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Preview Analytic heating rate of neutron star merger ejecta derived from Fermi's theory of beta decay

Mon.Not.R.Astron.Soc.000,1–??(2015) Printed12January2017 (MNLaTEXstylefilev2.2) Analytic heating rate of neutron star merger ejecta derived from Fermi’s theory of beta decay 7 1 Kenta Hotokezaka1,2∗, Re’em Sari1, and Tsvi Piran1 0 1Racah Institute of Physics, The HebrewUniversity of Jerusalem, Jerusalem, 91904, Israel 2 2Centerfor Computational Astrophysics, 162 5th Ave, New York, NY, 10010, USA n a J 10January2017 0 1 ABSTRACT ] E Macronovae (kilonovae) that arise in binary neutron star mergers are powered by H radioactive beta decay of hundreds of r-process nuclides. We derive, using Fermi’s theory of beta decay, an analytic estimate of the nuclear heating rate. We show that h. the heating rate evolves as a power law ranging between t−6/5 to t−4/3. The overall p magnitude ofthe heatingrate is determinedby the meanvaluesofnuclear quantities, - e.g., the nuclear matrix elements of beta decay. These values are specified by using o nuclearexperimentaldata.Wediscusstheroleofhigherorderbetatransitionsandthe r t robustness of the power law. The robust and simple form of the heating rate suggests s a that observations of the late-time bolometric light curve ∝ t−34 would be a direct [ evidence of a r-process driven macronova. Such observations could also enable us to estimate the total amount of r-process nuclei produced in the merger. 1 v Key words: stars:neutron−gamma-rayburst:general 5 8 7 2 0 1 INTRODUCTION 2012; Wanajo et al. 2014; Lippuner& Roberts 2015; . 1 Hotokezakaet al. 2016; Barnes et al. 2016). Li & Paczyn´ski (1998) proposed that neutron star merg- 0 ers will be accompanied by macronovae (kilonovae), which Another approach to calculate the heating rate is 7 1 are optical–infrared transients powered by radioactive to consider the r-process material as a statistical assem- : decay of the merger’s debris. These macronovae are bly of radioactive nuclei. Incorporating Fermi’s theory of v among the most promising electromagnetic counterparts beta decay with such an approach provides a clear phys- i X togravitational-wave mergerevents(e.g. Metzger & Berger ical understanding of the nuclear heating rate (see, e.g., 2012; Nissankeet al. 2013). Recently, macronova candi- Way & Wigner 1948 for a discussion on the energy gen- r a dates have been discovered in the afterglows of several eration by fission products). We follow this approach and short gamma-ray bursts (Tanvir et al. 2013; Berger et al. use the Fermi theory to estimate the heating rate in neu- 2013;Yanget al.2015;Jin et al.2016).Jin et al.(2016)re- tron star mergers’ ejecta. Colgate & White (1966, see also analyzedtheafterglowlightcurvesofhistoricalnearbyshort Metzger et al. 2010) considered this approach to estimate gamma-rayburstsandsuggestedthatmacronovaeareubiq- theradioactiveluminosityofsupernovae.Buttheyusedonly uitous in short GRBs’ afterglows. the relativistic regime of Fermi’s theory, which is not rele- Theradioactiveheatgeneratedbyr-processnucleiplay vant on the macronova peak timescale as we discuss later. an essential role in powering macronovae. Due to strong Furthermore, they assumed that each element decays to a adiabaticcoolingtheejecta’sinitialinternalenergyispracti- stable one rather than following a decay chain, which we cally negligible atthetimethattheejecta becomeoptically consider in thispaper. thin, i.e. when τ ≈c/v, where τ is the optical depth and v isthevelocityoftheejecta.Aswediscusslater,withtypical Inthispaper,weanalyticallyderivethenuclearheating parameters the peak emission time is around a few days rateofmacronovaebasedonFermi’stheory.In§2,webegin and hence this is the important timescale to focus on. De- withabriefsummaryofthebasicconceptsandtheoutcome tailed computations using nuclear database and numerical of thiswork. In§3,we introducethekeyingredients of the simulationshavebeenwidelyusedtoobtaintheradioactive theory needed to calculate the heating rate. We derive the heatingrates(Freiburghauset al.1999;Metzger et al.2010; heating rate of the beta decay chains of allowed transitions Goriely et al. 2011; Roberts et al. 2011; Korobkin et al. in§4.Wediscuss,in§5,theroleofforbiddentransitionsand other effects that we ignore and we estimate their possible effect.Wesummarizetheresultsanddiscusstheimplication ∗ E-mail:[email protected] to macronova studies in § 6. 2 K. Hotokezaka, R. Sari, and T. Piran 2 A SHORT SUMMARY OF BETA-DECAY sufficiently small compared to E and assume that there 0 HEATING RATE isnoangularcorrelationbetweentheelectronandneutrino. Hereweimaginethatthewholesystemisenclosedinalarge Radioactive nuclei that are far from the stability valley are box with a volume V. Hereafter we change the notation as producedinr-processnucleosynthesis.Thesenucleiundergo p →p and E →E. betadecaywithoutchangingtheirmassnumber.Aseriesof e e In Fermi’s theory, the four particles interact at a sin- beta decays in each mass number is considered as a decay gle point with a coupling constant G so that the matrix chain. Because the mean lives of radioactive nuclides typi- F element is written as cally become longer when approaching the stability valley, thenucleiinadecaychainatgiventimetstayatsomespe- cific nuclide with a mean life τ ∼ t. This means that the Hf′i=GFZ (ψe†OLψν)(ψp†ONψn)dV, (4) number of decaying nuclei in a logarithmic time interval is where ψ is the wave function of each particle involved in constant, i.e, the decay rate is ∼N/t, where N is the total i the beta disintegration, O and O are operators acting numberof nucleiin thechain. Then thebetadecay heating L N on the light particle’s spin, nucleon’s spin and isospin (see, rate per nucleus is given by q˙ ∼ E(t)/t, where E(t) is the e.g., Feynman& Gell-Mann 1958 for a discussions on beta disintegration energy of thebeta decay as a function of the interaction).Thewavefunctionofthelightparticlescanbe mean life. As we will see later, two important concepts in evaluatedatr∼0becausetheirdeBroglie wavelengthsare beta decay theory enable usto determine E(t).First, there much larger than the nuclear size. When the light particles arefourphysicalconstantsintheproblem,theFermi’scon- do not carry off orbital angular momentum with respect to stant G , the electron mass m , the speed of light c, and F e thecentral nucleus, the wave function of each light particle the Planck constant ~. The fundamental timescale of beta decayt ≈9·103scanbeobtainedfromthesephysicalcon- at r = 0 is just a normalization factor of V−1/2 with a F Coulomb correction for the electron’s wave function. Thus stants. Second, there is a well known relation between the thesquare of thematrix element can bewritten as disintegration energy and mean life as τ ∝E−5. Therefore, theheating rate per nucleuscan be roughly estimated as G2 q˙(t)∼ mec2 t −1.2. (1) |Hf′i|2 = VF2F(Z,E)|MN|2, (5) tF (cid:18)tF(cid:19) where F(Z,E) is the Coulomb correction factor, Z is the protonnumberofthedaughternucleus,andM isthenu- This gives a correct order of magnitude and a reasonable N clear matrix element.Thetransitions described hereare al- estimate of the time dependence of the beta decay heating lowed transition. More specifically, allowed transitions are rate of r-process material. In the following we refine these transitionswhich satisfy bothconditionsthatthelight par- ideas. ticles don’t carry off orbital angular momentum and the parity of thenucleusdoes not changevia its disintegration. Otherwisethetransition is aforbiddentransition.1 Because 3 BASICS OF FERMI’S THEORY OF BETA the population of allowed transitions is larger and because DECAY of their simplicity, we focus on allowed transitions in this The nature of beta decay was successfully described by and the next sections. We will discuss the role of forbidden Fermi (1934). Here we briefly describe key ingredients of transitions in §4. Fermi’s theory needed for obtaining the macronova heating IntegratingEq.(2) overtheaccessible phasespace, the rate.Inabetadecayoneoftheneutronsinanucleusdisinte- mean-life of a beta-unstable nuclidewith thedisintegration gratedtoaproton,anelectron,andananti-neutrino.Using energy of E is obtained as 0 Fermi’s Golden rule, the beta-disintegration probability of a beta-unstable nucleus per unit time in a unit momentum 1 = |MN|2 p(E0)dpF(Z,E)p2(E−E )2, (6) intervalof theelectron is written as τ tF Z0 0 ddpwedpe= 2~π (cid:12)Hf′i(cid:12)2ρ(Ee), (2) awnhderteFtihsetvhaerifaubnldeasminentthaelitnimteegsrcaallearoefibneutanidtsecoafym: e and c (cid:12) (cid:12) where p and E are momentum and kinetic energy of the e e 2π3 ~7 etolencitarnonr,esHpf′oinissibthleefmorattrhiexbeleetmaednitsionftetghreaitniotenr,aactnidonρH(Eaem)iils- tF ≡ G2F m5ec4 ≈8610 s. the number density of final states of the light particles be- Notethat,althoughthisfundamentaltimescale isacharac- tween E and E +dE . The number of final states is as- e e e teristic timescale of allowed betadecay,the lifetime of beta sumed to be proportional to the volume of the accessible unstable nuclides spreads over many orders of magnitude phase space of the light particles: because of the phasespace factor of Eq. (6). ρ(E )dE = (4π)2V2p2dp p2dp TheCoulombcorrectionfactorinthematrixelementis e e (2π~)6 e e ν ν obtained by evaluating the electron’s wave function at the (4π)2V2 ≈ p2dp (E −E )2dE , (3) (2π~)6c3 e e 0 e e whereE isthetotaldisintegrationenergy,p ismomentum 0 ν of the neutrino, and energy conservation E0 ≈ Ee + Eν 1 We employ Konopinski’s classification of beta de- has been used. We use the fact that the neutrino mass is cay(Konopinski1966). Beta-decay heating rate of macronova 3 nuclear radius rn (Fermi1934): 102 |ψ (r )|2 F(Z,E) ∼= e n Z , (7) 101 |ψe(rn)|2Z=0 t≈ τ1 warnnh/de(r~αe/mη≈e=c1=)/,Z1s3q7e22=[/((i~21s(sv1+t!,)h−2sve])((ifiZs2npαteρh)-)s2e2t)sr1v−u/e2c2l,teouπcqrηiete|yi(scsoot−nfhset1tha+eenletie.cηlteF)rc!oo|t2nrro,Ecnh,a>ρrg=1e,, dN /dt [1/s]i111000--021 t≈ τ2 ∝ 1/tt≈ τ3 the Coulomb correction factor slowly increases with E as 10-3 F(Z,E)∝E2s−2. t≈ τ4 A simple form of the Coulomb correction factor is ob- 10-4 tained in the non-relativistic limit of Eq. (7), η ≫ 1 and 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000 (Zα)2 →0: t [s] 2πη Figure1.Adecaychainnormalizedbythetotalnumberofnuclei F (Z,E)= . (8) N 1−exp(−2πη) in the chain. The dashed line depicts e−1/t, where e is Euler number. The Coulomb correction factor is unity for η ≪ 1 and ap- proaches to 2πη for η ≫ 1. This enhances the transition probability at lower energies. At theseenergies theelectron ratherproportionaltoE−4orE−3 ontherelevanttimescale is pulled by the nucleus due to the Coulomb force and the of macronovae, i.e., a few days. amplitude of the electron’s wave function is larger near the In the context of macronovae, we are interested in the nucleus.Asaresult,thelifetime of betaunstablenucleibe- relationbetweenthelifetimeandthemeanelectron’senergy comesshorterthantheoneestimated withouttheCoulomb since the neutrinos don’t contribute to the heat deposition correctionandthedependenceofthelifetimeonE isweak- inthemergerejecta. Thefraction ofenergyoftheelectrons 0 ened. Note that one can also obtain an identical form to to thetotal energy is: Eq. (8) by solving the Schr¨odinger equation and evaluating hE i theelectron’s wave function at r=0 . ǫe ≡ Ee , (11) 0 As the integral in Eq. (6) is easily calculated for given 1 p0 Eco0mapnadrisZon, cwoimthpathraetievxepehraimlf-elinvteasl fdat1t/a2: are often used for = E0 Z0 F(Z,p)p2E(E0−E)2dp. In thethreeregimes discussed earlier ǫ satisfies: e ln2 ft ≡ t . (9) 1/2 |M |2 F 1/2 (relativistic:E0 >1), N ǫe = 1/3 (nonrelativistic: (Ec <E0<1), (12) Although MN of each beta transition cannot becalculated  1/4 (nrCoulomb: E0 <Ec), withinFermi’stheory,M canbedeterminedfromthemea- N wherewe assumed E <1. surements of the lifetime and the electron’s spectrum. It is c sufficientforourpurposetoknowthestatisticaldistribution of this quantity.For allowed transitions, the distribution of ft isknowntohaveapeakaround105scorrespondingto 4 THE HEATING RATE: THE IDEAL-CHAINS 1/2 |M |2 ∼0.05(e.g.Blatt & Weisskopf1958),whichwetake APPROXIMATION N as a reference valuein this paper.2 Neutron-richnucleiproducedviather-processundergobeta Onecanshowthatf attainssimpleformsinthefollow- decaytowardsthebeta-stablevalleywithoutchangingtheir ing threeregimes: massnumber.Aseriesofbetadecaysofnucleiineachmass 1 E5 (relativistic: E >1), number can be considered as a decay chain. Here we con-  3106√20E7/2 (nonrelativistic0: siderideal-chainsofradioactivenucleiwithaseriesofmean f(Z,E0)= 21π0Z5αE03 (nonrelatEivcis<ticE0C<ou1lo)m, b: (10) tliovteasl(nτu1m<bτe2r<ofτ3nu<cl.e.i.),thinrowughhicohuteatchhecdheacianycopnrsoecrevsessatnhde 3 0 sufficiently many chains exist. Within this approximation,  E0<min(Ec,1)), thenumberofdecayingnucleiinalogarithmictimeinterval where E = (2πZα)2/2. The non-relativistic regime ex- is constant and thebeta decays at a given time t are domi- c ists only for Z . 30, and thus, there is no such a regime natedbynuclideswithmean-livesofτ ∼t(seeFig.1).This in r-process material. In previous a work Colgate & White is, of course, valid for t > τ1, where τ1 is the mean life of (1966) applied only the relativistic regime τ ∝ E−5. How- thefirstnuclideinadecaychain.Theheatingrateperunit ever, as we will see later, the mean-lives of the nuclei are mass is then Q˙(t)=− Ee,i dNi ≈ e−1 hEe(t)i, (13) hAim dt hAim t Xi u u 2 For neutron and mirror nuclides such as 3H, the comparative half-livesare ∼103 s corresponding to |MN|2 ∼1. Such transi- where hAi is the mean mass number of the r-process ma- tionsarecalledassuperallowedtransitions.Thesetransitionsare, terial, and mu is the atomic mass unit. Note that e is the however,absentinr-processmaterial. Eulernumber,whicharisesfromthefactthatthedecayrate 4 K. Hotokezaka, R. Sari, and T. Piran 1016 1 Formula Eq.(13) 1015 HW+16 e g]1014 at g/s/1013 ng r e [er1012 heati -e heating rat11110000118901 -ormalized e 0.1 Formula Eq.(13) 107 N NR-Coulomb HW+16 106 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 time [s] time [s] Figure 2. The heating rate of the ideal chains of allowed beta decay by electrons. Left panel: the specific heating rate derived by Eq. (13). Right panel: the heating rate normalized by the relativistic regime of Eq. (14). Also shown in both panels is the electron heatingratetakenfromHotokezaka etal.2016,wheretheheatingrateisobtainedbyusingEvaluatedNuclearDataFile.Hereweadopt |MN|2=0.05,hAi=200,andhZi=50fortheanalyticmodel. of each nuclide is proportional to e−t/τ. One can obtain Q˙ non-relativistic Coulomb regime (magenta dotted line) at by using Eq.(6) and (11). late times. Intherelativisticandnon-relativisticCoulombregimes, It is worthy noting that the formula with the non- we can derive simple explicit forms of Eq. (13). As the relativistic Coulomb limit reproduces the full heating rate lifetime of beta-unstable nuclides monotonically increases after103s,eventhoughitshouldbevalidonlyafter∼106s. with decreasing E , the relativistic regime is valid at early Thiscanbeunderstoodasfollows. Themeanlifeisapprox- 0 times and the non-relativistic Coulomb regime is valid imately proportional to E0−4 between the relativistic and at late times. More specifically, the relativistic regime is the non-relativistic regimes, and thus, the energy genera- valid until tR ≈103s(0.05/|MN|2) and the non-relativistic tion rate evolves as E0/t ∝ t−45. In addition, in this stage, CoulombregimeisvalidaftertNC≈106s(0.05/|MN|2).Us- ǫe changes from 1/2 to 1/4, which approximately corre- ing Eqs. (10) and (12), we obtain the heating rate in these sponds to ǫe ∝ t−19. As a result, the electron heating rate regimes: is ∝ t−1.35, which is quite similar to the one in the non- 6 relativistic Coulomb regime. 1.2·1010 erg t−5 sg day Note that Colgate & White (1966) and Metzger et al. Q˙(t)≈ 0.3·101×0 hesAr·ggi−2t0d−10a34y(cid:16)|M0.N05|2(cid:17)−15 (t.tR), (14) (dc2ae0sce1a0yt)hraeeastscouhtmeasletnthuhemavtbaaellrenyoufcolfreasudtsaiobtahilcaitttiyvueinnndauercsglieoniegsdleeacsrtreeaapds.ieoIsancwttiihvtihes  ×hZi7−0·31hAi−2010(cid:16)|M0.N05|2(cid:17)−13 (t&tNC), tdiimster.ibTuhteisdajusssutmnpextitotnoitshveaslitdabifletnhuecrlaeid,ioi.aec.,tiavtelantueclteiimaerse. wheret istimeinunitsofaday,hAi isthemeanmass Under such an assumption, the resulting heating rate de- day 200 number normalized by 200, and hZi70 is the mean proton clines more steeply as ∝t−1.4 in the relativistic regime. As numbernormalized by 70. Note that the overall magnitude wewilldiscussinthenextsection,theactualsituation isin of theheating rate isdetermined by themean values of the between these two assumptions. nuclear quantities, A, Z, and M . These values should be N constant within an order of magnitude, and thus, the mag- nitude of the heating rate does not depend significantly on 5 DEVIATION FROM OUR ASSUMPTIONS thedetailsoftheabundancepatternofther-processnuclei. The analytic formula derived in the previous section re- Furthermore, we emphasize that the formula of Eq. (14) is produces remarkably well the result based on the nuclear independentofthedistributionofthenucleardecayenergy. database.However,therearetwoimportanteffectsthathave Figure 2 depicts the heating rate obtained notbeentakenintoaccount.Herewediscusstheroleofthese from Eq. (13) and the one derived using a nuclear effects. database (Hotokezakaet al. 2016; see also similar heat- ing rates in Metzger et al. 2010; Goriely et al. 2011; Roberts et al. 2011; Korobkin et al. 2012; Wanajo et al. 5.1 The role of forbidden transitions 2014; Lippuner& Roberts 2015). We find that the heating rate based on the simple analytic formula reproduces the Higher orbital-angular momentum transitions (unique for- one based on the database remarkably well. In order to see bidden): The light particles’ wave function in the matrix more details, the right panel of Fig. 2 shows the heating element Eq. (4) can be expanded in a series of spherical rates normalized to the values obtained for the relativistic harmonics,ofwhichthelthtermisproportionalto(Pr/~)l, regime (Eq. 14). The normalized analytic heating rate whereP~ isthetotalmomentumofthelightparticles.Thelth (blue solid line) is flat at early times and it approaches the transition corresponds to the transition in which the light Beta-decay heating rate of macronova 5 particles carry off orbital angular momentum of l~. This expansion converges rapidly on theenergy scale of beta de- 2nd p Forbidden 1st u Forbidden cay on the length scale of nucleus r ∼ fm. As a result, n 10 1st p Forbidden the lth transition probability is suppressed by a factor of Allowed (Pr /~)2l . (0.1)2l. For first unique forbidden transitions, anandditionalshapefactor2(p2+p2)shouldbemultipliedin 2c] ν e e m tinheτe∝lecEtr0−on5 isnpetchterunmono-freElaqt.iv(i6s)t.icTChoisulsohmapberfeagcitmoer,rweshuilcths E [0 1 can be seen in Fig. 3 (a blue dotted line). Even though the number of beta unstable nuclides that disintegrate mainly via unique forbidden transitions is small, they may play a 0.1 role by increasing theheating rate after a few hours. 100 102 104 106 108 1010 1012 1014 1016 Relativistic transitions (parity forbidden): Some inter- t [s] actionsmixthelargeandsmallcomponentsofDiracspinor 1/2 of the nucleon in the matrix element Eq. (4). A transition duetosuchaninteractionisaparity forbiddentransitionas Figure 3. Energy and half-life of beta unstable r-process nu- it changes the nucleus’ parity without removing the orbital clides. Open circles, closes, filled squares, and filled circles are angularmomentum(seemagentacrossesinFig.3).Thecor- allowed,firstparityforbidden,firstuniqueforbidden,andsecond responding amplitude is suppressed by a factor of O(v /c) parity forbidden transitions respectively. Here the data points n orO(Zα)comparedtoallowedtransitions.Herethevelocity are taken from Evaluated Nuclear Data File ENDF/B-VII.1 li- brary (Chadwicketal. 2011). Each curve depicts the theoreti- ofnucleonsv istypicallyv ∼0.1c.Asaresult,theproba- n n cal expectation with a constant nuclear matrix element of each bility of these transitions is lower than the allowed ones by typeoftransitions:theallowed(redsolid),thefirstparityforbid- a factor of O(v2/c2) or O(Z2α2). The theoretical curves of n den (magenta dashed and dot-dashed), the first unique forbid- thefirstorderparityforbiddentransitionsareshown asthe den(bluedotted),andthesecondparityforbidden(green).Here dashed and the dot-dashed lines in Fig. 3. Here we use a weadopt|MN|2=0.05andhZi=50forallanalyticmodelsbut suppression factor of (vn/c)2 ≈ 0.01 and (Zα)2 ≈ 0.25, re- |MN|2=0.01forthefirstuniquetransition. spectively. The first order parity forbidden transitions have anelectronspectralshapethatissimilartotheallowedtran- sitions. As one can see in this figure, the curves of these 1 transitions have the same shapes to the allowed one with a constant shift in the half-life. The existence of these transi- tions in addition to the allowed ones increases the heating ∝T-0.1 rate. The lifetimes of second order parity forbidden transi- )2 tions,inwhichangularmomentumof~iscarried off bythe T1/ > lightparticles,aretoolongtoberelevantforthemacronova (n ai h heating rates (see green points in Fig. 3). c N ∝T-0.2 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 5.2 Deviation from the ideal-chains T [s] 1/2 approximation Beta decay chains terminate when they reach stable nu- Figure 4. The cumulative distribution of the lifetime of decay clides.Oncethishappenstheseterminatedchainsdon’tcon- chains.T isthesumofthehalf-livesofbetaunstablenuclides 1/2 tributetotheheatingrateanymore.Theoveralllifetime of ofadecaychain. a chain, T , can be estimated from the sum of the half- 1/2 livesofnuclidesinthechain.Thecumulativedistributionof 6 CONCLUSION AND DISCUSSION the chains for A = 90–210 as a function of the chains’ life- timeisshowninFig.4.Thenumberofthechainsbeginsto We derive an analytic form of the macronova heating rate decrease slowly as ∝T1−/02.1 at ∼100s. After about 10 days by considering statistical assembly of radioactive r-process it decreases slightly faster as ∝ T1−/02.2. This steep decline nuclidesandFermi’stheoryofbetadecay.Theresultingan- at late times due to the termination of the decay chains is alyticformula reproducestheheatingratederivedfrom the consistent with the assumption made by Colgate & White nuclear database remarkably well. Within the assumption (1966) and Metzger et al. (2010). thattheidealdecaychainsofallowedbetatransitionsgener- Insummary,thecontributionofforbiddentransitionsto ateradioactiveheats,weshowthattheheatingrateevolves theheatingrateslightlyincreasestheheatgenerationatlate as ∝ t−6/5 at early times and ∝ t−4/3 at late times. The times.Onthecontrary,atthesametime,theterminationof overallmagnitudeofheatingrateisdeterminedbythemean the beta decay chains slightly decreases it. As a result, the valueofthenuclearmatrixelements,massandatomicnum- combined effects on the heating rate somehow cancel out. berof beta unstablenuclides involved in the decay chains. Note that these corrections to the heating rate depend on We discuss the role of forbidden transitions and the theactual abundancedistribution of thechains. deviation from the ideal-chains approximation. The former 6 K. Hotokezaka, R. Sari, and T. 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The role of these 500, 547 decay products in the macronova heating is still under de- Wanajo S., Sekiguchi Y., Nishimura N., Kiuchi K., Kyu- bate.Forinstance,it hasbeen suggested that theheat gen- toku K., ShibataM., 2014, ApJL, 789, L39 eration by spontaneous fission and α-decay can be compa- Way K., Wigner E. P., 1948, Phys.Rev., 73, 1318 rable to or even larger than the beta decay heating (see Yang B., Jin Z.-P., Li X., Covino S., Zheng X.-Z., Ho- Hotokezaka et al. 2016; Barnes et al. 2016).Weexplore the tokezakaK.,FanY.-Z.,PiranT.,WeiD.-M.,2015,Nature roleoftheseeffectsin theestimating thetotalamountofr- Communications, 6, 7323 process material ejected in a macronva from the integrated bolometric light curvein a separate work. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We thank Michael Paul, Kohsaku Tobioka, and Shinya Wanajo for useful discussions. This research was supported byanERCadvancedgrant(TReX)andbytheI-COREPro- gram of the Planning and Budgeting Committee and The Israel Science Foundation (grant No 1829/12), and an ISF grant.

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