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Preview Analytical Profiles of Drug Substances, Excipients, and Related Methodology

Profiles of DRUG SUBSTANCES, EXCIPIENTS, AND RELATED METHODOLOGY 34 VOLUME CONTRIBUTING EDITORS ABDULLAH A. AL-BADR ALEKHA K. DASH FOUNDING EDITOR KLAUS FLOREY Profiles of DRUG SUBSTANCES, EXCIPIENTS, AND RELATED METHODOLOGY 34 VOLUME Edited by HARRY G. BRITTAIN Center for Pharmaceutical Physics, Milford, New Jersey 08848 AcademicPressisanimprintofElsevier LinacreHouse,JordanHill,OxfordOX28DP,UK 32JamestownRoad,LondonNW17BY,UK Radarweg29,POBox211,1000AEAmsterdam,TheNetherlands 30CorporateDrive,Suite400,Burlington,MA01803,USA 525BStreet,Suite1900,SanDiego,CA92101-4495,USA Firstedition2009 Copyright#2009ElsevierInc. Allrightsreserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval systemortransmittedinanyformorbyanymeanselectronic,mechani- cal, photocopying, recording or otherwise without the prior written permissionofthepublisher PermissionsmaybesoughtdirectlyfromElsevier’sScience&Technol- ogyRightsDepartmentinOxford,UK:phone(+44)(0)1865843830;fax (+44) (0) 1865 853333; email: [email protected]. Alternatively youcansubmityourrequestonlinebyvisitingtheElsevierwebsiteat http://www.elsevier.com/locate/permissions,andselecting,Obtaining permissiontouseElseviermaterial Notice No responsibility is assumed by the publisher for any injury and/or damagetopersonsorpropertyasamatterofproductsliability,negli- genceorotherwise,orfromanyuseoroperationofanymethods,pro- ducts,instructionsorideascontainedinthematerialherein.Becauseof rapid advances in the medical sciences, in particular, independent verificationofdiagnosesanddrugdosagesshouldbemade ISBN:978-0-12-374340-4 ISSN:0099-5428(Series) ForinformationonallAcademicPresspublications visitourwebsiteatelsevierdirect.com PrintedandBoundinUSA 09 10 11 12 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 CONTENTS Preface ix 1. CreatineMonohydrate 1 SomnathSinghandAlekhaK.Dash 1. HistoryandTherapeuticAspects 2 2. Description 4 3. Synthesis 5 4. PhysicalProperties 8 5. MethodsofAnalysis 23 6. StabilityandDegradation 27 7. Pharmacokinetics,Metabolism,andToxicity 28 Acknowledgments 32 References 32 2. Cytarabine 37 HusseinI.El-SubbaghandAbdullahA.Al-Badr 1. Description 38 2. MethodsofPreparation 41 3. PhysicalCharacteristics 47 4. MethodsofAnalysis 54 5. Radioimmunoassay 95 6. BiologicalAnalysis 98 7. Stability 100 8. Pharmacokinetics,Metabolism,andExcretion 102 9. Pharmacology 104 Acknowledgments 110 References 110 3. Famotidine 115 MohamedA.Al-Omarand AbdullahM.Al-Mohizea 1. GeneralInformation 116 2. PhysicalCharacteristics 117 3. StabilityandStorage 125 v vi Contents 4. AnalyticalProfilesofFamotidine 126 5. DrugMetabolismandPharmacokineticProfilesofFamotidine 144 References 150 4. FexofenadineHydrochloride 153 LokeshKumar,Md.ShahnwajAlam,ChhuttanLalMeena,RahulJain, andArvindK.Bansal 1. Description 154 2. MethodsofPreparation 156 3. PhysicalProperties 161 4. MethodsofAnalysis 175 5. Stability 188 6. DrugMetabolismandPharmacokinetics 189 Acknowledgments 190 References 190 5. Itraconazole:ComprehensiveProfile 193 AbdullahA.Al-BadrandHusseinI.El-Subbagh 1. Description 194 2. PhysicalCharacteristics 196 3. UsesandApplications 205 4. MethodsofChemicalSynthesis 205 5. MethodsofAnalysis 217 6. FoodandDrugInteraction 251 7. Stability 253 8. Pharmacokinetics 254 9. Absorption,Metabolism,andExcretion 260 Acknowledgment 261 References 261 6. Ofloxacin 265 MohammedA.Al-Omar 1. PhysicalProfilesofOfloxacin 266 2. AnalyticalProfilesofOfloxacin 276 3. DrugMetabolismandPharmacokineticProfilesofOfloxacin 293 References 296 7. Paclitaxel 299 SaurabhJauhari,SomnathSingh,andAlekhaK.Dash 1. Introduction 301 2. Description 307 3. MethodsofPreparation 309 Contents vii 4. PhysicalProperties 312 5. MethodofAnalysis 321 6. Stability 324 7. PharmacokineticsandMetabolism 328 Acknowledgment 339 References 339 CumulativeIndex 345 Thispageintentionallyleftblank PREFACE TO VOLUME 34 The comprehensive profiling of drug substances and pharmaceutical excipients as to their physical and analytical characteristics remains at thecoreofpharmaceuticaldevelopment.Asaresult,thecompilationand publication ofcomprehensivesummaries ofphysical and chemical data, analytical methods, routes of compound preparation, degradation path- ways,usesandapplications,etc.,havealwaysbeenavitalfunctiontoboth academiaandindustry. As the science of pharmaceutics grows and matures, the need for information similarly expands along new fronts and causes equivalent growth in the vehicles where investigators find the information they need. The content of the Profiles series has expanded to meet this need, withchaptersfallingintooneormoreofthefollowingmaincategories: 1. Comprehensiveprofilesofadrugsubstanceorexcipient 2. Physicalcharacterizationofadrugsubstanceorexcipient 3. Analyticalmethodsforadrugsubstanceorexcipient 4. Detailed discussions of the clinical uses, pharmacology, pharmaco- kinetics,safety,ortoxicityofadrugsubstanceorexcipient 5. Reviews of methodology useful for the characterization of drug substancesorexcipients 6. Annualreviewsofareasofimportancetopharmaceuticalscientists Asitturnsout,allofthechaptersinthecurrentvolumearecomprehen- sive in nature, and provide detailed profiles of the drug substances involved.Volumesintherecentpasthavecontainedreviewsofmethod- ology,anditisanticipatedthatfuturevolumesintheoftheProfilesseries willcontainsimilarreviews,aswellasothertypesofreviewarticlesthat summarize the current state in a particular field of pharmaceutics. As always, I welcome communications from anyone in the pharmaceutical communitywhomightwanttoprovideanopinionoracontribution. HarryG.Brittain Editor,ProfilesofDrugSubstances, Excipients,andRelatedMethodology [email protected] ix

Volumes in this widely revered series present comprehensive reviews of drug substances and additional materials, with critical review chapters that summarize information related to the characterization of drug substances and excipients. This organizational structure meets the needs of the pharmaceut
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