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ANALYST OF THE IMAGINATION ANALYST OF THE IMAGINATION The Life and Work of Charles Rycroft edited by Jenny Pearson KARNAC KARNAC LONDON NEWYORK CopyrighAtck nowledgements Chapt(!T9 :j ohn' l'unw"rA, BrieIlfi sto(rIIyfl IllsMiinlnn:e Wrh,' niooatntd Rycroft,"n ll�I lIicTllIlOIll/imooalljloP l" ychllolillyl..8i3(s 2,0 021)0:6 31 082; reprntied byp ermi&;ion. Chapter1 4p,p .2 30-23Ro2b:e rMtu i!ane,x trafcrto Mma dt obe Normal: COllfl£TlilItiollS with RL.on1Jd.oin:AF irlleegA .AAOC ialionB ooh,1 995r;e printed byp ermissoino fC athy MillcForr eign Rights Agencyo nb ehalfo fF ree A$oOalioll\)B 1"o oksL td. Chapte1r4 , 238-:1.4V0i:nc.e ntI 3mme,,rl 'anelTli8w ithFr eud",Tl IP. Gwmlilll1 (1Ju ne 199.© 8T h('G uardian_'Pnr;i lllcdby eprmission. Chapter1 4p,p .2 34-23P7et:e Fru lleerx,i rmf.rto lPlSly CJwIlIUllyr�mjdl� k yonbdy CharlesR ycrfota nde ditbeyd P eteFru llpeurb lsihedb y Hogarth PresUssed. bypenni�ioonn' heR andomI i OIJse(;rLoi!.1mptie d. ampler1 5C,h arleRy:;c rof, tR"eminiscences ofa Survivor:P sychoillialsyis 1937-9B3r",i tish/oJ/rlUlI 1o1(f NPos3.y,1 dlO99l5hr)epem,rpi ynte,db y p�nniAAion. Fir:;tp ublishiend2 00b4y Kamac BooksL td. 118F inchley RoNWJ ad,5HT Copyrihgt© 200b4y J ermPye arson Arran8emeInnlt,m dm;tico.lh1a,p 1t�3cr o pyris©h 2t0 0J4e nn]y> �al"5(m; chapt1!'!cr o Pyr8hit© 200l41.<; taotf!'!A nthonyS torcrh;a pt2.!'! cro Pyri8©h 2t0 0<! cstaotfJe ohPna declh;a ptJec ro pyri(geJh2. t0 0J4e remIyi olmesc;h apt4e r copyright� 2004 PauRlo azcnc;h apt5c]" co pyrgiht© 2004.Ma rgart.A.r'd1c n; c;h�ptcr6 c opyright© 2004.S usal3nu dd;cha ptc7fc opyrighttel 200tP <:,t<:'f Lomasc;h apt8ec rop yright1 i!l200D4u dleYy oungc;h apt9e crop yright© 2004. JohnT unlecrh;a pt1e0rc opyri©g 2h0t0 R4o bni Higgincsh;a pt1e1cr o pyright ©2004E dgaJro necsh;a pt1e2rc opyri©g2ht0 04H arol&du me;c hapt1e4r copyri©g h2t0 0E4s taotfeR . D .L ainMg,a ryon TysoeE,s taotfeP eteFru ller, Vi:m.:Bernotm ed;m pte1r 5c opyrig<0h 2t0 0£S4h lteo fO mrleRsy croft Th�r ishotfst heed itor and( :O!"ributtoob res i cientifiaestd h � tahuors (Itfh is w()Thka veb eena MerU!di na ccordanwciet §h§ 71 and7 1)o ft h�C opyriehl IJf'liieann dP atenAtcst 1 985. All righrtesse rveNdo. purolf this pub lciation !llbielr ye prodlH.s:teodr,e idna n.r'Iivcal syst<:'InO,f t ransmililnla .n'<yfi o,r mo rb ya nym eans,("\ ccrtonic, mcchanicaplh,o tocopyriC'<:n:ogr,di ng,o roth('liscw,w ithotuhtep r iowrr ill('n pC'l"ltti$$iooftn h ('p ubli$h<:,f. Britislhi braCrya taloguini nPgu blicatiDoant a A C.If.oPt.r h ibso oki s availablteh Befr riotmli isbhr aI)' TSBN 9781855759046 109 S 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Editd�,d ese:nied,a nd prDu<<i:de byC ommunication Crafts PrintiendC reaBtr itain www.kamacbooks.c:orn For Charles, with love and gratitude CONTENTS ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ix EDITOR AND CONTRIBUTORS xi Introduction Jenny Pearson 1 1 Charles Rycroft: a memoir Anthony Storr 14 2 Outstanding within the “impossible” profession John Padel 20 3 Charles Rycroft’s contribution to contemporary psychoanalytic psychotherapy Jeremy Holmes 24 4 Charles Rycroft and ablation Paul Roazen 39 vii viii CONTENTS 5 The development of Charles Rycroft’s thought Margaret Arden 57 6 Insiders and outsiders Susan Budd 73 7 The question of independence in psychotherapy Peter Lomas 88 8 Rebel Rycroft Dudley Young 94 9 A brief history of illusion: Milner, Winnicott, Rycroft John Turner 113 10 On bridging continuity and precision: the hidden music of psychoanalysis Robin Higgins 145 11 Charles Rycroft and the historical perspective Edgar Jones 155 12 The innocence of Charles Rycroft Harold Bourne 164 13 Glimpses of a life Jenny Pearson 192 14 Further glimpses R. D. Laing, Maryon Tysoe, Peter Fuller, Vincent Brome 229 15 The last word . . . Charles Rycroft 241 INDEX 249 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS My warmest thanks to all the authors who have contrib- uted chapters or parts of chapters and stayed patiently with the processes of editing and proof-reading; to Hilda Padel and Catherine Peters for permission to include chapters by their late husbands, John Padel and Anthony Storr, and for writing biographical notes; and to Jutta Laing, widow of R. D. Laing, for help with his biographical note. I am indebted to Paul Roazen for his encouragement, which got me started on the book and helped to keep up my enthusiasm, and to Margaret Arden, Robin Higgins, Lesley Murdin, and Dudley Young for support along the way. I would especially like to thank Charles’s three children, Julia Jama, Catherine Merriman, and Frank Rycroft, and his sister Alice Harvey, for their confidence in me as an editor and for contributing personal memoirs to the biographical chapter “Glimpses of a Life”; also Rosemary Gordon, Judith Hubback, and Pearl King, who knew Charles at different points in his early life and gave generously of their time to look back and remember. I thank Vincent Brome for an enjoyable interview and for per- mission to include a slightly edited version of his Guardian obituary ix

My hope is that this book will help to open up a new readership for [Charles Rycroft]--not a following, which is the last thing he would want, but an open-minded readership of people who want encouragement to go on thinking their own way through the deeply liberating experience of psychotherapy. The
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