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ANARCHISM ARGUMENTSF OR &A GAINST AlbertM eltzer / AK PRESS © Copyri1g9h9tA6:l beMretl tzer Anarcmh:iA srgumenFtosra ndA gainst. ISB1N- 873117986 LibraorfCy o ngrCeastsa lionggu-inl-iPcuabDtaitoan A catalroegcuoer dt hifstoi rtis l aev ailfarboltmeh e LibraorfCy o ngesrs. BritLiisbhr aCrayt alogiunPi unbgl icDaattiao n A catalroeguceo rdthis ftoirti lsae v ailfraobmlt eh e British Library. 1sptu blisChieedn,f ueSgaonsd,aO yr,k ne1y9s8 1 2ndC,i e!lfueMgionsn,e ap(oUl.iSs. ) 3rdB,e lfAansatr icshts 4thA,S PD,o ncast.err 5trhe viseeddi ti1o99n3, 6tshe cornvedi seeddi ti1o99nb6,y : AKPress AKPress P.OB.o x1 7266 P.OB.o x4 0682 EdinburgShc,o tlandS an Francisco, CA EH89YE 94140-0682 Desigann dl ayowuotr dko natbeyFd r eddie Baer. ProofrebayAd i meLea rsen Tabloef C ontents ALBERMTE LTZER 1 StuaCrhtr istie ANARCHISM:A RGUMENTSF ORAN D AGAINST 4 Introduction 4 /TheH istoriBcaaclk groutnoAd n archism 4 InalienaTebnleet osf A narchism 12 ThaMta nkinidsB orn Free 12 IfM ankinidsB ornF reeS,l aveirsMy u rder_ 12 AsS laveirsMy u rderso,P roperitsTy h eft 13 __ IfP roperitsTy h efGto,v ernmenitsT yranny 13 _ IfG overnmeinsTt y rannAyn,a rchiysL iber_t1y3 TheC lasSst ruggle 14 OrganisatainodAn n archism �-17 ______ TheR oleo fa nA narchiisnta n Authoritarian Society 19 Workers Control 20 TheA narchaissR te bel 21 Nonviolence 24 ImmediaAtiem so ft heA narchist 25 WorkerSse'l f-Defence 28 How WilalR evoultioCno meA bout? 29 BringiAnbgo utt heN ew Society 31 WhatC onstituatneA su thoritaSroicaine ty?3_1 CanO neD oW ithotuth eS tate? 33 TheM oneyM yth 35 TheM ytho fT axation 37 TheE ffeocftI mJ?1igriaotn 38 TheA bolitoifo'lhne W agea nd MonetaSryy stems 38 IsA narchiCsomm patibwlietCh a pitali_s m4?0 CommunitCyo ntrol 41 NeedT herbee a T ransitioSnoacli ety? 42 A FreSeo ciety 43 TheE mployeDrosN otG iveW ork 44 ObjectitooAn nsa rchism 45 Leadership 47 CanP ubclO ipinioInt sebleAf u thoirtarian4?9_ Unity 49 1/� TheM arxiCsrti ticoifsA mn archism 51 PettByo urgeois 53 Vanguards 55 '-- TheS ocial-DemocCrraittiicqo ufeA narchism 57 TheL iberal-DemocOrbajteicct itooAn n archis_ m6 1 TheF asicsOt bjectitooAn n archism 64 TheA verage PerOsbojne'cst itooAn n archis__ m 68 TheR educitono fA narchitsom Marginalis__ation 70 __________ ALBERMTE LTZER BORLNO:N DOJNA,N U7A,R1 9Y2 0. DIEMDA:Y7 , 1 9968,: 05A .M. AlberMte ltzwears o neo fth e moste ndurianngd respecttoerdc hbeaorfte hreis n ternatainoanraclh miosvte ­ menti nth es econhda lofft het wenticeethn tuHriys. sixty­ yeacro mmitmetnotth e vision and opfra ancatricchei sm and survivbeodth t hec ollaopfsth ee R evolutioCni vWialr inS paiann dt heS econWdo rldWa r;h eh elpefdu etlh e libertairmipaent uosft he1 960asn d1 970asn ds teeirt throutghher eactiocnhaarlyl enogfthe es T hatche1r9i8t0es andp ost-CWoalrd1 990s. Fortunya,tb eelfohreed iedA,l bemratn agetdo f in­ ishh isa utobiogrIaC pohuyl,d nP'ati nt Golden aA ngles, pungennto,- puncphuelsl Secdh vejkaicacno uonfta r adi­ calt wenticeetnht uernye myo fh umbuga ndi njustAi ce. lifeltornagdu en ioanc tivhiesf to,u gMhots leyB'lsa ckshirts inth e battolfeC ablSet repelta;y eadn a ctirvoel ien s up­ portitnhgea narchciosmtm uneasn dm ilitiiansth e Span­ ishR evolutainodnt hep rewaGre rmana nti-Nraezsii s­ tancwea,s a k eyp layienrt heC airMou tiniyn t heS econd WorlWda rh,e lperde buithled p ostwaarn ti-Frarnecsoi s­ tancienS paiann dt hei nternatiaonnaarlc hmiosvte men.t Hisa chievemeinntcsl uCdued donC'oss mopolRietvainea w , occasiosnaatli rmiacgaalz ifnier psutb lishien1d 9 65a,n d nameda fteArm brose Cuddpoons,s ibtlhyef ircsotn ­ sciousalnya rchpiusbtl ishientr h em oderns ense, the foundionftg h Aen archBilsatc Ckr osasp ,r isonaeirdas n'd ginggerr ouapn dt hep apewrh icghr ewo uto fi t- Black 1 AnarchiAsrmg:u menFtosra ndA gainst - FlagH.o wevepre,r haAplsb ermto'sst e ndurilnegg aicys theK atSeh arplLeiyb raprryo,b abtlhyem ostc omprehen­ sivaen archairscth ivienBs r itain. Borni ntaom ixed marriinta hgLeeo ndoonf O rwell's Downa ndO uti nw hicthh erwee ref ewh omesf ohre rose, butm anyh eroefsio tn lfyo rh omesA,l berwta ss oone n­ rolli:p.etdo p olitliicfaaesla p rivaitnte h ea wkwarsdq ua.d Hisd ecisitoogn o d ownt her oaodf r evolutiopnoalriyt ics came- hec laim-edi n1 93a5t t hea geo f1 5- asa d irect resuolftt akinbgo xinlge ssoBnosx.i nwga sc onsidear ed II common"s porftr,o wneudp onb yth e governoorfhs i s Edmontosnc hooaln dt hep rospecLtaibvoeu MrP fort he arethae, viruleannttliy- boDxriE ndgi tShum merski1P1e.r ­ hapsit w ast heb oxerlse'ga sn df ootwohreka cquiraesad youtwhh icgha veh imh isl ifelaobnigl tiotb ye ahri sc on­ siderabbullek I.tc ertaiinnldyu cead l ifetihmaeb'isot f shrewads sessmoefhn its oawnndo pponensttsr'e nagntdh weaknesses. Thes treetwpiusgei,l iasntdbi oco kisschh oolbalosyo attendheidsf irasnta rchmiesett iinng1 93w5h erhee f irst drewa ttenttiooh ni mseblyfc ontradictthiesn pge aker, Emma Goldman,b yh isd efenocfeb oxinHgo.w evehre, soon made friendasg iwniagtn ha rtchhmeii slti taonfat s previoguesn eratainodnb ecamae r eglliaanrd dynamic particiipnpa unbtl miece tinTghse.a n archisrte-sliesdt ance tot heF rancuop risiinnSg p aiinn1 93g6a vaem ajobro ost tot hem ovemenitnB ritaainndA, l beratc'tsi virtainegse d from organising aspopleiatdloasp r riotpya ganwdoar,k ­ ingw itCha ptaJin. WRh.i tteo o rganiislel eagramlss hip­ menttso t heC NT inS pai�nf romH amburg-anda cting asa contafcotrt heS panish anairnctheilslti sgeenrcvei ce inB riatin. Alberte'asr lwyo rkincga reerra ngefdr omf air­ grounpdr omotaet rh,e atre-ahnadno dc casiofilmn aelx tra. 2 AnarchiAsrmg:u menFtosra ndA gainst - Onef ilimn w hichA lberatp pearberdi efwlays L eslie HowardP'ism pernSemli tahn,a nti-Nfailmz it hadti dn ot folltohweli neo fv ictobruytr athoefrr evolutiinEo unr ope. The plocta llfeodrc ommunipsrti soneburtsb ,y t het ime Howardc amet om akei ti,n 1 940S,t alhiand i nvaded Finlanadn,d tshcer iwpats c hangetdoa narchpirsits on­ ersH.o wardd ecidtehda nto neo ft hea ctoprlsa yitnhge anarchisstese merde aaln di nsistedr etahalan ta rchists, includgi Anlberbte,u seda se xtrianst hec oncentration camps ceneOsn.e consequeonfct eh imse etinWga s Howardi'nst roducttoHi iolnd Mao ntea, p rominebnutt unsunhge roof t heG ermana narchreissits tatnocH ei tler, whichm ayh avec ontributtohe ids s ubesquendte ath enrouttoeL isboAnl.b ersle a tweorr kinyge arwse res pent mainlays a secondhabnodo kselalnedrf, i nalal Fyl,e et Streceotp tya keHri.sl asetm ploywears s,t rangeenloyu gh, theD ailTye legraph. Whilbey n aturaer emarkagbelnyt ,lg eeneroaunsd gracious soul,c hAalmbpeirotn'soshf ia pn archiassma revolutiownoarrkyi ncgl asmso vemenbtr oughhitm i nto direacntds ustaicnoendfl iwcitt thh en eo-libwehroac lasm e tod ominatteh em ovemenitnth e lat1e9 40Jsu.s atsp eople ared rawtno t otalriitamanoverrtenltisk fea scisamn dc om­ munismb ecauosfet heiirm plivciiotl enacned ideological certtaiienmsa,n yo therwpioslei tiicnaclolmyp atipbeloep le wered rawtno a narchibsemc auosfei tmisl itanttolerance. Alberwta sv ehementolpyp osetdot her epackagainndg marketionfag n archiassam b roacdh urcfho ra cademia­ It orientaqtueeitdi satnsds ingle"7pirsessusegu rreo upsw.a s ironitchaalot n eo ft higsr ousph oulpdu blidcilsym iasns­ archiassma spenhti storfiocracilen 1 962b,l issfuunl­ly awaroef t hep ost-Butsksetlolriwmth eichw asa boutto breaakn dt hei nfluence anaanrdcl hiibsetr tairdieaans woulhda veo nt hiasn do thegre neratyieotnto sC Ome. 3 AnarchiAsrmg:u menFtosra ndA gainst - Iwta sh icsh ampioonfsc hliaspst sr uagngalrec hism, coupledh iwssic tehp tiocfti hssemt udenNte-wlL eedf t int h1e9 60wsh,i ceha rned Alrbeeprutt afhtoisirseo cn­ tariaPnairsamd.o lxlaiyscf, ar ieannddBl akcF lacga rtoon­ isPth iRlu fpfo inotusit nh iisn trodutcoAt liboenra tu'­s tobipohgyri,awt a st hdei scoovfec rlyas stsr ugagnlaer ­ chistmh routghhse ectarioafBn liaksc Fml agu nder Alberetd'ist ortshhacitop n vinscome adn ayn archoifs ts hiasn ds ubseqgueennetr attoib oencso amcet iivnte h e movemeTnhted. y namaincdl ogiAcl boefrs to'-sc alled sectaricaonnitisnmut eobd r icnogu ntlessp eoyopulneg inttoh aen arcmhoivsetm etnhte ann,df oarf urt3h0e r Pr yeaurnst hiilus n timsetlryoi knAe i1l9 96. Iti sd iffitcowu rlitat p eu blaipcp recioafst uicohn ani nscruptraibvlmayat neA. l beMretl twzaesor f tleink e am embeorfa t ug-oft-ewaaYmro. un evqeuri ktnee iwf hew ast hesriem ptloy· maukpne u mbeorris hf e w ast he anchoro-fmt ahne wohpoelrea tTioAo lnb.e arltpl,r ivi­ legwea st heen emoyfh umafnr eednoomjt;u tshtpe r ivi­ legoefcs a pitakliinsgbtsus,r, e auacnrpdao tlsi tibcuita ns alstoh pee tatsyp iraotfoi popnosr tuannidcs atrse erists amontgh ree betlhse mseMluvcehos f.w hahte c ontrib­ utetdot hlei voefts h owsheo k nehwi mm usgto u nre­ cordbeudht,e w il�rbeem embearnetdda lkaebdof uotn dly fomra nyy eatrosc ombey t hoosfeti sw hoslei vhees touched. StuaCrhtr istie 4 AnarchiAsrmg:u menFtosra ndA gainst - ANARCHISM: ARGUMENTFSO RA NDA GAINST Introduction THEH ISTORICABLA CKGROUNDT O ANARCHISM Iti sn otw ithoiuntt etrt ehsat what bmeic gahltl ed thea narchaipsptr oagcohe bsa cki ntaon tiqu;ni toyrth at theriesa na narchiosfsm o rtisnt hep easamnotv ements thastt ruggalgeadi nSstta toep pressoivoentr h ec �nturies. Butt hem oderann archmiosvte mencto ulndo tc laismu ch precursoofrr esv oalsti tosw nm oreth ant heo themro d­ ernw orkincgl atshse oriTeots r.a cteh em oderAnn archist movemenwte mustl oockl osteoro uro wnt imeWhsi.l e thereex istleidb ertaarnidan no n-Staatnids, tf ederalist in groupwsN,c p.W erel ater tearnmaerdc hisrteitcr ospect, beforteh em iddloef t hen ineteecnetnhtu ry,i tw aso nly aboutth ethna tt hebye camweh atw en owc alAln archists. Inp articuwlea m:ra;y c itteh repeh ilosophpircea­l cursoorfsA narchisGmo,d winP,r oudhoann,d p erhaps HegelN.o neo ft heswea si nf acatn A narchist, though Proudhfoinr usste dt hew ordi ni tmso dersne ns(et aking itf romt heF rencRhe volutwihoenn,i tw asfi rsuts edp o­ liticaanldlnyo te ntirpeeljyo raetliyNv)o. neo ft hem en­ gageidn A narchiasctt ivoirts yt ruggalned,P roudhon engageidnp arliamenatcatriiytv yO.n eo ft hep oorest, thougohs tensiobbljye ctbiovoek,os n A narchiJsum,d ge 5 AnarchiAsrmg:u menFtosra ndA gainst - EltzbearcA'nhsa rchidsems, crAinbaersc haisas s mo rotf hydraa-dhetedh eoryo fsw ohmiecc ho mefsr om Godwin orP roudohroS nt ir(naenro twhheonr e vmeern tiaonn­s archiosrmK )r,o potekaicnahd, i ffevraernita otnia o n themTeh.eb oomka yb et ossaesdia dsve a lueelxecsesp t ini tdse scriopfwt hiaottnh epsaer timceunlt ahro ught. Proudhdoindn owtr iatp er ografmomarel tli mneo,r didK ropotiknhi ints i mwer iftoear s ecotfA narchists. Bumta noyt hbeoro kwsr itbtyea nc ademaireceqs u ally valuelmeasnsyp: r ofeshsaovraev s i eowf a narchism basoendt hpeo pularA nparrecshsii.nss e mi tahm eirn d­ les�sh eoorfyd estrunocrt,id oens psi.ptmele ib�le­r mindleidt ecroanrcye ptiiishot en rso,- hwiopor fps eople ori nstithuotwieovnlesir,b ertahteeyd- mbieg.h t .. Godwiinst h fea thoeftr h Set ateSloecsimseo tvye ­ mentw,h icdhi verignettdoh rleien Oense.t, h aotft he Anarch(iwsitwtshh i cwhew ildle aTlw)o., tchlaatsosfi c AmeriIcnadni viduwahliicshm ,i'nT chlourdeaeanduhd i s schosoolm,e titmheosu gohfat sa narchbiuswtth iicc,h equaglilvyre ists oet h'er ugignedd ividuoafml oids­m' ern' liberctaapriitaanal'ni dts otm h pea cicfuilsottfs TolsatnodyG andwhhii chha vien fluetnhcee de ntire hippcyu lItn.d ividualistmot h(ceaa pppiltyailnigs t and notth weo rkehrabs)e coamrei ght-dwoicntgr ine. These colnidno �fd escfernotGm o dwiinsr espon­ sibfloterh 'eP acAinfiasrtc hist'o rta hp'epI rnodaicvhi du­ alist Anarchtihsatdt'i ffaerprapsdr iocfaarclohrlm ey v o­ lutioannaarryc hiints hfmei rlsiton fed esceIintsst o. m e­ timteosro e adciolnyc etdhead't t hiisas,f taelral n,a r­ chisPma'c.i mfoivsetm eanntdts h,Ge a ndhiinap na rticu­ laarr,ue s uatloltya liatnadir mipaonas uet ho(reivtieyfn onlbyym oramle antsh)se;c hoooLlB enjaTumcikn­e r byv irtoufte h eiinrd ivid-uaalcicsempt thenede efdo r politcobe r esatkr iskoae sts o g uaratnhteeem ep yloer's 6 AnarchiAsrmg:u menFtosr aAngda inst -

Table of Contents ALBERT MELTZER 1 Stuart Christie ANARCHISM: ARGUMENTS FOR AND AGAINST 4 Introduction 4 /The Historical Background to Anarchism 4
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