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Analytical coupled-channels treatment of two-body scattering in the presence of three-dimensional isotropic spin-orbit coupling PDF

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Preview Analytical coupled-channels treatment of two-body scattering in the presence of three-dimensional isotropic spin-orbit coupling

Analytical coupled-channels treatment of two-body scattering in the presence of three-dimensional isotropic spin-orbit coupling Q. Guan1 and D. Blume1 1Department of Physics and Astronomy, Washington State University, Pullman, Washington 99164-2814, USA (Dated: January 17, 2017) It is shown that thesingle-particle spin-orbit coupling terms,which—in thecold atom context— 7 are associated with synthetic gauge fields, can significantly and non-trivially modify the phase 1 accumulation at small interparticle distances even if the length scale (kso)−1 associated with the 0 spin-orbitcouplingtermissignificantlylargerthanthevanderWaalslengthrvdWthatcharacterizes 2 thetwo-bodyinteractionpotential. Atheoreticalframework,whichutilizesageneralizedlocalframe n transformationandaccountsforthephaseaccumulationanalytically,isdeveloped. Comparisonwith a numerical coupled-channels calculations demonstrates that the phase accumulation can, to a very J good approximation, be described over a wide range of energies by the free-space scattering phase 5 shifts—evaluated at a scattering energy that dependson kso—and the spin-orbit coupling strength 1 kso. PACSnumbers: ] s a g The tunability of low-energy scattering parameters space scattering length a and scattering volume V re- s p - such as the s-wave scattering length a and p-wavescat- main good quantities provided(k )−1 is largerthan the t s so n tering volume V by means of application of an external two-body van der Waals length r . Indeed, model p vdW a magnetic field in the vicinity of a Feshbachresonance[1] calculations for a square-well potential in the presence u has transformedthe field of ultracoldatom physics, pro- ofthree-dimensionalisotropicspin-orbitcouplingsuggest q . viding experimentalists with a knob to “dial in” the de- thattheabovereasoningholds,provided1/as andVp are t a sired Hamiltonian. This tunability has afforded the in- small [17]. m vestigation of a host of new phenomena including the This work revisits the question of how to obtain and - BEC-BCS crossover [2, 3]. Most theoretical treatments parameterizetwo-bodyscatteringobservablesinthepres- d of these phenomena are formulated in terms of a few ence of three-dimensional isotropic spin-orbit coupling. n o scattering quantities such as as and Vp, which properly Contrary to what has been reported in the literature, c describethelow-energybehaviorofthetwo-bodysystem. our calculations for Lennard-Jones and square-well po- [ The recent realization of spin-orbit coupled cold atom tentials show that the three-dimensional isotropic spin- systems [4] is considered another milestone, opening the orbit coupling terms can impact the phase accumulation 1 door for the observation of topological properties and in the small interparticle distance region where the two- v 9 providing a new platform with which to study scenar- body interaction potential cannot be neglected even if 7 ios typically encountered in condensed matter systems (kso)−1 is notably larger than rvdW. We observe non- 9 with unprecedented control [5–7]. An assumption that perturbative changes of the scattering observables when 3 underlies most theoretical treatments of cold atom sys- k changes by a small amount. An analytical treat- so 0 tems with synthetic gauge fields is that the spin-orbit ment, which reproduces the full coupled-channels results . 1 couplingterm,i.e.,theRamanlaserthatcouplesthe dif- suchastheenergy-dependenttwo-bodycrosssectionsfor 0 ferent internal states or the shaking of the lattice that the finite-range potentials with high accuracy, is devel- 7 couples different bands, leaves the atom-atom interac- oped. Our analytical treatment relies, as do previous 1 tions “untouched”. More specifically, mean-field treat- treatments [9–13, 15–17], on separating the short- and : v ments “simply” add the single-particle spin-orbit cou- large-distance regions. The short-distance Hamiltonian i pling term to the mean-field Hamiltonian and parame- is treated by applying a gauge transformation, followed X terize the atom-atom interactions via contact potentials byarotation,that“replaces”thep-dependentspin-orbit r a with coupling strengths that are calculated for the two- coupling term by an r- and p-independent diagonal ma- bodyvanderWaalspotentialwithoutthespin-orbitcou- trix (r and p denote the relative position and momen- pling terms [7, 8]. tum vectors, respectively). The diagonal terms, which Consistentwithsuchmean-fieldapproaches,mosttwo- can be interpreted as shifting the scattering energy in body scattering studies derive observables based on the eachchannel, can introduce non-perturbative changes in assumption that the two-body Bethe-Peierls boundary the scattering observables for small changes in kso, es- condition, derived in the absence of single-particle spin- pecially when Vp is large. We note that our derivation orbit coupling terms, remains unaffected by the spin- of the short-distance Hamiltonian, although similar in orbit coupling terms, provided an appropriate “basis spirit, differs in subtle but important ways from what is transformation” is accounted for [9–16]. The underlying presented in Ref. [10, 12]. premise of these two-body and mean-field treatments is Our analytical framework also paves the way for de- rooted in scale separation, which suggests that the free- signing energy-dependent zero-range or δ-shell pseudo- 2 potentials applicable to systems with spin-orbit cou- h(J)u(J) = Eu(J), where h(J) [20] denotes the scaled ra- pling. While energy-dependent pseudo-potentials have dial Hamiltonian for a given J (note that the Hamilto- proven useful in describing systems without spin-orbit nian is independent of the M quantum number). For J coupling [18, 19], generalizations to systems with spin- r >r , the interaction potential V can be neglected max int orbit coupling are non-trivial due to the more intricate and u(J) is matched to the analytic asymptotic V = 0 int nature of the dispersion curves. Our results suggest a solution [13, 15, 16] paradigm shift in thinking about spin-orbit coupled sys- tems with non-vanishing two-body interactions. While u(J) −−−−−→r J(J)−N(J)K(J) , (3) the usual approach is to assume that the short-distance r>rmax (cid:16) (cid:17) behavior or the effective coupling strengths are not im- where J(J) and N(J) are matrices that contain the reg- pacted by the spin-orbit coupling terms, our results sug- ular and irregular solutions for finite k (for J = 0 and so gest that they can be for specific parameter combina- 1, explicit expressions are given in Ref. [16]). Defin- tions. Eventhoughouranalysisiscarriedoutforthecase ing the logarithmic derivative matrix L(J)(r) through ofthree-dimensionalisotropicspin-orbitcoupling,ourre- (u(J))′(u(J))−1, where the prime denotes the partial sults point toward a more general conclusion, namely derivative with respect to r, the K-matrix is given by that spin-orbit coupling terms may, in general, notably modify the phase accumulation in the short-distance re- ′ ′ K(J) = rN(J) −L(J)(r) rN(J) × gion. (cid:20)(cid:16) (cid:17) (cid:16) (cid:17)(cid:21) We consider twoparticleswith positionvectorsr and j ′ masses mj (j = 1 and 2) interacting through a spheri- rJ(J) −L(J)(r) rJ(J) , (4) callysymmetrictwo-bodypotentialV (r)(r =|r −r |). (cid:20)(cid:16) (cid:17) (cid:16) (cid:17)(cid:21)(cid:12)r=rmax int 1 2 (cid:12) Both particles feel the isotropic spin-orbit coupling term (cid:12) the S-matrix by S(J) =(I +ıK(J))(I −ıK(J))−1, where with strength k , V(j) =~k p ·σσσ(j)/m , where p de- so so so j j j I denotes the identity matrix, and the cross sections by notesthecanonicalmomentumoperatorofthejthparti- σ = 2π|S(J)−δ |2/k2, where α and β each take the cle andσσσ(j) the vectorthat contains the three Paulima- αβ βα αβ α trices σσσ(j), σσσ(j) and σσσ(j) for the jth particle. Through- values 1,2,···. x y z In general,the K-matrix has to be determined numer- out, we assume that the expectation value of the total icallyviacoupled-channelscalculations. Inwhatfollows, momentumoperatorPofthe two-bodysystemvanishes. we addressthe questionwhether K can,atleastapprox- In this case, the total angular momentum operator J, imately, be described in terms of the logarithmic deriva- J=l+S, of the two-particlesystem commutes with the tive matrix of the free-space Hamiltonian H . If the system Hamiltonian and the scattering solutions can be fs spin-orbitcouplingtermV vanishedinthesmallrlimit, labeledbythequantumnumbersJ andM ; M denotes so J J one could straightforwardly apply a projection or frame the projection quantum number, l is the relative orbital angular momentum operator, and S=~(σσσ(1)+σσσ(2))/2. transformation approach [21–24] that would project the inner small r solution,calculatedassumingthatV van- Separating off the center of mass degrees of freedom, so ishes in the inner region, onto the outer large r solution, the relative Hamiltonian H for the reduced mass µ par- calculated assuming that V vanishes in the outer re- ticle with relative momentum operator p can be written int gion [25]. The fact that V does not vanish in the small asasumofthe free-spaceHamiltonianH andthe spin- so fs rlimitrequires,asweshowbelow,ageneralizationofthe orbit coupling term V , H =H +V , where so fs so frame transformation approach. We start with the Hamiltonian H and define a new p2 H = +V (r) I ⊗I (1) HamiltonianH˜ throughT−1HT,whereT isanoperator fs int 1 2 (cid:20)2µ (cid:21) tobedetermined. ThesolutionΨ˜ ofthenewHamiltonian isrelatedtothesolutionΨofH throughΨ˜ =T−1Ψ;here and V =~k ΣΣΣ·p/µ with Σ=(m σσσ(1)⊗I −m I ⊗ so so 2 2 1 1 and in what follows we drop the superscripts “(J, M )” σσσ(2))/M. Here, I denotes the 2×2 identity matrix that J j and “(J)” for notational convenience. The operator T spans the spindegreesof freedomofthe jth particle and reads RU, where R = exp(−ık Σ·r); the form of U is so M the total mass, M = m1 + m2. For each (J,MJ) introduced later. To calculate H =R−1HR, we use channel,the r-dependent eigenfunctions Ψ(J,MJ) areex- R panded as [13, 15, 16] R−1H R=H −V −E [Σ·r,Σ·∇]+O(r) (5) fs fs so so Ψ(J,MJ)(r)= r−1u(J)(k,r)|J,M ;l,Si, (2) and l,S J Xl,S R−1V R=V +2[Σ·r,Σ·∇]+O(r), (6) so so where the sum goes over (l,S) = (0,0) and (1,1) for where −ı~∇ = p and E = ~2k2 /(2µ) and where the so so (J,M )=(0,0)andover(l,S)=(J,0),(J,1),(J−1,1), notationO(r) indicates that terms of orderr and higher J and (J +1,1) for J > 0. In the |J,M ;l,Si basis (us- are neglected (r “counts” as being of order r and p as J ing the order of the states just given), the scaled radial beingoforderr−1). AddingEqs.(5)and(6)andneglect- set of differential equations for fixed J and M reads ing the O(r) terms, we find that the spin-orbit coupling J 3 term V is replaced by a commutator that arises from differs from the “normal” free-space Schr¨odinger equa- so the fact that the operator Σ·p does not commute with tion by channel-specific energy shifts. These shifts in- the exponent of R, troduce a non-trivial modification of the phase accumu- lation in the short-distance region and—if a zero-range HRsr =Hfs+Eso[Σ·r,Σ·∇]. (7) or δ-shell pseudo-potential description was used—of the boundary condition. While the energy shifts do, in Here,thesuperscript“sr”indicatesthatthisHamiltonian many cases, have a negligible effect, our analysis below is only valid for small r. shows that they can introduce non-perturbative correc- Our goal is now to evaluate the second term on the tions in experimentally relevantparameter regimes. The right hand side of Eq. (7). Defining the scaled short- channel-specific energy shifts are not taken into account distance Hamiltonian hsRr through rHRsrr−1 and express- in Ref. [12]. ing hsRr in the |J,MJ;l,Si basis, we find To relate the logarithmic derivative matrix L˜sr(r) = hsRr =(cid:18)−2~µ2∂∂r22 +Vint(r)(cid:19)I1⊗I2+V +ǫ, (8) vlo′gva−r1itohfmthicesdcearlievdatsihveortm-daitsrtiaxncLe(rH)a,mtihlteon“iTan-oph˜sTerratotiotnh”e needs tobe “undone”. Assumingthatthe short-distance where V is a diagonal matrix with diagonal elements Hamiltonian provides a faithful description, i.e., assum- ~2l(l+1)/(2µr2). For J = 0, the matrix ǫ is diagonal ing that the higher-order correction terms can, indeed, with diagonal elements −3Eso and Eso. For J > 0, in be neglected for r <rmax, we obtain contrast,the11and22elementsare,ingeneral,coupled: L(r )≈ TL˜sr(r)T−1−T T−1 ′ . (10) ǫ=E c/−M32 −(∆c/MM/2M)2 00 00 , (9) max n (cid:0) (cid:1)o(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)r=rmax so 0 0 d /M2 0 To illustrate the results, we focus on the J = 0 sub- 1  0 0 0 d /M2  space. Denoting the usual free-space phase shifts at  2  scattering energy ~2k2/(2µ) for the interaction poten- dw1he=re−∆JMM2=−m(J1 −+m1)2∆,Mc 2=, a2npdJd(2J=+14)m(m1m22 2−−md211),. δtipa(lkV),inrtefsoprecthtievesl-yw,atvheeasnhdorpt--rwaanvgeecKha-mnnaetlrsixbyK˜δssr(fko)ratnhde Since the r-dependent 11 and 22 elements of V are iden- Hamiltonian h˜sr has the diagonal elements tan(δ (k )) T s s tical (recall l = J for these two elements), the ma- and tan(δ (k )), where ~2k2/(2µ) = E + 3E and trix U, which is defined such that U−1ǫU is diagonal, ~2k2/(2µ)p= Ep −E . If we nsow, motivated by thsoe con- also diagonalizes hsRr, i.e., the short-range Hamiltonian ceptp of scale separastoion, make the assumption that the h˜sr = U−1hsrU is diagonal. This implies that the scaled phaseshiftstan(δ (k ))andtan(δ (k ))areaccumulated T R s s p p radialshort-distanceSchr¨odingerequationh˜sTrv =Evcan at r =0 and correspondingly take the rmax →0 limit of be solved using standard propagation schemes such as Eq.(4)withL(J) givenbytherighthandsideofEq.(10), the Johnson algorithm [26]. This Schr¨odinger equation we obtain the following zero-range K-matrix, Kzr =− as(ks) k+2 k+k− − Vp(kp) k+2(k−−kso)2 k+k−(k+−kso)(k−−kso) , (11) k+−k− (cid:20) k+k− k−2 (cid:21) k+−k− (cid:20) k+k−(k+−kso)(k−−kso) k−2(k+−kso)2 (cid:21) where ~k± =± 2µ(E+Eso)−~kso. large Vp(0), respectively. The dashed lines show the re- p sults predicted by our zero-range model that accounts To validate our analytical results, we perform numer- for the spin-orbit coupling induced energy shifts. This ical coupled-channels calculations. Since the wave func- model provides an excellent description of the numeri- tion in the J = 0 subspace is anti-symmetric under the cal results for the Lennard-Jones potential, provided the simultaneous exchange of the spatial and spin degrees length (k )−1 associated with the spin-orbit coupling so of freedom of the two particles, the solutions apply to term is not too small compared to the van der Waals twoidenticalfermions. TheSchr¨odingerequationforthe length r , where r is given by (2µC /~2)1/4 (in vdW vdW 6 Lennard-Jonespotential V (r)=C /r12−C /r6, with Figs.1and2,thelargestk r consideredcorresponds LJ 12 6 so vdW C and C denoting positive coefficients, is solved nu- to 0.4913 and 0.4171,respectively). 6 12 merically [27]. The solid lines in Figs. 1 and 2 show the partial cross section σ and the K-matrix element The dash-dotted lines in Figs. 1 and 2 show σ and 22 22 K as a function of k for vanishing scattering en- K for the zero-rangemodel when we set the spin-orbit 22 so 22 ergy E for a two-body potential with large a (0) and couplinginducedenergyshiftsartificiallytozero. Inthis s 4 π) 1 (a) π) 1 (a) 2 2 2k)/(so0.5 2k)/(so0.5 σ(22 σ(22 0 0 50 2 (b) (b) K22 0 K22 0 -50 -2 4 15 k)/a(0)ss 02 (c) k)/V(0)pp 0 (c) a(s-2 V(p -4 -15 0 4 8 12 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 ksoas(0) ksoas(0) FlinIGe.sh1o:ws((Ca)oltohreosnclainleed) pLaarrtgiaelacsr(o0s)s cseacstei.onTσh2e2(bklsaoc)k2/s(o2lπid) FlinIGe.sh2o:ws((Cao)ltohreosnclainleed) pLaarrtgiealVcpr(o0s)s cseacstei.onTσh2e2(bklsaoc)k2/s(o2lπid) and (b)theK-matrixelement K22 for E =0as afunction of and (b) the K-matrix element K22 for E = 0 as a k24so.4a2s(a0n)dfoVrpt(h0e)/L(revndnWar)d3-=Jon−e0s.2p3o8t0en(ttihailswpiothtenatsi(a0l)/survpdpWort=s afusn(0c)t/iornvdWof=ks0o.a9s5(901)afnodr Vtph(e0)L/e(rnvndaWrd)3-J=on2e6s.6p1o,tceonrtrieaslpownitdh- two s-wave bound states in free space). The red dashed line ing to as(0)/(Vp(0))1/3 = 0.3213 (this potential supports 4 shows the result for the zero-range model developed in this four s-wave bound states in free space). The red dashed work [see Eq. (11)]; the numerical results for the Lennard- line shows the result for the zero-range model developed in Jones potential and the model are indistinguishable on the this work [see Eq. (11)]; the model reproduces the numer- scaleshown. Toillustratetheimportanceoftheenergyshifts, ical results excellently for ksoas(0) . 0.3. The blue dash- thebluedash-dottedlineshowstheresultsforthezero-range dotted line shows the results for the zero-range model that model that artificially neglects the energy shifts. The solid artificially neglects the energy shifts. The solid line in (c) linein(c) showsthescaled energy-dependents-wavescatter- shows the scaled energy-dependentp-wavescattering volume ing length as(ks)/as(0), where ~2ks2 =6µEso. Vp(kp)/Vp(0), where ~2kp2 =−2µEso. The green circles mark threeof thefour ksoas(0) valuesconsidered in Fig. 4. case, the divergence in the K matrix element at finite 22 iments. k is not reproduced. For large a (0) [see Fig. 1(a)], so s the model without energy shifts introduces deviations at To further explore the two-particle scattering proper- the few percent level in the cross section σ . For large tiesinthepresenceofspin-orbitcouplingforshort-range 22 V (0) [see Fig. 2(a)], in contrast, the model without the potentials with large free-space scattering volume V (0), p p energy shifts provides a quantitatively and qualitatively Figs. 3(a) and 3(b) show the partial cross section σ 22 poor description of the cross section σ even for rela- as a function of the scattering energy −E ≤ E ≤ 0 22 so tively small k (k a (0)& 0.05). Figures 1(c) and 2(c) and 0≤0≤400E , respectively, for a (0)/(V (0))1/3 = so so s so s p demonstrate that the divergence of the K matrix ele- 0.3213 and a (0)k = 0.07673. The results for the 22 s so mentoccurswhenthefree-spacescatteringlengtha (k ), Lennard-Jones potential (dashed line) and square-well s s calculated at energy 3E , or the free-space scattering potential (solid line) are essentially indistinguishable on so volume V (k ), calculated at energy −E , diverge. We the scale shown. To assess the accuracy of our zero- p p so find that this occurs roughly when a (0)k ≈ 10 and range model, we focus on the Lennard-Jones potential s so (V (0))1/3k ≈ 0.21; we checked that this holds quite and compare the numerically determined partial cross p so generally, i.e., not only for the parameters considered in section (σ )exact with the partial cross section (σ )zr 22 22 the figures. In Figs. 1(c) and 2(c), the “critical” k predicted using Eq. (11). Solid lines in Figs. 3(c) and so values correspond to k r = 0.1423 and k r = 3(d) show the normalized difference ∆, defined through so vdW so vdW 0.1462,respectively. For comparison,using the k value ∆ = |(σ )zr−(σ )exact|/(σ )exact. The deviations are so 22 22 22 for the one-dimensional realization of Ref. [4] and as- smaller than 1.3%for the scattering energies considered. suming r = 100a , one finds k r ≈ 0.03. This Neglecting the spin-orbit coupling induced energy shifts vdW 0 so vdW suggests that the phenomena discussed in the context of in our zero-range model and calculating the normalized Figs. 1 and 2 should be relevant to future realizations difference, we obtain the dashed lines in Figs. 3(c) and of three-dimensional isotropic spin-orbit coupling exper- 3(d). Clearly, the zero-range model provides a faith- 5 100 0.04 π) (a) (b) 2 2)/(o10-1 0.02 π2) 1 (a) (b) 1 σ(k22s 2k)/(so0.5 0.5 10-2 0 (2 100 (c) (d) 100 σ2 0 0 -1 -0.5 0 -3 0 3 10 10 10 ∆ 10-2 10-2 E/Eso E/E so FIG. 4: (Color online) Scaled partial cross sec- 10-4-1 -0.5 0 -2 0 210-4 tion σ22(kso)2/(2π) for the Lennard-Jones potential with E/Eso 10 E/E10 10 as(0)/(Vp(0))1/3 = 0.3213 (Vp(0) > 0) and as(0)/rvdW = so 0.9591 for four different kso [the green dotted, blue dash- dotted, black solid, and red dashed lines correspond to FIG. 3: (Color online) Large V (0) case. (a) and (b): The p reddashed andblacksolid linesshowthescaled partialcross ksorvdW = 0.1, ksorvdW = 0.12, ksorvdW = 0.14, and section σ22(kso)2/(2π)fortheLennard-Jonesandsquare-well ksorvdW = 0.146, respectively] as a function of the scatter- ingenergyE [panel(a)coversnegativeE (linearscale) while potential, respectively, as a function of the scattering energy E. For both potentials, we have a (0)/(V (0))1/3 = 0.3213 panel (b) coverspositive E (logarithmic scale)]. s p [Vp(0) >0] and ksoas(0) =0.07673. The length scale associ- ated with the spin-orbit coupling is notably larger than the rangeofthepotential(ksorvdW =0.08 fortheLennard-Jones dispersion relations. Restricting ourselves to three- potentialandksorsw =0.07676 forthesquare-wellpotential). dimensionalisotropicspin-orbitcouplingtermsandspin- (c) and (d): The solid and dashed lines show the normal- independentcentraltwo-bodyinteractions,wedeveloped ized difference ∆ (see text) between the cross section for the an analytical coupled-channels theory that connects the Lennard-Jones potential and the zero-range model, obtained using Eq. (11), and between that for the Lennard-Jones po- short- and large-distance eigenfunctions using a gener- tential and the zero-range model that neglects thespin-orbit alized frame transformation. A key, previously over- coupling induced energy shifts, respectively. The zero-range looked result of our treatment is that the gauge trans- model derived in this work (solid line) provides an excellent formation that converts the short-distance Hamiltonian description (the deviations are smaller than 1.3 % for the to the “usual form” (i.e., a form without linear momen- data shown) over the entire energy regime. Panels (a) and tum dependence) introduces channel-dependent energy (c) cover negative E (linear scale) while panels (b) and (d) shifts. These energy shifts were then shown to appre- cover positive E (logarithmic scale)]. ciably alter the low-energy scattering observables, espe- cially in the regime where the free-space scattering vol- umeislarge. Toillustratethis,the(J,M )=(0,0)chan- ful description of the full coupled-channels data for the J nel wasconsideredexemplarily. Our frameworkprovides Lennard-Jones potential only if the spin-orbit coupling thefirstcompleteanalyticaldescriptionthatconsistently induced energy shifts are included. accounts for all partial wave channels. Moreover, the Figure 4 demonstrates that the non-quadratic single- first numerical coupled-channels results for two-particle particle dispersion relations have a profound impact on Hamiltonian with realistic Lennard-Jones potentials in the low-energy scattering observables for a large free- thepresenceofspin-orbitcouplingtermswerepresented. space scattering volume. Specifically, the lines in Fig. 4 The influence of the revised zero-range formulation put showthenumericallyobtainedpartialcrosssectionσ as 22 forwardinthispaperontwo-andfew-bodyboundstates afunctionofthescatteringenergyforthesameLennard- and on mean-field and beyond mean-field studies will be Jonespotentialas thatused inFigs.2 and3 forfour dif- the topic of future publications. ferent spin-orbit coupling strengths, namely k r = so vdW 0.1, 0.12, 0.14 and 0.146 [Fig. 3 used k r = 0.08; so vdW three of the four k values considered in Fig. 4 are so marked by circles in Fig. 2(c)]. Figure 4 shows that the I. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT partialcrosssectiondependssensitivelyonthespin-orbit coupling strength k . This can be understood by real- so izing that a change in the spin-orbit coupling strength Support by the National Science Foundation through leads to a significant change of the k -dependent scat- grant number PHY-1509892 is gratefully acknowledged. so tering volume V (k ). 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