TheAnarchistLibrary Anti-Copyright Anarchy and Nihilism: Consequences Aragorn! Aragorn! AnarchyandNihilism:Consequences RetrievedonMarch2nd,,retrievedonJuly12, 2020. Contents IntroductiontoConsequences . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Chapter1:Consequences—Onrevolutionarydespair 6 Chapter2:NihilismandScience 10 Howisinquirylimited? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Whatformshouldourskepticismtake? . . . . . . . 13 Skepticismascends! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Chapter3:Nowisthetime(andyetwewait)! 17 Chapter 4: When all Dictionaries are burned, will westartover? 21 3 PositiveProgram Introduction to Consequences Shorthand for a positive program for social change, a pos- Thisisthesecondinaseriesofpamphletsthatdrawconnec- itive program is one that confuses desire with reality and ex- tionsbetweenthetraditionofthepoliticalnihilisttendencyof tendsthatconfusionintothefuture.Inthecaseofradicalsthis 19th centuryCzaristRussiaandcurrentanarchistthought. usually takes the form of stating programs along the lines of As Nihilism, Anarchy, and the 21st Century (the first “ATR there will be no hunger” at worst and “The abolishment pamphletintheseries)beggedthequestionofwhatrelevance ofclasssocietywillresultinrelationswithoutlimit”atitsbest. nihilism has to anarchy it could be argued that these essays Apositiveprogramisanidealistlegacythatformsthecoreof beg the opposite question. What does anarchy have to offer mostrevolutionarythought. nihilism? That the range of anarchists includes the clowns from Causality protest alley, micrometer-toting specialists of oppression- identification, and Marxists who wear black flags isn’t a Thebeliefthatoneeventfollowinganothernecessitatestheir condemnationofanarchistideasbutisasignificantreasonfor relationshipiserroneous,aspositedbyHume.Ifcausalitycan- pause. In that pause we have to challenge our assumptions notbeassumed,orevenacceptedifargued,theefficacyofmost about anarchy. What do we really share with others in the politicalformsislimited,particularlyasawaytotransformthe big-tent(orshoulditbecalledacircustent)ofanarchism? world. Theseessaysareincreasinglyspecific.Perhapsthiswillgive morepeopleatoe-holdsothattheyscaletheirownheights.At ATR theendoftheseessaysthereisaspecificinvitation. AftertheRevolution There have been several opportunities for me to speak on nihilismoverthepasttwoyears.Whathasbeensurprisingin Revolution thattimehasn’tbeentheapparentantagonismbutthequietin- terestandexcitement.Itisstillunclearhowthisinterestisgo- The limited desire to change the world as modeled by the ingtomaterializeintoadiscretepractice,butIwon’tbealone French Revolution. The Good News: Heads will roll. The Bad: inansweringthatquestion. TheBureaucratswinintheend. Aragorn! Body POBox3920,BerkeleyCA94703 Abodycanbeanindividual.Itcanbeagroupofindividuals. Itcanbeaculturalorsocialunit.Itcanalsobeunderstoodas a philosophical unit, a black box that accepts input from the worldandrespondsinkind.Itisnotknownbutknowing. 24 5 Power Hyphenated power doesn’t avoid the problem that power raisesbuttriestoshiftitsomewhereelse.Wecan,do,andwill Chapter 1: Consequences — continue to hurt, dominate, and manipulate one another. We are creatures of power. To the extent that we do take respon- On revolutionary despair sibility for this it looks like shame. This confuses power with Christianity. A nihilist is a person who does not bow down to Hope any authority, who does not accept any principle Thiscoinhastwosidesthatcan’tbeseparated:expectation on faith, however much that principle may be anddesire. revered. Arkady ExistentialNihilism 1. There is not a liberating vision for humanity. Every so- Anexistentialnihilistremainsatanimpasseregardingava- calledrevolutionaryatbestfailsandatworstestablishes rietyofcoreissues.Ifwecannotknowanythingthenhowcan yetanotherfiefdom.Therhetoricofliberationmakesfor we make choices? When Nietzsche talked of nihilism this is greatbedtimestories,keepsstarry-eyeddreamerswarm what he was referring to. The trajectory of Western thought atnight,andshouldbeseenforexactlywhatitis.Charla- leadstounknowablequestionsandparalysis. tanseitherbelievethattheyspeakfortheoppressedand that the weight of their opinion is greater because they StrategicNihilism summon the power of representation, or that they are Revolutionary programs deserve the snickers that they get. thefirstonestocomeupwiththeideasthattheyhave. The idea that yet another manifesto (YAM) or mission state- 2. Theideaofasingular,recursive,oriterativeapproachto mentoractionplanisgoingtomakethetiredactivismofanew positive social change works better in a classroom than generationsmellslessofthedeathitwrapsarounditsneckis inlivedexperience.Thekindofsocialsciencethatresults ludicrous. Strategic nihilism argues for a new approach to so- fromtheseexplorationsresemblesasecularmonotheism. cialtransformationthatresemblestheburningofafieldrather Asanorganizationofsociety,oramodelingofthetrans- thanbuildingthenewworldwithintheshelloftheoldorone formationofsociety,apocalypsehasalongtrackrecord lastpushbytheworkingclasstoseizethemeansofproduction. anditisentirelyreactionary.Thisistosaythatwhether An approach that concerns itself with exactly what the forms called an insurrection, a revolution, a singularity, or a ofsocialcontrolareandtheirsuppressionfallsfarastrayfrom collapse,asimilarthingisintended:moreofthesame. modelsofrecruitment,education,progress,orthecrossedfin- gersthatthenextriotwillbetheBigone. 6 23 beyond comprehension. This being the case, and as the desire 3. Isthequietmiseryofdailylifepreferabletoareactionary ofconsciousbodiesistounderstand,aframeofreferencetobe- rupture? The lesson of the German Revolution (1918– gintoimpacttheworldcanbebasedononeoftwooptions.Ei- 1919)isthelessonofhistoricalAnarchism:gloriousfail- thershrinktheworldthatyoudesiretounderstandandtouch ure.WhetheritisFrance,Spain,Germany,orRussiathe or assert yourself onto a world gone mad in such a way as to story of social revolution has not been one of triumph. transformscale.Institutions,ideologies,systems,schools,fam- Instead,andatbest,ithasbeenasetofstoriesaboutmo- ily,capital,governmentandrevolutionarymovementshaveall mentsworthliving. developedbeyondthebody.Nihilistanarchismisn’tconcerned 4. How many lives are we willing to sacrifice for our withasocialrevolutionthataddsanewchaptertoanoldhis- moment? Shall we stack them for barricades? Fill the torybuttheendingofhistoryaltogether.Ifnotrevolutionaries trenches with them after the tanks roll in? Use their then possibly epochanaries, for the transformation of society bloodtowritethehistorybooksthattellofourglorious withoutapositiveprogram. time? PhilosophicalNihilism 5. Nechayevdidnottellushowtobegoodpeople.Hiscon- cept of an army, or even a secret society, of revolution- The answer to the existential question about what is know- ary supermen is laughable, but perhaps the reason for ableis,nothing. laughter isn’t immediately clear. Lenin was clear how much the Catechism influenced his thought. It was The PassiveNihilism Princefortherevolutionaryset.TheCatechismprovides Ifthefutureisunknowableweareconfrontedwithachoice. a moral roadmap, an action plan that has demonstrable Whenallweknowisterrormanystopmakingchoices.People results.Listyourhumantargetsinorderoftheircrimes, break.Ifyouhaveeverbeenconfrontedbythealarmclockand hardenyourself,andeliminatethesetargetsinorder.The justshutitoffandpulledthecoveroveryourheadyouknow greatestcriminalsarethefirsteliminated. passivenihilism.Thepainofresisting,ofbeingthefalseoppo- 6. Psychologyhasmadetheroleofsupermananembarrass- sition, or the purged, justifies a thousand no’s. A million. The ingone.Thesocialmilieuofradicalismonlyallowsroom passive nihilist no longer has hope that their participation is forsensitiveinhumansuccessstories.Brokenpeopleare necessaryfortheworldtokeepspinning. highlyfavoredaslongastheyarebrokenalongthelines ofsurvivalandpoliteness.TheNechayevsoftodayfade Life out of sight after no greater crimes than petty larceny Isaterrorizedbodyliving? and broken hearts. The Machiavellis implement simple strategiestomakesurethesupermenstayoccupiedwith irrelevancies. 22 7 7. Revolutionary strategy is a failure from the perspective ofprovidingamechanismtogetfromheretothere.This is not to say that there is not the possibility of wide so- cialtransformationbutthattotheextentthatitfollows Chapter 4: When all the lead of the glorious losers (anarchists), Nechys, or Micheals of the past it will fail in succeeding either on Dictionaries are burned, will itsowntermsoronthetermsofbeingaliberatedsocial change. we start over? 8. Thisisnottosaythatwearefreeorsatisfied.Weareat an impasse. This impasse is one part frustration at the rhetoricoftransitionavailabletous(withoutwordsitis ActiveNihilism hard to understand where one is or where others are), As foretold by Raoul Vaneigem in Revolution of Everyday anotherpartangeratthegrindingdeathofadenatured Life,“Thereisnoconsciousnessoftranscendencewithoutcon- daily life and another part ennui at the futility of our sciousness of decomposition.” The active nihilist sees in the social or political power. Without the ability to control unknownfutureanddespairatourcurrentsituation,acallto ourownlife,politicalaction,andsocialrelationships,our arms.Anactivenihilistfindsenergy,awilltoact,inthehope- vividimaginationlayfallow.Thereisnothingtoeathere lessness of the conforming, rigid, asphyxiation of our society. butagraypastethatkeepsusalive.Butforwhat? Meaning is found in approaching the void rather than in the falseknowledgeofwhatisontheothersideofit. 9. This problem extends to the west generally. We under- standthatpastformulationsareoutofdate.Welackfor newones. Terror The primary modality of class society, whether it is by vi- 10. New efforts are being made but they are orthogonal to olence, hunger, or the threat of the elements. If every object, the approach of the humanist West. They are, to put it person,andmomentisforsale,ifthereisnothingoutside,then gently,moreseverethanthevaluesandtheoryofmoder- thereisabjectterror.Whenlivingisacontemptibleact,itister- nityallowfor.Theyare,ultimately,goalless.Theseareac- ror.Whatistheoppositeofthis? tionsthatareinterpretedbyothersbutmovesorapidly as to be entirely chased by the mullahs, fatwas, and an- alysts. These new efforts are the language of the disen- NihilistAnarchism franchised humanity. There is no hope. There are only We are not drifts of snow moving through reality. Things casualties. havehappened.Choiceshavebeenmade.Thesechoicescanbe evaluated,notfromatimelessdoctrinebutfromahumanscale. Bythishumanscalethesize,thescope,ofthechoicesmadeis 8 21 actualpowerbrokerswhoenacttheirideasisaparalyzingprob- 11. Thesuicidebomberisthemuseofourtime.Theydonot lem. inspireustosingoffreedom,justice,anddignitybutof What’snextthen?Iftherearenocastlewallsbecausedom- consequence. ination has found a way to succeed without necessarily mate- rializing,thenourprojectnolongerlookslikeasiege.Ifvirtu- alizationhasbecomepartandparcelofthedominancematrix thensinglepointsofattackarenolongereffective.Thereisno letterbomblargeenough. The simple answer is that we have to be patient. We have to have an engaged patience that is incomprehensible to the lethargyoftherevolutionaryleft.Ourroleshouldnotbetolay inwaitforsomemarktocomestumblingalongbecausethatis nevergoingtohappen.Insteadwemusthavetotalengagement inthesocialandpoliticalprocessesaroundus.Nothingshould escapeourattention.Thiscouldlooklike,andisnotlimitedto, attendingchurch(especiallypoliticallyactivechurches),going to shareholder meetings, attending city council, toasters, Elks lodges,civicorganizationsandevenleftistmeetings.Theidea isnotthatoureffortsshouldbeparticularlysupportiveoreven destructivetothesegroups(althoughpushingtheboundaryin bothdirectionsshouldbepartoftheprocess)buttounderstand how it is that modern acculturated civil society works. What doesasocialgrouplooklikeandhowdoesitreacttothekindof stimulusthatcanbebroughttobear?Ifyouplaythegamehow easyisittointegrateintoanorganizationalform?Towhatex- tentdotheseformsaccruepower,negligenceandmomentum? Weneedmoreinformation. 20 9 is mostly a rhetorical device alluding to something obvious (if you accept the premise). If the world is indeed media rich, cybernetic, illusory, and entirely without mooring on the foundations of the 19th century, including 19th century Chapter 2: Nihilism and prejudices about labor and progress, then engaging with it must be in this new vocabulary. If you do not accept this, if Science yourecognizeitasatragicmisreadingofDebord,mostofthe consequences of thinking of culture-as—transformative-lever canbeseenasbasedonafaultypremise. There is the history of nihilism that idealized natural sci- This is how postmodernism works. It takes a premise, let’s encesasasinglesolutiontothequestionofmaterialexistence say that “Everything that was directly lived has receded into withoutGodandanotherthatwouldcritiquescienceuponem- arepresentation”(Debord)andturnitaround“Representation pirical,ideological,andethicalgrounds. iseverythingdirectlylived”andyouhaveaclearargumentfor non-engagement.Whybotherlivingintimeandspace?Iflife “A decent chemist is twenty times more useful ismerelyrepresentationthenmediaislivingonagreaterscale thananypoet,” thanwouldbeotherwisepossible. Bazarov I recently attended a speech where one of the questions asked of the presenter, who was arguing against represen- The history of nihilism is of a moment in time. Russia in tation generally, went along these lines. “I am a computer the1860swas asuffocating place.Themajority ofthe popula- graphics student and I have spent long days precisely mea- tionwereserfsbreakingundertheirnewfreedom(tomakepay- suring and evaluating a blade of grass with the goal of mentstotheirformerlordsbydecreeoftheCzarinexchange reproducingtheformwithinthecomputerenvironment.How forworkingtheirland)orchokingunderthesuperstitionand can you say that my work, both in the observing and the conservatism of the Orthodox Church. Russia was also at a reproducing,iswrong?”Thisisaclassicexampleofaccepting crossroads: having proven itself among the great empires of the premise and basing, in this case, an entire career and life EuropeafterthedefeatofNapoleonitalsofounditselfanintel- path on it. If we live in a media environment then oh, what lectualbackwater.Verylittleofthedemocraticunrestthathad a time savings that I myself do not have to go to a field to affected the Continent had consequence in Russia. Even Czar experiencesomethingcalled field.Instead Icandownloadthe AlexanderII’sdramaticmoveoffreeingtheserfswasmoremo- FieldExperiencevolume1andknowfield.Whoareyoutotell tivatedbyhisromanticsensibilityafterhavingreadTurgenev’s medifferently?Doyouhaveownershipoftheconceptoffield “A Sportsman’s Sketches” than an urge to transform Russian thatyouwouldlordoverme? society. The point being made here is simply this: abandonment of As a consequence of this environment historic nihilism understanding the mechanisms of control disarms us. In the embraced positions that we could largely understand as caseofpostmodernism,confusingasetofacademicswiththe reactionaryratherthanasintentional.(Thisissomethingthat 10 19