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Analytical Chemistry of Molybdenum and Tungsten. Including the Analysis of the Metals and Their Alloys PDF

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ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY OF MOLYBDENUM AND TUNGSTEN (Including the Analysis of the Metals and their Alloys) BY W. T. ELWELL AND D. F. WOOD Imperial Metal Industries Limited (Kynoch Works) Witton, Birmingham, B6 7BA PERGAMON PRESS Oxford ' New York · Toronto Sydney · Braunschweig Pergamon Press Ltd., Headington Hill Hall, Oxford Pergamon Press Inc., Maxwell House, Fairview Park, Elmsford, New York 10523 Pergamon of Canada Ltd., 207 Queen's Quay West, Toronto 1 Pergamon Press (Aust.) Pty. Ltd., 19a Boundary Street, Rushcutters Bay, N.S.W. 2011, Australia Vieweg & Sohn GmbH, Burgplatz 1, Braunschweig Copyright © 1971 W. T. Elwell and D. F. Wood All Rights Reserved. No part of this publication may be repro­ duced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, record­ ing or otherwise, without the prior permission of Pergamon Press Ltd. First edition 1971 Library of Congress Catalog Card No. 79-163641 Printed in Great Britain by A. Wheaton & Co., Exeter 08 016673 3 PREFACE THE increasing importance of producing materials for high-temperature applications in supersonic aircraft, re-entry vehicles, and other space systems, has resulted in extensive research and development programmes involving molybdenum, tungsten, and other refractor}^ metals. These new ventures, and the sustained interests in molybdenum and tungsten for other purposes, e.g. in the production of alloyed steels, have contributed to the growing importance of the analytical chemistry of these metals and resulted in significant advances in the principles and methods used for their analysis and determination. Current trends in the analytical chemistry of molybdenum and tungsten are evident from the numerous publications that have appeared during the last decade, and analysts, especially those who have become actively engaged in this field for the first time, often find difficulty in selecting the best methods to use from the abundance of scattered information. With this background, and the authors' interests and practical experience in this area of analytical chemistry, the vast amount of widespread information on this subject has been collated, and because of the close chemical and physico-chemical similarity of molybdenum and tungsten (and their corresponding compounds) the relevant analytical details of these two metals have been combined and presented in a single volume. In compiling this review, the aim has been to include the latest information on chemical and instrumental methods of analysis, involving, for example, solvent extraction, polaro­ graphy, atomic-absorption. X-ray fluorescence, and radiochemical analysis, as weh as "classical" chemical determinations. Detailed methods for determining molybdenum and tungsten in typical samples, and the analysis of these metals and their alloys by both classical and modern techniques, have also been included. The authors have endeavoured to adopt a uniform, succinct style, especially in presenting the more detailed analytical procedures, and in doing so have taken every reasonable care to avoid any departure from the practical recommendations of the original authors. They have left the choice of method for any particular problem very largely to the reader's discretion; the objective has been to present the relevant information in such a way as to enable a rehable assessment to be made of the requirements, uses, and hmitations of a wide range of procedures. In making a compilation from such a wide area of knowledge, the authors have drawn freely on the published work of others. The value of this information is gratefully acknow­ ledged, and any omission to give full credit in the references is a genuine oversight. vii VIH PREFACE It is hoped that this book will provide a useful source of reliable information not only to analysts who have had experience with these metals, but to those for whom the analytical chemistry of molybdenum or tungsten opens up new fields. Research & Development Department^ Imperial Metal Industries Ltd,, Kynoch Works, Witton, Birmingham, B6 7BA 9th September 1970 INTRODUCTION IN PRESENTING the information contained in this publication it is assumed that the reader is fully conversant with the Safety Precautions pertaining to the handling of reagents, apparatus, etc. REAGENTS—ĽĹŃÉÍÉąĎÍ8 To avoid repeating the quality, strength and preparative details of certain reagents that are frequently mentioned throughout the book, the undermentioned reagents and, where applicable, their preparation, are defined as follows (analytical-grade reagents of the highest quality must be used): Ammonia solution Ammonia solution (sp.gr. 0.91) Concentrated hydrochloric acid Hydrochloric acid (sp.gr. 1.16 to 1.18) Concentrated nitric acid Nitric acid (sp.gr. 1.42) Concentrated sulphuric acid Sulphuric acid (sp.gr. 1.84) Concentrated phosphoric acid Orthophosphoric acid (sp.gr. 1.75) Hydroñuoric acid Hydroñuoric acid (40 per cent, w/w) Concentrated perchloric acid Perchloric acid (sp.gr. 1.54) EDTA The disodium (dihydrate) salt of ethylenediamine- tetra-acetic acid. This acid is also known by the synonym diaminoethanetetra-acetic acid Dithiol Toluene-3,4-dithiol. Store the reagent in a refriger ator Fluoroboric acid To 280 ml of hydroñuoric acid (maintained at lO^'C) add, in small amounts, 130 g of boric acid. Store in a polyethylene bottle Sulphurous acid Water saturated with sulphur dioxide GENERAL INFORMATION Dilute solutions of liquid reagents are made by appropriate dilution of the concentrated reagent with water, e.g. sulphuric acid (1 + 4) is made by adding 1 volume of concentrated sulphuric acid to 4 volumes of cold water; the water is kept cool and well agitated until all the acid has been added; any contraction in volume brought about by the dilution is ignored. The use of distilled or demineralized water is intended at all times and, unless the diluent is specified, "dilute" implies **dilute with cold water and mix the solution well". It is equally ix χ INTRODUCTION important to mix solutions thoroughly after adding a reagent. Where the addition of a solid reagent is speciñed, it is intended that the reagent should be dissolved before proceeding with the next stage. If water is not used in the preparation of a particular reagent solution, the solvent to be used is implied in the text, e.g. "an ethanolic solution of. . . Details for preparing what is essentially the same reagent solution are not necessarily the same in all procedures; this has been unavoidable because the information has been taken from the pubhshed work of many independent authors. Unless otherwise stated, solutions of ah solid reagents are made by dissolving the required weight (g) of the reagent in the appropriate volume (ml) of water, the percentage composition (w/v) being based on the assumption that the reagent does not contain any water of crystallization; otherwise the weight of the reagent used, as opposed to that recommended, must be increased to take into account the additional water. On those occasions when the hydrated reagent is normally available, the degree of hydration is stated in the text to make it quite clear that calculations or instructions are based on the use of that particular hydrated reagent. The use of the hydrated salts is invariably intended when the following reagents are referred to: Stannous chloride SnCl2 · 2H2O Ferric sulphate Fe2(S04)3 · 9H2O Sodium tungstate Na2WO4 · 2H2O Sodium molybdate Na2Mo04 · 2H2O Ammonium molybdate (ΝΗ4)6Μθ7θ24·4Η2θ In most instances it wih be obvious when weighings and volumetric measurements are to be made accurately, but where this may not be so apparent, particularly with volumetric additions, the volume is speciñed, e.g. as "10.0 ml", and accurate additions (to within ± 0.05 ml in this example) must be made. In the colorimetric procedures, absorbances are measured at 20° ± 1°C. As a general guide, conditions (e.g. ceh size and ñnal volume of solution) should be adjusted, if necessary, so that the absorbance of the test solution is within the range 0.15 to 0.75; in preparing the calibration graphs this absorbance range should be slightly extended beyond these lower and upper levels. Where a reagent blank is to be determined, this must be made concurrently with the analysis, and a suitable correction or compensation applied to the final absorbance. Many books dealing with gravimetric analysis contain information on the care and attention necessary during the drying, ignition, and calcination of precipitates, and this information is not repeated in the present text. It is emphasized, however, that filter papers and filter-paper pads, including the material to be calcined, must be thoroughly dried and the paper well charred at a conveniently low temperature (less than 500°C) before the final ignition. The paper must not be ahowed to inflame and cause mechanical loss of the residue; it is often an advantage to place a loose-fitting lid on the crucible or dish. REVIEWS Methods for the separation and determination of molybdenum have been reviewed by Gmelin,^^^ Jensen and Weaver,^^^ and, more recently, by Busev.^^^ Reviews of the analytical chemistry of tungsten have been pubhshed by Chernikhov and Goryushina,^*^ Bagshawe,^^^ INTRODUCTION χί and Busev et al}^^ Chalmers^"^^ has reviewed methods for the gravimetric and titrimetric determination of these metals, and reviews on their analysis and determination have appeared biennially over the past ten years or so in Analytical Chemistry, Chemical methods for determining molybdenum and tungsten in rocks have been reported by Jeffery/^^ REFERENCES 1. GMELIN, Handbuch der anorganischen Chemie, 8th edn., Verlag Chemie G.m.B.H., Berlin, 1935, Vol. 53, p. 8. 2. JENSEN, K. J., and WEAVER, B., Analytical Chemistry of the Manhattan Project, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1950, p. 445. 3. BUSEV, A. I., Analytical Chemistry of Elements Series: Analytical Chemistry of Molybdenum, Daniel Davey, New York, 1964. 4. CHERNIKHOV, YU. Α., and GORYUSHINA, V. G., Zav. Lab., 1946,12, 517. 5. BAGSHAWE, B., Chemical Age, 1954, 70, 267 and 309. 6. BUSEV, A. I., TIPTSOVA, V. G., and KHLYSTOVA, A. D., The Present State of the Analytical Chemistry of Tungsten, Zav. Lab., 1962, 28, 1414-24. 7. CHALMERS, R. Α., in Comprehensive Analytical Chemistry (ed. by Wilson, C. L., and Wilson, D. W.), Elsevier, Amsterdam, Vol. Ic, 1962. 8. JEFFERY, P. G., Chemical Methods of Rock Analysis, Pergamon Press, Oxford, 1970, pp. 325-333. CHAPTER 1 HISTORY, OCCURRENCE, AND APPLICATIONS OF MOLYBDENUM AND TUNGSTEN MOLYBDENUM From about 350 B.C. to the early part of the eighteenth century, considerable confusion prevailed in the use of the names molybdoena, galena, plumbago, and graphite. During the seventeenth century, all of these terms were used to mean graphite. Later, galena was identified with the mineral which now bears this name, and it was soon recognized that molybdoena and graphite did not contain lead. The confusion which continued to exist between the composition of molybdoena (or molybdenite) and graphite was resolved by Scheele in 1778 when he discovered that the molybdoena used in experiments by Qvist was an acidic substance, metallic by classification, and combined with sulphur, whereas the molybdoena described by Von Cronstedt was a mineral composed of carbon and a small proportion of pyrites. Accordingly, molybdoena was renamed molybdenite, and in 1782 Hjelm^^^ separated the metal from molybdenite and called it molybdenum. Molybdenum does not occur in nature in the elemental form, and its compounds, though widely distributed throughout the world, are among the rarer constituents of the earth's crust; the average proportion of molybdenum in igneous rocks is about 1.5 X 10"^ per cent.^^^ Various studies on the occurrence and distribution of molybdenum have been puWished.(^-^> The most important mineral, molybdenite (molybdenum disulphide), is found chieñy in granites. Deposits occur in the United States (Colorado and Arizona), Canada (Queensland), Chile, Norway, Mexico, Korea, and China. It is a bluish-grey substance with a metallic lustre, has a specific gravity of about 4.7, and occurs as soft hexagonal ñakes, resembling graphite. Molybdenite ores usually contain more than 0.5 per cent, of molybdenum disulphide. The metal is obtained by roasting the ore to oxide, followed by reduction either with hydrogen, carbon, or aluminium, or electrolytically. The basic commercial process for the production of high-purity molybdenum is by reduction of ammonium molybdate, or molybdenum trioxide, with hydrogen. The metal obtained in this way is in the form of powder, which is subsequently converted to fabricated forms by sintering processes or, less frequently, by arc-melting techniques. 1 2 ANALYnCAL CHEMISTRY OF MOLYBDENUM AND TUNGSTEN Another mineral of practical importance is wulfenite (lead molybdate); deposits of the mineral have been reported in New Mexico, Morocco, Angola, Somaliland, and in the west of the United States. Wulfenite is a secondary mineral produced by oxidation of associated lead and molybdenum sulphides. Molybdenum also occurs as molybdate, associated with magnesium, iron, calcium, and cobalt, in the minerals belonosite (MgMo04), molybdite [Fe2(Mo04)3], powellite (CaMoOJ, and pateraite (C0M0O4). The residues of copper smelting in Utah and New Mexico provide another source of molybdenum. Molybdenum also occurs in the crusts of the fumaroles in the craters of Vesuvius, and in volcanic lava in Hawaii. Traces of molybdenum have been found in the ashes of many plants, e.g. Scotch fir, silver fir, vine, oak, poplar, and hornbeam. To date, the United States has dominated the world in the production and consumption of molybdenum; the estimated production of concentrates in 1955 was in the region of 70,000,000 lb, when there were known reserves of molybdenum in the United States for about 100 years, based on the highest recorded rate of consumption at that time. The world production of molybdenum in 1967 was estimated at about 65,000 metric tons, of which North and Central America contributed about 77 per cent., Europe about 11 per cent, and the Near East and Asia about 3 per cent. Molybdenum is used extensively as an alloying constituent of steels, for electrodes in resistor furnaces (particularly in the glass industry), for making anodes, grids and supports for filaments in lamps and electronic tubes, and for electrical contacts generally. High melting-point and excellent strength-to-density ratio account for the use of molyb­ denum in rockets, missiles, and space vehicles. High-temperature applications, however, are limited by the fact that the metal oxidizes in air at elevated temperatures, although recent work has shown that this can be overcome, to some extent, by the provision of a protective refractory coating that is impervious to oxygen. Molybdenum sulphide is used in lubricants. TUNGSTEN The history of tungsten is closely associated with a mineral which was thought to contain tin, and the mineral was named lapides stanniferi spathacei by Wallerius.^^^ Various other names linking the mineral with tin were also used. In Sweden the mineral was called tungsten, from the Swedish tung (heavy) and sten (stone). The name wolframite was given to the mineral by Breithaupt.According to Agricola, the term wolfram comes from the German words wolf and ram (froth), hence his use of the term lupispuma for wolfram. The miners of Saxony and Bohemia called it wolfart, i.e. wolfish or devouring ore, because of the low yield of tin obtained from tin ores associated with this mineral. The metal is called wolfram in Germany and tungsten in England and elsewhere. The first published account of the isolation of the metal from the ore was in 1783 by the brothers de Elhuyar;^^^ they obtained the metal by reducing the oxide with carbon. Tungsten does not occur in nature in the elemental form. Its compounds, though widely distributed, are among the rarer constituents of the earth's crust; the average proportion of tungsten in igneous rocks is estimated to be about 5 χ 10"^ per cent.^^^ Studies on the occurrence and distribution of tungsten have been published by Jeffery^^^^ and Vinogradov et al}^' Its occurrence is confined almost exclusively to the siliceous rocks, and it is found chiefly as tungstate associated with iron, manganese, calcium, copper, and lead in the minerals HISTORY, OCCURRENCE, AND APPLICATIONS 3 ferberite (FeW04), hübnerite (MnW04), wolframite [Fe,Mn(W04)], scheelite (CaW04), cuproscheelite [Ca,Cu(W04)], and stolzite (PbW04). Tungsten is also found as the disul­ phide [tungstenite] and in small quantities with niobates and tantalates. Tungsten minerals are conveniently divided into the wolframite and scheelite groups. Tungsten ores are found in many parts of the world; deposits of commerical importance occur in Burma, China, the United States, Africa, Australia, Portugal, Korea, and Bolivia. Most ores are of low-grade quality, and rarely contain more than 2 per cent, of tungsten trioxide. They occur irregularly, and the lodes are more or less sporadic. The primary ores are those which occur in lodes, veins, or dykes, and are usually associated with granites; the secondary ores are those found in alluvial and residual deposits. The wolframite group (wolframite, ferberite, and hübnerite) range in colour from black to dark reddish brown, and have a specific gravity of about 7.3 to 7.5. Scheelite ranges in colour from brown, through yellow to white, and its specific gravity varies from 5.4 to 6.1. An important property used in prospecting for scheehte is the fluorescence of the mineral under ultraviolet light; uncontaminated scheehte gives a blue fluorescence, but when about 1 per cent, of powellite (CaMo04) is present, the fluorescence is white: higher concentrations of molybdate produce a gradation of colours from yellow to flesh pink. Ores of minor commercial importance include tungstite (H2WO4) and cuprotungstite. In the production of tungsten metal, wolframite ore is first converted into an alkaline tungstate, tungstic acid, or insoluble ammonium paratungstate. Any of these forms is calcined to tungsten trioxide, which is then reduced with carbon or hydrogen; hydrogen is used to obtain the metal in a state of high purity. Scheelite is usually treated with hydro­ chloric acid to yield tungstic acid, which is subsequently reduced to the metal. The metal powder obtained by these processes is compacted into ingots, and these are heated in a tube furnace at about 1000°C, in a reducing atmosphere, to impart adequate strength to the product for subsequent handling. The ingots are then sintered electrically in a hydrogen atmosphere at about 3200°C. The world production of tungsten in 1967 was about 28,000 metric tons; about 50 per cent, of this was produced in the Near East and Asia, about 27 per cent, in Europe, and about 14 per cent, in North and Central America. Tungsten is particularly useful for high-temperature applications because of its very high melting point and exceptional strength at high temperatures. The metal forms an oxide which is not significantly volatile up to 1000°C, and in this respect it has an advantage over molybdenum. Because of this characteristic, tungsten would be used in place of molybdenum for many metallurgical applications if it were less difficult to fabricate and more abundant. It is used as a filament in incandescent lamps and as an alloying constituent (up to 20 per cent.) in high-speed cutting tools. Tungsten steels are also used in springs, valves, magnetos, contact points, spark plugs, and numerous other products where strength, hardness, resistance to corrosion, and a high melting point are essential. Targets in X-ray tubes and electrodes used in inert-gas or hydrogen-arc welding are also made of tungsten. Tungsten carbide (Carbaloy), which is extremely hard, is used extensively for lathe tools, cutters, drills, and dies for wire drawing. Kennametal (WTÍC2) and Stellite (Co,Cr,W) are used for similar purposes. Sodium tungstate is used as a mordant, and for the fireproofing of fabrics.

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