos or og iissi-O90 SL EHeSNTIIINTE D468 PESCHVINIAAWSNOSMADCORIBLY diserationl Orgoecaton iconcolly pels > Ths MIT Ps ‘Youruse of ue STOR xstiss tvs youracceplence u: NOR" Tern nud Coos of Uk, ave buen jeorsngbuoWeraetna, ISTOR Tema and Cans Use provides, pat, Un es 0 Jk obaned poe panies sy ao osama aie a jouo ol ei fale, wd {ya youn aU STOR alive vy Lue your pn, aoneceourcia ve, Plans uatul be poblsler eardi my foe oo Ue wo, Bubba tl ube ray be ue duper jar urls cl cony iy pat oa ASTOR Kaawsisva na sul Ha smi omy aus thu app the roar ne igen eh nen, {JSTOR ea independent color pol ngacaion doe. od nen poser weal wei Surly joumul, Hur tors infonutuaseguning ISTOR. plows vont! apport, hrpstere tc Foi Ang 2ST 143 206 Anarchy is what states make of it: the social construction of power polities Alexander Wendt aa eso rating nl Wht hn reemerged as aise entetion in Titeenstiona relations doar): Resolving in ehe pave azound cumpedng ‘hooves of human nant he dehats frie senoerned today withthe tone tevihch stat action influenced hy 'strecre” amore und dhe dtu, fof poser) vores "process finternction und leming} as uae, Does the abscneo of eontalae!pultical amhuy “once sates 1a play cicapelive aster ples? Can inteaational egies overcome his og al une shat nadie? What in unare i given wl ical, alt aon 1 hangs? The debeve betveen: “aeore ali" sal “acoltecal has Noon bated a 8 shaved vamanauent Ia “ctionaliaa” Tio al sil rhenrzg, ional ehnics ects Uy Us ask some qesious sol aa ers, ating rhe ions ane Intecens of ageul as cxtgonns sl given and fauing 00 Raw the Bohavior ne tayo tee pl 1h i bi is sui a eins focte Gtr asc ome Lamune, Wc Pues, oye oc has neuen ties tye ney nage he Ory of Manu tA epi Neredion se elitcalan eae 10 Usauer 199), pe 2881 Het {ied axes enn ot ue ron, Cleese ee Sp 3 con Heeger Se 392_Ialemstiowsl Ongaubation ‘arate generates outcomes. As such, calinalism offers a fundementalle belt veaceptin af both proses and insitatons: they change behavior Iho not ilies dnterests” tn aan this ay of fanny Teoh prchlems, nooroaists and nenttheals share wonevally sonar assumpLiuss Shot ager eaten are the dominant actus ime stem, und hey delite fcourityn “seltinevested terms, Neovo and acolberas may diagree shout the extent tne sales ao melted by ellie ene elnolle Ea Ir bath ne take the eltineresed stale ae slarting pol Zo Aebry "Tv aring pint aes substantive ses tombe since chy ewe nachos are neccesary “sel-help”esstoms. systems in wie bath cena suthorie and enloese security are aben. The sel-belp vorollrs ww saaneby foes snermous work in nevrealion. generating che unkereatly comets years of tbe secur’ emit ad ellective atin brs. Sop tl ocem at “allan aun uch ewspien plinlgesl eon ls tiesiots youve, ali. le tes hi, aed baat hy, inleraeton. ino: Sate aay cmaorn tothe age of sl help wile deen rn the ste, bly spl arringr hsb acprarion pss! ee enix earning inwoleea in waltiigns of icenliy and intact is not! Questions sou: feng and inetesctnnmation ae hetstnre not inypotant to acento ingornaional relations. A raanalist peoblématiqu, which eoduces proces ts f4mamie of behavioral interaction among exigenously vane rs, defines the supe ol systemic heer» lyasepling seh reasoulng, Hberaly comovde ly noowalige the cans povers of zaarebn souetuee, bu hey ysia Uke me cally psc argent that proces ca generale couperalivebehivior. ve a estate so seltAsip ajelem, ‘Some Uberals may believe cht smaecly sn, i Re onsite saler Sill saereole lentes ewgeme > praia Sach weak” bere woncle Ue atl contig of act bark vce ana setanliely seul ezopy extinct fav, behave snacepine TS ns pws af inecens, They ace reals hoffe scram righ all Flow “eos realise"), size on'y if tatemational invietinas can Shara [poor and fatness do hey o hogan the Miri af eclisa cm pl mene eae aa te a Mebsoral Pahalse-” in Cri Calhoun el ala eds, Srucnner op Per and Caimast (eta oe tae Sheet ey ied ine tape Soy tH elm tan ea a tea SOE SF hee Rl ot snore olka Bp ono! Ais time Ceca oe Anavehy 393 ‘Yet some licoiale want move, When luienh Nie speaks of “women earning,” or Robot ovis 0! “changing cuceplione uf sll and un:ete: ot JRefere Keohane of “wucologcal”cupceptiuns of interest, ofa suse ga inanertant role Lur unilormativns vf ently am iteses ia the bez recarch program un, by exons. pulenelly supe irons eunceptin of process ond stations world polite” "Strong liberal shuuldbe troubles by Uke uishotoraus paving uf seuclare use pe an anaes ub leat amd intevest tussigh process ee tniesfonnalins of teuctre [ational hs Ge Ty offer gute an argue.” whizh in pare why. naa inpottant arc, Frisdich Krstochl and Joba Russie argued chat i indisalist -slogysnnteadicted the ire-eobjoervie epternlogy necessary fe toxime iacorg ra reels ie fa: penmie Regimes canna change Weattes sind imtercere ifthe tora take as given, Because uf this rationalist Fp eypite increasingly numerous ond rch studies of complex leming in (arelg policy neoliberal lack a stematie Ley bow sel changes ected Us Tost pile reali tosis bout suche while avsncsuy tier us signs about process The yi hs os Uncen whose expla ides aero doer, Reon acai he “Fallot *hacanee Tan en cia: Ihe fees ne wea omstanstign Bf subjestiiy and sims hei age poem, flowing Nishsas Or T wil cll sy Sonnet?” Despite Irotanclitferonce,cogtieits, aster uctraists, stanépoine and period fn forsiniat, role chen, and srueruraciniste hare 2 concer with the hatie “sociological” fsus bracketed by faconalist—namely, the Hse ut ‘onty= and interert-formation, Constactivsa’ poten cuniibulia 103 stony kberalim fot been obscuced, baeve, by eeremt epistemilagial Uetutes between moderaists wat posiaucerulet. up wih Seine slscipines Dosen for aut ebony x exuvenlional nacre program, anal Dieent sete ity orion fen Sie." Res Ince srs ei ete ic ica, Seegcemencen on oma ims ae ARMREST maa IRAE Ie re rae rest sofia ee gti a me near sina tn. Car indy a tem snap tay 1 Garin 0) 394 Yrusrautinnal Organization so divides consteuetvits, With respect 10 che substance of ternational 'slotions however. buth moder and pustuoder vorstructivits ae tereste ‘tow knowledeeable practices consiute subjects which 3 aot fre Hom the rou Boeri ese fu bot unis tinas (ents ines They shave 4 Cups, intenwubjective ooneption of prc in whic emits ad ine ‘elvane eudenots Wr uteri athe tho a clcnsli-chasieal nei whic ey areesvgenU ‘iy bjecve i this alse i to bul ridge botaxen these wen citi aad, by extetson, beloweu the eclisiboral aval rainualisre Mott sll) by veka islet argument, dean “toa Strucurationist fan syabelic intertiouls. wiley, 9m Behaif nf che Tihsal claim chat itccusionsl inslutins. ean faneorn wate Mention and interest 1h fnnteaal ta the “eotnmic® theorising char dominates rainstscam stems International tations scholarship, this inves. a “sociological social sefhslogea Yoim af aysomi theory dn which identities ane iterets are the Seyetfone variable! Whether aenmavanieariaa Hhenaliea” sl iberatiia “Snes noe invereat me here, What ds ie that consti eight coneibete "Henflanty eo the strong liberal eres in identity and inleres-unousion land ehorohyporhip tel be enriched with Uberl mate aol exznagred ‘cognition “hic i ate nestled ‘My slalegy fur billrg Ub bic wll hou argue agniast the nonretie ae Up seedy fy gi hy aaa: haere exagenonsiy to proces. ‘Conti ets nt net ens a gon joh taking he onal ponerse aay fesleutl. Thic is unfiitinate, singe én the feast View anarchy (utiies sistent in Me itaiteninal traneformation of iderties and incest: sd “ius building system thenries in exchately rationalise corns is putative fausal powers mist he changed 7 prncese ant insiotions are nit 2 Be fuhardinared 09 sruccne. 1 argue that soIPAsIp and poser pelos do not fellow either legis 07 camally trum anarchy ond chal if toy we Gd ‘sores in asoholp worl, thie Une ls provess. nol truce, Lene 20 Reng scm ig the tcl: ras the Quan» Spas n ns ‘etait hereon Sc nmr eer ath ek ie Foran tc: fon mecomert tee dea Yona Tapl “Toe The Gt: On the Dae eee he Poros tracts Gore pe 12 Te ut nt aa ta pps aie wl il come, ea Ee eal a etree cere ener Goninon pede Senape even aan pe Avail 306 legio” of anarchy ar tom the practices that evoate end intuntiats oe stmeture of ientiss and ‘ete rather thaa another, seaetare has Srlstence ereausal pomers apart fom punosss. Solt-alp ard poser palin are institut, not essential fotares nf anarchy. acl tr what mues mate oft In the subsoquone sections af tit arti, | sity asain the lms and assurintions af nsorsalam, dev a positive argurtent sbout kos sele-help land power politics arb silly singed andes anarchy, und ther explore three says in whieh denies and inereite ace transom under ane: by the fosalution uf sovereiets by a ewoluion of wauperaun cul bY en: Hama efforts transfor egoitic heals itso te iki. Anarchy nl poorer politics Chsseak reins awe ue Thames Llobbes, Keisldl Mibu, tal Laas Morgen altnbuted eels al pone polities pail human ast vwereas shloral seater aoowalitetanphosine anarchy. The difsrence ere it yult feu diferon, inesprctaians. of anatehy’= casa pres. Kenseah Wali’ werk is inovtant fa Poth, Ta Man, the Sat, am Tay, We efiney aunty 26 comin of possibly for oe “permissive” auc of wr atgving thn wae acer bezndse there ie noche peevent ther Tris the Inna namine or domes pares of predaeor sets, howove. tha rewide the inital impene of “sficienr” eniso of eonfie which fhrocs other sales tw respond in Kind* Welt i nor eniey convient about eh since Be ip ‘thous jusieuina fiom eke peamieive coueal thi thal amirehy we hvays poosile Ue the active stuval cai toil "wie my al aug mutuent fcc." Lue despite Wall's vonchaligg call fn kind nage: howe, the ficieal wave Ib aihize ial ysis are fi the is sd sco Faun, Ths ronal Wale Thi flere Pus, nei ft sn ssenrabinage hens ate spurned a8 “edgerinnist” and the Inge of inary scene tl taconite Teel aed pow plies a8 ascemary Featgueg ifort pin” “Thisieunkiiunte, sine whatencr ame may thine of rte and seevad-mage fhenvie. they have the virtue of plying thae practices deteimime the ‘hacacto af anarhg. Inthe peraisve low, on i human or domestic actus faume A to atack B will B bare co defend fel. Anarehies muay contin d4marsie thar lead w coreptitive peter pots but the also roa aol. wade can agus abnut hen paviclursttoctures of dentiy am interest wil emerge to, Benes Wu set Sin anf Har (Mou Yak: Coins Ubon Hen 19% "A eanesin ga Dey once Se aM, Nay 9, 396 lujemadionst Opaulenion Tremeanetiny, meescr seme plc in ening he Parsee anarchy is sbsanialy shay ass here iss abot hich Inv ater: esp ad Soinpaitve pose poe are ply gien exogeanasy bythe Svusiare At Me Tw 39¢ hese contst the nsorelist description ofthe cantemporary sate systor a acompstitive steep world | wil aly dispucs its ceptanation. deselop ame angurcent in three stapes. Knst, 1 dsontarale the concepts af self-help and azarae by showing chat sTFunterssted conceptions of secures sve noes consiaaive propery of anaes. Seen, 1 sto to selehelp and competitive rer poi may be produced causally by pracesecs ot inerae~ tio. betecon states in which anarchy plays only a pernisive role. In both of ‘ose stage af my angumout, TsiP-consciousy beueket ce fet an eecoad- image determinants of sate went, nut bevanse chey are uniaportat (they sts indeed UxpertaaN, tut because lke Wal’s objeclve. mae is te cary the tose" of anny. hind, lramrolsce fist sa sewond mage determinants vortsee hel ellecs om ioemliy-Luraion in ullerent kinds aarchies, Anarcap, elfain, ani interuBieeive hand ‘Walt detines polite structures thse dimensions: ordeting principles in this cave, anarey,principloe of diereninton (which here cop ut) a the iistnbutwn of capable” My ie, hs cei predicts ile abut sts beehason de des mal predic whether Iw snes will be Ena or foes, ld recuse each thers novercigal. sl ve cyatls tes sll se revival or slalds uo posers, and ao un The Gis, whieh are fundamentally Inversulgectre.aectstutes security interests aed Ubus tbe character ul (ae intersctiou unler anoreiy Lae importa sisi of Walt’ Ibeors Sleples ‘all plies ee argves hat Ie alam of ices ther Ue ths alaues af power, iclerninee sets sctnd, Cheats hoing silly ot structed.” Pat mare generally. withont assumptions aha rhe strectne a ‘omits and interosts in che atom, Walt’ dctnicion of structure cane edit he concen or Ayranice of anarchy. Self-help Fone such interjee five serzcture and, as such, doe che sitive expcanatnzy work 1 the then. “Tho question wehether ithe loca ur coneingone feature nf nar. In thisseetion, | dexclop the exncept of "struczuco af doatity and itor cand show tha uo suru one flinsHpically um anand, ‘A lovskneatapuisiple of vowels social Theory ¥ that peuple act rowan objets dachadiag aher itor, ou the Das He caine a Ibe imme ds an eT Fe igs #9 98 mein Peg Esra arn nh 2B: Seen Wak foes een a Ne Go ers Ps. Anariy 387 object haw fy cn Staos sor diffeanele toward enemies than they eb Toran ‘ions leisy encinies are ehisatening and filed are not. Anacchy dant fh aslo Of powcr ae mutica th tellus which whieh, US ining provct hae a diferent signisance for Canad, “han tor Cuba, deepte Their shir "szuccural” postin, just af Bosh mbelles hive a diferent Sigpitesnce for he United States than do Sowot miles. Ube distibulion of [pee may aeayeaffocstatercalculuinns, but how i¢ does depends um the Interubjective understandings and expectations. um the “uiipbetion al knowfodge,” thac constitute thei voaceptions of self age ulher =H ssl forges” wha a niveraly ix the pons gre praaio af potas andl sndent ceive ly ext the United Sates sl Spies Tig ovis that sy fre m0 longer exsmas, “UN oll ar ge Tri electiee mesnings that ‘Salil the souctores which organize ca action ‘efor ate oni -calecy stable eele-apeafe understandings end sexpett iy but solhy partsipatng in such enlsetse meanings Kent {ior ace kerently relational. “asnaig. with fv appanprate aah of Pehle salt, i alas ident within a specie, lly camstructed Se OP Se Re ee ata AEG GS Sis orton cae et tras SU Tie (gE a Rea ar ater bee hee i wr co Berra Sing Sates ard sett 4 Spi Intent Saou! Pclige Mace on de Bac. SH) ed Tn, ‘ese pha ate Wot wl iy Con casos 29% _tneraational Ceganication wwoekt Peer Rengsr atgise? Faeh person hat many iene linked ro insivinal toe, eich 48 broehey, son, teacher, and often. Sinan. a ate brag have multiis idonces ae “Sowers.” “leader nf the free world?” petal pow,” and 0 on.> ‘The eommicmen 10 and the sence of patccular donates vary, but ench ently a ere social efit of the cir gsounded in the thowriee shia actors cullectvely bold abot themselves und one another aad which cumtuute Lue sizutare of ie suc ‘vor donsties are the bass of floroals, Actas do nol have x “perio” af fntorests that hey carey row hudepeadeu! of social cumtet iste Urey define ther iulereas ia the provers of cin sitoations,” As Nefwun Boats pie “Bhpivtion vs, eal] to the Vegi se bu ing + oacicpant in tus angedng chee n-nkish Ie nena ke Wil Satine = prolorti italicn a8 eang fa the pe-formancs af & paticlat Su, wilt mies br ese aniepata somssninaicns and snotequenses, and Sherchy his orgatiyn releaset the ona‘gy appropriate th performing i= Semnesinse stustions ars wnprestteted in ok experienes, a in cose cases swe hate to construct dei nsaning and thas que ingcrest, by au alogs oF eR Them de nove. More often thes hive routme quelitie ia which we ds meanings un the babs of wstiliogslly dined soles, Waem we say Uhl prolesurs hive sa “unereet” in facing, resesnchs or pitt Kap, i yng hal Uo felon fv the ee deity gf rates” thoy hase Aine ‘ivlain stating a calling for setainasrone, Tie does na mean that Psy Will nocestrily dy sp feapeciarions and eompotenes da nee xual peter Fronts, fa i hey a he wl ae get terse. The ahence a airs of nhs makes Asfining slvatians And iatessts mre acu, and idntiy 2. Ber “dst Mba ts Serf Noo" A TASS rap Wake ee, As aed Pen Pe ec am: Ns (Siete Nt vee ee a Caan sarn Pecteah gcc age nay Avavsty 399 confusion ay sett Thi sms ta bs happeringeoday in the United States sin he Toner Seti Cio: wihout che old ears mutual stb ons ol "hal an Tt to define cei donee, these stares soem uasace of wal fei “ieorer afoul be. ‘An insttion isa tcladvolysteble soc or "stucture™ uf ideas and intoreste Such atustares aro often coded in lanl ules sl norms, bul ‘eee nave maecvational Farce ony en vieue of acon’ sacaivation hr aa partcpation in vllective Lnowlelge, Inline unlanertaly sgn lites ea Jamu ex pan rum lor king boat how the wo This does cat teat Tb itunes ast fea objosrvy rat Sy are “nating bul” belie ax cen. kopwledgs, hoy ate cxpericnced a having agentes “ower ame above Che indus whe happen ta embody them at UGermmnsat "inehiewss, intianiansenms enatnne individuals amir OF less anor sell fr, fe hare a Ranetion of what cers ellel vee Skye” Léentiis af ah clisads cagnons do nat ext apart fom each hee they are “manuals constitutive.” <n this vie mtu onalcaion fs roses of incrmairing nos dont und insreen, a something ucutting hatede then and ufoeting uly Bebavor; vocation feu pases ht just a behavioral ene. Conceived i sway, ais ey We xo tre or comical, 2 point surmetines Jost un sebokushis ur iuferaatinsal fogimen hich (ead lo equate snails will uoupersien. Tho-e are import clulerenees betweea coxflial sel wget insitrions ts site bu all elute slable sell oir selon even dase of “ouzmies— ee debe intersubjectively. Selblelp& amvtitution, ae af vadiausstacturss of identi and Inset at may esis ter amare. Procewas nf identr-formtinn under anarchy are eanccrned fst and foremost with preservation or "sccriy” of the sell Chneagns nf scourty chreturedifer =n the eater o which ul Uke puaruer i ‘which the sf scat cognitively wih Ue ber" a, La 1 sigue i ‘Shane her thins today mos cline gio ta wad {igta nie Apseach tie Sd of Trend Retro Thee Pein Ee aul eget, Te Son Canemenen of Ree p28