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Preview Analytical solutions and genuine multipartite entanglement of the three-qubit Dicke model

Analytical solutions and genuine multipartite entanglement of the three-qubit Dicke model Yu-Yu Zhang1, , Xiang-You Chen1, Shu He2, Qing-Hu Chen2,3, ∗ † 1Department of Physics, Chongqing University, Chongqing 401331, P. R. China 2Department of Physics, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310027, P. R. China 3 Collaborative Innovation Center of Advanced Microstructures, Nanjing 210093, China (Dated: July 14, 2016) Wepresentanalytical solutionstothreequbitsandasingle-mode cavitycouplingsystembeyond the rotating-wave approximation (RWA). The zeroth-order approximation, equivalent to the adi- abatic approximation, works well for arbitrary coupling strength for small qubit frequency. The first-order approximation, called the generalized rotating-wave approximation (GRWA), produces 6 an effective solvable Hamiltonian with the same form as the ordinary RWA one and exhibits sub- 1 stantial improvements of energy levels overthe RWA even on resonance. Based on these analytical 0 eigen-solutions, we study both the bipartite entanglement and genuine multipartite entanglement 2 (GME). The dynamics of these two kinds of entanglements using the GRWA are consistent with l thenumericalexactones. Interestingly,thewell-knownsuddendeathofentanglementoccursinthe u bipartite entanglement dynamics but not in theGME dynamics. J 3 PACSnumbers: 42.50.Pq,42.50.Lc,64.70.Tg 1 ] I. INTRODUCTION strong-coupling regime [24]. We will present an ana- h p lytical solution to a three-qubit Dicke model. However, - explicit analytic solutions to the three- and more-qubit t The interaction between qubits and a cavity is ubiq- n Dicke model have not been extensively studied. De- uitous in several branches of physics ranging from quan- a spite the fact that the exact solution to the three-qubit tumoptics[1],toquantuminformation[2]tocondensed- u Dicke model has been given by a Bargmann space tech- q matterphysics[3]. Inearlyworkoncavityquantumelec- nique [25] where a numerical search for the zeros of very [ trodynamics (QED), the qubit-cavity coupling strength complicated transcendental functions is needed, an effi- was much smaller than the cavity transition frequency, 2 cient, easy-to-implement theoretical treatment remains the rotating-waveapproximation(RWA) can be applied, v elusive. In this paper, we extend the previous GRWA and an analyticalexact solutioncan be derivedstraight- 7 in the one-qubit Rabi model by Irish [19] to the three- 8 forwardly [4]. With recent advances in the circuit QED qubit Dicke model. Including the CRW interactions, we 3 using superconducting qubits, it is possible to engineer successfullyderive asolvable Hamiltonianwiththe same 0 systems for which the qubits are so far detuned from 0 the cavity, or are coupled to the cavity in a ultra-strong form as the ordinary RWA term. Therefore all eigenval- . uesandeigenstatescanbeapproximatelysolvedandcan 1 couplingregimewherethe couplingstrengthiscompara- be implemented with great ease by experimentalists. 0 ble to the cavity transition frequency, that the RWA is 6 demonstratedto fail to describe the system correctly[5– There is on going interest in the genuine multipar- 1 10]. The counter-rotating-wave (CRW) interactions in tite entanglement (GME) of the Dicke states for mul- : v thequbit-cavitysystemsarethereforeexpectedtoplaya tiple qubits systems [26, 27]. Most of the existing stud- i crucial role. ies of entanglement focus on bipartite entanglement in X Under the RWA, the ground state is simply a direct the reduced state of two parties of a multipartite sys- r a product of the low state of the qubit and the vacuum tem [28–31], which can be quantified through the von cavity. TheCRWinteractionsleadtoasqueezedvacuum Neumann entropy [32, 33] and the concurrence charac- state containing virtual photons [11, 12]. The analytical terizing qubit-qubit entanglement [34–36]. However, bi- exact study in the full model is highly nontrivial. There partiteentanglementcanonlygiveapartialcharacteriza- havebeen numeroustheoreticalstudies onone-andtwo- tion. Multipartite entanglement is known to be different qubit and cavity coupling systems, including the adia- from entanglement between all bipartitions [37–39]. Re- batic approximation [13, 14], a Bargmann space tech- cently the bipartite entanglement decoherence has been nique [15, 16], an extended coherent-state method [17, studied in connectionwith a phenomenontermed entan- 18], and a generalized RWA (GRWA) [19, 20]. Recently glement sudden death, indicating that the bipartite en- there have been interesting applications of the Dicke tanglement can decay to zero abruptly during a finite model[21]withthreequbits inthe quantuminformation periodoftime[40]. Whetherthispropertyoccursforthe technology, such as the application of the Greenberger- dynamics of GME remains unexplored. So it is highly Horne-Zeilinger states [22]. And the circuit QED has desirable to study both the bipartite entanglement and entered the deep-strong-coupling regime [23], so it is the GME for the multipartite entanglement in the more experimentally possible to realize the three-qubit Dicke than two qubits system, where the three qubits and cav- model in circuit QED in the ultra-strong- and deep- ity coupling system can be served as the most simple 2 paradigm. where a and a are, respectively, the annihilation and † The paper is outlined as follows. In Sec. II, we map creationoperatorsoftheharmoniccavitywithfrequency the three-qubit Dicke model with the CRW interactions ω, Ji(i=z, ) is the angular momentum operator, de- ± intoasolvableHamiltonianbythezeroth-andfirst-order scribing the three qubits of level-splitting ∆ in terms of approximation, giving an analytical expression of eigen- a pseudospin of length J = 3/2, and g denotes the col- values and eigenstates. In Sec.III, we discuss dynam- lective qubit-cavity coupling strength. ics of the GME for the multi-qubit entanglement and In the RWA, the CRW terms a†J+ and aJ are ne- the concurrencefor the qubit-qubit entanglementby our glected, and the Hamiltonian becomes − method. Finally, a brief summary is given in Sec. IV. g HRWA = ∆Jz+ωa†a+ (a†J +aJ+), − 2 − which is restricted to relatively weak-coupling strength II. AN ANALYTICAL TREATMENT TO THE g ω, and to the qubit-cavity near resonance, ∆ THREE-QUBIT CAVITY SYSTEM ω.≪Now, the interaction couples only 3 n+2 , ≈ |− 2i| i |− 1 n+1 , 1 n , and 3 n 1 foreachn,whicharethe The Hamiltonian of the three-qubit Dicke model, 2i| i |2i| i |2i| − i eigenstates of the noninteracting Hamiltonian ∆J + z which describes three identical qubits coupled to a com- − ωa a. The whole Hilbert space can then be decomposed mon harmonic cavity, is written as (~=1) † into the subspaces formed by these states which can be diagonalizedanalytically. Itiseasytowritethefollowing g H = ∆J +ωa a+ (a +a)(J +J ), (1) tri-diagonalmatrix form: z † † + − 2 − ω(n+2)+ 3∆ T 0 0 2 n+1,n+2 H = Tn+1,n+2 ω(n+1)+ ∆2 Tn,n+1 0 . (2) RWA 0 T ωn ∆ T  0 n,0n+1 T − 2 ω(n n−1)1,n 3∆   n−1,n − − 2  where G a a + G a a a 2 + a2G a a + ... and 0 † 1 † † 1 † sinh(cid:0) g (cid:1)a a (cid:0) =(cid:1)(cid:0) (cid:1)F a a a (cid:0) (cid:1)aF a a + Tn+1,n+2=g 3(n+2)/4,Tn,n+1=g√n+1/4, F a(cid:2)ωa(cid:0) a†−3 (cid:1)(cid:3) a3F a a 1+(cid:0) †...,(cid:1) w†he−re G1(a(cid:0) a†)((cid:1)i = T =g√p3n/4. 2 † † − 2 † i † n 1,n 0,1(cid:0),...)(cid:1)a(cid:0)nd(cid:1)F (a a)(j(cid:0)= (cid:1)1,2,...) are coefficients that − j † depend on the cavity number operator n = a a and If CRW terms a J andaJ areincluded, the Hilbert † † + space cannot be decomposed−into the finite dimensional the dimensionless parameter g/ω. A different order of approximations can then be performed bby neglecting spaces, because the total excitation number N = a a+ † some terms in the expansions. J +3/2 is non-conserved and the subspace for different z zeroth-order approximation: In the zeroth-order ap- index n defined above is highly correlated. So analytical proximation, we only keep the first term G a a in solutions in this case should be highly non-trivial. 0 † The Hamiltonian (1) including the CRW terms with cosh ωg a†−a , and the Hamiltonian is appro(cid:0)xima(cid:1)ted a rotation around the y axis by an angle π/2 can be as (cid:2) (cid:0) (cid:1)(cid:3) rewritten as H0th =ωa†a− gω2Jz2+∆JxG0 a†a . (6) H =∆Jx+ωa†a+g(a†+a)Jz. (3) (cid:0) (cid:1) In the basis of the oscillatorstate n , the termG a a 0 † | i Introducing a unitary transformation U = only has non-vanishing diagonal element (cid:0) (cid:1) exp gJ a a , one can obtain the transformed Ham(cid:2)iωltozn(cid:0)ian†−HgS2′B(cid:1)(cid:3)=H0+H1, consisting of G0(n)=hn|coshhωg (cid:0)a†−a(cid:1)i|ni=e−2gω22Ln(ωg22), (7) HH10 ==∆ωan†aJx−coωshJhz2ωg, (cid:0)a†−a(cid:1)i+iJysinhhωg (cid:0)a†−a(cid:1)i((o45)). Pwospshcaime=iclirlen0ea{tmcoa,rnn}Ln(au−bgme1u)bedner−errceio(ommp−epmripo)!ax!so(tnenlo−yd−rnii)oin!nmi!t.oaiaplpsdNeiffaoertrseLe,nmnstto−hanntt(hxme)onaHlnyiilfbotelhdr=est spanned by the spin and cbavity basis of 3 n , | − 2i| i Then We can expand the even and odd functions 1 n , 1 n and 3 n . In the subspace containing cosh(y) and sinh(y), respectively, as cosh ωg a†−a = o|n−ly2it|hein|-t2hi|mianifold|2,it|heiHamiltonian takes the form (cid:2) (cid:0) (cid:1)(cid:3) 3 ωn 9g2 √3∆G (n) 0 0 H0th = √23∆−0G004(ωn) 2ω∆nG−00(0n4gω2) √ω∆3n∆G−G0(n4g(ω2)n) √ω23n∆0G09(gn2). (8)  2 0 − 4ω  The corresponding eigenvalues and eigenvectors are The zeroth-order energy spectrum is plotted in Fig. 1 straightforwardlygiven by respectively with dash-dotted lines. In large detuning regime ∆/ω = 0.1,thezeroth-orderresultsagreewellwiththenumerical 5g2 1 ε =ωn B 2χ , ones from weak to strong coupling regimes in Fig. 1(a). 1,n n 1,n − 4ω − 2 − ButtheRWAfailstogivecorrectenergiesasthecoupling 5g2 1 strength g/ω increases. Because of the coupling of the ε =ωn + B 2χ , 2,n n 2,n − 4ω 2 − qubitandtheoriginaloscillator,thelattershouldbedis- 5g2 1 placed. Thus,thedisplacedoscillatorstateinthezeroth- ε3,n =ωn− 4ω − 2Bn+2χ1,n, order approximation, |nij = exp[jωg(a† − a)]|ni(j = 5g2 1 3, 1), plays a more important role than the original ε4,n =ωn + Bn+2χ2,n, (9) o±s2cil±lat2or state n in the RWA, resulting in more ac- − 4ω 2 | i curate eigen-energies in Eq. ( 9) and eigenfunctions in and Eq. ( 10). However, there is a noticeable deviation of 1 1 the zeroth-order approximated results for the resonance − K K case ∆/ω = 1, indicating that the higher-order terms in |ϕ1,ni∝ K11,n,n ,|ϕ2,ni∝−K22,,nn , Eq. (5) should be taken into account. Physically, qubit  − 1  − 1  states with different n manifolds should be coupled by     the interactions. 1 1 − K K |ϕ3,ni∝ K33,n,n ,|ϕ4,ni∝−K44,,nn , (10) − −  1   1      First-order approximation: Keeping the linear terms where in a and a† and neglecting all higher order terms in the interaction Hamiltonian H (5) gives 1 1 [ 2g2 ( 1)iB +4χ ],(i=1,2) Ki,n ={ √√31B3Bnn[−−2ωg2ω−−(−−1)iBnn−4χi−i,2n,n],(i=3,4), H1 =∆{JxG0(cid:0)a†a(cid:1)+iJy[F1(cid:0)a†a(cid:1)a†−aF1(cid:0)a†a(cid:1)](}1.2) (11) The term F a a a describes the photon hopping 1 † † and from state n(cid:0) to(cid:1) n+1 . It is reasonable to set | i | i n+1 R a n = n+1 F a a a n by χi,n =r4gω42 +(−1)i4gω2Bn+ B4n2(i=1,2) h | n+1,n †| i h g| 1(cid:0) † (cid:1) †| i Rn+1,n = n+1 sinh a† a n /√n+1 ptwhrieothxtiwmBoan-tqi=uobn∆itisGssy0ism(tnei)lm.arI[t1no4te]t,rheweshtaiendrgiealybt,haetthicteraazpnepsrriototixhoin-morbadetetiorwneaepinn- =hn+1 1ω|ge−2gωh22ωL(cid:0)1n(ωg−22).(cid:1)i| i (13) different manifolds is not considered, and the nth state Similarly, the term aF a a only has non-vanishing el- 1 † is only limited to the same n-th manifold. ement n aF a a n+(cid:0)1 .(cid:1) It follows that the term The validity of the zeroth-order approximation is re- h 1 † | F a a a(cid:12) crea(cid:0)tesa(cid:1)ndaF (cid:11)a a eliminatesasinglepho- stricted to the large detuning regime ∆/ω 1. In the 1 † (cid:12)† 1 † zero detuning limiting, ∆=0, within the sa≪me manifold ton(cid:0)of t(cid:1)he cavity. The phys(cid:0)ics p(cid:1)rocess is similar to that n, 3 n and 1 n are nearly degenerate. For a describedintheRWAmodel,whichfacilitatesthefurther |± 2i| i |± 2i| i analytic treatment. large detuning ∆/ω 1, it is reasonable to consider the ≪ The Hamiltonian now is H1st =H′ +H′: qubit states with the same n manifold coupled by the 0 1 ign/tωera≫ctio∆n/.ω,Etshpeecdiailalgy,onfoarl taersmtrsonogf tchoeupalpinpgrosxtirmenagtethd H0′ =ωa†a− gω2Jz2+∆βJx, (14) Hamiltonian in Eq.( 8) play a more dominant role than ′ the off-diagonal terms dependent on ∆. And the high H1 =∆Jx[G0 a†a −β]+iJy∆[F1 a†a a†−aF1 a†a ], order terms in Eq.( 5) still can be neglected even in the (cid:0) (cid:1) (cid:0) (cid:1) (cid:0) (cid:1) g2 strongcouplingregimes. Hence,thezeroth-orderapprox- where β =G0(0)=e−2ω2. imation is expected to work well from weak to strong Since the qubit and cavity in the noninteracting part ′ coupling regimes for the large detuning case ∆/ω 1. H are decoupled, we apply a unitary transformation S ≪ 0 4 numerical GRWA zero-th order RWA 2 2 1 1 0 0 E/-1 -E/1 -2 -2 -3 -3 -4 -4 -5 (a) -5 (b) 0.0 0.5 g/ 1.0 1.5 0.0 0.5 g/ 1.0 1.5 FIG.1. (Color online) Energy levelsobtainedbytheGRWA (dashedlines) fordifferent∆/ω=0.1 (a),and∆/ω=1(b). The energiesbythenumericallyexactdiagonalization (solid lines),resultsofRWA(shortdottedlines) andresultsobtainedbythe zeroth-order approximation (dashed dotted lines) are plotted for comparison. ′ to diagonalize the qubit part in H where K has been defined in Eq.( 11) for n = 0, and 0 i the normalized parameter is C = 2+2K2. The cor- i i responding eigenvalues are εi,0 in Epq.( 9). ′ 1 1 1 1 In terms of the transformation S†H1S, the Hamilto-  −KC11 CK22 −KC33 CK44  nianH1st ofthe three-qubitDickemodelcanbe approx- S = C1 −C2 C3 −C4 , (15) imated as K1 K2 K3 K4  −C1 −C2 −C3 −C4   1 1 1 1   C1 C2 C3 C4  3 3 1 1 1 1 3 3 H =ωa a+µ (a a) +µ (a a) +µ (a a) +µ (a a) GRWA † 1 † 2 † 3 † 4 † |− 2ih−2| |− 2ih−2| |2ih2| |2ih2| √3K +K (√3+2K ) 1 3 2 1 2 +∆F1 a†a [− (a +h.c) C C |− 2ih−2| (cid:0) (cid:1) 1 2 √3K +K (√3 2K ) 1 1 3 2 3 +− − (a +h.c) C C |2ih−2| 2 3 √3K +K (√3+2K ) 3 1 4 3 4 +− (a +h.c)], (16) C C |2ih2| 3 4 where µi(a†a) = εi,0 ∆[G0 a†a β]2Ki[√3−(−1)iKi]. formwithrenormalizedcoefficients,thepresentapproach − (cid:0) (cid:1)− Ci2 essentiallyborrowsthebasicideaoftheGRWAproposed Thereareonlytheenergy-conservingterms(a 1 3 + |−2ih−2| by Irish for the one-qubit model [19]. h.c), (a 1 1 +h.c), and (a 3 1 +h.c) with renor- Note that the individual bosonic creation (annihila- |2ih−2| |2ih2| malized coefficients, originating from the CRW terms tion)operatora (a)appearsintheGRWA,sothequbits † iJy[F1 a†a a† aF1 a†a ]. Thedominatedeffectofthe stateswithdifferentoscillatornumber n, n 1andn+2 origina(cid:0)lCR(cid:1)W t−erms i(cid:0)s con(cid:1)sideredhere. Becauseit is the arecoupledwitheachother. Inthe basisof± 3 n+2 , three-qubit Dicke model Hamiltonian in the same RWA 1 n+1 , 1 n and 3 n 1 (n>0), t|h−e2Hi|amiltoi- |− 2i| i |2i| i |2i| − i nian H can be written in the matrix form as GRWA ω(n+2)+µ (n+2) ∆R 0 0 1 n′+1,n+2 H = ∆Rn′+1,n+2 ω(n+1)+µ2(n+1) ∆Rn′,n+1 0 , (17) GRWA 0 ∆R ωn+µ (n) ∆R  0 n′0,n+1 ∆Rn′−31,n ω(n−1)+n′−µ14,n(n−1) 5 with Rn′+1,n+2 = −√3K2+CK11C(2√3+2K2)Rn+1,n+2√n+2, III. QUANTUM ENTANGLEMENT Rn′,n+1 = −√3K3+CK22C(3√3−2K3)Rn,n+1√n+1 and In the present three-qubit system, we study the GME Rn′−1,n = −√3K4+CK33C(4√3+2K4)Rn−1,n√n. for the multipartite entanglement and the concurrence To this end, the GRWA can be also performed an- for the bipartite entanglement. A fully separable three- alytically without more efforts than those in the origi- particlestatemustcontainno entanglement. Ifthe state nalHamiltonian H in Eq.(2). The displacedoscillator is not fully separable, then it contains some entangle- RWA states n , n 1 and n+2 dependupontheDicke ment, but it might be still separable with respect to m m m | i | ± i | i state j,m , and are definitely different from both the two-party configurations. For genuine multiparticle en- | i RWA ones and the zeroth-order approximations where tangled states, all particles are entangled and therefore only the state n is considered. Hence, as ∆/ω in- GME is very important among various definition of en- m | i creases, the first-order correction provides an efficient, tanglements. yet accurate analytical solution. We review the basic definitions of GME for the three The ground-stateenergy for the groundstate 3 0 qubits A, B, and C. A separable state is a mixture of is |−2i| i product states with respect to a bipartition ABC, that is ρsep = p ϕj ϕj ϕj ϕj , whe|re p is a ABC j j| Aih A|⊗| BCih BC| j 5g2 ∆ g2 coeffi|cient. PSimilarly, we denote other separable states E0 =−4ω − 2e−2ω2 −2χ1,0. (18) for the two other bipartitions as ρsep and ρsep . A BAC CAB biseparable state is a mixture of sep|arable stat|es, and The first and second excited energies Ek (k = 1,2) combines the separable states ρsep , ρsep , and ρsep { 0} ABC BAC CAB can be given by expanding the GRWA Hamiltonian in with respect to all possible bipar|titions.|Any state t|hat the basis 3 1 and 1 0 is nota biseparablestate is calledgenuinely multipartite |− 2i| i |− 2i| i entangled. ω+µ (1) ∆R Recently, a powerful technique has been advanced HGRWA =(cid:18) ∆R0′1,1 µ2(0′0,)1 (cid:19). (19) to characterize multipartite entanglement using positive partial transpose (PPT) mixtures [41]. It is well known that a separable state is PPT, implying that its partial Similarly, H is given in terms of 3 2 , 1 1 , GRWA |− 2i| i |− 2i| i transposeispositivesemidefinite. WedenoteaPPTmix- 1 0 as tureofatripartitestateasaconvexcombinationofPPT |2i| i states ρPPT , ρPPT and ρPPT with respect to different ABC BAC CAB 2ω+µ (2) ∆R 0 bipartitio|ns. The|setofPPT|mixturescontainsthesetof 1 1′,2 HGRWA = ∆R1′,2 ω+µ2(1) ∆R0′,1 , (20) biseparablestates. TheadvantageofusingPPTmixtures 0 ∆R µ (0) instead of biseparable states is that the set of PPT mix-  0′,1 3  turescanbefullycharacterizedbythelinearsemidefinite programming(SDP)[42],whichisastandardproblemof which provides three analytical excited energies Ek { 0} constrained convex optimization theory. (k =3,4,5). In order to characterize PPT mixtures, a multipartite Energies obtained by the GRWA are presented in state which is not a PPT mixture can be detected by a dashed lines in Fig. 1. Especially, for the resonance case decomposableentanglementwitnessW [26]. Thewitness ∆ = ω, the GRWA results are much better than the operatorisdefinedasW =P +QTM forallbipartitions zeroth-orderresults(bluedottedlines)inFig.1(b). Itas- M M¯, where P , and Q aMre posMitive semidefinite op- cribes to the effect of the coupling between states with | M M erators, and T is the partial transpose with respect to different manifolds. Our approach is basically a pertur- M M. This observable W is positive on all PPT mixtures, bativeexpansionintermsof∆/ω. As the increaseofthe but has a negative expectation value on at least one en- ∆/ω , the high order terms in Eq.(5) still cannot be ne- tangled state. To find a fully decomposable witness for glected in the intermediate and strong coupling regimes. a given state ρ, the convex optimization technique SDP So the GRWA works reasonably well in the ultra-strong becomesimportant,sinceitallowsustooptimizeoverall coupling regime g/ω < 0.3 at resonance. Interestingly, fully decomposable witnesses. Hence, a state ρ is a PPT the level crossing is present in both the GRWA results mixture only if the optimization problem [26], and the exact ones. The RWA requires weak coupling duetothecompleteneglectoftheCRWterms,whichare minimize:Tr(Wρ). (21) qualitativelyincorrectasthecouplingstrengthincreases. So the GRWA includes the dominantcontributionof the has a positive solution. If the minimum in Eq. ( 21) is CRW terms, exhibiting substantial improvement of en- negative, ρ is not a PPT mixture and hence is genuinely ergy levels over the RWA one. The RWA fails in partic- multipartite entangled. We denote the absolute value of ular to describe the eigenstates, which should be more theaboveminimizationasE(ρ). ForsolvingtheSDPwe sensitive in the quantum entanglement presented in the use the programs YALMIP and SDPT3 [43, 44], which next section. are freely available. 6 and falls off to a nonzero minimum value, implying no numerical GRWA zero-th RWA 0.14 death of the three-qubit entanglement. The GME dy- (a) namics obtained by the GRWA are consistent with the 0.13 numericalresults,whiletheRWAresultsarequalitatively E()ρ0.12 incorrect for the off-resonance case ∆/ω = 0.1 in Fig. 2 (a). The zeroth-order approximation, where only states 0.11 within the same manifold are included, works well for 0.1 the off-resonance case ∆ = 0.1 in Fig. 2 (a) but not for 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 the on-resonance case in Fig. 2 (b). The validity of the 0.15 (b) GRWA ascribes to the inclusion of the CRW interaction iJ F a a (a a). y 1 † † 0.1 − )ρ The(cid:0)ons(cid:1)et of the decay of the multipartite entangle- E( ment is due to the information loss of qubits dynamics 0.05 to the cavity. On the other hand, it is the interaction 0 with the cavity that leads to the entanglement resurrec- 0 5 10 15 20 ∆t/(2π) tion. Thelostinformationwillbetransferredbacktothe qubit subsystem after a finite time, which is associated withtheratiobetweenthecouplingstrengthg/ωandthe FIG.2. (Color online) Dynamicsof theGME for three-qubit entanglement with the initial W state for the ultrastrong- level-splittingofqubits∆/ω. Astheratiog/∆increases, coupling strength g/ω = 0.1 with the different detuning the contributions of the qubit-cavity interaction become ∆/ω=0.1(a)and∆/ω =1(b)bytheGRWAmethod(dash- dominant and the lost entanglement will be transferred dotted lines), numerical method (solid lines), RWA (short- quickly from the cavity to qubits with less revivals time, dotted lines), and the zeroth-order approximation (dashed as shown in Fig 2 (a). lines). Moreover, it is significant to study the different be- havior of the multipartite entanglement and the bipar- tite entanglement. The concurrence characterizes the NowwediscussthedynamicsoftheGMEforthethree- entanglement between two qubits. Due to the sym- qubit entanglement. The initial entangled three-qubit metric Dicke states in the three-qubit collective model, state is chosen as the W state with only one excitation the concurrence is evaluated in terms of the expecta- 1 tion values of the collective spin operators as C = W = (100 + 010 + 001 ), (22) max 0,C ,C , where the quantity C is defined for | i √3 | i | i | i a giv{en dyireczt}ion n(= y,z) as C =n 1 N2 n 2N(N 1){ − which corresponds to the Dicke state |D3i=|− 21i. For 4hSn2i− [N(N −2)+4hSn2i]2−[4(N −1)hS−ni]2} [35]. the Hamiltonian(3)withrespectto therotationaround From thepdynamical wavefunction φ(t) , we can easily | i the y axis by the angle π/2, the initial Dicke state can evaluate the coefficients for the qubit to remain in the be written as j,m state | i 1 3 1 1 3 |D3i= √8(−√3|− 2i−|− 2i+|2i+√3|2i), (23) Pm0th = ∞ 4 fn(t)e−iEnkt, (25) nX=0kX=1 and the initial cavity state is the vacuum state 0 . Based on the eigenstates ϕ and eigenvalues E|ki in the zeroth-order approximationand {| k,ni} n in the GRWA and the zeroth-order approximation(cid:8), th(cid:9)e 4 wanv,ekfue−nicEtinkotn|ϕekv,noilhvϕeks,nfr|Dom3i.theAinnidtiatlhestatthereaes-q|uφb(itt)ire=- PmGRWA ≈X∞n Xk=1fnk(t)(e−iEnk−2t+e−iEnk−1t ddPuegcreedesstoaftefreρe(dt)omcan be given by tracing out the cavity +e−iEnkt+e−iEnk+1t), (26) intheGRWA. fk(t)isadynamicalparameterassociated ρ(t)=Tr (φ(t) φ(t)). (24) n cavity withthe initialstate andthe k-theigenstatesfor eachn. | ih | From PGRWA in Eq.( 26), we observe energy-level transi- We then calculate the absolute value of the minimum m tions among Ek , Ek and Ek in the GRWA, which E(ρ) to detect the GME by solving the minimum in n 2 n 1 n produce essentia−l impro±vement of the dynamics over the Eq.( 21). zeroth-orderones in Eq.( 25). Since the averagevalue of Fig. 2 shows the E(ρ) plotted against parameter collective spin operators can be expressed by P , such ∆t/(2π)fordifferentdetunings∆/ω fortheultra-strong- m as 4 S2 = 4√3( n 2n P P + n 1n + coupling strength g/ω = 0.1. For comparison, results h yi −32h − | i21 −23 12 −12h − | from numerical exact diagonalization and RWA are also 1i32P−21P32) − 4(P−212 + P122) + 3, we calculate the con- shown. Weobserveaquasi-periodicbehavioroftheGME currence C by the zeroth-order approximation and the dynamics. E(ρ)decaysfromtheinitialentangledWstate GRWA, respectively. 7 Negativity(AB|C) 0.1 numerical GRW A zero-th RWA 1 Concurrence(AB) 0.7 GME(ABC) 0.05 0.8 0 2 4 (t)0.6 0.6 C 0.4 0.5 0.2 (a) 0.4 0 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 0 5 10 15 20 t/2 ∆t/2π 0.6 FIG. 4. (Color online) GME for the three qubits A, B,C ) (dash-dotted line), negativity for the entanglement with re- (t0.4 C spect to the bipartition AB|C (solid line), and concurrence between A and B qubits (dashed line) obtained by the nu- 0.2 merical method for g/ω=0.1 and ∆/ω =1. 0.0(b) 0 5 10 15 20 inthethree-qubitsystem. Intuitively,wemaythinkthat t/2 entanglementisstillstoredinthebipartitionAB C. Neg- | ativity is used to detect the entanglement for this bipar- FIG. 3. (Color online) Dynamics of the concurrence for the tition[45],whichfallsofftoanonzerominimuminFig.4. qubit-qubitentanglement with theinitial W state for the ul- It reveals that the state for the bipartition AB C is not trastrong coupling strength g/ω = 0.1. The parameters are a separable state. Similarly, those states with| respect thesame as in Fig. 2. to other bipartitions AC B and BC A are not separa- | | ble. Therefore, the three-qubit state stays in an entan- gled state and the GME for the three-qubit entangle- We plot the dynamics of the concurrence for differ- mentneverdisappearsduringthe deathofthe two-qubit ent detunings ∆/ω = 0.1 and 1 in Fig. 3. The initial W entanglement. The theory of the multipartite entangle- stategivesthemaximumpairwiseentanglementC =2/3 ment is not fully developed and requires more insightful of any Dicke states. Fig. 3 (a) shows that dynamics of investigations into more- than two-party systems. We the concurrence by the zeroth-order approximation are highlight here the different features of the multipartite similar to the numerical ones in the off-resonance case entanglement and bipartite entanglement in the more- ∆/ω = 0.1, in which the RWA results are invalid. The than two-qubit system, and have found that the GME sudden death of the bipartite entanglement is observed is always robust at least in the qubits and single-mode in the resonance case in Fig. 3 (b). The dynamics of the cavity system. concurrenceobtained by the GRWA is similar to the nu- merical results, exhibiting the disappearance of the en- tanglement for a period of time. However, there is no IV. CONCLUSION sudden death of the entanglement in the RWA case, in- dicating that the CRW terms are not negligible. In this work, we have extended the original GRWA Very interestingly, as shown in Fig. 2, the GME for by Irish for the one-qubit Rabi model to the three-qubit the three-qubit entanglement never vanishes, in sharp Dicke model by the unitary transformation. The zeroth- contrast with bipartite entanglement. During the van- orderapproximation,equivalenttotheadiabaticapprox- ishment of concurrence, the GME is generally small but imation,issuitedforarbitrarycouplingstrengthsforthe still finite. It follows that the two-qubit state is separa- large detuning case. The first-order approximation, also ble inthe system, but the three-qubit state stillcontains called GRWA, works well in a wide range of coupling residual entanglement. This may be one advantage to strength even on resonance and much better than the using GME as a quantum information resource. RWAones. IntheGRWA,theeffectiveHamiltonianwith Finally, it is significant to clarify why the GME of the the CRW interactions is evaluated as the same form of tripartiteentanglementbehavesdifferentlywiththe con- theordinaryRWAone,whichfacilitatesthederivationof currence of the bipartite entanglement. The well-known theexplicitanalyticsolutions. Alleigenvaluesandeigen- death of the concurrence is related to the disappearance states can be approximately given. oftheentanglementinanarbitrarytwo-qubitsubsystem, By the proposed GRWA scheme, we have also calcu- say A and B, while a deep understanding is associated latedthedynamicsofconcurrenceforthebipartiteentan- with the question of whether there exists entanglement glementandtheGMEforthemultipartiteentanglement, 8 which are in quantitative agreement with the numerical In the end of the preparation of the present work, we ones. The well-knownsudden death ofthe two-qubiten- noted a recent paper by Mao et al. [46] for the same tanglement is observed by our analytic solution. An in- model. We should say that the approach used there is teresting phenomenon of entanglement is that the GME theadiabaticapproximationofthepresentwork,i.e.,the for the three-qubit entanglement decays to the nonzero zeroth-order approximation. minimumduringthetimewindowinwhichthetwo-qubit entanglement disappears, implying that three qubits re- main entangled when the two-qubit state is separable. OurresultsindicatethattheGMEisthepowerfulentan- V. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS glement to detect quantum correlations in multipartite systems that cannot be described via bipartite entangle- This work was supported by National Natural mentinsubsystemsofsmallerparticles. Therestillexists Science Foundation of China (Grants No.11547305, many open problems to the theory of entanglement for and No.11474256), Chongqing Research Program multipartite systems due to much richer structure of the of Basic Research and Frontier Technology (Grant entanglement in a more- than two-party system. In par- No.cstc2015jcyjA00043),andResearchFundfortheCen- ticular, the dynamical behaviors for two kinds of entan- tral Universities (Grant No.106112016CDJXY300005). glement may be explored in the multi-qubit realized in the recent circuit QED systems in the ultra-strong cou- ∗ Email:[email protected] pling. Email:[email protected] † [1] M.O.ScullyandM.S.Zubairy,QuantumOptics,Cam- [20] Y. Y. Zhang, Q. H. Chen, and Y. Zhao, Phys. Rev. A bridge University Press, Cambridge, 1997; M. Orszag, 87, 033827(2013); Y. Y. Zhang, Q. H. Chen, Phys. Rev. Quantum Optics: Including Noise Reduction,Trapped A 91, 013814(2015). Ions, Quantum Trajectories, and Decoherence, Science [21] R. H.Dicke, Phys.Rev. 93, 99(1954). publish, (2007); D. F. Walls and G. J. Milburn, Quan- [22] D. M. Greenberger, M. Horne, A. Shimony and A. tum Optics(Springer Verlag, Berlin, 1994). Zeilinger, Am.J. Phys.58, 1131 (1990). [2] A.Wallraff et al., Nature(London)431,162(2004); D.I. [23] F. Yoshihara, T. Fuse, S. Ashhab, K. 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