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Preview Anarchist philosopher John Henry Mackay was rec ognized as an artist as well as a political thinker

Anarchist phitosopher John Hensy Mackay was rec ognized as an artist a well as a polities! thinker—his cantormporary Richart Strauss set some of Mackay’s pontry to music, He was alsa a founder of modern gay liberation, offering a radical challenge to col- league Magnus Hirschtield’s teadership. Finally Mackay was a lover of adatuscent boys who created 2 body of literature, The BOOKS of the Ne ‘exploring his sexual feelings. Hubert Kennedy's ap- prociation of Mackay reveals haw the philosopher's ‘ove of boys influenced iis politcal thinking and now ‘9 lived out his potties and philosophy in his sie with boys. Anarchist of Love The Secret Life of John terry Mackay by Hubert Kennedy Revised and Expanded Edition ‘This revised and grently expanded version of Arurchist of Loves The Secret Life of John Henry Mackay (New York: Mackay Society, 1983) Is published simultaneously as NAMBLA Ty ies #3 by the North American Man/Boy Love Association (PO Box 174, New York, NY 10018). A revised German edi- tion, translated by Almuth Carstens, was published as Anar- hist der Liebe: Jolin Henry Mackay als Sagitta (Berlin: Jochen Knoblauch Verlag, 1986). Fusther additions have been made for the present edition © Hubert Kennedy, 1996, ANARCHST OF LOVE 1 “| wes SAGITTA® ‘ 1.9m the attow that springs from the sting, ‘Whitrig through the night of tine (ring— ‘Toall heoking, hte courage, these comfort, beings Chicaling, aot desth—“Vour hea Tsing Tam SAGITTAL Know: the ari am [ Which cures ur kill Stayl—or—avay Oyl (On 6 October 1809, afer nineteen months vf exal progoedings, ‘the punter of the Gceman sate moved to eeu the fit deliberate sul sel-avsre campaign it cada rca ¢o gaip public understand. ing af man-hoy lave. ln spice of havieg one of the best defence lawyers io Germany, and m spite of expen witzwsscs ofthe fi rank. (including M4, Coral, Aled Ker, Hane Land, and Pramp Wille} 1 Hubert Kennedy to tenily w the patty and anietie volue ofthe wot, three publica- dons of the cseadenymow Sayitta weee declued “obxcene writings” and ondened distroye. Que of the julges even comoeded that these sweee "works in 2 complerely artistic form," hur apparently thewe waz a ned frow the Minter uf Jutice as io which way the decision should go, The publics, who continued te preserve the anorymity of the author, was fined mud usenet coun cts, but to fact afl eos were paid by Sogitta—in reality the Genman weiter Joka Henry Mackay. “Madory wrene to hit American friend Benjamin R, Tucker that ‘he anus ute amounted to around 1,000 marks and that all po- sethor the whole affair had ener hun abut 6,300 wasks—the equiva fen of at lens $30,000 in tuts eurency (Dear Tucker 42; refer. ences re tLe li. of Works Cited 2t the end of this cas). More tan the moncy, Mackay felt the less ef his stragyle for esp rights for mar-hay love. He reealkel uu day ate ext deprosing of bis fe, ble was living in Berlin at the time, and after hearing the court's decision, be wandered slome in forest um the edge of the city. “Never hefore in mr lie, so axcustimned indcod vo al be sorrows of femetiness, oud [felt uyéelf so abandoned yall asin this hour 19s ae hour such as ic pohly Faw omy to bia wy bas tae Thi life ann come ura run ees his fe Inst with it” (Ferny Staller 152). He woandeeed throughout the night, gradually recovering his strength (rom the knowledge that he hal dome slat he fad 1 do, ara with the dawn be rctumed to the city unl a new day. “And as | read the eternal confirmation of this love in the trusting and pure eyes of ay bog, he foond me calm and cheenfl ws always? (Henny ‘Siler 153). a fack, Mackay did not give up his stropale, bt found the surcegth to complete his project of wring six “Hooks of Ure Numer keg Line” resting win-boy lowe i vathous Literary forms, and these were yublsbod ia one voluaie in 1913 (with » second edition in. 1974), As Sagites, Mackay slo publihed 1926 a my novel (reat- ing the lie of erage bustier: fu, Belin ju ae 1920s, ‘The Soatush matine insurance broker Joho Fanyuhar Mackay uated Luise Auguste Ehlers in Hauuburg om 21 Marci 1863. Less 2 ANARCHIST OF LOVE than » you ter hei fit wo only hl, Jol leary was bum on 6 Februagy 1864 in Greenock, Scotland, city an the Fit of Cipde ont rmcary ile ftom Gigs Tae boy was only ningtcen sell, old, umeves, wien his her did and his macher recur with er ung son to her nave Gemany! When he was nine yey old she Inattied a widewes, who wep hal 2 2on Mackay’ age. Mackay ze trained devotes so fle mother (sbe ded shen he was thiny-eight ean old), but sellin with bis stepfather, Aled Duascichce, 2 Prasian alfcal, wore col and he di not pt lena at all wth his new brother. This he wos happy to aed the Gymnas Chih fcheool ia another tewm, where fe lived wx boarier wih iether fail, Alnoh lie cw in Geen, with Goran as his ther tongue, Mackay dit rot become nicualized until sround the tur of the century, fter he fae decile no seule peruimently in Bain {Poke 3) Mackay kei selwiel in 1883 and sgcot a year a4 2n apprentice ‘eih a publishing boos. This wi followed fy five sours am 4 aniveity tect (in Kil, Tip, aa Pelin), bur ony ns sai- tox Unsatisfied by those actives he ined u lose, ur cubes, fad Irimeelf a trivel, Hi mother was of a well-co-do merchant fail. and alowed hi an manual ine suliien. uy Ke et 1900 he tecrived lap sum fom her and he inherited more on her death im 1902, 1911, on the advice of his American Grend Benjamin “Tucks, he ised the emining money 10 purchase a ilevime annuity (Mackay, Dear Ficker 84), law Mackay ald ndepeadcoly puso his duike of eaves, an fem an carly age he etwas considered Tinsel writes rom spring 1887 1 spring 1888 Mackay wasn Land, where tae tum to te efi in his seach for socal philesanb. nthe spring of 1888 he seed in the que! now oF umschadh in Site” fan to digo his Loui yeas. The ist suk was che publication tha year of a Yolunc of anarchist vere, Sum (Shera), while ad several ater eons sogerer, ne Ui 20,00 copies wer primed in Mckay beta, Ue then gave his impressions of his Tonwion eat in Die Avechem:Kedagertbe as dem Ende dey XIX dudes (he Anamhisss A Peruse! Clsaion athe Che ofthe Nive- 3 peated in 1801 andl waa yb tae im Fgh he Ute Stale: thal same year iL om Inter renslated ito cist othr Janguayer: Cerub, Dutch, Trench, Halian, Rusian, Sa sh, Swed, Yidfsh. By this tie Macy bad rend Mix Stirnee’ book, Dev tee nd ei Frou (gub- ls a Eolas te tile “The Eg and Fis Or), i passed wilh Ser emecuent ‘ith hie man position ofc wluait anarchy od ad determined te recall the “lox” figure of Mux Stimer (the ronlonyis of Joloom Kespar Selah, 1906-56] elicit teat. This labor of love wie Mackay much rime and ay, for Ie cartel tracked wm and collected alt eercncce to Stier and is wings. (Mackay’ colette uf swan 750 boo aout caer tenis vaso i 1925 tothe Mire-Engels Inte in Mice om, after unuccessal acs 10 slit wo Ue Lahey of Congres jn Washingan, the Kew York Flic brary, Jesealem, and even, Japan.) Mackay’sbiosaphy, Max Seer: Sei Leben und sen Werke {Mix Stimer: His Life and Us Work, was published in 1898, Inthe meat he had established contact with American anachiss and ‘steal sevend of thew bing « thresnoneh trp to the United States in the fall of 1893. fx her sotubisgaphy, Eom Golda reeled tamching sith in on 28 Septcmbc, the Bsc day of het New York al for “iting 10 roe” (1129) Mack hee x ifetine fricrdship ith Benjamin R. Ticker (1854-1939), to whoa he deli <aced Der Frbisucher (The Precdsaseeker} in 1970 ‘Maohay. rom ine Amercan eaten te Arcane 19 4 oe ANARCHIST OF LOVE By hc Lure of the oacuey Mackay hal spent extended periods in sevens large citi: of Europes Hedin, Loren, Pais, Rome, Zatch, He retuenod Lo Pelin in 1892 to complere bis meseurch om Seamer and settle these permanent in 1894. But he oantinved to travel ‘uceasionally and there are echoes of souse of his expetiences with. ‘be crn bis Lriy'to Pais for the Irtemational Exposition of 1900, fn the peut later peblished by Saptta, a& well es in the lngely autobiographical novel Fency Ske, abso by Saitla—to whose sory Mackay was swely sue nf his aexonl orlencanion by 1846, but fe moe nin danke the ageurane Usa. ycar of Richard von Kis Bhingh Bsachyathia seals which allowed him to "came ont” ea bins’, Tle described his reading uf the bunk in his nwwol Fenny Staller: Pt be dows num raow ase Uinge Thete are others Uke bint Llc 38 1p Tongor alone among people, no langer lene on. this earth! Nowe i «10 Be bi coo, chs earth, and he sls ro love om il, . AL would sill have been quite impossible for hi to tal to another persan. Bur be kept silent no longer svithan bimsef, and frou thea an ao lenge silent about hs love, (0-1) “That ws te aly Using lie Iagned ftom the book, however, forthe zest outeaged hin: : He mnderivod anly so much: they had locked up his love i scienoo' was-figurecahiner af monsters, deformities, ant monstrosities ut all Kinds—iove they had als elasfied bhi among people with whom he had nerbing in common, and cout rnd wemld have mousing int cosntnom. (41) Unite Magner: Hinchield (1868-1035), Macha bad no exple ration for his deviaivn from Uie nove Ue eae np need for an explain and, eeling himsclf to be entinely many, he emphar- colly rected HLischfelds development nf the "tind sex? dheory of 8 Hubert Kennedy Karl Hetucch Ubi (anima mich vit sompre inches’ —a women's payche confined in a mais budy}—a doory that besut- folly 6 “Tante Magresia® (Blther 133)-He al rejected the eara- eign of che Scicnific Hammitation Comaaites, kad by Maru Himchield, to obsain a modification of 8175 of the Gezaum Penal (Code 60 ast allow sex aaiviy between sae sox adult, fo be nhkd:nor woo. hi tactic of gaining a libealsaton ofthe arttho- fnucextal [rw at the expense ofa igheening ap of agt-of cansent fegilina, the Lactic uf those who sought to ace themselres up peat respoctable by daa mwn-boy love. Having coae nko con- tact im erin with a few other orca wha shared his view be deter sina t launch his own campaign for a better undentanding of the sman-boy Tove ise. Jr unlikely chat. any of Macy’ colleagues know uf bis iter cot in bogs bse the death of his mace in 1902, Je probably a pe coincidence that in the play by Amo Hols Seciristokruten {Social Arstozay, 1697) Bellewann who pattems she Mackay sox (Bellemann—ike Mackay-—<tness abit: “These isa charge gait a. me ti, R. vided, Te for breaking the hw ir chee” (ol 6), Bu Tol proved tobe propbati, fri 1908 etl that change as browsht apie. Mack “The cosineiacm tht Mackay gave io his ew endeavors poly sxplimed by bis long deptssion following the death of ls mcnber i 1902. (ts devotion to beri shown in bs late coaument: "it & or te da Hee Leah. Then: ae wonods thot meric quire heal vee” TAbnechng 41). Fors hag tme fe et ts, ad the, 8 be later calle: “inthe dale of my ie a task are, Hl a deliver sce ta new gual; i ea too carly to speak of cas late as it dlncary 2)" UUrreirane 41).That wa wen io 1932 we can ony ‘ronser why he emsined unwilling to seve his Wenbty ws Sata rea. Ida srl Boor his death in 133 Maclay wrote it “Ausericat tin Bengomin Teche (ln Kage Tasker dt mot reed Clean): * Bl ner bik use vel of Segita. One of these ina zone couumunitic popets dd ft, some years wpe, to bur me, and ‘0 i ea open Sects” (Dear Ticker 183) at, is ids ad tea neve in pnt as carly at 1923 by Emi Saya (155) anc ! ANARCHIST OF LOVE suet have heen witely known seach cavlion leat smong ho- smosesed cintes ata wel ofthe leg res: azz hie Sagitea books “The police enn supe Uta Mackay wax Sota for they searched bis hous acveral times forthe Sogita oaks it 1908. They ‘hu Bk ery nowene. fon Macy hep the Sagi eer a suall room out his agartueal, with a seyaale entrance Chat spend toler rhe ate (Dobe £9). They ny hve bozn promoted by theft. that Heme Zac, gubtinher ofthe Sagitn ooky had ab bora ts pusber of MachayS srks of nine panhlets,"Propa- fads ds indiriduaitechen Anarchimns in demecher Sprache" {Bropapeda of Lnividut Anarhioe ic the Geruun Lang) which weec transations, moely by Mackay, of wvtings by Tucker nd éthem. The dzcovery the. Mackay was Sagina wok! certinly brave delighted he police! Indeed, Mackay’ Giend Prodzics Dobe reported that Mackey gave as hit teason for sing pacrongen hia eon: Ly svoid Lining the anc ens: ‘The fighter forthe nameless love who know how deenly his was alrays doagged shroueT the nual wanded by mo meas Uat thom’ iis eanneetion with bis poren Uke cause of freedom, anarchy, akg would be dragged in the moet and exqeeed 10 mu abisoudertandings— sexuedling hat wool oulwless have hapnened, since Uney had no dent weapan, agains. this lumurable ightee (Dobe 3) Mackay worked ont hit plan fir the "Books of the Nameless are in. 1905, Iu he fist append ax Sagtta with four poeuss in Dev Bigene that yeat (a fifth pocm appeared there in 1906), Begun im 1896 as an. anarchist journal that reflected the philosophy of Max Stitner (Tier Rigene” = “The Sel yer” im the meaning given that wend by Skimer®, Der Bigme teva zat openty howeneau journal from 1898. As such it enntinued, with occasional interrup- rims (wuatly dee 0 pice inderfereu), ints the 1950s, aking i the Rist succesful gay journal’. Mackays Sesitta pooms appeatod in the fier half of 1905. Nama Pretorius (preadompun of Eugen Daniel ee 7 Hubert Kennedy Wilhelm, 1866-1951), in a review of ha yoar of Der Eigene, wro.: ‘The pmatas of Sagi are dhe the fst place, hiweret, pincipally the two reins "Dor Fremde” [he Suranges, im ‘which the fore of che sentinel Uullingly bares ltl i Tively dactylie rhyrhuns, and "Tie Tere” [The Dood, in which snelanchaly, lps, and Innging for ue loved ome fhow in. strung manly vere. (590) ‘Mackay wae ¢0 derecmine wo keep his identiry as Sala secret dust he did noe revesl u. even co Adolf Bran (2874-1945), mb Ficherof Der Figne, In fac, he had all ermeundence sent to Hud from Dresden in ute handeriting af his good friend, the Dresden cress Luise Fre (1865-1942). Bat Drand soon guessed wlio Segtta swas, fon, by coincidence, a, Ube same time a. be xoceived the fist Sagita poem, We zeal an earlier poe hy, Mackey, hich he reletely recognize’ as treasmy man-boy lave, anul save Uic esem= blance af the two. Hos spiclon was coufimned during che Saginna tral, when one of Mackay’: cera exper wimesses, Enno Wl Jet dip to Brand that he had appearod at the “Mackag-Provess” ‘Kemal, "Das Geheinatis von Sagita” 113, "Mackay planted the Sagi project af a seres of writings in vatious literary forms witl the common title "Die Duccher der rrsinenlaven Lishe” (The Books of the Nameless Love). He rejected Af the ewedical, legal, and) morale vets of the day aad always Spoke uf ile "aaroeless love.” probable being influenced by the ex presion, "the love tha dart mut speak sts name.” made éanout by sear Walle a. his tial im 1295, Brand later relled that Mackey Fond sleon a that time “ntation anu imteage over the jason. of Oscar Wilde” (Kenneds, "Dae Geleimnis von Sagi” LU) Mackay saw his task se ove-fol: co pain suppamt feom men like hirnself, and thee t0 take his cause ¢9 tbe public. He theme che Tits tsk wom e easier, for he Eelieved chere were cumny who hae sufcsed ws had and were only waiting fora spokesman. He chine to act anonpmonily, fr be cefon given above and also bevisse he knew how enily a single publi voice can be enishied, Editions of 8 ANARCHIST OF LOVE 1000 were planned for che books, 10 be brought out two a year and okt by subscerpion gaily. The fin. invitation Wie sent our aa 1 Aupust 1805 for the fi uw, which then wppeared in 1906: Die eenbose Leb, et Bekenniiss (The Nawolesa Love, a Cased, 29 rages) snd Wier nd i Eine Lchemg der namenlasen Licbe von Sagat (Sho ace we? A Poem of dhe Neweles Love hy Sagcta, 62 pages). Macka was carefil co ak each subscriber to sin « stateraent that dhe would not be offended smd thar the book was for private te oly, he response to this offering wis wo sabe Unt fen Be seme out Fhe inviration cn 1 July 1906 forthe next aro hooks, he noted that the project could not cumiinny waliss more people subscibed, But Aespite the ‘her that his list of arbeeses continued te grow Che ‘number of subscribers was so-stall that further publication wat im poesible and le cv his sauggle ere before i had band heen, ‘Mackay leer complained that these books were never reviewed, font wt face there were a few reviews. Wilhelm [laramer veponved om them in the Monatsschr for Hemboankbeten, Peychopsohis emule snd sencle Hagine (Monthly for Urinary Diseases, Sexual Piycho- pathology, and Sexust Fygiene) in 1997, and an exconpl fhm lis report yas given char year in the Monausbenh: des Wisenschopic- aruanttren Komizes (Momthly Report of che Scicatfic [tuneattar- jan Covneiltee) TTrom chese volumes these no Jonge sims the faust ing voice of the sick heszing for symroth, but sather the ump of ball conscious of his ga, the pret attacks the reaching of the Cheistian church ankl the ascelis preaching ictory over sell The sound volume clely descrtbee the love ofthe man who Fels hieasclF draw Lo yous, aa every day stony and et meaningfel thigh rhe meness to Tie vith which Saga is able la sepaudune his felings. The author hes constly recognized tbat dora, iv uke nverage deta are alo samnearx drives, which can be awakcned Ww lowing (lames. The experienues of sulin, the ebservations ff prison doctovs confirm the comcciness uf dhs satement (emacsberile 6136) Hubert Kennedly Despite this avumable view ofthe author, who was lac described by “Himchfetd we "Dr, med. ct phil et jur- Wilheu Hammer, who offen, Goquented dhe Camunutier at that tira” {Von ena Bete 177) he tumclided on a rathee arohigvous atl anrealintic nove: ‘On the other hand, in ny opinion it mus. be shamply ‘cptusied thet samoses love, $0 Lng 25 it remains within rmexicrate Lis, is row contlemned! by pastors but eer is tolerated as ficnsbip, yes even humoral, and chat the Kel scholars of 8175 of the Germad Pots Cede eject. only the ccrudkst forms of activity and do vor do. aeay with abe [dendsips thar hold themselves dan. fro ri senso Anuather review we published ia.1908 in Hirgchfld’s new ‘aici for Secuabssenschafe Grrrl for Sexual Science), wa this rine the author was much fess spopathetiesS Segitta i an artist, mud his amistié Creed (Book 2) cand, apa. fom all mestical disor on cle basis of the puely hunwan inva. fn apts oftn of tne besiny the broken strengrh of his longing sats. Why must he love this owly beighit Nunc, which oily it, is mafuhomable, Ue legs, amd the pain tees with hin, . ‘A complete poem i 3 vision tbat recites neither an excuse wor 2 juification nor yot 3 polemic. Therfine find the prise of the fe hock superfluous. Nor will Une pple that he i now sealing nt (Geboer! New einen Augenblick! Ein. ‘Schvei (Listen! Only a Momeet! A Cryf) gain (ox hin the expected new fice, Icmploringly attempts on the bass of cstheties and altruistic morality, a quixolis balls agains the pial instincts of mankind. A rity far the wastod effort, (Kind 248) Mackay’s clos: iced Herbert Stepemsnn wrote a long and 10 Vie a tesa othr sone nama ti ANARCHST OF LOVE plowing review that conchubes “The grea percenvion, thar all happiness, alo a Tove, sts on che unliauted Frecdom of our natura! inclinacions, rises up ike win, snes itn kane faces wl cass hea ing tight over che shabbincss of ou spstesaationd ard com- fined existence; then we feel tho, here # genuine poet lsclning to 19 lis latest wisdom and that chore is uy t Tisten 10 him in que reverence, It is no wine to everyone wo feel Ue fove of Sapitta én hit ome soul. But i is dhe prerogative of at to change the one-sdedness of hanna ex- fence into infinity and uy eabe us op abuve the manow hous of our pessonalicg inca che sphuere of uotimited gate, jonderstanding, and enjoyment And in the Manasberche of Agni 1907, Hirschfeld had men toned the two publications of Sayin: “This Greular sas sent out with several proepecrnnes of the poe of Sagisia by their polisher. This unnamed but not inknown anilor is geealy omgry with our Committee be- cause we had w esplain, in response to the repeated insie- tence of his publisher, that i is not our reco ponticipate in the marketing and advertising uf is poetry cullestions fhe manner wisteal. (6: 62) Indeed, Mackay was “greatly angry" with Hirschfeld, but not forthe ceagon Himeleld gare, and Hirschfeld, who knew peefocsly wel chat these wore not “poetry collotions,” only further confused the igye in a Report in a Ister Mononsterich ‘The books published by Sagits ate not, 2 we eronenusly ‘exguessed iin our Repon before the last one, *pocms,” but satlcr poetic wotks and fiction (ox creeds and scenes in prese) ‘We emphasize this since the pblisher expressed the opinion tht we, “sven the prejudice nf our Gwe again “poems,” u Hubert Kennedy vwamied to bare the dseibution of Une hauls.” 6: 116) ‘Mackay’: Sagita project was moet dizcely alltel hy the sae called "Fulenburg aff,” which bad is beginning wath an article of Maccmilian Hasten in the independent weekly Die Zaku um U7 ‘Nowewer 1906 sod which cventvally lad Mackay to publish the ample, Gehoer, mentiovod (above) by Alle Kin, Hot Mackay’ efintive broke wit Hemefelé came already a aucuth easter ama foe other ressons, Because uf HibachfelUs ieaportance for Une easly history of the pay movement. the caeclion of Mackey with the Scicwtiic Humanitarion Commaittee (STIC) is wouth dicing. Tr has hoon known tliat Mackey was an cathy signer of Ulises *Vtaiuen te rhe Lagislacive Bodies of ke CGennan Fim pire” fora revision of The anliunnosewal §175 (his name a peared i ube fost lse publica in 1899, where hic address was givers 38 Zutich, although he was already loving io. Berlin at Use Unue [Peri tion” 256)}. but ic has no. been generally care that Be als at tended! sessions of the SUIC, This a: revealed p memcit by his Tonetiwe frieul Friedrich Dobe, written in 1244, but aut ynbtished mil 1987. Hobe Fit met Mackay in Apsil 1905 a an evening at ic home of Mackay: pod friend. the wealthy iadeyendent selaar Henesict Friender (1866-1908). “AL it » young medical studcau snauwed Hartwig real a tome poem of his Ua was inspired by a decp but unhappy love fr wonger friend. Mackay nad conse precisely for this eason” (Robe 53}, Although De ane Torti were boos ‘onexLy years singer than. Mackag, lac Unvee were ea become good Feienls. Lancy, dus ws Friedlander severe Hees (Qyrenteny), hese evenings took pee in arbors’ hom, a few tines at Mackey’, bat then in che club ryuns a small raver next co Mackay’ lunge i Charlorenburg” Dobe compas the evening: to Plates "Sympo- sium”: “Whoever Iie young friend brougbt iu akmg (54). (He names only owe oiler men soho plage a sole in seve evening: Wilhelm Janson and Mackay's feud, he exicer Walther Lleincil, swhis died Rome in 1939.)6 was Friedlander who interested Lobe in the SHC, whose. sessions Dobe accaseally attended wich Mackay and Hastig, Dobe 2 ANARCHIST OF LOVE TWimsclf lectured several times. The ast gosiint he wd Mackay 2 tended was on 14 Octeher 1906 at Hitschfeld’s howe, Friedhinder ‘vas t00 ill to attend, bos had enteustod Dobe ith bas wafuomation. Ax Chainwan oC the Advisory Committee, Fuedlnder had nor ante Inieed objectione to Hirschfeld theory of ommexnullty (his so calle shesny of scaual intrmesises), du aleo objected ea his han- dling ofthe finanece of the SHC, Unknovn to Erodtindcr’s fins, necfeld lid walled (oe an informal meevioy uf Yas oven supporters acto, date neat ke evening before co propre rier espome, The ssult, as ported by Tlrgchied, 6: ‘The General Ascombls almost woanigaously accepted the pm- posal of rhe fr embers of the Administrative Commitee pment, Prof, Wir, De M. Hinchfeld. De Merdbach, and 3 Hubert Kennedy De». Rewer, ty the effet at alemy with the sinmitancous dtssoluion of the. Advisory Committce the number of ube Aduinistralive Conmities was gradually ter be doubled. (Monatsberice 5+ 202) ‘Ths Hnschicld wos able co elininale Feidluka’s allan with ‘ws. even having to nae him, Maclay was outraged at the tactic. As reported by Dole Mackay rose in protest and Tfollowed. Hinefel dip- lewacally eanted fo intersene and not Ket us out of the alway chu house. 1 il se hina before ue ashe ise is arms and implored, “My dear Mackay?® Bo. Mackey, red. faced inh wages flee at hie "TIT break che slat in che door, sf you don't et ws oul 152) Mackay’ coe [rien Herbeet Slegeusann wx with them and the thie etiea-to a lavcea to dicate Uhe wilter, Deke call thir the “hitth hone” of what Friedlinder named the “Sorcssion des Wisenscballich-bunanittien Kouiits” (eorsion of the Seien- tific Humanitarian Commnittec) I fat, the Sooession was onyanie swith Stepeuum as President and attracted some members of the criginal SUC. Dut it depended on the mapper of FriedEinder smal ‘quictly diod out after hie death on 21 Junc 1908, Also contbuting to ts demise were the public “scandals” of the so-called Eulenbure alli brs abu fected the SHC ind the reception of Mackay ‘Sofitta wetings, This cvcat bas been suasmarized as follows iv the: teaalyg uf the 1984 exhibition of the Besliische Galerie “Reslin um 1900: In his rele agains the court camarills, Maximilian arden, whose podiuus was the joumal Die Zula, which ‘ws fame i 1892, disectod an accusation of homosxual- ity in 1906 agaiust Prince Philipp Halenburg, close coefi- dant of Wikela MY, and against the pexsonal adjuane of the 7] ANARCHIST OF LOVE ‘omperon, the Commanding General of Beatin Com Kum Moltke. Moltle's cme of likel led to a discussion of his private life ju cou, amit the lively yxaticipalion of hie scusation-hunaey press; foue members of the upger nobility Fuad ro subane edt reignations, (Asmus 46; see alo Steakle, “Taowgalty"? Mackay bal plane Lo brine hs cause 10 the alteation of the most interstel pemun! ist before moving to any public diseus- son, but now after centucis of silence, the subject ws being dis- ‘cussed everresiere, andin the worst possible way for boy-lover. As ‘Mackag said: "We were again—as always—the ones who were hit ‘the hardest im our love” (Fenny Skaller 142), He detenimed to enter ‘the Fray. ‘One of the nbjcrians ro the orginal Sagitta project was the prior ofthe beds. Mackay decidal on a cheap pamphlet, which hie sent out Lowand the endl of 1907 to the nearfy 1000 acest be ad collected, With i ar over leltee appealing for lc in making Use pamghlet widely available. The pamphlet was Gehoer! Nur afven Augenblld (Litent Only a Memeor’). In it Mackay tied to bring ragetber all Lhe objections to mia-boy. lose andl to give them an nrwer. He wrote te bis fend Benjamin R. Tucker: “Nothing beter, and alma all in short words, can si about this Tove T have vim his pamphlet” (Dear Ticker 19). He set. see conditions for the ppacshler: (1) 1, must be immune fom, censorship (2) it must bo able to bo tinderstoad by anyone; and (3) it must-be efietive. He reas confident he had swisied rhe fis. reo conditions bul be was to he frwizted again, Mackay was immediately dizrpeiinted im the cull eesponse te his loiter, bur with rhe Fmancial help of his cote (rend Benedict Frnedindes, 3H copies wvte sent out, of which 1200 went, at Friedltnder’s expressed wish, to the heads of the Hvangelical (thesen) Boye Cluhs in Genny, atl tbe remainder went to eaent- bes of pastianent, co public and private Ubrarics, and other institu tions. In addition, Maclay bantelf pad (or another 1000 review copies, to be sent lo newspapers and magacioes—“nesdles: (0 5% 16

Love: The Secret Life of John Henry Mackag (New York: Mackay. Society, 1983) is . Ebing's Psychopathic! sexualis which allowed him to "come out" to himself. are in love. The curtains are then drawn to signal an interlude of an.
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