REPRODUCTION IN F ARM ANIMALS 7th Edition REPRODUCTION IN F ARM ANIMALS 7th Edition Editor: DonnaBalado ManagingEditor:Karen Gulliver MarketingManager: Annie Smith Production Editor: Paula C.Williams Copyright © 2000 LippincottWilliams& Wilkins 351 WestCamdenStreet Baltimore, Maryland 21201-2436 USA 530 WalnutStreet Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19106-3621 USA Allrightsreserved.Thisbookisprotectedbycopyright.Nopartofthisbookmaybereproduced inanyformorbyany means, includingphotocopying,orutilizedbyanyinformationstorage and retrievalsystemwithoutwrittenpermissionfrom the copyrightowner. The publisher isnot responsible (as amatterofproduct liability, negligence or otherwise) for any injury resulting from any material contained herein. This publication contains informationrelatingto general principlesofmedical care whichshould not beconstruedas specificinstructionsforindividualpatients.Manufacturers'productinformationand package inserts should be reviewed for current information, including contraindications, dosages, and precautions. Printedin theUnitedStates ofAmerica FirstEdition, 1962 Japanese translation, 1965 Spanishtranslation, 1967 SecondEdition, 1968 Japanese translation, 1971 ThirdEdition, 1974 FourthEdition, 1980 Reprinted, 1982 Portuguese translation, 1982 Italian translation, 1985 Fifth Edition, 1987 Japanese translation, 1992 Spanishtranslation, 1992 SixthEdition, 1993 Libraryof CongressCataloging-in-PublicationData Reproduction in farm animals /edited byB.Hafez,E.S.E.Hafez.-7thed. p. em. Includes bibliographicalreferences. ISBN 0-683-30577-8 1. Livestock-Reproduction. 2. Veterinaryphysiology. I. Hafez, B. II. Hafez,E.S. E.(ElsayedSaad Eldin), 1922- SF871.R47 2000 636.089'26-dc21 99-053783 Thepublishershavemadeeveryeffortto trace thecopyrightholdersforborrowedmaterial. Ifthey haveinadvertentlyoverlookedany,theywillbepleased tomakethenecessaryarrangementsatthe first opportunity. To purchase additional copies ofthis book, call our customerservice department at (800) 638-3030 or fax orders to (301) 824-7390. International customers should call (301) 714-2324. 04 05 06 07 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 PREFACE The first edition, published in 1962, covered the basic and ofspermfertilizability using hamsteregg (fresh or comparative aspects ofreproductive physiology in a simpli.. frozen); motilitypatternasviewedbyvideotapemicroscopy; fied manner to meet the needs of students in reproductive invitropenetrabilityofspermin bovinecervicalmucus; and biology, veterinarymedicine, andanimalsciences.Thisob.. cryopreservationofembryos andsemenusing computerized jective is maintained in the seventh edition, which repre.. freezers.Mostofthe investigationsreviewed in this edition sents a condensed, concise treatise on the physiology and are based more onholisticresearch thanonresearch at the biochemistry of reproduction of farm animals. The book is submicroscopic or molecular level. However, the excite.. divided into major sections and these, in turn, are loosely ment generated by recent advances in molecular biology arrayed into two domains, the componentsofthereproduc.. and development tend to downgrade the value ofwhole.. tive system and the regulation of the reproductive process, animalresearch.Noattemptwasmadeto provideadetailed fromthecontrolofovulationto theinitiationofparturition. bibliography, but a selected number of 'classicpapers and The reader will note the profound differences among the review articles are listed at the end of each chapter. various animalspecies. To address this issue we provided This edition could not have been revised without the separate coverage of the major species, where this seemed cooperation of the contributing authors andtheir willing.. appropriate,sothatthestudentofreproductioncouldascer.. ness to follow the editorial guidelines. The chapters have tain.the similarities and differences among them. been concisely edited, and the major concepts'have been Duringthepastdecade there were significantadvances summarized in tables supplemented by line drawings and in the main concepts of animal reproduction as a result of scanningelectronmicrographs.Allchaptershavebeencom.. modern biotechnology, such as the use of gonadotropin pletely revised and condensed. There have been numerous releasinghormones and theiranalogs, assisted reproductive deletionsfrom thesixthedition,aswellasintegrationofnew technologv/andrology (ARTA), genetics, molecular biol.. and modern concepts such as "growth factors," molecular ogy, immunology, toxicology, and pharmacology. Five new biology, genetics,andinvitromicromanipulationofgametes chapters have been added to the 7th edition: and embryos. Sometabulatedappendicesinclude:chromosomenum.. 1. Reproduction in Llamas and Alpacas bersandreproductiveabilityofbovine,caprinae,andequine 2. Genetic Engineering species andsome oftheirhybrids; preparationofphysiologic 3. Pharmacotoxologic Factors and Reproduction solutions,spermstains,tissueculturemedia,andcryoprotec.. 4. Immunology of Reproduction tants. These appendices proved to be helpful for staging 5. Molecular Biology of Reproduction demonstrations, laboratory exercises, and training work.. shops for teachers, laboratory technicians, and students. It Modern techniques of bioengineering of farm animals is hoped that the seventh edition will be of some help to involve microinsemination, recombinationofDNA, andin undergraduate students in animal sciences and veterinary vitromanipulation, transfer, and expressionofgenes. These medicine. techniquesweregreatlyimprovedwiththeuseofcomputers, microcomputers,andcommerciallyavailablediagnosticand B. Hafez/E.S.E. Hafez analytical kits. A wide.variety of techniques have been Kiawah Island, South Carolina USA employed for.the evaluation of semen, such as: evaluation March, 2000 v ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Included in the seventh edition, the contributions and the of the table of contents and detailed structure of several valuable information were provided by: S.E. Abdelgadir, chapters. Sincere thanks are due to Ms. Donna Balado and L.L. Anderson, A.E. Archibong, R.L. Ax, M. Dally, B.A. Crystal Taylor of Lippincott Williams & Wilkins for their Didion, D.P. Froman, D.L. Garner, R.D. Geisett, P.J. Han.. meticulous and painstaking efforts during the preparation sen, J.D. Kirby, 8.S. Koide, R.W. Lenz, C.C. Love, J.R. of the book. Special thanks are also due to Vice President Malayer, J.A. Proudman,J.Sumar,D.O. Varner, H. Wahid, Timothy Satterfield for his excellentcooperation and con.. and Professor M.R. Jainudeen, my friend and long..time tinued interest in the development of animal and veteri.. associate, who has contributed greatly to the improvement nary sciences. vii CONTRIBUTORS S.E. Abdelgadir D.L. Garner Asst. ProfessorofReproduction Endocrinology/Infertility Department ofAnimal Science Director ofAndrology/Embryology School ofVeterinary Medicine Department ofOB/GYN University ofNevada University ofNevada School ofMedicine Mail Stop 202, Reno, Nevada 89557..0104 USA LasVegas,Nevada 89102 USA 702..784..6135 (Tel) 702..784..1375 (Fax) R.D. Geisert L.L. Anderson Division ofAgricultural Sciences and Natural Resources Department ofAnimal Science Department ofAnimal Sciences IowaState University 114Animal Science 11KildeeHall Oklahoma State University Ames, Iowa50011 USA Stillwater, Oklahoma 74078..6051 USA 405..744..6077 (Tel) 405..744..7390 (Fax) A.E. Archibong Director ofAndrology/Research B. Hafez. Department ofOB/GYN and Reproductive Health Center Asst. Professor 78SurfsongRoad Department ofAnatomy/Physiology Kiawah Island, South Carolina 29455·USA Meharry Medical College 843..768..5556 (Tel) 843..768..6494 (Fax) Nashville, Tennessee 37208 USA 615..327..6284 (Tel) 615..327..6296 (Fax) E.S.E. Hafez. Reproductive Health Center R.L. Ax, Ph.D. IVFAndrology Laboratory Professorand Head Department ofAnimal Science 78 SurfsongRoad Adjunct Professor Kiawah Island, South Carolina 29455 USA Department ofOB/GYN 843..768..5556 (Tel) 843..768..6494 (Fax) University ofArizona (e..mail) Tucson, Arizona 85721..00038 USA r.r. Hansen 520..621..7623 (Tel) 520..621..9435 (Fax) Department ofDairy/Poultry Sciences Institute ofFood and Agricultural Sciences M.R. Dally, Ph.D. University ofFlorida ProfessorofAnimal Science Bldg.499, Shealy Drive Hopland Research and Extension Center PO Box 110920 University ofCalifornia Gainesville; Florida 32611..0920 USA Hopland, California 95449 USA 352..393..5590 (Tel) 352..392..5595 (Fax) B.A. Didion, Ph.D. M.R.lainudeen Dekalb Swine Breeders,Inc. University BusinessCentre 3100 Sycamore Road University Administration Building Dekalb, Illinois 60115 USA 43400'UPM Serdang, Selangor, Malaysia D.P. Froman 603..948..5649 (Tel/Fax) Department ofAnimal Sciences (Home Address) Oregon State University 60Jalan SS 19/5B 112Withycombe Hall 47500 Subang Jaya,Selangor, Malaysia Corvallis, Oregon 97331..6702 USA 603..734..5694 (Tel/Fax) 541..737..5060 (Tel) 541..737..4174 (Fax) [email protected] (e..mail) ix X CONTRIBUTORS R. Juneja C.A. Pinkert 8402 Timberline Court The University of Alabama at Birmingham MonmouthJunction, New Jersey 08852 USA Department of Comparative Medicine 732..422..8895 (Tel) 732..940..5711 (Fax) 227 Volker Hall [email protected] (e..mail) 1670 University Boulevard Birmingham, Alabama 35294..0019 USA J.D. Kirby 205..934..9574 (Tel) 205..975..4390 (Fax) Dept. of Animal Sciences [email protected] (e..mail) Oregon State University J.A. Proudman 112 Withycombe Hall Research Physiologist Corvallis, Oregon 97331..6702 USA Germplasm and Gamete Physiology Laboratory 541..737..5060 (Tel) 541..737..4174 (Fax) Livestock and Poultry Sciences Institute S.S. Koide BARC..East Population Council Building 262 1230 York Avenue Beltsville, Maryland 20705 USA New York, New York 10021 USA 301..504..8094 (Tel) 301..504..8546 (Fax) 212..327..8731 (Tel) 212..327..7678 (Fax) [email protected] (e..mail) J.B. Sumar R.W. Lenz, Ph.D. Avenida De Los Incas 1412 Sire Power, Inc. Wanchaq, Cusco, Peru R.R.2 51 (84) 224 614 (Tel) 51 (84) 221 632 (Fax) Tunkhannock, Pennsylvania 18657 USA D.D. Varner, D.V.M., M.S. C.C. Love, D.V.M., Ph.D. Diplomate Diplomate American College of Theriogenology American College of Theriogenology Department of Large Animal Medicine & Surgery Department of Large Animal Medicine & Surgery College of Veterinary Medicine College of Veterinary Medicine Texas A&M University Texas A&M University College Station, Texas 77843..4475 USA College Station, Texas 77843..4475 USA H. Wahid J.R. Malayer Department of Veterinary Science Division of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources Clinical Studies Department of Animal Science University Putra 114 Animal Science Malaysia, 43400 Oklahoma State University Serdang, Selangor, Malaysia Stillwater, Oklahoma 74078..6051 USA 603..948..6101 X1829 (Tel) 603..948..6317 (Fax) 405..744..6077 (Tel) 405..744..7390 (Fax) [email protected] (e..mail) CONTENTS CHAPTER 7 Preface v Spermatozoa and Seminal Plasma 96 Acknowledgments vn D.L. Garner andE.S.E. Hafez Contributors ix CHAPTER 8 Fertilization and Cleavage 110 E.S.E. HafezandB. Hafez PART I Functional Anatomy of Reproduction CHAPTER 9 CHAPTER 1 Implantation 126 Anatomy ofMale Reproduction 3 R.D. Geisert andI.R. Malayer E.S.E. Hafez CHAPTER 10 Gestation, Prenatal Physiology, and CHAPTER 2 Anatomy ofFemale Reproduction 13 Parturition 140 M.R.lainudeen andE.S.E. Hafez B. HafezandE.S.E. Hafez PART III PART II Reproductive Cycles 157 Physiology of Reproduction 31 CHAPTER 11 CHAPTER 3 Cattle and Buffalo 159 Hormones, Growth Factors, and M.R.lainudeen andE.S.E.Hafez Reproduction 33 E.S.E. Hafez, M.R.lainudeen, andY. Rosnina CHAPTER 12 Sheep and Goats 172 M.R.lainudeen, H. Wahid, andE.S.E. Hafez CHAPTER 4 Reproductive Cycles 55 E.S.E. HafezandB. Hafez CHAPTER 13 Pigs 182 L.L. Anderson CHAPTER 5 Folliculogenesis, Egg Maturation, and CHAPTER 14 Ovulation 68 Horses 192 E.S.E. HafezandB•. Hafez E.S.E. HafezandB. Hafez CHAPTER 6 CHAPTER 15 Transport and Survival ofGametes 82 Llamas and Alpacas 218 E.S.E. HafezandB. Hafez I.B. Sumar xi xii CONTENTS CHAPTER 16 CHAPTER 24 Reproduction in Poultry: Male and Molecular Biology of Reproduction 354 Female 237 R.Juneja andS.S. Koide D.P. Froman, J.D. Kirby, andJ.A. Proudman VI PART IV Assisted Reproductive Technology 363 PART Reproductive Failure 259 CHAPTER 25 Semen Evaluation 365 CHAPTER 17 R.L. Ax, M.R. Dally, B.A. Didion, R.W. Lenz, Reproductive Failure in Females 261 C.C. Love, D.O. Varner, B. Hafez, andM.E. Bellin M.R.Jainudeen and£.S.E. Hafez CHAPTER 26 CHAPTER 18 Artificial Insemination 376 Reproductive Failure in Males 279 R.L. Ax, M.R. Dally, B.A. Didion, R.W. Lenz, M.R.Jainudeen andB. Hafez C.C. Love, D.O. Varner, B. Hafez, andM.E. Bellin V CHAPTER 27 PART X and YChromosome...Bearing Physiopathologic Mechanisms 291 Spermatozoa 390 E.S.£. HafezandB. Hafez CHAPTER 19 Reproductive Behavior 293 B. Hafez andE.S.E. Hafez CHAPTER 28 Pregnancy Diagnosis 395 M.R.Jainudeen andE.S.E. Hafez CHAPTER 20 Genetics of Reproductive Failure 307 Y. Rosnina, M.R.Jainudeen, andE.S.E. Hafez CHAPTER 29 Ovulation Induction, Embryo Production and Transfer 405 CHAPTER 21 M.R.Jainudeen, H. Wahid, andE.S.E. Hafez Genetic Engineering ofFarm Mammals 318 C.A. Pinkert CHAPTER 30 Preservation and Cryopreservation of Gametes CHAPTER 22 and Embryos 431 Pharmacotoxicologic Factors and E.S.E. Hafez Reproduction 331 A.E. Archibong andS.E. Abdelgadir CHAPTER 31 Micromanipulation ofGametes and Embryos: CHAPTER 23 In Vitro Fertilization and Embryo Transfer Immunology of Reproduction 341 (IVFIET) 443 P.J. Hansen B. Hafezand£.S.E. Hafez CONTENTS xiii Glossary 467 ApPENDIX IV Technique for Determining Spermatozoal Glossary ofCommon Abbreviations 475 Concentration Using a Hemacytometer 481 ApPENDIX V Appendices 477 Preparation ofSperm Stains 482 ApPENDIX VI ApPENDIX I Preparation ofTrypsin for Zone-Free Hamster Chromosome Numbers ofBovinae, Equinae, Ova 485 and Caprinae Species 477 ApPENDIX VII Evaluation ofChromosomes of Ova 485 ApPENDIX II Chromosome Numbers and Reproductive ApPENDIX VIII Ability in Equine, Bovine, and Caprine BooklIVF Companies 486 Hybrids 478 ApPENDIX IX In Vitro Fertilization by Microinjection 490 ApPENDIX III Preparation ofPhysiologic Solutions 479 Index 497