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Analytica Chimica Acta 1998: Vol 360 Index PDF

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ANALYTICA CHIMICA ACTA Analytica Chimica Acta 360 (1998) 253-254 Author Index Aaron, J.-J., see Coly, A. 129 Coly, A. Abdennabi, A.M.S. - and Aaron, J.-J. . Koken, M.E. and Khaled, M.M. Cyclodextrin-enhanced fluorescence and _ photochemically- Application of differential electrolytic potentiometry for detec- induced fluorescence determination of five aromatic pesticides tion in flow injection analysis 195 in water 129 Alfassi, Z.B. Coo, L.d. —, Probst, T.U. and Rietz, B. —, Cardwell, T.J., Cattrall, R.W. and Kolev, $.D. Platinum determination by instrumental neutron activation ana- Spectrophotometric study of the solubility and the protolytic lysis with special reference to the spectral interference of Sc-47 properties of |-(2-pyridylazo)-2-naphthol in different ethanol on the platinum indicator nuclide Au-199 243 water solutions 153 Argiropoulos, G. Costa-Fernandez, J.M. —, Cattrall, R.W., Hamilton, I.-C. and Paimin, R. —, Diaz-Garcia, M.E. and Sanz-Medel, A. Determination of the quaternary ammonium ion components of Sol-gel immobilized room-temperature phosphorescent metal- Aliquat 336 by electrospray mass spectrometry 167 chelate as luminescent oxygen sensing material 17 Ayame, A., see Dapaah, A.R.K. 43 Coufal, P., see Li, T. 53 Baffi, F. Dapaah, A.R.K. —, Ianni, C., Ravera, M., Soggia, F. and Magi, E. — and Ayame, A. Evaluation of the acetate buffer attack of a sequential extraction Solvent extraction of arsenic from acid medium using zinc scheme for marine particulate metal speciation studies by scan- hexamethylenedithiocarbamate as an extractant 43 ning electron microscopy with energy dispersive X-ray analysis Diaz-Garcia, M.E., see Costa-Fernandez, J.M. 17 7 Draxler, S., see Mohr, G.J. 119 Bendicho, C., see Pérez-Cid, B. 35 Blum, L.J., see Michel, P.E. 89 Erk, M. Blum, U. — and Raspor, B. — and Schwedt, G. Evaluation of cadmium—metallothionein stability constants Inhibition behavior of acid phosphatase, phosphodiesterase I and based on voltammetric measurements 189 adenosine deaminase as tools for trace metal analysis and speciation 10] Fernandez de Cordova, M.L., see Ortega Barrales, P. 143™ Brinkman, U.A.T., see Kok, S.J. 109 Gautier-Sauvigné, S.M., see Michel, P.-E. 89 Gonzalez, A.G. Cardwell, T.J., see Coo, L.d. 153 Two level factorial experimental designs based on multiple Cattrall, R.W., see Argiropoulos, G. 167 linear regression models: a tutorial digest illustrated by case Cattrall, R.W., see Coo, L.d. 153 studies 227 Chang, P. Gooijer, C., see Kok, S.J. 109 — and Shih, J.-S. Preparation and application of cryptand-coated piezoelectric crystal gas-chromatographic detector 61 Hamilton, I.C., see Argiropoulos, G. 167 Checa, F., see Lopez Fernandez, J.M. 215 Helliwell, S.. see Simon, D. 1 Chen, G., see Liao, Y.-P. 209 Chiou, C.-S. lanni, C., see Baffi, F. 27 — and Shih, J.-S. Isberg, I.C.K., see Kok, S.J. 109 Application of crown ethers as modifiers for the separation of amines by capillary electrophoresis 69 Jiang, M., see Wang, J. 171 254 Author Index/Analytica Chimica Acta Khaled, M.M., see Abdennabi, A.M.S. 195 Paimin, R., see Argiropoulos, G. 167 Khojasteh, Z., see Tavakkoli, N. 203 Pamidi, P.V.A., see Wang, J. 171 Kok, S.J. Pantsar-Kallio, M. . Isberg, I-C.K., Gooijer, C., Brinkman, U.A.T. and Velthorst, and Manninen, P.K.G. N.H. Speciation of halogenides and oxyhalogens by ion chromato- Ultraviolet laser-induced fluorescence detection strategies in graphy-inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry 161 capillary electrophoresis: determination of naphthalene sulpho- Pardue, H.L., see Shi, Y. 77 nates in river water 109 Probst, T.U., see Alfassi, Z.B. 243 Koken, M.E., see Abdennabi, A.M.S. 195 Kolev, S.D., see Coo, L.d. 153 Rios, A., see Lopez Fernandez, J.M. 215 Raspor, B., see Erk, M. 189 Lopez Fernandez, J.M. Ravera, M., see Baffi, F. 27 —, Checa, F., Rios, A. and Valcarcel, M. Reichart , E. A computer program for ranking analytical methods according and Obendorf , D. to their fitness for purpose 215 Determination of naringin in grapefruit juice by cathodic strip- Lavilla, I., see Pérez-Cid, B. 35 ping differential pulse voltammetry at the hanging mercury drop Lehmann, F., see Mohr, G.J. 119 electrode 179 Li, A.-M., see Liao, Y.-P. 209 Rietz, B., see Alfassi, Z.B. 243 ay ee Robards, K., see Simon, D. | —, Coufal, P., Opekar, F., Stulik, K. and Wang, E. An amperometric detector with a tubular electrode deposited on Stulik, K., see Li, T. 53 the capillary for capillary liquid chromatography 53 Liao, Y.-P. Sanz-Medel, A., see Costa-Fernandez, J.M. 17 —, Chen, G., Yan, D., Li, A.-M. and Ni, Z.-M Schwedt, G., see Blum, U. 101 Investigation of thallium hydride generation using in situ trap- Shamsipur, M., see Tavakkoli, N. 203 ping in graphite tube by atomic absorption spectrometry 209 Sharghi, H., see Tavakkoli, N. 203 Lippitsch, M.E., see Mohr, G.J. 119 Shi, Y. and Pardue, H.L. Magi. E., see Baffi, F. 27 Improved ruggedness for flow-based kinetic methods of analysis Manninen, P.K.G., see Pantsar-Kallio. M. 161 Michel, P.E. Shih, J.-S., see Chang, P. 61 , Gautier-Sauvigné, S.M. and Blum, L.J. Shih, J.-S., see Chiou, C.-S. 69 A transient enzymatic inhibition as an efficient tool for the Simon, D discriminating bioluminescent analysis of three adenylic nucleo- . Helliwell, S. and Robards, K. tides with a fiberoptic sensor based on a compartmentalized tri- Analytical chemistry of chlorpyrifos and diuron in aquatic enzymatic sensing layer 89 ecosystems | Mohr, G.J. Soggia, F., see Baffi, F. 27 -, Draxler, S., Trznadel, K., Lehmann, F. and Lippitsch, M.E. Synthesis and characterization of fluorophore-absorber pairs for Tavakkoli, N. sensing of ammonia based on fluorescence 119 . Khojasteh, Z., Sharghi, H. and Shamsipur, M. Molina Diaz, A., see Ortega Barrales, P. 143 Lead ion-selective membrane electrodes based on some recently synthesized 9,10-anthraquinone derivatives 203 Ni, Z.-M., see Liao, Y.-P. 209 Trznadel, K., see Mohr, G.J. 119 Obendorf . D., see Reichart , E. 179 Valcarcel, M., see Lopez Fernandez, J.M. Opekar, F., see Li, T. 53 Ortega Barrales, P. Velthorst, N.H., see Kok, S.J. 109 —, Fernandez de Cordova, M.L. and Molina Diaz, A. Wang, E.., Indirect determination of ascorbic acid by solid-phase spectro- Wang, J photometry 143 . Pamidi, P.V.A. and Jiang, M. Low-potential stable detection of 3-NADH at sol-gel derived Pérez-Cid, B. carbon composite electrodes 171 —, Lavilla, I. and Bendicho, C. Speeding up of a three-stage sequential extraction method for metal speciation using focused ultrasound 35 Yan, D., see Liao, Y.-P. 209

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