ANALYSIS OF THE DPG METHOD FOR THE POISSON EQUATION a Leszek Demkowicz b and Jay Gopalakrishnan a ICES, The University of Texas at Austin b Department of Mathematics, University of Florida FE Rodeo, Texas A& M, Februrary 26, 2011 Acknowledgments Current and Past Support: Department of Energy [National Nuclear Security Administration] (Award Number [DE-FC52-08NA28615]) KAUST (collaborative research grant) Boeing Company Air Force Feb 26, 2011 DPG Method 2 / 38 ◮ Proof of well-posedness for the DPG formulation in multidimensions. ◮ Numerical experiments. Outline of Presentation ◮ Abstract B3 framework. Feb 26, 2011 DPG Method 3 / 38 ◮ Numerical experiments. Outline of Presentation ◮ Abstract B3 framework. ◮ Proof of well-posedness for the DPG formulation in multidimensions. Feb 26, 2011 DPG Method 3 / 38 Outline of Presentation ◮ Abstract B3 framework. ◮ Proof of well-posedness for the DPG formulation in multidimensions. ◮ Numerical experiments. Feb 26, 2011 DPG Method 3 / 38 Petrov–Galerkin Method with Optimal Test Functions 3 Abstract B Framework (Repetitio Mater Studiorum Est) Feb 26, 2011 DPG Method 4 / 38 Abstract Variational Problem { ′ u ∈ U Bu = l B : U → V ⇔ b(u, v) = l(v) ∀v ∈ V < Bu, v >= b(u, v) ∀v ∈ V where ◮ U, V are Hilbert spaces, ◮ b(u, v) is a continuous bilinear form on U × V , |b(u, v)| ≤ M‖u‖U ‖v‖V that satisfies the inf-sup condition (⇔ B is bounded below), inf sup |b(u, v)| =: γ > 0 ‖u‖U=1 ‖v‖ V =1 ◮ l ∈ V ′ represents the load and satisfies the compatibility condition l(v) = 0, ∀v ∈ V0 where V0 := {v ∈ V : b(u, v) = 0 ∀u ∈ U} Feb 26, 2011 DPG Method 5 / 38 Energy Norm Banach Closed Range Theorem implies that there exists a unique 1 solution u that depends continuously upon the data, ‖u‖ ≤ γ‖l‖V ′. The supremum in the inf-sup condition defines an equivalent, problem-dependent energy (residual) norm, ‖u‖E := sup |b(u, v)| = ‖Bu‖V ′ ‖v‖=1 For the energy norm, M = γ = 1. Recalling that the Riesz operator ′ is an isometry form V into V , we may characterize the energy norm in an equivalent way as ‖u‖E = ‖vu‖V where vu is the solution of the variational problem, { vu ∈ V (vu, δv)V = b(u, δv) ∀δv ∈ V Feb 26, 2011 DPG Method 6 / 38 Optimal Test Functions Select your favorite trial basis functions: ej, j = 1, . . . , N. For each function ej, introduce a corresponding optimal test (basis) function e¯j ∈ V that realizes the supremum, |b(ej, e¯j)| = sup |b(ej, v)| ‖v‖V =1 i.e. it solves the variational problem, { e¯j ∈ V (e¯j, δv)V = b(ej, δv) ∀δv ∈ V Define the discrete test space as V¯hp := span{e¯j, j = 1, . . . , N} ⊂ V . It follows from the construction of the optimal test functions that the discrete inf-sup constant inf sup |b(uhp, vhp)| = 1 ‖uhp‖E=1 ‖v hp‖=1 Feb 26, 2011 DPG Method 7 / 38 The Best Approximation Consequently, Babuˇska’s Theorem M ‖u − uhp‖E ≤ inf ‖u − whp‖E γhp whp∈Uhp implies that ‖u − uhp‖E ≤ inf ‖u − whp‖E whp∈Uhp i.e., the method delivers the best approximation error in the energy norm. Feb 26, 2011 DPG Method 8 / 38