UMass Environmental Engineering Program Analysis of Trihalomethanes and Related Pentane-Extractable Organic Halides File: THM SOP ver3.docx As performed at the University of Massachusetts, Last Modified: 4/21/2012 1:59:00 Environmental Engineering Research Laboratory PM Printed: 12/28/2012 5:19:00 PM Prepared by: David A. Reckhow 413-545-5392 18 Marston Hall [email protected] University of Massachusetts Amherst, MA 01003 12/28/2012 1 THM SOP ver3 UMass Environmental Engineering Program Table of Contents Standard Operating Procedures ...................................................................................................................... 3 Scope .......................................................................................................................................................... 3 Method Overview ....................................................................................................................................... 6 Detailed Procedures .................................................................................................................................... 7 Basis for Method .................................................................................................................................... 7 UMass Detailed Procedures .................................................................................................................... 9 Sample Preservation ........................................................................................................................... 9 Sample Extraction and Preparation for GC Analysis ....................................................................... 10 Analysis by Gas Chromatography .................................................................................................... 11 Data Analysis & QC Reporting ........................................................................................................ 11 Clean Up ........................................................................................................................................... 13 Standard Solutions, Solvents and Supplies ....................................................................................... 14 Quality Assurance/Quality Control .......................................................................................................... 19 General Approach ................................................................................................................................. 19 Quality Assurance Objectives........................................................................................................... 20 General Procedures ........................................................................................................................... 20 Procedures specific to Chromatographic Analysis ........................................................................... 20 Data Quality Indicators ..................................................................................................................... 22 Sampling Custody ............................................................................................................................ 23 Sample Collection and Storage ......................................................................................................... 24 Handling and Storage of Standards and Reagents ............................................................................ 24 Data Reduction, Validation and Reporting ....................................................................................... 24 Procedures specific to THM Analysis .................................................................................................. 26 General Analytical QC ..................................................................................................................... 26 Special QC Tests .............................................................................................................................. 28 QC Criteria ....................................................................................................................................... 30 USEPA Method 551.1: (Revision 1.0) ................................................................................................... 33 12/28/2012 2 THM SOP ver3 UMass Environmental Engineering Program Standard Operating Procedures Analysis of Trihalomethanes and Related Pentane-Extractable Organic Halides This guidance document was prepared to assist research assistants, post-docs and lab technicians in conducting trihalomethane (THM) analysis in the UMass Environmental Engineering research laboratories. It aspires to outline our standard operating procedures, as they exist at the present time. It also emphasizes elements of quality control that are necessary to assure high quality data. Thanks go to Allan Briggs, Melissa Brown and Amanda Keyes for providing summaries of our revised practice since moving into Elab II. Please help me keep this document current by alerting me to any long-term changes in methodology or equipment. Dave Reckhow Faculty QC officer for THM analysis Scope This method has been used in the UMass Environmental Engineering Laboratory for all 4 trihalomethanes and all 3 dihaloacetonitriles containing chlorine and bromine, as well as several other chlorine-containing neutral compounds (analytes listed in Table 1). It has been found to meet data quality criteria with all raw and treated drinking for which it has been tested. This method should not be used for other media without further validation. Extension of this method some or all of the other halogenated analogues of these compounds (Table 2) may be possible, however this has not been validated at UMass. Any use of this method for compounds other than those in Table 1 must be accompanied by appropriate disclaimers until the method can be fully validated. Chloral hydrate has been found to be better recovered by ether extraction (e.g., MtBE), than by pentane. For this reason, it is sometimes analyzed separately using an alternative LLE/GC/ECD method, especially when low detection limits are desirable. Table 1: Standard Neutral Extractable Analytes 12/28/2012 3 THM SOP ver3 UMass Environmental Engineering Program Analyte CAS Registry # Trihalomethanes (THMs) Chloroform 67-66-3 Bromodichloromethane 75-27-4 Chlorodibromomethane 124-48-1 Bromoform 75-25-2 Dihaloacetonitriles (DHANs) Dichloroacetonitrile (DCAN) 3018-12-0 Bromochloroacetonitrile (BCAN) 83463-62-1 Dibromoacetonitrile (DBAN) 3252-43-5 Trihaloacetonitriles (THANs) Trichloroacetonitrile (TCAN) 545-06-2 Haloketones (HK) 1,1,1-Trichloropropanone (TCP) 918-00-3 1,1-Dichloropropanone (DCP) 513-88-2 Chloropicrin (CP) 76-06-2 Chloral Hydrate (CH) 75-87-6 Table 2: Other Pentane Extractable Analytes Analyte CAS Registry # Iodinated-Trihalomethanes (ITHMs) Dichloroiodomethane (DCIM) Bromochloroiodomethane (BCIM) Dibromoiodomethane (DBIM) Chlorodiiodomethane (CDIM) Bromodiiodomethane (BDIM) Iodoform (TIM) Iodinated-Dihaloacetonitriles (IDHAA) Chloroiodoacetonitrile (CIAN) Bromoiodoacetonitrile (BIAN) Diiodoacetonitrile (DIAN) Monohaloacetonitriles Chloroacetonitrile Bromoacetontrile Brominated Trihaloacetonitriles Bromodichloroacetonitrile Dibromochloroacetonitrile Tribromoacetonitrile Halopropanones 1,3-Dichloropropanone 1,1-Dibromopropanone 1,1,3-Trichloropropanone 1-Bromo-1,1-dichloropropanone 1,1,1-Tribromopropanone 1,1,3-Tribromopropanone 1,1,1,3-Tetrachloropropanone 12/28/2012 4 THM SOP ver3 UMass Environmental Engineering Program 1,1,3,3-Tetrachloropropanone 1,1,3,3-Tetrabromopropanone Haloacetaldehydes Dichloroacetaldehyde Bromochloroacetaldehyde Tribromoacetaldehyde Halonitromethanes Chloronitromethane Bromonitromethane Dichloronitromethane Bromochloronitromethane Dibromonitromethane Bromodichloronitromethane Dibromochloronitromethane Bromopicrin 12/28/2012 5 THM SOP ver3 UMass Environmental Engineering Program Method Overview Reproduced below is a simple, step-by-step outline of our THM method for quick reference. Table 3: Summary of Procedure for THM Sample Analysis 1. Prepare calibration standards (Table 4) and QC samples (Table 5) 2. Place 20 mL of sample/standard to be analyzed into vial. 3. If residual chlorine is present add approximately 40 mg of NH Cl 4 4. Add 4mL of the pre-mixed Pentane1 + internal standard. 5. Add approximately 15g of Na SO (Use dispenser made by glass shop.) 2 4 6. Shake for 15 minutes. 7. Transfer organic layer into autosampler vials 8. Freeze to remove water, and analyze. Table 4. Typical Preparation of Calibration Standard 1. Prepare Stock II as needed: Add 100L of 551A commercial mix and 20L of the 551B commercial mix to a 10mL volumetric flask containing acetone. 2. Prepare calibration standards: add 20mL of Super-Q to 7 vials. Add 0, 5, 10, 20, 30, 50, and 80 L of stock II. Volumes of stock addition may be adjusted based on expected HAA concentration range and speciation. Table 5. Typical Preparation of QC Samples 1. Prepare Spiked samples for determination of matrix recovery (laboratory fortified sample matrix). Select 10% of analytical samples and set aside an additional 20 mL aliquot of each. Add either 20, 30 or 50 L of calibration stock II to each. 2. Prepare a continuing calibration check standard at the 50 g/L level. 3. Prepare any other QC samples as needed (see Table 10, page 26). 1 MtBE must be used in place of pentane if chloral hydrate is to be analyzed. 12/28/2012 6 THM SOP ver3 UMass Environmental Engineering Program Detailed Procedures Basis for Method We use a protocol that is closely aligned with the US EPA method 551.1, “Determination of Chlorination Disinfection Byproducts, Chlorinated Solvents and Halogenated Pesticides/Herbicides in Drinking Water by Liquid-Liquid Extraction and Gas Chromatography with Electron Capture Detection.” Please refer to the latest version of this method (currently version 1.0, dated 1990; attached as Appendix 1) for all details. For historical reasons and site-specific considerations, we have chosen to depart from method 551.1 in several minor ways. The most substantial differences include: Use of pentane; MtBE only used when chloral hydrate data are needed Smaller volumes of sample, reagents, and solvents Sodium arsenite sometimes used as a quench in place of ammonium chloride Addition of internal standard to solvent earlier in the procedure Volumetric rather than gravimetric determination of sample size Once again, the primary source for our THM method is US EPA method 551.1. This should be consulted whenever questions arise. However, the analyst should keep in mind that we have made some specific modification. These are itemized below in Table 6. Table 6. UMass Protocol Departures from US EPA Method 551.1 § from Step or Material 551.1 protocol UMass protocol 551.1 1.7 Solvent MtBE Pentane (MtBE is only used when chloral hydrate is to be quantified) 6.1 Sample Vials 60 mL size 40 mL size Phosphate Buffer 99% KH PO and 1% 97.5% KH PO and 2.5% Na HPO 2 4 2 4 2 4 Na HPO 2 4 7.3.6 and Internal Standard Bromofluorobenzene is added 1,2-dibromopropane added to bulk 7.4.2 to pentane extracts solvent (300µg/L) prior to use for extraction 11.1.2 Aqueous sample Removal of 10 mL from vial Addition of sample by pipet to vial handling and gravimetric determination of remaining volume 11.1.2 Sample volume 50 mL 20 mL Pentane volume 5.0 mL 4.0 mL Sodium Sulfate 20 g 15 g 12/28/2012 7 THM SOP ver3 UMass Environmental Engineering Program addition Transfer to Quantitative (necessary due to Not quantitative autosampler vial IS addition protocol) We use one of our Hewlett-Packard 6890 GCs for THM analysis. These are equipped with an HP 7673 autosampler. Our GC column and parameters are compared to method 551.1’s column A (Table 1 in US EPA method) in Table 7 below. Table 7. Instrument Parameters for THM Analysis Step 551.1 protocol UMass protocol Analytical Column DB-1 DB-5 Length 30 m 30 m Internal Diameter 0.25 mm 0.25 mm Film Thickness 1.0 µm 1.0 µm Injection volume 2 µL 2 µL Injection Type Splitless Split Flow none Carrier Gas Helium Zero-grade Nitrogen Carrier Flow Sufficient for 25 cm/sec linear 1.5 mL/min velocity2 Make-up Flow 30 mL/min Injector Temp 200°C 175°C3 Detector Temp 290°C 275°C Oven Program Hold at 35°C for 22 min Hold at 27°C for 10 min Ramp to 145°C at 10°C/min Ramp to 41°C at 3°C/min (4.67 (11 min) min) Hold at 145°C for 2 min Hold at 41°C for 6 min Ramp to 225°C at 20°C/min Ramp to 81°C at 5°C/min (8 min) (4 min) No hold Hold at 225°C for 15 min Ramp to 180°C at 25°C/min (3.96 Ramp to 260°C at 10°C/min min) (3.5 min) Hold at 180°C for 6 min Hold at 260°C for 30 min 2 Evaluated at 35ºC 3 May need to be lowered for analysis of some labile non-THMs (see Krasner et al., 2001) 12/28/2012 8 THM SOP ver3 UMass Environmental Engineering Program UMass Detailed Procedures Sample Preservation 1. Add one of the following quenches to each 40mL amber vial4. A. Add about 40 mg ammonium chloride (NH Cl) crystals (Desiccator in 301 4 Elab II) using dispenser made by glass shop (in drying cabinet above the desk)5 Converts free chlorine (FRC) to chloramines (CRC). Therefore, not recommended for DBPs that will form directly from reaction with chloramines (e.g., some dihalo compounds such as 1,1-DCP) Can cause low recoveries for chloral hydrate6 (EPA 551.1) and accelerate degradation of iodinated THMs (Gonzalez et al., 2000) B. Alternatively, add 250 L of sodium arsenite solution7 Not well studied, arsenite is toxic and must be handled with care May not rapidly reduce combined chlorine C. Alternatively, add an excess of ascorbic acid (e.g., 30 mg/L)8 Ascorbic acid can accelerate decomposition of brominated trihaloacetonitriles and brominated trihalonitromethanes (Krasner et al., 2001) 2. Add buffer salts. Using the marked spatula, add one measure of the phosphate buffer (~1g) This is used to adjust pH to 4.5-5.5, and it is prepared according to the section on: Preparation of Buffer Salt Mix (page 16) A lower pH buffer (pH~ 3.5) should be used if iodinated THMs and certain HPs and HANs are to be measured (see: Gonzalez et al., 2000) 3. Be sure that the vial is filled headspace-free. Fill to just overflowing and cap with Teflon-lined septum (be sure that septum doesn’t have any holes and that the teflon side is down) THMs are quite volatile and easily lost to the air This may not be necessary if sample is to be immediately extracted 4. Place vials with aqueous samples in a refrigerator until extraction. Samples should be extracted and analyzed as soon after quenching as possible, but under no circumstances should more than 14 days be allowed to elapse. 4 clean, PTFE-faced septum capped vials; Hydrogen peroxide (1M/M, forming O and HO) is also effective at reducing chlorine 2 2 [Worley et al., 2003; JAWWA 95:3:109], but has not been adequately tested for THM analysis. 5 UNC adds 20 mg of ammonium sulfate to each 40-mL vial; this is dropped to 4 mg for HAN & HK analysis 6 sulfite can be used for analysis of chloral hydrate, but this is not recommended for most other DBPs. 7 0.1 N, kept in refrigerator # 3 8 Ascorbic acid reacts at 1M/M stoichiometry forming dehydro-accorbate [Worley et al., 2003; JAWWA 95:3:109]. 12/28/2012 9 THM SOP ver3 UMass Environmental Engineering Program Sample Extraction and Preparation for GC Analysis9 1. Bring analytical samples to room temperature, and prepare calibration standards and QC samples 2. Place 20 mL of sample/standard to be analyzed into vial. Add 20 ml of the water sample using an Eppendorf pipette10 (room 301) It is critical that samples be treated to avoid volatilization of analytes In our laboratory this is done by careful attention to quiescent sample transfer and rapid addition of pentane as soon as the sample is exposed to air, addition of sulfate and capping. 3. Add 4mL of the pre-mixed Pentane11 + internal standard. Use repeater pipet 4. Add approximately 15g of Sodium Sulfate (Na SO ) 2 4 One measure from the glass dispenser labeled THM. Dispenser is located in room 301 cabinet next to hood 5. Shake for 15 minutes. Cap vial Place vials in rack Secure rack with top into harness on New Brunswick G10 Gyrorotary shaker Turn on and set speed to 250 rpm Shake for 15 minutes. 6. Transfer organic layer (top) to autosampler vials. Use pasteur pipets Use vials as supplied without further cleaning Fill using a Pasteur pipet and small rubber bulb Must be done in hood Place clean top on vial and use crimper to seal Vials are marked with ID When all are complete, approximate liquid level in each vial should be marked with a line using a permanent marker12. Be certain to include necessary QC samples See Table 10 (page 26) for a full listing of QC samples See Table 11 (page 27) for a typical sequence 7. Freeze Samples to remove water13 Store autosampler vials in freezer for at least 3 hours 9 Typical prep time is 4 hours for a run of 30 samples 10 Samples are generally handled with a pipet designed for volatile liquids. We use an Eppendorf Maxipettor Model 4720 with “S” tips (Brinkmann Instruments Inc., Westbury, NY. 11 Or MtBE if chloral hydrate is to be analyzed. 12 This is to help identify when excessive evaporation has occurred 13 since water is insoluble in pentane, any water is present as a separate phase 12/28/2012 10 THM SOP ver3