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MNRAS000,1–13(0000) Preprint26January2017 CompiledusingMNRASLATEXstylefilev3.0 Analytic Closures for M1 Neutrino Transport E. M. Murchikova1(cid:63), E. Abdikamalov2, T. Urbatsch3 1TAPIR, MC 350-17, California Institute of Technology, 1200 E California Blvd., Pasadena, CA 91125, USA 2Department of Physics, School of Science and Technology, Nazarbayev University, Astana 010000, Kazakhstan 3Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, NM, USA 26January2017 7 1 0 ABSTRACT 2 Carefully accounting for neutrino transport is an essential component of many astro- physical studies. Solving the fulltransport equation is too expensive formostrealistic n applications,especiallythoseinvolvingmultiplespatialdimensions.Forsuchcases,re- a J sorting to approximations is often the only viable option for obtaining solutions. One suchapproximation,whichrecentlybecamepopular,istheM1method.Itutilizesthe 4 systemofthelowesttwomomentsofthetransportequationandclosesthesystemwith 2 an ad hoc closure relation. The accuracy of the M1 solution depends on the quality of ] the closure. Several closures have been proposed in the literature and have been used E in various studies. We carry out an extensive study of these closures by comparing H the results of M1 calculations with precise Monte Carlo calculations of the radiation . field around spherically-symmetric protoneutron star models. We find that no closure h performs consistently better or worse than others in all cases. The level of accuracy a p given closure yields depends on the matter configuration, neutrino type, and neutrino - o energy. Given this limitation, the maximum entropy closure by Minerbo (1978) on r averageyieldsrelativelyaccurateresultsinthebroadestsetofcasesconsideredinthis t s work. a [ Key words: Hydrodynamics,Neutrinos,RadiativeTransfer,Stars:Evolution,Stars: Neutron, Stars: Supernovae: General 1 v 7 2 0 1 INTRODUCTION task. For this reason, often one has to resort to approxima- 7 tions and simplifications to make the problem tractable. 0 Neutrinosplayanimportantroleincore-collapsesupernovae . Onewayofsimplifyingtheproblemistoassumespher- 1 (CCSNe), coalescence of binary neutron stars and many 0 other astrophysical phenomena. Their collective behavior is ical or axial symmetries to reduce the number of spatial di- 7 describedbythedistributionfunctionthatobeystheBoltz- mensions.Therearemanyproblemswheresuchassumptions 1 havebeenemployed[byMezzacappa&Bruenn(1993a,b,c); mann transport equation. The state of the radiation field : Yamada(1997);Rampp&Janka(2000);Liebend¨orferetal. v is characterized by spatial coordinates, the propagation di- (2005); Sumiyoshi et al. (2005) assuming 1D, by (Marek & i rection (two angles), energy, and time, making the prob- X Janka2009;Burasetal.2006)usingray-by-rayandbyLivne lem seven-dimensional in the most general case. Many as- r trophysical systems have dense and opaque central regions etal.(2004);Ottetal.(2008);Brandtetal.(2011);Skinner a etal.(2016)assuming2D].Mostrealisticproblems,however, surroundedbytransparentlow-densityenvelopes.Radiation do not posses spatial symmetries. For these problems, the moves within the dense central regions via diffusion and, transportequationhastobesolvedinfullthreedimensions. when it leaks into the outer regions, it streams freely. The The pioneering attempts to solve three-dimensional Boltz- transport equation has a parabolic character in the former mann equation have been already taken (e.g., Radice et al. region, while in the latter region, it has a hyperbolic char- 2013; Sumiyoshi & Yamada 2012; Sumiyoshi et al. 2015), acter (e.g., Mihalas & Mihalas 1984; Pomraning 1983). In yet the computational cost remains too high for solving it order to model such systems accurately, the solution tech- in realistic scenarios. niques must handle not only the two different regimes, but also the transition between the two. These aspects make Inordertofurtherreducethecost,onecanapproximate solving the transport equation a challenging computational the Boltzmann equation either by neglecting the time de- pendence (steady-state solution) and/or energy dependence (gray schemes). One of the crudest approximations to the (cid:63) lena@tapir.caltech.edu transport problem, the so-called leakage scheme has been (cid:13)c 0000TheAuthors 2 E. M. Murchikova et al. used extensively in the literature (e.g., Ruffert et al. 1996; suggested in the literature. The accuracy of the M1 solu- Rosswog & Liebend¨orfer 2003; O’Connor & Ott 2011; Ott tion depends on the quality of the closure used and it is et al. 2012, 2013a,b; M¨osta et al. 2014; Abdikamalov et al. a priori unclear which closure yields the best results for a 2015;Deatonetal.2013).Theleakageschemeevaluatesthe given problem. While the quality of individual closures has localneutrinoenergyandnumberemissionrates,whichare been examined in different contexts (e.g., Janka 1991; Smit then locally subtracted from the matter (e.g., O’Connor & et al. 1997; O’Connor 2015), a systematic analysis for neu- Ott 2010). trino transport has been performed only by Janka (1991) and Smit et al. (2000). The aim of this work is to extend In this paper we focus on an alternative approach, em- these two works, to consider a wider selection of closures, ploying the reduction of the angular degrees of freedom of toverifythemusingawiderrangeoftestproblemsthatare the problem, called the moment scheme. The simplest ver- relevanttoneutrinotransport,andtopresentaquantitative sion of the moment scheme is the diffusion approximation. assessment of their quality. One takes the zeroth moment of the transport equation, which yields an equation that contains the zeroth and first Inthiswork,weevaluatethequalityofvariousclosures moments of the distribution function. These two represent proposed in the literature by comparing the radiation field the energy density and flux of radiation, respectively. The distribution in and around radiating objects obtained with firstmomentcanbeapproximatedusingthegradientofthe the M1 method with the one obtained analytically or with zeroth moment via the Fick’s law (e.g., Pomraning 1983), Monte Carlo. We consider two types of radiating objects: which allows us to“close”the zeroth moment of the trans- a uniform sphere with a sharp surface and a protoneutron port equation. While the resulting equation is far simpler star (PNS) withahotenvelope obtained fromcore-collapse thantheoriginalBoltzmannequation,thediffusionapprox- simulations. These two objects posses the opaque central imation is not valid in the free-streaming regime and yields radiating source surrounded by a transparent envelope, i.e. inaccurateresultssuchasacausalflux.Thiscanbemitigated theimportantcharacteristicscommontomanyastrophysical by using the flux limiter (e.g., Smit et al. 2000) or by us- systems.Sinceourgoalistostudythequalityoftheanalyti- ingotheradvancedprescriptions(e.g.,Dgani&Janka1992; calclosuresandinordernottocontaminateourresultswith Scheck et al. 2006; Mu¨ller & Janka 2015). The way to ob- errorsemanatingfromothersourcessuchashydrodynamics tainamoreaccuratesolutionistoincorporatehigher-order and non-linear radiation-matter coupling, we consider only moments. static matter configurations in our tests. For simplicity, we limit ourselves to spherical symmetry. The first moment of the transport equation results in an equation containing up to the second moments of the The uniform sphere problem consists of an opaque ra- distribution function. Together with the zeroth moment of diating sphere with a sharp surface surrounded by vac- the transport equation the system has three unknowns: the uum, and it has an analytical solution. In the PNS prob- zeroth,first,andsecondmoments.Therearetwocommonly lem,wetakethreedifferentpost-bounceconfigurations(ob- used approaches for closing the system. The first is by for- tained from simulations of Ott et al. 2008) of a 20M mally solving a Boltzmann-like equation with source terms (cid:12) progenitor star at 160, 260, and 360 ms after bounce. We constructedusingthezerothandfirstmoments.Thisyields obtain the exact solution of this problem by performing the higher moments that closes the system. Depending on MonteCarloradiationtransportcalculationsusingthecode themethodforobtainingtheclosure,theapproachcanyield of Abdikamalov et al. (2012). These exact solutions are thefullsolutionoftheBoltzmannequation.Thismethodis compared to M1 solutions obtained using the GR1D code usually called the variable Eddington tensor method (Bur- (O’Connor & Ott 2011, 2013; O’Connor 2015) available at rows et al. 2000; Rampp & Janka 2002). http://www.GR1Dcode.org. Another approach for closing the system is by express- ing the second moment in terms of the lower-order mo- Weconsidersevendifferentclosures.Thesearetheclo- ments using an approximate analytical relation. Originally sures by Kershaw (1976), Wilson et al. (1975), Levermore proposedbyPomraning(1969);Kershaw(1976);Levermore (1984), the classical maximum entropy closure of Minerbo (1984),suchmethodsareoftencalledtheM1methods(Smit (1978), and the maximum entropy closure with the Fermi- etal.1997;Ponsetal.2000;Auditetal.2002).Themoment Dirac distribution by Cernohorsky & Bludman (1994). In equations constitute a hyperbolic system, which allows us addition,weconsidertwoclosuresbyJanka(1991)thatare to utilize the numerical methods developed for solving hy- constructedbyfittingclosurerelationstoexactMonteCarlo perbolic system of conservations laws (e.g., Godunov-type solutions of the radiation field around PNSs (Janka 1991). methods) to calculate the solution of the transport prob- Thispaperisorganizedasfollows.InSection2,wegive lem (Pons et al. 2000). Because of their relatively modest atheoreticaloverviewoftheneutrinotransportproblemand computational cost, such methods recently gained signifi- the M1 scheme. In Section 3, we give a brief description of cant popularity in astrophysics. thesevenclosureswestudyinthiswork.Section4presents The M1 method has been applied to a wide range of the details of the test problems. We also describe our tools problems such as core-collapse supernovae (e.g., O’Connor for systematic quantitative assessment of the quality of the & Couch 2015; Roberts et al. 2016; Kuroda et al. 2016), closurerelationsandpresenttheresultsofouranalysis.Our evolution of protoneutron stars (Pons et al. 2000), accre- conclusions are provided in Section 5. In Appendix A, we tion disks (e.g., Shibata & Sekiguchi 2012; Foucart et al. describethetwocodesthatweuseinouranalysis:theGR1D 2015;Justetal.2015,2016),andmanymoreinAGNaccre- codeforM1transportandtheMonteCarlocodeofAbdika- tion literature. A number of analytical closures have been malov et al. (2012). MNRAS000,1–13(0000) Analytic Closures for M1 Neutrino Transport 3 2 BOLTZMANN EQUATION AND M1 where METHOD (cid:90) pα1 pαk d3p M[k]α1...αk = ε2F(pµ,xµ)δ(hν−ε) ... (8) ε0 ε ε ε Neutrinos are described by the distribution function F, whichcharacterizesthenumberofneutrinosinaphase-space is the moment of order k. Note that subscripts and super- volumeelementandwhichobeystherelativisticBoltzmann scrips are omitted in this equation to avoid clutter. This is equation (e.g., Lindquist 1966; Mezzacappa & Matzner an infinite system of an infinite number of unknowns M[k], 1989): which is not feasible to solve in practice. dxα ∂F dpi ∂F ThissituationissomewhatanalogoustotheTaylorex- dτ ∂xα + dτ ∂pi =(−pαuα)S(pµ,xµ,F) . (1) pansion.Functionf(x)canberepresentedthroughtheinfi- nite sum Here, τ is an affine parameter of the neutrino trajectory, umµomisenthtuemfouorf-vrealdoicaittyiono,f tfrhoemmwedhiiucmh,oannedcpaµniosbtthaeinfotuhre- f(x)=(cid:88)N N1!dNdxfN(x)(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)x=x0(x−x0)N. (9) neutrino energy in the rest frame of the medium via rela- This allowsone toexpress the valueoff(x) atanarbitrary tion ε = −pαu . The Greek indices µ,α = 0,1,2,3 run α pointxthroughitspropertiesatagivenpointx .Inorderto overspace-timecomponentsandtheLatinindicesi=1,2,3 0 calculatef(x)exactly,onehastoincorporateallthetermsin runs over the spatial components. S(pµ,xµ,F) is the col- theinfiniteseries.Thelow-ordertermsyieldaccurateresults lision term that describes the interaction of radiation with only in the vicinity of the point x . Similar is true for the matterviaabsorption,emissionandscattering.Theevalua- 0 moments of the distribution function. When we constrain tion of S(pµ,xµ,f) is a domain of a separate field of study ourselvestothefirstfewmoments,wesacrificetheaccuracy and it is beyond the scope of this work (e.g., Bruenn 1985; ofourdescription.Tocapturealltheinformationcontained Burrows et al. 2006). In this work, we treat neutrinos as massless particles and fix units using (cid:126)=c=1. in the distribution function one needs to employ the whole infinite set of moments. The zeroth, first, and second moments of the distribu- The M1 approach used in the literature is based on an tion function represent the energy density, interpolationoftheradiationpressurePij betweenoptically (cid:90) E = εF(pµ,xµ)δ(hν−ε)d3p, (2) thick and thin limits (e.g., Shibata et al. 2011) ν 3p−1 3(1−p) Pij = Pij + Pij , (10) the radiation flux, ν 2 thin 2 thick Fνj =(cid:90) pjF(pµ,xµ)δ(hν−ε)d3p, (3) where Ptihjick and Ptihjin are the radiation pressure in these limits. In the former limit, radiation is in thermal equilib- rium with matter and is isotropic. This results in Fi = 0 and is the radiation pressure, ν and (cid:90) d3p Pνij = pipjF(pµ,xµ)δ(hν−ε) ε . (4) Ptihjick = 31Eνδij (11) Here, E , Fj, and Pij are the functions of neutrino energy for the gasof ultrarelativisticparticlessuchas photons and ν ν ν ε=p0 =|p(cid:126)|.Inordertoobtainthetotalenergydensity,flux, neutrinos (Mihalas & Weibel-Mihalas 1999). In the free- and pressure, one has to integrate (2)-(4) over energy, as streaming limit, radiation propagates like a beam along a discussedin,e.g.,Thorne(1981);Novikov&Thorne(1973). certaindirectionnandexertspressureonlyalongthisdirec- tion, giving us Fn =E and Fi(cid:54)=n =0 and The zeroth and the first moments of the Boltzmann ν ν ν equation constitute the system of equations for E and Fj. FnFn ν ν Pnn =E ν ν , and Pij =0, ifiorj (cid:54)=n. (12) InMinkowskispace,sphericalsymmetry,andneglectingthe thin ν |F |2 thin ν velocity of the medium, these two evolution equations are The parameter p in equation (10) is known as the variable ∂ E + 1 ∂ (cid:0)r2Fr(cid:1)=S[0] (5) Eddington factor and it plays the role of the interpolation ∂t ν r2∂r ν ν factorbetweenthetworegimes.Thefunctionalformofpin ∂ Fr+ 1 ∂ (cid:0)r2Prr(cid:1)=S[1]r, (6) termsofthelowermomentsisreferredtoastheM1closure. ∂t ν r2∂r ν ν Equation (10) is derived based on the assumption that where S[0]ν and S[1]ν are accordingly the zeroth and first the radiation is symmetric around the direction parallel to moments of the collision term S(pα,xβ,F). As we pointed the flux. While the assumption is valid for the spherically outabove,thissystemisnotclosed.Therearetwoequations symmetric matter and radiation distributions, it does not (5) and (6), but three unknowns Eν, Fνr, and Pνrr. This alwaysholdinmoregeneralcases.Collidingradiationbeams is a simple reflection of the fact that, although the system emanating from different sources is a prominent example. (5)-(6) is obtained from the Boltzmann equation, it does Therefore,equation(10),evenbeforewefixtheformofthe notcapturealltheinformationcontainedintheBoltzmann function p, already contains an approximation. equation. To capture the complete information, one has to Note that equation (10) in its modern form is often solve the complete system, which can be expressed as citedasderivedbyLevermore(1984)intheliterature.While Function(M[0]...M[k+1])=S[k], (7) it is true, Kershaw (1976) also proposed the interpolation MNRAS000,1–13(0000) 4 E. M. Murchikova et al. betweenthickandthinregimeslike(10).Hethensuggested 3.4 MEFD: Maximum Entropy Closure for using the simplest among such interpolation Fermionic Radiation Pνij =Efifj+ E3δij(cid:0)1−f2(cid:1), (13) Theideatousethemaximumentropyprincipletoconstruct the closure relation was first suggested by Minerbo (1978), where whoapplied it tophotons assuming a classical distribution. fi =Fi/E (14) Later,Cernohorsky&Bludman(1994)appliedittofermions ν ν using the Fermi-Dirac distribution. and f2 = fif . This relation is equivalent to equation (10) i with a closure relation p = (1+2f2)/3, which is known as By maximizing the entropy functional the Kershaw closure. Even earlier, a formulation similar to S[F(µ)]=(1−F)log(1−F)+FlogF, (18) M1 was discussed by Pomraning (1969). undertheconstraintsthatthedimensionlesszerothandfirst moments, 2π 1 3 CLOSURES e = Eν =(cid:90) dφ(cid:90) Fdµ, (19) ν3 In this section, we present a list of seven different closures 0 −1 most commonly used in the literature and describe their F (cid:90)2π (cid:90)1 main properties. f = ν = dφ µFdµ, (20) E ν 0 −1 aregiven,onecanobtainadistributionofradiationinterms 3.1 Kershaw Closure of Lagrange multipliers η and a (e.g., Smit et al. 2000): 1 The Kershaw (1976) closure is a simple interpolation be- F = , (21) eη−aµ+1 tween the optically thick (f → 0) and the optically thin (f →1) limits. In the spherically symmetric, case the Ker- whereµ=cosθ.Thesecondmomentofequation(21)yields shaw closure reads p as a function of η and a. The closure relation is obtained 1+2f2 byexpressingη andaintermsofeandf throughinversion p= . (15) of e(η,a) and f(η,a): 3 (cid:18) (cid:19) ThisclosureisshownwiththesolidredlineinFig.1.Inthe 1 2 f p= + (1−e)(1−2e)χ , (22) following, we refer to this closure as the Kershaw closure. 3 3 1−e where χ(x) = 1−3/q(x) and q(x) is the inverse Langevin function L(q) ≡ cothq−1/q. The lowest-order polynomial 3.2 Wilson Closure approximation to function χ(x) that has the correct free- streaming and diffusive limits is Wilsonetal.(1975)andLeBlanc&Wilson(1970)presented χ(x)=x2(3−x+3x2)/5, (23) aflux-limiterforneutrinodiffusion,whichcorrespondstothe closure which is ∼ 2% accurate (Cernohorsky & Bludman 1994; 1 1 Smit et al. 2000). The substitution of this approximation p= − f +f2. (16) 3 3 intoequation(22)yieldsananalyticalclosurethatisafunc- tion of both f and e. We refer to this closure as the MEFD Physically, this expression is equivalent to an interpolation closure. It is shown in Fig. 1 as a a series of curves for ofthediffusiveandfree-streamingfluxesviaharmonicaver- e=0.1, 0.3, 0.5, 0.7 and 0.9 with dashed lines. Note that, aging (Smit et al. 2000). This ensures correct diffusive and in the limit of maximum packing, the MEFD closure reduces free-streaminglimits,butmayyieldimpreciseresultsinthe to (e.g., Smit et al. 2000) intermediate regime. This closure is shown with the solid yellow line in Fig. 1. Hereafter, we refer to this closure as p= 1(cid:0)1−2f +4f2(cid:1). (24) the Wilson closure. 3 This closure, shown with the bottom curve in Fig. 1, repre- sentsoneboundaryoftheMEFDclosure.Theotherboundary 3.3 Levermore Closure is the classical limit of this closure, the Maximum Entropy (ME) closure, discussed below. The Levermore closure can be derived assuming that the radiation is isotropic and satisfies the Eddington closure (Pij = Pij or p = 1/3 everywhere) in the“rest frame” 3.5 ME: Maximum Entropy Closure in the ν thick of radiation, i.e., in the frame in which the radiation flux is Classical Limit zero (Levermore 1984; Sa¸dowski et al. 2013): The classical limit of the MEFD closure is the closure by 3+4f2 p= . (17) Minerbo(1978).Itcanbeobtainedfromequations(22)-(23) (cid:112) 5+2 4−3f2 by formally taking the e→0 limit: ThisclosureisshownwiththesolidgreenlineinFig.1.We 1 2f2 refer to this closure as the Levermore closure. p= + (3−f +3f2). (25) 3 15 MNRAS000,1–13(0000) Analytic Closures for M1 Neutrino Transport 5 1.0 Kershaw Wilson Levermore ME 0.8 MEFD Janka 1 Janka 2 p 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1 f Figure 1. The closure relations for the Eddington factor p=Pνrr/Eν as the function of flux factor f =Fνr/Eν. The MEFD closure is a two parameter function and is represented by series of curves for e=0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.5, 0.7, and 0.9. The bottom curve is the limit of maximalpacking.Inthelimite→0,theMEFDclosurereducestoitsclassicallimit,theMEclosure,representedbythesolidskyblueline. (seeSection3.4). This closure is shown with the solid sky blue line in Fig. 1. 4 RESULTS We refer to this closure as the ME closure. InordertoassesthequalityofM1results,weconsiderthera- diationfieldinandaroundtheuniformsphere(Section4.2) and a set of protoneutron star models (Section 4.3). The 3.6 Janka Closures former case has an analytical solution, while the latter is calculated with the MC method using the code of Abdika- BasedonextensiveMonteCarloneutrinotransportcalcula- malovetal.(2012).Bothoftheseproblemshavethecentral tionsinPNSenvelopes,Janka(1991,1992)constructedsev- opaque region and outer transparent envelope common to eral analytic fits to energy-averaged radiation fields, which many astrophysical sources. were parametrized as 1 p= [1+afm+(2−a)fn], (26) 3 4.1 Quantitative Estimate of Accuracy where a, n, and m are the fitting parameters. We consider two closures corresponding to sets {a=0.5,b=1.3064,n= In order to estimate the accuracy of the M1 results, we use 4.1342} Janka_1 and {a = 1,b = 1.345,n = 5.1717} the normalized mean square deviation and the spectrum- Janka_2.TheformerisobtainedbycombiningtheMCout- weighted mean square deviation. The former is defined as puts for electron neutrinos from two matter distribution (cid:118) models corresponding to extended hot shocked mantle and δY(X)=(cid:117)(cid:117)(cid:116) 1 X(cid:88)max(cid:20)1− Y(Xi)(cid:21)2. (27) compactpostbounceconfiguration.Thelatterclosureisob- N Y (X ) X 0 i tained from the ν radiation field of the matter configura- Xmin µ tion at 300ms after bounce. These two closures are shown Here, Y stands for any quantity we want to compare (e.g., in Fig. 1 with dark and bright purple colors, respectively. energydensity,fluxfactor,andetc.),whileY isthe“exact” 0 MNRAS000,1–13(0000) 6 E. M. Murchikova et al. Closureprescription δfν(r) δpν(r) 1.0 Kershaw 0.13 0.32 Wilson 0.05 0.14 0.8 Analytic Levermore 0.10 0.22 Kershaw ME 0.07 0.17 MEFD 0.07 0.17 0.6 Wilson Janka_1 0.07 0.13 Levermore Janka_2 0.10 0.21 f ME FitClosure 0.01 0.01 0.4 MEFD Table 1. Mean square deviation of the flux and the Eddington Janka1 factors obtained with closure prescriptions from the analytical 0.2 Janka2 solutionfortheradiativeuniformsphereproblem.Thesuminthe Fit formula for the normalized mean square deviation (27) is taken overradiifromrmin=1.0tormax=2.0. 0.0 0.8 value of this quantity obtained from the analytical solution oraMonteCarlocalculation.X isavariableonwhichboth Y and Y0 depend (e.g., the radial coordinate) and Xi are p0.6 UniformSphereTest its discrete values ranging from X to X . Thus, δY min max EddingtonandFluxFactors provides an estimate of how well the closure solution ap- proximatestheexactsolutionintheentirerangefromX 0.4 AnalyticSolutionandClosureResults min to X . max The spectrum-weighted mean square deviation is de- 0.2 fined as 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 (cid:80) Radius(arb. units) w δY δ¯Y = (cid:80)wi i, wi =Si/Smax, (28) i Figure 2. The flux factor f and the Eddington factor p as a where i is the index of the neutrino energy group and δY i function of radial coordinate. The matter background is a uni- is defined by equation (27) for each energy group indepen- form radiative sphere with κR=7500. The dim gray line is the dently.Thespectralweightswi areobtainedusingthespec- analytical solution and the colorful lines are the M1 approxima- tral energy density Si at energy εi and the peak value of tions.Theperformanceoftheclosuresisquantitativelyevaluated spectral energy density S . In our analysis of the spec- inTable1.Thedashedyellowline(Fit)belongsto(31),whichis max tralweightedquantities,werestrictourselvestotheenergies thefittoanalyticalclosureobtainedfrom(29). lying near the spectral peak. More specifically, we consider 1 onlytheenergygroupswithspectralenergydensitiesgreater than0.3S inordertocutoutlowstatisticsenergygroups. UniformSphereTest max 0.8 Closures AnalyticSolutionandFit Analytic p0.6 4.2 Uniform Sphere Fit The uniform sphere problem consists of a static homoge- 0.4 neousandisothermalsphereofradiusRsurroundedbyvac- uum. Matter inside the sphere can absorb and emit radia- tion. This problem has an analytical solution and possesses 0.2 0 0.2 0.5 0.8 1 important physical and numerical characteristics. The cen- f tral opaque source with transparent outer regions are char- acteristics of many astrophysical systems, while the sharp surface represents a serious challenge for many numerical Figure3.Theclosurereconstructedfromtheexactsolution(29) techniques. For this reason, this problem is often used as a oftheuniformradiativesphereproblem(solidblackline)andan- testproblemforradiationtransportcodes(Schinder&Blud- alyticalfit(31)tothatsolution(dashedyellowline).Thisclosure man1989;Smitetal.1997;Rampp&Janka2002;O’Connor isnoticeablydifferentfromtheanalyticalclosuresshowninFig.1. 2015) Thisexplainswhytheseclosuresyieldpoorresultsfortheuniform sphereproblem. The analytical solution for the distribution function is given as (cid:104) (cid:105) F(r,µ)=B 1−e−κRs(r,µ) , (29) whereristheradialcoordinate,Ristheradiusofthesphere, MNRAS000,1–13(0000) Analytic Closures for M1 Neutrino Transport 7 µ=cosθ,  r 3)1014  Rµ+g(r,µ) if r<R, −(cid:113)1≤µ≤1 cm−11001123 s(r,µ)= 20g(r,µ) iofthrer≥wiRse, 1−(cid:0)Rr(cid:1)2 ≤µ≤1 nsity(g11100011901 e and D 108 (cid:114) (cid:16)r(cid:17)2 K) g(r,µ)= 1− (1−µ2). (30) 0 R 1 0 1 101 Insidethespheretheabsorptioncoefficientκandemissivity ( e Bareconstants.Outsidethesphere,thereisnoemissionand r u absorption.Forourtest,weuseκR=7500andB =1,which t a ensuresthatradiationisfullyisotropicinsidethesphereand er atinyregion∼1/κ(cid:28)Rseparatesitfromthefree-streaming mp 100 regime outside the sphere. e T Thefluxfactorf (toppanel)andtheEddingtonfactor n o 0.4 p (bottom panel) as a function of the radial coordinate are ti c shownonFig.2.Thedimgraylinerepresentstheanalytical a r solution, while the rest of the lines represent the solutions f 160ms n obtainedwithM1approximations.Thevaluesofnormalized o 0.2 260ms r meansquaredeviationsofthesesolutionsfromtheanalytical ct e 360ms result are listed in Table 1. El 0.0 Aswesee,allclosuresperformpoorlyforthisproblem. 0 50 100 150 200 The Kershaw closure yields significantly worse results than Radius(km) therestoftheclosures.Thenormalizedmeansquaredevia- tionofthefluxandEddingtonfactorsobtainedwithclosure prescriptions from analytical result are 0.13 and 0.32, re- Figure 4. The radial profiles of density (upper pane), tempera- spectively (cf. Table 1). The next worse performers are the ture(centerpanel),andelectronfraction(bottompanel)forpro- LevermoreandJanka_2closures.Thenormalizeddeviations toneutronstarmodelsofOttetal.(2008)at160ms(solidline), 260ms(dashedline)and360ms(dash-dottedline)afterbounce. of the Eddington factor are 0.22 and 0.21 for these two clo- Theradialprofilesareobtainedbyangularaveragingthe2Ddata sures,respectively.ThebestperformersaretheWilsonand ofOttetal.(2008). the Janka_1 closures, for which the normalized deviations of the Eddington factor are 0.14 and 0.13. The rest of the closures yield intermediate results. metricmodelsofprotoneutronstars(PNSs)formedincore- collapse supernovae. We take three different post-bounce Suchapoorresultoftheanalyticalclosureshasasimple configurations (obtained from 2D radiation-hydrodynamics explanation.Thetrueclosureforthisproblem,whichcanbe simulationsofOttetal.2008)ofa20M progenitorstarat reconstructeddirectlyfromthesolution(29),isshownwitha (cid:12) 160 ms, 260 ms, and 360 ms after bounce. We average the solidblacklineinFig.3.Thisclosureissignificantlydifferent 2D profiles of Ott et al. (2008) over angle to obtain spheri- from all the aforementioned closures, as we can glean by cally symmetric configurations of PNSs. The radial profiles comparing Fig. 3 with Fig. 2. Therefore, the reason why of density, temperature, and electron fraction are shown in ourclosuresyieldinaccurateresultsissimplybecausethese upper, center, and bottom panels of Fig. 4. The spectra of closuresaredifferentfromthetrueclosureforthisproblem. neutrino luminosity obtained from MC code at the radius Interestingly, the true closure in Fig. 3 can be fit well of 100km are shown in Fig. 5. The top, center, and bottom with the following simple analytical expression panels represent the PNS models at 160, 260, and 360 ms (cid:26) 1/3−1/3f +2/3f2, f ≤1/2, after bounce, respectively. p= (31) 1/3−2/3f +4/3f2, f >1/2, The“exact”solution of the problem is obtained from which is shown with the orange dashed line in Fig. 3. If MCcalculationsusingthecodeofAbdikamalovetal.(2012), we perform M1 calculations with this closure, it reproduces while the M1 results are obtained using the GR1D code the analytical result (29) with excellent ∼1% accuracy (cf. (O’Connor 2015). In order to ensure the consistency of the Table1).Notethatthisfitclosureisnotexpectedtoperform results, the two codes use identical microphysical inputs. well for any other matter distributions except the uniform BothusetheShenetal.(1998)equationofstate(EOS)table sphere. It is specific to this particular model problem. andaNuLibopacitytable(O’Connor2015)thatwasgener- atedwiththesameEOStable.Inbothcodes,weuse48log- arithmic energy groups ranging from 0.5MeV to 200MeV. 4.3 Protoneutron Star In the MC code, we use 150 radial logarithmically spaced zones with the central resolution of 0.2km. We have per- Inthissection,weevaluatetheabilityoftheM1closuresto formedextensiveresolutiontestsinordertoensurethatour model the neutrino radiation field around spherically sym- results are convergent. MNRAS000,1–13(0000) 8 E. M. Murchikova et al. 3 not to dependent on spectral information at different loca- tions,wehavecalculatedδ¯eusingspectraatseveraldifferent spectrumat100km radii and obtain results very similar to δ¯e that use spectra 2 160ms at 100km. This suggests that the values of δ¯e presented in Fig. 7 are robust measures of errors of the M1 closures for 1 the radiation field around PNSs. 1) Aswecansee,differentclosuresyielddifferentlevelsof V−0 accuracy depending on the neutrino type and PNS model. e M 260ms No single closure performs consistently better (or worse) 1 than other closures in all cases. That said, the Wilson and − ec1 the Levermore closures perform better than others in most s cases in the transparent regime, followed by the ME and g er MEFD closures. The Janka_1 and the Janka_2 closures ex- 50 hibitδ¯e(cid:38)0.04inmostcases,whichisworsethanδ¯eforthe 0 10 rest of the closures. This is a remarkable result because the ( ν Janka_1andJanka_2closureswereconstructedfromfitting L 360ms totheexactsolutionfortheneutrinoradiationfieldaround 1 νe PNS. This demonstrates that a closure constructed for one ν¯ PNS model (with a given EOS and opacity table) does not e necessarily yield a good result for all other PNS models. ν x The behavior of the deviation of the flux factor δ¯f is 0 shown on the top right panel of Fig. 7. In this case, the 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 Levermoreclosureperformsbetterthanotherclosuresinal- εν(MeV) most all cases and yields small δ¯f ∼ 0.004. The Janka_2 closureperformsonlyslightlyworsethanthisclosure,yield- Figure 5.Thespectraofneutrinoluminositymeasuredatara- dius of 100km obtained from MC code. The top, center, and ing 0.004 (cid:46) δ¯f (cid:46) 0.009. However, this is ∼ 2−3 times bottom panels represent the PNS models of Ott et al. (2008) smaller than what the rest of the closures yield, which is at160,260,and360msafterbounce,respectively. a surprising result because the Janka_2 closure yields rela- tively poor result for the energy density compared to most of the closures, as we discussed in the previous paragraph. We examine the quality of the closures in the free streaming,semi-transparent,andopaqueregimes.Wesepa- The Kershaw closure produces the least accurate f ratetheseregimesbasedonthevalueofthefluxfactorf.We compared to the other closures in all models except the choosethetransparentregimeastheonewhere0.9<f <1, PNS models at 160ms after bounce, yielding deviations of the semi-transparent as 0.5 ≤ f ≤ 0.9 and the opaque as δ¯f ∼ 0.015 in all cases. The Wilson closure yields interme- 0.2 ≤ f ≤ 0.5. We neglect the region of low f because the diateresultsinmostsituationsexceptforthePNSmodelat MCresultssufferfromnoiseinthehighlydiffusiveregion.It 160msafterbounce,forwhichityieldsthelargestdeviation is more appropriate to separate the different regimes based of δ¯f ∼ 0.015. This again shows that a closure that yields on f rather than, e.g., the value of the radial coordinate, the best result for the energy density does not necessarily because at a given radius, neutrinos of different energies yieldthebestresultforthefluxfactor.Asweseebelow,the behave differently. For example, low-energy neutrinos have reverse of this statement is also true. lower opacity and hence they propagate more freely com- The spectrum-weighed deviations δ¯e and δ¯f for the pared to higher-energy neutrinos at the same radius. semi-transparentregimeareshownintheleftandrightcen- Theradialprofilesofthefluxfactorf obtainedusingthe terpanelsofFig.7,respectively.Inthisregime,boththeME sevenclosuresandfromtheMonteCarlocode(dottedline) andMEFDclosuresoften–butnotalways–yieldthesmallest for three different types of neutrinos and three PNS config- deviations δ¯e. The Janka_1 and Janka_2 closures yield the urations at 160, 260, and 360 ms after bounce are shown in largest δ¯f of ∼0.04−0.06 in all cases. The Wilson closure Fig. 6. All flux factors are measured at the neutrino energy yieldsthesmallestδ¯einmostcases,butproducesδ¯f ∼0.03, groups corresponding to the peak luminosity at 100km for which is roughly the mean of the values of δ¯f produced by eachneutrinotype(cf.Fig.5).Aswecansee,allM1closures all of the closures. On the other hand, the Kershaw closure yield qualitatively correct results. yields the smallest δ¯f of ∼ 0.01−0.02 in most cases, but yield relatively large δ¯e of ∼0.035−0.05. Foramoreprecisequantitativeestimate,weutilizethe spectrum-weighed deviations of the flux factor and energy In the opaque region, the situation is significantly dif- density from the MC results, equation 28. The spectrum- ferent. The Kershaw closure, which often yields the largest weighted deviation δ¯e of the energy density e in the trans- δ¯eandδ¯f inthetransparentandδ¯einthesemi-transparent parent regime for the seven different closures, for the three regimes, produces the smallest δ¯e and δ¯f of (cid:46) 0.05 in the neutrino types, and the PNS models at 160, 260, and 360 opaque regime. The Wilson closure yields slightly worse msareshownonthetopleftpanelofFig.7.Thedeviations results than the Kershaw closure with δ¯e ∼ δ¯f ∼ 0.05. δ¯earecalculatedusingformula(28),inwhichthespectrum The Janka_1 and Janka_2 closures yield the largest errors is taken at 100km. In order to verify that our results are (δ¯e ∼ 0.1 and δ¯f ∼ 0.1−0.15). This again shows that a MNRAS000,1–13(0000) Analytic Closures for M1 Neutrino Transport 9 1.0 1.0 1.0 160ms 160ms 160ms 0.8 νe 0.8 ν¯e 0.8 νx 0.6 0.6 0.6 f 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 50 100 150 200 50 100 150 200 50 100 150 200 Radius(km) 1.0 1.0 1.0 260ms 260ms 260ms 0.8 νe 0.8 ν¯e 0.8 νx MC Kershaw 0.6 0.6 0.6 Wilson f Levermore 0.4 0.4 0.4 ME MEFD 0.2 0.2 0.2 Janka1 Janka2 0.0 0.0 0.0 50 100 150 200 50 100 150 200 50 100 150 200 Radius(km) 1.0 1.0 1.0 360ms 360ms 360ms 0.8 νe 0.8 ν¯e 0.8 νx 0.6 0.6 0.6 f 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 50 100 150 200 50 100 150 200 50 100 150 200 Radius(km) Figure 6. The radial profiles of the flux factor f obtained using the seven closures and from the Monte Carlo code (dotted line) for three different types neutrinos and three PNS configurations at 160, 260, and 360 ms after bounce. All quantities are measured at the neutrinoenergygroupscorrespondingtothepeakluminosityat100kmforeachneutrinotype.Thespectraofneutrinoluminositiesat thisradiusareshowninFig.5foreachneutrinotypeandthreePNSmodels. MNRAS000,1–13(0000) 10 E. M. Murchikova et al. Kershaw ME Janka_1 Kershaw ME Janka_1 Wilson MEFD Janka_2 Wilson MEFD Janka_2 Levermore Levermore ν¯e at 160 ms Transparent ν¯e at 160 ms νe at 160 ms νe at 160 ms νx at 160 ms νx at 160 ms ν¯e at 260 ms ν¯e at 260 ms νe at 260 ms νe at 260 ms νx at 260 ms νx at 260 ms ν¯e at 360 ms ν¯e at 360 ms νe at 360 ms νe at 360 ms νx at 360 ms νx at 360 ms 0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0 0.005 0.01 0.015 δe¯(r) δf¯(r) Kershaw ME Janka_1 Kershaw ME Janka_1 Wilson MEFD Janka_2 Wilson MEFD Janka_2 Levermore Levermore ν¯e at 160 ms Semi-transparent ν¯e at 160 ms νe at 160 ms νe at 160 ms νx at 160 ms νx at 160 ms ν¯e at 260 ms ν¯e at 260 ms νe at 260 ms νe at 260 ms νx at 260 ms νx at 260 ms ν¯e at 360 ms ν¯e at 360 ms νe at 360 ms νe at 360 ms νx at 360 ms νx at 360 ms 0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0 0.02 0.04 0.06 δe¯(r) δf¯(r) Kershaw ME Janka_1 Kershaw ME Janka_1 Wilson MEFD Janka_2 Wilson MEFD Janka_2 Levermore Levermore ν¯e at 160 ms Diffusive ν¯e at 160 ms νe at 160 ms νe at 160 ms νx at 160 ms νx at 160 ms ν¯e at 260 ms ν¯e at 260 ms νe at 260 ms νe at 260 ms νx at 260 ms νx at 260 ms ν¯e at 360 ms ν¯e at 360 ms νe at 360 ms νe at 360 ms νx at 360 ms νx at 360 ms 0 0.05 0.1 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 δe¯(r) δf¯(r) Figure 7.Thespectrum-weighedmeansquaredeviationofenergydensitye(leftpanel)andthefluxfactorf (rightpanel)fordifferent neutrino types for PNS models at 160, 260, and 360 ms after bounce. The top, center, and bottom panels represent the transparent (0.9≤f ≤1),semi-transparent(0.5≤f ≤0.9),anddiffusive(0.2≤f ≤0.5)regimes,respectively. MNRAS000,1–13(0000)

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